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Old 03-15-2008, 08:28 PM   #1
getDare Sweetheart
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Default Dare Over Dinner [FICTION]

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I was on the road again. This time my mission was to deliver
an all day lecture on topics the company felt pertinent, in
what seemed to be every small town in the country. I knew it
wasn't as bad as that, but being in a new city every other
day or so was wearing on my sanity. It was my habit to set up
the room for the next day before leaving, and as I was doing
so for my last day in what ever town I was in, I could not
stop myself from wishing for something out of the ordinary to
provide some diversion.

As I turned to lay out the last row of information packets on
the tables, I looked up and saw her standing in the doorway;
she seemed unsure as to whether or not she should enter. I
recognised her as a member of the audience from the previous
day's lecture, invited her in, and asked what I might be able
to do for her.

It seemed that during one of the breaks I had mentioned that
the hardest part of this lecture assignment was finding
something to do in the evening, and that sometimes just
finding a good restaurant was often a challenge. She had
stopped by to see if I would like company for dinner, to
which I eagerly agreed. We jumped into my car and she
directed me cross town to a Mexican place called the Blue

From the looks of things this Blue Taco place was a popular
spot. Upon entering, we were put on the waiting list and
decided that a margarita in the bar was a perfect way to
spend the 20 minutes of wait time we had in front of us. By a
couple of sips into the margarita Kelly and I had embarked on
the small chit chat that always seems so awkward in these
kinds of situations. It had been a long time since lunch, and
I could feel the margarita starting to relax me, so the
conversation seemed to get easier.

There was a small pause, nothing really awkward, but
noticeable none the less, which was ended as Kelly looked me
square in the eye and asked: "boxers or briefs?" A question
that I was not really expecting, and I answered with a
question of my own: "what difference does it make?"

"I have a theory that you can tell a lot about the person
simply by knowing their preference. I think I know what you
wear, and was curious" she replied.

So what harm could come from answering the question, I
thought to myself, as I noted that my margarita was almost
completely gone. I replied "briefs."

"To be honest," she said, "I was not too sure of myself, but
I was leaning toward briefs, so I guess I was right. How
about this, I will bet you dinner that I can guess the colour
of your briefs. I'm right you pay, and if I'm wrong I pay;

I thought it over and said that, no dinner was on me as I was
on an expense account, and then suggested that the bet be
changed: if she was wrong, then she had to reveal the colour
of her panties by allowing me to see up her skirt. I noticed
that her margarita glass was empty, I then echoed her
question: "game?"

After a couple of seconds of thought, she said "sure," and
then guessed, with a look of certainty on her face, that mine
were white. She was wrong.

"Ok, I believe you, but you will have to prove they are not
white, before you can collect." she said sounding somewhat

I had not figured on this; it was not going to be easy for me
to show her my undies standing at the bar, which suddenly
seemed quite crowded. Kelly was sitting on the one empty
stool we had been able to snarf, and I moved such that I was
no longer standing and leaning on the bar, but standing with
my back to the room and facing Kelly. Trying to be as
inconspicuous as possible, I unzipped my trousers and then
put a hand in my pocket. I told Kelly to do what she needed
to do so that she could get a good view, she knelt down
pretending to fix her shoe, and when I saw her look up I
pulled my open fly apart and let her see the navy blue
underwear that I had on.

She was grinning from ear to ear as she hopped up onto her
stool again, while I closed my open fly wondering how many
other people were aware of what had just happened. Oddly I
was not embarassed, but felt a rush of adrenaline surge
through my body.

I was able to move back against the bar allowing Kelly to
swivel round to face me and we ordered another round of
margaritas. Once they were delivered, I glanced at my feet,
and then bent down to tie my shoe; Kelly was not slow to
react and uncrossed her legs as I squatted, and then as I
finished working on my shoe opened her knees affording me a
clear view of her lacy white panties.

"That was a bit of a rush" she said as I stood and she
recrossed her legs.

"I know, I had that same feeling too when it was reversed.
I've never done anything quite like this before."

She looked at her watch, then round the room, and said "we
still have a bit of time before we can even expect to be
seated, want to play a game of dare?"

It took me about two seconds to decide that a game of dare
might be interesting given the rush that I got from flashing
Kelly, not to mention what seeing up her skirt had done. It
took us a bit longer to decided on the rules which ended up
to be fairly simple: the dare would have to be accomplished
within 15 minutes, and the dare could not directly involve
anybody else. I was not too sure where this was going to go,
but I had to admit that it was already the most interesting
evening on the road since starting the lecture assignment.

It was decided that she would go first, and with what seemed
a small amount of thought, she dared me to unzip my pants and
leave them unzipped for the rest of the night. "Not so bad,"
I thought, and for the second time that evening I slowly
worked my zipper down and wondered how this game was going to
pan out.

We continued to work on our margaritas while I busily ran
through the possibilities of dares to have Kelly do. I
decided that I could tit for tat her dare and dared her to
unbutton three buttons on her blouse. I had figured that she
would undo the one at her navel, and the top two leaving the
one just below her bra line holding her shirt together, but
my plan was a bit nearsighted. She unbuttoned the buttons on
each sleeve and rolled them up and then unbuttoned the top
button leaving herself pretty well covered. Certainly a moral
victory for her, and I realised that I was going to have to
shake off the effects of the margaritas if I was going to
keep up with Kelly.

Her turn again, and I was dared to go off and remove my navy
knickers and bring them to her. As I turned to go and do
this, she reminded me not to forget about my first dare, and
if I closed my pants that I would have to do a penalty dare.
Cripe, I had forgotten about that, and I must have flushed a
bit because I felt my face heat as I thought about being
without knickers, and having to keep my pants unzipped. I was
going to have to think of a good dare while I was off
rearranging my wardrobe.

Just as I returned, and presented my knickers to her, we were
paged to our table. As we sat down I gave her the dare she
was to do next: remove her bra. Ok, I was grasping here and
clearly not doing as well as she was, but I had concluded
that maybe she had planned this game before even showing up
in the classroom, and thus had ample time to think through
the dares she'd have me do. We ordered our food, and then
Kelly went off to the ladies to remove her bra. We called a
truce to the dares during our meal which, by the way, was
excellent, and as I was paying the tab we decided to go
across the road to the shopping mall and walk round a bit to
work off some of the calories we had ingested.

We stood to go and I noticed that Kelly had taken her bra and
placed it on the table.

"I will meet you by the front entrance, you need to take
this," she nodded toward the bra, "and meet me there after
you have gone and put it on." She turned and glided away
before I had a chance to answer, leaving me to reach across
the table and pick up her lingerie.

I had not worn a white shirt that day, but the light blue
shirt I had on was not going to offer much to hide the straps
of the bra where the two garments came into contact. If the
mall was well lit, there would be little I could do to
prevent anybody from noticing that I had on a bra. Score so
far: Kelly 3 and none for me, but who was keeping score?

We left the car in the Blue Taco car park and crossed the
road to the mall. I needed a dare that would bolster my self
esteem some as I felt that I had been completely out classed
so far. As we entered the mall I spotted one of those instant
photo booths and immediately knew what Kelly would be doing
next. I dared her to have her photo taken without her shirt
on. Ok, score one for me because this seemed to make her
wince a bit!

She stepped behind the curtain, and handed me her blouse, and
it was not long before I could see the flashes of the strobe
clicking off five pictures. I passed her shirt back into the
booth and she emerged shortly before the pictures came
trundling down from their exit hole in the machine. Kelly had
been smiling from ear to ear as she emerged from the booth
and as I saw the photos I knew why. She was certainly
topless, but she had faced away from the camera! I was
holding five pictures of her bare back and she was giggling a

Erase my mark, but as we turned to go I noticed something.
When Kelly had put her blouse back on she had slipped and
buttoned the one button that she opened in doing her first
dare. I called her on it, and she realised her mistake, and I
then claimed that I got to enforce a penalty dare which was
to unbutton all of the buttons on her blouse!

By our rules, she had 15 minutes to do it, and could not give
me a dare until they were all undone, so we started walking.
One by one she undid the buttons on her blouse until there
were none buttoned, and I could tell that she was going to
have to be very careful so as not to flash the world! We
continued walking round the mall until we were back at the
hallway through which we entered.

"Mind if we make a stop in one shoppe before be go" she

My only plans for the evening were to find the most
interesting show on the television, so I had no reason to say
anything but "yes." We set off, with her directing the way,
to what turned out to be a fairly expensive lingerie shoppe.
We browsed a bit, and eventually we were approached by a
sales lady who seemed to be only in her late teens.

When asked if we needed help, Kelly indicated that she was
looking for a pair of lacy panties and might the gal suggest
a pair. The sales girl had several ideas for Kelly and when
Kelly seemed to have decided on her favorite, the sales lady
asked if she might like to try them on.

"Oh no, they are not for me" Kelly answered, "they are for
him," giving a quick nod in my direction, "so you might want
to ask him."

She had broken one of the two rules, sort of. She had not
given me a dare, and so I really could not claim foul because
she involved the sales gal, who was in the process of turning
several different shades of red.

I jumped in before she had to make her voice work and said
"sure, I think I better try them on."

The sales gal turned quickly and led the way to the changing
rooms. On the way, I quietly asked Kelly exactly what the
dare was, and reminded her that she was close to breaking one
of the rules. Her answer was that I was to leave them on,
bring out the tags and pay for them. And with the door to the
changing room closed I squeezed into the lacy things, a bit
on the small side, and remembered not to zip my pants as I
finished changing. As I paid, I'm not sure who was more
embarassed: me or the sales gal.

Out of the shoppe, and thankful that I was from out of town,
we again headed for the exit. The sun was long gone, but the
heat of the day still radiated from the black surface of the
car park and was a stark contrast to the airconditioned chill
of the mall. As we cleared the exit, I turned to Kelly and
said "for the rest of the evening, whenever you are in a car,
you must remove you your shirt." I felt a small bit of
retaliation for the switch she had pulled at the photo booth.

I saw her into the car, shut the door, and watched her slip
her arms out of her blouse. "Mmmm," I thought to myself. I
crossed round to the driver side, and as I was getting in she
said "take your pants off; I want to admire your new panties
as we drive back to my car."

We drove back to the office pretty much in complete silence.
Once there I pulled in next to her car and we sat for what
seemed to be a very long moment before I remembered that it
was my dare. I looked at her and said "I dare you to follow
me back to my hotel."

Kelly confirmed which hotel I was staying in, slipped her
shirt back on, and hopped out of the car; she took my pants
with her, and climbed into hers yelling that she would see me
there. The drive over to the hotel should have taken only a
few minutes, but we seemed to catch every red traffic light
that we came to. Finally, we arrived and found adjacent
parking spaces; I suddenly was aware that Kelly still had my
pants. Surely she would not make me walk into the hotel
without them.

She opened her door and I rolled down my window as she came
up on the driver side of my car. In the mirror I could see
that she was wearing my pants now, and had tucked her shirt
in in such a manner that she remained completely covered even
though there was not a button that was fastened. Through the
window she said "hop out, and slip into my skirt before the
hotel security comes and takes notice of your panties."

So I was not going to have to waltz in half naked, but I
would have to do it wearing a skirt. Her skirt was tight in
the waist and it took two tries to get it zipped up to the
point where it looked ok and I was sure it was not going to
come off while enroute to my room. The lobby was not crowded,
but it was also not empty and we did attract the attention of
several of the folks hanging about. We crossed to the lifts
and once inside I punched the button for my floor beginning
the ascent through the middle of the building.

Finally we reached my room. It was an awkward walk and I felt
mildly aroused by the fact that with a skirt on, I could
easily be exposed like never before. It was my dare; I looked
at Kelly and said "I dare you to fuck me. Any way you

She ordered me out of the clothes that I had on, skirt,
panties, shirt, bra, and placed me on my back in the centre
of the bed. She did a slow strip tease of of my trousers, and
her blouse and her panties. Climbing on top of me she slid me
inside of her and then allowed her legs to relax and sat
completely down onto my pelvis. She started slowly at first,
and then began to pick up her back and forth, up and down,
movements until I could not hold out any longer and began to
release my fluids into her dampness while every muscle in my
body was heaving with contractions.

She stopped, and as I tried to catch my breath she said "I dare
you to make me come."

And with that she turned round and lowered herself onto my
mouth for me to tease and pleasure her with my tongue. It was
wonderful. Her wetness mixed with my own and after a bit she
was bucking back and forth until I could feel her orgasm rush
through her body squeezing every last drop of liquid from
inside of her and into my mouth.

We cuddled up and fell asleep, and when I woke in the morning
she had gone; as quietly as she had appeared at the classroom
door the previous afternoon. The flight home the next
afternoon was long, and I was suddenly aware that my lecture
tour was only half over. I became saddened when I realised
that all of the rest of the evenings spent in strange cities
would never compare to last night.

Last edited by Leopard; 01-04-2011 at 02:54 PM.
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Old 03-16-2008, 03:10 AM   #2
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Good story that is brillently written
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Old 03-16-2008, 04:08 AM   #3
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Amazing story - one of the best
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Old 03-28-2008, 12:50 PM   #4
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Excellent Story!!
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Old 11-10-2008, 10:08 PM   #5
Sorrow Becomes Her
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I liked this story! Nicely written, in fact. The sex scene felt almost a bit rushed, but then the point was not so much about sex, rather, the dares before it. Plus, the ending paragraphs made up for it. Excellent!
In ancient times, I soon became His sweetly submissive, sometimes bratty slut

Curious about Masters/slaves old enough to buy me a drink.

So very uninterested in pee, scat, beastiality, incest, knives, electricity, clampy things on my nipples (I'm such a wimpy masochist) nor will I induldge your interests in sending nudes. I'm submissive, but not beneath you. You must prove you know how to handle me first. I'm also a switch, but currently not seeking a slave of my own.
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