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Old 10-08-2008, 11:38 AM   #16
getDare Succubus
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Default Sarah's Flirtations, week 8 - THOMAS

Okay. So a bit about me first, right? My name's Tom... Thomas. You can call me Tom. Anyway, I'm doing this as a favor to a friend of mine, but you already know her, I guess. Sarah. She wants to know what happened on week eight of her little adventure with that guy, her T.A., Jim, that's his name.

Now, the thing is, what can I tell you about me? I'm eighteen years old, I still live with my parents, but only because they live close and I don't mind. Rent is cheap. Anyway, they live upstairs, I live in the basement, although I still have access to the entire house, fridge, washer, dryer, the works. I'm okay with my parents now, but it wasn't always this nice. Let's just say I got kicked out a few times for several different reasons, but I always manage to reconcile. Well, it's my mom, really, who does the reconciling between me and my dad. What do we fight about?

I'm a homosexual. Gay. That's what my dad calls me. His gay son. He's learnt to tolerate it, and to some extent, accept it. My mom is a real sport though. She just wants me to be happy. Which I am, mostly.

I'm a boxer too. I've been boxing since I was... oh... fourteen, maybe? It's not easy picking fights. Many of my opponents would outright refuse to fight with me if they knew I like guys. So I have to stay in the closet. I'm so glad my friends, my real friends, allow me to indulge. I can be so open with them. I've even tried it out with girls, thanks to them. It doesn't feel as good or as natural, but it's still fun.

I particularly like Sarah. If I wasn't gay, I'd make a pass at her, and she'd probably let me. I love that girl like my sister. Oh, and I have a sister too, but she moved away after high school. That sucks. She lives in Denver and I hardly ever see her. She even has a kid, his name is Kenneth, like my dad. I think she's one who took my sexuality the hardest.

But enough of that. The story. There's this guy, Jim, Sarah's really into him and she asked for our help to get to know him better. Now the rules are fairly straightforward. We can't interact directly with him. We each got assigned a week within which we could perform our deeds. Now my plan is fairly simple. I'm a simple man most of the time. I don't like complicated things.

I have hired a friend of mine, another boxer who happens to know my secret but doesn't care, to walk up to Jim and threaten him, you know, but only with words. If that guy is going to get near my Sarah, he's going to have to prove to me (and to her) than he can defend himself when shoved around. Now my intent is not to inflict harm, just to see how far this Jim needs to be pushed before he'll push back. A simple idea.

The problem is I want to see him in action. I don't want to get a second hand account of the event. I know he hangs out at the park on Sundays, almost like clockwork. What I do is tell my friend (his name is Jimmy, he's one of the fastest fists I ever saw) to hang around the park. I need to be there, but in disguise. I don't know how to do that though. Luckily, Jennifer assists me there. She works with homeless people part time, so she gets me some rags that I can wear and pretend to be a drunk in the park. Now I'm all set, and I just need to wait for that Sunday.

When it rolls around, I go up there in the morning. I'm unrecognizable, unshaved, messy hair, dirty clothes. I don't hang out in the middle of the park because I don't want to get kicked out, so I hang low near the forested areas. I lie down because I have a long wait.

I decide to make this thing fun. If I'm challenging myself, might as well do it for real. This early morning, not much people about. I get up to stretch, walk towards the woods, lower my trousers, exposing my behind. I'm not wearing underwear today. I piss right then and there, facing the trees, my butt exposed for all to see, not that anyone stares I imagine. It feels so good to have myself dangling in public. I try not to make too much of a spectacle of it and sit back down fairly quickly, pulling my pants up.

If anyone has seen no calls the authorities. A good start.

I wait until noon, unpack a sandwich and start eating. According to Jenn, he should be around just after lunch. I'm sincerely hoping I'm not wasting my day, that would piss me off.

Now, I've never seen this guy in person, and he has never seen me. I've seen his picture, though, and that's good enough for me. I wait for a while, growing impatient. Finally, he comes into view. Sarah's right. He's good looking. He walks to a table and sits down, taking out a notebook of some kind and a pen. He starts writing.

I wish I knew what he was writing. Nothing to do now but wait for Jimmy to show.

Jimmy comes along, with two buddies of his. I don't know them, and I don't know how much Jimmy has told them. I get nervous. I know Jimmy, I know he won't do anything to hurt the guy, but those two others, I've seen them before. Fellow boxers. One of them has a bad temper, and the other is just nasty. I need to get closer. The fountain is my best bet, so I move about.

Jimmy and his gang go to sit at the man's table. They're talking real loud about their last fight, how Jimmy KO'd the guy in four rounds, talking punches and feints. It's gotta be distracting to Jim. He doesn't budge, he just keeps writing. He's got a good concentration. Jimmy can be quite the mouthful. Jimmy will need to take this to the next level. Fortunately, I already gave him a game plan. I wouldn't want him to improvise on Sarah's prospect. It might get ugly.

"Wadda ya think, dude?"

Jimmy is trying to draw Jim into the conversation. At first, Jim doesn't look up. He probably doesn't realize Jimmy is talking to him. However, he looks after setting his pen down.

"I didn't hear the question."

Wow! Jumping right into it. I like this guy.

"I said, I punched that guy out, cold, one two three.
"Possibly. I wasn't there."

Jim goes back to his writing.

"Not into boxing?

Jim answers but does not look up.


Jimmy's tone is aggravated. The T.A. looks up, stops writing, stares Jimmy down.

"Lookit me when I'm talkin' to ya.
"Okay. Are you done talking?
"You gotta attitude problem, dude?"

I see Jim sigh.

"No, I'm just not involved in your conversation.
"We not botherin' ya, then?
"No. Can I keep writing now?"

Obviously, standard intimidation is not going to work on this guy. I'm sincerely impressed. I figured a student in literature would be a scaredy-cat. I'm glad I'm mistaken. I still don't want Jimmy to overdo it, but since Jim is not reacting openly enough, Jimmy's next step is escalation. He goes in and grabs the notebook.

"Lemme read..."

Jim sighs again. He is becoming irritated. Well, he's no passive sissy. But he doesn't reach for the book as I thought he might. Instead, he just sits there while Jimmy purses the page. Eventually, Jimmy reads the words out loud, and I'm guessing they're more for my benefit than his.

"So if you take into account the fact that the killer knew the victim, then this leads us to only one possible conclusion... what is this crap?
"Police novel.
"What the fuck?
"I'm writing a police novel. Can I have it back?"

He remains polite, but there is a certain determination in his voice, something I've heard from fellow boxers from time to time. I've used that tone myself on more than one occasion.

"What're ya willin' ta do for it?
"Look, I don't want to fight. I just want my book.
"You gonna cry, now?
"No. I'll ask again. Please, give me my notebook.
"Pleasy-Weasy. Gimme my booky..."

Jimmy's friends laugh. Now we're getting somewhere. The T.A. pauses for a moment, then stands up for the first time.

"Listen... Jimmy... that is your name, right?"

I realize Jimmy's name must have been mentioned in the conversation. I wasn't paying attention, but apparently, Jim was.

"Why are you doing this?
"'Cause I can.
"Well I can too. I can have my book back. I can try to take it, but you've got friends and I'm alone. But we're in a crowded park, there's probably security somewhere around here. I don't know why you want to pick a fight here, and I don't want to pick a fight.
"Mebbe 'cause I don't like ya.
"Tough. I have no opinion on you yet, but I'm starting to form one. Now. Three scenarios. One, you give my book back and it ends here. Two, I somehow manage to overpower you, get my book back and get out of here. Three, you beat me up, realize the book has no value to you, and either leave it here or destroy it. The only one where we're both winners is the first one. If we fight, security comes up, we all get arrested, and things go downhill from there."

I see Jimmy's resolve wavering. The guy makes a pretty good case. He's exaggerating, of course, there's no way anyone would get arrested for this, but he's managed to make Jimmy hesitate. There's a tense moment, then Jimmy tosses him the book.

"Thank you."

An officer and a gentleman too. This guy's the real deal. Jimmy motions for his gang to leave. I cut around the park and join him. He sees me coming and waves to me. His friends seem confused.

"So? Wadda ya think?
"Did good, Jimmy-boy.
"I coulda kicked his ass.
"Yes, you coulda. Wasn't the point. Thanks man. Owe ya.
"Ya do."

I watch them leave. I'll find some way to pack him back. If he were into guys, it wouldn't be a problem. Oh well.

I spend the rest of the afternoon watching him. He seems somewhat shaken up from the ordeal. I don't think he's used to doing this, and I think he was scared somewhat. Makes sense. If I didn't know Jimmy, and I wasn't half as strong as I am, I might be scared too. Still, he stood up for himself.

As the afternoon ends, I see him leave. I let him go. I'm going to have a last bit of fun in the park before I go.

I retrieve the backpack I stored up a tree at the start of the day and head deeper into the trees. I want to be out of sight for this next one, but I want to do it before it's dark. Sarah told me she comes around this park once in a while and plays with herself. I figure I might as well do the same, get acquainted with the place. Once I'm really out of sight, I pull down my pants. Then I search into my backpack. I find my vibrator and check the batteries. I take out a tube of lube. I crouch down, use the lube on the vibrator and insert it gently, then start it up. I go working on myself. It doesn't take long, with the stimulation, the damp air and the wind, until I shoot out into the woods. I hurriedly pack up my things, wiping as needed, then pull up my pants. I thought I'd last longer, but apparently I was too primed. Next time, maybe.

When I get back home, I call Sarah to let her know what I've found out.

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Old 10-08-2008, 09:50 PM   #17
getDare Succubus
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Default Sarah's Flirtations, week 9 - CASSIE AND CLAIRE

[This post is highly experimental, as it will involve two different narrators. Hopefully, it won't get too confusing.]

So, Claire, how do we go about doing this?

I don't know. Why don't you tell the story, Cassie, and I'll interrupt you if I need to add anything?

Okay. Sounds good.

So it's the end of week nine in the semester long dare to get to know Jim better. I won't bore you with the details of the dare itself, I'm sure Sarah and Thomas have done a good job so far.

Bore them with the details? How could they be bored with this story?

I don't know. It's just an expression. Can I continue?

Sure. Sorry.

Thanks. So our task for Sarah is to find out more about Jim, about his limitations, how he reacts to all sorts of situations. I know Thomas did his part last week, I don't know how it went. Sarah keeps everything pretty wrapped up for now, hopefully she'll tell us more when we get to meet this Jim in person. Now, me and Claire, being lesbians and all, we thought we'd test his reaction to lesbian overtures.

My idea, actually.

Yes, Claire, your idea.

Buy you did help set it up.

The story?

Oh... right.

The idea was simple. We can't interact with Jim, but that doesn't mean he doesn't notice us. Our main problem is timing. Thomas already got the park, and we don't want to do anything there. Our boy doesn't get out much except for writing and doing the groceries, and school. Our best bet is the store, then. But how do we check his reactions to a display of lesbian affection?

I think we should explain why this is important to us, and to Sarah?

I think they already know about that.

You mean Jennifer and Sarah? I'm not talking about that.

Oh. What are you talking about then?

Well, the thing is, in our group, most of us are pretty open about our sexuality. I've done things with pretty much every girl in the group. You, Cassie, you've also gone farther than me with the boys. But the thing is, if he's going to integrate in our group, he has to be comfortable with girls... doing girls.

Well that seems obvious.

I thought it needed explaining, that's all.

Now there aren't that many things we can do in a grocery store that won't get us thrown out, so we'll have to be careful. Nowadays, they have mirrors and cameras everywhere. We'll have to be in your face about it without being indecent.

A shame, really.

We'll get to more juicy stuff later. Let's just finish with this story so we can get it to Sarah so she doesn't go out of her mind again.

Go on, then.

With Jennifer and Sarah's help, we manage to find out when he leaves for the grocery store. I'm at the ready, so I call Claire at her work and she joins me.

Always nice to take an afternoon off.

When she gets there, he's already inside. Our time is limited. We don't know how long he will remain in there. Our acolyte is there too.

You forgot to talk about him in the beginning!

I did?

You did. I'll tell about him.

Go ahead.

He's our next door neighbour, a few years younger than us. He lives with his father and goes to our former high school. I knew his sister from classes we had together. We hired him for the task because, well, we have some history with him.

You should tell them.

Maybe another time. His only job is to tag along discreetly around the store, and observe the target's reactions to our blatant exhibition of lesbian love. Brian - that's his name - is good at reading people most of the time.

So we enter, and Brian follows us in. First job : find Jim. He's in the soup alley. Buying chicken noodle. I recall Sarah's story about when she stole his underwear and he served her chicken noodle soup because she hadn't eaten.

So we find him and deduce which direction he's going. Now, we want to put on a show for him, so...

You're telling it or I am?

Sorry. The best part is coming. Go ahead.

We move into the next lane, lean into the alley. I back up against the stands, while Claire stands in front of me. She places her hand in my hair and starts kissing me passionately.

You should mention there's no one in the alley. It's the middle of the afternoon, the store is practically empty.

You just did that. Anyway, Brian positions himself so he'll get a good look at Jim's face. He's even prepared a few comments to peak his interest.

Now we didn't necessarily hear what they said, but Brian told us afterwards.

You're getting ahead of the story, honey. So we're getting hot and heavy, and Jim rounds the corner. Now, I'm focusing on Claire, but my eyes are also wandering in his direction. Claire's only concern appear to be my lips. I feel giddy all over, place my hands across her blouse. And Jim, well, he just walks by, barely looking at us. Now I don't have a good point of view, so I don't know what he's thinking.

Neither do I, but luckily, Brian does. Brian is playing the lecher, staring at us. He hails the stranger.

"That's some sight, he says. Gotta love it.
"It's all right.
"All right. Two hot babes are going at it and you say it's all right. It's heaven man!"

Brian tells us that Jim then turns around and stares at us.

"They are beautiful. And in love, it appears."

And Jim is smiling.

Now that's a good sign. Then, Jim just keeps on walking by. So what we do next is get a few items of groceries, and wait until he's heading for the checkout line before cutting him off. Claire is squeezing my hand, rubbing my shoulders, kissing my neck, and I'm acting giddy like a school girl. We smile at him and he smiles back at us. When we get to pay, we cuddle a little, take our time, seem distracted by one another...

We want to see how he reacts to being delayed. Does he stress out, does he try go around.

But he just stays there, smile on his face, finding us all cute and pretty.

Eventually, we exit. Brian is waiting outside. He tells us his appreciation. The guy does not mind, according to him. He also states that Jim is not gay, which we already knew.

Brian is one of those people who can tell with one look who is gay and who is not.

And I suppose it's good to have some confirmation.

More importantly, though, Brian says he thinks the guy is nice, sincere, not bogged down by conventions too much. He says his reaction to our lesbian overtures were standard and open-minded. His smile to us also says a lot.

Brian is very intuitive.

Which is good for him, because he wants to be a psychologist.

You're drifting, now.

So there you have it. I hope Sarah finds this helpful. We were sort of stuck on possibilities, we did the best we could.

I'm sure she'll find some us for our information.

It was fun, even though it was short. We'll have to try some store nudity some time, but we need to find some place where they don't have cameras. We don't want to get arrested.

That's enough story. Come on, I have another story I want to share with you.

What are you talking about?... ooh! Claire, you dirty little...

You can visit my erotic stories website at:

This link can get you to all of my stories on this site as well:
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Old 10-09-2008, 10:36 AM   #18
getDare Succubus
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Default Sarah's Flirtations, week 10 - BONNIE

I think I'm in love. I hope Barry won't mind too much.

Okay, so I'm not really in love, but he is dreamy. I have just spent the last day gazing at Jim in the park, watching him write. I decided I'd do this one alone. At first, we argued that it would be Barry and me doing the observation this week, but then I talked to Barry and plans changed.

Now don't get me wrong. I love my boyfriend so much, I'd do almost anything for him, and in fact, I have done pretty much everything for him, or to him. We have such a loving and open relationship that I can share with him anything that comes into mind. Now it wasn't always like this, mind you. It's just that, with what we've both been through, we decided that it was better to be happy together and for one another than to impose a lot of restrictions and limitations and try to control each other's movements.

I've never been unfaithful, and I'm pretty sure he hasn't either. Even if he had, I'd still forgive him if he talked to me about it. We have needs, desires, and we've learned to act on them. I've never slept with another man, and whenever I do things with other girls, he's always present. And when he does things, I'm there too. That's the basis of our relationship : we share everything.

Sometimes, though, we need our time apart, and that's what I need to deal with this investigation. I like to fantasize about other men, sometimes, and it helps when Barry's not around. Now, this Jim character, I could get to like him. He's smart, intelligent and focused, good looking. Thomas and Barry are both really into sports and this Jim seems different somehow. I like a sturdy man, but Thomas is too much for me. Barry's physique is good, but what I like about him is how he makes me smile, and laugh. I think this Jim might be able to do the same. But he's Sarah's prey, so he's off limits, except in my fantasies. Those belong to no one but me.

After a day of watching a guy, you can't help but wonder at his daily life, at his routine, at the size of his penis, at how gentle or hard he is when he is making love to you. I follow him around after the park, mindful not to be seen. He seems as oblivious to my presence as he has been to the others who tailed him. It helps our endeavor.

He picks up supplies from the grocery store and heads back home. I wait until he enters, then go in after him, but I don't climb up the stairs. Instead, I look at the door and the handles there. I memorize the look and style of the handles. The information will come in handy later.

I should probably talk a little about me. I think the others do that. I'm Bonnie, of course. I've known the gang for six years or so, when I moved into the neighborhood. I'm originally from the Midwest, but my mom got a job at an important law firm here so we moved. My dad is the stay-at-home type, that is, when we lived in the mid-west, he'd go roaming all day in the woods. Since we moved here, he hasn't been as enthusiastic. He goes bowling with some guys he met twice a week. But that's about it.

I have two brothers, both younger, much younger in fact. One is 10 and the other is 8. I don't really get to see them, since I moved out of the house after high school to go live with Barry.

I've been doing dares since I was fifteen. It's Sarah who took me in. First night in, they had me strip and do all sorts of stunts in the buff. They were kind to me, I didn't have to do anything sexual on my first night. I got to get into this very progressively, which is what I needed. I only did sexual stuff on my fourth night. Sometimes, I still find it hard to believe that I've actually slept with all these girls in the past. I can't believe we're still friends. I guess things might have gone awry had it not been for Barry.

We introduced him to the game by making him our slave. And he enjoyed it. That was the part that actually turned me on to him, having control over him. I blew him that first night. I had been experimenting with girls, but I knew I was into boys. He was my first. In fact, I've never been with anyone else. Oh! I've blown Thomas a couple of times, a few other people along the way during our more daring times. But I've never had anyone but Barry inside me. Somehow... that's his privilege. That belongs only to him.

When I met Barry, I had experimented enough that I knew what I was looking for, in terms of relationship. It was a hunch, but it panned out. That's why I think Sarah's quest is a legitimate one. I do believe in love at first sight. I know Jennifer disagrees. It's her right. It happened to me, I hope it happens to her someday.

I don't have to work. There are several reasons. I guess you could call me lucky. Not only is my mother very well paid, she gives me money every month, basically paying for all my expenses. I think she's compensating for the fact she has missed so much of my growing up. I don't mind. I had my dad almost all to myself. The other thing is that Barry's family is also loaded, an added bonus. He works with his father and uncle. They own many government owned supply outlets on the West Coast. He was working there while in school, and now he's a full-time member of the clan. He's barely nineteen and already into a lot of money, which has just allowed us to buy our first home. It's not big, but it's cozy. It's great for having friends over. I always found doing our games in our apartments was, well, less than stimulating. Especially since we had to share them with other roommates who were outsiders.

Now, just because I don't have to work, doesn't mean I waste my time at home. I sell stuff door-to-door, but I make my own hours. You name it, I have it or I can get it. It's only as a supplemental income.

Our friends might be jealous of our good fortune if we hoarded. But we share it with them as best we can. I hope they appreciate and don't find us too shallow or greedy. No, I know they don't.

That monday, I go visit my friend Lupo. He's forty years old and a friend of my dad's. I have a special relationship with Lupo. He's a veteran from the first Gulf war, and he's been through a rough patch. One night my dad was out, before I was going out with Barry, he had come over to see my dad and instead we talked about the war, how his wife had left him when he came back, taking his five year old son with her. He had no choice but to recycle his life. He became a locksmith. I hope you see where I'm getting with this. Anyway, I cheered him up by telling him of my school life. I also did something which, thinking back, was my first ever dare. Now, don't get any ideas here, he was thirty-five, I was fourteen, so nothing much happened. I just posed for him in several bikinis, and he gave me ratings. I still have the original ratings chart somewhere in my stuff back home, probably still in a box.

Lupo is of course happy to see me. I don't drop by as often as I could, but life just keeps us busy. We have a system for transactions, and he can tell I'm in need of assistance.

"Hello, Bonnie. Lovely day.
"Lovely indeed, Lupo."

There is no one else in the store. I pull out a picture from my handbag and hand it to him. It's me in a bikini. I'm not wearing any bottom, though, and I'm showing my behind, covering it partly with my hands. He smiles. I always manage to make his day.

"What can I do you for?
"I need... a service.
"You have it."

I don't go into detail, but I explain that I have this door model, with this handle model, and I wonder if he can help me. He understands. We both know this is highly illegal and we keep everything as blurry as possible. He knows I'm not a thief, and I know he's reliable.

"I think this one might fit."

He pulls out a master key set from under the counter, and pulls out one specific key, placing it on the table.

"Or maybe I got something back there."

He turns around, looking at his shelves. I pocket the key discreetly. All the while, I'm positioned so my body is covering the angle of the camera aimed at the counter.

"No... not here. Sorry, don't have anything else.
"Well, it's all right. Thanks Lupo.
"Don't be a stranger, now."

I blow him a kiss and leave. That was the easy part. Now for the hard part.

I don't get to it until that Wednesday. This time, I've asked Barry to come along. With what I've got planned, I'm going to need him. He's carrying a heavy back pack and since this is my operation, he has no idea what's inside it.

"Ton of bricks, right? I'm carrying a ton of bricks.
"Will you stop it? This will be fun.
"You have the key?
"Stop panicking."

Barry doesn't like it when I rely on Lupo's services. I've done it four times in five years. This will be my fifth.

We enter the apartment building and climb up the stairs. I open the way, Barry remains hidden in the stairwell. We want to make sure we're not seen. We've been warned by Sarah about the nosy neighbour. We're very mindful of the sound we make. I get to Jim's door and use the master key. It's harder to operate than it looks. Eventually, I unlock the door and walk in. I secure the place, then come back for Barry. We know Jim has classes all afternoon, so we have a window of about four hours to do whatever we need to do. Ample time. I lock the door and go about the room, pulling the blinds down. We'll need to remember to bring them back up.

Barry puts the bag down in the living room, but I tell him to bring it to the bedroom. Everything seems nice and tidy. Jim doesn't have a lot of stuff, it appears.

Once Barry has set the bag down, he goes to the computer. He has his own assignment while I set up the room. I open the bag and take out a large blanket, which I set over the bed. There's no place to tie the handcuffs so I leave them in the bag. I pull out the camera and the tripod, and set it up towards the bed. I smile at the prospect of what's going to happen here. We have a full hour of video. It should be ample time. I go to Barry's side. He's into the computer now and it's not password protected.

"What do we have here, then?
"Well, I'm looking at recently opened files. Text documents mostly, a few pictures.
"Show the pictures."

Barry opens the pictures up one by one, mindful to close them. I'm disappointed. No nudity, no porn. Just some drawings of characters. His? I don't think so. Probably found on the internet. Barry opens up a text file titled The True Face of Rebecca. We skim through the text. It's an erotic story about some girl, Rebecca, whose description feels awfully like Sarah. She's learning about her sexuality in contact with an older man in some kind of make believe setting. This is more like it.

"I think our boy has fantasies about Sarah.
"Maybe", Barry replies.

He closes it and then logs onto the internet, checking the cache for recently viewed pages. Most of it is literature oriented, a few pages are from the college, yet more are about museum research. We finally locate the good stuff. Nude Samples. Barry clicks on it.

Naked women fill the screen. I imagine Jim masturbating to these images. All of these girls are posing, none are involved in sexual situations.

Next, we do a search on his hard drive for video files. We find a few, nothing pertinent to our research. But we don't give up. Barry goes back several days in the internet log's history, until finally we find something. Erotic Heroes. Intriguing. We click on it. It's a website about popular superheroines involved in sexual situations. There are small samples of videos. We'll have to keep this in mind for later reference. We play a few of the samples. They're enticing but they're only tease.

"This is the best we'll find.
"I wish we'd brought costumes.
"We couldn't know. Come on."

Barry gets up and pushes me towards the bed. I fall back on our blanket. He pulls his top off.

"Wait! Start the video!"

He does. I start opening buttons on my blouse. The camera is on me, now, he's out of sight. I open up completely : I'm not wearing any bra. Barry pulls into frame, starts kissing my chest. I look at the camera; I've set the screen facing us, so we can see what we're doing as we're doing it. He crawls up to my mouth and we kiss. I fondle at his zipper and start unbuckling his pants. The sample on the computer ends, so he stands up and starts another one.

"Bring the keyboard here, and the mouse."

Both are wireless so we drag them onto the bed. He returns and I start removing his pants. He's only wearing a g-string. I rub my hand against it. He's already rock hard, and it sticks out. I glide my tongue against it, then kiss it gently before putting it in my mouth. Barry pushes me back because we're slightly out of frame. We should have brought someone along to hold the camera. Next time, maybe. I work on him for some time. He resets a new sample and is looking at the computer screen. I pull away eventually. I completely take off my blouse.

He reaches under my skirt and pulls off my panties. I lie down on the bed so my crotch is facing the camera. I also have a good view of the screen. There are two girls in hero costumes kissing and fondling each other. I don't know their names. Barry buries his head under my skirt and starts playing with me with his mouth. I keep staring at the screen on the computer, then at the tiny screen of the camera, where I see my blushing face. This turns me on even more.

"Make me come... make me come..."

I feel the rush coming on. I can't scream. I don't know how thick the walls are. I bite my lip as the orgasm overpowers me. I close my eyes and let the pleasure ride me. When I finally relax, Barry has pulled away and started a new sample. This one is about this male villain exacting a revenge over a female hero. There's some blood in my mouth. I must have bit my lip harder than I imagined.

Barry pulls up to me. He has removed his thong. I look down and see he still has his socks on.

"For God's sake, Barry, take off your socks!"

He looks down, notices, and starts laughing.

"I can't fuck you with your socks on!
"You can't? But why?
"Because... socks!"

He laughs again and takes them off. I remove my skirt. I keep my high socks on. I don't know why but it turns him on. Jennifer says it's because it accentuates the rest of the legs. I start licking him again, but he pulls away.

"No. I want to take you.

I was into pleasuring him, but if he'd rather take me I'm not one to complain. I lay on my back, lift my legs. He enters me from above. We move about a little, so the camera has a good pan on both of our bodies. Only our heads and lower legs are out of frame. He's pumping me good and enjoying every minute of it. We stop for a moment and he exits, allowing us both to catch our breath. He sets up a new sample while I move about. I face the camera on all fours and let him enter me from behind. Now I can actually see both our faces, even if he's behind me. He returns to his previous pumping action. Seeing his face is intoxicating. He's really into it, and I'm slowly edging back into full orgasm mode. The sample ends, but this time, he's not stopping to start a new one.

I feel him inside me, releasing himself into me. I want him to keep pumping and he does for a moment, but then he stops, tired and exhausted. I'm content but that first orgasm was better. He came too fast. But I don't hold it against him. I've already had my fun.

I stop the camera and lie down beside him.

"I love you.
"Love you too."

He's exhausted. Normally, I'd let him sleep. Unless there are other people present, Barry always falls asleep after sex. This time, we're in a stranger's home. We don't have that luxury.

"Come on, lover. Don't fall asleep.

He makes an effort to sit in bed. I hug him tight.

"That was great! I say. Unbelievable.
"Yeah... awesome."

I kiss him. Before getting out of bed, I reach into the bag and get tissues so we can wipe ourselves. We must not leave any evidence of our presence here (well nothing obvious, I'm not talking police here, just the resident himself), hence the blanket over his bed. We retrieve every piece of clothing on the bed, return the keyboard and mouse to the desk after wiping both with tissues. We take our time getting dressed. Barry folds the blanket and returns it to the bag, while I dismantle the camera and tripod. I shut down the computer after shutting down the opened applications, while Barry packs everything of ours remaining into the backpack.

I kiss Barry. I head towards the wardrobe and open it. Pants, shirts, jeans. Nothing out of the ordinary. I look in the back. Boxes. I'm curious and ask Barry to pull one out. It's heavy. We look inside. Comic books.

"No surprise here, considering what we found on the computer."

I smile. We carefully put the box back where we found it. We search the rest of the apartment for signs of sexual conduct. Nothing. No toys, no tools.

"I guess he's only seeing mr. Righty, says Barry."

I laugh heartily. Mr. Righty. What will my boyfriend think of next? Barry gets serious.

"I don't think there's anything more here. I mean, he's not into bondage, cross-dressing, no sign he shaves down there... probably has a pretty boring life.
"I wouldn't say boring. I'd say... focused. We'll just have to find a way to alter his focus. I think we can bring him along. I hope so, for Sarah's sake.
"She's really putting a lot of hope in this guy.
"She is. And that's why we need to help her. We want our Sarah happy."

Barry agrees. We leave as discreetly as we came. Hopefully, we left no clues to our presence here.

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Old 10-10-2008, 09:52 AM   #19
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Default Sarah's Flirtations, week 11 - BARRY


I'm Barry. Bonnie's boyfriend.

I live in Southern California, not far from the sea, in the house I purchased only a few months ago. I live there with my girlfriend.

I'm supposed to relate to you my own personal investigation of Jim, Sarah's love interest. So, here goes.

We already know a lot about the man. We know he's a teacher, a writer, he likes comic books, he doesn't watch much porn but likes naked girls, he's nice and helpful, caring, clean, eccentric, not easily intimidated or vexed... that's about what I know.

What else can we learn? And how much fun can we have learning it?

I'll admit it. I'm not as imaginative as my friends. I'm not usually the one to come up with new ideas for our games.

Last week was great. Bonnie got us into Jim's apartment and we had sex on his bed. That's when we found out about his love for comics. Now, I want to do something along those lines. See how passionate he can get about something. But I don't know the first thing about comic books.

What I do then is get to a comic book store that Monday and browse around a little. I look at titles. I don't understand it. It's for children. What's a grown man doing collecting these?

I open up one. Violent story. Another. Lots of sex. I begin to wonder. I ask the clerk.

"Sure, he says, there's comic books for every age now. It's just not for kids anymore."

I forgot to check the titles in Jim's collection and I don't want to go back there. It scares me how Bonnie can get into places sometimes, even if I benefit from it. She has her ways. I don't ask.

I ask the clerk if Jim shops there, I say he's my friend and I want to buy him a present - but it's a secret. Now, since I have his name, the clerk doesn't think twice and checks his file. Jim does purchase his comics here, at the store nearest to his house. He hasn't dropped by in a while, though, but his file is still open. The clerk mentions the titles in the folder and they mean nothing to me.

I inquire about related collections, something Jim might not have, a special limited edition of something. The clerk recommends a paperback of collected stories. I have to trust his insight, but just to be safe, I purchase a few others he recommends. Money is no issue, as I'm sure Bonnie told you.

Once I get back home, I print up a list of the comics I have just bought and make several copies.

The next day, I'm at work. I get Steven, one of our student part-timers, and ask him for a favor. I'll pay him out of my pocket, of course. All he has to do is put the list up on campus everywhere and be the intermediate between me and whoever calls. He agrees. I give him a picture of Jim, tell him he's the guy I'm looking for, but we have to wait to see if he calls. I've asked other stuff of Steven in the past, so he's used to my strange requests. I know he'll do the job as I want it.

The following days are just waiting. Steven gets a few phone calls, but refuses all offers. That Friday, he tells me he got a call from someone named Jim. They will meet that night, at a local coffee shop. I plan to go there in disguise. I give my final instructions to Steven.

I get there before the meeting, sit on the second floor, looking down on the first floor. I tell Steven to get there early as well. He sits at an angle so I can have a good look at the scene. I know Steven has taken the time to read the comics, whereas I just looked at the images. Eventually, Jim comes in. They meet. I drink my coffee and watch the scene unfold.

They talk. The music in the background prevents me from hearing what they are saying. Jim is waving his hands around a lot, doing most of the talking. He does seem passionate, whatever he is saying. Steven just nods. Steven pulls out the comic book Jim is interested in.

Just then, my cellphone rings. It's Bonnie. I answer.

"Barry... Brad's in the hospital.
"He got into an accident. Sarah's with him..."

I put my game on pause. I'm stunned. Jim, Steven, comics, passion, they all fade away. My friend Brad.

"Was she with him when the accident happened?
"I don't think so. Should we meet at the hospital?
"No. I'll pick you up. We'll go together."

I'll get Steven to fill me in later. His conversation is clearly not over, but I can't stay. Steven sees me leave, probably wondering where I'm running off to. Maybe Jim notices me too. I don't really care at this point.


I'm not dying. Not yet. Maybe I wanted to. Maybe I ran my car off the road on purpose. Probably not.

I'm in a cast now. My leg. I'm sore everywhere, despite the pain killers. This is not the first time my driving has landed me in a hospital. It might be my last, though. After this one, they might revoke my license. Luckily, no one else was hurt.

Speed kills. That's what they say. It doesn't. It just hurts like hell.

In the hall, I hear voices. The nurse came earlier, said I had a visitor, a girl. From the description, I know it's Sarah. I'm not sure I want to see her. No. I want to see her. But I don't want her pity, or her accusations. I just want her.

I look down at my leg. Broken in two places. I have bruising on my entire body. I was wearing my seat belt and the doctors said it saved my life. Lucky me.

More voices. The door creaks open. Maybe I should pretend I'm sleeping.

I see Sarah's face peak in. I lower my head. What is she doing here? Why is her number still the one to call in case of an emergency? I should really change that. And what does she care, anyway?

"I'm up."

No point pretending.

"What happened?
"Stupid car ran off the stupid road.
"Were you speeding?
"Shut up!"

I regret raising my voice and look down. I was. I'm angry at myself, angry at her, angry at the world. She's so damn beautiful and I'm such a dork. No wonder she wouldn't marry me.

"Sorry. Didn't mean to...
"It's okay, Brad."

The tone in her voice does not hide the disappointment very well. Why do I keep putting myself through this? Is this the only way I can get her attention? What kind of relationship is that supposed to be?

Great! I'm crying now. She'll think I'm a sissy.

"It hurts? I should get the nurse.

I manage the strength to look at her.

"Dammit, Sarah, what are you doing here?
"They called me, told you'd been in an accident.
"No, I mean, why are you here? Why bother coming?
"Because I care about you.
"Yeah right.
"I do."

Sarah tries so hard to be nice to me, and I just shut her off. Why do I do that?

"Look, Brad, you're still my friend, despite everything. I hate to see you like this.
"Like what? Crippled?
"Beating yourself up. You've been doing it for years now, ever since...
"Ever since, yeah."

That's it. Shift the blame to her. Make this all her fault. Make her feel guilty. That will help your chances! What stupid moron I am!

She doesn't reply. I'm already pushing her away and she's barely been here a minute. I can't handle this anymore. My nerves are shot, the pain is killing me, and the woman of my dreams is just out of reach.

"Why don't you love me?"

I start sobbing. I can't control it anymore. I've been carrying the weight of her rejection for too long. Something's gotta give.

"I love you, Brad, but, just not... the way you want me to.
"Well, why not?
"Well, for one, you're too bleak. I mean, you already were when we were going out, always beating yourself and everyone down. I can't live with that. And, we were in high school. That's not the time to get married, or have kids, or raise a family.
"I've been trying so hard...
"Have you? Really? Look at you, Brad."

I look away. She's probably right on everything.

"Why are you so reckless?
"Maybe because I don't have anything to lose.
"But you're so wrong. You're smart, talented...
"Just not enough for you.
"And you have friends who care for you. I don't know why I still do, sometimes, you certainly don't make it easy!"

The tears have stopped. I'm calmer now.

"It's just... we had a life together and...
"And it's over. But that doesn't mean your life ends. What about that Brigitte you met last summer?
"Didn't last.
"Did you even give it a try?"

Brigitte. We hung out a couple of times, but she felt hollow. She did not complete me. She wasn't Sarah. Dammit.

"Or were you too busy comparing her to me?"

That girl knows me too much. Then again, we were together for about six months, and friends long before that.

"You know I wanted to marry ever since elementary school?
"I know. You proposed to me in second grade. I remember. Remember what I answered?
"We'll see when we get there."

She's right. Now I remember. Her exact words. She remembered. She always does.

"You and me, Brad, it was nice, but you took it too far, too fast. You've always been too fast.
"Well, there were times when it was okay."

She smiles. God! I love that smile. It's what made me go for her in the first place.

"Brad, you need to find a way to get me out of your system. We're not going to get back together. I have someone new in my life... someone I hope can bring me the happiness I wish upon you.
"That Jim guy?

I try to smile.

"I could probably kick his ass.
"Yes. Probably."

I suppose I've been holding on to Sarah because she's the only girl who ever gave a damn about me. Well, there was Brigitte, but i cut her off rather abruptly. I'm so crazy sometimes. I act too fast, Sarah's right.

"I don't want our talks to be when I visit you in the hospital, Brad. That's not something I want to live over and over again.
"It's only the third time.
"Well, it's three times too many. You're done. Next time, I won't drop by. Not because I don't care, but because I do. You need to move on.
"I do, don't I?"

I remember when we first made love. It was after one of her games. She had made out with a lot of girls that night. I've always been a voyeur. I watched her get it on. We were all pretty drunk. We got sent into the closet together. I was so turned on I started kissing her there, and she kissed me back. Next thing I knew, I was doing her in the tight space of the closet. Next morning, we'd decided to give our relationship a try. Six beautiful months. Then I pop the question. What was I thinking? Was I high?

"I'll do better, Sarah. I promise.
"Don't promise me. Promise yourself."

We hear a commotion in the hall. Barry, Bonnie and Thomas arrive. I'm glad Sarah was the first. I needed to let things out, I needed to talk to her alone. We've had our time together. She's right, I need to let her go. Let her be happy. I still love her.

Once I get out of there, I think I'll give Brigitte a call. Maybe try my hand again, if she'll forgive my sorry ass.

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Old 10-11-2008, 04:20 AM   #20
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Default Sarah's Flirtations, week 12 - JENNIFER

It's time for me to step up to the plate. Not that I haven't done so previously, just that this time, I'm on my own. Well, that's not exactly true either. But I'll get to that in a moment.

My name is Jennifer and I'm a former lover of Sarah. Well, the former part is sometimes not as clear as Sarah makes it out, since we do spent a lot of time together, every so often we masturbate in front of the other and once in a while we actually have sex. We're just not in a committed or exclusive relationship. Which is fine by me, but I must tell you I'm afraid. Jim. He frightens me. I'm afraid once he's definitely into the picture, I'll lose part of the special relationship that I have with Sarah. I'm not sure she'll do me anymore.

You must think I'm so shallow, only thinking about sex. Well, I admit, sex is the first thing on my mind when I wake up and the last thing when I go to bed. Statistically, I'm not far away from being a nymphomaniac. The story of my life. I'm always so close to being exactly where or what or who I want to be. I'm almost Sarah's lover. I'm almost a nymphomaniac. I'm almost happy.

Second best is overrated.

I was born in Sacramento, but I moved a little further north when I started elementary school. I have known Sarah for as long as I can remember. We met in kindergarten. She has always been my best friend. Even today, she remains the best thing in my life. I'm an orphan you see. My parents died in a car accident with my younger brother when I was four. I got adopted by a loving couple who had a girl my age and a boy one year younger. My stepsister and brother, Janice and Daniel. I don't talk much about them for many reasons. In fact, most of my friends don't even know they exist, since they went to a different school than me. Only Sarah and Thomas know, I think. They'd have to, given what we've all been through together.

When I finished high school, I was in a relationship with Sarah. I could tell she was holding back. Our lovemaking, so unbelievable at the start, quickly became boring and repetitive. We tried to integrate games around it, but Sarah never got into them. We lasted a little under six months. I was the one who broke it off, because I could tell Sarah was slowly losing interest. She loves having sex with girls, but she needs a man for a relationship. I would have been content to live on love and sex alone, but without either, once we broke up, I had to do something with my life.

I met Anny in a bar. We hit it off, got to her place, had sex, then talked. She works with the homeless at a soup kitchen. Pay is cheap but the work is rewarding. I followed her there the next morning and found my calling. The disenfranchised. I guess... I can relate to them. There's a whole section of the old town where they hang out, far from the tourist traps. Unfortunately, and this is the story of my life, Anny, whom I was growing fond of, met a guy, moved to New York and I've never seen her since.

So, right now, I'm biding my time, working minimum wage to help the homeless. I also do odd jobs here and there... I may delve further into this eventually.

This long-winded introduction is only there so I can introduce my partner in crime for this dare, the next to last in our long series of 'getting to know Jim' dares. Sarah will be back at play next week. Meanwhile, I'm teaming up with Walter. Some of you may remember him from a previous week.

I can be mean sometimes. I never told her that the homeless man we met in the park is actually a very good friend of mine. I'd never risk her integrity with a stranger. I was aware of her aversion to the homeless, though not the reasons. Now that I understand it better, I may play on it at a later time. But enough about Sarah.

Walter is in his late thirties, a former mill worker, and an all-around good guy. He's also the only homeless man I ever allowed to get intimate with me. Walter is not like most homeless men. He doesn't drink, doesn't smoke, he's still got his wits about him. He's simply had a run of unbelievable bad luck, worst than mine actually. I'll spare you the details, but he can't go back. He's almost better on the street than anywhere else. First time we met, we talked for six hours. He told me his life story, then cracked up and told me his real story. We got to hanging out, once per week at the soup kitchen. Eventually, after about one year, I brought him along to do some dares, asking him to hold the camera while I posed for my dares. Some of them were pretty racy. On our second outing, he dared me to integrate him into my dares somehow. By that time, I was eighteen, so I actually ended up giving him a blow job, and he fucked my tits. Now, whenever I do a dare in the less reputable part of town, he's the lookout, usually jerking off to my stunts. We laugh about it a lot. I know he's not falling in love with me, and I also know he keeps our secret. If he didn't, then everything would stop, and neither of us wants that.

That day we met him so many weeks ago, I had pre-arranged the whole thing. Poor Sarah. Walter had chosen his suit accordingly, for the look, the scent of smoke and the smell of alcohol. His performance had been priceless. I'd rewarded him with a private show later.

Today, I still need Walter's help. Everything has already been set up. All that's left is to snare our victim. It's Sunday, so Jim is at the park, writing. I've been briefed on everyone else's effort. With Barry's help (actually, his money), I've had Walter, dressed as a presentable gentleman, get Jim's comics from his store. They're all sealed in plastic bags so we know they'll be all right, even if it should rain, which it never does during the day.

So we have three different books to play with. The plan might not work, but if it doesn't, it will have told us a lot about Jim. It might actually reveal more if he fails to participate. If he does, well, that will reveal something else entirely.

I'm at the end of the road, so I don't exactly know how things will proceed. I won't even know if Jim took the bait until I get a call from Walter.

The phone finally rings on that fateful Sunday. It's Walter.

"He's on the move.
"How did it go?
"Like a charm. I walked up to him, showed him the comic book. He seemed puzzled. I told him he had a secret admirer, and if he wanted to know more, he just had to follow the clues.
"Well at first, he was skeptical. He asked who I was, how I knew him. He asked if he had seen me before. I said, maybe, I get around.
"He recognized you?
"No. He was fishing.
"Then what?
"He opened the comic book, saw the crude map I drew, and asked why he should follow this map. I told him there was treasure of the greatest kind at the end. It took him a while, but he said he'd do it, on one condition.
"Which one is that?
"I had to tell him my name.
"And did you?
"I told him my name is Kennedy."

I smile.

"Are you sure he's following the map?
"No. But I have someone keeping an eye on him and he went in the right direction.
"Someone? Who?
"Some guy from the district.
"Walter, be careful. I trust you but...
"Don't worry, Chad's cool. Besides, Chad's stalking the guy, but I'll be stalking Chad.
"Okay. Keep me informed."

We say goodbye and hangup. From my perch, I can see the beach, the end point for this treasure hunt. I feel a slight breeze against my naked skin. This wouldn't be a dare if there was not some nudity involved, at least, that's my opinion. An hour or so passes by before I get another call from Walter.

"Hi, got some news from Chad.
"Great! Let's hear it. Good or bad?
"Good, actually. He got to the location, and he did the stunt, and he retrieved his comic book, and the next set of instructions.
"Well, Chad wasn't very specific.
"I need details, Walter.
"Okay... I'll get them at the next check-in."

I hang up. I'm a bit vexed. I've been perched naked for three hours, hidden on the roof of a building overlooking the beach, with my binoculars. I should have brought something else to pass the time. Maybe a dildo or something. I need to keep those sexual instincts in check for now.

About thirty minutes later (I still have a watch - the only thing I'm actually wearing), the phone rings.

"I got Chad to tell me about the first stunt. He's also completed the second.
"Which means he should be headed my way, if he follows through with the last set of instructions. Tell me about the first stunt.
"Well, Chad said he got to the abandoned construction site, then started to climb onto the railing, got up to the box and knocked it down. He opened it, got his comic out and saw the set of instructions to follow. Chad said he hesitated but seemed to go in the right direction.
"So he skipped a few beats.
"Well, can't say it's unexpected."

The instructions were for Jim to climb onto the railing completely, and open the box from there. A difficult and slightly dangerous task; it was much easier to push it down. He's not into taking risks that might injure him.

"Okay, and the next event?
"Chad followed him to the pond. Chad says he took off his pants and entered the pond. When it was obvious he had to get fully underwater to retrieve his item, he pondered for a moment. He finally looked around and found the towel. He stripped down to his underwear and dove in, retrieving the final comic and the final instructions.
"Did you get a good picture?
"I did.
"Send it to me."

Within moments, I get a picture of Jim in his underwear. Nice.

"He dried himself with the towel, even removing his underwear but covering himself.
"Makes sense."

I imagine Jim naked for a moment. I may not have to imagine much longer, if all goes right.

"Well, I sent Chad away after that.
"Good. And is he heading in my direction?
"Near as I can tell.
"Okay. Follow but don't let him see you."

We hang up after goodbyes. I look towards the beach and wait for him to come into view. It feels like an eternity, even if my watch says thirty minutes.

I spot him, walking along the beach, heading to the designated spot. He pauses and looks around. From his angle, he can't see me, which is the point. I wish I was closer but Sarah was adamant, and I respect her decision. Jim has already retrieved all of his borrowed comics (which he did not have to pay for). The last instructions tell of a greater treasure, tied to a post in the sea. I personally placed it there. He is told to strip naked to retrieve it for an additional reward.

I eagerly await. I have chosen this spot because it is secluded, there are rocks so no one comes here. The day is getting late, which provides much shadow over the cove. Only from my vantage point do I have a clear line of sight.

He hesitates. One hand is already on my crotch. I can't believe I'm doing this. It turns me on so much.

He hurriedly pulls his top off, then his bottom, socks and underwear. I use the binoculars to their best effect. I see him dash into the water, splashing around, looking for the pole. He finds it, pulls it out and turns towards the beach. He sees the picture on one side of the plastic bag, and reads the instructions on the other. Will he do it?

He's facing me now, but his bottom half is still in the water. Does he suspect someone is watching him? He must. I would. I'm playing hard with myself now, trying to keep my focus on him. I see his hand reach into the water and stay there, in front of him. His arm flails back and forth. I can't see a thing because of the water but I don't care. He's doing it. I climax then and there with a loud scream.

When I finally look back with the binoculars, I focus on his face. He's in the throes of pleasure. He's masturbating to the edited image of my breasts and pussy (my face is removed, as well as any distinguishing marks). It drives me wild and I start on me again. Before I can finish, he runs out of the water, dries himself off with the towel (which he had carried along) and slips back into his clothes. I stop playing with myself. The moment is gone.

I'll have to give an account of this to Sarah, of course. I'll choose what I include and what I leave out. I have my secrets, things I don't want my friends to know yet. When you play truth or dare on a regular basis, it's important not to tell everything all at once.

For now, I'm content that Jim has passed all my tests. He's curious but careful, not willing to endanger himself, not afraid to get dirty or get wet, and able to follow instructions without actual knowledge of their origin. He's aware of his public surroundings but is able to bend his reserve.

Now, I need to find some way to thank Walter for his help. I'm pretty sure I'll come up with something he'll appreciate. I always do.

And I need to remember that I still owe a final gift to Jim. After all, he did follow through on the final instructions. That one, I keep for myself.

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Old 10-12-2008, 06:49 AM   #21
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Default Sarah's Flirtations, week 13

Next week are exams. I'm ready. I need to make a good impression. I've been lying low ever since the mid-terms. I got a C+. It could have been better. That's not the reason I've been lying low. The reason is that Jim has been under the scrutiny of my friends, leaving me free to concentrate on my studies, although that wasn't the actual intent.

They've all taken turns at watching him, understanding him, in order to help me. With friends like these, I feel either blessed or cursed.

Thomas was the first one up. He got one of his boxer friends to try to intimidate Jim. They spoke harshly to him, took his notebook where he's writing a police novel. Jim defused the situation without letting himself get bossed around and without violence.

Cassie and Claire got to perform in front of him without interacting with him; apparently, he's okay with lesbian relationships, at least, according to them. I guess if he's going to be playing around with us, it's better that way.

Bonnie uncovered his fetish : costumed superheroines. I still don't know how I'm going to use that one since I know practically nothing about that. He collects comic books, and Barry used it to gauge his passion. We got sidetracked by Brad's accident, but Barry got in touch with his friend, and apparently, Jim is really passionnate about comics. They ended up talking for over two hours, and Jim never let up. Again, I am uncertain as to how helpful this is, but I keep it in my backpocket.

Then, there was Jennifer and her treasure hunt. She has been pretty elusive about that one. She only said that he looks like the curious type, he followed the clues to their end. She came back with pretty good snapshots of Jim almost naked.

I'm now just wondering if we're all stalkers here, and if so, if it's wrong somehow. The point will become moot once exams are over next week. Thank God for that! I feel I've been chasing after Jim forever now.

I've already decided what my final dare is going to be. I contacted Bonnie and she has agreed to be my backup. Of course, the dare cannot work if Jim does not follow his routine.

That Sunday, Bonnie and me wait just outside his apartment building. It's almost noon, and we are both extremely nervous.

"Thanks for being here.
"No problem. Although I've never broken in twice into the same apartment. Are you sure you want me to stay?
"I am. It will be fun."

We wait a while longer, then we see Jim exit and head into the park direction. With no time to waste, we hurry inside the building and climb up the stairs to his apartment. I play the lookout while Bonnie unlocks the door. We hurry in and lock it behind us.

"What do we do if he comes back?
"We hide under the bed, Bonnie says. It's the only place where we can really hide."

Once inside, I head into the bedroom. I've already been topless in here. Time to top things up. I strip naked and hide all my clothes at the wall edge under the bed. I hear the click of a camera.

"We'll edit your face out later."

I agree with Bonnie. I lie down on Jim's bed and start posing. Bonnie directs me, takes a few snap shots.

"You want to play with yourself?
"No, too soon."

After a few quick snapshots, we travel to the bathroom. I enter the shower and turn on the water. I start showering. Bonnie joins me. She has removed her shirt and pants and is now in underwear and bra. She snaps pictures of me showering.

"Want to come in?" I ask.

I distinctly remember the last time we were in a shower together. She just smiles and keeps taking pictures. I wash myself completely, including my hair. Once I exit, I wrap a towel around myself, then one on my head. I check out Jim's beauty products. Soap, nothing fancy, aftershave, shaving cream. The bare minimum.

We head to the kitchen. I go close the blinds at the patio door. I look inside the fridge. I'm impressed at the quality of food, if not the quantity. He lives alone, after all. Juice, milk, eggs, fruit, vegetables, some meat in the meat drawer, regular cheese. I find peanut butter and jelly in the cupboard along with the bread. I dish out a knife and prepare a PB&J sandwich. I hand half to Bonnie. She snaps pictures of me while preparing the sandwich and then eating it.

When I'm done, I finish drying myself off and head towards the living room. I sit down, naked, in the loveseat and turn on the television. It opens to the weather channel. Sunny with slight chance of rain in the evening. I start flipping through the channels, to see which Jim has. Culture stuff. More culture stuff. A movie channel. Cartoons. More culture stuff. I go back to the cartoons. Bugs Bunny is playing at this hour : that's still on the air? I get to an episode with the skunk, Pepe. He's my favourite character, so clueless, makes me think of Jim. I like when he catches the 'girl' at the end. He does in this episode. 'Tunnel of love'. 'Tunnel d'amour'.

I turn off the television. I'm barely noticing Bonnie's presence as she follows me around, back to his room, snapping pictures once in a while. His computer is already on, so I sit down naked on his chair and start looking at his bookmarks. Culture, culture and more culture. Literary websites. Writing tools.

"Can you show me where you found the erotic stuff?"

For some strange reason, I want to see what kind of naked girls Jim is into. Bonnie helps me track it, and I start looking at these naked pictures. My God! These girls are hot. They all look like professional models. I quickly browse through them.

"What about the superheroines thing?

Again, Bonnie helps me find it. I log onto the samples page. There we go. I click on one sample and take in the action. It starts with a fight between two costumed girls. Then the image cuts to them pulling on their hair. It's a montage. The image cuts to one being tied up and undressed by the other. Then you have the victor (I'm guessing she's a bad girl) eating out the loser, before forcing herself into her with a strap-on. It's roleplay. I wish I recognized the characters.

I click on another sample. I see a man being pounded by a costumed heroine. Suddenly, he sprays her with some mist, and she starts coughing. He drags her into a room and forces her to suck on his member. Next, she's on all fours, her costume torn open, as he forces himself on her.

I notice I've been playing with myself the whole time. I like this. I click on another sample. Three superheroines are wriggling on the floor while a fourth girl, dressed in back, the bad girl, is laughing at them. The girls start to strip while the bad girl watches, and then they start to make out for no apparent reason. The bad girl says they're being mind controlled into submission. Pretty soon, all three costumes heroes are going at it.

I've seen enough. I ask Bonnie to hand me my device. She pulls out the dildo we brought along. I pull away from the desk, lean back in the chair, and start rubbing myself with the end of the toy. Once I'm wet enough, I plunge it in and start working. Bonnie is taking pictures all the while. She pulls down her panties and sits on the edge of the bed. I swirl the chair around so I am facing her. She starts fingering herself while I keep playing with myself. If Jim were to come back at this time, there would be no way for us to hide. I'm not stopping, no matter what happens. Neither is Bonnie.

I release much faster than her, but then again I've been arousing myself for longer. I pull out the toy, twist it around and start pumping it into her. I owe her that much from a few weeks past. She releases almost instantly. The room smells of sex and sweat. I've dripped on the chair, while Bonnie has dripped on the floor.

I wipe the dildo off with kleenex from beside the bed, then head to the bathroom to drop them into the bowl and flush. When I get back to the room, I see that Bonnie is wiping the chair and the carpet. Her behind is prepped up and I'm tempted to slide the dildo back into her. I hold back. We've done enough already. She turns to me.

"You got a nice piece of ass, too."

She wiggles it for me. I laugh.

I eventually sit down on the bed. My eyes wander along with my mind. Bonnie notices my situation and sits beside me.

"What's on your mind?
"Am I... sane? Are we normal?
"Honey, normal is overrated.
"I mean, this fascination, these games. It's all too much, sometimes.
"Is it?"

Bonnie turns my face towards her and plants one on my lips.

"It's normal to want to be with someone.
"Yeah, but... all this...
"So what's if it's not normal. Does it make you happy?
"I guess so.
"I know you enjoy this as much as, if not more than, the rest of us. Sarah, you're a player. You like to test yourself and test everything around you. You wouldn't be you if you were different.
"Sometimes, I just think I overdo it."

She hugs me tight.

"Sarah, right now, you're compensating for the fact that you can't be with him, not until a few days. You're just feeling the jitters. You're scared, aren't you?
"It's just... I've invested so much energy into this. If he says no... if he...
"Don't think like that. He's a nice guy. You just have to remember to take it slow once you go out with him. You can't ask him to make leaps of faith too fast. Understand?
"I think I do.
"You'll need to pace yourself. He's not even close to being on par with you. Play at his level, learn his limits before pushing them."

We hug tighter, then we let go. I kiss her on the nose.

"You're great. Barry's lucky.
"We're both lucky."

Bonnie recovers her panties. Only one thing left to do now. I make sure I'm dry everywhere, then I slip under his covers, hugging his pillow tightly against my chest. Bonnie retrieves the camera and snaps a few pictures of me. She pulls off the covers, and takes a few more snapshots of me, 'sleeping' in his bed. Once we're done, I retrieve my clothes.

Now we're left with a question. Do we erase traces of our presence or do we leave them there, to further the mystery? Bonnie recommends against it.

"Let's play it safe, for now."

I follow her advice. She closes the computer windows we opened. I go to put the peanut butter and jelly and bread back in the cupboard. I put the towels in the clothes hamper. I think I've been thorough, but Bonnie helps me double check.

"Once I'm home, I'll edit the pictures and send them to you.
"Don't edit them. Just send me the whole package.
"You know that's dangerous. If Jim should ever see them...
"I know. I like risks."

She will comply with my demand. Jim is my problem, after all. Always has been, even if I appreciate all the help my friends have provided.

Nothing to do now but wait for the exams and hope for the best.

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Old 10-13-2008, 10:48 PM   #22
getDare Succubus
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Default Sarah's Flirtations, week 14 - Payback, part 1

The wait is over. Finally. I can breathe again.

I just exited the classroom after my final exam. I should pass, and not simply because I was pleasing to the teacher's eyes all semester long. I actually did learn things in this class, and I'm eagerly awaiting the results. I should at least get a C+, and hopefully a little better.

Poor Jim! I'm still surprised he hasn't put two and two together, given all that he's been subjected to this semester by me and my friends. We've prodded into his personal life, gained access to his home, learned many things and even possibly some secrets. He's been tested indirectly and directly at every turn, from bullies to treasure hunts to his passion for comic books.

I might actually feel bad about all that we did if I were someone else. But part of the challenge in chasing Jim was doing it under the radar, learning to understand his behaviour and see if there was hope for us. With all I've learned now, I am more certain than ever that I can make him mine, that I can impress myself upon him and help him meet me at least halfway.

And now, classes are over and he is no longer my T.A. That means all bets are off. Every bone in my body is aching to wait for him after class, to ambush him somewhere on campus, slam him against the wall and end these games. I fight back the instincts. There are still things I need to do before I can fully involve myself with Jim. There are two debts I need to repay.

I hang around the hall for a while. When I leaned in to thank Jim for the semester, I gave him an ample view of my cleavage, intentionally of course. Being a gentleman but a man first, he raised his eyes to mine, not before admiring the show for a brief moment. This gave me the opportunity to slip a memo card in the exam pile. My name and number are on it. It was Jennifer who recommended this to me.

"You have to let him make the call first. You have to be patient. If you simply jump in, sure, he might do you, but then you'll never know if it's because he wants to get to know you or if he's just trying to get you in the sack."

Eventually, I gather my strength and depart from campus. I still have one other exam on Thursday, and then it's over. That means, Thurdsay night, we party!

I contact Jennifer and Thomas and arrange everything. I'm told Claire and Cassie may join us, but they won't be able to confirm until that evening. Bonnie and Barry will be with Barry's family so they're out. I'd love to see them, but my time will be focused on fulfilling my obligations to my friends.

Jennifer. She's the one who made this entire affair possible. She's been the brains between most of the stunts, and the architect of both my pain and pleasure. I owe her so much I can't even begin to repay her, but I'll manage.

Thomas. He's the one who allowed me to finally express my feelings to my friends, not only about Jim but also about my ordeal with the homeless when I was fourteen. He's helped me face demons I thought would destroy me.

Our other roommates have already returned home to their families, so I'm all alone in the apartment. I shut the blinds in the living room and the kitchen, then start with my setup. We've invited Thomas for supper and Jennifer has agreed to go get him. She knows I'm planning something but she does not know what. I make sure everything is in place before they get there. This will be my final dare before I get with Jim. I will not be doing anything else until Jim contacts me, or until the Holidays are over, should he fail to contact me. I'm hoping for the former.

When Jennifer and Thomas enter, I don't go to greet them yet.

"Sarah, we're here!"

I wait until they shut the door before moving into view. They see me and freeze.

"Sarah, what are you wearing?"

I'm sporting a tight fitting leather corset, with straps that open to reveal sensitive areas of the body. I'm also wearing a studded choker with a leash, which I'm holding in my left hand. My hair is tied into a ponytail. I'm also wearing high heels for effect.

"Come in, mistress and master, come in."

They are too stunned to argue and they enter the living room. I help them get to the sofa, and I sit one beside the other. They are still trying to understand what is going on. I provide the explanation.

"So, finally says Jennifer, this is your way of paying us back for our help?
"I am yours, both, to command for the night and do as you please. This slave only asks to serve and obey her masters.
"Anything we ask? inquires Thomas.
"Anything at all."

I know this is risky, setting absolutely no limits. I also trust my friends with my life. I know they will respect me in their decisions.

"I have prepared a supper for you both. Mistress Jennifer, I have prepared a fried salmon steak with green beans and stir-fried noodles. And for you, master Thomas, a large helping of spaghetti with homemade tomato sauce.
"And you?
"I will eat whatever my masters give me."

Jenn and Tom look at each other complicitly. I know they are starting to ponder the possibilites.

"Shall I retire to my room and let my masters discuss this slave's fate?
"No. Stand there, motionless."

I assume the pose. They are whispering. I do my best not to listen. Jennifer is the first to speak up.

"We will eat now. You will first get a bowl, fill it water and place it here on the table."

I comply. I get the bowl, fill it with water and set it on the table, then stand still again. Thomas continues.

"You will retrieve both our plates, then set them in front of us. You will then get our ustensils and set them. Do this and return."

Both of the plates are ready. One is in the microwave, the other in the oven. I carry them both in a maid-like fashion, set them down before my masters and return to the kitchen, then set the ustensils. Jenn takes over.

"We will now eat. While we do, you will start lapping the water. You cannot stop lapping until we have finished eating. Understood, slave?
"Yes, mistress."

I kneel down before the low table and start lapping the water, like an animal. I go slowly : I need the water to last long and I don't want to get an ache in my stomach. I barely look up as Jennifer and Thomas start eating their respective plates. Thomas calls to me.

"Slave, look up."

I do. He's holding out a fork full of spaghetti.

"Chew this for me."

I bite on the fork and start chewing the spaghetti. I know it's good because I made it myself.

"Give me the bite now."

I stand up, go over to Thomas. We lock lips and I awkwardly transfer the chewed pasta and sauce to his mouth.

"Thank you slave."

I return to my lapping. Jennifer eventually asks for the same favor. I don't like fish as much but I perform my task with the same diligence before returning to my lapping. The taste of spaghetti from earlier lingers, and I realize I'm extremely hungry. I keep the need to myself.

It takes my masters about thirty or so minutes to finish their meal. I'm almost out of water, licking the bottom of the bowl.

"You may stop now, slave."

I stop. Jennifer is again first to speak.

"Expose your top to us, slave."

I undo the straps holding the flaps covering the breasts, and they fall off, dangling from the cloth. My breasts pop out. I see Jenn's eyes light up.

"Clear the table, then bring chocolate syrup back with you."

With no hesitation, I pick up plates, bowl and ustensils and carry them to the kitchen. From the cupboard, I bring back the syrup. As Jennifer takes the bottle from me, Thomas speaks.

"Lay your back on the table."

As soon as I am set up, Jennifer goes around to the other side and pours chocolate syrup on my breast, having fun doing it. She does the same for the other breast. She goes down on one, while Thomas goes down on the other. I close my eyes as their lips and tongues caress my flesh, licking the syrup away. Jennifer is more thorough than Thomas, eventually picking up where leaves off until my breasts are clean again. Jennifer kisses me.

"You may stand now."

I return to my upright position.

"Are you hungry my slave? asks Thomas.
"I am, master.
"We will give you something to eat then."

He gets up and walks me to the kitchen. Jennifer follows. He opens the fridge as Jenn lays me down on the kitchen table.

"Close your eyes, slave, and do not open them for any reason."

As I carry out the order, I hear Thomas rummaging through the fridge.

"We will now feed you. We will put things in your mouth. You are not to chew or swallow until we tell you to."

I nod my understanding and open my mouth. At first, they put a scoop of peanut butter in my mouth. Then, something cold, like ice cream. Olives. Soy sauce.

"You may now chew."

I start masticating. The peanut butter is sticking to my mouth, while the ice cream melts. The acid in the olives and the salt in the soy sauce make for a strange combination.

"Now swallow."

I do my best not to gag as the food makes its way down my throat.

I feel Jennifer unbuckling the lower section of my uniform, exposing my lower region. I hear disappointment in her voice.

"Not very encouraging. We'll have to remedy that."

I feel her tongue down there. I moan. Thomas speaks up.

"Be silent, slave."

Jenn is slowly letting her tongue stimulate me, and now I'm feeling stimulated. After what seems to be a minute, she pulls away.

"That's more like it."

I feel something cold and strange rubbing against me now, something long and smooth. My muscles contract at first, but repeated rubbing loosens them, and the food item glides inside. I have to hold back a scream. It's very big, bigger than what I'm used to. It slides in and out and I have to do my utmost not to react. It doesn't remain there very long, though. I suddenly sense it against my lips, cold and wet now. It is slowly eased into my mouth. Thomas speaks.

"Bite into it."

A cucumber. I figured as much.

"You may eat it normally."

As I swallow the first bite, it makes its way back to where it started, entering me again. The sensation is not unpleasant but feels definitely unnatural. After a few strokes, it is removed and brought back to my mouth. I bite again. The scene continues until I have eaten it all, and am now highly stimulated.

I sense Thomas pulling me up. I keep my eyes closed as he carries me back to the living room. He sets me on all fours on the low table.

"And now for dessert."

I feel his sex against my lips and immediately swallow it. I've done this a few times before so it's not intimidating anymore. I take the opportunity to enjoy this because once I'm with Jim, he may not want me to do that to anyone else.

I feel movement behind me, then suddenly I feel something rubbing against my own sex. I recognize Jennifer's strap-on as she mounts me. I have a hard time focusing on what to do. Jennifer's words snap me to attention.

"Now slave, here are the rules. As long as I am inside you, you may not remove your mouth from master Thomas' sex. He must not come before you do."

Jennifer provides me with the focus I need. This takes me back to our wilder daring days, where anything was possible and our limits were still very unclear. It was a simpler time, one without any constraints. Age redefines you. My reflexion is cut short by the pumping action Jennifer is doing, so I return my attention to Thomas. I glide my tongue on his member, while I feel Jenn's artificial one ride me expertly. She knows each one of my sweet spots. I am now in the throes of a very potent orgasm and don't want it to stop. Even when I finally cool down a little, Jennifer remains there, pumping away, bringing me back up. She's been wanting to do that for weeks. I finally manage to focus back on Thomas, noticing the twitch he does whenever he is about to come. I slow down, hoping it will halt his progress. It does. I sense a second orgasm coming.

"Now, my slave, says Jennifer, slowing down for a moment, you will let master Thomas release into your mouth."

Now, that, I don't like. I don't mind giving head but I always pull away before. I personnally don't like the taste nor the sensation.

"But do not swallow."

Even worse. It has to remain in my mouth. I know they would not blame me if I pulled away or accidentally swallowed. But there's something in the game of playing a slave that makes one want to test their limits, and pull them back. I will endure this ordeal.

As Jennifer starts pumping hard again, I go to work, determined to see this thing through. My friends know this might be the last time we get to play like this, without limits. I must not let them down. I go deep on Thomas, using only my mouth, until finally, in the midst of my own orgasm, he shoots into my mouth. I hold back the gag reflex as best as I can, even if some it spills out. There's a lot more of it than I anticipated. I keep sucking, because Jennifer is still inside me and I remember the rules. She is pumping fierce now. I'm having a hard time breathing, some of Tom's juices are clogging my throat. I sense a third orgasm incoming. Tom, who was going limp, is getting hard again. How much more can I take? I hear Tom's voice through the haze.

"I am pulling out now. Keep it in your mouth. Keep your eyes closed also."

Even though some of it spills out as he moves away, I manage to hold onto most of it. Jennifer's pumping is driving me crazy. I feel as if I'm going to break in two. Just as I reach my third climax, I feel something sticky on my face. Tom is shooting again, so soon after the first time, and it lands in my face, in my hair and in my eyes. It drips along my cheeks and to my lips. I hold back the disgust. Jennifer finally pulls out and I almost collapse on the table.

My mind immediately races to Jim. What would he say if he saw me like this? I have to convince myself that I am not currently seeing Jim, therefore currently as unattached as both of my friends. I may be seeing him in the very near future, and I am hoping as such, but for the here and now, it is just me. I feel almost nostalgic. This could actually be the last time I can let Jenn fuck me or the last time I can suck on Tom (since he also won't do anything more involved). With this stunt, I feel I am paying my dues, offering myself up as a buffet to my friends before I take the plunge. I wonder if that's how Bonnie felt when she fell for Barry.

I remember when they first had their sexual encounter in the shower. Bonnie was never entirely the same after that. Before, she allowed us access to her entire body. After, she changed the rules of access, and even when we were allowed to touch her, Barry would have to be present. Will I be like that, I wonder. Can I be like that? How about Jim? So many unanswered questions linger in my mind.

"You can spit it out now, in this glass."

Thomas' command snaps me back to reality, and I'm only happy to oblige. Jennifer provides me with water, which I use to rinse the taste, then she washes my face as well. I feel somewhat cleaner, but there's still some in my hair.

"You can also open your eyes now."

I had not even realized my eyes were still closed. The light from the room temporarily dulls my sense of sight. Jennifer has removed the tool she used on me and Thomas has pulled up his pants. I feel like I've missed some trick. I put my hand in my hair and taste it. It's not... it's mayonnaise. First one was real, second one, not so much. I knew it was too quick a recovery, even for someone like Thomas. I try to keep my cool and remain in character.

"Did you enjoy that, slave?
"I did, mistress.
"Very good. Now, you will go take a shower, then change into your night clothes. We are going out tonight, are we not?
"If that is your wish, mistress.
"Oh it is! But since we'll be out in public, we'll need to set new ground rules. Your slavery will end at exactly midnight. Until then, you are ours to command.
"I am yours to command."

I'm glad the sex is out of the way. It's the easy part for me. I've done it so many times with them it's almost second nature now.

As I stand, I feel faint. The taste of the food and Tom's fluids is making me feel dizzy.

"I have to throw up, master."

Thomas must feel that I'm not entirely play-acting here, because he helps me to the bathroom.

"You may throw up in the bowl."

I bend over and finally let the gag reflex take its course. That meal did not suit me well. They may later let me eat something more consistent. Right now, I need to rinse my mouth, take that shower and get ready for the rest of the night. I have a feeling my ordeal has only just begun, and I'm looking forward to the rest of it.

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Old 10-14-2008, 02:40 PM   #23
getDare Succubus
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Default Sarah's Flirtations, week 14 - Payback, part 2

"Seriously, Sarah, don't you think you're overdoing it a little?"

I wipe myself in the bathroom stall and pull up my skirt. There's music in the background. I hear Jennifer's voice from the other side of the door.

"It's not like we're never gonna be able to play together again!"

Listening to us, you'd think we're nine years old. Instead, we're two young women in their prime out for a night on the town. And the games we're refering to are of a slightly different nature than those we played when we were nine. I step out of the booth and go wash my hands.

"What do you mean, overdoing it?
"Sarah... I mean come on. You let Thomas and me fuck you. Together.
"So we haven't done anything this crazy for years.
"Your point?"

Jennifer spins me towards her and locks gaze.

"Are you sure you're all right? You haven't taken anything, have you?
"No. You know I don't do drugs!
"Sarah, this is serious.
"Yes, mistress.
"No, not mistress right now."

I cross my arms over my chest.

"Look, Jenn, it's no stranger than what we did at the midterm party, with Brad and Thomas, Claire and Cassie taking their turns on me, then what happened in the shower with Bonnie and Barry.
"You're right, and it's strange. Think about it!"

I humor her and reminisce on the past. Our first dares. The psychological, physical and sexual exploration. It was an interesting and troubling time in our lives. I practically had sex with anyone and everyone back then. Only reason I never did Thomas was because of his attraction to men and Barry because Bonnie would not let us near him. Things cooled off when we ended high school and went our separate ways. Even the parties we did were tamer. Our last one, just two months ago, was pretty wild. Come to think of it, it was almost an orgy. I distinctly remember Brad being sucked on by Thomas, whom I was myself blowing, while Claire or Cassie... or was it Jennifer... was eating me out. And of course, with Bonnie in the shower, that was intense and... I kissed Barry.

I freeze. Jenn is looking at me funny. I'm feeling something in my stomach, and I hope I'll be able to keep down the sandwich I ate getting here.

I'Ve never kissed Barry before. No, wait. Was I kissing Barry or Jim? My memory becomes muddled. Jenn grabs hold of my shoulder and sits me back down in the stall.

"Are you okay?
"I honestly don't know. I actually...
"Yeah, you did."

She's probably refering to what just happened at our apartment a few hours ago, but I'm still focused on that kiss. My lips locked with Barry's, our tongues met and... I lean my head against the side wall.

"This Jim, he's really got you worked up good, doesn't he?
"It's been two days and he hasn't called...
"There could be so many reasons, you know."

Her words are barely reaching my ears. I wasn't kissing Barry, at least, not in my mind. The lips were Jim's. I recall Jim being in the room, but I know he wasn't there. It wasn't him I was riding up and down, it was... Jennifer? No. Thomas wasn't there and... was I riding Jim? No. My fantasy is playing with my memory.

"I think you've had enough to drink tonight."

She caresses my hair. Tears roll down my eyes uncontrollably, even though I don't really feel sad. Jennifer is right, the alcohol is getting to me. I've only had three beers... and a few shooters... there was that drink also... and I sipped on Jennifer's glass...

Jennifer helps me get up and we exit the bathroom. I dry the tears. I'm not wearing too much makeup so it should not show. I barely glance at the dancers as we make our way through the crowd and return to our table, where Thomas is sitting alone, possibly wondering what has been taking us so long.

"There's some man meat tonight..."

The comment slips by me. I might have had a witty comeback if I weren't so out of it.

"I'm gonna walk up to the bar, try to chat up a conversation with a few of the locals. See you girls later."

Thomas is oblivious to my condition. I'm glad he's enjoying himself. It was, after all, him who chose the place. I don't mind the gay bar scene, in fact, it keeps me from temptation. Having a girlfriend along is also a good way to avoid being hit on by lust-driven girls. I lean against Jennifer. She speaks but the words fail to make their way to my ears because of the music. I simply nod and let myself drift off.

My mind clears after a while. Thomas has returned, still empty-handed. He really needs to work on his pickup skills. In all the time I've been following him around to his favorite hangouts, he has never once been able to close. I'm a little sad for him but he takes it in stride.

"What are you two gorgeous ladies up to?
"I'm helping Sarah sober up. She's been pretty... dazed."

I straighten myself up and kneel towards Thomas. I can hear better now.

"Tom, am I going overboard?
"What do you mean?
"Am I overcompensating or some such thing because of Jim?
"You'll have to be more specific.
"Well... like what happened at the apartment.
"I enjoyed it.
"I know you did. We all did. But I mean... am I really going too far?"

Jenn interjects.

"I didn't say too far, I just said maybe you're not thinking clearly.
"Well, what do you think Tom?"

I realize this is neither the time nor the place for Tom to have such a conversation. I ask anyway because I trust him to be honest with me, even moreso than Jennifer.

"You know what, maybe. Who cares?
"Well, I kinda do.
"Then care. But listen, Sarah, are you happy?
"I am.
"And you like having fun?
"And you're afraid with Jim around you might have... less fun?
"I don't know. Maybe?"

Tom gets in really close to me.

"Honey, remember when you got me involved in these dares?
"Yeah... through your sister.
"Nope. That's not how it happened.
"We were playing with your sister, and we decided to invite you over so you could be her slave.
"That's not what I'm talking about. Before that, you ambushed me in the boys' locker room, and you asked to see my dick. You said you'd never seen one. Now I was suspicious, because I knew you'd been with Mick and... that other guy... now we'd been friends in our first year of high school, but you'd pretty much ignored me until that day. I was skeptical but I played along. Well, after you left, I had a talk with my sister.
"She told me about you, about your dares, about how you'd initiated everyone else. How somehow, you'd convinced everyone to turn their life around and go all crazy with this daring stuff. You've always been the glue, Sarah.
"The glue?
"You're the one that brought us together. We've shared stuff... and not just our bodies! Stories of our lives, our truths... man, the things I told you all. That creates a bond, you know. And it can be broken, but only if we lose trust in each other.
"When you invited us into your apartment earlier today, you knew what to expect, right?
"Sort of. I mean, you surprised me a little.
"But you knew we'd respect you and wouldn't do anything you would not like, or hurtful. Just some humiliation, some pain, a lot of fun.
"I did.
"Otherwise you would never have gone along with what happened, am I right?
"I suppose you are."

Jennifer has pulled in as well, and we are now all in close proximity.

"Trust, Sarah. That's what it's about, I think.
"But I don't see what that has to do with my question?
"Maybe you are crazy, Sarah, but if you are, then we're just as crazy as you. Maybe you are overdoing it. I can't tell you that. Only you know your own limits, if you've infringed upon them. I can tell that whatever happens, whatever decisions you make, I'll respect them. I know you'll respect mine."

Thomas smiles. With the effects of the alcohol diluted, I'm more able to appreciate the sentiment he is expressing, a rare occasion for Thomas. I hug him tight.

"And while I do appreciate your friendship, it's not getting me laid."

Jennifer and I laugh. Thomas is also laughing, but I can sense some desperation behind the joke.

"Tell you what, loverboy. We'll help you catch a mate for the night.
"I'd like something more than for the night.
"Well, we can't do miracles but we'll do what we can."

I look at Jennifer and she agrees with my plan.

"Pick a guy you like in the crowd."

Thomas hesitates. For a moment, he wonders how serious I am. Then he goes along with it and points to a guy on the dance floor. Thomas has good taste. Great physique, short black hair, great eyes, wearing tight jeans and a tighter shirt. Yummy. Too bad he's gay. Wait, no, great! He's gay! I've got to start thinking for Thomas now.

I look at Jenn. We motion for Thomas to stay there and head for the dance floor, in search of our prey, ready to snare him, whoever he is.

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Old 10-14-2008, 09:44 PM   #24
getDare Succubus
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Default Sarah's Flirtations, week 14 - Payback, part 3

It's Thursday night. I am hanging out with my friends Jennifer and Thomas at a local gay bar. Thomas' idea, not that I mind, the music is great and the people are friendly. For the night, I'm already tagged with Jennifer so the other girls leave me alone. Right now, though, Jennifer and I are on a mission. Thomas has always been such a great friend to me, even after we lost touch during some of our high school years. He's helped me so much in recent weeks, I feel I owe him a favor. I've already provided a little for him this evening, earlier. I'm still somewhat dazed over the entire ordeal, but again, Thomas has helped me to cope with my conflicted feelings. It's only fitting I try to help him out.

Jenn and I first circle the dance floor. Our target is dancing the night away, not a care in the world. As Thomas himself would say, he is one fine piece of man meat.

We integrate the dance from each side of the floor and meet towards the middle. We move about so the man is dancing between us. He remains oblivious to our intent, but not to our presence. I look at Jennifer and let her make the connection : she is much better at this than I am.


We can barely hear ourselves over the music. The man smiles at Jenn but says nothing.

"My name's Jenn. This is Sarah.
"Hello ladies."

The dance slows for the three of us. The man is intrigued at our presence, probably wondering why two lovely ladies are manifesting interest in him in a place like this.

"I'm Timothy.
"You look so hot!"

I like Jennifer. She's always straightforward.

"Thanks, but I don't swing that way.
"Neither do I."

Timothy looks confused. Jenn gets in close, bypassing him and starts slow dancing with me. Timothy appears puzzled but amused.

"Did you girls want something?"

Jennifer turns towards him.

"As a matter of fact, we did. Well, actually, not us. Our friend.

I move in.

"Yeah... he's been eyeing you for a time, but he's somewhat shy and doesn't want to make a bad impression, so we decided we'd give him a leg up.
"That friend have a name?
"Thomas. We call him Tom.
"And how is this Tom different from all others?"

Jennifer picks up that one.

"Well, for starters, he's a really nice guy. Second, I think you're his type. Third, I won't take no for an answer. He's my friend, and what Tom wants, Tom gets!"

The man is amused at Jenn's boldness. There is some alcohol in him so his inhibitions are possibly lower than usual.

"Well, if he's so important to you girls, he must be one special guy.
"Would you like to meet him?
"Why not?"

We grab him by the arms and pull him off the dance floor and towards the table. Thomas sees us arriving, looks around to try to find a place to hide but there is nowhere to go. Timothy is looking at Thomas, who is shying away from eye contact. How can a man so strong in his normal life be so awkward in relationships? We'll have to work on that.

We sit Timothy in front of Thomas and take the side chairs so we're face to face.

"Tom, this is Tim. Tim, Tom."

They shake hands. Thomas is still having a hard time looking up.

"Don't worry, bro, I think we're both being set up here."

I'm glad Timothy is playing along. This will help our little endeavor. He seems genuinely intrigued by the goings-on. Better roll with it.

"So, we were thinking, starts Jennifer, that it might be fun to play a quick game to get to know one another. Tom?
"Sure... whatever.
"I'm all for games.
"Count me in."

Jennifer laughs. We've had a few minutes to discuss the details of the game so I start talking.

"Basic game. Thomas gives a word to me, I have to try to make Jennifer guess it with only hand gestures. If I fail, I take a shot. Wether I succeed or fail, I give a word to Timothy, etc. Got it?
"Sounds simple enough."

Jennifer cuts in.

"Why don't we replace shots with something more enticing?"

I jump in.

"What do you have in mind?
"Well, if you fail, you have to do a dare. Something that can be done in here.
"Okay, what if I win?
"Then you get to impose a dare on the next player. Tim, Tom, what do you think?"

Tim gets serious for a moment.

"What kind of dares are we talking about here?
"Something that can be done here, in the bar. Nothing too fancy."

Tim hesitates for a moment. I know Tom is hoping for a positive answer. Doing dares will definitely loosen him up.

"Okay, sure."

We all smile. I start.

"Tom, hit me."

We start playing. It's a bit unfair because Jenn and I know each other so well that I have her guess the word in no time. I turn to our guest.

"Tim, your dare?
"You have to... show us your stomach and chest."

He pulls up the shirt. He is every bit as athletic as we had imagined. Thomas is staring intently.

I give a word to Tim. Try as he might, he can't get Thomas to guess it. So it's another dare for Tim, still from me.

"How about... you... stand on your chair and spin around."

Tim seems amused by my silly dares. Good. I thought they might work better on him than more obviously erotic dares. He gets up, spins around on himself. Thomas' eyes are not leaving his body.

Tim returns, gives a word to Jenn. I immediately guess her hand signals, but I decide to play with it and fail. Jenn now has to do a dare.

"Why don't you two girls kiss?"

As if that was going to be a problem. I'm guessing Tim is probably bisexual, not that it would be a problem for Tom.

I look at Jennifer. We lean in and our lips lock for some time. I manage to notice that Tim is actually looking over at Tom and not us. All we needed was to get them to sit down at the table together.

Next up is Jenn giving a word to Thomas. Thomas fails, of course. Jenn says.

"Why don't you guys kiss, then?"

I know Thomas has been waiting for this since we sat down. I feel like Timothy is also into it, as their lips lock and they exchange fluids. I get a feeling that Timothy is looking more for a one-night stand than an actual relationship. I'm tempted to say something to Jennifer, but one look at her tells me she's come to the same conclusion. We both know how badly Thomas wants a man in his bed. We're not going to ruin this night for him.

We carry on with the game for several turns. I end up showing my breasts, as does Jennifer (we do it discreetly), while Tom gets to have his back massaged by Timothy. Eventually, they ditch us and leave the bar. Thomas will thank us later. I move closer to Jenn.

"You know, I'm glad for Tom, even if it is a bit sad.
"Sad how?
"Well, it doesn't look like Tim is looking for a steady relationship.
"I think right now, all Tom needs is a good lay. He's been with more girls in the past months than men. I mean, for God's sake, you sucked him twice, remember?
"I know, my bad."

We laugh it off. Thomas will be fine, once he gets Timothy into his system, so to speak. Jennifer looks at me.

"What do we do now?
"I say we go home, take a bath, rub ourselves with lotion and give each other a massage. Then, we go to bed.
"What? No sex for us?
"Haven't you had enough of me tonight?"

She smiles.

"I'll never have enough of you."

We kiss fleetingly. It feels good to have a friend as true as Jennifer. I'd be lost without her. I just hope Thomas finds someone meaningful soon. I'm hoping my relationship will be as rewarding as all my others, hopefully even more rewarding. Right now, I can only hope. Christmas is in a few days. I'm going over to my parents' place. If Jim does not call before then, it will have to wait after Christmas.

I can't wait for his call. I have so many games planned for him.

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Old 10-15-2008, 09:10 AM   #25
getDare Succubus
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Default Sarah's Flirtations - Epilogue

I'm lying in bed now and Jim is riding me. It is the first day of the New Year, and I'm making love to Jim in Bonnie and Barry's bed. We leave the others in the other parts of the house and retreat to the sanctuary of the bedroom. There, Jim lays me down on the bed and starts caressing my body, kissing it everywhere. I close my eyes as his mouth, lips and tongue, work their way across my shoulders, stomach, breasts. He gets to my lips. I pull back a little, playing with his desire. He forcefully presses his lips against mine and I tremble. We kiss for what seems like an eternity. I enjoy his kisses, they fill me with desire and lust. His hands are on my hair, and I feel his manhood rubbing gently against my leg, making its way closer and closer to its destination. I let the anticipation fill me with all manner of desire.

"I think I love you..."

Jim smiles.

"I know I love you."

He comes back to my face and we kiss again. As he moves, his manhood sets itself to the proper angle. He starts sliding it into me. I bite my lip and my face turns. I want him so bad. Suddenly, he's inside me, and starts moving in and out. I sense tears rolling down my cheeks. He pauses.

"Are you all right? Am I hurting you?

I manage to speak through the emotions.

"I' ve just been dreaming of this for so long."

He kisses me again.

"I've been dreaming about this too."

He remains there, inside me, motionless, for a moment. I feel him hard and good. I let the sensation impress itself upon me.

"You weren't crying in the other room...
"That was different."

It's true. This may be the second time we have sex, but this is the first time we make love. I start moving about, and he understands. He resumes his work on me. With his hands, he caresses my shoulders or cups my breasts, alternating between them. As the pace quickens, he kisses me before straightening himself, getting down on his knees and resuming. I feel him so well now, entering me and then partially pulling out, in a non-repetitive motion, with infrequent lulls in the action. I feel my face reacting to the pleasure, I moan with delight to let him know my appreciation. Giving myself to him is so much better than imposing myself on him. I've always been more submissive in matters of sex, maybe because I am so masterful in everything else in my life.

He lifts my legs up, and leans in, allowing him to go deeper. I moan louder : I don't really mind if the others hear in the rest of the house. Jim is really into it. For the first time in a long time, I'm not fantasizing about anything or anyone. I'm with Jim, in bed, and we're making love, and that's all that's happening.

From between my legs, I see his face contort. Tell tale signs. I want to tell him to stop, I want to tell him to switch positions and start over. I let him go, I let him finish. I feel his release into me, feel the warmth and thrust, and it drives me over the edge as well. I let out a loud scream that covers his own.

For the next few minutes, we remain motionless, locked into each other. Eventually, he pulls away and lies on his back beside me. I roll over to my side, facing him. I still feel him inside me, feel his warmth and his love seeping into my every cell. I smile at him. He finally tilts his head to the side, facing me.

"Three times in one night..."

He seems shocked. I simply go and lay my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. I have things I want to tell him, but they will wait for the morning. They will wait.

We hear the door open. Barry's head pops in.

"Are you... done?
"Why? I ask.
"Because it's my bedroom?"

Jim starts laughing and I follow. Barry pushes the door open. Bonnie is behind him. Both of them are still naked. Barry speaks.

"Well, we sort of wanted the room to ourselves, now, if you don't mind. Thomas is already gone, Claire and Cassie are in the living room with Jennifer. We have a spare bunk, we can set you up in the kitchen, maybe?
"Kitchen is fine, answers Jim."

He looks at me.

"Kitchen is fine, right?
"As long as you're there, I could sleep anywhere."

We both get up.

"So, we're gonna see you around, more Jim?
"Barry, it's a given!"

They shake hands. I go to Bonnie and kiss her passionately.

"Have fun, you two.
"And you!"

Barry shows us where to get the spare bunk. As we get into the kitchen, we see the loveseat is already unfolded into a bed. We set up the bunk so we can't readily see into the living room or be seen from there. I want some intimacy right now, and I know what the three girls have planned. I know they'll be as discreet as possible about it. The idea does come to my mind that we could go watch, and they probably wouldn't mind, but right now, Jim is all the loving I need. The morning will come, and life will chart a new course for us.

Click here for part 3! This is part 2!

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The End (for now)...

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Last edited by Leopard; 01-05-2011 at 03:46 AM.
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