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Old 06-28-2016, 02:44 PM   #16
Joan Sky
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I wonder what will happen next and if there will be a twist.

When the one letter came in, I already guessed both of their names were on it, but I'm good at guessing those things. I liked it, and the interaction between the two at that time.

I can relate to Jade...

I think a couple of the name choices in this story are interesting and coincidental to me.

I like your name choices.

Thank you for writing for all of us.


Last edited by Joan Sky; 06-28-2016 at 11:26 PM.
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Old 07-02-2016, 03:54 PM   #17
getDare Sweetheart
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Chapter 3

Jade lay in her bed in complete misery. The tears from the day before may have dried up, but the disappointment still remained. She wanted to feel happy for Iris, to support her sister, but all she considered was how close she had come to her desires, only to have them snatched away at the last moment. Iris hadn’t returned to her dormitories after the result, but all of her things were already missing when Jade had entered. She assumed they must have been moved some point during the day.

Her worst fears had pretty much become a reality. A month of trying and hoping had been destroyed in a matter of seconds. It would be difficult to join another sorority this late, not that Jade even wanted to try. The sorority she had dreamed about for so long had dismissed her and rejected her in favour of ten others, including her own twin sister. In Jade’s mind, it was like being told she was the worse twin, that she wasn’t as good as Iris, and that there was a better version of her to be chosen. She knew that the sisterhood didn’t hate her but she found it nearly impossible to comprehend the situation. It had all happened so quickly; her dreams shredded with two words, the name of a different hopeful pledge.

Jade felt sick; her stomach was turning over and her whole body felt weak. Only thinking of the moment threatened the fall of another tear. But as the morning travelled towards midday she started to settle down, letting some rational thought enter her mind. The hurt and pain still lingered but less overwhelming than previously. She had spent the entire morning wallowing in self pity but for what. It wasn’t going to change the outcome; it wasn’t going to be productive and Jade knew that she needed to think about her future.

In a weird way she wasn’t even surprised by the outcome, by the fact that Iris had been chosen over her. It seemed destined that Iris would be the one chosen to join the sisterhood, only Jade hoped that she might find a way in as well. Throughout their childhood, school life and everywhere, Iris had always been the more outgoing natured out of the two of them. Her twin sister seemed to find socialising and making friends easy, a natural process. She was always popular, no matter where she went. People just seemed to instantly like her.

Jade had always found it far more difficult. Often when joining new friendship groups she started off in them as tagging along with her sister. Only after a while of settling in did people seem to grow closer to her, to see her as a true friend they could confide in. Regularly, Jade knew she grew better friendships in the long term than her sister, but it took a lot longer than a single month. She considered all of her friends she had left behind at school. She’d spent three hours last night talking to one of them; she couldn’t imagine Iris confiding in anyone but her in that way.

All of her life, Jade had been told how identical Iris and her were. It was to be expected as identical twins, especially when they had similar style choices, similar hobbies and the same friends. However, on closer inspection, they could be very different. Iris could happily host a party and invite a hundred guests, whereas Jade would much prefer four or five close companions to share an evening with. Jade knew her sister was the quick thinking, fun drinking, and party animal out of the pair. She, on the other hand, was the intelligent, friendly, enjoyable but slightly reserved counterpart. In a social environment like a house filled with fifty young girls for a relatively short period of time, Jade wasn’t surprised that Iris gave a better impression.

Jade didn’t feel that Iris deserved it any less, or that the sorority necessarily made the wrong choice, but it hurt nonetheless. In a way, it was almost like jealousy, despite the fact there would be very little she would choose to change about her past. What now though? That was the question that Jade had to consider. What could she do now that she had been turned down? What was plan B? She couldn’t go crying to her mother like a child. This was her life, and although it had knocked her down, Jade was ready to get back up

No matter what the next step in her life was, Jade knew she would get nowhere by lying in bed. She forced herself up and got dressed. Looking in the mirror and seeing her dressed and looking far less of a mess made her feel brighter. The blotchy eyes were gone and stood in front of her was a respectable woman, ready for the next challenge in life. Her phone rang.

Jade picked up the phone and looked at the number. She certainly didn’t recognise it instantly. Tentatively she answered. “Hello.”
“Hi, is that Jade Miller?” a voice spoke. It sounded vaguely familiar to Jade but she couldn’t quite place it.
“Yes, I’m Jade,” she answered.
“Great, this is Monica, president of the sisterhood,” the voice stated. Jade was shocked; why on earth was the president calling her now.
“Oh… Hi Monica, how can I help?” Jade asked shyly.
“Well… This is a bit of an unusual situation. This morning Cat Johnson, one of our pledges, has decided she no longer wishes to pledge our society. This is the first time this has happened for quite a while. As the eleventh voted pledge, I wanted to see if you would still be interested in joining our sorority?” Monica explained.
“Yes!” Jade shouted a little bit too quickly, “I mean… I would love the opportunity. Why has Cat pulled out?”
“I will explain everything shortly. Can you get to the house within the next hour? I need to run a lot of things by you,” Monica queried.
“I’ll be there in about thirty minutes,” Jade replied.
“Superb.” The phone hung up instantly. Jade looked into the mirror. Somehow, someway, she had another chance.

Jade stood staring at the house once more. It was a building she never thought she would get another chance to enter, her chance lost for good. She gleefully walked the full length of the garden and knocked on the door. Emotions were flooding through her body. She was excited, nervous, blissful, hesitant and looking forward to seeing Iris again. Only a second after she knocked, the door was swung open revealing the president’s stern face.
“Follow me, quickly,” Monica ordered and turned around leading Jade through the house. As they walked through the lounge and into the dining room, she was surprised to see none of the other pledges. As they entered the dining room, Jade was taken aback. The tables were all gone and the chairs stacked in the corner. The room seemed somehow darker than usual as well. Monica led Jade into the center of the room and stopped to face her.

“OK. I need to check that you still are certain that you want to pledge this sorority?” Monica asked.
“I am. I want nothing more.”
“Good, then it is my duty to welcome you to pledge week,” Monica stated, “We had the official ceremony last night before Cat dropped out this morning. The first thing I must state is this; although you were eleventh in the list of pledges, that doesn’t make you any less deserving of a place. You are now a pledge of this sorority and will be treated entirely equal.”
“That’s good to know,” Jade said a bit relieved. Monica held a hand up to her to instantly shush her.
“During this conversation, I only want you to talk when asked something. The same was in place for everyone else last night and although this is a little bit away from the usual tradition, I want it to go as smoothly as possible,” Monica explained. Jade nodded to indicate she understood.

“You have fortunately been spared a lot of the theatrics of the last evening but you still need to know exactly how everything in this sorority works over the next week. This was too much for Cat which is why she made her choice. If after I have said everything, you choose to leave, that is your decision, but there are no second chances if you do. Understand?”
“Yes Monica,” Jade answered, but in reality she was getting more scared by the second. What on earth was Monica going to tell her that could cause someone to leave after working so hard to get to this stage?

“You need to realise that everything that led up to this point in time was friendly introductions and rush culling. These were the easy parts of initiation and the boring bit. That isn’t the case anymore and the coming week is the true initiation into our sorority where you can truly become a sister of the sorority. I’ll be honest and tell you it will be tough, confusing and may change the way you think about yourself. Hopefully you will find it enjoyable. If not, the door is always open, but remember, if you leave, you may not return,” Monica informed her. Jade nodded her understanding again.

“During the ceremony, each pledge drew three pieces of paper. The pieces of paper would contain the names of one sophomore, one junior and one senior member of the sorority. These girls are the big sisters of each pledge. You will be adopting the names picked out by Cat last night. These big sisters will be yours for the rest of your life, but for this week they are far more. They are your guides and your masters. If you have any questions or problems you can talk to any of them. In exchange you will be completely under the control of your big sisters. Anything they ask of you, from the mundane to the most difficult of tasks you must complete. Any refusal to follow orders is grounds for the potential expulsion of you from the sorority. There will also be organised activities with your big sisters later in the week. Do you understand so far?” Monica questioned.

“Yes,” Jade answered, trying to process everything she had just been told. It was all incredibly intimidating, and as far as Jade understood, it meant she had to do everything that three older girls told her to do in the next week, or she would be kicked out of the sorority. It was starting to become clear how Cat might have been scared off.

“Right, as you know, we only have nine sophomore girls in that year, which means that one of them will have two little sisters this week. It just so happens that the girl who has two pledges to guide will be one of your big sisters. This girl is Olivia Walker, but she prefers to be called Liv. Your junior sister is a girl called Mia Close, not sure if you know her. Finally your senior sister is none other than me. That means that I am your big sister. You still may not fully understand what I meant when I said that you must do whatever asked by a big sister so I will make a demonstration, as is tradition. You are my little sister. Do you understand?” Monica asked.

“Yes, I understand,” Jade replied. She was very confused by everything, and a little surprised to find out the president had been selected as one of her three big sisters.
“Good, then I demand that you give me a kiss,” Monica said. Jade was shocked.
“Wait… what… are you joking?” Jade stammered. Monica gave her a stern look.
“I am not joking. This is a demand. If you fail to do as is requested, we have grounds to remove you from the sorority,” Monica stated firmly. Jade was in a stunned silence; she saw in the devious eyes of the president that she was deadly serious, that if she paused for too long she could be kicked out. Having been thrown a life line in the last seconds, she wasn’t ready to discard it so quickly. After all, it was only a kiss.

Jade leaned in, tilted her head and locked her lips with the president’s. At first, Jade was incredibly nervous, but as the president’s hands fell onto her hips and pulled her in, she relaxed slightly. The president knew exactly what she was doing and as she felt the tip of Monica’s tongue press against her lips, she instantly gave way to allow it access. She was lost in the moment, her nerves faltering and inhibitions kicking in, a flame ignited. The flame caused her to melt into the moment and soon she was pushing back with her own tongue. It felt passionate; it seemed natural, all other thoughts leaving her head to make room for the president. It was the first time that Jade had passionately kissed another woman, but in that moment, she didn’t want it to end.

When eventually Monica broke the kiss, Jade felt in a dazed state of bliss. The kiss had excited her body and somehow removed her doubt. “Well done Jade; I have to say you’re a natural. I look forward to doing that again soon,” Monica said, biting her lower lip as she finished. Jade blushed at the president’s comments, embarrassed by how she had embraced what had just happened.

“So remember for the future, no delays, only obey. I hope you now understand exactly how things work, especially considering what a good job you just did. I must inform you that for the entirety of the week, there are two other very strict rules that must be abided by. Firstly, as you may have already noticed, all of the blinds are to be closed at all times. That is to protect the pledges’ dignity, as the second rule is that all pledges must be naked at all times during the week. That rule is enforced the moment you agree to take the final place in our sorority. Do you agree?”

Jade considered everything she had just been told. She was shocked; she knew that to continue, she was required to strip right now in front of the president and remain that way for the entire week. It made complete sense now why Cat had decided to leave the sorority. It was a massive decision to take on. Then Jade thought of the other nine girls, especially Iris. If they could do it and her sister could do it, surely she could as well. She was just as tough as her twin, and she was ready to prove it. “I agree,” Jade stated.

The second the words left her mouth she didn’t hesitate. The feelings of being turned down and her possible reclusiveness were still bubbled up inside. She wanted to prove herself, prove exactly how strong she truly was. In just two swift motions, her t-shirt and jeans were on the floor. Her bra was quickly unclipped and landed on the pile exposing her breasts and light pink areolas to the cool air. Only then did she hesitate slightly, but it wasn’t for long. Taking one more look at Monica, who seemed fairly surprised by Jade’s instant acceptance, she discarded the last barrier protecting her dignity.

She glanced back to Monica who was now looking over her body gleefully. Jade wasn’t sure why she wasn’t trying to hide herself, maybe because she knew Monica would tell her to move her hands anyway, maybe because she kind of liked the idea of the president enjoying the sight of her, but something was stopping her. Despite the awkwardness, she stood there, waiting for Monica to say something, still smiling about getting another chance, even if it wasn’t what she expected.

“Good job Jade, I’m glad you accept the role. You can go upstairs and see your room if you like. We will have your belongings moved across during the day and we will send these clothes up shortly. Don’t be surprised when you see nine other girls walking around the house without clothes; they’re all in the same situation and everyone else is here to support you,” Monica said.
“Thank you for giving me the chance,” Jade replied.
“It wasn’t up to me; it’s how the sorority voted,” Monica stated.
“Thank you anyway,” Jade said before turning towards the door.

“One last thing Jade, before you go. As you are replacing Cat, you will also be taking her room and we can’t change people around as everyone else has unpacked and settled in. That means that you will be sharing a room with Iris.”

My stories

Sorority Sisters by Blood -- Complete
Reclamation -- Sequel Ongoing


Lien's Lesbian Submission -- Ongoing Spinoff

Binding Connections -- Complete

Strapon contest with consequences -- Unfinished

Last edited by sarahsarah; 07-03-2016 at 10:59 AM.
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Old 07-03-2016, 08:33 AM   #18
Joan Sky
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Originally Posted by joansky View Post
I wonder what will happen next and if there will be a twist.
Nice twist

I still relate to her (and am proud of how gracefully she was taking it), but yeah, I understand how she felt.

So yeah, I can't wait to eventually see her interactions with Mia.

And video night (with her 'roommate').

Last edited by Joan Sky; 07-03-2016 at 08:35 AM.
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Old 07-05-2016, 05:40 AM   #19
getDare Sweetheart
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Originally Posted by joansky View Post
Nice twist

I still relate to her (and am proud of how gracefully she was taking it), but yeah, I understand how she felt.

So yeah, I can't wait to eventually see her interactions with Mia.

And video night (with her 'roommate').
Thank you for the continued feedback. I do try to make characters believable and relatable whenever possible.

You will have to wait and see. I am hoping not to create a similar copy to my first story so it will be playing out a lot differently in the future.
My stories

Sorority Sisters by Blood -- Complete
Reclamation -- Sequel Ongoing


Lien's Lesbian Submission -- Ongoing Spinoff

Binding Connections -- Complete

Strapon contest with consequences -- Unfinished

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Old 07-05-2016, 06:43 AM   #20
Joan Sky
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Originally Posted by sarahsarah View Post
Thank you for the continued feedback. I do try to make characters believable and relatable whenever possible.

You will have to wait and see. I am hoping not to create a similar copy to my first story so it will be playing out a lot differently in the future.
Of course

I will try not to be redundant.

That sounds promising. Hope so too.

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Old 07-05-2016, 11:26 AM   #21
getDare Sweetheart
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as usual Sarah, you are doing it again. Great intro on the characters. i can't wait to see what else happens in the story
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Old 07-07-2016, 04:44 PM   #22
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Chapter 4

Jade quickly made her way up towards her room. She noticed a naked girl in a conversation with an older sister and it quickly relieved her, knowing that all of the pledges were going through with this situation. It made a lot of sense why this could have caused Cat to leave, but after everything that Cal had told her about this sorority, about the great sisterhood it could be, a little bit of embarrassment wasn’t going to discourage her this quickly.

Jade walked down past the doors on the side of the corridor, reading each name as she went by. Finally, she found the room she was after. The door still had Cat’s name on it, along with her sister’s, but Jade knew it was her room. Not just by what Monica had said, but half her belongings had already arrived and were sat on the floor and one of the beds. Miraculously the bed was already made and Jade sat down on it and stared around her new home.

A tear formed in the corner of her eyes; she had actually made it to the place she dreamed of. Jade didn’t care if it had been by a weird technicality, by the fact that another girl wasn’t up to the challenge. All that mattered was that she was here, and it was one of the happiest feelings Jade had ever experienced.

The door to the room opened and three of the older sisters of the sorority walked in holding the rest of her belongings. Jade smiled to them and thanked them for bringer her stuff. She recognised each of the girls from her month of culling. Two of them were senior girls, Sophie and Louise. Both of them nodded in acknowledgement to Jade before dropping her things, smiling and quickly leaving. The other girl was a junior girl who had always seemed really friendly when Jade had talked to her during culling. She never seemed to be that wild but still quite fun and incredibly smart; she’d even helped her with some work she’d been struggling with at one point.

Unlike the senior girls, Becky lingered after dropping off Jade’s belongings. She stood in the doorway smiling, not being able to resist having a quick look over the new pledge’s body. “So Jade, I’m glad to see you back, not that I wanted to see Cat go. We aren’t meant to say this, but I scored you really highly in the voting, thought you were a superb fit for the sorority. Not to mention you have a stunning body,” Becky stated, grinning.

“Umm… Thanks,” Jade replied, her cheeks going a light shade of red and her hands naturally moving to cover her breasts.
“No point doing that love; I’m going to see plenty of them in the next week,” Becky said, letting out a light chuckle. Jade lowered her arms, knowing what the junior girl was saying was almost certainly true.
“How does the voting work?” Jade asked, intrigued.
“Sorry, but I’m not allowed to tell you that. Hopefully you’ll find out for yourself this time next year. I really do hope you settle in well, and I know Monica probably gave you the aggressive run down of what’s expected this week,” Becky said. Jade nodded in response. “Well, it isn’t as bad as Monica probably made it sound. For most people, it’s actually a lot of fun.”
“That’s good to know,” Jade responded. Given how the last hour had gone, she was still quite nervous about the week ahead.

“I’m assuming that you are getting Cat’s older sisters now she has gone?” Becky asked.
“Yeah, Monica said that was what would happen,” Jade replied.
“OK, that’s the main reason I wanted to talk to you. You’re junior sister is Mia right?”
“Yeah. Cal told me quite a bit about her, but I don’t think I’ve met her properly though…”
“You won’t have,” Becky cut her off. “Mia is almost certainly my best friend in the sorority. We were roommates for the last two years. However, she hasn’t been involved much lately unless she has had to be. I understand her situation, but it is a little bit unusual.”
“Why? What happened?” Jade asked. Becky let out a small sigh.
“That isn’t for me to tell, but she hasn’t been her usual self lately. If anything, she used to be the life of the party, but recently, you’re lucky if you see her for more than a few seconds,” Becky said. Jade listened intently; she could almost hear a sadness radiating out of Becky’s words, like even talking about it was painful. She wondered what could have actually happened. “Anyway Jade, what I wanted to say, is that if you need someone to talk to, a big sister to say and don’t really want to talk to Monica and can’t talk to Mia, feel free to come to me about anything.”

Jade smiled; it was such a caring gesture. Even when she could see some sort of sadness running through this girl, she was offering to help her out and adjust to the sorority. “Thank you very much. I really appreciate it. If you ever want to talk to me, not that you would, I’m more than happy to listen.” Becky gave a quick smile.
“One piece of advice, especially with your older sisters, is to be ready for anything and keep an open mind,” Becky said.

“Jade! Oh my fucking god! What!” the unmistakable voice of Iris exclaimed from the doorway. As Jade snapped around to see her sister, she was momentarily taken aback by the nude form of her twin beaming at her.
“Hey Iris, nice to see you again,” Jade replied coolly.
“How are you here? I mean…” Iris started excitedly.
“I’ll leave the two of you to it,” Becky said. She smiled at the two excited twins and made her way out of the room. As soon as they were alone, Iris ran at Jade eagerly and wrapped her arms around her sister’s body. It felt weird to Jade, feeling her sister’s naked body press against her own. In fact, it was probably the first time she had even seen her sister naked in over a year.

“So how come you’re here?” Iris asked enthusiastically. Jade pulled herself away from her sister’s hug and sat down on one of the beds. Iris sat opposite her, the smile somehow seeming to grow further. Jade was struggling to take her eyes away from Iris’ body. It seemed so strange to see her in this way, especially considering how comfortable her sister seemed to be in that state.

“Well, Cat, your old roommate has dropped out. Apparently I was eleventh on the list of pledges, so I got a call off Monica today asking me to join. So, here I am,” Jade explained quickly.
“Yeah, she seemed really upset when they asked us all to strip last night. She was very hesitant and reluctant,” Iris stated.
“Unlike you I see,” Jade taunted, “You seem to have adapted quickly.” Iris let out a quick laugh.
“Well, you know me… I’m pretty much up for anything. I doubt it’s the only thing we’ll have to do this week.”
“What do you mean?” Jade asked.
“Well, Monica also got Cat to kiss her last night, and implied that she might have to do more later in the week. The whole rule of doing anything that your older sisters say as well. Whatever it is though, I’m sure the two of us are up for it,” Iris explained.
“I had to kiss her earlier as well, as a demonstration. I have to say, she was a really good kisser,” Jade said, her cheeks reddening slightly as the words came out.
“Oh yeah,” Iris said, raising her eyebrows suggestively before laughing. That was it; the two girls were back to being as comfortable as ever. They chatted, joked, and arranged the room how they wanted it. They discussed what might be coming next and just relaxed. Iris told Jade who her older sisters were. They were Jenny, the gymnast who was friends with Cal, a sophomore girl called Dana and the treasurer of the sorority, Natalie.

The two girls talked for hours until they were interrupted by a sophomore girl. “Hey there, you need to make your way down to the dining room. The second day of pledge week is about to begin. Nice to see you again Jade; glad you made it in the end,” Rhea said happily. She turned and left to make sure all the other rooms were empty. Jade and Iris stood up and together, walked downstairs and into the dining room. Almost all of the other girls were already there. Jade paused for a moment as she saw what awaited her. All of the older girls had formed a circle around the room and in the middle there was a group of naked freshman. It took her a moment to realise that she was also stripped like the rest of them. Only when Iris tugged her arm, she made her way over to join the group.

A few of the freshman greeted her warmly and congratulated her on joining them in the sorority. Jade looked around the older sisters. They were talking amongst each other, paying no attention to the obvious abnormality in the room. The last stragglers of older sisters walked into the room and took their places in the group. Only then did Monica begin to speak.

“Good evening ladies. A quick announcement before we begin with the formalities. As many of you may already have noticed, Cat has decided to discontinue with pledging this sorority. This is obviously a disappointment as we don’t like to lose any sisters. However, we now have the honour of welcoming back Jade to the group, and I’m sure she will become a phenomenal sister to us all,” Monica declared. Jade went red as all of the sisters turned to stare at her.

“Now, back to pledge week. Jade, please come forward,” Monica said, indicating for her little sister to join her at the front of the room. All eyes in the room followed Jade as she nervously wandered across to the president. She stopped in front of the older girl and awaited instruction.
“Well done, I’m glad you’ve learned the way so quickly,” Monica said, giving a light smile. “Welcome everybody, to the second day of pledge week. I do hope you all managed to get some rest last night. You may feel a little confused at the moment, or even a little bit… excited,” Monica said, adding an edgy undertone to the last word.

“All of you probably have many questions, and as the loving sisters we are, we have decided that your questions will be answered. Tonight, for the first time, you will be guided by one of your older sisters. You will have the chance to ask her anything that you wish to know, but as you already know, you must obey her every demand. Jade here, will be selecting which older sister that is,” Jade explained and left a pause to allow everyone to mull over her words.

“How do I select a sister?” Jade asked nervously. Monica’s authoritative tone and demeanour made her uneasy, almost scared of the president and the power she had. She somewhat wished she had a different senior sister, but knew that at least Monica probably could tell her everything she wanted.
“That is a good question Jade,” Monica replied and picked up a small bowl from the pile of chairs nearby. “There are three pieces of paper in here. You will select one and then read it.” Jade quickly reached into the bowl and picked out a piece of paper. She wanted the attention to be away from her as quick as possible. She hurriedly opened the small slip.

“The paper says juniors,” Jade said loud enough for everyone to hear. The comment was met by noise from all sides. The junior girls seemed to be celebrating whereas everyone else seemed a little bit dejected.
“That’s a shame,” Monica stated, “I hope you junior girls have a great time.” On that note, Monica left the room, followed by a stream of seniors and sophomores. At that point, the pledges waited as one by one the junior girls came over and took hold of a freshman. Jade watched as Jenny walked across and took Iris’ arm, almost seeming to double check she actually had the right twin before leading her from the room.

Becky walked over and led a girl called Holly out towards the lounge. Only a minute or so later, Jade realised she was in a dilemma. Nine junior girls came over and led nine freshmen out of the room. However, Mia was nowhere to be seen. Jade was the only person left standing in the dining room, naked and alone. What was she supposed to do now? Her older sister wasn’t here. She considered going to find Monica and asking the president, but she didn’t really want to inconvenience the strict girl. She thought back to what Becky had said about going to her for advice. However, she had already departed with another pledge.

Jade knew that she had questions, and she certainly wanted them answering, but what could she actually do about it. Another minute passed and Jade still hadn’t moved. She had initially thought that somebody might realise and come for her, but everyone had already left in one way or another. She knew that Mia had barely been present at anything over the last month, but for some reason, she had still expected her older sister to turn up for something like this. What the hell could have happened to make her abandon all of it. Cal had talked about this girl as if she was a legend. Apparently her and her older sister had been part of what had made Cal’s experience at the sorority so great.

How could a girl go from the life and soul of the sorority to almost nonexistent within it? Whatever the answer was, Jade knew that she needed to find it out. In her mind, there was only one way that could happen. She had to find Mia.
My stories

Sorority Sisters by Blood -- Complete
Reclamation -- Sequel Ongoing


Lien's Lesbian Submission -- Ongoing Spinoff

Binding Connections -- Complete

Strapon contest with consequences -- Unfinished

Last edited by sarahsarah; 07-09-2016 at 05:22 AM.
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Old 08-04-2016, 09:36 AM   #23
getDare Sweetheart
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Fantastic as always Sarah. Please keep up the good work
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Old 08-26-2016, 07:09 AM   #24
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Chapter 5

As Jade wandered through the living room she could feel the countless eyes curiously following her steps. She tried to ignore the attention and focus on what she wanted to achieve. Logically, she knew Mia had to be in her room, which fortunately was labelled on the top floor. Her feelings and emotions appeared as a messy ball; the fear and nerves combined with excitement and topped off with annoyance that she was the freshman with a sister who didn’t care.

Other than the obvious whispers and pointing as she made her way past older sisters, the journey to Mia’s room was uneventful. That is, until she reached the top floor and caught a glance of Sakiya pulling a freshman girl, Isabella, into a passionate kiss and dragging her into the bathroom at the end of the corridor. Jade smiled and paused briefly as confirmation of what events were meant to be occurring settled in. She continued the last few steps and hesitated as she stared at the door, focusing on the two short names. Mia Close. This was it she thought; this was the moment of truth. She had been told so many stories about this girl, yet everything that had happened so far did not fit in. She wanted to meet the daring, courageous, loving sister who was the life of the sorority, and not whatever she had seen so far.

After a long pause, Jade raised her hand, formed a fist and knocked three times on the door. She waited but was greeted by complete silence. Again, she knocked on the door, this time harder. Jade was greeted by the same dead calmness. Jade, not wanting to quit, knocked again. “Mia, I know you’re in there. Open the door, please.” Jade waited, and eventually she heard some shuffling on the other side of the door.

Jade was greeted by a tired, frowning and seemingly frustrated Mia. “Look Jade, I know I’m meant to be your older sister, but now is not a good time. Just go to your room and leave me be,” Mia commanded. Jade didn’t move. She stared the older girl down; trying to read what was going on, hoping to pick up an inkling of what had caused her to act like this.

“I was always told you were a pillar of this sorority, yet you won’t even talk to me, guide me, and do what is expected? If not, at least have the respect to tell me why, why you won’t help me out, why you’re being so isolated, ignoring me and every other new sister. Show me the slightest bit of value for at least a few minutes and stop being a selfish bitch!” Jade snapped. The last word came out bitter, losing patience by the second.

Mia looked taken aback, shocked. Slowly she stepped to the side and allowed the steaming freshman into her room. Jade quickly looked around at the posters, the bed, and the desk. Everything was neat but somehow seemed a mess. The atmosphere seemed strange, that there wasn’t quite a harmony in the room. Mia pointed to the bed and Jade perched herself on the end. Mia quickly closed and locked the door behind them before sitting at the desk.

Jade watched as the junior sister rummaged through the draws at her desk, pulling out the occasional things. “So…” Jade started but immediately Mia held up a hand to silence her.
“Don’t talk, just wait,” Mia ordered. Jade went back to trying to assess the girl in front of her. Her emotions were beginning to settle, almost to the point that she felt guilty for calling her a bitch. Mia continued to rummage, grabbed a couple of items, before finally turning to face Jade.

“You’re right, completely and utterly right. I have been selfish, I may have even been a bitch, and you need to know why that is. First and foremost though, I need to talk about tonight, and why I felt that I didn’t need to be there. I was happy when I found out that you were my little sister as it meant I didn’t need to be there tonight. The first night is when the older sisters explain and demonstrate what the main… activities… of the sorority are.

“You are an intelligent and intuitive woman Jade, and I’m fairly certain that you already know what happens behind closed doors in this sorority, and in fact, I’m fairly sure that you have already come to terms with it and accepted it. You have been sat naked in my room for the last five minutes, and not once have you made any attempt to cover up or hide your body from me. You know that there is no point, that everyone has seen it and that we can just ask to anyway. So, before I explain my reasons for my distance and isolation, let me ask you a few questions. I will give you a chance to ask anything you want later on. Understood?” Mia asked and Jade simply nodded trying to take in everything that she had just been told. Mia had complimented her so much, told her that she already understood but it still didn’t make sense. “So, Jade, what do you know about this sorority?”

Jade thought before answering. “It is more than a regular sorority. I had figured that out a long time before joining. Cal told me many things but despite her being vague, there were a lot of undertones, and many of them seemed sexual. She talked about being daring, the closeness of the group, pushing each other and the close bonds. I had a feeling, even before the first evenings and during that first month. This is a lesbian sorority.”

“That isn’t quite true,” Mia stated, “Many of the girls here are lesbians, or have become lesbians, but not all of them. I, myself, am not a lesbian. I would probably class myself as bisexual. However, you are right for the most part. This is a very sexual sorority and I’m certain, you’ve already accepted that you will be expected to perform sexual acts this week.” Jade nodded again. She hated to admit it, but she had come to terms with it, and mostly, she was excited. She had always thought she preferred women, but had never actually become too intimate with one. “So with that in mind Jade, what do you expect to be doing this week?”

“Well…” Jade hesitated. What did she expect to be asked to do this week, what would she be willing to do? Only after hearing the question asked did she actually even consider it at all. “… I guess whatever is expected of me. I feel that I might be asked to perform sexual acts with my sisters or in front of them. I don’t exactly know what that will include, but I’m ready to try it. I may come across as shy, but I might be one of the most adventurous girls out there once I have a chance to show it.”

“That’s exactly what I thought Jade. I was gutted when I first heard the list of ten girls and found out you had just missed out. I had voted for you as my number one pick, with your sister high up as well. As soon as I saw you, I felt you were a natural member of this sorority. You seemed brave, friendly, and loyal and you reminded me a lot of my roommate from the first two years. I don’t know if you’ve met Becky yet but she was similar. She was shy on the outside, but inside beat the heart of a lion.”

“As for what you will be asked this week, yes you will probably be getting to know your sisters more than the majority of you could possibly imagine. Some of it might be rough as well; I’ve seen your other older sisters and I’ve seen your roommate…” Mia continued.

“Wait! What!” Jade exclaimed cutting the older sister off. “I’m going to have to do stuff with Iris. She’s my actual sister. I can’t do anything with her.”
“Shush,” Mia whispered, “You can worry about that if or when it arises. I thought the same when I was in my freshman year but I managed it. It’s amazing the strength of character you can build within these walls and the relationships you form.”
“You did stuff with your sister?” Mia questioned.
“That discussion is for a completely different time. Just be aware and open, and let your heart take it where it wants to go. When in doubt you will always find support, even in places often unexpected.”

“OK,” Jade relaxed briefly before becoming serious, “That still doesn’t explain it. Why have you been distant, why did you leave me on my own, why did you let everyone else leave with a sister to guide them yet leave me in the wilderness? Cal talked of you like a freshman legend. You solved the ongoing conflict with the seniors in your first week; you pushed the boundaries of what was even possible within these walls. You’ve done things sisters could only dream of apparently. So if that is all true, then why the hell is this the first time I’ve been able to speak to you properly since arriving. Is it me, is it that you’ve lost interest. What is your god damn problem?” Jade could feel her temper rising.

Mia’s face dropped. Jade could sense the sadness and disappointment in the girl, could tell she had struck some kind of nerve. “It has nothing to do with you,” Mia began in a low voice, “Well at least for the most part. However, I feel you do deserve to know the truth. Over the last few weeks you will have obviously noticed that there are only twenty nine older sisters in this sorority, even though there should be thirty. The reason for that is entirely my fault. I have a problem and until that moment, I never even considered it a problem, especially after talking with my sister.” A tear ran slowly down the cheek of Mia.

“You see, when in a sexual scenario, when I get really aroused, a sort of… well we call it a fog, descends. It seems to cloud my sense of judgement and in that state, I lose almost all self control of my body and I let my sexual emotions take complete control. In this state, I have done many things and a lot of them, as Cal mentioned to you, pushed the boundaries of the sorority. I had a system to check everything that happened in this scenario was all fine. At the end of whatever had occurred, I asked three questions that my sister had taught me. Firstly, did I or anyone else get hurt? Secondly, did everyone involved want this to happen? Finally, was it fun for everyone involved?

“Up until February this year, the answer to all three of those questions had always been yes, and I loved every second of being involved in this sisterhood. That all changed in one quick night. I was with my freshman sister that night and as it had many times before, the fog had descended and the acts that I desired in that moment took place. Unfortunately this time, when the fog rose, and my arousal subsided the girl next to me wasn’t happy, but had tears flowing down her face. This time, when I asked those three questions, the answer to every single one of them was no.”

Mia took some deep breaths as tears now dropped freely on her cheeks, the memory clearly causing some anguish. Jade got up to try and comfort her but Mia shook her hand and head at her. “No, let me finish.” Jade nodded and sat back down, not sure she even wanted to hear the conclusion.

“Well, I knew I had crossed the line in that moment. I had pushed the small girl past her limits and had done it without her wanting to. I tried to comfort her, I tried to apologise to her. I tried everything I could in that moment to make her feel better but nothing seemed to work. I heard her get up to leave that morning, but didn’t think anything of it other than the regret for the previous night. I assumed she’d gone back to her room, gone to talk to her roommate, maybe even to Asuka. She was our president last year and always willing to provide support.

“However, I was very wrong. That morning she did go to her room after leaving mine, but she only went to pack. I wasn’t there when she left the house, but she slammed the door and promised the girls she would never return. This is her,” Mia said handing a picture to Jade. Jade looked down at the image to see two naked girls smiling. One was obviously Mia and next to her was a small petite girl, clearly of Chinese origin. She was beaming in the image with the caption ‘Me and my brilliant big sister.’ Jade couldn’t believe something could have happened so quickly to change that feeling so brutally.

“This… is the note she left for me on the day she left.” Mia handed an old scruffy sheet of paper to Jade. She could see damp marks which had slightly smudged the words. Clearly Mia had read and cried into this sheet of paper a few times. However the words were still eligible:

My big sister Amelia,
I know you never intended to cause the pain of last night and I understand that it was probably out of your control at that point. Until that point, I loved you as if you were my actual sister, not just as a friend. I would have followed you to the end of the world.
I do not blame you for the events that occurred, but I don’t think I can cope with it. I don’t want to stay here after what happened. I feel hurt, physically, but mostly emotionally. It feels as if I’ve been let down by the person I trusted more than any other, and knowing that, I don’t think I can remain a part of this sisterhood.
I am going to be leaving today, and I have no intention of ever returning. I will need to move on from this and with my life, but I’m not sure I will be able to here. I will always remember you as what you were before that moment; my guide, my mentor, my loving sister, my true friend. I wish you all my love in the future.
Please never hurt anyone again, the way that you hurt me.
Your beautiful little butterfly,

Jade read and then reread the story, a tear forming on her own cheek as it tugged viciously on her heartstrings. The words hit hard, especially the last line. Jade couldn’t help but stare at the words as the deep feelings flashed through her. This girl had been hurt and hurt badly by whatever it was that Mia had done.

“My beautiful little butterfly,” Mia spoke softly, “I used to call her it all the time. She was so small, but dressed brightly and was majestically stunning. I have regretted that day for so long, and I think I have read that note every morning since it took place. Now you might see why I have been so distant. As Lien said, I can’t hurt anyone the way that I hurt her, never again. If that means taking a back seat and distancing myself from the other girls then so be it.”

“Are you fucking kidding?” Jade shouted. Mia jumped in shock and glared at the new freshman. Anger, adrenaline and a new purpose rose rapidly in Jade’s body. “One mistake, a mistake that you haven’t even told me about, and you’re going to let it ruin the rest of your life. You need to move on. I know this girl probably meant a lot to you, I know this hurt you, but it was over seven months ago and you need to get on with your life. You had been in this sorority, even a hero and inspiration to the girls here based on what I’ve heard, for a year and a half, and you want to strip that away over one incident.”

Mia, in total shock, stammered a response. “I… I can’t… what if I… you know… what if I do it again?”
“Listen to me,” Jade commanded, “Everyone in this sorority has forgiven you for what happened, everyone except for yourself. Becky wants her loving roommate back, the girls want their inspiration. I want a big sister that I can look up to every day that I’m here, not one that cowers away in her room. Tell me what happened that night. Tell me what has caused someone like you to change so dramatically.”

“I can’t. I haven’t told anyone the details; I don’t want to talk about it. It’s too painful. Not even my sister, not even Becky knows about what drove Lien to leaving.”
“Was it something you would expect to cause that reaction?” Jade questioned.
“No, but she couldn’t cope, she asked me to stop, I was too far gone and couldn’t…” Mia forced out.
“Fine, if you can’t tell me what happened, show me!”
My stories

Sorority Sisters by Blood -- Complete
Reclamation -- Sequel Ongoing


Lien's Lesbian Submission -- Ongoing Spinoff

Binding Connections -- Complete

Strapon contest with consequences -- Unfinished

Last edited by sarahsarah; 08-26-2016 at 11:55 AM.
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Old 08-26-2016, 08:09 AM   #25
getDare Sweetheart
Join Date: May 2012
Location: Indiana
Posts: 450

Wow talk about the anticipation to a chapter being at an all time high those words Show Me has me on edge to the next chapter anxiously awaiting
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Old 08-26-2016, 08:21 AM   #26
getDare Sweetheart
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One more comment after re-reading that last statement and the thought of what to come will put drugs like Viagra out of business no need to take those.
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Old 08-27-2016, 08:14 AM   #27
getDare Sweetheart
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And you're back. Fantastic as always
Likes: masterbation, cross dressing, risky, driving dares, nudity, bondage
Limits: small anal, shallowing myself, public, friends
NO - NOs : illegal, family, pain, poop, pee, perment damage, death
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Old 08-27-2016, 03:13 PM   #28
getDare Sweetheart
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Hi everyone.

Sorry that it took me so long before posting the latest chapter. I've been extremely busy with work due to starting a new role very shortly.
I may be struggling to update over the next few weeks, but after that I hope I will be able to much more regularly again.

I wanted to say thank you to those who have messaged me and supported me in that time and all my writing. I always try to read and reply to all messages regarding my story and all of them are valued massively.

If you have been reading, I would love to hear from you and know what you think, whether a reply on the thread or a private message. The support, advice and feedback I receive means a lot to me.

With Love,
My stories

Sorority Sisters by Blood -- Complete
Reclamation -- Sequel Ongoing


Lien's Lesbian Submission -- Ongoing Spinoff

Binding Connections -- Complete

Strapon contest with consequences -- Unfinished

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Old 10-07-2016, 02:43 PM   #29
getDare Sweetheart
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Chapter 6

Jade couldn’t help but notice the effect. Those two words seemed to instantly open up a locked gate into the heart of the older girl. In that second, a glint passed across Mia’s eyes, like she had just spotted a long lost treasure in the distance. Jade lowered her voice and repeated it. “Show me Mia. Show me what happened, let your feelings become free.”
“Are you sure Jade? If I do this, I can’t guarantee that I’ll be able to stop. I might hurt you; what if it happens again?” Mia’s plea sounded like a desperate attempt to stay strong, but Jade knew that she had breached the barrier.
“You won’t. I trust you, and you need to start to trust yourself. Now tell me what you want me to do.”
“OK, but please, if it feels but of hand, try to get me to stop before I lose myself. When I’m in my state it’s hard to stop me.” Jade smiled and stepped towards the junior sister. She caressed the cheek and brushed the hair back behind her ear, simultaneously brushing away the doubt along with it.

“OK darling, but be ready for a bumpy ride,” Mia hissed, a transformation overcoming her as she removed her robe revealing she was naked in her entirety. Jade almost melted into that voice. In that moment Jade saw a curvaceous goddess of femininity, elegance, sensuality and pure sexuality. The girl lowered herself gracefully onto the bed; even the crossing of her legs caused Jade’s heart to skip a beat. She lowered her arm into the leather bag beside her and pulled out a pair of black furry handcuffs.

“Come here Jade, give me a kiss,” Mia purred. The words carried Jade from her standing position into the grasps of Mia’s arms. She cupped the older girl’s exquisite face in her hands and pressed her lips firmly against Mia’s. They were unbelievably soft, warm and succulent. Jade could feel Mia’s body react and relax as they pressed together. Mia slid the long and willowy arms slowly and sensually around her and in the moment, Jade boldly pressed the tip of her tongue against her lips probing and hoping that they would part for her. They did just that.

That feeling pushed Jade’s body to the verge of an orgasmic eruption. Mia’s lips parted willingly as the girl welcomed the tongue into her mouth. Mia pulled the girl on to her back and embraced her tightly on the bed pulling her arms high above her head. Jade proved her tongue deeply into the pure velvet of Mia’s mouth, a cauldron of lustful hear and full of unlimited promise. The embrace around her tightened and Jade slid her hands around the back of Mia’s end, burying her hands in the soft locks of the beautiful hair. They didn’t stay there long as Mia pulled her arms sharply back over her head and held them firm.

Jade’s heart was thundering hard as she felt Mia’s tongue entwine around her own and enter her mouth. Mia cupped Jade’s right breast and moulded the supple flesh deeply and sensually with those long, sexy fingers. Massaging Jade with near expert eroticism and carnal seduction, Mia lightly pinched Jade’s now throbbing nipple causing her to exhale a tender moan deep into Mia’s moth. Mia then slid her hand off the breast and up behind Jade’s neck, cradling it firmly and pushing Jade harder and deeper into the kiss. Mia’s tongue overpowered hers and was now exploring the deepest recesses of her mouth.

Suddenly, Mia dropped her and off Jade’s neck and in an instant, placed it on her legs, gently caressing the thighs. Jade instinctively moved her hands to try protect her sensitive region but as she pulled her hands down they barely moved. Jade broke to kiss and glanced up to see her hands cuffed together with the chain looped through the head board. She hadn’t even felt Mia handcuff her, having been so absorbed in the kiss. Mia looked into the vulnerable girl’s eyes and gave a knowing smile as her hand continued to caress the smooth thigh.

Jade’s heart froze and she felt her pussy begin to boil, ache and spasm. Mia locked her once more in a wondrous kiss as her hand slid further up the inner thigh, her fingernails lightly grazing over the soft skin. Now Jade’s legs almost automatically opened to allow Mia as much access as she wanted. Mia’s lips pulled off slightly. “Good girl,” she hissed seductively. Jade could only moan in bliss response before she was pulled back into an embrace. Mia’s fingertips now flicked lightly over Jade’s slit causing the vulnerable girl to chirp in delight. Softly and incredibly sensually, Mia rubbed the delicate, highly sensitive and very moist folds and soon Jade was squirming in delight, as the illicit pleasure coursed through her pussy. “I’m going to cum,” Jade moaned, but on those words Mia’s teasing slowed.

Mia parted the kiss and looked deeply into Jade’s eyes. “You have such a sweet little mouth to be so blunt with it. You are a beautiful specimen me dear, but it is not yet time to let your spirit flow,” Mia teased.
“Please big sister...” Jade moaned.
“Don’t worry my dear; you will have a beautiful orgasm, but not yet.” Taking Jade’s mouth once more, Mia lowered her body on top of the girl and Jade wrapped her legs around the girl, revelling in the sweetness and heat of her mouth as their bodies rubbed sensually into each other. Mia grated her body against Jade’s then slowly lifted herself up and moved her beautiful breasts up to her face and rubbed the erect pink nipples across the pledge’s lips. Jade happily took the right nipple into her mouth.

“Oh yes, that’s right, suck on it baby. That’s a good girl,” Mia purred, Jade took the nipple deeper, battering the hard nub with her tongue. She felt the nipple grow impossibly stiffer as she worked hard on it. Mia repositioned herself, straddling Jade’s lap and now guiding her left nipple into the girl’s mouth. As Jade happily took it, Mia wetted her finger in her mouth, slid her hand down between their bodies and began to tease Jade’s slit once more. Slowly, she eased her finger into the awaiting pussy and began to quickly finger the younger girl.

“Is that okay babe?” she asked softly. Jade could only tenderly moan her ascent as Mia slowly pumped the finger inside her. Mia leaned back so the two girls could stare deeply into one another’s eyes as they swayed rhythmically. Jade leaned back further, her heart pounding, breathing accelerated and was still so overwhelmed with the orgasm on the near edge but not quite coming to fruition. “You like that honey?” Ma asked. Jade could only moan and nod. “Would you like another?” Mia asked and again Jade nodded.

Mia slid her finger from Jade causing Jade to groan with frustration. She returned it to her mouth and wetted not two but three fingers before moving her hand slowly back towards her. Slowly she slid two and then three fingers back inside the excited girl. Entering her body again, Mia kissed Jade softly on the lips as Jade’s body bucked furiously as she sucked in deep gasps. “Oh god,” she managed to choke out. Mia slowly pumped the fingers inside her, swaying slowly back and forth as she straddled Jade. She slipped in and out of the kiss, constantly teasing the helpless freshman, gazing deeply into her eyes to read her reactions to each movement.

“Lay back darling,” Mia whispered seductively as she lowered Jade flat onto her back. Jade felt Mia withdraw again and when her hand returned, all four fingers pushed into her soaking pussy. As the hand pushed in, Mia spun in a one eighty twist, finally straddling over the restrained girl’s head and lowering herself down onto Jade’s face. Mia used her other hand to spread Jade’s legs wider as she pushed her hand in and out. Jade didn’t hesitate to ravenously feast on the delicious, succulent pussy, swirling her tongue around her inner lips and probing deep within her. For reasons unknown to her, she became bolder and ventured north with periodic swiped of her puckered rosebud, lathering the tight sphincter with luxurious flicks of her tongue.

It did seem to catch Mia’s attention but then, suddenly, Jade was catapulted into a dimension of passion that she didn’t even realise actually existed. It started slowly, but it grew with such intensity that Jade was now struggling to provide Mia with the pleasure she wanted to give her. Mia had just pushed her thumb and the entirety of her hand into Jade’s awaiting pussy as her tongue had started to flick against Jade’s clitoris, and she was now slowly withdrawing and reinserting, eliciting moans of pure delight from Jade. Mia was making love to her in a way she had never experienced. It wasn’t just the fact that she had an entire hand in her or the phenomenal tongue, something she would never have dreamed of. It wasn’t just the way she was being pleasured. It was the way that Mia was truly savouring each second, deeply, emotionally, passionately, wanting. With every movement of that hand and tongue, every swirl and flick, Mia was relishing her, all of her.

She was so gently and so devoted despite the act, it was overwhelming in more than one way. Jade’s body bucked and convulsed wildly underneath Mia. “Cum for me darling,” Mia commanded. The orgasms came fast and they came furious, one after the other and Mia felt herself nearly dehydrating as Mia drank of the living essence of her body. She felt Mia buck and then the juices flow down onto her own face as the girl above her entered her own orgasmic bliss.

Finally, she rolled off the still cuffed girl onto the sweat and cum drenched sheets. Mia removed the cuffs and at that moment Jade couldn’t get to her fast enough. She literally pounced on top of the junior sister and plunged her tongue deep into her mouth as their hot and seething naked bodies entwined in a passionate lover’s embrace. Mia returned the kiss and their tongues replicated their bodies as Jade was completely engulfed in the embrace. They kissed, suckled, caressed, cuddled and lusted in those moments, and Jade relished every second of the girl’s contact. In that moment, she fell asleep in exhaustion.

It was late at night when she finally stirred and opened her eyes. Mia was still awake and her naked form sat at her desk staring at her laptop screen. She was looking at her emails and seemed completely transfixed in whatever it was that she was doing. Slowly, Jade rose from the bed and walked to Mia. She rested her hand and Mia’s shoulder causing the girl to jump slightly. Jade was shocked by what she saw; there were tears flooding down Mia’s face.

“Mia, talk to me. What’s wrong?” Jade asked, pulling the older sister into an embrace. It was nothing like the embraces from the previous night, but a hug of friendship and support. Mia just pointed to the screen where an email sat. Jade followed the finger and read the message to herself.

My beautiful little butterfly Lien,

I have been a fool, I have been an idiot, and I have been a bad sister. I pushed away one of the greatest things in my life with an act of selfishness and then I didn’t even try to make up for it.

I was scared; scared to make contact with you and try to resolve something that was entirely my own fault and my own making. I did something that hurt you and refused to stop when you asked me to and for this I don’t deserve any forgiveness. I knew it was beyond your limits, that you weren’t ready, but my rushed lust blew what should have been a loving moment. I proved to myself only tonight that it was me that caused it, not the action. The action could love but instead, with you it was hurt.

A butterfly needs to be cared for and nurtured, and I didn’t do that for you. I drove you away and then became an even worse sister as a result. I locked myself away and forgot about the true meanings of this sorority. I should have come for you straight away and tried to make this right, but instead I took the easy selfish route again.

I wanted to be your lover, your mentor, your big sister, and I would love to be that again. Please come home Lien even if you don’t wish to forgive me. You belong here and you belong within this sorority. You told me to never hurt anyone the way I hurt you. I never intend to again, but I now believe I know the right way to endure that is the case. I need you by my side, along with my other sisters.

I understand if this is too late, too much pain, but I do hope that one day, I can see your beautiful face again.

Your Big Sister and Apologetic friend

Jade could feel the tears in her own eyes, but then she noticed that there was a reply and it was only two lines long.

My darling Mia,

I really wish that it was possible and that the pain wasn’t too much. I will think about it but I have moved on and I’m not sure this is the right route for me anymore.


“I’m so sorry Mia,” Jade said as she wrapped an arm around the older girl. She could almost feel the girl’s pain. Actually, she didn’t have any idea, but she knew that there was a lot of hurt in Mia. “Thank you for tonight though, it meant a lot and that is the best orgasm I’ve ever had.”

“Jade, what you did for me tonight was amazing and you probably don’t even realise what it was. Let me speak for a while, because I need to get this off my chest. Lien was my younger sister last year as you might already know, and we had an amazing relationship. However, she was a very small girl, my little butterfly. What we did last night is what I did with her that night. However, she couldn’t take what happened. She begged me to stop, but I didn’t listen, I kept pushing harder, and I caused her pain. But the pain wasn’t the problem, well it was, but it was the emotional pain. I broke her trust because I couldn’t restrain myself.

“Tonight, I showed restraint, I was hesitant. I made sure you were OK before each step and was looking out for any kind of struggle. I know that I could have stopped myself if I need to. The last months, I did completely the wrong thing. I shut myself away from my sorority, my best friends, even my own sister. I thought it was the best thing to do. In doing so, I completely let everyone down and could have ruined your first night as a sister. I know you haven’t completed pledge week but you are a sister.

“Fortunately at least one of us in this room had the common sense and actions of a true sister. You pulled me out of my rut and I think I know the way forward. In being here for such a short time, you have been an incredible sister for me. I am incredibly happy that you enjoyed the events of last night, and it makes me almost certain that you will excel in this house, unless Monica manages to do something stupid, but you are a true sister of the sisterhood and now it is just a matter of time. Thank you Jade.”

Jade had no words; tears were now swelling and flowing. She pulled Mia into a massive hug which she hoped told her the words she couldn’t form. For some reason, despite thinking it was made for her, having initially missed out, Jade thought she didn’t belong. To hear a sister, and such a courageous sister tell her that, made her feel like she was where she needed to be.

“There is one more thing Jade. The sorority has pillars that we are supposed to teach you. On the first night a sister is taught how to love herself. If you are up for it, maybe I will show you how to pleasure yourself in ways you wouldn’t believe, and maybe you will have the second best orgasm of your life. Also, if there’s anything else that you want to ask of me, now is the time, but in actual sorority tradition, and following on from what Cal taught me, every question comes with a price. For any information you want, you will have to do something for me. Understand?”

“Yes,” Jade replied, “Is every freshman girl doing these things tonight?”
Mia smiled and sat back in her chair. “Sit back on the bed and play with your nipples.” She had missed this.
My stories

Sorority Sisters by Blood -- Complete
Reclamation -- Sequel Ongoing


Lien's Lesbian Submission -- Ongoing Spinoff

Binding Connections -- Complete

Strapon contest with consequences -- Unfinished

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Old 10-07-2016, 03:24 PM   #30
getDare Sweetheart
Join Date: May 2012
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Posts: 450

Well worth the wait what an awesome chapter
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