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Old 08-16-2016, 02:20 PM   #1
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Default Getting Pumped at the Gym

Author's note: I decided to do something I rarely do here: write a story that actually happened. This one absolutely happened to me, perhaps one of my craziest moments, a few years back. I took some liberties in the telling of it to flesh things out a bit, but the important stuff all happened. I'd call this one 95% true story. Hope you enjoy!

Getting Pumped at the Gym

I was pumping my legs as hard as I could. The treadmill display showed only 1/10 of a mile to go before I hit the 1 mile mark and I’d just turned it up to 6.5 to run the end out as hard as I could. At this point in my physical fitness, a mile was still a long push and this speed was difficult to overcome alongside the 30 minutes of weights I’d just done. I was, after all, working my way to a better body in my late 20s after years as an obese kid growing up.

The numbers counted up; the last .05 miles or so were always the hardest. .96… .97… .98… .99… My loose shorts and medium sleeveless tee whipping side-to-side on my body as I pushed through heavy breaths and a downpour of sweat.

Finally the sound of serenity: the 3 electronic beeps from the panel signifying the goal achieved as the belt slowed to a walking pace for a 5 minute cool down.

I gripped the control panel for a moment to steady my walking pace and then heaved breaths for at least a minute before I was thinking straight again.

Some old Blink 182 raged through my earbuds as my breathing normalized and I took in my surroundings. Never much for watching the panel of TVs above the cardio area, I looked, instead, around me for some good people watching among the cardio equipment on the 2nd floor; overlooking the weight room below.

The crowd in this midwestern suburban gym at 6:30 on a Friday night was about what you’d expect: fairly small. There were mostly people like myself. Young 20 and 30 somethings, somewhere between decent shape and dad bods, trying to end the work week with one last workout. Of course this place did bring in its fair share of the truly obese and the truly in-shape. The latter mostly stuck to the weight area; lifting impossible stacks of weight and letting out ridiculous grunts to signal the achievement.

However there was one stunning specimen in the cardio area on this evening who’d been pounding the belt of a treadmill for what seemed like hours. A young blonde of at least 18; at least I would tell myself she was at least 18 as to not feel like more of a creep than I probably was. A creep because, wouldn’t you know it, I’d picked the treadmill right behind her.

The girl wore some neon orange spandex shorts and a black sports bra with no shirt, which was technically against club dress code, but I would let this one slide without reporting it. After all, for the duration of my comparatively short run, I’d been hypnotized by her well shaped ass bouncing up and down with each stride. Now in my cool down I could truly appreciate the sight. Unlike mine, her teen body was likely in the best shape of her life, and as the drunk slob whipping his dick out publicly to prove a point to someone who just questioned his manhood once said, ‘if you’ve got it, flaunt it.’

Normally I wouldn’t stare at the girl quite so flagrantly, but two things about the gym made this occasion anything but normal: the small Friday night crowd with no one in eyeshot to cast accusing stares, and the empty treadmill next to me. Normally, it would be in use by my girlfriend who also served as a good motivator and workout buddy. That night though, she’d been nursing a minor ankle injury, and with some work to catch up on before the weekend, she elected to skip the workout this night.

So this would be a night to be free at the gym. I would never dream of cheating on her or anything like that, but there’s no harm in a little looking, right?

My ass-induced hypnosis was shattered as the electronic beeps of the treadmill sounded again and the belt began slowing to a complete halt. My workout was complete. I took one last glance at the still bouncing, still fantastic butt in front of me before dismounting the treadmill, wiping it down, walking to the water fountain for a drink, and then proceeding down the stairs to the floor below.

At the landing I turned and made my way down the long hallway to the men’s locker room at the end. Inside was the usual sight in this fairly young fitness center: a few guys changing into street or gym clothes within the 3 half circles of lockers; bordered by a mirror and sinks on the opposite wall, and a hall at the end that lead to the showers, toilets, and pool entrance.

I unlocked and opened the locker I’d picked earlier in the evening and looked in at the hanging towel above my bag. Normally on a night at the gym with my girlfriend I’d just use the locker to store my goods during workout and then drag my sweaty butt, still in gym clothes, home to shower. However, when she’d said she wasn’t interested tonight, something from the past had resurfaced in my mind.

A dare from a college roommate on a drunken night some 5 years ago. He’d dared me to get naked in a locker room sometime and just ‘show it all off’ like the old men in the YMCA locker rooms would often do. It was just a stupid challenge from a friend, more of a joke than anything, but for years it had sat in my mind; arousing my interest, bringing up the side of me that had always had a bit of a kink for the thought of being nude in public with no filters.

Up until then, the most naked I’d been in front of others was on webcam, jerking it with cyber buddies, and at a 4th grade sleepover during a game of ‘You Show Me Yours, I’ll Show You Mine.’

So on this night, with girlfriend absent and some time to play, I’d made the excuse that I would stop at the store on the way home and planned to shower and change at the gym. Now the time to do it was here.

There really wasn’t much of a reason not to. I had no hangups about my naked body, at least not in front of guys, and this wasn’t really a risky spot; aren’t locker rooms made for nudity? If there was a time and place to scratch this itch, it was right there, right then.

So, I removed my shoes and socks, stripped off my gym shorts and tee, and then took a quick glance around. Without another second to think, I yanked my boxers down letting my shaved cock and balls flop out. I wasn’t packing anything super impressive, only about 2 or 3 inches in this soft state, but I was ready to show off and finally answer that 5 year old dare.

I slung my towel over my shoulder, closed the locker door, and locked it back up before turning to face the open locker room. I had no plans to cover up.

I walked past the two other guys: 1 now changed and packing up and the other nearly ready to go workout. I let everything show as I made my way to the hallway that contained the showers. I could feel each one glance up briefly and see me before looking down as if they had never taken a peek. In this locker room at this time of night, you rarely saw a sight like the one I was putting on. This was a little exciting.

I got to the shower room that I’d never really used before. The room had 3 shower stalls on each side with small, green, plastic curtains over the openings. All were vacant tonight except the one all the way to the back on the right side. From that shower, I could hear the sound of running water as someone cleaned off after their workout.

My dick was about half-way hard now. The excitement of the other two guys taking a peek, coupled with the memory of that firm teen ass on the treadmill upstairs, had me aroused. How far could I take this semi-public show I was putting on?

I wanted to be seen again; that much was for sure.

I preceded to the farthest shower back on the left side; the one directly across from the one in use. I hung my towel on the wall and started the shower. Part of me just wanted to leave the curtain open and shower for anyone to see, but looking across at the other guy’s green curtain closed up, I figured that may look strangely suspicious and may draw attention I wasn’t looking for.

I did want to be seen though.

So I devised a quick plan. I pulled the curtain shut, but intentionally pulled it too far and too hard. The opposite side of the shower now hung wide open, although one may think it was just a hasty, unintentional attempt to close the curtain that didn’t end up shuttering it the whole way.

Now I was showering with the front of my naked body just barely in view of anyone who cared to look inside.

I began soaping my body parts and washing off. I didn’t move fast by any means; waiting to see if lightning would strike for me. Then it happened.

I heard the shower across from me shut off and the curtain open. At first I didn’t want to look over in fear of what the guy inside’s reaction would be to my disheveled, exposing curtain-close job. Then I gave in and had to see what I was dealing with. So I glanced up through the opening and saw a tall red-headed guy: at least a few inches taller than me, about my age with a bit of a dad bod himself and a round face. He was toweling himself off outside of his now open shower.

I didn’t know what my endgame was, but this was when I decided to push things a little and see what happened. So I pushed the lever on the body wash dispenser on the wall to get a good gob of it, and I immediately lowered the hand and began soaking up my crotch. Still half-hard, I rubbed the foamy wash all over and slid it down my cock. Then using my left hand, I pulled the uncircumcised head back and used my right hand to soap the sensitive surface.

I quickly glanced up again, and this time I saw the whites of the other man’s eyes glancing at my activity. I backed off and started rinsing instead; not sure how this was being received. The next glance changed my reservation though. The man had lowered his towel and began very specifically drying his cock with it. The next glance saw his eyes dart down from my body again as he pulled the uncircumcised skin back on his 5 or so inches and he seemingly began inspecting his penis to make sure it was properly dry.

At this my cock was no longer half erect…it had become fully, raging hard, because at that moment I was fairly certain the man was playing along.

Feeling bolder now I grabbed another gob of body wash from the dispenser and again began soaping my penis up. This time though, I gave it a few quick strokes in my soapy fist. The hard, erect tip showed through the white suds as the skin was now fully pulled back. I glanced over and saw that the red head was now also showing a complete erection, and he too pumped it a few quick times before bringing his eyes up, this time to meet mine.

We’d locked on each other, so I simply gave him a nod as a greeting. He returned the nod, so I made my boldest move yet: I flung the curtain opened the entire way and turned toward the man to give him an unobstructed view. I then started slowly jerking my wet, soapy cock for him to see. He stared directly at the show, stroking his in the shower hallway for me. His next move told me that he sensed the risk in this situation.

The red head put his towel back on the hook and walked back into his shower to turn it on. I figured we were about to share a masturbation session through our open shower stalls from across the hall.

What I didn’t expect though is what actually happened. The man closed the curtain on his running shower while still in the hallway. He crossed over to me with erection jutting out proudly the whole way. The man now entered my shower and closed the curtain.

I’d continued jacking off slowly the whole time and backed against the wall to give the man room to do so as well. Instead though, he reached for the dispenser and grabbed a squirt or two of body wash in his large hand. I removed my hand from my dick as I realized his was reaching for it with the gob of soap.

The red head grabbed my cock; his larger hand taking most of my 5 inch erection in a single grip. With a tight grip he pulled my dick slowly with the soap and then ran it back to my body. I was paralyzed at the feeling of this stranger jerking my cock and giving me what was likely the best hand job of my life.

I closed my eyes as he increased the speed. He was now jerking me off quickly in his hard, sudsy grip. My thoughts tried to go to the ass on the treadmill, but the excitement of this situation blew that one completely away.

My breath was getting shallow again after only brief moments of this pleasure. I wanted to extend the situation, but I no longer had any control over my body as my new friend masturbated me aggressively in this gym shower.

I felt that familiar feeling build through my body; my dick growing numb and my balls tightening up. I could barely speak, but I figured it would be rude not to give this guy some warning. So as quietly as I could, I gasped out the words, “now!… I’m… cumming!”

The man didn’t skip a beat jerking my dick hard as he would his own at the feeling. His hand was in total control of me as my erection exploded. Long rope after long rope of hot white cum squirting out and onto the shower floor. There had to be 6 powerful squirts before the sperm slowed to a dribble and coated his slowing fist. As my breath heaved he milked the last few drops out of my throbbing cock before making one final pull down to extract the last of my juice.

As his hand let go he flicked it downward letting the hot cum on it fly to the tiled shower floor below. I gasped trying to catch my breath as the man grabbed some more soap and washed off his hands.

In my state of ecstasy, I debated whether I should now reach over to and service his throbbing erection with my shaking hand. Before I could decide though, the man put one hand on my shoulder and gave me a pat. Then he raised the now clean fist to me presenting it for a bump.

I raised my shaking hand, made a fist, and bumped his with another nod. He nodded to and then without ever saying a word the stranger opened the curtain, crossed back to his shower and disappeared behind the curtain.

Now my adrenaline replaced with fear of being caught or of someone seeing something; even though no one else was there. I quickly washed the remaining semen off of my now softening dick and shut the shower off. As I grabbed my towel and began darting toward the entrance of the hallway, I could vaguely see the man’s hand flying over his own dick behind the closed shower curtain.

I darted to my locker, unlocked it, and changed into my street clothes as fast as I could. The locker room was deserted now, and I wanted to be gone from there before my friend in the shower or anyone else could come in and potentially recognize me, or recognize the adrenaline in my face.

Now clothed, I shut the locker door, grabbed my bag and walked as quickly and casually as I could out of the locker room. My pace stayed the same and my eyes stayed straight ahead as I crossed through the gym and to the front doors of the building. I don’t know what my body was scared of for sure at this moment, but I just kept going until I was outside, in my car, and turning the ignition on.

I sat back in the bucket seat for a moment with hands at my side. Did that really just happen? Had I just done that?

I’d gone to that locker room to scratch an itch, and ended up scratching it, clawing it, and cumming all over it with a stranger in a shower.

I drove away and back into my life as usual. I never saw that guy from the shower again, but I’m sure he still remembers me as well as I do him.
31, male, switch
KIK- tk400232

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Masturbation, mutual, chat, being a dare master, light anal, enjoyable pain, semi-public, cumshots, orgasm control, pictures, vid, occasional camming, cei

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Last edited by TK400232; 08-16-2016 at 02:23 PM. Reason: Formatting Edit
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