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Old 07-12-2013, 05:10 PM   #1
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Default The Dare Game

The Dare Game
Part One
Chapter One

Henry was an orphan. His dad had died when he was young, and when he was only two years old his mother abandoned him on the steps of an orphanage. From there, he floated around from one foster home to another, never finding a family he really liked.

Now he was sixteen. He had all but give up hope, and was content to just stay at the orphanage until he turned eighteen. He was tall, about five foot eight, with curly brown hair, brown eyes, and tan skin. He was athletic, playing soccer, basketball, and lacrosse; but rather than having a jacked body he was more lean and skinny. That’s not to say that he didn’t have any muscle, he did. He had nearly a six-pack and his legs were built like a marathoner's.
He was also quite intelligent, earning top grades in school. His athleticism, combined with his smarts, made him an attractive dating option and, although he did not have a girlfriend, he had hooked up with more than a few girls. He hadn’t gone that far with them though, he was quiet and shy by nature. In short, life was good.

But that was all about to change. Now there was a new family, a few towns over, who was willing to give him a chance. So one Saturday morning in April he packed his two duffel bags full of clothes and jumped in the orphanage van, to be brought to his new house.

When he got there at noon he could barely believe his eyes. The house was gorgeous! It was huge, three stories, Victorian mansion with – he was happy to see – a swimming pool in the back yard. The yard was green and freshly mowed; the paint on the house was new and crisp. As soon as he got out of the van the front door opened and a man and woman stepped out. The woman was tall and skinny, in her late forties, and very attractive for her age, a Jennifer Anniston look-a-like. The man, her husband, was also tall but more stickily built, rippling with muscle. He was tanner than she was, with a trimmed black beard and curly black hair.
They walked up to him, the woman enveloping him in a hug and the man shaking his hand. “Hey Henry!” the woman said brightly, “Welcome to your new home! I’m Mrs. Brooks, and this is my husband, Tom Brooks, but you can just call us mom and dad. Our daughters are waiting inside, we didn’t want to scare you by all rushing out at once.”

Henry didn’t really know what to say, so he just said he was glad to meet them and then gave the driver, Ms. Carter, who was also the cook at the orphanage, a long goodbye hug. She had always been nice to him, and, he had to admit, he would miss her. She finally broke away, tears in her eyes, and hopped back in van. Waving goodbye, Henry turned and followed his new parent up the path to the front door, answering their questions about how the drive had been and whether he had had anything to eat. Finally the got inside and Mr. Brooks told him to leave his bags in the hall; he wanted Henry to meet everyone.

Henry followed Mr. Brooks into a large living room, complete with a flat screen TV and X-Box, and then took a seat in the chair Mr. Brooks had pulled up for him. The chair was made up leather, a nice reclining chair, and Henry sunk into the plush backing.

Mrs. Brooks was already seated, with her three daughters. After Mr. Brooks took a seat, the girls were introduced to him.

Kirsten was the oldest, at eighteen, a senior in the spring term of high school. She was five foot seven, with dark tanned skin and long brown hair. She was quite pretty, and to compliment her cute face she had a great body. Her ass was toned through hours of exercise, but still popped and stuck out provocatively. Her breasts were a full C – cup, and tantalized many boys in her grade daily. Right now she was wearing white khaki shorts with a black tank top. Her bra, a pink lacy one was just visible underneath it, although not too much cleavage was showing. Although she had a great body and knew it, she didn’t flaunt it too much by dressing in slutty ways.

Laurie was next, and she was sixteen, same as Henry, but a bit older. She was thin but well toned, with bronze skin from all the sun. She had dark brown hair that in the summer developed just a few streaks of light blonde, dyed that way by the sun. Her breasts were not that big, just a B – cup, but her ass made it up for it. Laurie had spent many hours in the gym toning it, and now it was the perfect size and shape, a bubbly, round, curvaceous thing was the object of many boy’s fantasies. Right now she was wearing yoga pants and a white t-shirt.
Lastly there was Ashley. Ashley, known as Ash to all, was fifteen years old but already more developed than Laurie. Her breasts were a small C-cup, and her ass was big and round, not as toned as the other two’s though. She was also paler than Laurie and Kirsten, with blonde hair and snowy white skin. Right now she had on pink shorts and a white blouse, under which her black bra could faintly be seen.

After the introductions had all been made Mr. Brooks told the girls to show Henry around the house, to give him a tour off sorts, and to show him to his room so he could store his bags. The got up, giggling, and did so at once.

The bottom floor had a long hallway going down the middle, dividing the house in two. On the right was the kitchen, and then behind that was the spacious dining room. On the left were the living room, and bathroom, and then Mr. Brook’s study. The staircase at the end of the hall led up to the second floor, which was just as big. There, there was the master bedroom, where the parents slept, a large bathroom, another living room filled with card and board games rather than electronics, a storage room, the laundry room, and then a guest bedroom. Henry initially thought that he would be staying there, so he dropped his bags there, but the girls told him that this was not where he would be living.

The top floor was where he would be living. It was no smaller than the two before it, and contained four bedrooms and one bathroom. Henry’s new room and Kirsten’s room were on one side, with Laurie’s and Ash’s on the other. At the end was a bathroom, which all four of them would have to share. It was the only bad thing about the house, the girls confided.
After showing Henry his room, the asked him if he had a bathing suit. He said he did, and the girls smiled. “It gets really hot around here,” explained Laurie, “so we like to go swimming a lot. I’ll tell you what – you take your time unpacking and then change into your bathing suit. We’ll go down now and start swimming, come down when you’re ready!”

Henry agreed, and the girls left, closing the door behind them, and he heard their excited giggles as they changed and then raced down the stairs.
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Old 07-12-2013, 05:13 PM   #2
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The Dare Game
Part One
Chapter Two

Henry pulled out his iPod and portable speakers, and began to play some Beatles songs. It had become his tradition to always listen to the Beatles, as he was packing or unpacking his stuff. The reasoning behind this tradition was simple; when his mom left him at the orphanage steps he had been wearing a Beatles t-shirt. It helped to remind him of his roots, and that he was an orphan. They were also just a great band.

Henry took his time unpacking, but it didn’t take long. He only had two bags, and they weren’t even full. He didn’t have that much stuff. Finally he was done, so he found his bathing suit and began to change. He took off his shirt, revealing his lean upper body, and his hard abs. Next to go were his shorts and boxers, leaving him in just his socks. He took those off, and admired his naked body in the wall mirror. He was tan all over and in great shape, something that he took pride in. His pubes were shaved to a stubble, and his dick hung limp, about four inches long completely soft. He lifted up his balls, feeling them – and just then his door burst open.

Mrs. Brooks walked in to find Henry completely naked, his hand around his balls. Her mouth fell open, and instinctively her eyes went down to his dick. Just as quickly, she realized that she was staring, and she sharply lifted her head to meet Henry’s eyes. He was just as shocked as she was, she thought. The music blaring in the room must have been loud enough to cover up her footsteps as she walked up the stairs.

She now had two choices. She could either squeal and leave the room in a hurry, waiting for him to get changed. Or, she could pretend that nothing was out of the ordinary, and deliver him the message her daughters had told her to pass along, that he should hurry up and get down to the pool. She decided on the second option. She didn’t want to embarrass him anymore than he already was, so better to act like nothing was out of the ordinary. Besides, she saw her daughters naked all the time. If was to be their son, it was only natural that she should see him naked.

“Henry,” she said stiffly, trying to keep her voice level, “The girls want you to know that they want you to hurry up.” With that, she left the room and hurried back down to the kitchen.

Henry stood shocked, even after the door had shut behind her. She had caught him stark naked, his hand on his privates! He didn’t want to even think about what she might have thought that he was doing. And she had looked at his dick too! No girl had seen his dick yet, and now a forty something year old foster mother was the first. At least she was attractive though. And worst off all, his dick had hardened a bit. Not a lot, but enough to let him know that his nudity in front of her had turned him on.

Shaking off his shock, he snatched his bathing suit off the bed, put in on, and hurried downstairs, ignoring the look Mrs. Brooks gave him as he went by the kitchen. When he got outside, all the girls were in the pool. Kirsten had on a white bikini, Laurie a red one, and Ash a pink one. Each of them showed a lot of flesh, and before his dick could begin to stir again Henry gave a yell and jumped in the pool, splashing everyone.

The girls screamed playfully, and when Henry resurfaced they splashed him back. “We were in the middle of a game of Marco Polo,” yelled Laurie, “But now you messed it up!”

“Sorry,” said Henry, taken aback.

“No worries. Want to play?”

He said sure, and the game began once again, with Ash as the seeker. For those who don’t know how to play Marco Polo, the seeker (who has their eyes closed) yells Marco and they other people yell Polo back. Based on the direction of their voices, the seeker has to swim around blindly trying to tag them. When they succeed in tagging someone, the person they tagged becomes the new seeker.

They played the game for a bit, and Henry was now he. He had cornered one of the girls in a corner, he couldn’t tell whom but it sounded like Ash. He yelled “Marco” one more time, and when the faint “Polo” came in response to his left he lunged out, diving. Through sheer happenstance he managed to tag the person, who was indeed Ash, right in the breast. Furthermore, as his momentum carried him, his hand continued downward dragging along the bikini top. When Henry resurfaced seconds later, his eyes now open; the sight of Ash’s bare breasts greeted him.

The silence only lasted a few seconds before Ash let out a shrill squeal, Kirsten and Laurie began to laugh, and Henry began babbling out apologies. Ash lunged for her bikini, only causing her breasts to bounce around, before finally grabbing it and then reattaching it, while her two sisters laughed on and Henry tried to avert his eyes.

Finally she reattached, and Henry babbled out another apology, but Ash just laughed along with her sisters. “No worries,” she said calmly, still a little flushed though.

The game wound down soon after that, with everyone heading back inside. Once they were inside Mrs. Brooks stopped them. “Oh no, you can’t walk through my house all dripping wet. Here, take these towels and get out of those bathing suits. You can hang them up to dry outside.”

Henry could hardly believe his ears. Was he expected to strip naked here? He was. The girls went first, with their backs to him. They clutched their towels tightly to their fronts with one hand, and with the other they took off first their tops and then their bottoms. Suddenly, Henry found himself faced with three naked asses. Just as suddenly, they pulled their towels around them and the beautiful sight disappeared. They bent down to pick up their bathing suits, and Laurie’s towel slipped and he got another view of her superb ass. He decided that he liked hers the best. They walked around him and out the door, heading to the drying rack outside. Not wanting to get too far behind, Henry pulled down his trunks while covering his front with his towel. He’d already given Mrs. Brooks one look at as his cock; he didn’t want to do it twice in one day.

Just then the girls came back in, and got a full view of his pale ass, and probably of his balls hanging down. He blushed, and hurriedly wrapped the towel around him and picked up his suit. As the girls headed upstairs, their towels wrapped around them, he went outside to put his suit on the drying rack.

When he came back in, Mrs. Brooks was waiting for him. “Henry, I know that this household may seem a little liberal to you,” she began, “But it’s just the way the kids were raised. We’re a little loose with nudity, as I’m sure you just noticed, and I hope you’re not uncomfortable. If you are, we can try to be a bit stricter.”

Henry just shrugged, said that he could probably get used to it (to which Mrs. Brooks grinned) and then headed upstairs.
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Old 07-12-2013, 05:55 PM   #3
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Looking forward to where this will go, shows potential.
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Old 07-12-2013, 07:59 PM   #4
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Great story so far, the best i have seen in a long time. I made an account just to compliment you.
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Old 07-13-2013, 03:44 AM   #5
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The Dare Game
Part One
Chapter Three

When he got there, Kirsten offered him the first shower, but he refused, saying that this was their house so they should go first. The way it worked was that all the towels were hanging in the bathroom, on heated racks. So one person would go in with their clothes on, strip in there, take a shower, get out, dry off, and then using the towel to cover themselves would walk back to their rooms to change. After they had changed, then they work put the towel back on the rack in the bathroom.

Kirsten went first, while everyone else went back to his or her rooms. All the girls had their own rooms, which was lavish. Henry had a room farthest from the bathroom, on the same side as Kirsten and directly across from Laurie. He sat down on his bed, pulled out his computer, and began to surf the web while he waited for his turn in the shower. After about five minutes Kirsten came out of the bathroom, her towel wrapped around her. From where he was sitting on his bed Henry had a perfect view of the bathroom door, so he could see this all going down.

Laurie was up next, and she went into the bathroom. Halfway through her shower, Kirsten emerged from the room, fully dressed, with her towel, and went into the bathroom to hang it up. As she opened the door, Henry caught a glimpse of Laurie’s bare shoulder as she was showering. When Laurie had finished, she emerged and walked back to her room, directly across from Henry’s room. Her towel was covering her, but as she stepped through her doorframe and was about to shut the door behind her she let the towel fall away, giving Henry another look at her ass.

Ash was last of the girls, going into the bathroom. Once again, Laurie did not wait for her sister to finish showering before going in to hang up her towel, but rather just went right in the middle of her shower. This time, however, Henry was unable to glimpse anything.

Finally Henry was up. When Ash emerged, he put his laptop aside and made his way to the bathroom. The water was warm and felt good, and as the steam rose he allowed himself to relax. Suddenly however the door was thrown open, and Ash came in to hang up her towel. The shower had sliding doors, of course, and Henry had closed them. But they were near opaque and he remembered how clearly he had seen Laurie’s shoulder and he could only imagine how good a view Ash had gotten of him. When he was finished he dried off, made his way back to his room, and changed, before finally going back to the bathroom to hang up his towel. He was slightly disappointed that he was unable to walk in on one of his ‘sisters’ showering.

He was walking back to his room when he heard someone in Kirsten’s room shout, “What? That is worth more than one gold coin!” Curious, he opened the door and stuck his head in.

All three girls were gathered on the floor, each with a pile of gold coins in front of them. When he walked in they all looked up startled. “Oh hey Henry,” said Laurie, and he realized it had been her yelling.

“Hey guys,” he said, “What’s worth more than one gold coin?”

The girls squirmed. Finally Laurie answered. “Letting my towel drop so you could see my butt.”

Henry’s smile froze. “You meant to do that?” When she nodded, “Why?”

She shrugged and answered simply, “It’s a game.”

“What game?”

“The Dare Game,” interjected Kirsten.

Over the next few minutes Henry was brought up to speed on this game. The Dare Game was a game the three sisters played, and it essentially involved doing dares. At the beginning of each week the gold coins were distributed equally among them, with forty gold coins each. Throughout the week, they could dare each other to do things, for a certain number of gold coins, at least one and at most five. The goal was to get the most gold coins possible, and each Saturday afternoon the gold coins were counted and whoever had the most won. Throughout the week, all the girls’ gold coin total were kept in complete secret, so they didn’t know if they were winning or losing.

Of course, it wasn’t as simple as that. If you were dared to do something and you didn’t want to do it, you could dare back. When you dared back it meant that whoever gave you the dare had to do the dare themselves. If they didn’t want to do it either, then they had to pay you however many gold coins they had initially offered you. A dare back was essentially calling someone’s bluff. If, however, the person who gave the dare ended up completing their own dare, then the person who refused the dare had to pay them however many gold coins they were offered plus one. Even more confusing, if the person who did a dare deemed their reward to be too low, they could challenge the price. The player not involved would then be the judge. If they judged that the price was too low, then the player who did the dare would be awarded what the judge thought to be a fair price. If it was however deemed to be not too low, or just right, then the person who challenged the price had to forfeit the gold coins the initially received.

Right now that was what had happened. Kirsten had dared Laurie to drop her towel as she entered her room to show Henry her ass, and offered her one gold coin. Laurie had successfully completed the dare, and was now challenging that it was worth more than one gold coin. Ash, the judge, was now carefully thinking.

Henry also garnered that this ruling could be decisive. It seemed Laurie and Kirsten were leading this week, and that after this ruling the gold coins would be tallied up. So this ruling could make all the difference.

Finally after this was all explained to Henry, Ash had made her decision. “In the eyes of the judge,” she solemnly said, “Showing Henry your ass was worth one gold coin. The judge rules that you return the gold coin you received in compensation to Kirsten, effective immediately.

Laurie let out a groan, and Kirsten let out a yell of joy. Her joy, however, was short lived. The girls tallied up the coins and they found that even after losing that gold coin Laurie still came out on top with fifty-one. Kirsten had lost by one, with fifty. And Ash had gotten killed, with only nineteen coins remaining. “It was a bad week,” she said, pretending to cry.

“Two questions,” said Henry. “One: what’s Laurie’s prize? Two: can I play next week?”
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Old 07-13-2013, 03:53 PM   #6
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Excellent story as always! Can't wait for more!
KiK: Alexvsheenan

Likes and Limits

PM Dares

I love when girls humiliate me and my small penis, feel free to do so anytime
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Old 07-15-2013, 07:23 PM   #7
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You have me intrigued....
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Old 07-16-2013, 01:32 PM   #8
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Three: What is the punishment for Ash?
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Old 07-16-2013, 11:28 PM   #9
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this sounds really interesting, keep on writing!
Likes: Masturbation, Mutual Masturbation, Erotic Stories, Orgasm Denial, Light Bondage, and Anal, but most importantly (ha) Making Friends and Building Relationships!

PM me, I love to chat about everything!


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Old 07-17-2013, 05:48 AM   #10
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Nice story, can't wait for more....
Luvs: Edging, Milking
Likes: Nudity, masturbation, semi public, light pain
Limits: Family, scat, blood, needles, fire, illegal

Everything else is prob a soft limit, which I like to see how far I am willing to go...
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Old 07-21-2013, 06:22 AM   #11
getDare Sweetheart
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I really like this keep going
likes:Being slave for a week,anal,spanks,cum eating,cum in face,dice dares, and person above dares,will do pics, slight public,masterbaiting where i could get caught but not likely,swirlies
limits:family,ice,illegal,cross dress,poo if directly eating it,cbt,bondage,messy,wedgies,

i have a smaller dick then paaltjepaal and i want to suck his Cock!!!
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Old 07-21-2013, 08:26 PM   #12
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Liking this a lot! Keep it up
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Old 07-23-2013, 10:17 PM   #13
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Please continue this story. It's my favorite one I have read in such a long time.
Read my first story here. Co-Ed Sleepover

My current story: http://www.getdare.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=178998
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Old 07-24-2013, 01:04 PM   #14
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Interesting, please continue.
Brian (布莱恩) - Bi-Male (双男性) - Edge Master (边缘大师)


OH, JUST REMEMBER: "Life is not fun, unless you are having fun." - Dareholic

"Adam was but human - this explains it all. He did not want the apple for the apple's sake, he wanted it only because it was forbidden. The mistake was not forbidding the serpent; then he would have eaten the serpent." - Mark Twain
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Old 07-26-2013, 04:55 PM   #15
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The Dare Game
Part One
Chapter Four

The room again fell silent. “Of course you can play,” said Kirsten eventually, “it will probably be more fun with a boy in the game. And you’re pretty cute too, so that’s good. The dare backs might be a little weird, but we can work it out.”

“And as for my prize,” said Laurie triumphantly, “I get these two as slaves for the rest of the night!”

Now Henry’s eyes widened. “What do you mean?”

“I mean, they have to do whatever I say.”

“Won’t your mom notice?” he asked.

“Sometimes,” Laurie admitted, “But her and dad always go out to dinner on Saturdays so we mostly do it once they’re gone. Besides,” she added with a grin, “We have pretty lax household, and the adults, the supposedly responsible ones, are kind of… still very sexually active, so they can’t really yell at us.”

Henry’s eyes continued to widen. Now he was thinking about how Mrs. Brooks had walked in on him naked.

“I’ll tell you what,” said Kirsten, “If you want to join our game, then you have join us as we are Laurie’s slaves. It’s only fair.”

Snapping out of his astonishment, Henry considered this for a bit, before agreeing. It was only fair.

“Alright,” said Laurie, who was now clearly in charge, “We’ve still got a bit of time before our parent go out dinner. Henry, have you ever played X-Box before?”

Henry, of course, being a teenage boy, had played X-Box before, and Laurie soon led them down to the living room on the first floor. There were a various arrangement of games down there, but Laurie rummaged through them to select three games, Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros Melee, and Call of Duty. All three great four-player games. Turning on the X-Box, Laurie proceeded to explain the rules. They would start with Mario Kart. The winner would choose what game they would play next, but it couldn’t be the one they had just played. And, to make things even more interesting, the loser would be forced to strip off one article of clothing. “Not now, as your new parents might see and catch on and put an end to it,” Laurie clarified, “But as soon as they leave. And Henry, you have fewer articles of clothing, but you’re a boy, so you should be better at video games, so it should be fair. And of course,” she added with a smile, “even if I lose I don’t have to strip.”

The first game Laurie chose was Mario Kart, the one that Henry was the worst at. He was a whiz at the other two, but hadn’t played Mario Kart in a while. It showed, as he lost the race by about ten seconds. Not a great start. Kirsten won, so she chose to play Super Smash Bro’s next. This was Henry’s forte, and he chose Kirby, his best fighter. He ended up destroying everyone, with Ash coming in last. After he won, he chose Call of Duty to play. After a ten-minute game, Henry once again emerged victorious, by the narrowest of margins over Kirsten though. Laurie came in last.

Henry then chose Super Smash Bros, but his dream of a triple repeat was smashed when Laurie overcame him in the final seconds. Ash, once again, came in last. Laurie chose Mario Kart, and Henry this time managed to snatch up third place, barely beating out Laurie. Kirsten once again won the race. Kirsten chose Call of Duty, and won that one over Henry by a good amount. But Laurie came in dead last again. After six games, Laurie had lost three of them, Henry one, and Ash two. It was rapidly becoming apparent that Ash was awful at Super Smash Bros, Laurie was awful at Call of Duty, and Henry was awful at Mario Kart. Kirsten, for her part, didn’t seem to have any weaknesses.

Kirsten chose Mario Kart next, which Henry lost again, while Ash won. Ash then elected to play Call of Duty, and this time Henry destroyed everyone, with Laurie coming in last. Henry chose Super Smash Bros, and this time had a new strategy, which was focusing on Kirsten and trying to get her out. It worked, and Kirsten lost, but he had been so single mindedly trying to get Kirsten out that Laurie was able to do some real damage to him, and she ended up winning. Laurie chose Mario Kart again, and Henry managed to finish just ahead of Kirsten, who again got last. She was looking a little frazzled; as well she should, since she had just lost twice in a row. Ash, who won, chose Call of Duty, and Henry dominated this game, while Laurie lost. Henry chose Super Smash Bros, and this time just focused on winning. He did so, and Ash came in last. Henry chose Call of Duty, but he failed to win this time, as Ash came in first. And more surprisingly, Laurie did not lose; Kirsten did.

Just then Mr. and Mrs. Brooks came downstairs, ready to go out to dinner. Mr. Brooks was dressed in fancy khaki shorts and a button down shirt. Mrs. Brooks had on a nice black dress with a low top that showed off her cleavage. The girls said goodbye, and Mrs. Brooks told them to make themselves dinner or order out, to behave, and to go to bed early. Then she asked Henry how he was doing.
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