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Old 09-08-2009, 08:08 AM   #16
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Default My Crazy Life: High School Field Trip, Chapter 9

The buses finally arrived a few minutes later, which was probably a few minutes too late. I had just grabbed my backpack and clipboards out of the backseat of my car and locked the doors, when I heard Jimmy saying, “Put that fucking thing away before they drive over here thinking you are a damn gas pump.”

Yeah, I'm glad I wasn't the only one that was offended by the guy's huge member. How does he keep from passing out when he gets a boner? On second thought, I doubted that keeping a continuous flow of blood to his brain was a huge priority in his life. Maybe Horse Dick would get his junk caught in his zipper.

From the blush on her face, Dana must have been watching him put his freakmeat away. She had a bag of her own hanging from one shoulder, which seemed much fuller than mine. The bulk of my bag contained a spare set of clothes plus my sweat pants that I still wish I had put on. I also had some cassette tapes and my generic Walkman. I did have a CD player at home, but it wasn't portable. Besides the portable CD players of that day were expensive, damaged CDs easily, and ate batteries like a fat guy in a buffet. Dana was probably more practical than me and had stuffed a blanket in her bag. She and Vicki usually slept on long field trips.

“Earth to Dana,” I teased.

She blushed even darker. She started to hit me in the arm, but then thought better of it. That would have been a first from her, although I had long ago gotten used to people hitting me in the arm. Also in the chest, stomach, back, leg. Not in the nuts though. I've never gotten used to someone planting a nutshot on me, but I think I would have fainted if Dana hit me there.

“Uhh,” she glanced around quickly looking for a safe topic for conversation, “What are the clipboards for?”

I held them up. “Dave and I were supposed to keep track of everyone during the trip. It was part of our agreement with Mrs. Davis. One for each bus.”

She nodded, “Do you need some help?” She gestured.

I grinned back holding out one of the clipboards. “Do you need a park buddy? Both of ours seemed to have chickened out on us.” A funny thought occurred to me. “Do you think Dave and Vicki really stayed home so they could hook up? Bow bow chicka bow.” That last bit is supposed to be cheesy porn music.

Dana's eyes went wide and a burst of laughter escaped her. I chuckled too. With the back of her hand, she really did hit me in the arm this time. “Kirk!” She said and took one of the clipboards from me. “I would be happy to be your park buddy.”

“The honor would be all mine,” I said with a bow. Dana favored me a grin.

We started walking towards the buses, which had already started loading. Dana asked why there were three buses but only two clipboards. “Mrs. Davis is bringing one that she'll keep track of for the bus that she's riding along with another chaperone.” I explained how the adults would help double-check our counts and communicate with the other buses by radio. Dana caught on quickly.

People had already started boarding the first two buses. The third one was being held in reserve for now. We had to stop people from boarding the first bus briefly so that we could add their names to the chart for that bus. It was still early, so there were relatively few people there yet. I left Dana sitting in the front seat with a clipboard, and I repeated the process on the second bus. People kept trickling in, but the numbers seemed surprisingly low. I kept expecting a last minute rush, but it never materialized.

When it was nearly time to leave, Mrs. Davis stepped onto the bus. Mrs. D had at least a dozen years of teaching experience under her belt. Her dark hair was shot through with gray, but I still would have loved to have seen a picture of her at my age. She was easy going, but she didn't put up with any crap. After taking the count from mine and Dana's clipboards, she said, “Looks like the turnout is going to be low. Maybe half of what we estimated. There are a couple more cars pulling up, but this is probably it.”

I asked, “Is the last bus still empty?”

“Yes. I feel bad about sending the driver home, but I don't think that we will need him.”

I had gone on too many cramped field trips where we had been packed in like sardines to want to waste this much free space. I asked, “Why not just open up the last bus too and see if anyone wants to spread out? Much easier to sleep when you aren't sharing a seat. Besides, Dave and I worked hard to pay for the drivers too.” Not only did the sponsoring club have to pay the drivers, but also their entrance tickets and their meals.

Mrs. Davis readily agreed, but she needed to make an announcement first. She stuck two fingers in her mouth and let out a shrill whistle. Damn, it was too early for that. She made a few general announcements and then added, “Since this year's fundraising events were so successful this year (you can thank Kirk and Dave for that) and the number of people who turned up for the trip is so low, the club is going to provide each member with twenty dollars in spending money for the park.” That announcement was met with lots of cheering. Well, for that early in the morning it seemed like a lot of cheering. Any other time of the day it would have seemed like moderate disinterest. She then announced that the third bus was open for anyone who wanted to transfer to give everyone some extra space.

Not many people felt like relocating to the other bus, but some people began spreading out into the existing space. Tony, a guy from my class, hollered, “Thanks for the Duck Bucks!” That wasn't the last time that I heard that one during the trip either. I dutifully marked the changes and passed my clipboard off to the chaperone who would be in charge of bus two. I followed Mrs. Davis back to the first bus to relieve Dana from duty.

I had left my backpack on that bus number one, which should have been a good enough reason to trek back. Dana's hint of cleavage had also provided me with two better reasons to go back to the other bus, but I tried really hard not to think in that direction.

Dana was already finished with her list. She's the model of efficiency. As I listened to Mrs. Davis to make her announcements again, I once again wished I hadn't been such a dumbass to agree to help with keeping track of the bus arrangements. It had been a huge pain in the ass to keep the damn list straight. One reason was even though I knew most of the people on the trip they kept trying to convince me that they were various famous people. I might have tried the same thing in their position, but it was still aggravating.

Once the cheering about the extra spending money has subsided, a few more people elected to change buses. I started to grab my backpack and hunt for an empty seat, but I was interrupted by Mrs. Davis handing me a strange clipboard. Dammit, the third bus. I had almost forgotten that my idea to use the third bus also meant someone had to keep track of that bus too. I rolled my eyes.

Mrs. Davis laughed, “Tell you what, Kirk. Mr. Thompson is in charge of bus three. If you help keep track of just that bus, we'll worry about the other two. That way you can still enjoy your trip.”

“That's mighty swell of you, ma'am,” I answered in my best John Wayne. It sucked pretty hard, but it still made Mrs. Davis laugh.

“Thanks again for all the hard work this year.” I nodded to her in reply.

As I shouldered my backpack to leave, Dana picked up her bag also. “Going somewhere?” I asked.

She gave me a strange look and said, “You asked me to be your park buddy, so you're stuck with me.” I stepped aside and let her go first.

On the way to the last bus, Dana explained the look, “I'm just glad we had an excuse to change buses.” She glanced back at the first bus. “Angelica and 'friends' were all back there.” She said friends with an icy emphasis. “I'm almost positive that I saw Angelica's shorts and God knows what else getting passed around.”

I sighed. Part of me wanted to go back and see if they were still playing Truth or Dare, but I didn't want to get caught up with the rougher aspects of their group. If it had been only Jimmy and Angel, I might have been willing to play, though I would have needed a partner. I glanced at Dana considering for a moment. Nah, they would have been peddling ice cream cones in hell first. Besides, I doubted that the offer to share Angel would have come along again, not that it had been a real offer in the first place.

I hoped that Dana didn't expect to find a bus where everyone was behaving in ways that she would deem proper. There always seemed to be at least one couple making out on a field trip like this. If Dana wasn't aware of that tidbit, I wasn't going to be the one to tell her. Heck, I had seen a very determined couple having sex last year. There would have been no way on earth that I could have pulled off the same position that they were doing. Short people have all the luck! Instead of sharing any of that with Dana, I said, “With Mrs. Davis there, they probably would have behaved.” Dana shot me a patronizing look. I went on to say, “Okay, probably not, but we could have ignored them.”

She suddenly wore a disgusted expression, “Someone was already 'grunting' before you two got back on the bus.”

“What? Oh! Eww... Again?” I almost asked her how much of his dick she could see rising above the bus seat, but fortunately I remembered who I was talking to. “Amen for bus three.”

“I'll second that.” I let Dana board the bus first. And no, it wasn't because I wanted to check her out from behind. I can be a gentleman sometimes. Yeah, I checked her out also.

As I stepped foot on the bus, I noticed that the lights were already out inside. I asked the driver if the call to leave had already came through, but he said that Mrs. D had radioed over that we would leave as soon as I finished the list. I waggled the clipboard at him and asked for the lights. The driver grinned at me and flipped a switch. This brought of course brought out a round of groaning and complaining from the other passengers. Why the hell was he still grinning like that?

When the lights came on, I looked for Mr. Thompson. He was one of my favorite teachers, and most people in my class seemed to feel the same way. He made history interesting, but I think the biggest part of his success came from the fact that he was only in his mid-twenties. It was easier for him to relate to the students. He also liked to draw similarities between ancient and current events, which helped make history more relevant to us.

There was no Mr. Thompson. Usually the chaperones sat in one of the first few rows where they could communicate with the drivers easily. Maybe he had stepped off the bus for a moment. The second chaperone was MIA also.

Dana must have noticed the lack of adults too. She turned back to me with a questioning look. I shrugged, shook my head, and tapped the clipboard. If Mr. Thompson and the other chaperone hadn't gotten back on the bus by the time I finished the list, I would consult Mrs. D. Dana understood and nodded. It's amazing how much of a conversation you can have with just a few gestures. It looked like all the other students were sitting in the back third of the bus. This bus really was empty.

I followed Dana down the aisle holding my clipboard so that it blocked the swinging of her hips. I still hadn't managed to reign myself in. Good grief, why was I so horny today? I distracted myself by writing down a couple of names for the people that I could see. That helped. Focus on the work, not on the hips.

Dana suddenly gasped and stopped dead in her tracks. Of course, I only realized belatedly that she had stopped. I bumped into her, my crotch ramming into her butt. My cheeks suddenly went red, but she didn't act as though she had noticed either my crotch or my red face. Then I peered over her shoulder and saw what had made her gasp.

We were a little less than a third of the way back on the bus when we found Mr. Thompson. He was hunkered down in a seat. Something about the angle of his head made me expect to find him dead. Instead I discovered that he was quite alive and snuggled up with someone. Snuggled up rather intimately, I might add. After everything else I had witnessed this morning, it would have been more appropriate that they should have been naked making wild jungle love, but at most they were rounding first base and preparing to slide into second. Looks like Mr. Thompson and friend had consulted their calendar this morning and were busy celebrating International Bonk-My-Brains-Out Day. Even with Dana's audible gasp, it took them a few moments to realize that the lights were back on and that we were standing there staring.

Mr. Thompson's face turned redder than mine. His hair was decidedly messed up, and his polo shirt was partially unbuttoned. He stammered for a moment, cleared his throat, and then introduced us to Mrs. Jenny Thompson. To her, he introduced us as “two of my brightest students in a class of history lovers”. I had forgotten that Mr. Thompson had planned to get married the day after school let out. Evidently the honeymoon wasn't over. Holy Cow! Even my teachers were getting more action than I would be getting today.

Jenny was pretty and petite, and she was wearing a red lace bra that I saw as she straightened her blouse. While we are on the topic of her bra, I should mention that it appeared to be broken. That's code for: her bra was unhooked and I saw one of her nipples (it was also pretty and petite). She could have passed for someone my age, but that could have been the results of her scarlet cheeks. I seemed to remember Mr. Thompson mentioning in class that she had just entered a Masters Degree program.

An uncomfortable bout of silence ensued until my father saved us from further embarrassment. While he wasn't present (Thank God!), I employed his technique for congratulating people. I'm not normally a hand shaker, but I offered my hand to Mr. Thompson along with my congratulations. He took it gratefully. His hand was overly warm, but thankfully not covered in any bodily fluids. I should have considered that possibility before offering my hand, but it seemed like the fastest way to explain that I wasn't offended.

I wasn't going to say anything to anyone about the incident, and, given the way that Dana always shushed Vicki before some of her gossip could hurt someone, I felt she would remain silent also. I don't know what the rest of the students suspected though. My brain kicked into dig-my-ass-out-of-sudden-trouble mode, and the little lightbulb in my head went on. In a loud but hopefully natural sounding voice, I said, “Sorry if we woke you up, Sir. Mrs. Davis wanted me to radio her when I finish the list of everyone on the bus.” Yeah, it sounded as lame to me then as it still does now.

Mr. Thompson caught on immediately. “That's alright, Kirk, and thank you for stepping up to the plate for all of your extra duties.”

I gestured with the clipboard and excused myself to finish the list. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson disappeared below the back of the seat. Even though I had only moved a few feet away, I heard a faint giggle from behind me. I rolled my eyes and hoped that had been Mrs. Thompson who had giggled. Apparently one of my extra duties was covering for the chaperones.

The Thompsons turned out not to be the only people who had been enjoying the dark. From what I could tell, everyone who had switched buses were couples. I saw more smeared lipstick and hastily straightened clothes in the five minutes that it took me to finish the list than I had ever seen in my life. This must have been the Love Bus.

When I returned back to the proximity of the Thompsons, I quietly informed them that I had finished the list. I made sure to keep a polite distance away. While I hadn't minded seeing Mrs. Thompson's nipple and I wouldn't mind seeing the other one so that my memory of her had a matched set, I was trying my best to behave.

Finally, Mr. Thompson's hand appeared over the back of the seat and managed to grasp the clipboard on the third try. I waited for an awkward moment until his hand appeared again giving me the thumbs up. I started to turn back to find a seat, but the radio appeared over the seat. He waggled it back and forth until I took it without gritting my teeth too hard.

I radioed Mrs. D that everything was kosher in cellblock C, which I supposed was true for everyone except for me. I caught the bus driver grinning at me in the mirror above his seat. Fuck me, the driver was even getting a kick out of all of this. Hrmm, he looked like he had been on the job for years, and I bet he could tell some interesting stories. After Mrs. D checked with the second bus, she uttered what would eventually be called the most famous words in racing history, “Gentlemen, start your engines.” I relayed the message to the driver. He nodded and gave me another shitty grin. I muttered something under my breath about him being a perverted, old bastard.

Dana had taken a seat about midway back on the left side. The Thompsons were maybe five rows ahead and there was an equal amount of empty space behind. I considered the seating arrangement. I could sit in front of her and lean against the wall to talk to her. I could go behind her but that would force her to turn around. I could sit across from her, but the buses were usually noisy on the interstate. I could also just take a random empty seat and get some sleep. When Dana smiled at me, my decision was made.

“Do you mind if I sit with you? The bus is so crowded that I'm afraid that I'll have to stand the whole way,” I said.

She arched her eyebrows and glanced around, “Oh really?”

I chuckled and said, “Actually, I don't think I could sleep right now, and I'd rather have someone to talk to for a little bit.”

She scooted over closer to the window making room for me, “That might be nice.”

I dropped my backpack on the empty seat across the aisle and sat down in my usual manner on a bus: slouched down with my knees raised up against the back of the seat in front of me. My keys in my pocket caused the leg of my shorts to slide exposing most of my thigh. The lights were still on, so of course Dana noticed. I was about to apologize for my stupid keys, when Dana gasped and blurted out something a bit too loudly.

At first I didn't realize what she had said, but it finally clicked. She had said, “Oh my god, Kirk. You have hairy legs!”

There were some muffled laughs from the back of the bus, and someone said, “Hairy Ducker.”

Making certain that I would be shielded from Dana, I flipped the bird back in that general direction.
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Old 09-08-2009, 05:19 PM   #17
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Thumbs up

I'm really liking this story. It sucks when I get on GD and you havent posted a new section. Haha.

I like this style. Its more of a story and not just "Lets-screw-each-others-brains-out"

Once again, very nice installment.
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Old 09-09-2009, 07:36 AM   #18
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Default My Crazy Life: High School Field Trip, Chapter 10

Just for that comment I might have to torture you by posting two chapters today.


Dana's face had turned red again (or maybe it had stayed that way all morning), but she continued to stare at my leg. Softly, she went on, “Sorry, I just didn't realize... I mean I had never noticed how... how hairy your legs were.”

Just for the record, I'm not a werewolf or a Sasquatch in the hair department. I've played basketball with guys before who look like they are wearing long sleeved shirts after taking their shirt off, and I'm not in their league by a longshot. I'm a bit hairier than average, but not in a gross way. I might be biased there. I pulled the leg of my shorts back to its normal position, but my keys quickly uncovered my thigh again. My legs are also fairly well muscled. Not ripped like a bodybuilder mind you, but I play a lot of basketball and spend a lot of time riding my dirt bike. If I kicked you, you would notice. “It's one of those guy things,” I said as I fixed my shorts again. This time I tried to trap the material behind my knee. That partially helped, and at least it kept me from feeling like I was flashing her.

She nodded and ran her hand over her own smooth leg. Her eyes never left my leg. “When did they get so hairy?” I did a double-take trying to gauge the look on her face. I'm not even certain that she was aware that she had asked me a question.

I almost answered that it had been during puberty, but I didn't really want to discuss puberty with Dana. Maybe if the topic of her cleavage was also a part of that discussion, I might have changed my mind. Out loud, I said, “Over the past three years or so. That's when they really took off.”

She nodded absently and said, “I mean I've seen you in shorts, but I've never noticed your legs... from this close.” Yeah, I had been wearing shorts at one of the car washes a few weeks ago that helped pay for this trip. Dana had been one of the few girls that I actually hadn't soaked. I'm not saying that I didn't spray her... just that I didn't soak her. Word to the wise: if you give the Duck a water hose you are going to get wet.

Now my body hair was actually an interesting topic, and I often find myself idly playing with the hair on my arms or legs. I explained to her, “If you notice, the hair on my arms and legs,” and other places too, but I still wasn't talking about that with her, “are different colors. Some of them are dark but most of them are really light. From a distance, only the dark hairs are noticeable. Up close, you get the full effect.”

I had been gesturing at my arm, but she nodded slowly and leaned closer to my leg. She was all about staring at my legs.

I continued, “If it was all dark, I would probably look pretty gross.” I ran my hand over my leg in the opposite direction making the hairs stand up.

Dana had a different opinion, “I don't think you would, but I agree that the mixture of light and dark is really nice.” She was still running her hand along her leg and staring down at mine.

The bus started to roll, and the lights flickered off.

Dana let out a faint sigh. Had that been disappointment?

Okay, what was going on here. Dana's strange behavior struck me as being somehow more odd than the show we had seen in the parking lot. Although I didn't really have much experience around Angel's new friends to know what was normal behavior for them. Maybe that was normal for them. This, on the other hand, was definitely not normal for Dana. I thought it best to change the subject, “Have you decided on a college yet?”

She had planned to stay with the local college, and Vicki had applied to a nursing program that wasn't quite an hour away. They both planned to commute. I told her, “It makes sense for you to commute, but that's a long drive to make every day for Vicki.” She agreed but said that Vicki was determined. I could imagine Vicki as a nurse. She would make a good one, and her love of gossip would help keep the patients' minds off of their injuries. “What are you going to major in?”

“Education. Probably secondary or primary. No sane person wants to teach Junior High.”

I nodded. “Yeah, it seemed like all our middle school teachers were a bit off. I think I could see you teaching elementary.”

“What about you?” She asked, “Still going to State?” I told her that I had applied to the local college too, but it was just a backup plan. Then she asked, “Do you think you will know anyone there besides Dave?” Of course Dave was going too.

“Just a couple,” I admitted and named off the people I knew from our class that had applied. I also knew a few people from our two rival schools who were going. Another couple people who I played basketball with at the rec center and a couple others from the debate team. I didn't usually talk about my other reason for wanting to go away for college, but I found myself telling her, “I want to go somewhere that I won't be Duckers to everyone. I've been him for so long that I want to have a chance to just be Kirk.”

“You've always been Kirk to me,” she smiled at me before going back to her study of my legs. At least I think she was; hard to tell in the dark. I glanced down at my legs and thought: Way to go guys, you have your very own fan club.

“I know and I appreciate it,” I told her. “You're one of the few people that I can just be me around. I don't have to posture and try to impress you,” I said although I cringed after I realized that I was implying that I didn't want to impress her.

“You do impress me,” she said, but I don't know if she meant that for me or my legs.

I called her on that one, “What? With my hairy legs?” My eyes had adjusted enough that I could tell I had embarrassed her a little. I smiled to show that I was kidding. She thumped me on the leg lightly in response. That of course made the leg of my shorts ride up again. I started to fix it, but decided to pretend that I hadn't noticed and left my leg exposed. If she had to put up with my company for the day, then I guess I could let her enjoy the view. No clue how much she could actually see of my leg in the dark.

The buses hadn't even made it to the interstate yet, but I felt compelled to keep an eye on things. I glanced up toward the Thompsons. Nothing visible there. Turning slightly in the seat, I glanced back over my shoulder. I could see the silhouettes of a few people sitting up, but nothing out of the ordinary. Dana turned in the seat to see what I was looking at. When she did, her leg rubbed against mine. Her hand had still been against her leg and was now pressed against my leg.

She whispered, “Do you see something wrong?” Her hand tensed for a moment but then it held perfectly still.

“No, everything is fine.” I held that pose for a moment longer, letting my leg remain against hers. I suddenly didn't want to turn back around. In the grand scheme of things, it was such a small amount of contact, but I found myself not wanting it to end. I realized that the radio was still in my lap, so I placed it in the seat across the aisle along where my backpack was lying. “I'm afraid I'll drop the stupid thing.” The radio had a belt clip on the back of it which I clipped to one of the backpack straps. Her hand and her leg still hadn't moved.

“I don't blame you,” she said. She started to shift her position in the seat slightly. The pressure lessened against my leg, but then I felt a curious thing. As she was shifting, her hand seemed to rub against my leg in a way that her other movements couldn't really explain. What the heck?

Suddenly, there was something in front of me. I tensed. It took me a moment to realize that it was her bag. “Could you put that with your stuff?” Her leg moved away from mine.

“Certainly,” I said with a smile. Whew, okay that explained the rub. It was accidental. I placed the bag beside my backpack. “There you go.”

When I turned back to her, she was looking out the window. I grinned mostly at my imagination than anything else. Dana had been oblivious to the whole thing, and that made me feel somewhat better. It had to be everything that had gone on tonight that had my mind in the wrong place. This was Dana after all.

Almost absently, she said, “Thank you,” and then patted me on my bare thigh just above the knee. Okay, that was a bit awkward, but she did it in a friendly manner. As she pulled her hand away, her hand rubbed my leg lightly. Helllllllo! That definitely felt a bit more than friendly.
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Old 09-09-2009, 11:23 AM   #19
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Default My Crazy Life: High School Field Trip, Chapter 11

You might be thinking, “Big freaking deal. She touched your leg.” With anyone else, I wouldn't have thought much about it. A brief touch like that could have been an absentminded gesture, or a signal of interest. I'm pretty good at the flirting game (I'm super modest also), and I like to think that I know all the go-ahead signals when I see them. I was nowhere near prepared for this situation.

This was Dana. My moral compass. My Jiminy Cricket. She didn't act like this. I tried to recall how many times I had even seen her show interest in a guy. There were a couple guys that I could think of. One of them was Dave, and I think she had been temporarily stricken insane at the time. Another one was a nice guy who had never really shown any interest in anything that didn't involve a ball, a bat, or a goal. I wasn't all that surprised after college to discover that he was gay. Nice guy, wrong team. Oh, there had been a country singer that both she and Vicki were both ga-ga over. Probably half the other girls in class also. For all the time that I had known her, she had treated me like a cousin or a younger brother or sometimes like a wayward child. Basically, she treated me like a relative. It was wrong to think about anything improper. If I acted on the signals I thought she was sending me, it would have been like I was taking advantage of my sister. My feelings were conflicted.

The buses were approaching the exchange where we would merge onto the freeway. Like all interstate entrance ramps, it was well lit. I used the light to survey the bus again for trouble. Our chaperones had their heads poked up above the seat momentarily. The other students back behind us were behaving in a squinty sort of way. The lights were really bright. Dana, I saw, had resumed her study of my legs.

I considered making up some excuse about being tired and moving to a different seat. That would have certainly been the safest thing to do. There were a couple problems with that. First, I would have to pretend to sleep most of the trip, but I have a hard time sleeping when someone else (parents excluded) is driving. And secondly, I still felt this damned responsibility to Mrs. Davis, Mr. Thompson, and the other students on the bus to keep an eye on things. I'm the poster child for misplaced responsibility.

Yep, I really should move. All right, I'll just move to the next seat up. Okay, that sounds like a good plan. Here we go, up to the next seat. Right, right. Let's get cracking. Hrmm, I noticed that I wasn't moving. I muttered, “Sorry.”

“Sorry for what?” She asked and looked concerned.

Hadn't meant to say that out loud. “For... uh... well, for the way the morning has gone so far.”

“Oh. That's not your fault, Kirk.”

“And on top of everything, bumping into Mr. Thompson and his wife reliving their teenage years,” I said with no small amount of irony. We sat there staring up at their seat as the buses left the ramp's lights behind. Something made from fabric popped up above their seat. Shirt maybe? Maybe that was the red bra. I tried not to guess, but I couldn't help snickering. So far this morning I had seen three boobs, a pussy, two and a half dicks (well, three and a half if you count when I took a leak before leaving), and a girl almost choke to death giving a blowjob. All of that in the space of maybe thirty minutes. Was there going to be a nudist club at the amusement park today too?

Dana's voice held a trace of amusement also, “Actually, compared to... the... those, those other things,” she gestured vaguely towards the lead bus, “I don't really have any problems with the Thompsons.”


“Don't give me that surprised look,” she said and smiled to take the edge off. “They're married.” The way she said that it should have explained everything.

“True,” I conceded that point. “Marriage is the universal license to.. uhh, be intimate.” Yeah, barely avoided saying fuck there. Ooops, shit! I shouldn't have thought about “fuck” next to Dana. Dammit, now I had thought “shit”... not to mention “dammit”. Good grief. There were some other swear words rattling around in my head, but I managed to overlook them.

“They probably shouldn't be that intimate here, but it's not like they are standing out in the middle of a parking lot.”

“True also. Well then, I'm not sorry about that part, but I'm still sorry about the parking lot part.”

She shrugged. Her head suddenly turned toward me and her eyes narrowed as she asked, “And just why were you over there anyway?”

“Huh? Oh... Oh! I thought they were having car trouble. Saw that the hood was up,” I said a bit too quickly.

“Oh,” she looked apologetic and looked down... at my legs. That ruined the apologetic look somewhat. “I thought that too.”

“Why did you come over?”

“Saw your car. With Vicki sick, you and Dave were the closest friends that I knew for certain were going.”

I named off a few other people that I knew who were here. There was some mental editing done to that list so that it only included the ones that I knew Dana wouldn't have a problem with. She added a few names that she had seen a couple of them while helping with the lists, but added quietly, “Just don't let me be the odd rider out. I like wild rides, but I don't think I could handle them alone.”

“Don't worry,” I assured her, “you are safe with me.”

She smiled, “I know.”

We enjoyed a comfortable silence for a few miles. I took the opportunity to check on the other riders again. My shorts probably needed to be fixed again, but I left them alone.

Glancing back at Dana, I thought that she looked troubled, so I asked softly, “What's wrong?”

“Nothing.” I didn't believe her. She finally said, “I just can't understand why Angelica and the others were doing... that... there.”

We had already talked about that, but I said, “Well, there's nothing inherently wrong with doing stuff like that or even doing it outside.”

“Maybe when you are married, but in front of other people?”

I kept the fact that I had been considering joining them to myself, and said, “Yeah, that was crazy. I wish I could have kept you from witnessing it.”

“It certainly wasn't anything that I had imagined seeing today.”

“Me either. It felt like I had crossed over into the Twilight Zone.”

Dana smiled at that. “Are you sure that was Truth or Dare?”

“Yeah, the one... uhh... 'tall guy' said that he had dared them. I guess he and his girlfriend were doing a dare also.” Tall guy seemed like the safest way I could describe Horse Dick, but I made a face when I said it.

“I thought that was just a sleepover game,” Dana said. “Have you ever played?”

I grinned and shook my head. She looked away. Dana had misunderstood.

“That wasn't my answer. I just meant that you asked that question the wrong way,” I said playfully.

She frowned at me for a long moment. When she caught my meaning, she smiled, “Do you mean I should have asked, 'Truth or Dare?' first?”

I nodded, “Exactly. That's the key to the game. Truth.”

“Kirk, have you ever played Truth or Dare?” Let it be noted by that I didn't start the game. Dana had just officially started. Okay, fine! Maybe I nudged her a bit.

“Yes, but I've never played like that.” By that I meant that I hadn't blatantly played out in the public. Most of the public dares that I had done with Steph and Dave had scared the crap out of me. Goofy dares didn't bother me, but some of the riskier ones had almost made me crap my pants (assuming that I was allowed to wear any at the time). I had never had sex out in public either. “I play in the minor league; they were in the Majors. Way, way outta my league.”

She nodded. I waited a moment then asked, “Dana, Truth or Dare?”

Her eyes got big, “Kirk, wait... I don't think we should... I... can't-.”

I smiled and said, “Don't worry. I'm just teasing you.” I grinned. “I would have behaved myself anyway. You know me better than to think that I would do anything to hurt you.”

I could see her searching my face. Her gaze made me self-conscious wanting to check to see if I had grown a new zit. Finally, she said, “You really mean that don't you.”

“Of course. You are my friend whom I respect. I value your friendship.” I meant it too. We shared a smile.

When Dana looked away, I took another look around. I spotted some heavy kissing, but that was about it. I thought I could faintly detect some snoring too. So far, so good. I turned back around to find Dana watching me. “Truth,” she said.

My eyebrows flew up and hid in my hairline causing Dana to grin impishly. I said, “Okay, I wasn't expecting that.” Now it was my turn to examine her face. “Are you sure?”

Her grin became even bigger, “Is that my question?”

“Uh, no! Urmm, okay. Have you ever played Truth or Dare before?”

“Yes, at sleepovers. This is the first time with a guy.” She smiled and glanced down at my legs.

I couldn't resist, so I asked, “With a guy in general or with a guy with hairy legs?”

She graced me with her elbow into my ribs for that, but it was more a matter of principle than anything else. My ribs thanked her for being gentle. “Yes, with a guy in general. I can't help that you have hairy legs.”

“Me either,” I interjected.

“Besides, you only get one question. Kirk, Truth or Dare?”


“What do you expect from me on this trip?”

My eyebrows disappeared again as I ran that question through my mind a few more times. “Honestly?” I asked. Dana nodded. “Well,” I continued with a grin, “I want to say 'hot jungle sex' but that would be mostly a lie. So honestly, I expect you to let me be a gentleman and open any doors for you, for you to ride a bunch of rollercoasters and other rides with me (If you happen to get sick, please aim it away from me), for you to not brutalize me too hard when I make a bad joke, and that you keep up your end of the conversation. I hate uncomfortable silences. Companionable silences are fine though.”

Her expression changed as I answered her. She went from “yeah, right” to my hot jungle sex comment, to curiosity about the “mostly”, to smiling about me opening doors and riding with her, to wanting to hit me, and ended up grinning. She finally said, “I think I can handle all of that.” We shared another smile until she realized, “Wait, what did you mean by 'that would be mostly a lie'?”

“Sorry, you already asked your question. Truth or Dare?”

She glared at me, picked truth, and then answered that her favorite color was blue. I realized that I had known that. She immediately asked, “Truth or Dare?” There was a lot of emphasis on “truth”.

I pretended to be considering my options until she nudged me with her elbow. “Truth.”

“What did you mean when you said 'that would be mostly a lie'?”

“I don't remember. Can you remind me of the context?” I tried to look thoughtful but clueless at the same time. Some might accuse me of looking that way normally.

Another glare. “You said something about wanting to say 'hot jungle sex'...”

“Oh yeah! Well, you are very pretty and a young lady and I'm a young man... who has hairy legs,” I grinned. I went on in a rush saying, “I'd be a fool if I didn't want to say that, but I'm just teasing you. I know you aren't like that, which is fine with me. You are as safe as you want to be with me. No pressure, no expectations. Well, I only expect what you have always given me: your friendship.”

She smiled and informed me, “You are very odd. Do you know that?”

I nodded sadly, “I'm painfully aware of that fact. I could never even decide if I was right-handed or left-handed.” I held both hands up wiggling my fingers. “Just between you and me,” I glanced around and then leaned closer to her like I was about to share a secret, “I wanted to see if I could get you to say 'hot jungle sex'.”

She thumped me good for that, but I saw her smile.
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Old 09-09-2009, 03:51 PM   #20
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This is a great story, its the only one on this site that actually makes me laugh out loud.
Likes: Outdoor dares, masturbation, mild pain, mild public

Dislikes: Permanent, Family, Poo, Piss, Very Public, Lots of Pain, Anal
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Old 09-10-2009, 09:52 AM   #21
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Default My Crazy Life: High School Field Trip, Chapter 12

We continued with our game of Truth or Dare. Over the next few miles, we used the game to learn lots of mostly useless information about each other. Dana was terrified of snakes and spiders, but she would kill either one with extreme prejudice. Among other things, I learned that she favored chocolate ice cream, loved the beach although it had been a couple years since she had been, knew who shot J.R. Ewing (she never missed an episode either), and hated calculus (who didn't). She asked me equally benign questions, but my favorite was when she asked what two things I would take with me if I was stranded on a deserted island. I named off a string of absurd things and explained how each pair would be used in ridiculous ways, but I finally ended up saying, “MacGyver and a roll of duct tape. Mac would build a submarine out of palm fronds and power it on coconut juice.” When she asked what the duct tape was for then, I answered, “To tie me up with so I didn't mess anything up.” I thought about that image for a moment then added, “Although, I'd hate to be tied up with duct tape. It would hurt like hel.. er.. heck with my hairiness.”

Ooops, that drew her attention back to my legs. As if it had ever really left them.

When Dana asked for a truth next, I asked, “How many pairs of thong underwear does Vicki own and describe them?”

“Kirk!” She said giving me a look that said she couldn't believe that I had asked that. We stared at each other for a moment and then started snickering. I could tell that she was picturing the same thing I was: Vicki posing in a thong. It was red and lacy. She started doing a little dance in my imagination that she never would have done in real life. Remembering our discussion about college plans, my mind dressed Vicki in a nurse's blouse and hat. I quickly covered my mouth to keep from laughing, but I wasn't having much luck. Dana looked like she was going to explode. Our eyes met, and we both burst out laughing. We tried to keep quiet, but I don't know how successful we were. When the fit of laughter died off, we made the mistake of looking at each other again and started laughing again. She finally said, “You're terrible.”

“But it made you laugh too.”

“I couldn't help it. I just imagined a catalog page with Vicki posing in one.”

“Was it red and lacy?” I asked. She clapped her hand over her mouth, but she started laughing again. That turned out to be contagious. Vicki probably wouldn't look bad in a thong, but she wouldn't be caught dead in one either. It's a safer bet that she wears granny panties. That made me laugh even harder, which set Dana off again.

From the back, someone called, “Hold it down! We're trying to sleep back here.” For some reason that was funny too.

Mr. Thompson had also popped up to investigate, and we noticed that his hair was in even worse shape. There we went again. My eyes were watering and my sides were starting to hurt. Dana didn't seem to be doing much better.

It was a few more minutes before we finally collected ourselves and dried our eyes. Dana finally answered, “None that I know of. Truth or dare?”

“Truth,” I said fighting not to laugh again. If Dana ever told Vicki about the imaginary red thong, Vicki would kill me. That thought sobered me up a bit. I'm still alive and writing this, so I guess Dana never has. If I suddenly stop writing mid-story, my luck probably just ran out. I wonder if Vicki would show me her boobs before she offs me? Doesn't a dying man deserve one last wish?

“So, Mr. Wiseguy, what kind of underwear do you wear?” She put her hand up to her mouth, as if she couldn't believe that she had asked that. For that matter, I couldn't believe she had either. She was smiling behind her hand but seemed nervous at the same time.

“Wow, I never expected that question from you. Revenge for Vicki's thong?” Mentally, I consulted my internal bookshelf. There are some well-worn copies in there that I keep handy. A couple of my favorites were: “Killer Basketball Moves” and “Killer Steph Moves”. That last one is covered in all sorts of bodily fluids and smells decidedly like sex. The book that I was looking for was entitled, “Approved List of Subjects Never to be Discussed with Dana, Ninth Edition”. It's a rather large book. “Many brave trees died to bring us this information,” to paraphrase that Mon Motha chick from Return of the Jedi. In my head, I could see me straining to pull the book down from where it rested (as far from the Steph book as humanly possible), and I quickly flipped to the “U” section. Yep, underwear was in there with a bold-faced note saying “NEVER NEVER NEVER discuss with Dana”.

She lowered her hand slightly, grinning now. What's this? Is Dana actually enjoying the idea that she was embarrassing me? Fine. I mentally marked out the entry for underwear.

“Okay, I probably deserve that,” I said knowing that this would probably embarrass her. “I have a few pairs of boxers, but I don't wear them too often. They let everything... roam around too much.” The headlights from a couple semi-trucks in the opposite lanes showed that her face was turning very red. “I prefer briefs. They keep everything in place, but they chafe a lot if worn all day trips to an amusement park. On days like today, boxer-briefs are the best bet. So there you go.”

Her expression was unreadable again, but it had remained bright red. She glanced down at my shorts, then back up. I felt pretty certain that she was trying the x-ray vision routine. That made something stir slightly. What was going on here?

“What,” she started but she had to clear her throat, “what are boxer-briefs? Do you mean you are wearing... one of each type?” She looked back down at my shorts curiously.

“No. They are a cross between the two. Same material and style as briefs, but they extend down onto my legs some.” She still looked confused. “Do you want to see?” Her eyes went really wide. “Er, that's not what I mean.” I was blushing too, but I hastily added, “The way my keys keep pulling my the leg of my shorts up I wouldn't have to show you much more of my leg for you to see what I mean. You won't be seeing anything urm... private. Well, except you'll be seeing my undies but just the part on my leg.” Yeah, I started babbling there. I couldn't help myself; I was saying this to Dana after all. I figured that she would say no anyway.

Finally, she said softly, “Okay, but just your leg.” Geez, like she thought that I was going to whip it out and try to hide it in her pocket. Well, maybe after her experiences in the parking lot I could understand her concern.

Seeing how my shorts were already up past mid-thigh on my left leg, I didn't need to move them much. I transferred my keys from my left pocket to the right and made certain that they were as far away from my crotch as possible to avoid any unpleasant contact. The bagginess of my shorts could turn a keyring into a testicular wrecking ball at a moment's notice.

Being ambidextrous, I tended to drop my keys in either pocket. I was the same way with my wallet. That was another reason why Dave thought I was weird. He kept his keys and wallet always on the right. With me, it depended on which side of my brain was in charge that day. I think I was meant to be a lefty, but there was a concerted effort between parents and teachers to make me a righty. The result left me equally proficient with either hand, which is handy as hell for sports and sexual endeavors. I can write with either hand, but each hand has its own distinct handwriting. Back when I had to write long essays by hand, I would often switch hands. Teachers of course always thought that someone had helped me write the paper, so I would have to give them a demonstration. The other downside is that I am unbelievably inconsistent in most areas of my life. Neither side of my brain is dominant, but they do seem to be always at war.

Dana was watching my leg expectantly. I hesitated a moment trying to decide if this was wrong. My thoughts were all jumbled on the matter. I wasn't particularly shy about showing off some skin, although the fact that this was Dana seemed to make me just a bit uncomfortable. She had been paying far too much attention to my legs. She also didn't have a lot of experience with guys, and I had far too much experience with girls. I'm not ashamed of the things that I have done, but I was afraid of how her opinion of me might drop if she found out my secrets, especially where Steph was concerned. There was also something about Dana's interest that I couldn't understand. I should have been able to figure out what it was, but it kept eluding me. I don't believe it was romantic, but it was definitely an interest. I finally just tuned out the side of my brain that was making all the arguments.

I slowly began exposing more of my leg. When I passed the point where I should have encountered the leg of my boxer-briefs, I paused and said most eloquently, “Ooops.” Once again, I have a way with words. “They seem to have ridden up a bit.” For half a second, I thought I had forgotten to wear any underwear (Dana seemed to be thinking the same thing), but then I was able to pull the leg of my underwear down to where they would normally be.

Dana let out the breath that she had been holding. “What... color are they?” She leaned a little bit closer.

“Gray,” I answered. “Too dark to see?” She nodded, so I looked out the front of the bus to see where we were. We had been on the road for maybe 15 minutes, and I knew where we were more or less. “There's an exit in a few miles, and you should be able to see then.” I started to cover my leg back up, but then asked, “Do you mind if I leave my shorts like this so I won't need to fight with them again when we get there?”

“I don't mind.” After a pause, she asked, “You said they... feel like briefs instead of boxers?”

“Tighty-whiteys, yep.” When I noticed that she had moved her hand slightly, I asked, “Want to feel?”

She didn't reply just kept staring at my leg and the exposed part of my undies. I looked back up to see if the exit was in sight yet. Nope. When her hand lightly touched my underwear, I almost flinched. She pinched the material between her thumb and pointer finger while the rest of her fingertips were on my bare leg. My penis, who had been happily sleeping, started to wake up.
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Old 09-10-2009, 12:40 PM   #22
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Very Very Very VERY Good additions. If you dont write books, you should. Alot of authors just slop stuff together to go ahead and get to the action, but you are definitely taking your time and stringing it out. You give details that many others would have left out because it doesnt have to do with sex at that moment. That gives a better story line, and the reader really gets to know the characters better than just a body description and their name.

Sorry I could not congratulate you on the post last night, gD was being dumb and wouldnt let me log in. That, my friend, is far from torture. I might even be described as bliss. Thats the worst part about reading these stories, is waiting for the next
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Old 09-11-2009, 12:46 PM   #23
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Default My Crazy Life: High School Field Trip, Chapter 13

Seemed like a good time for a bit of distraction, so I asked, “Truth or Dare?” I'm clueless as to which one of us needed the distraction the most.

Her hand froze as she looked thoughtful. “Dare. I want to see just how safe I am with you.” She smiled and took her hand away completely.

Two dares quickly came to mind. I really wanted her to keep exploring my underwear, but that would have probably ended the game. I also wanted to see her underwear, which would have been a fair exchange. Unfortunately, intuition told me that would be a bad move too. I decided to go with the riskiest dare imaginable. I told her, “Recite the alphabet backwards... but skip all the vowels.” Good grief! I had almost forgotten that she was Dana again, but luckily I had caught myself.

Yeah, I'll agree with you: I wussed out yet again.

Dana smiled and began reciting back from “Z”. She had also taken her hand away. When she said “Y”, I blurted, “Remember 'Y' is sometimes considered a vowel.”

She replied, “I will be sure to skip it next time.” We both laughed. When she finished her recital, she asked, “Truth or Dare?”

I followed her lead. “Dare. Let's see what ya got. Bring that weak stuff.” One of these times my mouth was going to get me in trouble.

She shot back saying, “That's big talk for someone who has just been dared to act like a girl until we reach the next exit.”

I snorted, but then quickly changed it to an overacted titter. “Dana dear, do these shorts make my butt look fat?” As I asked using the most fake feminine voice I could devise, I rolled away from her slightly emphasizing my butt. “Oh, and I just despise my legs. I have to shave them every morning with a push mower and by the end of the day they look just like this. Entirely dreadful. And what do you think about our quarterback, Lawrence. He is just the hottest boy in school. So dreamy. I imagine kissing him in the mirror each morning while putting my lipstick on. I could just pinch that boy's bottom off and use it as a handbag. Do you think that Mrs. Thompson would be a dear and let me sit on Mr. Thompson's lap? That man is just scrumptious. Oh my yes.” I carried got carried away with making fun of every stereotypical blonde thing imaginable. I pretended to fix my hair, adjusted my breasts, batted my eyelashes. Dana kept laughing and hitting my arm playfully. I tried to stay in character as much as possible, but I finally ended up laughing too.

About a half mile from the exit lights, she wheezed, “You would make a wonderful girl.”

I arched my back and thrust out my imaginary breasts. “You're probably right, but my breasts would be too much of a distraction. I'd never get anything done.” I pretended to fondle them.

She backhanded me in the arm to make me stop. It took two whacks. Was that one for each make-believe boob? She tried to follow the hits up with a stern look. It failed miserably when she started laughing again.

I smiled as I enjoyed watching how her quiet laughter made her look even prettier than usual. I said, “You know. I'm glad I came. When Dave wasn't coming, I almost stayed home. But this is fun. The rest of the day from here on out could be absolutely terrible, which I doubt, but it's been worth it (creepy peep shows, and all) just to see you laugh.”

She looked genuinely pleased, “Me too, Kirk. Me too. Most of the time we spend together is in the classroom. It's nice getting to know you better as a person instead of a fellow student.”

The buses were about to enter the lights. “Oh,” I said, “here's the light.” My shorts had fallen back to covering more of my leg during my antics. I quickly worked them back up, so Dana could see the part of my undies covering my leg. “What the heck,” I added as I exposed my other leg in a similar manner. “We're having a two-fer-one special today.”

The lights by the exit ramp lasted probably 30 seconds, but Dana did not waste a single second. She leaned closer to examine the wonders of my boxer-brief clad legs. She nodded to herself as if she could properly picture them in her mind. The rest of the light was spent inspecting my thighs and knees. It made me feel a little awkward, but I just sat there trying to exude calmness. When the lights faded behind us, she looked over and said softly, “Thank you.”

I think I started to understand. She was curious about guys and had never had an outlet for that curiosity. That was what first lead Steph and me to our own explorations of each other.

I nodded to her in reply and asked, “Truth or dare?”

She took her time answering. Maybe she was afraid that I was going to dare her to act like a guy, or maybe she sensed some of my thoughts. “Truth.”

I waffled a moment suddenly unsure of myself. I wasn't even sure how to ask. If I said it too playfully, she might think I was making fun of her. Too serious, and she would think I was leading somewhere that we shouldn't go. Maybe I should just ask her if all of this was because she was curious. Would the truth scare her too much? Finally, I smiled at her reassuringly, and then asked, “Dana, would you like to touch my legs?” Okay, that wasn't supposed to be what I was going to ask, but I guess my subconscious called an audible at the last moment.

She stared at me, shocked. Maybe I had guessed wrong about her curiosity. Maybe I had really guessed wrong about her obsession with my legs. When I noticed that her breathing had sped up, I thought maybe I wasn't wrong.

She stammered, “Why... why would you think that? Why ask... that?” She was getting flustered.

“Dana, it's okay. Really,” I hoped that I sounded calm and reassuring. Inside I was as nervous as she looked.

“No,” she shook her head, but she was staring at my legs which I had not covered back up. “Don't... don't... be silly.” She kept her gaze locked on my legs and finally said, “Yes.” It had barely been a whisper. Her cheeks were flaming, and then her hand jumped slightly from where it rested in her lap. It moved again then fell back still. She whispered, “Truth or dare?”

“Truth,” I said.

“Do you... do you... Is it okay for me to... touch you... your legs?”

“Yes.” I sat as still as I could. I didn't want to spook her by moving, but I also didn't want her to see how shaky I was either.

Her hand jerked again. After a few fitful starts, she held it over my left leg. Her hand was shaking slightly. She looked up at me, and I smiled. She dropped her gaze again. After a few moments, she dropped her hand back in her lap. “I... I can't,” she admitted softly.

As gently as I could, I asked, “Do you want me to help?”

She bit at her lip then nodded. She brought her hand up offering it to me. It still shook, but maybe not as much. Maybe a little more, or maybe I was just shaking too.

Instead of taking it, I asked, “Truth or dare?”

Dana's eyes widened, and she chose the correct answer. “Dare.”

I covered her hand with mine. Her hand felt slightly cold and trembled briefly at my touch. As the bus swayed slightly, I could tell that there was no resistance from her at all. “Dana,” I said softly, “I dare you to touch my leg.” I gently lowered her hand towards my exposed thigh. If I had felt even the tiniest resistance, I would have stopped. I didn't, but I will say this: If her hand wasn't going willingly towards my leg, then Dana at least was not willing to stop it from reaching my leg either.

When her hand touched my leg, it was cool and covered with a nervous sweat. A tiny thrill flowed across my leg in a wave which radiated out from her touch. It almost felt like goosebumps, but none seemed to rise. I kept my hand covering hers for a few moments; both of us seemed unwilling to move. Her hand seemed to warm quickly. Slowly I slid my hand away from hers, crossing her wrist, and then drawing away completely. I thought she might remove her hand from my leg altogether, but it remained as a light presence, unmoving.

Dana asked, “Truth or Dare?” It was barely a whisper with just a hint of emphasis placed on “truth”.

“Truth,” I replied just as softly.

“Is this... Where can...,” she started over still whispering, “What can I do?” There was a trace of confusion in her voice, and I saw that she was still blushing. She finally met my gaze.

“Anything you want,” I said. Dana looked back down at her hand. Which was on my leg, and which seemed surreal beyond anything I had experienced. I could only stare at her hand too.

At first I thought the bus had developed a shudder, but I realized that it was just her hand trembling. When I thought she had lost her nerve, she slowly began to move her hand towards my knee. It paused for a moment there and then began working its way back the other way. Her palm lightly brushed the leg of my underwear then started the trip back the other way. After a few passes, I was smiling at the fact that the trembling seemed to have stopped. Her hand was moving smoothly.

When I looked over at her, I saw that she had been watching the expression on my face. I grinned.

“It feels good,” she said. I couldn't help but to agree.
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Old 09-13-2009, 08:27 PM   #24
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Default My Crazy Life: High School Field Trip, Chapter 14

At first Dana contented herself with just gliding her hand back and forth, but she quickly began to vary the path that she chose. Sometimes she made circles or simply held her hand in one spot rubbing. She seemed especially interested in the muscles on my thighs. I was worried that I would become obviously turned on, but, surprisingly enough, it ended up being a very relaxing experience. Until my legs began to relax, I hadn't even realized how tight the muscles had been. Although she was also the reason why my legs were so tense to begin with.

She turned out to be surprisingly thorough. When she was exploring the contours of my knee, I lifted my leg away from the back of the seat to allow her to map it out fully. She even ran her hand down my shin and toyed with my calf briefly. I had to raise my leg up higher still for her to feel my ankle, and I was tempted to ask if she wanted me to take my shoe off. Eventually she returned to my thigh again.

I'm definitely not a superhero, but my Duck-sense started tingling: someone else was watching us. At first it was a faint nagging sensation, but then I became certain of it. I glanced back trying not to turn away from Dana so much that I would interrupt her. As I looked over my shoulder, she started to pull her hand away. I caught her hand gently without looking. My reflexes have been honed by years of video games and basketball. Not to mention trying to avoid getting hit by girls. For example, Tina ended up being an excellent teacher for learning how to roll with a punch.

“You're fine,” I assured her giving her hand a squeeze before releasing it. “Just checking.” She resumed her exploration of my leg.

Maybe my Duck-sense was on the fritz. Not that anyone could actually see anything that was going on anyway, but I couldn't tell that anyone was paying any attention to us. Other students? Nope. Thompsons? Nope. And that only left.. the bus driver. There wasn't enough light to tell if he was looking in the mirror at us or not. Didn't really matter though. He couldn't see anything even if he was, but I couldn't very well go up and kick his ass while he was driving.

Not that we were doing anything bad anyway. Just one friend letting letting another friend rub his legs. Nothing wrong there. I'm sure that Batman let Robin rub his leg all the time when they were riding in the Batmobile. Okay, that analogy was definitely wrong. Maybe if it had been Batgirl doing the rubbing, although that might lead to bat-banging. Hopefully the use a bat-condom. The thought of a black condom shaped like Batman's cowl covered with the Bat symbol just about made me laugh out loud. I bit the inside of my cheek until it had passed.

I idly wondered if we had a pervert for a bus driver. He probably had his dick out and was stroking it off against the steering wheel. Maybe he was Horse Dick's uncle. The way things had gone so far this morning you could never tell. I wondered if I should have went up and kicked his ass anyway just in case he was that dude's uncle. I always liked to err on the side of caution. Then again, those long-time bus drivers tended to be wiry bastards who would just as soon pull a knife on you as to put up with your shit. Hrmmm, maybe I'd give him a raincheck on the ass-kicking until he really deserved it. I had better (and safer) things to do with my time currently.

Dana had figured out a new trick. She was rubbing the hair on my leg the wrong way as I had earlier to make it stand up. Then she trapped as many hairs as she could between each finger and slowly drew her hand away. Evidently, she liked the feel of the hairs slipping between her fingers. It was an odd sensation for me but neat at the same time.

I started to wonder if Dana would end up letting her own leg hair grow out, so she could play with leg hair anytime she wanted. That was extremely hard to picture in my head for now at least. Later in college, I had some experiences with a dorm RA who was a natural woman, but that's a different story too.

It's my turn, I realized. “Truth or Dare?”

She smiled at me as she continued to play with my leg, “Truth.”

“What's the furthest that you've been?” Even though I suspected that I knew the answer, I really wanted to know for sure.

Her hand paused for a moment, then she grinned and pulled something from my bag of tricks. She answered, “Well, I've been to Canada once. I think that's the furthest I ever went.”

I tried to give her one of the stern looks that she was famous for. “You know what I mean.”

“No, I think you need to be more specific.” She started drawing lazy figure-eights on my leg with her fingertips. Her look seemed to ask how I liked it now that the shoe was on the other foot.

I grinned despite myself. She learns quickly. I asked, “What's the furthest that you have been... sexually?” I actually found it difficult to add the “sexually” on the end of that. Dana noticed and seemed to enjoy the fact. This so wasn't right. I needed to put the shoe back on the first foot. My foot to be more specific.

“You mean with a guy?”

I rolled my eyes. “Yes, with a guy,” I replied. She really was enjoying the fact that she could make me squirm. Her light touch suddenly made goosebumps run across my legs.

“I see that you like that,” she said referring to my legs.

“You have magic fingers.” She liked that response.

She finally answered my question, “If right now doesn't count, then I don't have any experience.”

That shocked me a bit. I knew that she didn't have much experience, but I thought she had done at least something. “No kisses? No holding hands? No snuggling? No... no, 'hot jungle sex'?”

She shook her head to each question, except for the last. That one made her say, “Kirk!” along with pinching my leg. “Keep in mind that I can do worse,” she warned. I don't think she meant the threat the way that my balls took it, but they had noticed the proximity between themselves and her hand. I felt them cringe. Cringing balls are unpleasant. Probably less unpleasant than pinched balls, but I don't particularly recommend either.

After a moment, she rubbed the spot where she had pinched, which I took to be an apology of sorts. “Kirk, Truth or Dare?”

Dodging the same question that I had asked her seemed important, so I said, “Dare.”

Dana gave me a look which informed that I had chosen the wrong answer. Not in my book, ha! I knew what she was going to ask, and I didn't want to answer that one yet. Maybe I could manage to distract her to make her forget to ask.

She brightened and said, “I dare you to tell me how sexually experienced you are.”

My jaw fell open. So much for distracting her. “You learn fast.”

She ran her fingernails lightly along the top of my thigh. “Keep that in mind, Buster.” Buster. That made me grin.

“Yes, ma'am.” I put off answering her question. I really wasn't sure how to word it. Finally, I said, “I've done about everything you can do with a girl.” I hoped she would leave it at that.

She didn't. “Have you... made love?”

Once again, I found myself discussing a topic with Dana that I never wanted broach. There was a huge, cross-referenced entry for “Making Love” and “Love Making” in my mental book of things not to discuss with her. I almost told her that was a second question, but she'd just ask it again next turn. The problem here was what she would think of me no matter how I answered. I finally just asked myself the question, “Had I ever 'made love'?” Okay, I would answer that truthfully. Strictly speaking anyway. Out loud I said, “No.” I shook my head sadly, but I'm still not certain what made me sad about that response.

Dana studied my face for a moment, then went back to playing with my leg. I could see that she accepted my answer. I still wondered if that had been the right answer. Sure, guys tended to lie about that sort of thing all the time. Lying to Dana seemed exceptionally wrong, but I had never made love to anyone. Not really. Making love was entirely different than having sex. Maybe if I kept telling myself that I might believe it. Damn, I suck.

My turn. “Truth or dare?”

“Dare. I think I owe you that after cheating by asking a question.” That made me feel worse. She was attempting to straighten out something she only perceived as a debt to me.

“Not really. Most people consider it a waste of a dare to get an answer to a question,” I said. She shrugged and smiled at me waiting. I thought for a bit and decided to even things up. “Since it looks like so much fun, I dare you to put my hand on your leg.”

Dana's hand stopped moving as she considered this dare, and I could feel that she had started trembling again. It's one thing to touch someone else, but another to let them touch you. She said softly, “Okay.”

I laid my hand on my thigh next to hers. Instead of taking my hand, she used both of her hands to pull the leg of her shorts up exposing her thigh in the same manner mine was. I hadn't expected that, but I was glad to see that she wasn't wearing boxer-briefs. Maybe she would like to try mine on later. Dude, stop that! Yeah, and maybe she was wearing Vicki's imaginary red thong too. But wouldn't imaginary underwear mean that she was commando? Hrmmmm... that was a weighty philosophical debate for later also.

She took my hand and after some consideration gently placed it on the middle of her thigh. She returned her hand to my leg and continued rubbing. The way things stood her right arm was crossed over my left, but it wasn't awkward. Being tall has its perks, like having long arms. Besides the way our arms brushed together felt good too.

I slowly began to rub her leg. It was soft but firm, and the contrast between the two struck a pleasing balance. Even though I knew she had more than likely shaved only a couple hours earlier, I was amazed how smooth her leg was. The bulk of my experience with a girl's legs came from Steph. I've felt Steph's legs from freshly shaven (I had felt them right after she shaved for the very first time even) to so stubbly that they put high-grade sandpaper to shame, but they had never felt as smooth as Dana's. Maybe a lot of that was due to Steph's athletic nature or maybe it was just genetics.

“Wow. My compliments to your razor,” I murmured. My hand glided across her leg from knee to the edge of her shorts as if it were an Olympic figure skater.

She looked surprised by the compliment. “It's Nair actually. Keeps my legs smooth for a few days.”

“I doubt that it takes all the credit. Your legs feel amazing.” I ran my hand over the outside of her thigh down to her calf and back again.

“Kirk, you don't have to say that.” She looked a little hurt. Sorta like she thought I was just saying that.

“Seriously. No joke.” I squeezed her leg lightly. “Really amazing. I think I'm getting the better end of the deal.”

“That's debatable.” She grinned.

“Careful,” I cautioned, “you know how much I love to debate.” I swept my fingertips along Dana's thigh tapping lightly. Goosebumps rose almost instantly on her leg causing her to shiver faintly. I cautioned myself to be careful not to give her Goosebumps too often; that always caused Steph's legs to feel stubbly faster. It turns out that Nair doesn't have the same problem.

She answered by lightly raking her nails across my thigh again. More goosebumps again for me. We carried on like that for a while trying to one-up each other in the goosebumps department. R.L Stine would have been jealous.

“Truth or Dare,” she asked.

“Truth.” Something from the back of my bus had caught my attention. Glancing back, I saw that it was a girl standing up in her seat. Something was going on.

“What do you think about...,” Dana was asking. If I didn't know better, the girl in the back was losing her pants. Pretty sure that I knew better. She sat back down in her seat, which made it none of my business.

Dana's hand slipped down to the inside of my thigh, rubbing lightly. She finished her question a bit breathlessly, “This?”
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Old 09-14-2009, 07:30 AM   #25
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Default My Crazy Life: High School Field Trip, Chapter 15

Just for the record, I'm not easily surprised. Today's events had nonetheless managed to be a string of surprises, and Dana was turning out to be the biggest surprise of all. She's not supposed to act like this. She's supposed to be reserved and calm and quiet and definitely not horny. Was she interested in me? So far, I had rationalized her behavior by thinking that she was just curious. She had never done anything with a guy, and now she wanted to explore with someone who was safe. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe I was both right and wrong. Maybe curiosity had started this, but maybe there were underlying feelings too. Maybe I had some feelings also. That was a scary thought, but maybe not as scary as I first would have thought. Maybe I think too much. Ain't that the truth.

It was my turn to stammer, “I uh... well... I think that I'm starting to forget about all the bad things that have happened so far on this trip.”

Her hand was slowly traveling from the inside of my knee to just a bit past midway on the inside of my thigh. She asked shyly, “Do you want me to... stop?”

“That's two questions, but no I definitely don't want you to stop. The polar opposite of stop even. Truth or Dare?”

She was still smiling when she said, “Truth.”

“May I rub the inside of your thigh also?”

“Yes,” she whispered.

I moved my hand slowly down her thigh, taking multiple passes back and forth before I was in the same neighborhood on her thigh that she was in on mine. I matched the rhythm of her hand. We continued on that way for a few minutes, then she started changing her pattern slightly to make it harder for me to mimic her. I grinned at that.

There was a leg jutting out in the aisle from the Thompsons' seat. Due to other distractions, I had no clue how long it had been there. Maybe it had grown from the seat. I asked Dana, “Do you remember if any of the seats had legs growing from them?” I gestured with my chin.

She sat up to look, which also temporarily pinned my hand between her thighs. I wiggled my fingers, letting them rub both legs at once. Dana whispered, “No, that's new. Hold on. Whose leg is that? Wasn't Mrs. Thompson sitting against the wall?”

I leaned out in the aisle a bit to get a better look. “Uhh, she was,” I agreed. “Was Mr. Thompson wearing shorts? I didn't notice.”

“No, you were too busy trying to peek at Mrs. Thompson's breasts,” she teased.

“For the record, I only saw one nipple. Ow! You have a good pincher there,” I informed her. Dana's hand had traveled further up my thigh. For the briefest of instants, light from another vehicle illuminated the leg. “Errrrm... That's got to be his wife's leg.” I returned to my original position.

After a moment, Dana leaned back into the seat. Either one of us or both of us had shifted slightly because now our arms from the shoulder down and our hips were touching in addition to our legs. We must have realized at the same exact time because we both tensed up. I started rubbing the inside of her thigh again and she rubbed mine. We both slowly relaxed. “What do you think they are doing?” Dana asked.

“I could imagine a few different things, but I just hope they don't get stuck between the seats.” We both laughed quietly. My hand rubbed a bit further up her leg only stopping when Dana's other thigh made it impossible to go further. I caressed her thigh there for a moment before working back towards her knee.

Dana asked, “Truth or dare?” Instead of looking at my legs, she was watching my hand on hers.


Her hand went up to the inside of my knee and slowly began rubbing. “I dare you to... tell me... when to... stop.” Her hand started to work its way up my thigh.


Dana's hand was like the ocean's tide as it slowly came in. She would advance the smallest bit up my thigh, then return to my knee. Each time she slowly made it a bit further. It took her a few minutes to get back to the furthest point she had reached on my leg. The tide rolled in a few more times before it began to encounter my other thigh. At first it was a light touch, but then her hand began to encounter more resistance.

I was really torn at this point. I didn't want her to stop, but I was afraid to let her to continue too. Would this change things between us? Given what had already happened, was it too late to even worry about that?

Her hand rubbed against the wall made by my thighs again, and then slowly returned to my knee. As it began the trip back up my thigh, she asked, “Is that where you want me to stop?” She was watching my face. I held my expression neutral and didn't reply. Did I know even know how to reply? As her hand began to lightly touch both thighs again, my resistance faded and I moved my other leg closer to the aisle. On the next pass, her hand lightly grazed the leg of my boxer-briefs. The pass after that she actually slid the fabric of my underwear up my thigh ever so slightly. On the following trip, her hand was beginning to tremble, but it slid up to the edge of my pulled-up shorts. As she worked her way back towards my knee, I realized that I had an erection. I probably had been aware of the fact for a little while, but this was the first time that I really noticed. Could Dana tell? My shirt probably kept it hidden.

On the next few passes, her hand didn't make much forward progress, but the trembling became more pronounced. Dana whispered, “Are you... going... to tell me... when... to stop?”

Until she said that, I was unsure about how to let this dare finish. There was something in her voice that made me decide. I asked, “Do you want me to?”

Dana shivered visibly and her hand hesitated for a moment. When it began moving again, she softly said, “No.”
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Old 09-15-2009, 01:58 PM   #26
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Default My Crazy Life: High School Field Trip, Chapter 16

Now, my merchandise is accustomed to being fondled by potential customers. Arghh, that metaphor is terrible; it makes me sound like a man-whore. Although as I understand it, that's a career with a lot of perks and fringe benefits. Sorta like the military where you get to storm foreign shores and ram your way through the enemy's defenses. Anyway, my point is that I should be comfortable with the idea of someone touching my crotch, but I found myself to be freaking scared by the idea of Dana touching me there. What freaked me out even more was the realization that I was looking forward to the prospect just as much.

At the time, I had absolutely no clue if she was going to continue up my thigh or not. It seemed to have taken every last ounce of her nerve just to put her hand on my leg. Part of me wanted to change my mind and tell her to stop, but another part wanted to grab her hand and just put it on my crotch. Holy hand grenades! If Dana continued, she would be feeling my erect dick. The hornier part of my brain answered with, “No shit, dumbass. Are you just now realizing that?” A third part of my brain stepped in to add, “Dudes, chill out. Let's just see what happens.” That seemed like something everyone could agree on. It gets damn crowded in my head sometimes.

Dana must have been having some type of internal conflict of her own. Her hand continued to slowly move up and down the inside of my thigh, but it still wasn't moving any closer with each sweep. Due to the occasional trembles, the motion wasn't as smooth and graceful as it had previously been. We passed through another set of exit lights, and I saw that her mouth was hanging open ever so slightly. Dana's eyes were wide open and staring at her hand.

Once it was dark again, her hand stopped with her pinky and ring fingers resting on the leg of my shorts. She started to say something, but whatever it was died on her parted lips. As my eyes were trying to re-adjust to the relative blackness, her hand slowly trembled closer to my crotch. When her pinky touched my left testicle, her hand froze. After a moment, her little finger began to explore the bulge of my balls. Slowly her hand cupped my balls, and I heard her gasp very faintly. In spite of the fact that tremors continued to plague her hand, she started to slowly squeeze and then rub my testicles. Her grip was gentle but slowly became more firm. Fortunately, not painfully so. As she became more used to feeling me, her hand stopped trembling. She also began wiggling her fingers independently which I knew let her feel that they were two separate balls instead of one lump. The confines of my shorts restricted most of their freedom of movement.

She smiled at me faintly, and I swore that there was also a look of wonder in that expression. I smiled back. When someone has my balls in their hand, I tend to be very polite. I definitely wasn't faking the smile in this situation. My erection was throbbing at this point, but I tried to focus on the sensation of her hand on my family jewels.

I idly began to rub the inside of her thigh again. It took me a few moments to realize that I had stopped. I wanted to do some exploration of my own, but I contented myself with keeping within safe boundaries. This was Dana's turn, and I wasn't going to upstage her.

I glanced around the bus again, but everything was still normal. Well, everything that didn't include Dana's hand massaging my balls. That was far from normal, but also far from unpleasant. I could grow to enjoy it as a matter of fact.

If Dana had noticed that my attention had been elsewhere briefly, she didn't let it bother her. After a few more moments, her hand came to rest holding my balls lightly. Her hand began to tremble again perhaps even more violently than before. That created a decidedly odd feeling in my balls. Not exactly bad, but way strange. My hand had stopped moving on her thigh again, but I barely noticed.

She moved her hand slowly up. She gasped again as her palm came in contact with my shaft through my shorts. Once again her hand went still, except for the trembling. Then she slowly moved her hand up until her palm and fingers were resting on my erect shaft. The trembling became even more pronounced, but that felt surprisingly good against my dick. It was like my own personal vibrator.

After a few miles, I realized that she hadn't moved at all. I glanced at her face, but she was just staring in amazement at where her hand was. My eyebrows shot up as I figured out that she had frozen up completely.

Okay, this was awkward. I needed to do something to give her a little jolt. Nothing too intense, just a small nudge to get her moving again. Seeing her distress, I would have been just as happy if she wanted to stop completely instead of making her endure more of this. This should be enjoyable for both parties and not so intimidating. What does someone do in a situation like this? I thought for a moment, but I couldn't recall ever being in a situation where someone had frozen up with their hand on my boner. There was only one thing to do, I guess.

Softly I asked, “So Dana, what do you think the weather will be like today?”

Briefly, she didn't seem like she was going to respond, but then her eyes focused on me. I could see her brain trying to figure out what I had asked. When the question sunk in, she grinned slightly and asked, “What kind of a question is that to ask at a time... like this?”

I raised my eyebrows. “At a time like what?”

“Like this,” she said quietly and squeezed my cock through my shorts. Her eyes went a little more round as she realized what she had just done.

“You mean at a time like this when two friends are enjoying a pleasant bus ride together?” I grinned. “We could talk about... other stuff... but we might want to wait for a bit on that.”

Dana smiled back and nodded slightly. She was breathing again and her hand wasn't trembling as much. Both were good things. She said, “I hope that it won't rain today.”

“Me too. I hate when it rains at an amusement park. It should be illegal,” I noticed that Dana's palm had started to rub against my shaft lightly.

Her expression began to relax a bit. Her face was still flushed, but her eyes didn't look as wide and glassy. She asked, “Do they close the rides if it rains?”

I had to think about that, so I started stroking her thigh again to help me think. I guess it worked, because I said, “It depends on how hard it is raining or if there is any lightning. Covered rides seem to stay open regardless.” She turned her hand so that her thumb was on one side of my cock and her fingers were on the other, and she continued to rub along the base of my shaft. “If it is lightly raining, it seems like all the rides stayed open. It always seems to rain briefly when I'm in a park.” Her hand started moving up my shorts tracing the contours of my erection through the fabric. I smiled and continued, “Distant thunder doesn't seem to stop any rides, but visible lightning closes everything super quick.” I'm just glad that I didn't say dick instead of quick.

Her fingers were almost to the tip of my penis. “What do you do when it rains? Or if they shut down the rides?”

“Well, I've ridden a few of the coasters in a light rain before. It's sorta neat, but the rain can sting your eyes when they are at top speed.” Her fingers rubbed against the head of my cock lightly. My shorts were numbing the effect, but it still felt good. “Uhhh, if the rain... gets worse,” I was having problems thinking, “I've either... ummm... gone to eat or… uh, hit the arcade or one of the shops. It's never lasted... er.. the rain that is.. hasn't lasted too long.”

She was grinning at me. “Those sound like good ideas.” She gripped her hand around my cock as best as she could through my shorts and just held it for a few moments.

I couldn't believe that I was saying this, but I said, “I hope you weren't expecting something like Horse Dick... er, sorry... uhh, the one guy this morning.” I cringed.

Dana just laughed softly. “Actually, I... I'm... uhhh...” We both were having a way with words today. “I mean to say I don't think I could have done... this... if you were... like that.” She began to rub my erection which quickly began to feel more like stroking than rubbing.

“That's a relief... er.. uhhh.. I mean I wish I had a cross with me so I could have warded that monster away.”

We both laughed nervously. I was starting to think about what was going on again and who it was going on with. That train of thought was liable to derail this adventure. Instead I tried to focus on the feel of her hand against me. Now that was a good thing.

At some point, Dana prompted, “I think it is your turn.”

“Uhh, I thought you were giving me my turn?” It probably sounded like I was trying to be funny, but I really didn't catch on at first.

She bumped her knee against mine. “You know what I mean.” She was smiling. I noticed that her trembling had completely stopped. She seemed a bit awkward, but I wasn't going to penalize her any points for that.

Understanding finally hit me, “Oh, the game. Truth or dare?”

“Dare.” Okay, maybe she still had a little bit of a tremble.

I doubt that my dare was much of a surprise. “I dare you to tell me when... to stop.” I also started at her knee and began to work my way up the inside of her thigh. I took my time making each sweep of my hand move a bit further up her leg. Dana had worked her hand down to play with my balls again. As I returned my hand to her knee and started up her thigh, she rubbed her way up my shaft.

After a few more trips, I made it to where her thighs blocked me. I'm not sure if she was trying to decide whether or not to let my hand through, or if she was just tormenting me. Her hand started to tremble again, but she rubbed her legs together lightly. I understood that she wanted to, but she was afraid at the same time. That seemed familiar for some reason. I made another sweep along her legs causing goosebumps to form. This time when I returned to where her thighs were touching, I rubbed against them gently.

“Kirk...” Dana began. Her voice was shaky too. She was staring down at my hand.

Very softly, I said, “Dana.” She looked up at me slowly. Almost afraid to meet my eyes.

I slowly leaned in and stopped a few inches from her face. Dana's eyes went even wider when she realized what I meant to do. I tilted my head slightly and kissed her. Both of our hands had stopped moving. Her lips were slack and loose in surprise, but that lasted only a moment. Her lips suddenly pressed back against mine, and we shared a long slow kiss.

Remember a while back when I was worried that my mouth would get me in trouble? Well, this wasn't one of those times.

It was by no means the best kiss I had ever had, but it was one of the best first kisses. Especially considering I had surprised her with it.

After a moment, I pulled back slightly. I waited until her eyes fluttered open and said, “Now you have been properly kissed.”

Her lips were still slightly parted, but her eyes suddenly changed from being amazed to slightly amused. “I didn't tell you to stop yet.”

My eyebrows went up again. “Why no you didn't,” I agreed. I brought my right hand over and caressed her cheek. Then we kissed again.

That one was much better. Did I mention that she was a quick study?
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Old 09-15-2009, 02:07 PM   #27
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I absolutely love this story, and is now officially my favorite on the site. I have actually subscribed to this, and i dont subscribe to ANYTHING. So props.
Likes: Outdoor dares, masturbation, mild pain, mild public

Dislikes: Permanent, Family, Poo, Piss, Very Public, Lots of Pain, Anal
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Old 09-16-2009, 02:06 PM   #28
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Default My Crazy Life: High School Field Trip, Chapter 17

Thanks for the feedback and comments. This is a story that I've wanted to share with someone for a long, long time, but I never have. Even without anyone offering me encouragement, I probably would continue chugging along. The feedback definitely does help more than you can possibly know. What's the point of a story if not to share it, right?


Two kisses quickly turned into more. I've noticed that kisses are like rabbits in their powers of multiplication. When we finally came up for air, I leaned back feeling slightly but pleasantly dizzy. Dana laid her head on my shoulder and started rubbing my cock again as I returned to idly rubbing her thigh.

The kissing itself hadn't made me dizzy. I'm certain that it added to the condition, but it wasn't the real cause. The foundations of my life felt like they had been ripped out from under me over the last few months. The girlfriend who I had thought was Ms. Right was now dating my best friend, and a girl who I had thought to be nothing more than a friend was turning into something more. Maybe the fact is that I had felt something all along, but I never let the feeling see the light of day. I guess Billy Crystal was right in “When Harry Met Sally”. Guys and girls can't just be friends. Steph had pretty much drug me to that movie, but I ended up liking it. Heck, I ended up living the off-off-Broadway version.

From my shoulder, Dana told me, “You have soft lips.” Luckily she said that one quietly. I don't know how someone could have made fun of that one, but I'm sure my backseat heckler would have found a way. Maybe he would have said, “Duck has pussy lips!” Hopefully, it would have been something more witty. I probably enjoy chuckling at my own expense as much or more than the next guy.

I wasn't really sure what to make of that fact about my lips. I've been told that I was a good kisser, but never that my lips were soft. “Are you saying that I have girl lips?” I bumped my knee against hers.

“No, your lips don't feel like girl lips. I just... I... I expected a guys lips to be really rough. Yours are firm... but softer than I expected... They felt good.” After a moment, she asked, “How was I?”

I might have exaggerated here, but only a tiny bit. “That was the best first kiss that I've ever had. For a rookie smoocher, you're a natural lip locker.” I got a return knee bump. “I hope that you didn't mind the sudden kiss. I just went for it before I lost my nerve.”

She looked at me then, surprised. “You lose your nerve? I thought you were Mr. Experience?”

“I've got a bit of experience, but I still get stage fright with someone new. It takes me a while to warm up.”

She squeezed my erection. “I think you are already warmed up.”

“Hey now, that was your fault.” I gave her a mock-accusing glance.

“Uh huh. It was already like that when I... found it.”

“Yeah, but you had been playing with my leg,” I pointed out.

She arched an eyebrow at me, “You get... hard... from someone touching your leg?”

“No, but once you started on the inside of my thigh... Boing!” Dana grinned at my sound effect. “Now, if we were still in junior high, a strong breeze could have gotten me uhhhh, excited.”

She seemed to consider the bulge in my shorts that she was fondling for a moment, and then asked, “Really? Was that normal? Because I never really noticed you or other guys walking around like... this all the time.”

I nodded sadly. “Yep, it happened to me a lot. As best as I can tell, it was normal. Didn't really whip it out for Show-n-Tell to compare notes, if you know what I mean. Did you ever notice that a lot of us guys started wearing baggy pants and oversized shirts back then?”

Dana looked amazed by that revelation. “That was why? I thought it was because heavy metal and hard rock were becoming so popular.”

“Just a coincidence. If the Smurfs and Care Bears had been really popular with guys of that age, we would have been wearing baggy shirts with bears and Smurfette on them. Actually, that would have been sorta dirty to hide a boner behind Smurfette.” Maybe that's where all the smurfs came from.

“I'll never be able to think of Smurfette the same way again,” she said sadly.

“Or Vicki,” I added. We started laughing again. Vicki and Smurfette in red, lacy thongs. It didn't take as long to stop laughing this time. The fact that Dana was feeling me up probably helped. “It was embarrassing back then. The constant erections, I mean. They would happen for absolutely no reason at all. That was the worst part. I could walk up to the pencil sharpener and have one.” I tried to look thoughtful for a moment, “Well, putting a pencil into a sharpener... I might have to forgive myself there. Kinda suggestive, after all.”

“If you think you had it bad, you should try developing breasts sometime,” she said. “At first, I tried to hide them, but I couldn't. Guys start looking at you differently.”

“Not me.” I was a bit proud of that fact. “You've always had breasts since I knew you.” Huh, maybe I had noticed her breasts after all. Sweet! My manly instincts have remained safely intact.

Dana smiled thoughtfully. That's right. We didn't meet until junior high. Sometimes it feels like I have known you all my life.”

“It does, doesn't it.”

That was the worst part. Guys that I had known all of my life were now talking to my chest instead of my face. It's really bad with relatives too.”

I cringed at the thought, and decided to lighten the mood a bit. “You know, funny that you should mention developing breasts. I have tried to grow a set of boobs more times than I care to admit.” Thump. “Ow. At least you aren't thumping me with your hand that is uhhhh... busy.” Her hand moved down to squeeze my balls. “Yes, especially not there.” I said that last part in a high-pitched voice. “Seriously though, I'm sorry that guys have done that to you. Most of us don't mean to stare. We just can't help it.” Okay, it was suddenly a matter of extreme willpower on my part not to talk to her breasts right then. “We're just fascinated by them.” Whew, I kept my eyes locked on hers.

“You know,” she said, “I don't remember you ever staring at me like that. Should I be offended?” I received another arched eyebrow.

“Funny story there. I was just thinking about that earlier this morning when I noticed your tank top and admired your cleavage.”

“Really? I didn't notice you looking.”

“Well, I'm sneaky like that. There are a few rules for checking someone out. Always make eye contact when they are looking at you. Be sure to pay attention to what they are saying, which is super important. Most importantly, you only check someone out when they have their head turned or are extraordinarily distracted by someone's monstrous wiener.”

Dana glanced forward to where Horse Dick's bus was. What do you think I did? Yep, I glanced at her hooters. When she turned back, I grinned and said, “Nice rack.”

“Kirk.” She put emphasis on my name in a way that said she couldn't believe that I had done that but also that she liked the fact that I had. She rolled her eyes at me. I rolled my eyes too, but I rolled them down. Yep, nice.

“So that's your secret. You should write a book about it. Maybe other guys wouldn't be so rude.”

“I'm shopping for a publisher right now. You are, however, assuming that guys actually read,” I said. She favored me with another lovely laugh.

“How do you do it?” She asked.

I wasn't really sure what “it” she was referring to. Given the fact that she was fondling me through my clothes, I went with the most obvious it. “Well, a girl and a guy both take off their clothes, and then usually the girl lies down on her back. The guy climbs... Ow-ch! You don't happen to have a metal pin in your knee do you?” I rubbed my knee for emphasis.

“That's not what I meant. How do you manage to joke when things get so... serious?”

“I don't know,” I really didn't. It was just what I always did. “I usually just make fun of myself. I'm an easy target for me.” I thought for a moment, and added, “I guess it's my defense mechanism. If someone is mad at me, they're less likely to slug me one if I can make them laugh. It also helps in awkward situations.”

“I noticed,” she smiled a bit awkwardly.

“Are you saying this is awkward?”

“Well, it's... I mean... I've never,” she stammered. Finally she stopped and took a deep breath. “This is all new to me. If I stop and think, I'll probably... probably...”

“Faint?” I suggested.

“Probably,” she agreed. She was idly rubbing against my shaft.

“I wouldn't suggest it. I might feel you up while you are out cold.”

She gave me a look. “Would you really?”

Okay, that was a very good question. Would I feel up a passed out Dana? For that matter, would I feel up an alert Dana? “If you had asked me that question yesterday, I would have made some lame joke but said no way. Right now, I would really, really want to... but when everything was said and done, I wouldn't. That would be taking advantage of you.”

“Am I taking advantage of you now?” She teased as she continued to rub my shorts.

“No, you are just ahead in the game... for now,” I teased back and gave her thigh a meaningful rub.

“There you go again. You make all of this fun.”

“Is it not supposed to be fun?” I tried to fake a confused look again, but I ended up smiling instead.

“No!” Dana grinned in spite of her tone. “I've always imagined making out with a guy, especially for the first time, being really intense and serious and... and... solemn.” She made a face at that last word as if she couldn't think of a better word to use.

“And not on a bus,” I added.

“Not the first time, but I have... I have thought about that before,” she said shyly.

I leaned in for another kiss. “You have to admit that it does make the bus ride much more enjoyable.”

Her smile faded away as she said, “I didn't plan any of this. You know that, right?”

I nodded. “How could you have? You didn't know that Dave wasn't coming, unless you planned to have him out of the picture. Is that what you did?” Pinch!. “Oooow! The best plan for the day that I had was to hang out with you and Vicki,” I told her. I knew it would hurt, but I added, “Maybe try to have a threesome...” That thump caused me to grimace in spite of myself, but it was worth it.

“Are you saying that you wish Vicki had been here?” She asked coolly.

“Let's just say that I'm sorry that Vicki is sick. I hate for anyone to be sick, but I'm extremely glad that she is the one who got sick.” Oh, she liked that answer. Her reply was worded in the form of a kiss.

She licked her lips and smiled. “I still don't understand how you do it, Kirk.” I started to repeat my description of The Birds and The Bees, but she cut me off. “You make it fun and easy. I get so nervous that I think I'm going to die, but you make me laugh or make me want to hit you, and I forget to be as nervous.”

I said, “Maybe it's just... right.” Maybe I'm just easy. Yeah, I'm a man-slut I tell ya. The way I get nervous and unsure of myself keeps anyone from believing that.

“Maybe. I still can't believe that I'm doing... this.”

“This?” I teased. I wanted to hear her say exactly what she was doing.

“Truth or Dare?” She asked.

“Oh,” I tried to keep the disappointment out of my voice, “you meant the game.” Now that hurt. I had started to think that there was more going on here than just a game. This was something I had never expected, but it was also something that was turning out to be good. I'm still the same little boy on the inside. Nervous. Scared. Horny. Okay, maybe that's not a little boy emotion.

She shook her head. Her eyes were twinkling mischievously, and she was biting her lower lip. “Truth or Dare? She repeated. Her expression and the way she shook her head gave me some hope again. I could just see a twinkle in her eyes. Yeah, my self-confidence was at an all-time low. Steph was mostly to blame there, but I tried not to think about her right now. I guess humor might be a defense against all of that too.

“Dare,” I said with a slight smile. I wanted to kiss her again, but I noticed that she had begun to tremble lightly again. Maybe she was going to let me catch back up in the fondling department. I started to rub her thigh a bit higher in anticipation.

“This is what I can't believe that I'm doing. Kirk, I dare you to...,” she paused and then blurted it out in a quiet rush, “I dare you to slip your shorts down.” Her free hand shot up to her mouth, and she even gasped. Apparently, she was just as shocked that she had said that as I was.

My mouth fell open. I'm sure my eyes got huge. I'm pretty certain that she wasn't the only one trembling. My dick was all for the idea, but I was trying not to listen to it right now.

I said, “Holy...” Shit, I finished silently. She wasn't going to let me even the score; she was upping the ante. I wanted to reach up and see if Dana was wearing a rubber mask. This couldn't be Dana that I was sitting with. It had to be one of the villains from Scooby-Doo disguised as her. I was stunned.
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Old 09-16-2009, 03:35 PM   #29
getDare Sweetheart
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go on make dana do some thing too
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Old 09-16-2009, 08:59 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by firenight View Post
go on make dana do some thing too
Lol, its a nonfiction story? Come on duckers, go back in time!!! Lol

Great story, and wonderful addition. Keep em coming! =)
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