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Old 03-02-2014, 08:24 PM   #466
getDare Sweetheart
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Kate’s Hotel Adventure (BC)
By Jappio

Part 9

Kate twisted her head back and forth. The hall was still as empty as it was before. She still threw her arms over her chest now that her wrist was freed. She wasn’t expecting to be naked in the hall again. Wiggling her toes though, she was reminded of the thrill of having the hallway carpet under her feet again.

“What’s the plan Kelsey?” Kate asked, seemingly giving in already.

Kelsey stood in the doorway in just her towel. Kate was surprised Kelsey would be so nearly naked in a place like this. Then again the towel was like a full evening gown in comparison to Kate’s nothing. “Well, I could make you go back outside and bring me proof you cut up your clothes,” Kelsey offered.

The idea sounded insane. She’d have to repeat her whole naked trip to get there, but then also redo it to come back, a few tattered clothes bundled in her arms! Kate wanted to say no to it, but she was too busy thinking about it. It almost seemed too unreal a goal.

Kelsey saved Kate from doing it though, because apparently it was a joke. “I was thinking something that would keep you on the property. So what about a swim down at the pool?” Kelsey asked.

Kate couldn’t believe her ears. “We can’t go swimming like this. If we’re caught, we’ll be in big trouble!”

“Like this? What do you mean?” Kelsey asked, purposely acting oblivious.

Kate hushed a bit before saying the answer, “we’re naked.”

Kelsey giggled. “You’re naked, I’m going to go put on my suit!” Without warning Kelsey stepped back into the room and shut the door! Kate’s first reaction was to try and the handle, but it of course didn’t budge without a key being scanned. Kate knocked on the door to get Kelsey to let her back in.

When Kelsey didn’t answer the door though, Kate returned an arm to cover her chest and put her other hand over her pelvis. She leaned up against the wall next to the door to wait. Kate couldn’t believe Kelsey of all people was going to take her skinny dipping!

Kate tried to reason what Kelsey was up to. It seemed that their last encounter maybe woke something up in Kelsey.

Kate could hardly question Kelsey’s motives. Kate herself was actually not objecting to the idea of skinny dipping in the hotel pool. Even if it was late at night, Kate knew the plan was risky. Kelsey would be safe obviously, as she was going to have a suit on.

Kelsey looked up and down the hall. She recalled how when she was in her room she had never felt safe. She spent the whole time in the room avoiding Kelsey. Now she was right back in the hall.

Kelsey had been right though. Even though Kate was ready to end the night’s fun, she was tingling all over again at this new plan. Skinny dipping in an indoor pool would be a first for Kate. She’d also have to traverse there and back naked too. Her covering arms drew closer to her body at the thought.

“Back!” Kelsey announced, stepping out of the door way. She shut it before Kate could even consider going back inside. She had her towel slung over her shoulder, and now donned a bright green bikini. “Ready for some fun?”

Kate admitted, “I actually am, this idea isn’t so bad. You think I could borrow your towel though?”

Kelsey began to walk down the hall, “I don’t know, I thought you like being like that!”

Kate was a bit frustrated that Kelsey was learning far too well how to play around with her, “Yeah, but I mean, I’ve already been up and down this building… like this.”

“OH? From what you said, it sounds you only went up like that!” Kelsey joked.

“Figure of speech. Let me use the towel though down, and I’ll keep it off on the way up, promise!” Kate tried bargaining.

Kelsey thought about it. She stopped in front of the elevator as Kate caught up with her. She pushed the button to go down as she considered it.

“Sorry, but I think I’m going to hang on to it,” Kelsey began to tease as she wrapped it around her body. “I don’t want anyone to see me in just my bathing suit!”

Kate grimaced. Kelsey was quite covered now with the towel and a suit under it. Kate continued to be fully naked. When the elevator arrived, Kelsey obviously had no reason to hesitate to get on. Kate stopped though and thought about the situation. She wanted to think of a way she could stay and hide, but that wasn’t very possible. She had no way back in the room without Kelsey.

So Kate followed Kelsey onto the elevator, and Kelsey hit the first floor button, so the elevator would travel down to the level with the pool.

Kate nervously spied a blurry reflection of herself in the elevator’s door. It was metallic, and had a vague skin color silhouette of her.

The elevator suddenly stopped. Kate hardly had time to wrap an arm across her chest and a hand between her legs before the doors opened. They’d only come down a floor before someone had called for it too!

The man who stood at the door took a second to realize what he was saying. His eyes actually first drifted to Kelsey, perhaps a little surprised someone would be dressed in a towel at this hour. Then his eyes shot wide as he saw Kate.

Kate nervously stepped away from the door till her back was to the elevator wall. She was frozen, unsure what to do.

“Wha…” The man began to say. He tried to looking to either girl for answers, neither with anything to say yet.

Kate was feeling trapped. She was backed into the corner of the elevator, and she couldn’t run. Unlike on the stairs before, Kate couldn’t run for different reasons. She tried looking to Kelsey for help.

Kelsey looked back, a bit confused herself. Kelsey wasn’t totally prepared herself for take responsibility for Kate’s nudity.

“Um… is there room for one more?” The guy asked, almost chuckling. He still didn’t know what to make of the sight before him.

Kelsey managed to say something, sensing the man actually felt just as awkward and surprised too, “Oh, yes, sorry. Come in.”

Kate didn’t take her eyes of Kelsey. Her eyebrows narrowed down, she mouthed a, “what the heck?” to Kelsey. Her arms again tightened around her body.

Kelsey shrugged. She wanted to explain that it would be rude to not let him on.

To the man’s credit, he stepped into the elevator and turned his back to both girls. He was a bit older, and perhaps didn’t want to seem like a pervert for staring. He pressed the button for the bottom floor, and the elevator resumed its descent.

Silence befell the three. Kate and Kelsey shared nervous glances and the man trying to keep his eyes forward. The ride was surprisingly quiet for a couple of floors.

“It’s a dare,” Kelsey blurted out. The man looked back towards Kelsey, but Kate still flinched knowing she was probably in his peripheral vision. “Her being naked I mean, she has to because… well it’s a dare.”

“Oh… Ok…” The guy said, suddenly turning his head more to look at Kate now. It was as if Kelsey suddenly gave him permission or something! Kate tried to look to the elevator wall to avoid eye contact.

“Oh, this is our floor though!” Kelsey said, stepping around the man as the doors opened. “Come on Kate, we have to go!”

Kate didn’t of course want to ride the elevator down the extra floor with the stranger. She quickly darted around the man too and exited the elevator. Kelsey had already started to speed down the hall towards the pool. Kate had only a second to see if they were alone before running away from the still open elevator doors.

Kate heard the doors eventually shut, knowing that the guy probably had a lot of time to watch her naked self run off, her butt still very exposed. “Kelsey!” Kate snapped. Kelsey turned around and raised her shoulders.

Ahead was the door the pool room. Kelsey began to slow down when she got there, ready to enter. She was happy to see that they’d be the only ones in there. Kate started to catch up, ready to at least be able to get her naked body out of the hallway!

Kelsey entered the pool room, Kate closely behind. By the time Kate slipped into the room, Kelsey had run and jumped into the pool.

Kate instantly noticed that the towel was tossed and discarded. However without knowing where the key was, it would be too risky to take it and try to sneak back to the room. If Kelsey still had it, it would just get Kate in trouble.

After some mindless flopping about, Kelsey called over to Kate, “hop in, the water is great!”

“I’d rather not,” Kate mumbled, instead opting to sit on the side of the pool. “You’re the one who wanted to go for the swim. I’m just sort of stuck here,” Kate kicked her feet in the water, just not wanting to admit to enjoying herself.

“Oh, still mad about being caught naked in the elevator?” Kelsey asked.

Kate recalled the encounter. It seemed as good of a reason to act a little scorned, “well, that wouldn’t have happened had you just lent the towel.”

Kelsey paddled over to Kate. “Yeah, but I mean you didn’t all hate it, did you?”

Kate blushed knowing Kelsey was right. “Well, you’re not the one who was exposed naked,” Kate offered.

Kelsey though was having enough of Kate’s grump attitude. “You need to get in this pool and have some fun!” Kelsey demanded, grabbing Kate’s arm.

“Hey, stop that!” Kelsey demanded. The two girls heaved back and forth for a few seconds until Kate was dragged into the pool!

Coming up for air, Kate looked around. She was now swimming in the pool. Honestly she wasn’t upset, but she thought this was a good excuse to get even. “Why you,” Kate said with fake anger. She turned to Kelsey and lunged at her.

Kate wanted to even things out. If Kelsey thought it was fun, she might as well join Kate!

There was a big splash as Kate dived underwater towards Kelsey. Kate wrapped her arms around Kelsey’s waist. Kelsey tried to twist and turn away, not yet understanding the nature of the attack.

Kate’s hands found the waistband of Kelsey’s bottoms. She knew it wouldn’t be easy, Kelsey wasn’t the type of girl to wear string bikini. However surprised was on her end, and with a strong tug she got the suit bottoms down past Kelsey’s butt!

Kelsey finally understood what was happening. Even though Kate was underwater she shouted out, “Stop!”

Kate did no such thing of course. She kept pulling on the bottoms, getting them past Kelsey’s thighs. It was then that Kelsey started to kick her feet some and swim away.

Kate needed to get some air, so she decided to make use of her time above the water. Kelsey had started to try and turn, but Kate grabbed each of her shoulders to hold her there. “No you don’t, revenge will be mine,” Kate claimed. She then playfully dunked Kelsey under the water, diving in under her.

Kelsey had been giggling a little. The roughhousing wasn’t exactly fully unwelcome, but she was still doing her best to keep her suit. Kelsey became uncoordinated when submerged. She tried to resurface, but that just gave Kate another opening.

Trying to get air again, Kelsey wasn’t able to stop Kate from grabbing her suit again. Kelsey actually even swam up while her suit was being pulled down more, as if swimming out of her suit. Kate wasn’t a stranger to swimming, and was able to easily keep herself low enough to get the bottoms off of Kelsey’s ankles. They sank to the bottom as Kate followed Kelsey up to the surface.

Kelsey gasped for air and giggled some. “Oh my god you’re so bad! You’re stripping me again!?” She joked.

“This is your fault this time! I’m not nearly done either!” Kate made another lunge at Kelsey, who tried to back away. She was able to avoid the first grab, but Kate kept after her.

Kelsey was barely able to miss the second lunge. Her back was to the wall of the pool though. When Kate righted herself up, she was happy to see Kelsey hadn’t gone far. This time Kelsey wasn’t able to get out of the way, and Kate again had her hands on Kelsey’s shoulders.

“Kate, stop it, we both know you don’t want to be the only naked one,” Kelsey accused with a laugh. Kate already reached a hand around Kelsey’s back and pulling at one of the two tied strings of Kelsey’s bikini top. It came loose, but Kate was blushing at Kelsey’s remark. It gave Kelsey the chance to slip away.

Kelsey was now trying to swim out of the pool. With the top of her bikini undone though, she didn’t feel safe to not have a hand holding her top up. So with only one free hand, Kate was able to catch up to her.

Kate was trying to not let Kelsey shake her up. It wasn’t going to be easy though with a night of so many thrills. Kelsey’s accusation was partially true, but at the same time Kate wanted to strip her friend. She was at a dilemma.

Kelsey perhaps had picked up on Kate’s hesitation. “Cat got your tongue? Or maybe I’m right? You’re enjoying being the naked one too much, you were wet before you got in the pool after all,” Kelsey mocked, barely out of range of Kate.

Kate disregarded Kelsey’s mocking. She instead made another lung, again getting a hold of Kelsey. Kelsey struggled to get away, but just managed to face towards Kate.
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Old 03-02-2014, 08:27 PM   #467
getDare Sweetheart
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 420

Kate’s Hotel Adventure (BC)
By Jappio

Part 10

“Let’s get rid of this!” Kate threatened; her hands were behind Kelsey’s back and grabbing at the top’s last knot!

“Hey, get off me you pervert,” Kelsey giggled. She waded backwards, but Kate held on. Again Kelsey backed against a wall.

Without any hesitation, as soon as Kate had the top undone, she whipped it off of Kelsey and tossed it away. She looked down at her friends breasts, happy she was victorious! That’s when she noticed just how heavily Kelsey was breathing.

Both girls were silent. Kelsey was backed against the wall. Kate had rested her hands on either side of Kelsey against the wall. Each was actually breathing heavily. They also both could easily see the other was aroused with how pointy their nipples were while bobbing in the water.

“So, are those like that because you’re naked or because I’m naked?” Kelsey asked. Kate blushed, but she really wanted to know what was going on.

“Kelsey, I don’t want to sound offended, I’m not, but what’s gotten into you?”

Kelsey thought on it for a moment, “what do you mean?”

“Last time I saw you like this,” Kate began to say, her eyes dipping down to look at her naked friend, “you were all too quick to try and cover yourself. You were shy, and well, not this flirty either. In fact, you’ve even have had a bit of a dominant streak going on tonight too.”

Kelsey’s blush was returning again. “I… I guess it was because of last time. Since then… I sort of been looking up stuff about it. I had… a few lingering feelings I guess.”

The two girls again grew silent. Kate wasn’t sure if she should say something. She felt a bit responsible considering how things went last time.

“So yeah, I just read some stuff about nudity, and risk, and dares. I remember how much you enjoyed it… and how much I did… and well. Yeah, I mean I’m super embarrassed, but at the same time… it sort of feels nice to be naked with you again too…” Kelsey was now blushing a lot, and averted her eyes to the side.

Kate used one hand to have Kelsey face her again. Their eyes locked once more, each of their faces glowing warm. A mixture of uncertainty had both girls paralyzed.

Kate wanted to say how she felt. She wanted to maybe tease Kelsey some more. Instead, she was too lost in the moment. Each of them were naked in the hotel pool now, no clothes between either of them.

Kate moved closer to Kelsey, their noses just about to touch. Kelsey did nothing but wait. Neither were about to say no. Kate then turned her head and locked lips with Kelsey!

Though just both their lips, both girls felt as if the world stopped for a moment. Kelsey had of course been thinking about it, but she didn’t really think it would happen. Kate had even surprised herself.

After moments of just standing there like that, Kelsey began to lose some of her footing. The moment had swept her up too much.

Not wanting to lose her kissing partner, Kate continued to press forward. It was then that Kate remembered just how naked each of them was. The soft cushion of Kelsey’s chest was a welcome feeling. Kate even noted how she could feel both her own hard nipples press into Kelsey, and Kelsey’s into her body.

Kate began to wiggle, enjoying the feeling of her bare body in the water against another girl. She helped Kelsey stand more as a means to allow her to wrap a leg around Kelsey’s.

Kelsey happily moaned, wiggling in such a way that told Kate that everything was going well.

Kate was now thinking about how Kelsey wasn’t the only one harboring thoughts of last time. Even back then, Kate thought Kelsey was cute. She had loved having someone else naked with her too.

Kate gyrated her hips, rubbing her pelvis into Kelsey. She was incredibly aroused, and this sudden burst of passion wasn’t helping matter. Yet with the noises and movements Kelsey was making, Kate figured she wasn’t too far behind.

Kate knelt in the pool until her mouth was at level with Kelsey’s breasts. Kelsey loudly gasped when Kate placed her mouth around one of Kelsey’s hard nipples.

Kate wasn’t exactly experienced, but she had seen and read enough about how sex was supposed to work. She also had the perk of knowing what she’d want. She was quite happy when she heard Kelsey moaning in approval.

Switching to the other nipple, Kate was greatly enjoying herself. The chance to tease Kelsey like this was wonderful. The girl made a few quiet sounds that were just adorable. Kelsey’s façade of being in charge disappeared totally.

Kate wanted more, but Kelsey was half submerged in water. Kate decided to get her out. “Hop out,” commanded. Without waiting, Kate wrapped both hands around her naked friend and grabbed hold of her bottom. She used that to help lift Kelsey up. Kelsey submissively followed through and used her own hands to pull herself up the ledge.

Once seated on the ledge, Kelsey leaned back. Kate began to rub Kelsey’s thighs, slowly opening them. She was very happy to see Kelsey’s lips unhidden. It’d been awhile since she saw them like this!

Kelsey cooed as Kate’s hands explored her body. Kelsey craved more even. Kate began to decide what was next as she climbed out of the pool as well.

Kate knelt next to Kelsey, leaning over her nude form. Kate continued to run her hands over Kelsey’s smooth skin. Kate couldn’t believe just how lucky she was. Kelsey was both cute and lovely. The way her body was completely vulnerable to Kate now was also a big turn on. It took a lot of will power to not move one of her own hands between her thighs at that time, but she wanted to enjoy Kelsey fully.

One hand idled at Kelsey’s thighs while Kate brought her other hand up to Kelsey’s face. She pushed some wet locks to the side, caressing Kelsey’s cheek. She could only describe Kelsey’s stare as one of begging.

Kelsey shifted her body some, wiggling under Kate’s light touching. She was sufficiently aroused, but Kate wasn’t taking the hints or refusing to acknowledge them. Kate shifted herself till she could lock lips with Kelsey again. The two kissed as Kate drew the hand between Kelsey’s thighs higher. Purposefully avoiding her lower lips, Kate’s upward traveling hand went up Kelsey’s body at a slow pace.

When the kiss broke, Kate’s hand made up to the lying girl’s ribs. Kate’s other hand had now moved down away from Kelsey’s check and settled to above a heaving breast. Staring down into Kelsey’s eyes, Kate said, “You know how hot this is for me, right?”

Without waiting for an answer, Kelsey began to cup Kelsey’s breasts with a hand each. Kelsey pushed her chest up to the playful hands. She delighted in the naughty digits wrapping themselves around her two mounds atop her chest. “You know I like being naked in public, that I relish in it,” Kate further explained.

Kelsey’s lips parted and let out a gasp. Her nipples had only grown more sensitive, especially now that her warm skin was being assaulted by the cool air of the room. The water atop her sliding away and drying was causing a mix of feelings she was far from familiar with.

“So not only am I led around naked by you, I even get to be naked with you, and have all kinds of fun with you,” Kate narrated. As she did so, she began to tease Kelsey’s nipples. Each were so hard they were easy to grasp between fingers. Again, she spoke up, “I’m naked, and you’re naked, and you’re all offered up to me.”

One hand released a breast and Kate moved her head to it. Lowering her lips down, she encircled the hard bud between her lips. Kelsey threw her head back. She’d never had anything like this done to her. The vulnerability was overwhelming her. She couldn’t believe this was happening in the pool room of a hotel!

Kate enjoyed attacking the nipple with her tongue. Sweeps and flicks would elicit small gasps from Kelsey. Her other hand continued to massage and play with Kelsey’s other breasts. Her free hand she kept from going too far, but decided to use it to rub Kelsey’s nearby exposed hip.

Kate couldn’t ignore what she had said either. She was indeed naked. The whole scenario was more than anything else she’d experienced. Even the scene in the parking lot seemed to pale in comparison to this. Exposure and doing something naughty were already huge turn-ons for Kate. To have her first true sexual experience with someone though in public was enough to make her hips sway against the hair. Her own naked butt raised in the air behind her was begging for attention. She made herself behave though, to wait for Kelsey first.

Kelsey was starting to fight back her own moaning. She was starting to think she might reach orgasm just from the stimulation to her breasts. Harboring the crush she had on Kate had proven difficult. To see her desires come to full fruition, and in such a taboo and erotic way, had her energized. Even the hand on her hip seemed to powerfully affect her. Her moans started to break free from their entrapment when that hand at her hips traveled over and in between her thighs!

Kate was still operating under the assumption that what she would want is what she’d enjoy. With the desire between her own legs at the strongest it’s ever been in her life, she figured touching the most sensitive areas was now best. Truthfully, as much as she loved playing Kelsey, she wanted to be able to get to her own turn too.

Though she was too busy to bring notice to it, Kate desperately wanted to utter a line about how Kelsey was wet, and not just from the pool water. Instead, her mouth switched to Kelsey’s other nipple.

Kelsey was now panting and moaning. She was trying to stop herself from moaning too loudly or for too long. With each stroke that Kate’s hand took past her puffy lips Kelsey grew closer to orgasm. She was worried if she let herself, she might scream out, but at the same time didn’t want to stop.

Kate had thighs clamped. Even without her own body being touched and teased she felt she herself was nearing the edge. Her thighs clamped and wiggled, trying to find any physical pleasure to at least hold her own desires off. The idea that she was bringing a cute girl to orgasm at the pool side kept her efforts towards Kelsey strong none the less. Her fingers had found a hardened nub, surely Kelsey’s clitoris, and was now teasing that.

“I’m going, oh my god, I can’t,” Kelsey gasped out. She didn’t know how to even form the wards. She knew it was going to be an orgasm, but she didn’t know how to actually admit to that. She didn’t know how to warn for that. She didn’t know how to beg for it.

Kate wasn’t sure how she knew, but she knew that Kelsey was close. For a moment she thought again about where they were, at the side of a pool in a hotel. Yet she didn’t even open her eyes and didn’t hesitate to keep her from pushing Kelsey over the ledge.

Kelsey erupted in pleasure as her body was rocked with a pulsing pleasure. Never before had she felt herself push into such a strong orgasm. It was like every nerve in her body was lighting up. She even failed to stop herself from moaning loudly.

Not even worrying about the noise though, Kate continued through and through. She made sure Kelsey rode every wave of orgasm. She didn’t stop till she could feel that Kelsey was no longer writhing as strongly. Easing away slowly, she let Kelsey’s body rest as it finally came off its euphoric high.

Kelsey opened her eyes. She was able to look up at Kate, who was patiently kneeling besides her. She was still naked. She didn’t know how either, but she could tell Kate was horribly close to orgasm. As if on cue, and without a word said, Kelsey pulled herself up, and pushed Kate down!

It wouldn’t be long after that, but Kate would come to her own earth shattering orgasm. In fact, the girls wouldn’t stop there that night. Even after each felt as if they’d had their greatest orgasm, their playing wouldn’t stop. They did jump in the pool again, and even tried the hot tubs. Even when decided to go back to the room, Kelsey’s suit remained at the bottom of the pool and the towel still discarded on the floor of the pool room.

The End

Here is the link to the interactive version as well where you can read other paths or add to it:
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Old 03-04-2014, 02:55 AM   #468
getDare Sweetheart
Join Date: May 2012
Location: Indiana
Posts: 450

That was great, you; as I have stated before; are the best ENF writer. I always look forward to your stories and have never been disappointed. Thank you for sharing your talents.
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