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Old 03-15-2010, 04:54 AM   #16
getDare Cultist (Outer Circle)
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Part 16

*Emma calls around to Jennifer's house the next day*

Jennifer: Hey, did you come with a bet?
Emma: Not really
Jennifer: Oh
Emma: But how about with we rock,paper,scissors for it?
Jennifer: Your kidding right?
Emma: No, it's a pretty quick way to decide who does it
Jennifer: Okay fine
Emma: 1,2,3
*Emma picks rock but Jennifer does also*
Emma: Damn, go again
Emma: 1,2,3
*Emma sticks with rock but Jennifer goes for paper*
Jennifer: Yes
Emma: Fuck, i'm too predictable
*Jennifer hands Emma the box with the dare inside. Emma opens the box and finds two cinema tickets inside with an envelope underneath.*
Emma: I'm confusing, the dare involves going to the movies?
Jennifer: Yes and just so you won't be fretting about doing the dare, i'll hold onto the envelope and i'll give it to you tomorrow
Emma: Tomorrow?
Jennifer: Yes tomorrow, thats when you are doing the dare and don't worry it isn't a very popular movie so shouldn't have many people at it.
Emma: Okay
Emma: Talk tomorrow then
Jennifer: And don't be late
Emma: I won't
*Emma left and took her cinema ticket with her. It was a sureal horror movie which hadn't done very well, was independant too so their wasn't much media interest. The start time was 8pm and Emma was already fretting about it. She knew already that Jennifer doesn't hold anything back with her dares.*

To Be Continued
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Old 03-20-2010, 06:00 AM   #17
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Part 17

*Emma heads to local movie theatre, she knows that jennifer probably has something stupid planned but she will do this dare and this will be it. She arrives at the theatre and Jennifer is already their.*

Emma: Hi Jen
Jennifer: Hello
Emma: So you gonna tell me what this is then?
Jennifer: I wanna get some popcorn and drinks first
Emma: Okay
*Jennifer and Emma head over to the counter*
Jennifer: Don't worry I'll pay for it
Emma: You sure?
Jennifer: Yeah
*Jennifer gets the popcorn and drinks*
Jennifer: Right, lets go in now
Emma: But it's not supposed to start for another half an hour
Jennifer: I know but I want you to get comfortable first
*Jennifer then whispers in Emma's ear "I'll give you the dare when we get inside, promise"*
Emma: Okay
*Jennifer and Emma go into Screen 10, where they movie is being shown. They sit down the back since Jennifer suggested it would be best. Jennifer gives Emma her drink and holds onto the popcorn.*
Jennifer: Okay you ready?
Emma: I guess
*Jennifer hands Emma the note which has the dare written onto it, it reads "the dare the loser must complete is as follows:
you must go to movies with the winner and sit down the back.
Then after the movie is on for rougly 15 minutes.
The loser must strip naked and stay that way till the end of the movie."
*Emma paused*
Emma: What?
Jennifer: Thats right, you lost so you've got to do it
*Emma read on*
"Also the loser must hand the winner their clothes as they are to hold onto them for the duration"
*Emma now very nervous but she was getting a bit wet, so she knew that she must deep down want to do it. She began to prepare herself for it, as she wanted to this dare to prove she could do it but also was gonna tell Jen, she couldn't do anymore. The movie starts and now Emma gets more nervous, getting the usual sweats and just wondering if she should go through with it. It looks now that not many people are going to come, it's just general people scattered around the place. 15 minutes of the movie passes by fairly quickly.*
Jennifer: Okay it's time
Emma: Okay
*Emma readys herself as begins to strip. Firstly, she takes off her top, she has already put her coat on the chair. She felt great sitting their in bra. She continued. Slipping off her shoes was easy enough and she took off her tracksuit bottoms. Now she was sitting their in bra, panties and socks. She was really starting to enjoy this. No one could see her due to the low light. She handed the top, bottom and shoes to Jen. Jennifer then put them in a big bag that she brought with her specifically for this. Emma then took off her socks and then realised how dirty the floor was. Her feet rubbed against his horrible sticky dry surface. She didn't feel so good but decided to push on. She unhooked he bra, took it off and handed it to Jen. Out of reaction, she covered herself but since no one could see except Jen, she quickly let her breast move freely. Also handing the bra over to Jen. It was now very hard for Emma to take off her panties cause with them still on, she didn't feel so exposed. She eventually slid them off and handed them to Jen. She bottom was greeted by a warm fuzzy and dirty seat. Emma didn't feel as comfortable now as before but drew a shy of relief as she knew the hardest part was done.*
Jennifer: You forgot something.
Emma: How? I'm naked.
Jennifer: I know that silly but your jacket is still on the chair.
Emma: But I'm not wearing it.
Jennifer: I know but still hand it over.
Emma: Fine
*Emma hands over jacket to Jen as she puts it in the bag with the rest of the clothes. Emma felt quite free and comfortable though. She began to get really into the movie and she was enjoying herself, that was until.....she felt a hand on her leg. She jumped a bit.*
Jennifer: What did I scare ya?
Emma: No no, it's just I didn't expect it.
*Jennifer slid her hand quickly towards Emma's pussy*
Emma: Wait a minute, stop.
Jennifer: What?
Emma: I'm not gay Jen and I never will be.
Jennifer: Okay but you can still enjoy this.
*Jennifer slid her finger inside Emma's pussy and Emma quitely groaned*
Emma: No this is wrong, stop it now
Jennifer: Okay fine
*The girls continued to watch the movie but then about an hour and half in*
Jennifer: Hey I need to go to the toilet, i'll be right back
Emma: I need to go too
Jennifer: Sure wanna come with me?
Emma: Yeah just give me my clothes
Jennifer: No no, your not getting them back till the movie is over
*Emma pouted*
Emma: Fine
*Jennifer heads off to the toilet leaving Emma their all alone. She got really nervous, she ducked down behind the chair. To add to this, she desperately needed to pee. Emma was picky about where she peed at the best of times but in the position she was in, she couldn't hold it any longer and slowly began to pee on the floor. She got a great relief but realised she couldn't dry herself. Now she was on her knees, on a sticky dirty floor with a horrible sticky pussy. She wondered when Jennifer would come back, since she couldn't really see the movie in her position. Time moved very slowly. For what felt like forever. Suddenly*
Jennifer: Hey what are you doing down their?
*Emma jumps*
Emma: Oh nothing
Jennifer: Come on get up out of that
*Emma sat back down in her seat*
Jennifer: God whats that smell
Emma: Well em.......
Emma: I needed to go and.....
Jennifer: Oh my god Emma, thats disgusting
Emma: Sorry
Jennifer: I don't believe you sometimes
*The girls continued watching more and before they knew it, it was over and the lights came up. Emma ducked behind her chair again.*
Jennifer: He he this is fun
*Jennifer stood out in the passage way*
Emma: You gonna give me my clothes already?
Jennifer: Just a sec their is one more person to leave
*When that person left and the room was empty except for the girls. Jennifer walked down the steps. Left the bag at the bottom of the stairs and walked out of the room and waited for Emma. Emma meanwhile couldn't believe she had left her alone again. She peered over the chair and noticed the room was empty. She made a run for the bag. No one came in and she quickly got dressed. She headed outside and was quite angry.*
Emma: What the hell Jen?
Jennifer: What?
Emma: Your acting like a bitch.
Jennifer: Not a acting, I am a bitch.
Emma: Jennifer I can't do anymore dares.
Jennifer: Thats fine.
*Jennifer breaks down in tears*
Emma: Whats wrong?
Jennifer: Chris dumped me.
Emma: The asshole.
*Emma hugs Jennifer*
Emma: Your gonna be okay.
Jennifer: You sure?
Emma: Yes Jen, you'll fine someone else.
Jennifer: Thanks, I better get home, got loads of homework wanna get a start on it.
Emma: Okay, talk to ya on Monday then
Jennifer: Yeah
Emma: Bye and take it easy
Jennifer: I will bye
*The girls hug once more*
*Emma ends up walking home, while Jennifer gets the bus.*

To Be Continued
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Old 03-28-2010, 12:14 PM   #18
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Part 18

*the monday after in school*
*break time and the girls are just walking around the school, just wasting time but Emma is particularly quite today. The girls are just making general chatter.*
Heather: Hey Emma, why so quite?
Emma: Oh nothing
Heather: Something on your mind?
Emma: No no
Heather: Okay
Rachel: Yeah if their something wrong you know you can talk to us about it.
Emma: I'm fine, honest
Rachel: Okay
*The girls continue with their talking until break is over. They then head off to class. It was a pretty normal day but it was clear something was bothering Emma. Heather was sitting next to Emma during English class and was curious why she was so quite.*
Heather: Emma whats wrong?
Emma: Nothing.
Heather: Come on Emma, I know something is bothering you.
Emma: Heather just butt out, i'm fine.
Heather: Okay okay, just asking
*Heather decided it best to leave Emma alone and just get on with her work.*
*Once more Emma is very quite. The girls just have their lunch and just make general chatter. Near the end of lunch break Emma says to Jennifer.*
Emma: I need to talk to you about something.
Jennifer: Okay
*bell rings*
Jennifer: Damn I need to get to class, talk later okay
*Emma now really needs to get whats on her mind, off her mind. She decides to forget about it and continue on with her day. When the day ends she is very happy to get home and have some me time.*

To Be Continued
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Old 04-10-2010, 08:32 AM   #19
getDare Cultist (Outer Circle)
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Part 19

*Jennifer heads into school the next day to find that Emma is out. She knows that she is probably not sick since she didn't seem so yesterday, probably just wanting to get out of the Geography test today. Jennifer went about her daily business nothing particularly exciting but when i came to lunch time she was pondering what was on Emma's mind, she knows that something must be up cause Emma only ever talks like that when something is really bothering her. She thought no more of it and again continued with her fairly average and unexciting day. Then when she was at her locker at the end of the day, Charlotte approaches her. Charlotte was pretty much the most popular girl in school and used to be best friends with Heather. She was an evil bitch though, which is why Heather and the girls try to avoid her as much as possible. Jennifer wasn't really in the mood of talking to her now.*
Jennifer: Can I help you?
Charlotte: Well no
Jennifer: Then don't be bothering me
Charlotte: I was just wondering if you have heard
Jennifer: Heard what?
Charlotte: Oh come on it's been going around the school
Jennifer: I don't know what your talking about
Charlotte: Okay then you haven't heard
Jennifer: Just leave me alone
Charlotte: How is Chris?
Jennifer: What?
Charlotte: Oh nothing just wondering if you knew how he was
Jennifer: Go fuck yourself
Charlotte: Ha ha right
Charlotte: Maybe I should ask Emma if she knows how he is
Jennifer: What are you talking about?
Charlotte: I can't believe she hasn't told you yet
Jennifer: Told me what
Charlotte: Why did you and Chris break up?
Jennifer: Okay now your pushing it
Charlotte: Okay okay, it's just i'm guessing he didn't give you the real reason
Jennifer: What are you on about?
Charlotte: Jesus, do I have to spell it out, he left you for Emma. They have been going at it behind your back.
Jennifer: Ha ha now I know your lying. She wouldn't do that to me.
Charlotte: Of course your not gonna believe me but go ask her yourself, she can't deny it.
Jennifer: I'm going now
Charlotte: Yeah fine walk away
*Jennifer left the school very confused. She knew that Charlotte was lying but her emotions were taking over and she then broke down outside. Eventually she pulled herself together and decided the best thing was to go see Emma and find out for sure, since she knew it would be on her mind until she found out.*

To Be Continued
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Old 04-11-2010, 11:25 AM   #20
getDare Cultist (Outer Circle)
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Part 20 (Last Part)

*Jennifer arrived at Emma's with mixed emotions. She thought that for sure Charlotte was lying but she had to check for herself. She rang the bell but what opened the door was not what she expected.*

Chris: Oh no
Jennifer: Chris?, what are you doing here?
Chris: Eh, Emma
Emma: Yeah baby, oh shit
Jennifer: Ha ha, you've got to be kidding me
Emma: Jen I tried to tell you
Jennifer: No no, it's fine
Emma: I'm sorry
Chris: I am too
Jennifer: Shut up, no your not
Emma: I am, we couldn't help it
Jennifer: What you couldn't help crushing my heart
Emma: It wasn't like that
Jennifer: Then what was it like?
Emma: Chris can you let us talk alone for a minute
Chris: Yeah no problem
Jennifer: I can't believe you
Emma: Look Jen, I know this is the worse thing I could do but me and Chris, we just click.
Jennifer: Go fuck yourself
Emma: Don't be like that
Jennifer: What did you expect, hey Emma well done on stealing my boyfriend
Emma: Really Jen, it wasn't like that, I didn't mean for this to happen
Jennifer: You make me sick
*Jennifer gives Emma a good hard slap across the face.*
Emma: Okay I deserved that
Emma: Can't we talk about this
Jennifer: We've talked enough, goodbye Emma
Emma: Please Jen, don't go
Jennifer: Too late
*Jennifer walked for a good bit, found a nice private spot and then let it all out. She was a wreck and needed someone to talk to. She decided to go Heather for comfort. Drying her tears, she set off. When she got to Heather's house she found the door unlocked, this wasn't all that strange. She went inside to find that Heather wasn't in the kitchen or the sitting room. The only other place she would normally be in her house was her bedroom. So Jennifer went their and when she opened the door, found a naked, tied up, blindfolded Andrew. She couldn't believe her luck. The thought of getting laid was too good to pass up. She quickly undressed and then decided she best get him in the mood first. She stroked his body all over and it wasn't long before he was hard. Then jumping on top began her release. She was determined to get what happened out of her head, she was on a mission. It wasn't long before she got Andrew to cum and only then she realised she never put a condom on him but she figured she was on the pill so no need worry about it. She continued as she tried to reach orgasm but was caught by Heather.*

Heather: What are you doing?
Jennifer: Heather, where were you?
Heather: I was at the shops
Jennifer: Thats good
*Heather in disbelief at what was happening.*
Heather: Get off him
Jennifer: Just a sec, nearly their
Jennifer: God Heather just let me have it
Heather: No
*Heather pulled Jennifer by the hair bringing her off Andrew and then tossing her outside.*
Jennifer: Please Heather let me inside, it's freezing out here
*Heather didn't respond. Jennifer sat outside waiting for Heather to let her back in as she figured she would eventually. She still wasn't in the right frame of mind and didn't give a crap about being naked outside. Even the cold wasn't getting to her, so she continued to wait.*


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