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Old 08-08-2023, 05:08 PM   #1
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Default Mary James and the PA

I was a winner, I worked hard and I succeeded. If that meant trampling over other people, then so be it. Nobody was going to stop me from winning. I did well at school, went to university and read Business Studies, graduating with a First.

I gained a job with a medium sized company on the procurement side and very quickly realised that their budget office and financial control was shambolic. It seemed to be based on trust rather than accountability. The company itself was a stepping stone for me, I wanted more, much more and saw little loyalty with the firm.

After gaining access to the financial accounts, which I genuinely needed as a Procurement Officer, I saw no problem in secretly diverting money to me. Not directly of course, I was not that stupid. But it was not difficult to set up a bonafide company in Austria (I am from the UK) and then buy equipment that did not exist from that Austrian company. Not expensive items, say just a few hundred pounds every fortnight. The company that I was working for never kept track of these items, well not properly anyway. It was going great, really great, until I got too greedy and started spending too much. My bosses launched a secret, undercover investigation into the missing money and the first thing that I knew about it was when the police came around and arrested me on my doorstep.

There was a lot of evidence and it took the court over 3 weeks to go through it all. Finally the judge, showing leniency as it was my first offence, gave me 3 years in HM Prison Hepton Moor, a secure women’s prison in the north west of England. I already knew a little about HMP Hepton Moor through my time in custody, it was a tough uncompromising prison, severely short staffed and the prison mamasans ran the show.

I was 25, blonde, good looking though I say so myself and terrified! The stories of butch lesbians, or to be more accurate ‘Situational Lesbians’ running the wing were rife and I tried not to picture what they would do to a young, attractive blonde like myself.

I do not want to go into too much detail about what life was like in prison, I am desperately trying to blank it out from my memory. Suffice to say that it was horrific. On Day 1 the wing Mamasan interviewed me in front of three of her cronies. They ordered me to strip, which of course I refused. They did not ask me a second time, in less than a couple of minutes I had been forcibly stripped naked and I was dragged back up onto my feet by my nipples. In absolute agony the Mamasan carried on asking me questions, any incorrect answers, or any answers that she did not like resulted in another sharp twist of the nipples. Finally I was ordered to perform oral sex on all four of them.

That was just Day 1 and it got worse. I refuse to tell what other humiliations I was put through, pride stops me, but if I ever got the chance to get even then I would fucking murder them. The wardens included, for looking the other way.

I got parole after 18 months after which I promised to firstly regain my former glory as a promising business manager, and potential executive and secondly to do everything that I could to antagonise every lesbian on the planet.

However, the first part was near impossible, no reputable company is going to employ a business manager on parole from prison, especially one who got sent down for theft and embezzlement from her previous employer. It was a straight choice, either I had to take a minimum wage job and restart my shattered career from the very bottom, or I had to find a firm that did not ask too many questions and then lie like fuck on during the application.

In the end I found a small firm about 2 hours away, it would require moving as I was not into long commutes. The boss was 65 and very hands off, his old PA used to do a lot of the managing but now that she had finished and he was between PA’s the Advertising Business was more or less running itself. Or, more accurately, running down. The boss, Peter Mansfield, could see that profits had been going downhill since his old PA had left, but at his age he was not prepared to become heavily involved in the business again and that is where I came in, having successfully lied on my CV, my application and my interview; passing off my 18 month absence on a gap year, travelling around Central and South America, I was taken on to run this small advertising agency employing 8 ladies and 3 men.

Pretty soon it was obvious why it was losing money, all 11 of them were slackers, taking it in turns to come in late and finish early, sometimes by up to several hours, as well as extended lunch and tea breaks. It was a wonder that anything got done at all.

Well that soon stopped, I had been appointed manager of this advertising business and I was going to make improvements. Under me they worked long, hard hours and within 3 months the company was on course to make over £1 million per fiscal year. Well, it would be if it wasn’t for my liberal financial accounting. Still it would be making nearly £1 million and some lucky business girl just out of prison would pocket a healthy £200K. Peter Mansfield was chuffed to bits of course, the only people that were not happy were the 11 people working for me. They now had to slog their guts out and to cap it all their new boss, i.e. me, treated them like shit!

I did treat them like shit and what is more I did not care. Especially two of the girls, Amanda and Sharon, they were both lesbians and in a relationship together. Furthermore their desks were next to each other. It was not good to have two people in a relationship working for the same company, especially so close together, but the fact that they were also lesbians incensed me, those days in prison were not forgotten.

All was well until Mr Mansfield appointed a new PA, Theresa Barrett, she was good, efficient, thorough and a pain in the arse. She was tasked with looking into the advertising business amongst other things, and explaining why it was doing so badly in the past. Much to my protests, if it was doing well now then why look into it? My protests were ignored of course, Theresa was not fully employed as a PA, as such she had spare capacity and who knows, she may find ways of making the business even more efficient.

“I’m not happy, it’s not on having another person sticking their nose into my business, this could drive me away,” I replied.

“It’s not your business, it’s mine,” Peter Mansfield told me coldly. “And I do not respond to threats, if you want to go then fuck off!”

I was bloody lucky to get this job and I could not go, but I would have to lay off my secret pilfering for a while whilst she was around. But I was going to be as uncooperative as possible with her though.

Theresa came in and was very thorough, she went through everything and spoke openly to all the staff including, to my dismay, Amanda and Sharon. It was about 6 weeks in when she asked to have an interview with me, I reluctantly agreed, not wanting her anywhere near my office I suggested using her office.

“Very well, be there at 8 am sharp tomorrow morning,” with that she turned abruptly away.

Pissed off at the way she had spoken to me, especially as she was always pleasant with everybody else, I turned up at 8:25.

“So 25 minutes late, that’s another reason for me to get the hump with you Mary James,” saying my full name in a scornful manner, as though she was scolding a young child. Who the hell did she think that she was speaking to anyway, telling me that I was 25 minutes late like some overbearing supervisor.

“Let’s get something straight, I do not work for you and I do have more important things to do than dealing with petty bureaucrat like you,” I shouted at her acutely aware of the psychological disadvantage that I now had in conducting the interview in her office. Determined to even that up a little I pulled out a chair, sat down without being asked and spoke in a stern voice.

“Now can we get started, what do you want to speak to me about?” I asked.

She stared at me with eyebrows raised and a half smile on her lips for several moments before speaking.

“We all have important things to do young lady, but when you agree on an appointment you are expected to be there on time, didn’t they teach you punctuality in prison?” It shocked me, I put the ‘young lady’ comment out of my mind for a few moments, she was only about 2 years older than me and in no position to be patronising, but my prison past was a total secret. I thought quickly, I had to bluff this one out.

“I don’t know what you mean, now can we please start this meeting, I am very busy,” I said as firmly as I could, trying desperately to regain some authority.

Really, Mary Ann James sentenced to 3 years at HM Prison Hepton Moor for theft and embezzlement of some £32,000 from her previous employer, Farnborough Associated via her own company in Innsbruck which employs nobody! Someone who lied on her application and CV to gain employment here and presumably during her interview as well. Somebody who is still on parole and has so far stolen £70,000 over 5 months,” Theresa stated very firmly and directly.

I sat there gobsmacked as she pulled a folder out of her desk and casually tossed it across to me.

“Here I suggest you read these, you can keep them if you want, they’re only copies.”

I opened the folder with a sense of dread, it was copies of all my illegal transactions and where the money went, including details of my previous court appearance and sentence, everything totally accurate. Where the hell had she got all this from?

“For a repeat offence and the amount that you have taken this time I reckon that you are looking at 10 years.”

In total shock I looked up at Theresa, suddenly I realised that I was fucked. Royally, totally and utterly fucked! Horrific images of my previous time inside flashed through my mind.

“Of course there is another way that we can deal with it without informing the police or Mr Mansfield.”

Was she offering me a lifeline, I looked across at her again. We hated each other and we both knew it, if she was offering me a chance to get off then it was going to be very tough.

“What way,” I whispered still in a state of shock.

“Basically you will pay every penny back, you will accept me as your new boss and ...”she paused at this point studying me carefully before continuing. “And you will accept a sound spanking on the bare bum.”

I was suddenly bewildered.

“You want to spank my arse,” I said screwing my face up in disgust.

“Your bare arse,” she corrected.

“No fucking way, you can fuck off now!”

“Very well Mary, I will let you think about it, if you change your mind then report here for a spanking at 10 O’clock, if you’re not here by then I shall fully understand and will report all this to Mr Mansfield, now get out,” she told me.

I just sat there and stared at her in disbelief.

“Get out now!” She shouted rising to her feet. Shaking I got up and left her office.

I spent the next hour or so going over the situation in my head, I knew that I had no choice, I had to accept her terms; she was probably right about prison, 10 years, maybe 8. Either way it would be hell, I thought about all the things that I was made to do during my last stretch, I shared a cell with an 18 stone, 35 year old; she made me eat her out every night, amongst many other things. I looked up at the clock, it was now 9:54. Swallowing hard I got up and made my way to Theresa’s office.
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Old 08-15-2023, 12:22 PM   #2
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“Yes, what do you want,” she asked curtly as I entered.

“You want to spank me,” I said bitterly.

“No Mary James, you want a good hard spanking on the bare bum. Now let’s hear you ask for it properly or things will only get worse.”
I swallowed hard before continuing, I glanced at her with pure hatred in my eyes.

“Please can I have a good hard spanking on my bare bum.”

“No, you address me as Miss Barrett when you speak to me.”

So she was trying to break me with pettiness was she, oh well, I sighed.

“Miss Barrett please can I have a good hard spanking on my bare bum.”

“Yes of course, let’s go up to Room 302 where we can be a little more private.

Room 302, like all the rooms on the second floor was never used, only occasionally for storage, it would certainly be more private, to my relief no one saw us going up the stairs to the top floor, as we entered the room there was a high table in the middle of the room, a small desk in the corner, a chair and a holdall.

“Right then Mary, let’s get you naked, I want all your clothes in a nice neat pile on that desk in the corner,” Theresa told me.

“Are you some kind of pervert, I’m not stripping naked, you can spank my bare backside but that’s it,” I retorted.

“Ooooh, that’s an extra 10 spanks before we even start,” Theresa said gleefully. “Now you either do as I say, or I leave this room now and go straight to the police. Is that understood?”

“Yes,” I murmured.

“Yes what?”

“Yes Miss Barrett,” I relied dejectedly as I slowly undressed, placing my clothes neatly on the desk as required. Naked I stood in front of her.

“The physical pain is only half of the punishment here, you are also to be humiliated, that is why you are completely naked and that is why you will follow my next instruction to the letter. In front of this table you will see two black spots on the floor, you will place one foot on each spot then lean over the table and grab the far edge of the table. I will then spank you with my hand, the paddle or the whip. Let go of the far edge of the table or move your feet together from the spots and I guarantee that I will move straight up to the whip,” Theresa told me. She took a paddle and a whip out of the holdall, the paddle was actually a table tennis bat and the whip was a short riding crop, I stared at it in disbelief, fuck that was going to hurt.

Then I looked at the two spots in front of the table. Oh my God, they were about 3 ½ feet apart. With a sense of ‘let’s get this over with’, I stood on the two spots and started to lean forwards.

“Aw no, I don’t believe this is happening,” I said involuntarily as I leaned forwards and all at once exposed all my most private regions in the most lewd fashion imaginable. The thought of that whip stuck in my mind and I knew that come what may I must keep hold of the edge of the table and not allow my legs to move together.

She stood behind me, just to my left.

“Remember these first 10 are for not stripping naked when I told you to.”

I braced myself as the smacks started to rain down.

They hurt, but they were bearable, but I knew that by the end, on a very tender bum, it was going to be much worse. I counted them out in my head, ...8 ... 9 ... 10, my bum was already sore.

“Right then the proper punishment starts here,” Theresa said as she prepared to start spanking again.

This time I did not count, but it was well over 20 smacks that I received. My arse was now on fire as she paused and dragged the chair and the holdall across and sat herself down.

“That’s the end of the first set and now the humiliation begins, move any part of your body during the rest period and I guarantee the next set will be with the whip, no matter where I touch you, is that clear?”

I craned my head to see where she had moved the chair, it was right under my legs, her face would be only inches from my vagina. Her comments of where she would touch me sunk in. I had no idea if she was a lesbian or even bisexual, but this was going to be awful.

“Yes Miss Barrett,” emitting a groan as I said it.

My worst nightmares came true as I felt her fingers touch the lips of my vagina, my lips were pulled apart and I could picture her staring into me, my anus would be just above and she was getting a superb view of my most intimate areas.

I felt a forefinger slowly slide inside me and I had one of those ‘this cannot be happening’ moments. It slid deeper and deeper and her finger curled up and began moving around, clearly looking for my magic spot.

She found it of course and began a slow massage of that area meanwhile her other fingers sought out the hump of my clitoris, she knew what she was doing, she was trying to get me aroused just to humiliate me further, but it was not going to work. Firstly I was 100% straight; secondly I had no power fetish but if I did it would be domination, being made to bend over and receive a spanking was the biggest turn off on the planet for me. That said I had to admit that she was good, her hot breath on my vulva, her light rubbing on my g-spot and her almost mesmerising caressing of my clitoris out of its hood. I had little first hand experience of other women’s clitorises, it is simply not something that we openly compare, but I still knew that mine was very large when I was fully aroused.

Despite my best efforts the sickening reality of the effect on my body was becoming obvious, my vagina was definitely getting wetter and there was no way that my abuser could fail to notice, my clitoris was starting to become fully erect, given its size she would have to be blind to miss that.

I cried into the table top, she had beaten me again, for evermore she would be able to remind me of the time that she spanked my arse and turned me on and we both knew that it would be true. I actually expected her to stop when she had got me ‘juiced up’, after all she had proved her point! She just carried on though, enjoying having me in a state of arousal, the mixed feelings that were going through my brain were just awful.

Then she slowly removed her fingers from my vagina, could this part of the ordeal be coming to an end I thought to myself, more in blind hope than anything else. But to my dismay she was simply replacing one finger with two, I groaned softly as I felt two fingers rubbing my sweet spot.

Far too slowly it began to dawn on me that she was not simply trying to arouse me, she was actually masturbating me. The full horror started to sink in, if she was to make me orgasm then, well I could not live with the consequences. That simply must not be allowed to happen.

I tried everything, relaxing my muscles, thinking about my family members but it was no use, she was bringing me close to the edge simply by massaging my clitoris and g-spot simultaneously. Just as I was getting close to the edge she stopped rubbing my clit and started tapping it lightly, the effect was instantaneous sending me crashing into an orgasm, worse still as my orgasm started she removed two fingers from my vagina and forced them quickly up my bum hole.

It was a beautiful orgasm and I called out in pure joy. As the waves calmed down and my body returned to normal I could feel two fingers fucking my arse with another tapping my clit. The tapping stopped abruptly but the finger fucking of my bum continued, I just broke down completely and cried out loud into the table top with the shame of it all!

After a few minutes, and it did go on for several minutes, the arse fingering stopped and the spanking started again. I do not know how many that I got this time, I am guessing roughly the same as during the first set, the pain was bad, all that I could think of was ‘how many more’ of course Theresa had not told me and I refused to lower myself to ask, she would probably never tell me anyway.

Theresa told me that the second set was over as the smacks ceased and again reminded me not to move a muscle during the ‘rest period’. She’s taking the piss calling it a rest period I thought to myself, but said nothing. I naturally expected her fingers to go to work on my bits again, but instead felt a different object push up against my vagina, I had just about stopped crying as it slowly entered me, I felt the familiar shape of a dildo, I sighed as I realised what was next, at least it was something that I knew that I could handle and it was not particularly wide either. As it got all the way in it buzzed into life. Oh great, a vibrator!

My pragmatic side told me, if she’s going to try to bring you to orgasm again then the ordeal should be a lot quicker if it is a vibrator rather than a dildo. Also it has to be noted that when she started this time I made no effort to resist, physically or mentally. If she is going to make me come again then let’s get it over with; though there was a very, very small part of my brain that was looking forwards to it, despite the humiliation, though of course I would never admit that to anyone.

Theresa worked the vibrator to perfection whilst her spare hand coaxed my clitoris out of its shelter before massaging it with the same skill that she had before.

Within a short period her skill was paying off, my hips were involuntarily grinding down onto the vibrator and it was all that I could do to bite down onto my lip to prevent me from moaning out loud. Then all of a sudden she pulled it out completely, I sighed audibly in disappointment and immediately regretted doing so, there was no way she could have missed that sigh.

It was short lived however, as she was soon prising the lips of my vagina apart and inserting a much wider tool, I gasped as it went in but when the vibrations started I was in a world of my own, this was going to be good. If I had thought that it was incredible as it entered me, then I was soon in for a bigger surprise as it went all the way into me a small vibrating tip touched my clitoris and sent me mad! The fucking thing had a clitoris stimulator as well. Theresa withdrew it slightly and I felt her fumble with it before feeling the pressure of another object up against the tight knot of my sphincter.

“Noooo, please Miss Barrett, you mustn’t” I called out as I clenched my sphincter as tight as I possibly could.

“Mary, it’s going in whether you like it or not, I can either force it in and you can take the pain that goes with it, or you can do yourself a favour by relaxing and pushing out as though you are taking a crap. I can assure you that it will hurt a lot less.”

The pressure against my arsehole and my ‘will’ increased simultaneously as I absorbed her advice, it was going to enter me whatever my personal wishes, but that was no reason to accept it, not that, not anal.

When Theresa had previously inserted two fingers into my bum it was the first time ever that anything had entered there. For me anal sex was wrong; I remember one ex boyfriend wanting to try it, but I gave him a right roasting just for suggesting it. If people really did that then they were disgusting in my view, as for those people who willingly ‘received’, well they were beneath contempt. When Theresa had forced two fingers up my bum earlier she did it just as I was entering an orgasm and my mind was, er, shall we say focused on other things.

But now I was fully aware of what was happening and as my resolve finally broke I remembered her advice, push out like you are taking a crap, so I pushed out.

It entered me, it hurt but it entered me and I had that feeling of ‘my final frontier’, not only that but it had to be somebody that I hated with all my guts who was taking it! That feeling of total humiliation would stick with me for the rest of my life.

Even though I was going through an emotional meltdown, I still noticed how lubricated the new toy was and I could not help but wonder if it was the vibrator that had been in my pussy previously. Once that it was in me my mind became distracted again as Theresa went back to working on the new vibrator now in my pussy, whilst holding the anal toy firm with her other hand.

I was close to coming before she entered my arsehole, but what she did in between had forced me to sink back into a sexual valley bottom and it took her a while to get me back up. But as I started to get close I felt her adjust the anal toy and it burst into life, convincing me that it was the vibrator that had been in my vagina! Worst still she started fucking me with that too. Every time the one in my pussy was driven all the way home then the clitoral extension drove me mad yet in the meantime the anal vibrator was doing all the wrong things to me and a woman who I hated more than anybody else on the planet was in charge of it all, my mind was like a kaleidoscope of different emotions. Slowly I reached the peak and as I came to orgasm, the first time in my life that I had had 2 orgasms so close together, I screamed out in pure joy at the top of my voice, paying no heed to whoever may be in the building.

My orgasm slowly died down and I felt Theresa remove the two vibrators and switch them off, she brought the one that had been in my pussy around to the top of the table and stuck it out under my nose.

“Here, it’s covered in your juice you filthy cow, you can lick it clean,” she told me.

“No, I can’t do that,” I said shaking my head and staring at it in horror.

Her left fist came flying down towards my head and with a single knuckle sticking out struck me on the back of the head. I saw stars, hundreds of them flying away from me into the distance. The vibrator was held out in front of me again.

“Either you suck it clean or you will get one more full set of spanks in addition to what you were getting anyway and the extra ones will be with the paddle and then afterwards I will make you suck the vibrator clean that’s been up your bum!”

Fuck, the bitch had beaten me again! Every single time that I tried to resist things just seemed to get worse, I opened my mouth to suck it clean, as it entered and I closed my mouth around it I tasted my own juices for the first time in my life. I was experiencing a lot of firsts today. After I had sucked it clean to my best she withdrew it and held it sideways near the base so that I could lick clean the area that I did not reach. Once satisfied she pulled it away from me.

“That’s better, now don’t you ever say no to me again, is that understood?”

“Yes Miss Barrett.”

With that she resumed her spanking position at the bottom end of the table and I braced myself. This time, through eyes clenched shut and gritted teeth, I actually counted the smacks in my mind, when she finally reached 30 she stopped and I prayed to God that that would be the last, I was not sure how many more that my arse could take. I could hear her moving things about at the bottom of the room, but I did not turn to watch. After a wee while she approached my well spanked bum, slowly pressed a single oily finger up it, before withdrawing and pressing another object against it. ‘Oh well, another bum fucking with a dildo’ I thought to myself and pushed out to accommodate it. It just got wider and wider and I gasped and called out in pain as I thought that it really was going to split my arse in two.

“Nearly there, just a fraction more to take,” Theresa told me as I thought that I could not take anymore. I pushed out harder and as a little more slipped in the whole thing started to get narrower, the realisation that I was now the proud wearer of a butt plug hit me. As Theresa addressed me she put my whole predicament into perspective.

“Now Mary this is your first spanking session out of the way if you are a good girl and behave then you will only have two more to come. I’m going to leave you here for a short while, I may be 30 minutes, a hour or even longer, either way you must not move from this position and you must definitely not shuffle your feet together, I’ve left a camera in the corner to watch you and it’s got a remote link with a recording facility, so I can watch you from my phone whilst I’m away. I’m taking your clothes with me, so if you’re thinking of doing a runner then help yourself, but you will have to get past everybody in the office naked and unless you have a spare set of keys you’ll be running home naked too. One last thing, if by chance somebody does come up here and sees you, no matter what they say you will tell them, ‘I’ve been a naughty girl and I’m being punished be Miss Barrett’ no matter what they ask or however many different questions they ask. I may even send somebody up to check that’s what you say. Remember, ‘I’ve been a naughty girl and I’m being punished be Miss Barrett’. Now what do you say?” Theresa asked at the end of her lecture.

“I’ve been a naughty girl and I’m being punished be Miss Barrett,” I sobbed. Looking over my right shoulder I watched her exit the room with the holdall now looking somewhat bulkier, presumably full of my clothes. I cried into the table for a few minutes before taking stock of the situation, but the more that I thought of it, the more fucked that I realised I was. I had no choice, I had to ride out this spanking and then try to rebuild my life the best that I could. I do not know how long that I was left there, I would guess the best part of an hour but I had nothing to go by, no clock, watch or anything. Finally I heard a door opening in the corridor outside and then footsteps heading towards this room. I hoped and prayed that it was Theresa despite what lay in store for me. As the door opened I faced dead ahead, I did not want to have to face another member of staff if it was not Theresa.
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Old 08-15-2023, 12:23 PM   #3
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“Still here then Mary,” much to my relief it was Theresa’s voice.

“Yes Miss Barrett,” I replied humbly, knowing that an answer was required and one that was more acceptable than ‘where else would I be you stupid bitch.’

I heard her close the door and drop a bag close to it, she approached my sticking out bum and pulled on the butt plug, it hurt as it started to come out, forcing her fingers around the base she got a better grip and pulled on it firmly and consistently. Knowing that this was going to hurt like hell, but wanting to reduce the pain I had no choice but to push out myself, I had already learned that! It was agony but it did slip out of me and I noticed slightly less painful than going in. Theresa brought it around to the top of the table and held it close to my lips. I looked at the fucking thing and was utterly shocked, the plug was wider than my wrist! How the fuck had that thing got up my arse, my poor arse?

“Open wide!”

“No!” I cried out closing my eyes and mouth, then twisting my head away from her.

“Very well Mary,” she replied sitting the plug on its base and then returning to the bottom of the table. I heard the sound of the whip flying through the air and before I could register what was about to happen it landed on the back of my legs, I screamed out in agony, this pain was something special. The backs of my legs were on fire, as I lay there gasping for breath the reality of the situation was delivered to me.

“Now Mary, for your refusal to open your mouth and take the butt plug your next set will be with the paddle. I will give you one last chance or your next set will be with the whip. Will you take the butt plug in your mouth?”

A full set of 30 with the whip, it would kill me, I had no choice, I cried softly as I gave my answer.

“Yes Miss Barrett.”

She came around the table and full of tears and looking crestfallen I opened my mouth wide as she placed the plug in. As I closed my lips around it the full shame of it all hit me and I started crying again. Smiling at my tear soaked face, Theresa went back to my bum area and picked up the paddle. The plug itself had a bitter salty taste, but I was soon distracted from that as the paddle came down on my bum. I tried counting the swats but when I got to about 18 I just lost count, it hurt too much, so I simply spent the last dozen or so crying into the table top wishing that it would all stop. It may only have taken a minute or so, but when that paddle is landing on your own very, very sore bottom constantly, never ceasing, then it feels like hours and that is what it was like for me; before I heard her put the paddle down on the table, to my immense relief. She came around to my head and pulled on the plug I naturally opened my mouth as she pulled it out, moving back around my body she gently pushed it against my anus and again I pushed out, this time it slipped in with hardly any pain, part of me was relieved but part of me was also thinking if my arse can now accept that size plug then what else was in store for me? I did not want to know, Theresa Barrett was one evil bitch and the Lord alone knew what else she had planned.

Theresa moved the chair back in between my legs and sat down, her fingers moved naturally to my pussy, prising my lips apart gently, followed by the insertion of a toy that I quickly recognised as the one with the clitoral adapter. I was really in no mood for this yet suddenly I was very aroused. She switched it on and the vibrations tore through me, within minutes I had lost control of my hips and without any command from me they were pushing to meet the vibrator at the end of every stroke, but once again it was the clitoral adapter that was driving me mad, Theresa would hold it an inch away from my clitoris, forcing me to grind down on it. Humiliating, degrading and emphasising the power that she held over me; at long, long last though the wave of the third orgasm ripped through me, another enormous orgasm that went on and on. What was it about this manipulative bitch, she was giving me the best orgasms of my life and beating my arse to a pulp at the same time, what is more I just had to stay and take it! She was evil, pure evil!

Whilst I was coming down she brought the vibrator around to my face and wordlessly held it out in front of me. I knew the procedure and opened my mouth to suck and lick it clean. Once happy she took it back down to the bottom of the table and pulled gently on the butt plug, it slid out easily despite its size, a clear indication that my arse was getting slacker and slacker. My mouth opened before she got anywhere near it, I was already becoming programmed as to what to expect. My mouth closed around the plug and I very sadly watched Theresa walk away from me to give me my next set. I felt like a dog, sub-human, totally. Like when a dog licks its own arse and fanny clean, I was being made to do effectively the same with the plug and vibrator. I wanted the whole world to stop, in some ways I actually wanted to be back in prison. But I knew that if I made that choice then this time I would be looking at a long, long stretch. Plus no chance of any sort of career when I came out, if I put up with Theresa Barrett’s sexual abuse, because that is what it was, then I could still make something of my life, it would mean moving jobs, but so what? At least I would have some sort of future.


I was brought back to the present by Theresa’s hand coming smartly down onto a very sore, very tender bottom. I had let my mind drift and was not ready for it, I gave out a muffled cry of pain through the plug in my mouth before steeling my resolve. Quickly I braced myself, bit into the plug and clamped my eyes shut as the smacks started coming down in a regular pattern. Somehow they hurt more than the previous smacks, presumably the set with the paddle had really tenderised my bottom, but I really struggled to keep counting to 30, the last few seemed to last forever and when Theresa did finally give me the 30th smack I let out such a huge sigh of relief, I honestly did not think that I was going to make this.

Almost straight away the plug was removed from my mouth and seconds later it was inserted into my anus, I noticed now that the utter humiliation of having things being inserted into my bottom had now gone, replaced by a simple sad acceptance. Once again Theresa sat in the chair and went to work on my fanny with the vibrator. Again she used all her skill and again she was getting me quickly aroused, though that was the easy part, getting me all the way up the hill to the edges of orgasm was a lot harder. I was now on orgasm number 4 for the day and it was going to take a lot. Still she persevered, working the adapter on my clit. Eventually after an eternity her determination paid off and I could feel myself getting close, she worked it into me again and held the extension against my clit for a few moments, then two more quick pumps and the same again I was very close now, she repeated her trick again and I knew that I was about to burst, just as I was about to tip over the edge she held it away from my clit and turned the whole thing off.

“Noooooh,” I called out, pushing my hips out and down, desperate for the relief that only an orgasm can bring. But the further that I pushed the further that she held it from my body, this was murder I tried bouncing up and down on it just a little movement would push me over the edge, but she held it steady with my body all the while pumping the butt plug in and out of me. I wanted to give her a bollocking, but I knew what the result of that would be. As the feelings died down inside me she started the bastard vibrator up again, grinding it away inside me and working it on my clitoris whilst continuing the arse pumping with the plug. This time as I reached the edge I was sure that I was about to crash into a massive orgasm, but she played the same trick again, I tried in desperation, begging her to let me come, not a chance, she was toying with me, all the while the arse pumping continued. Once again she let me calm down before switching the vibrator on again. This time of course I was prepared for it, but that made little difference when the time came. I was still devastated, crying out for relief as the vibrations stopped, then just crying for all to see when I realised that it was not going to happen. She did it to me a fourth time, but the fifth time was different, she kept me right on the edge for several moments, I really was screaming out now, desperate beyond desperate, I was waving my hips around like a starting flag, but she just kept me there, tormenting me, teasing me, knowing what I wanted. Every orgasm that Theresa had given me was huge and this one was going to be no different, I was at the top of a massive cliff, just one little nudge and the glory would all be mine.

“Do you really want to come Mary?” she asked calmly.

“Yes, please, yes, yes, yes please, I do, I’ll do anything you tell me, please,” it was a bit of a groundless promise, she could make me do anything that she wanted anyway, after all look at the position that she had me in just a few hours, this was meant to be a simple spanking at 10 am, remember.

“Do you agree to be my personal sex slave for 16 hours after work?” she asked me.

“Yes I’ll do anything you tell me, I’ll eat pussy, I’ll suck cock, I’ll take it up the bum, please let me come Miss Barrett,” I knew what I was offering and I did not care, she had been sexually abusing me all day, what difference would one evening make, but I needed this orgasm, needed it more than anything on the planet.

“For 16 hours solid?” she asked again.

“Yes, you can fuck me for 16 hours solid, please Miss Barrett, let me come, I am begging you, please, arghh...” at that point she increased the vibrator up to full speed and forced it all the way in so that the adapter was pecking away on my clit, at the same time pulling the plug out to its widest part, causing the most intense and longest orgasm of my entire life, it was unbelievable.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you Miss Barrett, oh thanks, thanks very much, thank you Miss Barrett,” I kept repeating through my breaths as I eventually came back down to earth. I looked up, she was holding the slimy butt plug just inches away from my mouth. I opened wide and she slipped it in before returning to my bum. I was not expecting the first few smacks, but I did not care anyway, my mind was still buzzing from the mother of all orgasms. She had given me over half a dozen before the pain kicked in and I started counting. I counted to 21 and the pain started to get incredible when she stopped, so presumably I missed counting the first 9. She took the plug out of my mouth and slipped it up my bum, it went in easily, too easily.

“Mmm I think we need a wider one now, what do you say Mary?” she asked, certainly not really interested in my views, she was just wanting to humiliate me more by getting me to agree with her.

“Yes Miss Barrett,” I replied haughtily.

“Yes what?” she inquired.

“Yes we need a wider butt plug Miss Barrett,” I said trying to fight the humiliation that I was feeling.

“For where precisely?” she asked again.

“Please Miss Barrett, we need to find a wider butt plug to go up my bum, the old one isn’t big enough,” I told her now wishing that the whole ground would swallow me up.

In just a few minutes Theresa had taken me to the highest place on the planet with a world beating orgasm, put me through hell with a severe spanking on an extremely sore and sensitive bum and then humiliated me to the core by getting me to grovel for a much wider butt plug that the already incredibly wide one that I had up me and it had all been recorded on camera. This evil woman really was unbelievable.

I hear her rummaging around, I did not even want to know what she was looking for, I heard the unmistakeable sound of lubricant being squeezed out of a tube, I felt the plug inside me being removed, I felt a cold, wet, firm object being pushed against my anus, a now familiar feeling, but this object was fucking wide, it pushed further and further and started hurting, hurting a lot.

“Don’t forget to push out with your insides if you don’t want to feel the pain, this is a wide plug, even for an arse as slack as yours,” Theresa advised.

The insult went right over my head, but her advice did not, I stuck my bum out and pushed all that I could, more and more went into me, but I could not take it all. Theresa started pushing, it hurt like hell, through tears I was calling out, begging her to stop, crying into the table through sheer pain. She pushed a little more and I was in agony, screaming out loud, other people in the building and outside must have heard. She held it there for a few minutes and the pain subsided a little, she worked it in further and it started to get narrower, I realised at long last that I was past the widest point.

Theresa was not happy with this though and insisted on working it in and out of my arse just a fraction past the widest point each time, it was extremely painful and she did it about 15 times, but in the end I found that I could take it. She pushed it all the way in and brought the first butt plug around to my face, I instantly opened my mouth to accept the dirty greasy object. It was as wide as my wrist and I briefly considered the question ‘how fucking wide is the one that is up me’ before dismissing it with a shudder, I really did not want to know!

“Just suck it clean Mary, you have finished with this one, you’ve got bigger toys to play with now.”

I nodded sadly at her, I knew what she meant and I sucked it clean to the best of my ability before Theresa removed it and walked away, addressing me as she did.

“Well done Mary, you’ve really cleaned that plug up well, you’ve obviously got a talent for that!” The patronising bitch, if I did not clean it well then I got punished and if I did then she patronised me, what a cow!

“I have to go for another rest now, that’s two sessions that I’ve spent educating you, all being well there should be just one more to go,” she continued. “As before you are not to move from your position one inch and you must certainly not even attempt to shuffle your feet together, otherwise I shall resume with the whip. Again nobody should come up here, but if they do, no matter what they ask or however many times they ask it, your only response will be I’ve been a naughty girl and I’m being punished by Miss Barrett’. Again make sure that you do say it, I may send somebody up specifically to check!” With that she left the room leaving me alone once again.
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Old 08-29-2023, 10:29 AM   #4
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My attitude was starting to become philosophical, I could deal with this, I could take it, yes it was painful, yes it was humiliating, once that I was through it I would need to look for a new job. But I could start afresh, I could rebuild my career, I must tread very carefully from now on, I must never, ever find myself in this ridiculous situation ever again in my life.

I wondered what was in store for me, three more spankings and two more orgasms, I was not sure that I had two more orgasms in me, well not today anyway. I had agreed to be Theresa’s sex slave for 16 hours too, what would that entail? Was she actually a lesbian? Given what she had put me through she must be at least bi-sexual, I shuddered at the thought of what she may have planned. Best not to think about it, just concentrate on getting through your next session here.

I again lost track of time, Therese’s rest break did seem a little longer this time and it was a while before I heard Theresa’s steps in the corridor. I recognised the footsteps and was reasonably confident that it was her and even turned to look at her as she entered the room, she had a dark blue sheet of cloth over her arm which she dropped on the corner of the table before moving around to my bum area.

“So Mary, been enjoying exposing yourself for the camera again have you, I watched you a couple of times while I was away and you do look a sight. Still it’s all been recorded so you can watch it yourself later,” she patted me on the arse a couple of times as she said it.

“Yes Miss Barrett,” I said, unsure if a reply was required.

Theresa laughed at my reply, obviously enjoying how submissive I was being, before pulling at the butt plug.

“Aw nooo!” I called out instinctively, knowing how much this was going to hurt, I pushed out as hard as I could but it was still agony as it got to the wide point and I screamed out loudly in pain. I could feel my arse close up slowly as she brought it around to my mouth, I starred at it in disbelief, surely I never had that up my bum did I?

“Open wide,” Theresa said holding the plug close to my lips.

I opened my mouth as wide as I could but it still wouldn’t naturally go in. And she had to force my mouth wider just to get the plug in.

With that she draped the blue cloth over my upper shoulders and head telling me that she had invited a couple of friends around to watch and she wanted to protect my anonymity.

“Don’t worry, they don’t know you and you don’t know them. They’re from a lesbian fetish site ‘on-line’ and they live miles away. But I still don’t want you seeing each other, anonymity is best in these situations,” Theresa tried to reassure me in reply to my muffled, plug gagged protestations. It relaxed me a little, but not much, I had assumed, indeed it had been implied, that this punishment would be between her and me, no further. Now at least two other women would get to see my most intimate areas. Possibly even join in, this whole thing was going from bad to worse.

I felt her next to my left hip, a clear indication that the spanking was about to begin and a few seconds later it started, not as painful as before but a lot more painful than the very first set, I counted them out in my head as before but we only got to 8 when I heard footsteps outside. With a sense of dread I heard them coming towards this room. The spanking continued but all my attention was on the footsteps, the door opened and two people entered.

“Wow, Miss Barrett, this where you spank your sluts is it?”

“I didn’t think you were serious but that is one red arse there, you’ve given her a right old smacking.”

I felt sick to the core as I recognised both voices, what was it Theresa Barrett had promised me, you do not know them and they do not know you. Bullshit! It was Amanda and Sharon, the two lesbians from the ground floor office.

The spanking continued with both Amanda and Sharon making derogatory remarks about me as my mind raced at 100 miles per hour to find a way out of this; get up and walk out of this then I would be walking into prison, also I did not have a clue as to where my clothes were, I could end up walking home naked and finally did I really want Amanda and Sharon to see who I actually was, to witness me in my total humiliation. No, I had to remain anonymous and bluff this out. Oh fucking shit, this was going to be murder.

The spanking stopped suddenly and Theresa came around to the top end of the table, for one fearful moment I thought that she was going to unmask me and pull the cloth away to reveal my true identity, but she simply wanted the butt plug, she had to pull on my upper jaw whilst dragging down on the plug to force my jaw wide enough apart to extract the plug. Going back around to my bum Amanda and Sharon were amazed.

“She can’t take that up her arse surely,” Sharon said.

“No fucking way, that’s impossible,” Amanda added.

“Stand and watch ladies, she’s taken wider things than this up her bum in the past,” Theresa replied, I had not, it was a lie and Theresa knew it. But there was no way that I could speak up and argue. By remaining silent, of course, I was implying that I was agreeing with Theresa. Though that humiliation was nothing compared with the pain that I was about to go through, I felt the plug being pushed against me and instinctively pushed out to lessen the pain. I was determined not to cry out in front of Amanda and Sharon, so I clenched my teeth as tightly as possible and braced myself. It was still agony, but I got through it without crying out, which I was proud of. Though I now had to put up with the humiliation of being masturbated to orgasm in front of my two nemeses.

“Right then ladies it’s masturbation time, who wants to bring her off first?” Theresa asked Amanda and Sharon sending me into a shock, I actually started to hyperventilate, this just could not be happening. I wanted to cry out and beg for mercy, but I could not afford to risk giving away my identity, I wanted to just get up and walk away, but I was looking at a 10 year prison sentence. Two lesbians who I despised were going to be allowed to take turns in masturbating me to orgasm. This just was not right, it was not fair, it just should not be allowed.

“Me first Miss Barrett, do you have a dildo I can use,” called out Amanda.

“Take your pick, they’re all in that bag over there,” I heard Theresa say.

“Wow what a collection, I think I’ll take this one and the wand,” Amanda called out a few minutes later. The glee and excitement in her voice were unmistakeable and felt like another kick in the gut to me.

I felt her fingers prise my lips apart followed by a brief period whilst she was obviously inspecting me for her own pleasure.

“Are you going to do something or what,” called out Sharon.

“Just enjoying the view, it’s not often that you find a slut as brazen as this pig we’ve got here,” Amanda replied, poking me in the bum as she said pig. Their comments were tearing me apart and I knew that I was on the verge of breaking down completely.

A new toy entered me, wider than the previous one and as it got about halfway in it suddenly started vibrating, hardly a surprise. She slowly pumped me a few times before switching the wand on and working it over my clitoral zone. I was not in the mood at all, the fact that I was being humiliated by two people that I hated as well as having endured four forced orgasms already put me on a sexual low. I simply laid there across the table accepting what was being done to me. It took a long time, too long for me to realise that this was simply prolonging my humiliation, much better just to go along with them and let them give me an orgasm and get it all over with, well not ‘much better’ but it had to be better. After everything that had happened to me today, I had been reduced from a potential executive to a sub-human. I tried to get myself turned on, tried to think about my favourite sexual fantasy, as Amanda relentlessly pounded and massaged my fanny. It was a long ordeal, but eventually Amanda was able to coax an orgasm out of me, not massive, but an orgasm none the less.

Theresa immediately took over, gently easing the butt plug out of my bum, a lot less pain this time I noticed, then coming around to my covered head she reached under the cloth to force my jaw apart and the plug into my mouth. At least I did not have to suck the vibrator clean this time, a small crumb of comfort.

“She does Ass To Mouth as well what a dirty bitch, can me and Amanda play with her when you’ve finished, we can make her into our house toy,” Sharon asked putting the fear of God into me. I wanted to cry out, I did not ‘DO’ Ass To Mouth, I was fucking well being made to, again though I could obviously say nothing, but the request that I become Amanda and Sharon’s personal house toy did frighten me, the way that things had deteriorated today I could actually picture it, thankfully Theresa refused point blank, the first time in my life that I had been grateful to her.

“No girls when this session is over I have promised to get her out of here anonymously, I will too, even if I have to dress her up in a sari and burka, she’s going home and you will never see her again,” Theresa told them.

“If we have never met her then what does it matter if we see her face,” asked Sharon.

“It’s a matter of privacy, everyone’s entitled to it, we agreed that her face would not be shown to anyone but me and we are sticking to it, got that?” Theresa said aggressively.

“Yes Miss Barrett,” replied Sharon.

“I reckon it’s that bitch Mary James,” chipped in Amanda.

“You wish,” answered Theresa.

It was the first time either of them had mentioned my name, it was a cruel twist hearing them describe me as ‘that bitch’, I knew that I was not popular, it was not my job to be, but it still hurt to hear yourself being described in that manner. Worse still was the fact that they had now positively identified me, my risk of exposure was real and imminent, I was completely in the hands of Theresa Barrett now for protection, not a nice thought.

“Well we haven’t seen her all morning and it is the right body size for the obnoxious cow,” Amanda replied.

“I’ve told you, Bitch James has gone to a mini-conference in London, she won’t be back for a couple of days, that’s the reason that I planned this for today, you don’t think that I would get away with this if that evil witch was around do you?” Theresa told them, effectively putting the argument to bed. The insults were nasty and there was no need for them, but I was still grateful to her for covering for me, despite the fact that it was her who had put me in this position.

“It’s time for another spanking, now Amanda, you have just given her an orgasm, so I think it is only fair that Sharon gets to give her this spanking, Amanda you can give her the final spanking,” Theresa told them as Sharon shrieked in delight at the prospect of spanking me on the bare bum. For me, I just sighed at the prospect, one more humiliation for me, oh well let’s just get it over with.

Sharon was quickly told that she was to give me 30 smacks and she started in earnest, giggling and laughing at the prospect. Her smacks were harder than Theresa’s, but not by a lot and I am sure that I counted 32, but maybe I miscounted, either way it was not going to make much difference, but at long last I thought that I could see the light at the end of this ordeal. One more orgasm, 30 more smacks and it would all be over. Sharon was given the honour of bringing me to orgasm once that Theresa had replaced the butt plug back up my bum and again I noticed that it was hurting less and less every time that it went in, it still hurt like hell and I had to grit my teeth to avoid screaming out, but it was not the sheer agony that it was earlier in the day.

Sharon chose the same vibrator and wand that Amanda had used and very quickly demonstrated that she was something of an expert, she had my hips doing involuntary circles and even though I was determined to keep completely quiet, she still managed to get a few groans out of me. I was on my sixth orgasm and it took some time to get me to the edge, but I was now thanking all the angels in the heavens that it was the case. I was no longer humiliated, or even gave a toss about humiliation, the fact that I hated Sharon’s guts was irrelevant, as was the fact that Theresa and Amanda were watching. I was slowly and lovingly being brought off by an expert and I was simply adoring every nanosecond of the experience.

Just as I was reaching the orgasm, with Sharon still doing wonderful things with that vibrator and amazing things with that bloody wand on my tortured clit I heard her call out for help.

“Amanda could you pull that butt plug out to the widest point and hold it there please.” A second later it registered in my brain what was going to happen.

“Noooo,” it was all that I dare say, but it was to no avail as the plug was pulled to its widest point.

“Ahhhhh,” I cried out once again as I was still trying to say nothing.

It did not matter anyway because a few seconds later I was crashing into the most amazing orgasm I have ever had. If I thought that the fourth orgasm would never be beaten then I was wrong, this one was simply amazing, the best in the world and it was some time before I recovered my composure.

The first smack hit my left cheek and it smarted, I cried out loud bringing me back to my senses, the second was to my right cheek and was just as bad. I assume that this was Amanda and she clearly was an alternate spanker; left cheek, right cheek, left cheek, right... she was also vicious, far harder than Theresa or even Sharon. 30 of these were going to hurt and hurt a lot. After 12 I stopped counting, I just gritted my teeth and hung on, at some point I realised that I did not have a butt plug in my mouth, unusual when receiving a spanking. Then I suddenly wondered why on earth I should be thinking about that now. I got to the stage where I really did think that it was never going to end, I was again crying openly onto the table top, I am not a religious person but I was praying openly to God for all this to stop, but it didn’t, it just went on. I am sure that I received a lot more than 30, as I say they were all vicious.

At some point it seemed to get a little less hard, possibly Amanda’s hand was getting sore, then I received three really hard ones, causing me to yelp out loud each time, suddenly it stopped. I was breathing hard into the table top as I felt Theresa pull out the huge plug, she came around and forced my jaw open under the sheet and pushed the plug into my mouth. She then reached around my head and took hold of a fistful of my hair.

All of the pain and humiliation that I had suffered had been for a reason, to keep me out of prison but also to protect my anonymity. Theresa would always have a hold on me, I knew that, though when I agreed to be spanked I never thought that it would be this painful, nor this humiliating. But I genuinely thought that I would, initially at least, be able to go back to working for Peter Mansfield until I could find another reasonable job. Nobody other than Theresa Barrett would know about this, I trusted her and it was a wall of safety that I had built around myself throughout the afternoon as I laid across that bloody table. It was a wall that suddenly came crashing down.

Theresa yanked me upright by the hair, my hands slipped of the edge of the table and the cloth over my head fell to the ground.

“Ladies, may I present Mary James in all her glory,” stated a proud Theresa holding me by the hair, naked in front of Amanda and Sharon.
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Old 09-12-2023, 01:15 PM   #5
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I naturally tried to cover myself up, one hand over my pussy and an arm across my boobs, I also raised one knee for some reason and curled it around the front of the other leg. Meanwhile emotionally I broke down completely, crying hysterically.

Theresa kept hold of my hair, she was clearly a very strong woman, whilst grinning and chuckling at me. Amanda and Sharon just laughed, loud and long.

It went on for a few minutes as the laughing died down I started to hear derogatory comments aimed at me; Ass To Mouth slut, anal whore that sort of thing and worse. I tried to compose myself as I realised that I had to deal with this one way or another. I knew that I looked a mess, eyes bright red, face soaked from constant crying and a few strands of hair stuck across my face. I also looked ridiculous, stark naked with what seemed like the world’s largest butt plug stuck in my mouth.

I looked at Amanda, imploring her to let me go.

“Stand with your legs apart and hands on your head,” she told me.

“Ohghhh pees,” I tried to beg for mercy through the plug, but nothing came out.

“Amanda fetch the whip and whip her legs until she complies,” Theresa told Amanda.

I tried to protect my legs from the whip but it was pointless, I screamed out in agony as it landed on the back of my thigh. Amanda paused for about 10 seconds before launching the whip again, this time it landed on the inside of my thigh, that was excruciating and as Amanda paused again I heard Theresa speak up.

“This is going to continue until you stand up straight, legs apart and hands on your head.”

I slowly moved into the required position, my entire body was very sore and stiff. Theresa had taken the whip from Amanda and given me a short, sharp stroke across the thighs, nowhere near as hard as Amanda, but she made her point.

“Wider than that.”

I spread my legs uncomfortably wide, I saw Amanda and Sharon licking their lips as they surveyed me ‘Oh fuck!’ I thought to myself.

“You are to remain exactly in this position while Miss Amanda and Miss Sharon inspect you, it may consist of an internal inspection, that’s their decision. But if you resist, move one muscle or even think of moving those feet together, then I will let Miss Amanda and Miss Sharon have 50 strokes each on your arse, understand?” Theresa asked me.

“Oysh,” I tried to reply yes through the plug but I nodded my head vigorously to indicate my compliance, with that Amanda reached behind me and pulled on the butt plug, slowly it slipped out of me, she turned around and placed it on the table, near the corner.

Amanda and Sharon commenced their inspection, it lasted several minutes but in fairness the only parts of my body that were inspected were my titties, my fanny and my bum. Yes it did include an internal inspection, at one point Sharon had two fingers up my anus whilst Amanda had a forefinger wriggling about in my vagina, I didn’t have a clue what she was searching for. Theresa had by this time picked up the camera that was on the small desk and was now recording Amanda and Sharon’s inspection of me. Zooming in to the more intimate areas, zooming out to again to record my face, making it as humiliating as possible for me. I personally felt degraded to the very core, that two lesbians that I hated, I hated all lesbians but especially Amanda and Sharon, were allowed to finger me, analy and vaginaly, whilst I just had to stand and take it. It made me feel physicaly sick.I was required to suck their fingers clean before Theresa announced that we moved on to the next part of the inspection, removal of body hair, that included pubic and underarm hair.

“Miss Barrett please, I’ve done everything that you’ve asked,please don’t let them do that to me,” I begged.

“It’s entirely your choice, either bend over the table and accept your whipping or don’t move a muscle, of course there is a third option,” Theresa moved her face within a few inches of mine. “And we both know what that third option is don’t we,” staring at me with a dangerous steely smile.

“Yes Miss Barrett,” I replied with my eyes welling up.

Legs apart I looked down as Sharon went to work with a small pair of trimming scissors, she took her time, carefully and slowly trimming away. I did not have a big bush, slightly more than normal, but it was clear that Sharon was enjoying her work. Upon completion she handed the job across to Amanda, who approached me with a razor and some shaving cream. I swallowed hard as I saw the expression on her face, the glee of a predator that had caught a prey in its trap. She squeezed some cream onto the palm of her hand, then smeared it slowly and lovingly under my right armpit. You sometimes forget how sensitive the armpits are, well it came back to remind me as I gasped out loudly. The slow scraping of the razor was no better. As Amanda moved to my left armpit she stopped to give me a kiss on the lips, I was confused, surely she did not find me sexually attractive did she?

The left armpit shave was still as sensuous, but it had all been just a game to her, to mentally prepare me for having my pubic area shaved. Amanda pulled the chair across, sat down and went to work, very slowly. First with the cream, moving in slow circles working it into every folical. Then with the razor. Even pulling my lips out so that she had tight skin to shave. When she finished she gave my nipple a quick flick.

“My these nipples are bigger than they were, someones obviously enjoying this,” Amanda stated much to Theresa and Sharon’s amusement. My nipples had got firmer and more erect, but in no way had I enjoyed any part of it.

Sharon produced a wet cloth, a wet cloth? They clearly came totally prepared for this. First she wiped my armpits, followed by my fanny area, completely clean of any shaving cream.

I was then approached by Theresa with a small bottle of spray, she sprayed my fanny with some light oily substance which sent tingles across my lips. She rubbed the oil in with her fingers giving my pussy a glossy look.

“Oh lovely and smooth, you girls have done a wonderful job,” Amanda told them.

“Thank you Miss Barrett,” replied Amanda and Sharon in unison, both curtsying as they said it.

“The problem is ladies there is still one area that has hair on it, far too much hair and it has to be removed,” Theresa said before turning to me. “Your anus Mary, we still need to remove the hair from around your slack little bum hole. So, if you would be kind enough, turn around, spread those legs nice and wide, bend over and reach back and pull those cheeks apart,” Theresa said it smiling into my face, never breaking eye contact.

I absorbed what she said and was overtaken by a ‘what-the-hell’ moment. After all over the past hour or so all three of them had seen my anus in close detail, how much worse could this be.

As I adopted the required position, reaching back to pull my cheeks as wide apart as I could I saw Sharon approach me gleefully with the shaving cream and razor. I do not think that I have known anyone spend so long applying cream to such a small area. Her fingers continually tracing over the very nub of my anus.

“Oops, sorry Mary,” Sharon said in a blatant mock apology as one of her fingers slipped right into my hole.

If she did that once then she must have done it about 8 times, always followed by that sarcastic mock apology.

Her shaving was a little quicker and then I felt the wet cloth wiping me down, even though Sharon did try for a moment to force the corner of the cloth up my bum!

Theresa followed next with her tingly, oily spray and a quick feel just to make sure that I was as smooth as possible, I say a quick feel, she quickly felt me for a long time! Finally I was told to stand up straight facing them. Not knowing what posture to adopt I kept my legs nice and wide apart. Theresa took a couple of ‘full frontals’ with her phone, instructing me to smile for the photos, before ordering me to thank Amanda and Sharon for shaving my regions.

“Thank you Amanda and Sharon for shaving my armpits, fanny and bum,” I said looking at them with a feeling of disgust in my stomach.

“No Mary, you address them as Miss Amanda and Miss Sharon from now on, is that understood,” Theresa told me.

“Yes Miss Barrett.”

“And one further thing, you refer to it as your cunt from now on, not your fanny!”

“Yes Miss Barrett,” Theresa stared at me silently, waiting for me to correct myself.

I hated the ‘C Word’, I always have. But referring to my own private parts by that word was, of course, far worse.

“Thank you Miss Amanda and Miss Sharon for shaving my armpits, my c..c..cunt and my bum,” I said, feeling smaller and smaller with every passing second.

“Don’t forget to curtsy to them Mary,” Theresa told me, this time with aggression in her voice.

“Yes Miss Barrett,” I replied to her, curtsying in the process.

“Thank you Miss Amanda and Miss Sharon for shaving my armpits, my c..cunt and my bum,” this time curtsying Amanda and Sharon as I said it, still struggling to say the word ‘cunt’ out loud.

Theresa addressed me by taking hold of my nipples, squeezing enough to cause slight pain.

“That concludes your spanking Mary, though you did agree to be my personal sex slave for the next 16 hours, which starts now, if you remember,” Theresa was smiling again.

I did remember, how could I forget, but I was sure that she had said after work.

“I ... er ... thought it started after work, I ... still have my job to do ... well ... till 5 o’clock,” I stammered.

“It’s 10 past 4 now, if I can cover for you all day then I can cover for you for another 50 minutes. Now take that plug on the corner of the table and shove it up your bum, if I have to do it myself I will use a bigger one,” Theresa told me giving my nipples one final hard tweak.

10 past 4, I had been in that bloody room for 6 hours, I looked at the plug, it was going to be difficult forcing it up me, I squatted down to do it, pushing my knees out wide, giving everybody a superb view of my spread pussy. I had not got anywhere near the wide part and it was hurting, it is one thing to have pain inflicted on you, it is much harder to inflict it on yourself. I leaned forwards and it went in a bit further, but it was hurting.

“Suggest you lie on your back and bring your knees up to your chest,” ventured Sharon.

I took her advice, consciously displaying my bits in their direction, thinking that it would not do any harm, plus they had all viewed those areas from close up already today, so they were hardly private to them.

I got it further up me, almost to the widest part, but it just would not go up any further, the pain was simply too great.

“Remember, if you don’t succeed then I get to use an even bigger one,” Theresa reminded me, holding up the ‘granddaddy’ of all butt plugs for me to see.

Hell if she used that on me then I would never be right for the rest of my life! It had the right effect, seconds later I had gritted my teeth and pushed it through the pain barrier, gasping I felt it slip into place, standing up Theresa addressed me again.

“I’m going to leave you now in Amanda and Sharon’s more than capable hands, as I still have an hour or so’s work to do; but I will see you soon, all of you! First things first, you will go with Amanda and Sharon for a photo shoot, I have given them very specific instruction on each pose, so obey them to the letter. Then you will go off and have some fun with them, or more likely they will have fun with you! I’m giving them the whip to take and they have full authority to use it on you as they see fit. So I suggest that you do as you are told and do not upset them in any way. Your period as a sexslave will finish when you get into work tomorrow at 8 am, there will be no extensions whatever, I promise. Other than that me and you still have to report to Mr Mansfield and you will persuade him, in front of me, to make me your boss, fail and you will fail me, I hope that you understand,” Theresa said glaring at me for effect.

“Yes Miss Barrett,” I replied knowing exactly what she meant.

“And finally you still have to pay back Mr Mansfield the £70,000 that you have stolen from him. I know that you have a current account and a savings account as well as a building society account and there is a bond in your name as well, so we can go through those later and work out a way of paying him back discreetly so as not to draw attention to it.”

How on earth did she know all that, she knew exactly where all my money was stored, that was meant to be private information.

“Yes Miss Barrett, but .. er .. I have spent some of the money already,” I told her honestly, at this point it was becoming obvious that I could keep no secrets from her, much better to come clean about it as soon as possible.

“Okay, we will deal with that later,” replied Theresa as she brought a bag across and pulled out some red 5 inch stilettos and passed them to me.

Put these on,” she instructed before pulling out a white, small, sleeveless t-shirt; it wasn’t sheer but was made of very thin fabric. As I pulled it on it was so tight that it clung to every contour of my upper body including my nipples, you could also just make out the areolas through the cloth. Finally she gave me a pink PVC micro skirt with four stainless steel push studs down the side to hold it together. I tried putting it on, the bottom stud did not work causing the lower part of the skirt to flap around. With no knickers on it was virtually obscene.

“I can’t wear this outside Miss Barrett,” I pleaded.

“You will wear it outside, any more complaints and I will damage the second stud as well.”
I kept my mouth shut.

She then picked up her bottle of oily spray and squirted a shot onto each of my boobs. I looked down in horror, the cloth around each boob was now completely transparent.

“You will get your work clothes back in time for work tomorrow. Less the panties of course, from now on you don’t wear panties until your next period, as your last period finished five days ago we still have a while to go. Now get the fuck out of here and do exactly as Amanda and Sharon tell you.”

“Yes Miss Barrett,” I said curtsying, my mind spinning as I headed for the door. How the fuck did she know when my periods were. Her depth of knowledge of my private life was insane. I followed Amanda and Sharon down the stairs to the side entrance, keeping up the best that I could in stilettos. Mercifully that route avoided the main office and no one saw me as we headed for Sharon’s car parked nearby. I was told to get in to the back and sit in the middle as Amanda and Sharon sat in the front seats and adjusted the seat belts.

The centre belt in the back was just a lap belt and I was ordered to remove my micro skirt and hand it to Amanda.

“Now put your hands on your head, sit right back and push your knees apart as wide as you can,” Amanda told me.

I complied putting myself in a ludicrous position, like something from a pornographic photo shoot.

“Now stay like that till we reach our destination, if anyone looks in that is lucky for them and tough for you,” Amanda said as Sharon started the engine and slowly pulled out.

We went through the edge of town, through heavy traffic, approaching rush hour and there were lots and lots of occasions when other motorists or pedestrians looked in the back of the car and saw me, I ignored them and just looked deadpan ahead.

Moving out of town and up through some open countryside Sharon pulled over onto the side of the road and Amanda handed me the pink micro skirt, I was told to put it on and follow them.

We walked about ½ a mile across fields before Amanda decided that this was the ideal site for the photo shoot. Sharon was put in charge of taking the photos whilst Amanda video recorded the whole shoot. I did not expect to be clothed for long and the first few shots were of me doing a striptease. After this the poses that I had to do became more and more obscene, they took about 25 photos I am guessing and for the last few I had to do things like pull my lips wide apart, stick fingers up my pussy and even my bum. Every photo showed my whole body including my face. I knew that I was giving Theresa, Amanda and Sharon even more ammunition to use against me, but I really could see no other way, I was fucked and becoming ever more fucked. One thing was obvious, that if I did return to my previous job then my power and authority over Amanda & Sharon would be non-existent.

“Okay, that’s the final photo done, Miss Barrett should be happy with these, let’s get back to the car,” Sharon declared after taking a photo of me, legs wide apart, bent double, the fingers of one hand pushing my pussy lips as far apart as they could, the forefinger of my other hand knuckle deep up my bum and me grinning like an idiot.

I went to get my clothes; well t-shirt, micro skirt and stilettos. Amanda got there first and seized the t shirt and micro skirt.

“Just wear stilettos back to the car Slut,” Amanda told me.

Initially I panicked, then looking around I could see no one for miles and I reasoned that as so many people saw my spread pussy on the car ride here then what difference did it make, hey ho! This was just another naked parade for Amanda and Sharon’s entertainment. How they were enjoying their payback for the way that I had treated them over the last few months.

Wearing stilettos I could not keep up with Amanda and Sharon as they headed back at some speed. They got to the car a few minutes ahead of me and for a brief moment I thought that they may drive off and leave me, actually I was not that bothered if they did! They didn’t of course, but Amanda did get her phone out and recorded me stumbling stark naked, denude of even pubic hair, along a footpath in stilettos. I made no attempt to cover myself up, I even smiled for the camera, before getting in the car. Surprisingly they allowed me to wear the skirt and t-shirt for the next part of the journey, though in fairness the oily stains were still on the t shirt around the boob area, so my tits were effectively still on display.
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Old 10-03-2023, 01:27 PM   #6
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Join Date: Mar 2014
Location: UK, Manchester
Posts: 72

We drove back into town with Amanda and Sharon largely ignoring me and pulled up onto the driveway of a large detached house. All of us entered the house and once in the main reception room I was ordered to strip and lie on my back in the middle of the carpet. As I lay down I adopted the missionary position pushing my knees out wide, giving them both a superb view of my pussy. It seemed to me the more that I played the slut then the less that I got abused afterwards and after everything that I had been through today I was not sure if I could handle any more abuse.

Sharon smiled down at me, amused by how submissive that I was becoming as Amanda removed her dress followed by her pink knickers. She squatted down on her knees over my face and I looked up at her hairy pussy, she was an ‘out and proud’ lesbian and I knew what I was about to be told to do, even in front of her girlfriend.

“Well get to work Slut, make me come and make it good,” Amanda told me, I looked across at Sharon, she was smiling and pointing a camera at my face, another porn movie in the making, oh well, I was becoming quite a star.

I lifted my head up and got to work, if there was one thing that I had learnt in prison then it was eating women out.

I knew all the tricks and I knew how to bring Amanda off quickly and get this over with. I also knew that a woman who has recently orgasmed was usually a lot calmer and happier than one who had not, it was definitely in my interest to make Amanda calm and happy as soon as I could.

I quickly had her grinding her fanny into my face and going by the moans that were coming out of her she was clearly enjoying it, as she got closer she was getting more and more aggressive with her grinding, something that I did not anticipate at the beginning! In fact her rubbing of her fanny on to my face was actually starting to hurt. She suddenly grabbed hold of my hair in one hand and really pounded herself into me, she was close and very soon she was orgasming into my face. She kept grinding for a few more moments, smearing her juices all over my face and even into my hair.

“That looked good,” said Sharon, I looked up at her, she was only a couple of feet away and still pointing the camera at my face.

“It was fucking awesome, she is one good pussy licker, that was deffinately not her first time, all that ‘anti-Lesbo’ stuff she has given us two in work and she’s the biggest lesbian slut going,” Amanda replied pulling her dress back over her head and adjusting it straight.

“Yeah and she’s an Ass To Mouth slut too, don’t forget her in work today,” Sharon reminded her as if she needed reminding.

None of it was true, I was forced to perform Ass To Mouth by Theresa Barrett, I was forced to perform oral in prison on a daily basis and sometimes more often, I became good against my own will. But I was not allowed to say that, I had to take all insults on the chin.

“Your turn next Sharon, have fun,” said Amanda to her friend, I watched as Sharon took off her skirt, shoes and finally a small pair of light blue knickers. My lips and nose were numb and I prayed that Sharon would be gentle with me.

She was, taking hold of a fistful of my hair she held my head in position as I licked out my second woman in a matter of minutes. Sharon had a well trimmed pussy and it occurred to me that this was probably the pleasantest pussy that I had ever eaten out. Then suddenly what was I thinking of, the pleasantest, you mean the least unpleasant.

Again I did a good job and soon had her in the ‘throws of orgasm’ though in fairness she was as horny as hell before I had got my tongue anywhere near her twat.

As she did cum she banged my head down against the floor and raised her hips slightly, I had a brief glance of Amanda holding her phone close to Sharon’s vagina and my face before Sharon erupted. She was a squirter and boy did she squirt, completely plastering my face.

Sharon climbed of me and I could just make out her face through my cum covered eyeballs, her face was bright red, totally flushed.

“That fucking bitch is something else,” called out Sharon, her voice on the edge of hysteria. I had clearly done her some good, strangely I actually felt proud of myself.

“We’ve still got about ten minutes, how about the slut puts on a show for us,” asked Amanda.

“What were you thinking of,” Sharon replied. I saw Amanda go over to a set of drawers and pulled open the bottom one; withdrawing a dildo, it was a standard 7 inch flexible dildo.

“Here Slut, stand there and bring yourself off for our entertainment,” Amanda ordered, pointing to a spot about four feet from the far wall.

“Can I clean my face first please Miss Amanda?”

“No, Miss Barrett will be here shortly, I’m sure she’ll want to see your cum face, if you excuse the expression,” Amanda told me.

As I turned my back on her to walk to the required position I quickly and discreetly wiped the corners of my eyes clean, I got away with it, neither Amanda nor Sharon spotted it.

I faced them both, spread my legs and inserted the dildo, Amanda was recording me with her phone, Sharon now with her skirt back on, just sat and watched, her face still flushed and with an excited sparkle in her eyes.

This task was simply meant to degrade me and I knew it, I stood there pumping away and lightly scratching my nipple with my spare hand and getting nowhere, no feeling of eroticism whatsoever. Amanda and Sharon were still seemingly enjoying the show, but it was going nowhere! After a while I heard the chime of the front door opening.

“We’re in here,” called out Sharon, seconds later the door to the room opened and Theresa walked in.

“Hey girls, you’re supposed to be the one’s having fun, not the Slut,” Theresa told them, Slut seemingly was my new name.

“We’ve had loads of fun Miss Barrett, we were just killing time until you arrived,” Sharon replied.

“Oh well, I’m ready now, if you’d all like to follow me to the basement ladies,” Theresa was instructing us, not inviting us.

She led us all back into the main corridor, Amanda put her phone down and instructed me to leave the dildo. In the corridor Theresa opened the third door that she passed, flicked on a light switch and went down some stairs with the three of us following. At the bottom of the stairs we entered a dimly lit room, though all the walls were white, which created some reflective light.

It was a strange room, along the far wall was an enormous mirror, some 7 foot by 14 foot long I would guess, to the side of the mirror was a second door. But the strangest thing in the room was the chair, which could best be described as a gynaecologists chair, with leg restraints wide apart; the chair was facing directly at the mirror.

Theresa produced a butt plug, some lubricant and a vibrator, I did not recognise the vibrator, but the butt plug was the first one that she had used on me earlier in the day.

“If you look up at the top of the wall behind the chair you will see a camera Slut, it is pointing directly at the mirror and the reflection of the chair.”

I looked at where Theresa was pointing, there was indeed a camera on the edge of the ceiling pointing directly over the back of the chair at the mirror on the opposite wall. I would end up on the chair, I knew that and the camera would get an excellent view of my most private area, via the mirror.

“So Slut, (How they loved calling me Slut) me, Amanda and Sharon will go through that door next to the mirror and into the recording room, when we turn the lights up here you will lube up the butt plug, insert it in you, climb on the chair, raise the legs to the highest level and then bring yourself of to orgasm for the camera,” Theresa instructed me, pointing to the chair controls as she said ‘raise the legs’.

“Once you have orgasmed you will suck the vibrator and the plug clean and then join us in the recording room, is that clear?” Theresa asked for confirmation.

“Yes Miss Barrett,” I said curtsying, Amanda and Sharon both smiled at this.

“Remember Slut, do not start until I turn the lights up, leg supports to the highest level, do not even think of faking the orgasm, lick both toys clean and then join us in the recording room,” Theresa stated, repeating her key points before leading Amanda and Sharon through the door next to the mirror.

I studied the two toys for a few minutes, feeling them and running them through my fingers when the lights suddenly went very bright, it actually shocked me for a second. One final look at the vibrator I glanced at the mirror and the thought flashed through my mind, ‘this is it, let’s just make it good and get it over with’.

I picked up the plug and the lube and facing the mirror I liberally lubricated it up, turning my back to the mirror I bent over, stuck my bum out, spread my legs and giving the camera an excellent shooting angle, slipped the plug up my bum, actually it slipped in very easily.

Climbing onto the chair with the vibrator in my hand, I put my legs in the rest and pressed the ‘raise’ button on the control panel. My legs came right up and spread out wide in the most vulgar fashion. By the time that the leg rests were in the highest position I was almost doubled up, my butt plug clearly on view to the camera.

In this position I masturbated myself to orgasm, it took a while, I was not exactly comfortable and it was my seventh orgasm of the day, but I got there, at one point I was even pumping my plug with my spare hand. It was not my best orgasm of my life, to be honest it was probably the worst one of the day but I had had some good ones! I slowly pulled the vibrator out of me and looked at it. It was soaking with my juices, I opened my mouth and put the tip in and licked it clean, I entered it in further and further, to see if I could get the whole thing into my mouth, I could but only just. I was making myself look a right slut for the camera, I still had not lowered the rests one inch and my ‘netherlands’ were still obscenely spread wide open. At the same time I was deep throating a vibrator that was covered in my own pussy juices. I just hoped that this performance would ease the pressure on me and Theresa Barrett would hopefully leave me alone afterwards.

I managed to suck it completely clean just by deep throating it and I held it up for the camera, not knowing if the camera was strong enough to spot how clean it was. My hips breathed a sigh of relief as I lowered the leg rests and I was able to climb out of the chair. I stretched my legs a couple of times before bending over and showing my bum to the camera. I pulled on the plug and it slipped out easily, my bum was obviously a lot slacker than it was at the start of the day, I pushed it back in and pulled it out again, then pushed it in and pulled it out a third time, this time completely out. Straightening up and turning around I made eye contact with the reflection of the camera in the mirror and with what I hoped was my most seductive huge grin I put the plug in my mouth and sucked clean every inch of it.

Taking it out of my mouth I held it up for inspection by the camera only inches from my lips with a shy half smile across my face. A few moments later with both toys lying on the chair I headed for the recording room hoping that I would receive some good news.

The door was on a spring and required force to push it open, it slammed shut behind me and I noticed that there was no handle on the recording room side, a little strange to say the least. The door opened into a small alcove before opening into what was obviously a much bigger room. I nonchalantly strode forwards into the room, it was full, of fully clothed people! Every single member of the main office at work, all eleven of them plus Theresa Barrett.

Shocked to the core I instantly covered my fanny and boobs with my arms as the room erupted with a massive cheer, clapping, wolf whistles the lot.

“Nice show Mary,” shouted one.

“Mary James you are a total slut and on camera too,” called another.

“Do you want to do another show for us in here Mary,” Pete said out loud, Pete was one of the few men who worked in the office.

“Show? I don’t know what you mean,” I said pathetically.

“We’ve all just been watching you masturbate through the window, you can’t deny it,” Pete laughed as he pointed to his right. I stepped forwards tentatively and looked where he was pointing, there was a huge window in exactly the same position as where the mirror was in the room that I had just left. It was a fucking 2-way mirror. I could see everything clearly in there, the white walls, the camera, the fucking chair with the toys left on it. Every bastard in the office had just watched me masturbate in the dirtiest, sluttiest fashion possible from just a few feet away. Most of them had their phones out as well and probably recorded it. As the realisation hit me I felt myself becoming very light headed, I could feel my knees giving way as I sank to the ground.

When I came around I was lying on a couch at the back of the room, a few people had clearly left, I did a quick head count, there were still nine in the room, so three had left.

“Mary you really are a total slut aren’t you?” one of the girls had seen that I was awake and came to talk to me, well insult me. I treated the entire office like bitches, I was not going to get an easy ride here.

“I’m not a slut,” I retorted.

“Mary, you used a butt plug whilst bringing yourself off and then licked it clean, on camera,” she spat down at me.

“I didn’t know that there was a camera,” I protested weakly, this just brought a large laugh of derision from the rest of the room.

“Mary we all saw Miss Barrett pointing the camera out to you when you entered the room,” she replied.

I just broke down in tears at this point, hands in my face, I didn’t care if everybody in the room was staring at my tits and pussy. This was just horrible.

By the time that I had composed myself another 2 had left, the girl that had been horrible and one of the men, two more girls were just leaving at that point as well.

“Mary James you are a fucking slut,” one of them whispered into my ear, the other just shook her head with a look of disgust on her face. I felt like crying again but I had to tough this out. Still naked I got up, making not attempt to cover my bits l tried to join the others.

Pete, the guy that laughed at me, Trisha, the typist and youngest girl in the office as well as the quietist, she looked like butter would not melt in her mouth, Theresa of course, Amanda and Sharon, five of them.

“I’m looking forward to getting a blow job from you later on in the week,” Pete told me in a loud brash manner.

“I don’t think that that’s going to happen,” I smiled sweetly, this morning he would have never dared say that to me, now though things were a lot different.

“Not according to Miss Barrett, she says that things like that are possible to arrange,” Pete said smiling and shrugging his shoulders.

I did not dare look at Theresa, I just stared at Pete, trying my best to smile at him in a non-committal way. But the point was not lost on me, unless I could find a way out of this very quickly then I would be giving Pete a blow job!

“I want you on your knees and I want you to swallow every drop,” he smirked.

I retained my non-committal smile, so swallowing sperm, another first for me, but I showed no emotion. Just at this point I noticed Trisha, squatting down on her heels and pointing her phone only inches from my pussy. I made no attempt to move away or cover myself, what would be the point now? But this was uncomfortable.

“Getting a nice view from down there are you?” I asked sarcastically.

“It’s not bad but could you move your thighs apart please,” Trisha replied.

“Er, no!” I stated incredulously.

At this point I heard Theresa clear her throat, I clearly knew what it meant and I moved my thighs about 18 inches apart.

“Just a little wider please!”

Pissed off at having to do this for the youngest girl in the office, of all people, I moved my thighs another foot apart.

“Thanks,” said Trisha, obviously still recording my fanny.

“What a slut,” laughed Pete.

By the time that she had enough video footage of my fanny Pete was ready for leaving.

“If you’re going now is there any chance that you can give me a lift?” Trisha asked.

“Yeah okay, are you ready now?” Pete replied.

“One mo, I just want a quick full frontal snapshot. Mary or Slut or whatever your name is now. Can you put one hand on your hip, one on the back of your head and face the camera. ”Was there any point in trying to resist? None whatsoever.

“Tell you what Trisha, why don’t you pose next to her, you know, one naked and one fully clothed, pass me your phone and I will take it,” offered Pete after Trisha had taken about three shots of me.

So I ended up with Trisha, arms around each other, both smiling like we were totally happy with it all. She was about 8 years younger than me and I could have eaten her for breakfast. That was followed by Pete insisting on posing with me and finally the pair of them, which Amanda happily took, me in the middle, Trisha to the left and Pete to the right, all smiling like Cheshire cats.

Pete and Trisha left together making a point of saying goodbye to me in their own little way.

“Goodbye Slut,” grinned Pete as he flicked one of my nipples on the way past, it hurt, but I tried not to show it.

“Cheerio Slut, I cannot wait to see your next performance,” smiled Trisha brightly, placing a hand on each boob and giving my boobs a quick squeeze, this had clearly been one of the better days of her life.

Then there were just four of us again.

“What are you going to do now Slut?” asked Amanda.

“Dunno,” I replied stupidly, looking down at my feet.

“Let’s go up to the dining room and talk about this,” Theresa declared smiling.

As I followed the three girls I could not help but notice how comfortable I now was being naked around them; compared with when Theresa grabbed me by the hair earlier on in the day and paraded me in front of Amanda and Sharon for the first time, then I was totally humiliated.

We entered the dining room, the formal dining table took centre stage, obviously, there were seats for 8 people. At the top end of the table were a set of clothes, my clothes, complete with underwear, on top of the pile for maximum exposure and my set of keys.

Theresa sat on one of the middle seats, Amanda to her right, Sharon to Amanda’s right at the head of the table, I sat opposite Amanda as Theresa addressed me.
“You have three choices Slut, choice A you can take your clothes and walk out of here, I will even give you £5 for the bus fare. Go back to work, pick up your car and get out of our lives for good; never, ever report back to work for Mansfield Advertising again,” She paused for a few seconds before continuing.

“Choice B, me and you go and see Peter Mansfield in the morning and you persuade him to reduce your grade to supervisor and you work directly for me. Choice C, me and you go and see Peter Mansfield in the morning and you persuade him to reduce your grade to just clerk and you will work as my personal clerk and I will run the advertising business entirely. As my personal clerk you will move into this house and you will agree to be my little sex toy, you will have sex with me or anybody I say whenever I say.”

“What if I choose none of the options,” I asked, after all there were other avenues that I could choose to go up other than the three Theresa suggested.
“Then I pass on all the shit that I’ve got on you to Peter Mansfield and the Police and you go to prison for 10 years!” She told me sternly.

“I thought the spanking this afternoon paid for that,” I pleaded.

“It bought you these 3 options,” Theresa replied.

“Do Miss Amanda and Miss Sharon live here as well?” I asked sadly.

“No, but they are regular visitors and will continue to be,” Theresa told me as Sharon sniggered.

The grim reality of the depth of shit that I was now in fully sank home, the evil bitch Theresa Barrett had used the ‘embezzlement evidence’ to blackmail me for her own long term sexual pleasures. The fucking evil, wicked, nasty bitch and I had swallowed it all; hook, line and sinker.

“If you choose option A then I will put a track on you and ensure that any future employer is fully aware of your history, basically you will never work again. If you choose B then be aware that your authority as a supervisor is finished, everybody in the office has seen you masturbate with a butt plug in you, they all have recordings of it and you know what, Amanda and Sharon may just wish to share this afternoon’s photo shoot with them too,” I shuddered at the thought.

“We’ve got videos of her eating out our pussy’s, can we share those with the office as well?” Sharon asked.

“Of course they’re your videos, share them with who you like,” Theresa told her smiling.

“Ooooo wonderful,” Sharon replied clapping her hands in excitement.

“I remind you Slut, you will have no authority in the office, the staff will be able to come and go as they please and if you try to discipline them then they will simply pass around a video of you masturbating. Would they contact your family to show them, what about your friends, what if they showed it to Peter Mansfield. The other thing of course is that in not being able to discipline the staff then profits are sure to start falling and when I tell Mr Mansfield that his supervisor Is letting staff do as they please and I show him the evidence, then you will probably get sacked anyway,” Theresa finished with a shrug, placing a butt plug on the table, a new one and smaller than the one that I had used already today, but still fairly large.

“If you choose option C then we can start right now, put the plug up your bum and then join me upstairs in my bedroom in 5 minutes, I will leave you a couple of minutes to decide,” with that she pushed her chair back and got up, Amanda and Sharon did the same and followed her to the door.

“I’ll show you ladies out now, I hope you’ve had a good day,” Theresa said to Amanda and Sharon, who immediately voice their thanks as the door closed behind them.

So I was now alone, I studied the pile of clothes and thought about the options. The reality was that I had none. As I picked up the butt plug and sucked on it I realised that Theresa Barrett had beaten me all ends up. I leaned forwards and pushed the plug up me in readiness for my new life.

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