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Old 05-13-2024, 05:12 PM   #1
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Key The Research & Correctional Facility

Chapter One

In the year 2008, the UK government passed on act of legislation that promised to reform the criminal justice system. It was clear that prisons were not the answer; and that criminals were being locked up for years, at high expense to the British taxpayer and at the end of it... reoffending rates were simply too high. Something had to change. The only problem was, nobody could decide on what to change it to.

There were lots of ideas thrown about - but what eventually came to pass was the "Criminal Experimental Reform Act", which gave the criminal justice system additional funding to experiment different methods of punishment on criminals between the ages of 18 and 30. The punishments would be monitored, and the criminals followed throughout their lives in longitudinal studies. After precisely one hundred years, the results of the experiment would be unsealed and released to parliament and the public - who would have the foundation to make an informed decision on the future of criminal justice.

I remembered studying the ground-breaking legislation in Sociology, in Sixth Form, and being outraged by it. No oversight, no transparency - it was going to be an international embarrassment when the documents were unsealed and the century of what would undoubtedly be abuse was released to the public. Not once during that module had I considered that I would some day find myself tangled up in it. It was completely my fault, and I pleaded guilty throughout the entire ordeal. I just wanted it over with. I had hurt somebody - they were still alive, but I had hurt them. My public defender said that typically a pretty 18-year-old girl would draw enough sympathy for a reduced sentence; but given the specifics of the victim, that wasn't likely. He was, however, able to turn what could've been five years in prison into three years at the "Research & Correctional Facility" or the RCF. I hated to do it, but two years seemed like a long time, from the stand.

That's how I found myself sat on a cheap plastic chair, in a white-lit room staring at the empty grey table in front of me. A door was behind it - presumably the one they'd taken me in through. I didn't know, I was blindfolded at the time. I didn't bother checking to see if it was locked, instead I just sat and waited - knowing that somebody would turn up to the futuristic room eventually. I didn't have to wait long. A tall, slender woman; with shoulder-length grey hair, curled elegantly into a lionesses' mane paced in. She seemed to be of Indian descent and in her mid to late 40s, though it was difficult to be sure - as her face was glowing with make-up.

"Hannah Bosworth," she stated, clutching a heavy file under one arm and reaching out for a handshake with the other, "My name is Miss Adwani, it's a pleasure to meet you."

I reached out and shook her hand, trying not to let my anxiety over the situation show. She gripped it firmly and looked into my eyes, as mine did everything they could to avoid her gaze. I gave a feeble acknowledgement, unable to muster any words. I'd always been good, I couldn't believe this was happening. How could I be so stupid to let this happen? Miss Adwani placed the large folder on the table and smiled in my direction. It was not the warmest of smiles, but it seemed like an attempt at one.

"Bless you. Is there anything that I can get for you? A drink, maybe?" I shook my head, not wanting this to drag on any longer than it needed to, "Okay, then I guess we'll make a start. Welcome to the RCF, Hannah, it's a delight to have you here. I am your assigned handler for the duration of your stay which I believe to be three years."

She paused to check the folder again and nodded, "Yes, three years. I don't know how much you've been told about this place, but we tend to run our punishments a little bit differently. Every subject in the facility has a slightly different punishment to the others. Some are very similar; some are complete wildcards. So, you'll be in a completely unique situation compared to the other subjects. Are you following me so far?"

I nodded. It was all information that I'd been told before. They would explore a wide range of different testing methods, and if one seemed effective - they would then invest more resources into it.

"I don't know if you'll be happy or sad to hear that you have been selected for quite a unique experiment. I must admit, I'm not sure how you're going to react to this - Hannah, darling," she said, immediately snapping her fingers.

As if on command, the door behind her and a guard (in a grey uniform with a black mask) stepped forward with something in his hands, that he immediately passed over to Miss Adwani. I didn't get a clear view of it until it was slammed down on the table in front of me. It appeared to be a slab of a cotton plastic material.

"Do you know what this is, Hannah?"

I shook my head nervously, certain that I didn't want to know the answer.

"This is an adult diaper. It's what you're going to be spending the next three years in, darling."

I would love to say that I stood up and yelled in defiance. That I screamed and called Miss Adwani every name under the sun; making it absolutely clear that I would never in a million years wear an adult diaper. That would be lying, though. Instead, I sat there - my blood running cold and my throat unable to muster a sound as I looked at the bulky diaper that sat in front of me. I knew she wasn't joking, or bluffing, or anything like that - she was completely serious. That was the moment it became clear what I was dealing with.

I sat there numbly, making no effort of resistance as a guard appeared at either side of me; picked me up and held me onto the table. I recall being surprised that they needed two of them, given my small frame; but I suppose they expected an extra burst of adrenaline to fight back. There was no fight-back. I started into emptiness, trying my best not to cry as Miss Adwani removed my beige bottoms and tossed them aside. I held my breath as she slipped down my black panties and closed my eyes as the guards lifted my ass up to slide the padding of the diaper beneath me. One cough of baby powder and four tapes later, I was secured into my first ever adult diaper. The guards did not relent, however.

"Now Hannah, I suspect in time - that you will earn my trust and will learn to behave yourself; but for now, I am going to need a little bit of extra security," she said, taking something large and metallic from one of the guards. "I hope you won't hold this against me, but this is a belt which will hold your diaper in place - until I'm ready to remove it."

I made a gasping sound as the cold metal pressed against my lower stomach and clicked into place. Miss Adwani then took another metal strip and attached one end to the front of my stomach and one end to the back, the arch going beneath my diapered crotch. It clicked into place, as she twisted a key into a mechanism behind my back. I didn't need to bother touching the metal to know that it wasn't going to budge without either the key or very heavy equipment... which I was very unlikely to find in the facility.

With my diaper now impossible to remove, the guards relented and I was able to sit up and nervously hop off of the table and back to my chair. My handler returned to her seat opposite, the more confident expression on her face making it very clear that the dynamic in the room was not the same that it had been thirty seconds ago.

"Good girl, Hannah. I think most of our subjects would've put up at least some fight - but you were very brave," I couldn't tell whether she meant to sound so insulting with her words. "All of the handlers have a key to your diaper, so you will come to either myself or one of them when you need a change."

"A- a- change?" I burst out, the first words I'd properly spoken in a long while, brought on by the sudden surprise of what she had said.

She laughed and shook her head in disbelief, "I thought you were supposed to be a smart one, darling. How were you planning on removing that to use the bathroom? You'll need to find somebody to change you out of your mess when the time comes. Now, is that understood?"

My face went white as bone, as I gave a weak nod.

"I said - is that understood?" she repeated, firmer.

"Yes, Miss," I said, bowing my head to hide the rage that lingered on my face.

"Good girl," she said, as she tossed me a pleated grey skirt, "Now put this on to cover up that fluffy underwear of yours, it's time to show you around the Facility."
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Old 05-13-2024, 07:17 PM   #2
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Chapter Two

The plastic of my diaper crinkled with every footstep as I walked down the bright white corridor outside of the meeting room. The harsh white light did nothing to conceal the redness of my face, blushing at the knowledge that Miss Adwani could hear every single rustle of my diaper. The provided skirt just about concealed it from view, but it didn't leave much room for error and I found my hand fidgeting with the back of the skirt, making sure that it wasn't riding upwards and showing off my padded behind to the empty corridor behind me.

"These are the meeting rooms," she explained, not bothering to stop like a proper tour guide would, "You'll typically only find yourself here upon entry, upon leaving or if you've been a very, very bad girl. Subjects aren't welcome on this floor, so hopefully - you won't be back here until three years have passed, little Hannah."

After a few snaking turns and a few points where Miss Adwani had to stop to scan a key-card, we exited out into a more open space with a large elevator door. The number "-2" was painted on the wall in a large font next to it. The door pinged open and she stepped inside, I followed nervously behind her into the metallic box. On the wall was long chain of numbers, ranging from -1, at the top, to -15 at the bottom.

"Say goodbye to the surface," Miss Adwani said, patting me on the shoulder, as she pressed the "-4" button - sparking the doors to close and the elevator to zip downwards.

I wasn't sure how serious she was. Were we actually heading deep underground, or had we started from a very high point? I tried to think about the route that they'd taken me while I was blindfolded, but that felt like years ago now - despite the fact it was within the hour. After less than a moment, the door pinged open and we stepped outside into a tiled area. Directly in front of us was a balcony, which Miss Adwani beckoned me to approach. I stepped forward and couldn't contain a gasp as I looked down. I wasn't sure what I anticipated, but it wasn't something to the scale of the facility that stood beneath. I looked down upon eight more balconies beneath me, each forming a large oval that looked down upon the massive atrium below. We were too high up to make out details, but I could see bustling crowds of people down there.

"Welcome home," she beamed, placing one hand on each of my shoulders, from behind. I kept thinking that I'd reached the moment where things had dawned on me.

She went on to show me the large cafeteria space that spanned the entirety of floor -4. The space was huge, but she reassured me that it wasn't even large enough to hold everybody at once, so they had to stagger meals. "It's a very tight ship," she explained.

"You can find the classrooms on 10 and 11, you'll be expected to attend according to the schedule provided. Sports facilities are at 12..." she took a moment to look me up and down and scoffed, "Not that I think you'll be interested. 13 is the atrium that you see below - that's where you're expected to be, if you have no reason to be elsewhere."

"What about 14 and 15?" I asked, remembering that the elevator had buttons that went lower.

She seemed impressed that I remembered, but didn't reward me with a clear answer, "Be a good girl, and you may be so lucky as to never find out, my darling."

We stepped back into the elevator, and she took the two of us down to -9. We stepped out to an identical balcony, only lower in the structure. Behind us, however, was a wall - with multiple winding doorways. "Follow," she instructed, as she led me through a series of maze-like corridors.

"Good afternoon, Miss Adwani," echoed each subject that we passed in the hall - all female, all wearing outfits that were different; yet all formal. None of them acknowledged me with anything more than an interested glare.

"8 and 9 are for the girls, 6 and 7 for the boys," she explained as we passed multiple wooden doors - all with numbers engraved onto them. After a while of twisting around, we arrived at a door with 909 engraved onto it. "Here we are, this is your dorm. Get yourself inside and settled. There is a device on your bed, make sure that it is turned on and working; it will instruct you on what to do next."

I wasn't given the time for questions, as she opened the door and shooed me inside. As the door slammed shut behind me, I stared in shock at the tiny room ahead. It was barely larger than a wide corridor, with enough foot room to walk to the bed and to the door. However, the greater surprise came from the fact that it was not one bed; but two. Crammed into the small living space were two beds, each with a wooden box at the end of it. Both were made up neatly with pastel pink bedding. It would be impossible to tell them apart if not for the wooden signs that were nailed into the wall above each. "HANNAH" on one, "POLLY" on the other.

"I guess I have a roommate," I mumbled to myself, as I looked at my bed and sat on it. It wasn't the most comfortable bed in the world, but it was certainly more comfortable than how I imagined a prison bed would be. I considered just going to sleep there and then, before I remembered what my handler had told me about the device. It wasn't on the bed, as she told me it would be. It seemed logical to check the chest at the end of my bed.

I shifted the wooden top and looked inside. Sure enough, a pocket-sized tablet sat neatly on top of a stack of... oh, great. A large pile of more adult diapers; identical the one I was currently wearing. I snatched the tablet and closed the chest immediately, terrified that somebody would walk in and see what I was hiding. Breathing heavily, I resorted to sitting back on my bed and booting up the tablet.

"Good afternoon, Hannah," the tablet burst out in a robotic feminine voice, "My name is the Subject Assignment & Routine Automator, but you can call me SARA. It is nice to meet you."

There was an awkward pause, as if it expected me to say something back. I did not indulge.

"My job is to answer any questions that you have. For example, if you need to find your handler - I can provide you with her location. Most importantly, however, my job is to tell you where you need to be; by providing you your routine. To hear your routine, please say 'SARA, tell me my routine'."

"SARA, tell me my routine."

The robot replied immediately, "To hear your routine, please say 'SARA, please tell me my routine."

I rolled my eyes, but obliged, knowing that somebody had coded that in specifically to gain that reaction, "SARA, please tell me my routine."

"Your current assignment is to stay in your dormitory," SARA replied, cheerfully, "In 30 minutes time, you are expected to make your way to the Dining Hall for your evening meal. Please make yourself at home."

I nodded to myself and re-perched myself on my bed. I didn't have my phone, I didn't have any books, I had nothing to do with myself. I spent a few minutes just sitting in silence, before my attention turned to downstairs. I pulled down my skirt and examined the diaper that I was wearing. It was held very firmly in place by the metal - though I was sure that I could damage it, if I really wanted to. What would that achieve, though? The good news was that I didn't need to use the bathroom just yet... but it wouldn't be long.

Another, more sinister thought crossed my mind, and that gave me another horrific realization. I considered masturbating. Rubbing myself through the padding of the diaper and giving myself some enjoyment, in this very bleak situation. However, the metal belt seemed to precisely cover any area that would be suitable for rubbing. Was that intentional? Surely, not.

With nothing else to turn my attention to, I looked at the only other puzzle piece in the room. My roommate's chest. It was unlocked, as mine was; and given that mine contained a hint to my punishment, I wondered if theirs considered a clue towards theirs. I spent a full minute talking myself out of it, before curiosity got the better of me and I found myself opening the top of their crate. It all felt extremely lacklustre when I found nothing but the most basic dresses, tops and panties. I found myself inspecting every item of clothing, desperate to find something wrong - desperate for proof that I wasn't the only person going through a fucked up form of torture right now.

I was sat on Polly's bed, checking over a pair of panties when I was startled by a cough - my eyes shooting upwards in horror. In the doorway, stood a tall brunette with fair skin.

"What are you doing with my underwear?" she scowled, closing the door behind her.
Your diaper maid. Here to obey.

Read my diaper humiliation story: The Research & Correctional Facility

Subby girl, 18
Loves diapers, humiliation, misogyny, CNC, mental torment, toilet stuff, risk.
Curious about semi-public, forced-bi, pet play.
Limits are pictures, videos, exposure, full public (risk is fine), enemas, messy, anal, ice, extreme pain.

I consent to being spoken down to, insulted, and to be given tasks by anybody.
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Old 05-14-2024, 05:41 AM   #3
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Chapter Three

I didn't realise that girls like Polly existed. Or, at least, I didn't realize they existed out in the wild - beyond TV screens. She was stunningly gorgeous. A strong-jawed face, bronzed and contoured perfectly with make-up; eyeshadow painted delicately around each eye. Her dark brown hair was tied into a high ponytail, that ran down her back. Most fascinatingly, however, was her outfit. I was wearing a cheap, beige t-shirt - something that I'd been provided before entering, and my basic grey skirt. I'd assumed that most of my fellow residents would be wearing similar outfits. Her outfit looked like it could've cost thousands. A white dress, that tightly hugged her body, with the upper section (and sleeves) made of a see-through fabric, showing off her cleavage. Stitched into the fabric was some beautiful floral embroidery.

My face flushed red with embarrassment at her arrival and without thinking, I flung the panties across the room in a panic. "I- I- It's not what it looks- I was just curious," I burst out, trying to find the right words that wouldn't make life with my new roommate start in the most awkward way possible.

She stood at the door for a moment, one hand on her hip looking at me suspiciously before her tough exterior finally broke and she shook her head with a cackling laugh. "Don't worry about it," she said, a floaty-pitched voice - traces of an American accent visible within it.

She sauntered over towards me, it becoming clear as she approached that there was a full foot difference in height between the two of us. Her hands snatched the panties from the bed and tossed them back into her crate. She then turned to me, paused for just a second and then pulled me into an embrace, pushing my face into her chest as she did so.

"It's so nice to meet you, Hannah, I'm sorry - you must be having such a shit day," she said, as she held me tightly. I tried to make sense of the tonal whiplash, going from complete fear of this young woman's reaction to now experiencing my first actual bit of human warmth in what felt like a long while. My brain couldn't make sense of it, and decided to simply and silently cry into Polly's chest, instead. She stroked the back of my head, and held me for a moment before I was composed enough to break the hug.

She took a seat on her bed and I took a seat on mine. We couldn't sit directly parallel to each other, as there wasn't enough space in the walkway between the two beds for both of us to take up post there. Instead, we sat slightly out of sync. "I've been here nearly a year now," she explained after a moment of enjoying the silence of our emotions, "I still remember the first day. I wish I could reassure you and tell you it's the hardest, but you've got many harder days to come, I'm afraid."

I nodded, appreciating the honesty of her words. Sniffles poured of my nostrils, as snot dribbled down my chin. "You don't- you don't understand what they've done to me," I choked out, thinking of the thick padding between my legs; knowing that it was only a matter of time before it became soaked with my own pee.

"The diapers, right?" Polly asked, quickly, before then realizing that she wasn't supposed to know about them.

"Wha- how did you?"

My eyes shot to the crate at the end of my bed, then to Polly and then to her crate. Ah. For the first time since arriving at the RCF, I laughed and shook my head. "Guess we're even then."

Polly laughed too - a strange laugh, that sounded almost like a pig squealing. "Sorry, I couldn't help myself. They brought the crate in and I was so excited to find out about my new roommate. I was very, um, confused."

I nodded, "Me too. When I woke up this morning, I didn't think that I'd be committing the next three years of my life to being in adult bloody diapers."

Polly smiled, "That's how it goes here. When I first came here, I didn't think they were going to pump me full of hormones and make me a girl, but here we both are."


Was she joking? Suddenly, I found myself hyper-analysing Polly's facial structure and her body, trying to make sense of this off-the-cut comment. Her face was so beautiful and feminine, and her boobs too real for that to be a serious remark... right?

As if she could read my mind, Polly shook her head, "I'm not joking, Hannah. There's quite a few of us - undergoing "forced feminization therapy". A couple going the other way too. I'm not really supposed to talk about it, but since I know about your diapers - it only seems fair."

"So, like..." I shook my head in disbelief, suddenly incredibly jealous at how much more traditionally beautiful Polly was than me, "What pronouns am I supposed to use?"

Polly giggled and shook her head, "I'm not transgender. This is completely against my will. But, you have to use she/her pronouns and call me Polly, or they'll punish both of us. Technically, they refer to me as a 'sissy', I think so they don't get me confused with the actual women that are here."

I nodded, feeling a little bit of shame at my previous jealousy over Polly's situation, it did not sound fun at all. "I'm sorry, that really sucks. I shouldn't be complaining about my diapers."

"Don't worry, you get used to it around here. There's a lot of variation in punishments. Some are way worse than mine, and some are so, so much better," Polly explained, "If yours stops at the diapers, it's still probably on the worse side of things."

"Can you please not tell anyone about them, I really want to- wait, what do mean if it stops at diapers?"

Polly blushed, "Forget I said that, sorry! I didn't mean anything by it."

I couldn't forget that she'd said it, unfortunately. My mind began to race. I'd thought this was the extent of my humiliation here, but was it going to get worse? Did Polly know something that I didn't? Despite my mind exploring all avenues, I decided not to pressure Polly about it; already feeling guilty about searching through her underwear.

"Okay," I sighed, "But, can you please not tell anyone about the diapers? At least for now."

Polly nodded, "Of course. People are going to be curious though, they're going to want to know what your punishment is - and the longer it takes you tell them, the worse they're going to assume it is."

"I'm fine with that," I nodded, "So, what's-"

I was cut off by the voice of SARA, coming from both of our devices. "It is now time for the evening meal. Please make your way to the Dining Hall immediately."

Polly nodded and slipped her SARA into her pocket, beckoning me to do the same. "We better get going - they don't like it when we're late. Plus, I want to get good seats."

She stood up and made her way to the door, turning to me and giving a joking grin, "Come along, diaper girl."

I blushed, but smiled - able to recognize it as a joke, "Right after you, sissy girl."

Polly laughed, "We're going to be fun. I can tell."
Your diaper maid. Here to obey.

Read my diaper humiliation story: The Research & Correctional Facility

Subby girl, 18
Loves diapers, humiliation, misogyny, CNC, mental torment, toilet stuff, risk.
Curious about semi-public, forced-bi, pet play.
Limits are pictures, videos, exposure, full public (risk is fine), enemas, messy, anal, ice, extreme pain.

I consent to being spoken down to, insulted, and to be given tasks by anybody.
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Old 05-14-2024, 08:19 AM   #4
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very nice, you have me hooked now, what will Hannah's punishment morph into
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I am a baby and should be treated like one

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I am just starting my foray into ABDL, teach me.
Limits: family, friends, animals, scat, underage, social suicide. Permanent markings.

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Last edited by Vodin30; 05-14-2024 at 08:21 AM.
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Old 05-15-2024, 01:57 PM   #5
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Chapter Four

"The one good thing about this place... is the food," Polly explained to me, excitedly as we made our way through the winding halls of the Floor 9 dorms, joining a mass of other girls also heading in the same direction.

The crowd made me deeply conscious about the fact that I was wearing a diaper, and I found my hands constantly reaching for the bottom of my skirt; to make sure it was pulled all of the way. I, also, couldn't help but look at each of the girls around me and wonder what their punishment was. Had some of them entered here as boys, like Polly? It was impossible for tell for most of them; but I would get the occasional clue. I saw one tall blonde wearing what looked like a dog's collar. Another had a shaved head, though for all I knew - that could've been a personal fashion statement.

Eventually, after treading water for several minutes, we reached the cafeteria - which was already swarming with people. Polly grabbed my hand and led me to a table against the back wall, telling me that this is where she would always sit with her friends. We arrived at the rectangular table to find a pair of people already sat there: a short white male, and a similarly-sized, dark-skinned woman with medium-length black hair. Both seemed to be in their early 20s. The young man had nicely groomed brown hair, which made up a significant portion of his small, but handsome face. His non-muscular chest was covered by a beige cardigan, very similar to the t-shirt that I was wearing. His companion had circular spectacles, and was wearing a white blouse with a brown jacket on top of it. My eyes were immediately drawn to a bruise on her left cheek and a prominent scar on her lip.

"Nylah, Ryan..." Polly said as we took seats opposite the duo, "This is Hannah. My new roommate."

The young woman extended her hand for a handshake. My second of the day. Her face lit up into a very toothy smile, exposing her gleaming white mouth, "Nice to meet you, Hannah, I'm Nylah and this is Ryan."

I shook her hand and smiled back, happy to make friends here. I then extended my hand out to Ryan, "Nice to meet you, Ryan."

Ryan smiled, shook my hand and mouthed some words, though didn't say anything. It was clear that this confused me, because Nylah interjected, "Ryan doesn't speak. Well, he can't speak. That's his, um, punishment - they did some surgery on his vocal cords when he got here."

He nodded, to affirm its truth, and I felt my jaw hit the floor in shock. That was, by far, the worst thing that I'd heard today. Surely, they weren't allowed to do that? "That's awful," I said, not being able to find words strong enough to express my disgust, "I'm so sorry, Ryan."

Ryan put his hands together and tilted them towards me and smiled. A show of gratitude.

"They claim it's fully reversible," Nylah continued, "I don't know how much I trust the bastards, though."

Those words spun in my head violently. That was crazy. Selfishly, I wasn't thinking too much of Ryan's awful situation. Instead, I was thinking of what Polly had told me - implying that my punishment might not end at just diapers. If they were willing to be this ruthless on Ryan, what hope did I have?

Nylah tried desperately to fill the silence, clearly not finding it very comfortable, "Yeah... So..."

Polly saved her the trouble, whipping SARA out and beaming at me, "You'll need to order your preferred meal on your SARA. You should have a list on the homepage to pick from."

I nodded, trying my best to regulate my face to a regular colour, and removed SARA from where I had stored her. After pressing the button on the side to enable the screen, I looked at the list of food items.
  • Chicken Nuggies
  • Fish Fingers
  • Baked Beans (ve)

"Are they always this-" I started to say, before Polly interjected.

"Oh, you need to get the nachos - they're amazing!" she grinned, tapping furiously at her screen.

"The nachos? Are there more options?"

Nylah frowned, "No, it should just be the three options. Nachos, chow mein and the tofu roast dinner." After seeing the vacant look on my face, she reached forward and grabbed SARA out of my hands, before I had the chance to react. Her face lit up, "Oh wow, you do have different ones. I've never seen that before."

"What!?" Polly gasped, "That's so unfair! What options does she have?"

Nylah grimaced, handing me the SARA back, "Much more boring ones. It's like looking at a kid's menu. Is that your punishment? They're starving you with bad food?"

I gave a nervous smile, shuffling slightly in my seat and hearing the crinkle of my diaper's plastic as I did so, "I suppose this is part of it." I tried my best to maintain a brave face, "It's fine. I like chicken nuggets, anyway."

I tapped the first option and SARA lit up green, her screen then closing down. I took a deep breath, trying to compose myself; I wasn't going to let this get to me. I wasn't going to let this, or the fact that I was starting to feel some pressure on my bladder, get to me.

"So, Hannah - what's your story? You don't have to say why you're here, I'm just trying to get a read of you," Nylah said, leaning forward in her seat.

"Not this again," Polly rolled her eyes. "She always does this stupid thing where-"


I smirked at their back-and-forth and nodded, ready to admit at least some details of my life. "Well, I'm from Manchester. I'm 18 years old. I was supposed to be going to Oxford to study Law in September, but that isn't happening now..." I felt my voice crack and took a moment to recompose myself, desperate not to cry, "I don't really know what else to say..."

Nylah nodded her head a few times, stroking her chin as if she was thinking. She then raised two fists towards Ryan and opened the one on her left. Her shook his head and she laughed, nodding vigorously. "I'm confident. Trust me." He still shook his head, laughing without noise.

"What?" I asked, my tears turning into confused laughter.

"Are you straight, Hannah?" she asked, bluntly.

My face turned red, being hit by the question like a sucker punch. "Wh- what? Um, yes- I think so!"

As soon as the words left my mouth, Ryan angrily hit his fist on the table shaking his head and moving his mouth the way that somebody angrily cursing would. Nylah burst out into a chorus of rapturous laughter, "I win again! You're awful at this, Ry."

I blushed, where they betting on my sexuality?

"Sorry, sorry," Nylah said, calming down, aware that she was catching looks from nearby tables, "That wasn't meant to be mean-spirited. I'm just trying to prove to Ryan that I have the best gaydar around."

"What gave me away?" I said, trying to find the funny side of the joke.

She chuckled, "I think it's part of my punishment. The pretty one's are never in my dating pool."

We were interrupted by the arrival of three guards, who approved - again with their faces hidden behind a mask. Each placed a large white plate of food in front of my three companions. Polly was right, it looked delicious; the portions were impressive and the smell made me want to drool.

"Sorry, we're not allowed to share," Polly said, wolfing down her nachos. I wasn't sure how serious she was.

A singular guard returned a few minutes later with my food. I didn't realise until it was placed in front of me that my chicken nuggets and chips were not served on the same white place as my peers. Instead, they were on a much smaller, pastel pink Minnie Mouse plate. The cutlery placed on either side was chunky and made of blue plastic; not like the other metal forks at the table. Before I could even make a comment, I felt something on the back of my neck and realised that a bright pink bib had been draped over my head, and the guard who had served me was now tying the strings of it at the back of my neck. I had no possible reaction other than to sit there, as Nylah, Polly and Ryan watched on in confusion. Once it was secured in place, the guard left without a word.

Suddenly, the very last thing that I wanted to do was eat - as I felt my stomach churning with butterflies. For just a few moments, I'd forgotten what this place was. I looked down at the chicken on my plate and couldn't help but visualize it as something that would be smushed into my diaper, within twenty-four hours.

"This might be less weird if you told us what your punishment is," Nylah finally said, unable to handle the silence any longer.
Your diaper maid. Here to obey.

Read my diaper humiliation story: The Research & Correctional Facility

Subby girl, 18
Loves diapers, humiliation, misogyny, CNC, mental torment, toilet stuff, risk.
Curious about semi-public, forced-bi, pet play.
Limits are pictures, videos, exposure, full public (risk is fine), enemas, messy, anal, ice, extreme pain.

I consent to being spoken down to, insulted, and to be given tasks by anybody.
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Old 05-15-2024, 02:37 PM   #6
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nice i love whats happening there
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Old 05-16-2024, 03:56 PM   #7
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Chapter Five

I explained everything to Nylah and Ryan, holding back the tears as I did so - but failing badly at preventing myself from blushing. I told them about what I was wearing, I told them about the diapers in my room and I gritted my teeth as I told them what I was feeling the very strong urge to do at that moment.

"That is so gross," Nylah said, shaking her head in disbelief, "Who comes up with this stuff? Are you going to have to poop in them too?"

Ryan nudged Nylah in her side. Hard. She yelped, "Ow! I was only asking."

I solemnly nodded my head, having done everything in my power to keep that thought out of my mind. At some point, I was going to have to poop myself. That was not going to be fun. Wetting myself wasn't too much more appealing, however, and that was an evil that was approaching much faster. I tried not to think about it as I ignored my lack of appetite and used the chunky plastic fork to start digging into my chicken nuggets. After the brief excitement, we mostly ate in silence, with just some passing small talk escaping from people's lips, between bites.

"So, what happens after dinner?" I asked, thinking about how I needed to find Miss Adwani and get my diaper changed, once I finally reach my limit.

Polly replied, "Most of us have a few free hours to socialize or get involved with activities. Some people, on the other hand..."

Nylah grimaced, "I have an evening class, unfortunately, so I won't be joining you."

"Oh yes, Miss Adwani mentioned there were classrooms. How does that work? What kind of classes are there?"

The two burst out laughing in response with Ryan shaking his head. It was Polly that answered, "Sorry, hun, they're not regular classes. They're more like extensions of the punishment. All of my classes are 'Feminization' classes."

I groaned. Great, I thought to myself, it just gets worse and worse with every passing moment.

Nylah giggled, "Well, if you have classes - at least they'll be easy. They'll probably just have you learning stuff like the alphabet."

Ryan again lunged towards her, as if trying to cover her hand with his mouth as she laughed. I wasn't too sure what to make of her remark, but the fight that had broken out had definitely allowed me to see some humour in the situation.

"OI!" yelled out a masculine voice as a guard rushed over, a thick black baton in his hands, "Do you two want to spend the nights in the cells?" he yelled at Ryan and Nylah, the latter of whom was still laughing.

The two quickly released each other and got back to their seats. "No, Sir, we're sorry," Nylah said, composing herself quickly.

"Good girl," the guard growled before turning and slowly walking away, leaving us back at the table again. I could tell that a few of the nearby tables were watching us; though trying to be subtle about it.

We began to settle back down and conversations got a bit more muted, before SARA finally announced aloud, a chorus across the cafeteria, "Evening meal has now concluded. Please make your way out of the cafeteria."

Nylah was the first to her feet, "Right, I need to go down to my class."

"Atrium, Ry?" Polly asked Ryan, who nodded, "Hannah, you coming down to the atrium with us?"

I shook my head, "I need to find Miss Adwani..." I motioned downwards, not daring to say the words aloud for fear that my bladder would hear me. "How do I find her?"

Polly nodded, "Gotcha. If you ask SARA, she should be able to tell you."

"Miss Adwani is currently located in Classroom 14, on Floor -10," SARA responded, upon my query.

We made our way to the elevator, with all of us heading downwards, descending into the facility. I was the first to disembark, stepping off at the first floor of classrooms. Once again, stepping out of the elevator, I was greeted by the balcony that looked down onto the rest of the facility. However, behind me, forming the entirety of the dome were sixteen classrooms. I spotted number 14 across the other side of the balcony and was about to start making my way around when a voice stopped me.

"Well, well, well, it's been a while," the joyful, feminine voice said.

I turned to see a taller girl, who looked to be in her early 20s, standing with her back against the side of the elevator. She had golden blonde hair that was tied into a ponytail and was wearing a fashionable white crop top and black bottoms. I couldn't help but notice the full face of make-up, which led to me asking myself whether she was actually female - or another sissy. Given how gorgeous Polly was, that seemed an impossible question to answer.

"Um, do I know you?" I asked, not sure what she meant.

She shook her head and laughed, "No, sorry. I can see how that would be confusing. I just meant it's nice to have another new 'control' in here. It's been a while and our numbers were dwindling."


"Goodness, I can tell you haven't ever studied science," she laughed, walking up to me, "When you're doing an experiment, you have a test group and a control group. You run an experiment on the test group and then compare the results against the control group, which was left untouched. All those freaks roaming around doing their weird punishments, they're the experiment group. Those of us who went unpunished - we're the controls."

"But- I'm not- What makes you-" I thought for a moment and then composed myself. Why not just play along and avoid the conflict? "How did you know I was one of you?"

"Oh, I overheard you talking about going to see Miss Adwani," she explained, "You would only have her class this evening if you were a control."

"But... aren't the classes part of the punishments?"

The blonde girl laughed and shook her head, "Not our classes, silly. We're halfway through a Further Maths module; but I'm sure you'll be able to catch up. Come on!"

She hurried forwards, heading to the same destination that I was heading. Cursing my luck, I followed her closely. Of course we're going to the same place... Of course!

"I'm Georgia, by the way," she said as we walked. She didn't offer a handshake or a hug like the others that I'd met today.


With every step, I could feel my bladder throbbing. I was going to have to release it soon, but it now seemed that the only possible way to getting a diaper change was to expose myself as a liar to Georgia. I held my breathe as Georgia pushed open the door to Classroom 14 and we both stepped inside.
Your diaper maid. Here to obey.

Read my diaper humiliation story: The Research & Correctional Facility

Subby girl, 18
Loves diapers, humiliation, misogyny, CNC, mental torment, toilet stuff, risk.
Curious about semi-public, forced-bi, pet play.
Limits are pictures, videos, exposure, full public (risk is fine), enemas, messy, anal, ice, extreme pain.

I consent to being spoken down to, insulted, and to be given tasks by anybody.
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Old 05-17-2024, 03:24 PM   #8
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Chapter Six

The classroom was exactly how you would expect a classroom to look. Rows of desks filled the room, about forty desks in total, with a wall of cabinets against the back wall. The harsh lighting of the facility faded to provide a more warmth look. Of the many desks, only the front row had some occupants - with a young man and a young woman sat silently. Both were traditionally attractive; with the man sporting short, slicked-back brown hair and the woman having brown hair that was styled into a fringe. Sat with her back against the blackboard near to us was Miss Adwani. She turned and smiled.

"Ah, Georgia - I was starting to worry that you weren't joining us, take a-" she paused, blinking as she noticed that Georgia wasn't alone, "I can see that you've brought a guest along. Can I help you, Hannah?"

I blushed, already regretting walking in. I should've made my excuses, turned around and came back later. It was easy to think that while my diaper was still dry, however. I gulped.

"Um, no, everything's fine, I think I'll just come back later," I said, trying to execute the back-up plan. I didn't dare look at Georgia's face, knowing that my lie was quickly unravelling.

"Lift up your skirt," my handler replied, coldly.

My heart raced, as my eyes pleaded with her not to do this. I could sense Georgia's glare on me, as well as the eyes of the two others on the front row, all trying to figure out what exactly was happening.

"Why?" I whispered, giving her every opportunity to take pity on me.

She rose to her feet and spoke with clarity and scorn, "I need to make sure that you haven't made a mess in your diaper, Hannah, of course."

There was complete silence in the room as I nervously stuck one hand under each side of the skirt and slowly lifted it up to reveal the dry diaper beneath it. After a few seconds of holding the position, the silence collapsed - as the three peers in the room burst out into laughter and applause.

"Wow," Georgia choked on her laughs, "I can't believe you had me fooled like that. Look at you, you complete freak!"

I don't quite know what came over me next. It may have just been the pressure of the situation, or it may have been some part of my subconscious that recognized that this had to be done.

"Look," the man laughed, standing up and pointing at my padding, "She's peeing right now, holy shit!"

I gasped as I realised he was telling the truth. Warm urine was flooding into the bottom of my diaper, and I could feel the padding absorb it and push against my flesh. It was a unique feeling - the padding didn't feel soaked, just slightly damp; but I could tell by the whiff of urine smell that was hitting my nostrils exactly what had happened. The face of my three fellow students told me that they could tell, too.

"Such a disgusting girl," Miss Adwani tutted, shaking her head and reaching into one of her drawers. "I'm in the middle of teaching, so I don't have time to change your mess now - but go sit in the back of the class and complete this. I'll get to you once class is over, in an hour."

My face flushed, I meekly took the sheet of paper and box out of her hands and paced over to one of the desks at the back of the room, feeling the expanded, saggy padding chafe between my legs with every step. I felt every eye in the room on me as I did so. As Georgia took her seat, on the front row, she turned back to me and blew a kiss - though the look of glee on her face made it clear that it was more of a threatening gesture than an affectionate one.

As if I wasn't there, Miss Adwani began speaking about some complex mathematical concept which I had never heard of, previously. It was like they were speaking a different language. I looked down at the sheet of paper that she had given me. It took me a moment to recognize it, and when I did I audibly gasped. It was my mugshot photo, only it wasn't a photo - it was styled like a page from a colouring in book; composed entirely of thick line art. The other key difference was that I didn't remember having a pacifier in my mouth at the time of the photo being taken.

In the box, I found an assortment of crayons and realised what was expected of me. While my peers at the front of the room learned hardcore maths, I was using crayons to colour in a babified version of myself - trying desperately not to think about the soggy diaper that was between my legs. I tried my best to stay within the lines, not wanting to give anybody any excuse to escalate things further. When it came time to colour in the pacifier, I had to think about what colour to use. I, eventually, settled on yellow; using the same shade that I had used to colour my hair.

After a while, Miss Adwani announced an end to class and dismissed the students. As Georgia stepped towards the door, she looked over to me and smiled, "See you around, diaper girl. You'll regret lying to me!"

As she, too, disappeared; Miss Adwani approached my desk, my art not-so-proudly on display at the end of it.

"Good job," she said without emotion, looking closely at my work, "I would've went for a pink pacifier; but that's fine. Now, I believe there's something that you wanted to ask me?"

I blushed, "I need a change, Miss Adwani."

"A change? A change of what?"

I groaned internally, but remained silent for a second - it was clear what she was doing. I had no choice but to play the game.

"I need- Ugh. Please can I have a- Please can I have a diaper change, Miss Adwani?"

She smiled slyly, "A diaper change? Whatever for?"

My eyes widened in panic, before I realised that she was still playing. How funny. "Because I wet my diaper, Miss."

She snickered and nodded, it being clear that I'd passed her test. "Well, it's a bloody good job that I put you in one then. Maybe if you'd manage to hold it until I came to take it off, we could've just said you didn't need it. Oh well."

Was that a joke? That was probably a joke...

She grabbed the desk in front of mine and pushed it towards me, so that it formed a larger desk with my own. She then patted the double-desk. "Lie down on here, I'll change you."

I nervously and slowly climbed on top, as instructed, and laid down. I stared at the ceiling as I heard her return to her desk and then return to me. A click later, and I felt the pressure that holding my diaper on to me release - she had unlocked the belt. I considered, in that moment, staging my rebellion. Standing up and fighting her off, and then making a break for it. But what would that achieve? I had no way of getting out of this place. I'd just end up in a worse situation, later.

She tore the diaper off aggressively and tossed it onto the floor behind her, showing a lot of casualness for a pee-soaked object. She then took out a wipe and wiped me down. She didn't do it intentionally, but when the wipe went over my sensitive areas; I couldn't help but shiver at the coldness. She chuckled at this, but didn't say a word. She then applied some more baby powder, and lifted my butt atop a fresh diaper; identical to the last. This was taped up and before I could even think otherwise, the belt was reattached in place. I was back to square one, in a fresh diaper.

"Such a good girl," she said, as I sat back up, "Now, no more changes for tonight; but I'll come around your dorm when you wake up tomorrow - so that you start tomorrow afresh. You've done well today, even if it was naughty for you to turn up to my class uninvited."

I nodded, as I scurried towards the door - ready to head up to my dorm and re-convene with Polly. I caught a glimpse of my colouring being push-pinned to the wall as I left.

Your diaper maid. Here to obey.

Read my diaper humiliation story: The Research & Correctional Facility

Subby girl, 18
Loves diapers, humiliation, misogyny, CNC, mental torment, toilet stuff, risk.
Curious about semi-public, forced-bi, pet play.
Limits are pictures, videos, exposure, full public (risk is fine), enemas, messy, anal, ice, extreme pain.

I consent to being spoken down to, insulted, and to be given tasks by anybody.
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Old 05-17-2024, 08:15 PM   #9
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nice chapter, i can picture it as if i am there a proverbial fly on the wall.
Teamup Calendar
just starting to enter into ABDL

I am a baby and should be treated like one

Baby's Likes:
I am just starting my foray into ABDL, teach me.
Limits: family, friends, animals, scat, underage, social suicide. Permanent markings.

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Old 05-18-2024, 03:47 PM   #10
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Looking forward to reading the next chapter.
Likes: pain, humiliation, anal.

Dislikes: writing lines, corner time, edging.

Limits: public, pictures, scat, pee, family, blood, denial, ice. (I can't do spanking because it is loud and I don't live alone).

Toys: nipple clamps, ball gag, hand cuffs, collar, and clitoral vibrator. NEW: Butt plug set, 4 sizes.

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Old 05-19-2024, 05:39 PM   #11
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Chapter Seven

It felt strange to think, but when I stepped out of Miss Adwani's classroom - I felt a new feeling of freedom. I was no longer in a clammy, wet diaper; and was in no rush to get from point A to point B. I finally had a moment to myself to comprehend the nightmare that was transpiring around me, and figure out exactly how I felt about it.

Wetting the diaper was bad, as was staying in the wet diaper; but as bad as it was, the thought of doing it was infinitely worse than the actual act. If I was going to be stuck wetting them for the next three years, that would be tough - but it wasn't an insurmountable task. However, everything that had happened today had indicated that this wasn't the extent of my time here. There were the shenanigans at lunch, which I would have to get used to; and it was clear from Miss Adwani's colouring book stunt that somebody, somewhere, was putting in effort to make sure I was as embarrassed about my situation as possible. That was a concern, and if this was day one, there was plenty of opportunities for them to escalate things further.

But, I wasn't alone. I'd met Polly, Nylah and Ryan - all of whom seemed to be nice and supportive; all of whom were going through their own thing. Ryan was surviving with something that was a hundred times worse than what I was going through. I had no idea what Nylah's deal was, but she kept a brave face. Polly seemed a highly functional, put together young woman - which was concerning, given that underneath it all, she was a man who had been forcefully feminized. In a year's time, would I be recognizable as anything but a baby girl?

I thought I was getting a handle on things, as the elevator door opened and I went to step inside - only to be forcefully shoved out of the way by something that I didn't see at first. As I composed myself, I saw a young man standing in the elevator, as the doors closed, his face obscured by a black facemask.

"I'm sorry!" he yelled out, muffled by the mask, "Please don't tell him where I went!"

As the elevator doors sealed shut and it began moving, I didn't need to wait a full second before I figured out who "he" was.

"You!" a much gruffer voice yelled, and I looked down the hallway to see a much larger, older man pacing quickly towards me. He was wearing a navy blue suit, with a black tie. It was quite clear from his dominating appearance that he was not a peer of mine, but a superior of some sort. As he got closer, he continued speaking, "Did you see anybody come through here?"

Flustered slightly, and not too sure what to do, I defaulted to solidarity with my equal, "I haven't seen anybody, Sir, sorry. I just got out of class with Miss Adwani."

He looked me up and down and shook his head, "Well, I know that's a lie - because I know that you are not the type of student that Miss Adwani would be teaching right now."

Ugh, great. I paused for a moment, thinking about whether there was a way out of this that didn't involve me having to tell the truth; but I eventually resigned myself to my fate. "I needed to go there because she's the only one with a key to..." I sighed, "To change my diaper."

He titled his head upwards for a moment, so that he could look down on me - through his nose. He then nodded, "Well, I don't think you could've possibly made up something as ridiculous as that, so I'll believe you. How old are you?"

I blushed, "I'm 18."

"And you're still needing diapers?" he sneered.

"It's part of-"

He held his hand up and shook his head, "I don't want to hear it. Anyway, it looks like that mischief maker has got away; which is a shame, as he really deserved a punishment. Unfortunately, it looks like you'll have to be the one to take the blunt of it."

"What!? That doesn't seem fair!" I blustered, getting angry at the unfairness of the situation.

The man shrugged, "Well, if you're able to find the real culprit before the punishment session that I've just added to your calendar for tomorrow - you're welcome to turn them in, instead. Otherwise, somebody has to pay."

I opened my mouth, but had the mental fortitude to keep it closed. This wasn't a situation I could argue my way out of; I could only further entrench myself. As I watched the man stroll back down the hallway, I cursed the mysterious boy's name under my breath. I had stood up for him, and that had brought me consequences. If I ever saw him again, I would be sure to give him a piece of my mind.

When I finally arrived back at my dorm, I found Polly sat on her bed - wearing nothing but lacy, black pyjamas. The bulge in her shorts was the first thing that I'd seen from her that backed up the fact that she was a "sissy", rather than an actual woman. I tried my best not to focus on it.

"You took your time," she said, as I threw myself face down on to my bed. "Everything go okay?"

I groaned into my pillow before flipping myself over and telling Polly everything that had happened, not bothering to cover-up any detail. It had been made very clear to me today that keeping secrets wasn't going to be possible, so I might as well be as open with Polly as possible.

"That's... not great for you," Polly nodded, once I'd finished, "The Controls are bitches. I have to do cheerleading as an extracurricular, and Georgia's the captain of the squad - and she's just as mean and condescending as the handlers. They let her get away with anything, because she's exempt from any punishments. She's not a good person to have made an enemy out of."

I nodded and rolled my eyes, "Thanks, Polly - that's really helpful. I'm assuming an apology won't help?"

"If she knows about your diaper, which she does, then she'll see even the act of you trying to talk to her as insulting - so I wouldn't recommend it."

"Great. Have any ideas about the boy in the elevator?"

Polly shook her head, "No clue. You haven't given me much to go off of. There are some subjects who have facial disfigurations and might wear a mask to cover them; but it's more likely he was just wearing it to conceal his identity, in general."

"I suppose the question would be: where did he get the mask?"

Polly paused and raised an eyebrow inquisitively, "You're not actually going to go all Agatha Christie on this guy, are you? You realise that you'll probably both just end up being punished, even if you do find him."

I shook my head, "No, I wouldn't want to turn him in - I guess, I'd just like to know what I made this sacrifice for, if anything."

Polly shrugged, "You're a weird girl, Hannah."

We both laid on our separate beds for a while, before Polly shot up.

"Oh shit, sorry, you're waiting for me to turn around so that you can get changed, aren't you?" Polly blushed, immediately turning to face the wall.

I laughed, "Relax. It's not like you're going to see anything down below; and if you want to look at boobs, you have your own now."

Polly shrugged and turned back around, not needing to be told twice. She grinned, "True. Plus, with all of the hormones they've filled me with - I can't even really get hard anymore; so I'm not even convinced I can be attracted to you."

I took off my clothes, so that I was standing in nothing but my diaper. I hadn't been provided with any pyjamas, or extra clothes, so this was as good as it would get. I took a look at myself in the mirror against one wall and sighed. The first day of my new life. One down, 1094 to go.

"Good night, Hannah."

"Good night, Polly."
Your diaper maid. Here to obey.

Read my diaper humiliation story: The Research & Correctional Facility

Subby girl, 18
Loves diapers, humiliation, misogyny, CNC, mental torment, toilet stuff, risk.
Curious about semi-public, forced-bi, pet play.
Limits are pictures, videos, exposure, full public (risk is fine), enemas, messy, anal, ice, extreme pain.

I consent to being spoken down to, insulted, and to be given tasks by anybody.
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Old 05-20-2024, 12:45 PM   #12
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Wow, great story. Its going great
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