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Old 06-04-2009, 10:43 AM   #16
Angel of Dare
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Chapter 16.

I looked down at my pale blue top and white skirt, then back to Sasha. I felt the breeze bow up my skirt and it made me shiver.
‘Well, we’ll have to go up sometime’ I said shakily.
‘Not time like the present’ I took a deep breath then walked forward. The harness only made the bad situation worse; it chafed on my thighs and pushed my skirt up ever more.
I looked back into Sasha’s apologetic face and forced a smile.
The harness pushed into the skin of my crotch, leaving a gap for right in between my legs. It forced my skirt up, revealing the lower half of my butt and the same at my front. I figured the sooner I could get up, the sooner it’d be over.
I got to the rock face and looked up to see Rose smiling at me
‘It isn’t too hard, you’ll be up in no time’ she shouted down, looking like she actually felt sorry for me which was surprising.
I grabbed on to the closest ledge, stretching my leg to stable myself on the way up. I heard noises from the right of me when I noticed one of the other boys was strapping on his harness, and the other on my left. I sighed to myself before grasping another ledge sticking out and heaving myself up to the next foot hold. The boys caught up quickly and when I looked below I saw them trying to hide the fact they were looking up my skirt. I sighed to myself.
I’d contemplated waiting until they passed, but they stopped when I did.
I felt something hit the bottom of my ass cheek; I looked down before feeling nauseous from the height. I felt another stinging blow from my left. I turned and saw the boys swinging ropes from their harnesses aiming for me. They stopped seconds after I’d turned like I wouldn’t know it was them.
Boys are idiots, I sighed.
I grabbed another ledge above and launched myself up. I was beginning to struggle, and the boys were quicker than I.
The ropes hit me many more times and I was beginning to lack, my breathing laboured. I kicked small pebbles and shards of rock at the boys, missing mostly but making me feel better.
‘Stop it!’ I hissed
They just looked at each other and laughed.
I grumbled to myself and strained up ward reaching for the next ledge, the sunlight stung my eyes making me squint.
I bit my lip to keep from squealing as I was hit once more, this time with a hand. My eyes watered and I looked down to see the boys much closer to me now.
‘Leave me alone’ I said to them, quietly as to not draw the attention of the teenage assistant.
‘Why should we?’ One boy said smirking at me and winking.
‘Because, I... I said so’ I said pathetically, I turned reaching for the ledge once more, the sunlight blocked my view and I grasped at the air.
The boy on my left threw his hand against my butt with force I wouldn’t think possible from someone hanging on to a rock face.
The tiniest of screams escaped my lips, and I automatically turned to Stacey lounging below, luckily she hadn’t even noticed.
The boys were way too close now, their heads at my waist. They kept stroking my legs and spanking my butt, I finally reached the ledge and hauled myself up.
‘Get lost!’ I hissed at them, trying to sound threatening, but my voice cracked and I sounded desperate.
‘This is too much fun I’m afraid’ the one on my right said, his fingers reaching to between my legs.
I kicked at him, missed but he pulled his hand away.
I looked up and noticed Rose had disappeared, so instead I search for a new way to get up. I’d just passed halfway and it had given me hope.
I strained to climb higher, sweat beading on my forehead; I’d just decided I officially hated heights.
I turned to see the boys had almost silently got higher also, now their shoulders at the same height as my waist.
I felt a cold hand under my top, sneaking up my back, to the clasp on my bra. I twisted my body looking down at the boys laughing at me.
I grumbled to myself and pushed his hand away.
‘Idiots, stop now!’ I said feebly
They laughed ‘No way’
I again stretched my arms to pull myself higher, but the boys were quicker and less clumsy than I.
My arms hurt and the sun was making me head ache and my eyes hurt.
I felt a hand run from the back of my knee to just below my ass.
‘What are you doing?’ I frowned down at the boy on my right.
‘Not like you aren’t asking for it in that outfit’
He said smirking
‘And you wouldn’t want Stacey there to see now would you?’ He raised his eyebrow.
I sighed and pressed my face against the rock, I pulled myself up once more, securing my feet and getting closer to the top.
His hand continued and I no longer had the strength the tell him to stop as he wouldn’t listen, and I couldn’t afford being too loud.
I looked past them and notices Sasha was gone, my eyes searched to the edge of the trees to the other side where the lake lay silent. I didn’t have time to be confused and I was startled as the boys hand ran over my butt, pushing my skirt up even more, I felt the cold air and suddenly it dawned on me how vulnerable I was in this position. His hand roamed up my top once my, lingering at my bra clasp. My bra was a strapless one, so I could only hope he was just trying to scare me.
The boy to my left began his movement as well, I tried to climb to freedom but they were still faster than my pathetic attempts. I was nearly at the top, but they were quicker.
His hand hadn’t left my back and soon my bra had slipped out from under my top, I gasped and turned down to stare at him, begging with my eyes. He swung my bra around a few times before flinging it into the tree above Stacey.
I looked up again, attempting to dodge the sun, when I heard a loud giggle and realised that Rose was still about, and that maybe I didn’t want to see what she was doing above me.

Boop Boop de Boop.
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Old 06-04-2009, 02:07 PM   #17
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Chapter 17
I was closer now, to the top, so I tried to steady my breathing and concentrate. I gripped a ledge and pulled up once more, I heard a soft tearing noise and looked to see my V necked jumper’s thin material had torn on the rocks, making it a lot more V necked than it needed to be. I wanted to scream at whoever had made me so unlucky but I had a task.
I heard the boys’ chuckle below me but I was sure they couldn’t have seen me turn my jumper into a cardigan. If they had I decided I didn’t want to know, I tried to find spaces to steady my legs.
The sun glinted in my eyes once more making my head throb; I closed my eyes to attempt to clear my head, when I felt a finger slip through my surprisingly wet pussy lips. My eyes shot open and I flung my leg out kicking the air, I shivered involuntarily.
I took a deep breath and tried once more to climb up, though the sun hitting my eyes was making my head spin.
The boys had returned to spanking me harder and harder as if it was a competition, no wonder Sasha had escaped I thought.
I finally reached the top and I hauled myself over the edge before getting a head rush and flying face forward onto the dusty ground.
I stood and brushed myself off before finally yanking off the stupid harness and throwing it to the floor. I felt the sun on my back and I turned just in time to see one of the stupid boys climbing up, grinning right at me.
I turned to escape but he grabbed at my waist, I turned and shoved him down, I had the upper hand now seeing as I was on stable ground. Well, I did until his friend made it up.
I turned scanning my surroundings for Rose but she was long gone. I pulled the two separate halves of my now cardigan together and tried to look brave.
‘Listen, you guys need to grow up and stop being idiots’ I said to them, no longer afraid Stacey would hear, I doubted she even cared.
‘We were just having some fun’ the cocky one said stepping toward me.
I turned to walk away when I saw the path leading past the trees, I put my head high and tried to walk like I knew where I was going and that I wasn’t going to take any crap. Unfortunately I tripped over a rogue log, winding myself in the process. I lay over the log my butt sticking in the air. I didn’t realise until it was too late when the boys easily pulled off my cotton skirt that had no zipper or belt. I jumped up covering my privates the best I could still try to hold my top together.
‘Now, you give that back’ I said putting on a stern face.
They must have seen right through me because they laughed and ran off down the path that led down a bumpy downhill slope into the trees. My top was still connected by about two centimetres at the bottom and was long enough to cover half my ass and my pussy. I looked around and decided the safety of the trees was my only hope.
I could hear the boys laughing somewhere in the distance but they got quieter and quieter until I could hear them no longer.
I sighed to myself and thought this was one hell of a crazy camp.
I’d been wandering through the forest when I’d noticed the trees had got thicker and I couldn’t see what was left of the sunlight too well. I reached down, to get my phone when I realised I had no pocket, and either way I’d left it in my room.
A cold breeze ran through the trees, hitting my bare skin and making me shiver.
My fingers started to ache from clinging to my top so hard, I stretched my arms out and flexed my finger. My top blew open and my hair went wild in the wind. I tried to imagine how I’d look wandering half naked in the woods with wild hair. I heard noise behind me, sounds of footsteps and laughter. I jumped behind a large tree and hit in the bushes beneath it.
A group of loud teenage boys walked past, smoking what smelled like weed and drinking from glass bottles.
“That camp is that way” One of them said, his voice slurred.
I snuck my head out to see where he was pointing to; I leant back to my hiding place and stumbled, making a loud rustling noise. I froze as I heard them muttering and coming closer.
“Don’t bother it’s probably just some animal, we have places to go Danny!” One shouted and the footsteps retreated.
I swiftly jumped from my hiding place and legged it in the direction the boy had earlier pointed. The trees began to thin and I noticed that darkness had begun to encase the trees. When I got to the end of the trees, I slowed as I came out onto sand, it was almost pitch black, I could see the water to my right, the moon reflecting off it was eerie and made me feel a little worried.
I felt a drop of water hit my forehead and soon it was tipping it down with rain, brilliant, I thought to myself.
I turned away from the water in the direction I though the camp was, I found a path and followed it. The rain was oddly warm, but it didn’t stop it from making my thin blue jumper see through as it clung to my skin, outlining my body shape and making me very wary.
I carried on, following the path, trudging over the wet ground, I didn’t even care it was raining anymore, I just wanted to sleep.
I slipped on a muddy patch and yelled out. I lay on the floor for a while, I didn’t want to get up, I couldn’t find the strength but I knew I had to. I pulled my arms forward and began lifting my head up until I saw a pair of black hiking boots right in front of me. I was suddenly very aware of my lack of clothing. I looked up through my soaking hair, at this tall person framed by the moonlight. I squinted through the downpour of rain on my face and saw..

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Old 07-21-2009, 01:30 PM   #18
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Chapter 18
‘Charl?’ A familiar voice sounded to me from above.
Soon hands had pulled my upright; I was cold, wet, muddy and shivering.
‘What happened to you?’ I looked up into Lucas’ face and couldn’t help but smile, though it was hardly a smile with the way I was shivering, I hadn’t realise how cold I was.
‘I..I fell’ I struggled to speak through my chattering teeth.
He pushed me away and I was confused for a moment before he pulled his jacket of and then put it on me like I was a child.
I didn’t argue, the jacket felt hot against my skin.
‘I can’t leave you alone for one minute’ He said looking into my eyes, worried that I was ill, I could tell.
‘I’m f..f..fine’ I mumbled, trying to sound fine, and failing.
Suddenly my legs were swooped up from beneath me and I was cradled in Lucas’ arms.
‘I c..can walk you k..know’ I stuttered at him.
‘Sure, that’s why I found you on the floor’ He smiled at me, but not in a mean way.
‘I’m all muddy’ I moaned at him, I was beginning to warm up so it was hard to ask to be put down
‘Don’t be silly’ He chuckled and began walking through the tress toward camp, I looked up into Lucas’ face as the rain dripped off his nose, it made me laugh.
Soon we’d made it to my cabin; he brought me inside, through the corridor and to my room.
As he laid me on my feet the door opposite opened and Sasha jumped out
‘Oh Charlotte, I’m so sorry, I got dragged away by some boy, he said he wanted to show me something but we went into the forest and he disappeared. I’m sorry, I was going to help, I was!’ The words came out almost too quickly to understand, I looked into Sasha’s face and she looked like she was about to burst into tears.
‘Don’t worry, its fine really, calm down’ I said, forcing a smile.
I shivered again and Lucas piped up
‘She’s freezing I better get her to sleep’ he directed at Sasha
‘Oh of course’ She said directing another apologetic look at me before I shuffled into my room.
Lucas led me in, ‘Are you ok, you’re starting to go a little blue’
I thought he was joking but he looked at me in such a way I had to check in the mirror, I looked freezing, my hair clung to my face and eyes looked sunken. I was exhausted now I’d finally stopped moving and I took a deep laboured breath trying to keep my eyes open.
I turned slowly and it took my eyes a while to notice the neatly folded pile of clothes on my bed. I walked over the bed, my feet hardly leaving the ground as I picked up the small heart shaped note that lay on the soft fabric.

“Sleep well x”

Was all that was written on the paper in neat slanted writing, the exact same as the other notes. Lucas looked at me, puzzled before nodding at the clothes folded on my bed.
‘I’ll leave you to change’ He smiled before holding my face between his hands, pushing my hair back and kissing my forehead, the way he looked felt more like he was examining me, seeing if I was about to collapse.
He slid open the glass door, then slid it shut, looking at me worryingly once more through the glass then and jumped over the balcony into the night.
I stumbled toward my bed and put on the pale yellow pyjama trousers and pale yellow tank top.
I sat down and brushed my hair back into a ponytail.
I rolled under the sheets and curled into a ball, hugging my knees to my chest I fell asleep.

Boop Boop de Boop.
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Old 07-21-2009, 01:31 PM   #19
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Chapter 19

I awoke to a frantic knocking on my door; I sat up and rubbed my eyes before slipping on my slippers and opening the door.
Sasha and Rose stood outside in their pyjamas; they grabbed me by each of my wrists and yanked me into the hall.
‘What’s going on?’ I said after I’d gotten over the shock
‘We’ll show you, jeez, hurry up you’re slow’ Rose said smiling
‘Oh sorry, I was busy, SLEEPING!’ I mumbled grimacing as they tugged me outside.
We got outside the cabin and they continued taking me to where everyone met in the morning before breakfast, there were a few cabins close by but mostly they were spaced apart. I could hear laughter and even screams as we got closer.
‘Seriously, what’s happening’ I said, waking up a little bit.
We rounded the corner, past the ashes of the previous campfire and I saw them.
Well, first I saw him. Lucas was standing on top of a big wooden crate, holding on to two pieces of rope he had tied down.
He turned toward me and beamed; I couldn’t help but smile back.
I walked toward him through the crowd, Sasha and Rose trailing behind me.
Every face in the crowd was laughing or smiling. I didn’t understand at first as I glanced at the face. I turned round just as I was a step away from the crate to see a young girl with her hair in a messy bun point up into the sky.
Only then I notice the thick ropes were connected to the flag poles, I figured maybe there’d been some funny flag trick, so what I saw surprised me even more.
I stared upward, past Lucas in awe. It was the two little arseholes from yesterday. They were tied to the very top of the flag pole by what seemed to be their underwear. Their faces made it very clear they were in quite a bit of pain. The wedgies were the only things keeping them from tumbling to the ground. Not to mention the embarrassment they had to be feeling. I saw flashes of light from the crowd and noticed the picture taking which made me feel bad for them, for about a second.
‘You did this?’ I looked at Lucas questioningly, trying not to laugh.
‘Why yes, m’lady’ He took my hand and pulled me up to him.
This time I couldn’t help but laugh ‘You are insane’
‘Maybe, but I do believe these boys have something to say’ He turned to look up at them.
‘HEY! I think you should apologise to my friend here’ He gestured to me
‘S-s-sorry’ they said through hysterical sobs.
‘No, no, I don’t think that was good enough. Do you guys think it was good enough?’ He turned to the crowd of campers, which seems to have gotten bigger.
Roars of ‘No’ came from every corner.
I looked at Lucas’ face; he looked beautiful, even this early in the morning. I ran my fingers through my hair self consciously.
‘So boys, I think we are going to need more dedication than that’ He smirked and I noticed his adorable dimple.
I felt warm inside, happy, I knew it was because I’d never had anyone try to protect me before. I smiled to myself.
‘Come on then, you are going to need to beg for forgiveness. She will determine your fate’ He turned toward me; I bit my lip to stop from giggling.
I still half felt bad for them; I’ve always been too compassionate, even to those who didn’t deserve my sympathy. They both cried out as Lucas pulled the ropes lifting them higher, then released them again, making them jump and then fall back into the wedgies.
‘Ok, ok, please stop’ one of the boys gasped through the pain.
‘We’re sorry, so sorry. We are disgusted with ourselves, we beg for your forgiveness. Please, we don’t know why we did it, please, please. We are scum, we know that and we are sorry, though we don’t deserve your forgiveness, we beg for it.’ One of the boys shouted down, the larger of the two.
I looked toward Lucas, feeling like he’d told them what to say earlier, it made me smile too. I’m not sure why, but I was enjoying this more than I should.
‘So, Charlotte, what do you think? Shall we let them down?’ Lucas laughed, acting like a game show host.
‘Um, well, I guess so’ I said, stretching it out for the fun of it.
‘Let them down boys’ Lucas said toward Mike and Lee, who I’d only just noticed standing the opposite sides of the flag poles. They grabbed hold on the ropes then let them go altogether, grabbing them once more just before the boys hit the ground.
Their screams were almost painful to hear. The quick movement made them both swing forward falling out of the ropes, but also their pants.
They lay sprawled on the floor, the bottom halves on show to everyone. A roar of laughter burst out from the crowd as they tried to hide their exposed skin. It seemed they had failed; people all around had taken enough pictures to last a lifetime.
They both jumped up and ran to their cabins, screaming at each other and crying. It seemed they had begun their own little argument as you could see them push each other in the distance. I guessed they wouldn’t be living that one down for a while. I sat down on the crate, letting my legs dangle off the side; Lucas mimicked me and sat down to my right. The crowd dispersed apart from Mike, Lee, Rose and Sasha.
‘Hey again’ Lee said
‘That was some kind of show’ Sasha laughed
‘And the sextastic six, back together’ Mike shouted with glee
‘Trust you to be the perv’ Rose giggled, nudging Mike in the ribs
‘That was brilliant, but we still need to figure out who this “Pink notes” person is’ Lucas stated.
We sighed but nodded in agreement.
The sun was high in the sky, so we said our goodbyes and headed to our cabins to change.

Boop Boop de Boop.
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Old 07-31-2009, 01:48 PM   #20
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Chapter 20.

It was anyone’s free time now, it was around noon and I’d been enjoying the sun for a while on my balcony. My life had changed so much in such a short time, here I am being crazy and having fun and making friends. I liked this me, loved it in fact. I heard birds over head and if I listened close enough I could hear the other campers running around or laughing in their cabins.
This camp was a great trip for me, I just figured I’d sit back and be silent as always, I never dreamed I’d speak to Lucas, not to mention that he liked me back. I sighed to myself then realised how warm I was. I turned away from the heat. My eyes fluttered closed for a moment, I curled into a ball and just went over in my head all that had happened.
A bug flew past my ear and I popped my eyes open sitting up, just then I heard something hit the floor in my cabin. I stood slowly and crept toward the patio door peeping through the thin material shielding the glass, I noticed a small, black back-up lying on the floor at the foot of my bed.
I went inside, looking to my left then my right to assure there was nobody trying to sneak up on me. I walked over and picked up the bag which was surprisingly heavy. I pulled the zipper open and gasped with joy.
I saw clothes; quite a few outfits too, underwear and even a striped bikini. I breathed in relief, wondering why this mystery pink note person had a sudden change of heart. I wasn’t complaining though. Sitting around it my pyjamas was getting old.
I looked behind me at my patio door, trying to see into the trees, I still felt unsure, so I popped my head out and took a long glance as far as my eyes could see. I jumped back into my room and stood behind the glass contemplating what to do next.
I yanked open my curtains, on my patio door, and the other two windows in the room. I saw a bobbing head run past one window, I heard kids talking but they seemed oblivious to me. I went to the large window on the far side of the room, there were a few campers out there, seemed to be just chatting with one another, this window was quite low, started at about the same time as my hips, as did the other, whereas the patio door was a full one, but faced away from the main areas.
I slipped my fingers into my pyjama pants, moving my hands back and forth from each hip and back. I tugged them down just a little at first, I wandered around the bed to the other window, where there were more campers, this time a little closer, they were all facing away from me, so once again I tugged and my waist band, my PJs now showing the top half of my trimmed pubes.
I raised my arms and stretched up on my tip-toes closing my eyes, when I opened them a boy, perhaps my age or older walked past the window in shock, staring, but not at my face I slumped back to my original height and smiled to hide my embarrassment then quickly walked back into the confinement of my room.
My heart was pumping and I laughed at myself, I’d been through worse. I tugged my Pyjama pants off and let them fall in a pile at my feet. Then I figured why go only half the way?
I gripped the bottom of my tank top and pulled it over my head, my boobs bounced out and I exhaled as I felt a cold breeze from the slight opening in the door hit my skin.
I stroked my own skin lightly with my fingertips, caressing the more sensitive areas and closing my eyes. I cupped my breast with my left hand as I lightly stroked my nipples feeling an overwhelming tingling run through me. They stood erect reacting to every subtle brush of my fingertips. I sighed raggedly as I felt the increasing wetness between my legs, my body shook.
I stumbled backward landing on my bed. My fingers finally touched my clit I arched my back thrusting my hips onto myself, rubbing softly around, inside, my fingers slipped, moving quicker.
I threw my head back into the pillows, my heels dug into the mattress dislodging the smooth bedding; I had thrown myself over the edge. I collapsed back onto my bed, my rapid breathing slowed and I gripped the sheets my limbs going limp.

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Old 08-05-2009, 07:39 AM   #21
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Chapter 21.

I opened my eyes and pulled myself into the upright position as I steadied myself. I brushed my finger through my hair pulling it back from my forehead. I walked to the window once more and stood, stark naked.
I felt uncaring and free, I sauntered to the bathroom, the one that shared between the four of us in the hut, it had only recently opened up and was surprisingly light and clean. The water was refreshing raining down on me and it woke me up. I reached out of the shower grasping at a towel until I realised there was no towel.
I shook myself dry and tiptoed out the door; I looked down the corridor, checking for movement. I went into my room, walking backwards and locking it as soon as I was in. I turned and screamed the same time Lucas shouted sorry. He was lying on my bed, looking peaceful, I smiled for a moment before he opened him eyes, shouted sorry over and over and flung himself out the patio door.
“Sorry, I didn’t think you were, you know. Sorry!” I heard him shout, sounding distressed from outside.
I laughed to myself, after I’d got over being startled. I peered out the now closed door, seeing Lucas hit himself on the head and say something along the lines of “stupid”. I decided I should probably go tell him to calm down. I ran to the drawers, grabbing a towel and quick drying my skin, then emptying the black bag onto the bed I looked through the clothes in there. I grabbed the red and white striped bikini and pulled it on, also throwing on a baggy beach dress and flip flops.
I pulled on the handle of the patio door which was surprisingly heavy, which is why I usually left it open. I tugged and it wouldn’t budge, I dug my feet and it moved a tad before flying open. I felt proud for about half a second before I noticed Lucas standing there half smiling, I guessed he still felt bad.
“Sorry, I-” he began
“Shush, it isn’t like you did it on purpose. You can make it up to me if you like.” I smiled, trying to reassure him.
His mood lightened and he smiled back “How? And, you look nice by the way” he grabbed my hand, pulling me onto the balcony.
“I don’t know, take me somewhere? I’m bored of my cabin” I looked at his face as he thought, I could tell he was really thinking, a little crease between his eyebrows showed up.
I placed my hand on his cheek “Or we could just stay here, I don’t mind”
“No, no I have an idea” he let go of my hand jumping the balcony once again.
I looked over the edge and saw him waiting, arms outstretched. I flung my legs over and fell down closing my eyes. He caught me and laughed at my expression with my eyes squeezed shut.
“Shut up, and put me down” I said, attempting to fake anger and apparently failing as he kissed my nose.
He put me down, holding my hand automatically again as we began to walk off into the shade from the sun.
“Charlotte?” I looked up to see him gazing at me as if he were thinking something important.
“Hmm?” I replied
“I, um I think...” He hesitated looking away “I think it’s this way” he mumbled turning right and pulling me along.
He didn’t speak for the next few minutes, I wasn’t sure what was going through his head, but I could tell he felt awkward. I stretched my arm around his waist and ducked under his arm.
“You okay?” I wondered aloud
“I am now;” He smiled “We’re nearly there by the way. It’s not much, just someplace I found while wandering”.

Boop Boop de Boop.
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Old 08-05-2009, 05:06 PM   #22
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Chapter 22

Thanks to DoGooder for the idea.

We began down a hill; I used all my energy to concentrate on not slipping. The route ahead didn’t look like it’d be a comfortable one to roll down. Every time I stumbled Lucas held on tighter to my hand, it seemed he was having no problem which annoyed me just a little. He tugged my elbow pulling me out of the path of a branch; I was too busy watching my feet to notice. I didn’t expect it and ended up falling to the side anyway. He caught me and rolled his eyes.
“We are nearly there, so let’s hope for fewer hazards” He smiled as he turned away but I saw.
Finally, I began to hear the rush of water and birds calling overhead. We came out from the trees onto a small area of beach which seemed cut off from the places filled with kids.
Everything about this area was nicer, it seemed special, maybe it was the silence and the fact it way away from this camp. Like it was our own world.
The ground here was more sand than pebbles; the water seemed to be warmer and clearer even from where we stood. The sunlight reflected off of the water causing me to shield my eyes, it was much more open here, but I liked it... Lucas placed his hands on my shoulders and spun me away from the sun’s rays grinning at me.
“What do you think?” He said, looking past me down the beach,
“It’s lovely, and I bet I can beat you to the sea” I turned and ran laughing to myself taking advantage of his distraction.
At least out in the open I didn’t seem to be a stumbling mess of a girl, and maybe I could beat him at something. I ran kicking off my flip flops; I turned to see him getting closer.
He ran up behind me grabbing me around my waist and spinning me in the opposite direction to the water while I pummelled his arm with my fist, seemingly having no impact. I growled noiselessly as he let go of me and ran off.
“Cheater!” I shouted through my grin and he ran at the sea pulling his shirt over his head.
I pulled off my beach dress and started off toward the sea in my red striped bikini.
He’d already beaten me, but I wasn’t going to stop.
I jogged to the water’s edge spraying water and lumps of sand behind me. As I got closer waves crashed over my feet, the water colder than expected I jumped. Lucas was already waist deep, doing his dorky victory dance, waving his arms around and singing a war cry. I jumped the wave and awkwardly swished through the water toward him. He continued with his dancing swaying his hips as if he were doing the hula. I leaped onto his back and covered his eyes.
“Guess who?” I whispered, trying to imitate his voice,
“Well, I actually have no idea. Really, I don’t.” He laughed out loud and I slipped off his back falling into the water again.
“Oh it was you, Miss Clumsy” he laughed faking a shocked expression. He tried to help me up but I pulled him dunking his head. He popped out of the water; his hair flopped over his eyes. I couldn’t help but to burst into laughter at his mop-like new look. He reached out to me and I attempted to swim off and escape but he grabbed my leg and pulled me back through the waves. We stood in the water laughing over each other until we calmed down.
I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him; he responded automatically and pulled me closer. I rested my head on his chest and noticed the sun had begun to fade.
I wasn’t sure what Lucas was thinking really, maybe when we returned to school he’d forget about this, go back to being popular. I wasn’t sure; all I knew is that I didn’t care, if I could take these moments I could keep them at least. So I’d take what I could. I pulled my head back to look at him, his eyes were closed, and I guessed he was deep in thought.
I laid my head on his chest once more and inhaled, if I could stay here for eternity I would, but even here, I knew we’d have to return to our cabins soon. The water had begun to chill me from the waist down and I shivered, Lucas felt this and took my hand up onto the sand.
I sat down on the warm sand, pulling my knees to my chest. Lucas stood for a moment before mirroring me to the left.
“Charlotte, I’ve had probably the best time of my life here, at this camp. Well, I mean the camp is great, but it would have been nothing without you... What I’m saying is, I’m glad, that I spoke to you and that you spoke back” He laughed nervously and I didn’t get why. “ I was just thinking, it may just be in my mind, but it seems we, um, you know?”
“I’m confused” I smiled, puzzled at where he was going with this.
“Do you want to be my... girlfriend, I guess? You know, officially, if you like.” He rushed the sentence and then immediately looked away.
“Of course I do, is that what all this was about. You seemed so scared, you muppet” I giggled at him and he looked in awe.
He took my face in his hands and kissed my forehead, my nose and lastly my lips. I placed my hand on his chest and felt his heartbeat quicken. The kissed lasted longer than I’d thought, when we finally leant back the air had become a little colder, and the sky darker. I sighed, hoping this school trip would never end.

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Old 11-01-2009, 05:17 AM   #23
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Chapter 23.

I practically skipped back to camp holding Lucas’ hand. I hadn’t felt so happy in a long time. We’d talked the entire walk; in the short space it took us from the beach to camp we’d learnt what felt like 1000 facts about each other.
He didn’t stop grinning the entire walk back and he pulled me under his arm even though my hair was wet and left a damp patch on his shirt.
I pulled back, opening my mouth to say something but before I could he spoke
“I don’t care your hair is wet, silly. Anyway, you’re freezing so you can have my body heat” he laughed pulled me to him.
I hadn’t notice how cold I actually was until he’d brought it up. I was too happy to notice anything.
When we got closer to camp I began to hear loud singing, or chanting. I couldn’t tell but Lucas heard it too.
“What is that?” I said
“Not sure” His forehead creased in confusion.
As we got even closer the voices were a definite chant, they sounded like a mob, but somehow not angry.
We ran the last few step and came out of the trees where we saw a large roaring bonfire reaching upward to the stars, replacing the tiny campfire that used to squat there.
Campers danced around it, some even had face paint on. Even the younger campers were around spinning and dancing.
Loud music erupted from the speakers connected to the log cabins.
I heard a loud squeal from the left and turn to see Rose smiling, clapping and pointing at mine and Lucas’ intertwined hands.
“Firstly, I apologise for Rose’s loud squeaky excitement, and secondly congratulations” She grinned and hugged me for what I felt was a little too long.
As soon as she stepped out of the way Rose walked up to me and said
“You guys took your freaking time JEEZ” in her high pitched voice, cocking her head to the side before she skipped off.
“Odd girl” I mumbled
“What’s going on here? Some kind of creepy ritual” Lucas said raising his eyebrow.
“Oh, this, yeah the camp counsellors went out and haven’t came back so people got a little excited when they found out” Sasha laughed.
We danced about for the rest of the night, laughing, roasting marshmallows and playing games. I had to say this had been the best night of my camp experience.
I hadn’t stopped smiling all night, and as I fell back onto my bed my smile stayed on my face. Sasha and Rose burst into my room switching the light on and bouncing onto my bed almost causing me to fall off.
I almost screamed until I heard their familiar laughter. I sat up rubbing my eyes trying to get used to the light again. I looked over to my watch I’d left on my bedside table; it showed the time was 02:46 am.
“Why?” I croaked at them trying not to smile.
“Sooooooo, tell us what happened” Rose said quickly as if she was confused why I hadn’t explained it in detail yet.
I recapped my time on the beach, leaving out parts that made me feel embarrassed as they both listened intently.
As they began to chatter on at me we heard a loud bump underneath the window to the left of my bed.
We all turned our heads toward the noise. I looked out the window and saw it was pitch black, the moonlight shone in from the other side of my room.
Another bump, this time louder and we heard a voice.
“Can you see anything?” someone whispered
“No, lift me higher then!” Another voice said.
We looked at each other, puzzled. Rose slid off the bed and crawled across the floor to the window.
“Turn off the light” she hissed back to us.
Sasha flicked the switch and we were in almost total darkness.
Rose pulled herself up to the window ledge and peered over the out. She jumped back almost and once and tried to stop a laugh with her hands.
“Boys” she giggled.
“Boys?” Sasha repeated.
“What boys?” I said
“Some silly kids” Rose rolled her eyes and sat back on the bed.
“What’re they doing” Sasha whispered peering over Rose’s head.
“Being peeping toms no doubt” I scowled at the window.
“Might as well give them something to peep at” Rose turned the light back on a switched on my iPod Dock. Music blasted out and she began dancing.
“Rose sit down” Sasha frowned at her shaking her head.
I laughed and grabbed Sasha’s hand.
“Let us dance M’lady” I giggled, I was in high spirits and I felt like having fun.
We dance together spinning in circles and laughing. We forgot the boys were even there until we heard another bump.
Rose jumped onto the bed and Sasha shouted
“Pile on” and jumped on her, I followed and we ended up in a twisted pile on my bed laughing way too loud.

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Old 11-03-2009, 03:08 PM   #24
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Short chapter this time.

Chapter 24

We lay there until I had to nudge Rose’s elbow out of my ribs and Sasha rolled off the bed.
“Are they still there?” She whispered her eyes darting the window and then back to us.
We stopped moving until we heard the faint whispers and mumbles again.
“Guess so” I mumbled, stretching out on the bed and lying down.
Rose crawled up to my feet smiling at me in an odd way. I looked to Sasha and she looked just as confused.
“Wha—“before I could finish my sentence she gripped my pyjama trousers and yanked them clear off my legs.
“Well we might as well give them something to look at!” She laughed, giggling and darting across the room to jump on a chair.
“Rose!” Sasha moaned at her “Stop being silly”
I tried to cover my red lace underwear, I knew it was almost transparent in places and I heard the noises increase at the window. I jumped off the bed crawling onto the floor.
“What are you doing?!” I snapped at Rose.
While Sasha rolled her eyes Rose tried to corner her while she was distracted.
I scooted across the floor and tugged down Rose’s pink shorts. I rolled back across the carpet laughing at her expression and her yellow thong with a smiling daisy on it.
She blushed red and hid behind the curtain by the plain glass door that led to the balcony.
Sasha burst into laughter until she literally fell off the bed.
“I see London, I see France, I see... what was that line again?” she giggled.
I looked at Sasha and noticed she was wearing a nightie.
“Darn, you’re wearing a nightie” I exclaimed obviously trying to grasp Rose’s attention.
She looked at me and her brain clicked, we dove for Sasha who was still chuckling on the floor and pulled her nightie right up and over her head.
Rose threw it to me and I bolted to the window where the boys lingered, I pulled it up without looking out and dashed the nightie out the window.
I smiled smugly and high fived Rose while Sasha continued to lie on the floor glaring at us trying to stop her lips from turning to a smile in her pale blue boyshorts and bra.
She shuffled backward onto the big bean bag chair and just sat there glaring some more.
We heard shuffling by the window and then again at the plain glass door. Rose’s eyes popped and she ran over to me and whispered
“They’re everywhere” widening her eyes and then chuckling.
She grabbed my wrists pulling my arms up and began spinning me round. While giggling and in her cutesy voice singing the tune of “I’m a Barbie girl”. While I got extremely dizzy with the speed.

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Old 12-29-2009, 08:06 AM   #25
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Chapter 25

We span round until I flew into and over the bed hitting the floor on the other side.
“Ouch” I mumbled, getting up and twisting my top back into place over my tummy.
“Rose, calm down! You’re getting over excited” I said, trying to sound stern while holding back a smile.
She skipped over to me and put her arms around my waist, pulling me into her.
“Everyone needs a little excitement Charl” she whispered into my ear, her warm breath tickled my neck and I stepped back jumping to sit on the bed I crossed my legs.
She giggled again and pulled Sasha up from the bean bag.
“Get up lazy” she tugged at her arm.
Sasha begrudgingly jumped up to just sit again next to me on the bed.
A beeping noise came from my laptop and we all turned at the same time.
“You’re both no fun” Rose said as she wandered over to my laptop, typing something on the keyboard and letting out a tiny laugh.
“What’re you doing” I asked, sitting up a bit.
“Nothing at all” She smiled and I was instantly suspicious.
I slipped off the bed and started toward my laptop but before I even made halfway Rose pulled me round wrapping her arms around my waist again.
She ran her hands down my back and pushed at the waistband of my lacy underwear.
I was stunned; unable to move for but a second then I pulled away again coming back to earth I looked past Rose toward my laptop.
Rose was off again as soon as I moved; she dived onto the bed, right on top of Sasha.
“What the-”Sasha said, looking like she’d been napping she rolled Rose over and pinned her down before rolling over onto her front her legs dangling off one side on the bed and her arms the other.
I noticed a light coming from the top of my laptop screen, but that light was only on when my webcam was streaming, I started toward it once again, puzzled, but Rose took my hand and pulled me toward the bed. She held a finger over her mouth as if to keep me quiet.
Then she pounced on Sasha pulling off her blue boy shorts and running out of the room.
I froze, not knowing where to look as Sasha pulled a blanket to her lap and sighed.
“That girl” she yawned shaking her head.
“I’ll get her” I said walking out of the room.
I swung around the door to find Rose standing on the balcony with Sasha’s pants in her hand.
“Rose, give them back, you’re just being silly. What is up with you lately?” I said, bored of her behaviour.
“Nothing is up with me” She grinned turning on her heels.
“How about... a trade?” She spun around facing me again, raising her eyebrow.
“What do you want?” I said dryly.
“Well, let me think” She scratched her chin and frowned as if she were thinking hard.
“Just spit it out” I said, annoyed.
“I’d like three things actually, one would be your top and bra, and the other would be to say nothing about the webcam show we’re streaming in there” She smiled.
“What the fuck, Rose. Not even, I knew you were up to something” I turned to storm away and she grabbed me.
“I’ll add something to the trade then.. how about these pictures I found on Sasha’s phone.” She said grinning.
“What pictures?” I frowned, confused.
“Follow me” she walked into her room.
By the time I made it in she already had her phone in her hand, on the screen were pictures of me, nude and asleep.
I couldn’t even talk; I just said “ok” then walked back into my room.
Why would Sasha have that in the first place? Why was Rose streaming a webcam show on the internet? We’d never been best friends, but I didn’t think she’d do that. Through this all, I wasn’t even that upset or angry. It was kind of exciting really, I felt an adrenalin boost that I couldn’t help.

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Old 02-11-2010, 08:32 AM   #26
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Chapter 26.

The music was still coming from behind my bedroom door; I looked behind me quickly before pulling my top over my head and thrusting it into Rose’s hand. I looked at her, hoping she’d changed her mind, and also hoping she hadn’t. She cleared her throat and nodding at my bra. I sighed as if I didn’t want to but twisted my arms behind my back and unhooked my bra, pulling it forward and giving it to Rose.
“Good, now wait here” She said before slipping back into her room then running back across the hall into mine. I turned toward the glass door with my arm across my chest, it was colder out here and I felt goose bumps rising on my skin. I wondered if it was for the cold or the excitement. I smiled to myself but let my smile disappeared when Rose returned into the hall.
“Come on then” She smiled and I dragged my feet forward into my room.
When I got there I realised what had changed, she’s opened window even wider and pulled the curtains back from the windows and the patio door. I looked to see Sasha looking bored and sleepy on the bed. Her expression was so clueless it was funny and I giggled which seemed to bring her back to earth.
“Um... where are your clothes?” She asked, she began to blush again.
I nodded toward Rose, rolling my eyes and she said “Oh, who else?” giving me a sympathetic look. Rose had swayed into the middle of the room dancing and she pulled her top over her head to show her frilly yellow bra which matched her undies. Rose’s breasts weren’t that large but they were perfectly shaped and perky. I turned away when I realised I was staring a little too intently.
I shuffled over to a wall and leaned against it as I could still hear the mutterings of the kids outside and I knew my underwear was partially see-through and becoming wetter by the minute.
“Dance with me Charly” Rose laughed, in her own world.
She pulled at my arms I was trying so hard to keep over my chest and pulled them over my head and began spinning me. She was stronger than she looked so my attempts at escape failed.
She went behind me and pushed me toward my laptop on the desk.
“Smile for the camera” she whispered into my ear, then she slid down my body and tugged down my red lace knickers and she went.
I looked to the side so my dark hair covered my face, I tried to walk off and managed to trip over my undies still twisted around my foot. Sasha immediately sat up straight, her eyes widened. Rose giggled and took her bra off faster than I’d seen anyone do ever, her nipples stuck out and were puffy and pink.
I’d never seen that before so again I stared unblinking. I couldn’t look away and I didn’t want to, her stomach was perfectly flat and her hip bones stuck out where she ran her hands to remove her smiling daisy underwear. She bent down completely and I could see the reflection of her butt in the patio door.
She looked up and giggled again, she was getting a rush from being an exhibitionist, and looking at Sasha we didn’t mind being voyeurs.

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Old 08-09-2010, 06:58 AM   #27
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Chapter 27

I inspected Rose’s nude body slyly. She had shaved her pubic hair into what looked like a lightning bolt; I cocked my head to the side, wondering how she did it. She twirled in the middle of the room then looked at Sasha raising her eyebrow.
“Don’t be the odd one out Sash” she smirked.
Sasha looked puzzled for half a second before she caught on. She didn’t seem to want to be clothed at all and she, without hesitation pushed her bum off the bed to slip off her blue boyshorts arching her back. She jumped up and undid her bra, pulling it off her arms. I looked at the ground awkwardly trying to cover myself; a glance at Sasha showed me she was perfectly comfortable like this.
She hopped back on the bed sitting cross-legged, for the first time I noticed how long her hair was, it hung to just over her nipples. She saw me looking and stuck her tongue out at me before laughing. If I looked like her I would be perfectly comfortable naked too, her body was just about perfect in my eyes. Sasha was tall but I’d never noticed how long her legs were, she had a slight tan and I noticed she had no tan lines at all, I wanted to know if she really tanned nude and where but I couldn’t bring myself to ask.
“Loosen up Charly” she smiled at me, making me feel a little more comfortable.
“See Charly, Sasha can have fun. You only live once kiddo.” Rose loved this; she giggled and grinned like she’d had too much sugar.
Now I wasn’t the only one nude I managed to slow my heartbeat down to an average pace, I walked quickly to the bed and sat next to Sasha pulling my knees to my chest, trying to squeeze behind her to hide myself, if even a little. Through the corner of my eye I eyed my laptop and pulled my knees closer in to my body.
“Ugh, FINE” Rose pretended to be heartbroken as she stomped across the room and slammed my laptop shut.
“Happy now?! Cheer up Charly” she smiled in my direction and for once looked like she actually felt a bit bad.
I slid out from behind Sasha and hung my legs off the side of the bed. Sasha suddenly seemed to wake up a bit and she, in her usual carefree way sauntered over to the windows and closed them before shutting the curtains.
The less I felt watched the more comfortable I began to feel.
Rose came over and pulled Sasha off the bed and pressed their bodies together, I’d never seen two girls kiss before...

Now, there's a lesbianny bit here but I'm not experienced in that area so I'll leave the happenings to your little imaginations and roll along to the next chapter. I bet you hate me, eh?
with a little help from doc marvin

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Old 11-23-2010, 02:14 PM   #28
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Chapter 28

I woke up being poked in the nose by what I believed to be Rose’s toe, due to the fluorescent pink nail polish.

“Ugh” I sniffed before carefully climbing out over the two girls.
I was naked but it felt weirdly okay, more comfortable I’d ever felt nude before especially in front of people. I turned and looked at Sasha and Rose twisted around each other in my small bed, I felt strangely bonded with them now. I was very not involved in last night’s antics; I knew I wouldn’t be it was too alien for me even after everything that had happened. Especially after everything that had happened, I felt I needed to hold something back, keep some of my usual anxious, non-risk-taking self.

I checked the time on my phone, 5:18am, I should have known it was too early. It was too quiet, no screaming girls, no laughing kids and no music. I opened the patio door blinds and squinted when the sun hit my face, I knew I’d never forget this camp. I could see a lake from here, the sun sparkled off it, and it made me feel like swimming. For a moment I thought about running down there naked as the day I was born and jumping into the water. I cautiously stepped onto the wooden panels that made the cabin patio, my skin warmed as I came out of the shade. I closed my eyes and absorbed the heat.


A high pitched squeal erupted from my room and I swivelled round expecting to witness a bloody trauma scene. I hopped through the door and saw Rose staring intently into the mirror with a look of absolute horror in her eyes. Though I should have been expecting it I was slightly shocked at her nakedness. The sunlight hit her skin and her figure was perfect, her back arched as she squinted at herself in the mirror before bending forward to get a closer look. I tore my eyes away from her remembering she had screamed.
“What’s wrong Rose!” I looked at her to see if I could find what was making her look so distressed.
“There is gum. There is gum IN MY HAIR! Who was chewing gum?! How did this even... ARGH!” She clenched her fists and actually stomped the ground before storming out red-faced across the hall to her room.
I sighed, shook my head and laughed a little before yanking open a stiff draw below the mirror and pulling out a large purple t-shirt with a dinosaur on it. I pulled it over my head and went to poke Sasha.

“How are you still asleep after that?” I muttered, Sasha’s face was squished into the bed and a puddle of drool outlined her face.
“ew” I cringed and poked her nose.
“I’m not asleep” she opened one eye “I just find it’s simpler for me to pretend I am when it comes to Rose”
I giggled and tried to avert my eyes when she carelessly rolled over. She stretched and I couldn’t help but gaze at the length of her body. I was secretly glad that she and Rose were so comfortable with their nudity around me; I didn’t mind it at all. She rolled about, yawning and stretching, obviously not wanting to get up.
Sasha finally groaned and sat up on the bed, she rubbed her eyes to help herself wake up, and then dragged herself into a standing position
“I better go help her... Maybe I’ll get to cut her hair!” She grinned and then darted across the hall; I couldn’t help but watch her butt as she ran out of my room waving back at me.
I closed the door behind her, eyeing the lake again. By now it was 5:35am and I was unsure but it was possible that some of the more peppy counsellors might be up and about.
My patio door was still open and the blinds too, the sun was still partially hidden but I could hear birds. I slid the door but left it slightly open to allow a cool breeze to enter my room. Now standing in the silence I realised I was actually quite sleepy, I rearranged the sheets on my bed, pulled the dino tee off and curled up under the padded duvet. All I could think was that I would never sleep in pyjamas again. I kicked my legs, enjoying the feel of my bed sheets on my skin.
Closing my eyes, I waited for the sun to rise.

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Old 12-30-2010, 07:02 PM   #29
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I wrote this very late at night, it may be nonsense.

Chapter 29

I didn’t sleep for long; though I wasn’t sure I actually slept. I drifted in and out of my peaceful slumber. I cracked open my eyes and the sun shining through the patio door made me moan and pull my duvet over my head.
I shoved my hand out in the direction of the bedside table and felt around until I had my phone, 6:30, I knew I should be at least thinking of getting up. The day today didn’t require me to be up until at least 8am but I had a feeling I wasn’t going to be able to get back to sleep. I stuck my right leg out of the sheets and wiggled my toes; the room was beginning to get a little chilly.

Reluctantly I slid out from under the warm covers and strolled across my floor to close the patio door, my eyes were half shut, partly from being sleepy and partly from the sunlight, so I didn’t noticed the figure jumping over my patio fence and coming toward the open door.

Lucas knocked swiftly on the glass door and then popped his head around, successfully head butting me as he did. I fell to the floor, mostly out of shock rather than pain but Lucas automatically behaved as if he’d knocked my brain out.

“Oh God! Sorry! Oh, are you okay? Shit. I’m so sorry.” He stumbled over his words and his eyes scanned my face for bruises or wounds, though from his frantic behaviour he seemed to expect to see a gaping hole in my forehead.
He squatted down and cradled my face in his hands.
“I’m fine” my words came out mushed as he was squishing my face a little; I took his hands away and sighed.
“You worry too much” I smiled to try a reassure him I was fine and he wasn’t going to need to buy a suit for my funeral any time soon.
He smiled back and I saw him noticeably relax, then he tensed up again and looked away from me and at the wall.
“What?” I asked, following his odd stare.
“I didn’t realise you weren’t dressed and stuff” still didn’t look in my direction.
“You’ve seen me naked before...” I looked at him, trying to study his expression.
“Yeah, I know, I just. It’s polite and stuff” He mumbled.
I dipped passed him toward a pile of clothes I hadn’t put away and put on what I could as quickly as I could without hurting myself.

“Better?” I asked.
“I’m not saying it wasn’t good before... it was. I just thought you’d care a bit more” He gave me a puzzled look.
“I guess I thought I would too, but I just don’t... Not in front of you anyway.” I was definitely leaving this camp a different girl.
“What are we doing today anyway?” I didn’t remember anything being on the timetable.
“I’m not sure, I think it’s an ‘anything day’” He shrugged and checked his watch. “We’ll probably find out about Breakfast time”
His logic made sense but it also reminded me of the time.
“Why are you even up?” I asked.
“I wake early. Is that okay with you?!” He jokingly acted offended “I have to go shower if you have no other investigatory questions you wish to ask”.
“Actually, no, I do however need to shower so I’ll come with.

I grabbed my towel, my small toiletries bag and a pair of dotted flip flops and we left, this time through the door rather than over the cabin patio fence.
As we stepped out into the rising sunlight Lucas took my hand and I felt butterflies in my stomach again.
The showers we went to this time were indoors, they were rather large in cubicles with doors that locked. We walked as far as we could into the building to take the showers furthest away from the doors as I was already not fond of crowds and most of the other campers. The cubicles had not only a shower but a small ledge to the left which I could only assume was to hold shower gels, shampoos and the like. There was enough room for me to hang my towel on the inside of the cubicle without worrying it would get soaked.
I smiled at Lucas as I exchanged my outdoor shoes for flipflops, I had issues with public showers and bare feet.

No one was up yet, the kids here were prone to waiting until the last minute to shower, eat and do anything they had to. Even the staff never got up early.
“Enjoy your shower” Lucas scooted into his cubicle and turned it on instantly.
“AHH, HOT!” he screamed.
I wanted to say ‘You should have known that would happen’ but I settled with “Are you okay?”
“Yeah... yeah.. ow.” He sounded hurt but I still wanted to giggle a little bit.

I stepped into my cubicle and locked the door, I pulled off my shorts and t-shirt hanging them underneath my towel. I turned the shower on before darting back as quickly as possible as if I’d been electric shocked, after a few seconds of letting the water run and listening to Lucas whistle I stuck my arm out and tested the heat.

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Old 01-19-2011, 06:35 AM   #30
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Chapter 30

I reached into my little bag to get my favourite Original Source mint showergel and my bright pink shower scrunchie. Testing the water one more time, just to be sure, I stepped into it cautiously.
“Did you only just get into the shower?” Lucas chuckled.
“Shut up! You kind of put me off with your girlish screams” I raised my voice.
He grumbled under his breath but gave up.

I squirted too much shower gel on my shower scrunchie and attempted to cover my entire body in the soap suds to look like some kind of bubble alien. I started singing as I usually did in the shower.
It may have just been because this was the longest time I’d been allowed to shower in a while but it felt like the best shower I’d ever had. I ducked under the shower head; I stopped singing to prevent the water going into my mouth. I stepped backwards, running my hands through my hair and tried to clear the water away from my face.
I began my song again, apparently loud enough for me to not be aware that my cubicle door had opened slightly.
I was hitting notes that shouldn’t exist for good reason just as I felt someone exhale on the back of my neck making it tingle. I took a sharp intake of breath and I reached my hand to my neck I tried to turn but my body wasn’t cooperating.
“Lucas?” my voice came out in a whisper, I don’t know what had changed in the atmosphere but I felt lost, afraid and somewhat eager for more proof of the person standing behind me whose breath was tickling my wet skin.
A cold hand snaked around my left hip causing a soapy avalanche down my thigh. I needed no reassurance now, I wasn’t imagining.
A second hand came to rest on my right side, the fingers grazing ever so lightly, I was entirely captivated my eyes closing for a moment. My hand seemed to travel on its own to meet his resting on my exposed skin just as it slid down to meet its other at my right hip. I almost turned, thinking he had vanished until I felt soft lips kissing down my spine at a painfully slow pace.
I arched my back as the lips gently stopped at the base of my spine, leading my body further into the flow of water.
He spun me around by my hips, my body moving without any resistance. I looked up at Lucas and his glorious smile; biting his lower lip he softly pulled me towards him. As my skin collided with his I felt burning hot and as if my stomach had flipped completely, the shower steam made me feel faint and I blinked to assure myself this was real.
Before I could react he gripped me around the waist and raised me up onto the surprisingly strong ledge. My knees were touching his chest and I suddenly became aware of how close he was now I was higher up and away from the heat of the shower.
He leant forward and kissed both my knees running his hands up my outer thighs and I shivered slightly.
He eased my legs apart and I felt like my heart was going to jump out of my body.
“What if someone comes?” I squeaked, my voice failing me once more.
“They won’t” Smiling up at me he kissed my knee, then the inside of my leg, each embrace getting closer to the top of my thigh and... other places.
When his tongue touched my bare skin my body shuddered and I forgot how to breathe. He eased my legs further apart and he moved closer to kiss me between my hips. He flicked his tongue and I gasped, running my fingers through his hair.
Seconds turned into minutes and the minutes felt like hours until the built up wave of my orgasm swept through my body instantly making me weak.
I slid off the ledge into Lucas’ arms; keeping my arms locked around his neck I kissed him on the cheek and took a deep breath before stepping back under the shower pulling him with me.

Boop Boop de Boop.
female, engurrland.
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