Old 11-19-2017, 07:45 AM   #1
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Default Taming A Brat

This will be a short story and contains heavy consensual non consent among other kinks. If this isn't your thing or you may be triggered please don't read.

AM has also rewritten the story from the Dom perspective here.

My hands tugged usually at the rope binding them as I attempt to free myself from my bindings. All I succeed in doing is causing the chair to topple sideways..with me still attached to it. As I hit the floor with a painful thud I freeze, knowing there is no way my struggle will have gone unheard. Sure enough the door to the darkened room opens and I close my eyes, refusing to look up at my captor. Both the chair and myself are yanked firmly back into place and I feel hands on my face but still refuse to open my eyes, even when he speaks.

"Look at me."

Still I refuse, every part of my being feeling defiant and wanting to fight. I can't physically fight tied up this way so I will take what I can get. I'm surprised when I hear a low laugh at my refusal to do as he says, expecting anger instead.

"Fine, be that way. You can stay there."

Footsteps fade away as he leaves me in the room and my eyes open slowly as my breathing returns to normal. I don't know how long I have been here now, it has to be several hours and I roll my eyes as I feel a pressure beginning to form in my bladder. Of course.

I try to ignore it but the pressure grows steadily and I am torn between calling out for help and remaining in the stony silence I have been in for the majority of the day. When I know I can't hold it for much longer I fight past the defiance and call out. Within seconds he appears again almost as though he was waiting for me to call for him.

"Something you need?"

His voice is low but I can sense the amusement and I hate him even more right now. As I mumble that I need to use the bathroom I finally raise my eyes to his only for him to shrug in response.

"Then I guess you should be better at doing what I tell you."

Before I can respond he is gone again and I frown. What a dick. I can't focus on my anger for long however as all my energy becomes focused on holding my bladder closed. Naturally I can't hold it forever and maybe a half hour later my stomach muscles are clenching in pain as I fight the inevitable. When I feel the first trickle escape I grit my teeth in frustration but no matter how hard I try I can't fight it any longer. Within seconds my clothes are soaked and I can feel a little of my earlier defiance melt away as I sit soaked in my own urine.

After what seems like an eternity the door opens again and though the room is darker than it should be there is no mistaking the smell of old urine. He laughs and I envision hurting him. Very painfully.

"Had an accident I see."

I glare at him but choose not to give him the satisfaction of responding. He merely raises an eyebrow at my glare and smiles slightly at me.

"I was going to let you change into dry clothes but if you want to behave this way..."

My eyes narrow as he lowers the zip on his jeans and pulls his penis out as he steps closer to me. "Then you can continue being a little urinal." He finishes as the first spray of his own urine assaults my face. I'm too stunned to react at first and when I can the first thing I do is tilt my head away but that only causes him to reach out and grip my head in an iron grip as he continues to unload a torrent of urine over me. It hits my face and hair and I can feel it spraying over my chest.

As he finishes he steps even closer, eliminating the remaining small distance between us and pinches my nose for a few long seconds, causing my mouth to open so I can breathe. As it does so he shoves himself inside me, merely remarking;

"Don't forget to clean up little urinal."

Tears prick the corner of my eyes and I blink them away furiously as he shoves himself in and out of my mouth a few more times. I refuse to let him see them fall. When he is done he calmly fastens his zip back up and leaves the room. I allow one lone tear to slip down my cheek while I wonder how long he is going to leave me like this.
♡ My Stories. FAQ.AMA
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Last edited by IceMaiden; 11-20-2017 at 04:09 PM.
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Old 11-26-2017, 07:36 AM   #2
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I don't know how much time has passed when my eyes flutter open. My clothes are stuck to my skin and I immediately feel the dried urine clinging to me and making my skin sticky. Thankfully my face seems to have dried off although I can still feel the after effects. I blink as I realize my neck is cramped and I must have zoned out in order to escape the fear I was feeling. I attempt to adjust my hands as I feel the numbness starting to settle in from them being bound so long but the rope is too snug and pulled too tight to allow me any leeway.

I let out a huffy sigh and wait impatiently. He has to come back eventually. He can't leave me here forever....right? As my heart kicks up a notch while I contemplate over the fact he really could leave me here like this forever he enters the room almost as though summoned by my rising fear. In his arms he carries what looks like a robe. A very skimpy and revealing robe. My eyes narrow but before I can speak he does.

"Would you like to change out of your wet clothes?"

I know instantly the robe is for me and my eyes drag over it mentally assessing how much skin would be on show if I were to wear it. Too much. But I would like to be in clean dry clothes...

"No? Okay then." He begins to walk away and I panic inwardly.


He turns to me and waits expectantly and I glare as I realize he is going to make me say the words.

"Yes. I would like to change out of these clothes." My tone is sharp and he raises an eyebrow.

"Say please."

He smirks as he says it and I wonder how it is possible to hate someone so much. I can feel anger overwhelming me and it is taking all of my self control not to verbally lash out at him. When I don't seem to be willing to plead he just turns and begins walking away again.

My body fights my mind as each vies for control. I don't want to give into him. But I do want to be more comfortable than I currently am. As he's almost out of the door I give in.


As he faces me again he smiles a genuine smile.

"See, that wasn't so hard now was it?" His voice is soft, almost like he is talking to a fearful child and somehow this terrifies me more.

As he places the robe to one side and begins to work on loosening my bonds I tense. I had been so consumed with not giving into him the fact that this may be a chance to escape had escaped my notice. Until now. Almost as if sensing my thoughts he murmered,

"Don't do anything stupid. You will regret it."

I gave no indication that I had heard him but instead focused on stilling my racing heart, waiting for the bonds to fall free. As he loosened the last knot and pulled the rope away I stood up gingerly on wobbly legs, knowing my body wouldn't co-operate right away. My muscles stretched and I flexed my hands basking in relief. The feeling was glorious. As I felt the feeling begin to return to my body and my legs became steady I glanced towards the open door. His warning echoed in my mind as he reached out, presumably to strip the dirty clothes from me. I bolted.

I heard him let out a surprised curse behind me as I dove towards the door, freedom beckoning me. So tantalizingly close and yet, I discovered, so beyond my reach. He barrled into me from behind sending us both toppling to the floor in a tangle of heavy limbs. I reached out to scratch him but he effortlessly caught my hands and with one of his pinned both of mine together. My breath came fast as I glared at him.

"Let go of me!" I lashed out with my knee and felt a smug satisfaction as I connected with his stomach. Only it didn't seem to help. He sucked in a pained breath but his grip diidn't loosen and a second later my body was pinned entirely under his immobile.

"I warned you. But you had to be stupid." He glared down at me, seemingly nothing but mildly irritated.

I couldn't help it. My anger had reached boiling point and trapped and immobile I did the only thing I could to show him what I thought of him. I spat in his face. Smugness washed over me as I watched it land on his cheek. His eyes narrowed in response and as I saw irritation melt into rage I whimpered softly at the fire buring behind his eyes.

Without a word he stood, yanking me with him so hard that I stumbled even while he kept his firm grip on me. Violently he dragged me from the room and my heart sank when I saw what I had been scrambling towards. it wasn't freedom, only a long set of stairs heading downwards to god know where. As he pulled me along behind him I fought at his grip but it did no good. When we reached the bottom of the stairs and my eyes flew over the furniture in the room my body locked in terror. My blood froze. And I wondered if it was possible to die from shock and fright.

The sight before me was...I ddn't know what it was. Only that it didn't look inviting and it was the last place on Earth I wanted to be. Shackles hung from the ceiling while a whipping post stood proudly at the centre of the room cuffs attached to either side near the top. Further to my right were pillories while on my left a table was filled with whips, paddles and a cat o nine tails placed in front of a closed door. I wondered what was beyond the door but had no burning desire to find out. The last door I had been taken through hadn't been filled with anything but things that inspired dread to grow in the pit of my stomach.

I was so busy looking around at all of the instruments that could hurt me I hadn't noticed that we had come to a sudden stop. With a small moan of fear I realized we had stopped by the whipping post. I couldn't do anything as he slid my wrist into each of the cuffs and when I felt him yank my jeans down before ripping my shirt open in a frenzy of anger I knew what was coming next.
♡ My Stories. FAQ.AMA
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Last edited by IceMaiden; 11-26-2017 at 07:39 AM.
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Old 11-29-2017, 04:26 PM   #3
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I struggled against the cuffs but they were too strong and only succeeded in digging painfully into my bound wrists. He didn't say a word as he stepped over to the table and as I watched him from the corner of my eye I could see he was debating which instrument to choose. I swallowed hard; determined that he wouldn't see an ounce of fear from me. When he turned with one of the thicker whips in his hand my resolve wavered almost immediately and I felt my cheeks pale as he strode towards me.

He didn't speak as he faced me and glared at me in return. I refused to break eye contact although if that was bravery or stupidness I couldn't really tell. Just as I was starting to think he had changed his mind and was deliberating what to do next he swung at me. My muscles screamed in pain as the lash struck my thighs painfully and I gulped in breath after breath as I fought the urge to cry out. Before I could even finishing gathering my breath back he swung again and this time the blow struck me firmly across the breasts. Fire spread across my chest and all I wanted to do was curl into the foetal position but the cuffs holding my arms up prevented me from doing so.

Instead I focused on the wall behind him, trying to centre myself and remain outwardly calm even as he took another swipe at me. But this time I couldn't help the small quiet whimper that escaped from my mouth without my consent. He smiled at this.

"You're going to be fun to break."

Hearing his words had me gather my resolve and I straightened as best as I could as my eyes switched back to him, anger and fear plainly showing on my face.

"Fuck. You." I managed to grit out.

My words had the opposite effect that I had anticipated. Instead of angering him further he simply laughed at my outburst and swung the whip again, clearly enjoying himself. That made one of us. As this blow hit my stomach the cry that escaped was much louder than the first and I doubled over as far as my bound arms would allow as I sucked in breath after breath.

As he swung again my vision faded as I continued trying to breathe. He was hitting too fast for me to even begin recovering and he didn't seem to care in the slightest. Just as I became convinced I was about to faint from the overwhelming pain I saw him drop the whip to the floor. Did this mean it was over? I really wished it did...

He gripped my chin in his hand and forced me to look up at him.

"You are absolutely filthy and you smell like piss sweat and fear."

His words caused a spiral of shame to wash over me even though rationally I knew every single thing he mentioned was his fault in the first place. Physically too exhausted to respond I just tolled my eyes at him in response. He reached forward and I flinched before realizing he was unlocking the cuffs keeping me immobile. Once free I stretched my arms as feeling flowed back into my wrists. He let go of me and I watched as he rolled the table away from the door. I knew I should take this chance to make an escape again but my body would barely hold me up; as much as I wanted to run still I knew I wouldn't get more than a few steps before sinking to the ground. Instead I silently watched him.

When the table was moved he returned to me and yanked me towards the door, opening it with his free hand. I was beyond surprised to see that it was just a small bathroom consisting of a toilet and sink.

"We should clean you up."

I was relieved to hear the words until he forcefully pushed me forwards and down to the ground in one motion. Before I could comprehend what was happening he had my neck held in a tight grip as he forced my head into the toilet bowl, flushing with his other hand as he did so. As the water washed over me I coughed and sputtered, the water making its way into my mouth. As it did so I realized that it wasn't clean water and the taste of stale urine assaulted my tastebuds; causing me to gag and cough more. Which only caused more to enter my mouth and it became a vicious circle. When the flush ended I expected him to bring me up so when his hand kept me there I began to panic as the need for oxygen become stronger.

When I thought I could take no more my head was suddenly yanked upwards by my hair and I coughed as I sucked in breaths, only for him to plunge me back under the water again. As he repeated this over and over, I lost count of how many times he forced my head into the bowl; bringing me up as my vision dimmed only to repeat the process as soon as my senses returned. Eventually he tired of this and brought me up a final time before pushing me still coughing and gasping away from him.

"Don't be so stupid in future." He snapped at me. "Next time it will be much worse. Now we will return to your training."
♡ My Stories. FAQ.AMA
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Old 12-08-2017, 04:13 PM   #4
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He half dragged me towards the pillories and in less than a second I was trapped inside them. He smiled at me as he slowly unbuttoned his jeans and slid his boxers down. As his erection sprang free I averted my eyes causing him to laugh out loud. He stood before me and I could feel his gaze on me even as I kept my own trained on the floor.

"Look at me."

I briefly thought about ignoring him but changed my mind when I thought about how things had gone the last time I disobeyed that very command and slowly brought my eyes up to meet his.


It took a second for me to work out what he meant and when I did I shook my head vehemently. Or I tried to, I was very restricted in movement. He sighed loudly.

"Do we have to deal with your misbehaviour yet again? I would have thought the last hour had taught you something." His eyes flicked towards the whipping post and I cringed inwardly. I couldn't handle that again. But the alternative...

"I'm going to give you five seconds to open. If you still refuse we will return to the whipping post and I will whip you until you beg me to open your mouth for me."

I had no doubt he meant every word and the thought of being undermined to the point of begging him to use my mouth broke me a little more inside. I wanted that even less than I wanted the actual thing.


As he counted down I gave in finally opening my mouth slightly.


I flushed as I obeyed and stretched my jaw open.

He didn't waste time and a second later his penis was inside my mouth as I fought the urge to bite it. I was sorely tempted but I didn't think that would end well for me. Instead I relaxed my jaw and refused to engage; but he didn't need my co-operation, something I became aware of very quickly as he thrust in so deep I felt him hit the back of my throat. Unable to help it; I gagged around him and felt him twitch at my involuntary response. As I fought to pull in a breath he paid no heed to my reddening face as he deprived me of oxygen, keeping himself firmly lodged at the back of my throat.

Just as I began to see stars he removed himself violently and I sucked in every breath I could manage, unconcerned with the drool slipping down my mouth and onto my breasts, courtesy of the throat fucking. When I could breathe easily again he forced his way inside once more, his hands gripping my hair. The pillories prevented any real movement of my head so I didn't know why he gripped my hair this way other than to further exert his dominance over me.

As he rammed himself into my mouth over and over I struggled and fought every time for the breath he was denying me but after several long minutes it became too exhausting and I felt my body slump in defeat. Only when I stopped fighting against it did he begin to let up, slowly withdrawing from my mouth. As he stared at me I simply returned his gaze, too tired to continue yelling at him. Silently he reached out and gripped my hair in one hand and pushed his cock into it, cleaning away the glistening pre cum into my hair. I didn't have the energy to resist as my willpower broke even further.
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Old 12-08-2017, 04:16 PM   #5
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He walked behind me and opened the fastenings on the pillories and I was surprised he supported me as I stumbled slightly. He was almost gentle as he led me to a small armchair that I had originally missed when searching the room, tucked away in the corner. He half placed, half dropped me on it and I flopped onto the seat almost numb. I didn't have long to recover though, as he quickly turned me over and propped me up so that I was bent forwards over the chair with my elbows resting on it.

As I felt him line himself up with my ass I panicked, fear and adrenaline allowing mme to snap out of my stupour. I pushed back at him with all the strength I could muster as I screamed at him once again to let me go. His hand reached out and gripped my neck tightly, forcing me still as he squeezed off my air supply. It didn't take long to register that he loosened his hold and allowed me to breathe as soon as I stilled, only to tighten the hold once I resumed my struggle.

"You're making it worse for yourself." His voice was close to my ear as he forced me immobile again. Too close.

"Get off me!" I tried to snap my head back hoping that I would connect with his. Maybe if I was lucky I would break something. I never managed to connect though; he had anticipated this as well and as soon as I began to bring my head back he gripped my throat tighter as his free hand came forward to take a firm hold on my hair, keeping my head in place.

"I see you need much more discipline. Back to the whipping post we go, it seems."

I stilled as his threat loomed over me and he began pulling me back towards the whipping post. I knew I couldn't go through that again, I was pretty sure it would break me entirely.

"No...please." My voice broke on the plea and I hated myself for being so weak.

He stopped suddenly as my whisper reached him and turned me to face him. He seemed to be deliberating something and my heart beat wildly as I waited for him to decide on whatever it was. Finally he said,

"This will be the only time I will be lenient and only if you start to behave. Do you understand?"

I nodded silently.

"Good. You do still need to be corrected for your behaviour, although maybe you wont need the whipping post after all. In fact..."

He trailed off in thought and then without warning he had spun us around so fast that he was on the chair with me bent awkwardly over his knee before I even knew what had happened. As his hand came down hard on my bare ass I jumped, only for him to push on my lower back, placing me back in the position he wanted me in. His hand came down again and again and it wasn't long before my butt cheeks began to burn from his relentless assault. I tried without hope to remain silent but as the fire coating my ass burned deeper I couldn't help but let out a small whimper. It didn't stop him, he continued silently. When I was sure I could take no more I began to push back and begin to struggle in earnest involuntarily. There was just no possible way I could keep still anymore. Another lash landed and this time I felt a tear forming as I wondered how long this would go on for. I almost didn't notice the blows had stopped coming until I felt his hand slide underneath me and I froze. He trailed a finger lightly over my pussy and laughed. For a moment I wondered what was so amusing but I didn't have to wait as he smugly informed me,

"You are very wet."

I can feel my cheeks flush as he informs me what I already know and have been desperately trying to hide from him. My bottom is still on fire, my body is physicaly exhausted and tears are still lodged in my eyes and yet I am wet from the spanking. I almost growl at him in response before choosing to remain silent. He chuckles and I want to rip his vocal cords out. Instead I remain quiet as he shoves me off him, spinning me around so I am back in a familiar position.

I fight off my panic reminding myself that this has to be better than being whipped again, it certainly can't hurt as much. As he lines himself up again I realize he isn't using lube or even spit in place of lube and I'm suddenly thankful for all the experimenting and plug wear I took part in over the years.

I clench my teeth as he begins to slide in slowly and I'm surprised yet thankful he seems to be taking care to ease in instead of ramming himself inside the same way he did with my mouth. As he continues to push in I can't stop the hiss of pain escaping and he takes that moment to brush his fingers lightly over my clit. I jerk, not expecting it, but he holds me still as he continues to caress me and I can feel my body responding even as I try to shut it down.

With a start I realize the extra stimulation is helping distract me from the pain as he finally pushes himself fully inside of me and instead of continuing to try and shut my body down I focus instead on the pleasure, taking comfort where I can. Now comfortably inside of me he changes from careful to brutal and begins to slam into me as his fingers continue working over my clit. I'm surprised to realize that the more accustomed to the ass fucking I become, the more pleasurable it starts to be.

As I try to contemplate this he hits me in just the right spot and I feel myself fall over the edge as I cum on his hands. I don't know if to be ashamed or not right now, my mind is a tangle of emotions. He seems to take this as a cue for himself and swiftly pulls out of me as he spins me to face him and pushes me down onto my knees in one quick movement and as I look up at him in bewilderment he sprays over my face.

As he recovers from his own orgasm I feel my own still fading and I smile at him sweetly as I poke my tongue out and reach what cum I can, swilling it around my mouth before swallowing.

He smiles at me, a genuine warm smile, as he helps me up from the floor and I willingly lean into him for the support. As he places us back on to the chair, I nestle into his chest as he speaks.

"How was it for you, pet?" He asks.

I smile bigger in his chest as I answer.

"Perfect, Sir."

The end.
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Old 10-17-2020, 05:54 AM   #6
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That was a beautiful short story. Thanks for sharing your writing with us.
39 / F / Delighted owner of the absolute perfection that is Lightze
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Old 10-18-2020, 08:18 AM   #7
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Loved it! Looking forward to the next one
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Limits are anal, excrement, involving other people, illegal, lasting marks no cross dressing any nudity will use a mask or no face.

Growing old is a good thing we all want to do but I don't have to BE old.

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