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Old 12-18-2016, 09:23 AM   #1
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Post Vegas With the Cousins

This story is fiction, however does incorporate some non-fiction which becomes the basis of the plot. Also, I have another account on this site, but havent used it in a few years, so I forgot the email I used and its password. PM with guesses to who you think I am

Character bio: John, 17. He lives in California with his parents and is an only child. He has a very athletic build, and is currently in high school. Plays 2 sports, and is on the high school soccer team. John is fairly tall, about 6feet plus an inch or two, has short brown hair and no facial hair. John also watches some anime.

John wakes up everyday around 6am, not because of an alarm clock (which he has set for 6:30 just in case) but for the reason that he is a work out nut. John is a heavy sleeper but his body consistently wakes himself up at this time so he can exercise before going to school or whatever else he was going to do that day. John is heavily inspired by an anime called "One Punch Man" and took the main characters work out schedule as law.

It goes as follows: 100 push ups, 100 sit ups, 100 squats all followed by a 10km run. Because he has school at 8:30 and can't be dead before, he usually just does 50 of each and does a 1 mile run, then at night he repeats it. So far the results were impressive, he grew 2 inches in the few months since he started and had full abs, quads and calfs that no one his age could compete with, and an overall very toned look. Needless to say, he could turn heads when he took his shirt off.

During John's winter break from school his parents informed him that they wanted to celebrate their anniversary with my mom's sister and her husband (they both got married within a week of each other, although separated by 3 years). His parents were celebrating 20 years and his aunt and uncle were going on 17. Normally the two families only got together once a year, near the time of the anniversaries, so this idea wasn't that uncommon. However what separated this year from others is that "we're going to Vegas to celebrate!..." His parents were so happy, not just being together, but because they were finally going out of town to celebrate this. Vacations were rarely taken in his household so it was kinda a big deal.

However John wasn't as excited because what his parents said right after "... and you're coming with us!"

John wasn't too happy as he couldn't think of anything he'd be doing in Vegas that he could do seeing as he was under 21. "What am I going to do??"

His parents told him that they were gonna go to a show that was some cirque du soleil show, but besides that there wasn't much to do besides walk around. John needed to be convinced but was ultimately forced to go as it would make his parents happy and it was only for the weekend.

Friday morning, john worked out like normal, and soon after (around 9 am) they left their Southern California home for Vegas. On the ride there John asked a few questions about the living arrangements and specific details on what they will be doing this weekend. It broke down generally like this:

Friday: arrive mid afternoon in Vegas and get checked in, gamble and then do dinner at Stakehouse. Back to the casino.

Saturday: breakfast, and lunch at some point, otherwise gambling all day. Dinner will be before the Cirque show, and would be celebrating the actual anniversaries. After the show proceed to gamble.

Sunday: GTFO

As for the living arrangements, John's parents, and his aunt and uncle had their own suite. Two bedrooms apparently, and although at the time John didn't know it, it was basically a room for the parents to come back wasted and fuck without having to worry about the kids.

Johns living arrangements were interesting. He would be effectively babysitting his younger cousins, Matt and Kyle. They had their own suite on the same floor, they had 2 bedrooms as well, with each room having 1 bed. At the time Matt was 12, and Kyle was 10.

John wasn't thrilled at the prospect that he'd be rooming with his younger cousins but honestly, better than being alone since he was in Vegas and under 21. John didn't really talk and hang out with his cousins often, so this was a good opportunity to get to know each other.

They arrived at their hotel around 1:30 PM. They weren't on the strip, but they were very close, definitely within walking distance. Johns mom called her sister and learned they were about an hour and a half away. Johns parents used this as an opportunity to have the bags sent to the rooms and go tour the strip with John. This was his first time in Vegas and just driving through the strip John was intrigued by all the craziness on the strip.

Around 3:00 as John and family were finished with their small walk about his aunts family arrived. The families had a rendezvous at the hotel lobby as they were getting checked in. Greetings and small talk were exchanged between the roommates and they went up to the rooms once everyone was checked in. This was the first time John, Matt, or Kyle had seen the room, and they were amazed. The suite was surprisingly large, it was adjacent to their parents room, so it was probably similar. The suite consisted of a main room as you walked in with a large TV on the wall, two massive windows on either side of the TV to look out on Vegas with (facing away from the strip), there were 4 doors in this room. 1 door leading out back to the hotel, 1 door on the right side that led to a bedroom with 1 large (probably queen) sized bed with a TV. The left side had 2 doors, one that opened to a fairly large full bathroom, with a shower, bath, and toliet. The other door had a matching bedroom to the first.

Everyone got settled into their rooms quickly and John's parents called their room. They basically said to sit tight and they will starting their gambling immediately. The boys were able to order room service, but were told not to do so close to dinner.

John and his cousins talked for a while, not about anything specific just stuff that they were currently interested in (TV, anime, sports, girls, whatever) until it was time for dinner.

The parents wanted to do an early dinner, and wanted to go to Steakhouse. It was where they went 20 years ago when they first came to Vegas so it was special to them. The parents discussed how the gambling went so far, and John found out that his parents had already won about 100$ and his aunt and uncle were up a bit more. The food came and went, John thought that the food was actually pretty good, but was over priced, (wasn't aware everything is overpriced in Vegas). The dinner went well but as soon it was over the parents dismissed the children to their room so they could gamble in peace.

The time was about 7:30, no one was tired, and the kids were back in their rooms.

"So what do we do now?" Matt asked.

No one really said anything, "I'm gonna work out." John said aloud, he called the hotel front desk and asked about the gym, to his disappointment was out of commission and decided to just exercise in his room and skip the running.

John brought work out clothes for the trip, he always worked out in gym shorts (went down half way past his thighs), compression shorts as underwear, he also wore Nike's and socks, but since he got his abs hasn't been wearing a shirt.

He got changed in his room and realized his room was a little small to work out in, and went into the main room of the suite. His cousins were watching TV on the couch. When John walked out of his room both Matt and Kyle turned their heads and their mouths almost dropped. "Damn John!"

John was always happy to get compliments on his figure, he knew he had an impressive body, so he didn't mind flaunting it. "I'm gonna work out right here guys, if my room is a little small so the space here works better."

His cousins didn't mind and watched John work out. After he finished his sit ups he started doing squats. His cousins watched through every sit up quietly, and during the squats actually walked around John and observed his form. After he finished his squats they asked him questions about his work out and he told them his schedule and flexed a little to show the results. John was about to start push ups when his cousin asked if he could join. "Of course" John said, "but don't try to compete with me. Go at your own pace, I'm gonna do 50, I recommend going half my pace and try to do 25."

His cousins were excited, they got on the floor and they were ready to go. John looked at their form. Matt was nearly perfect, his arms were spread a little too far, and John helped him correct that. Kyle's butt was too far in the air, john pushed on his butt to lower it, as he did he thought "wow, surprisingly firm ass"

John didn't think anything more of it and got down in his form as well and the 3 of them did push ups. John got through all 50 at his normal pace with no problems, Matt and Kyle looked wiped. They were sweating and breathing heavily, john just told them they did really well, found out both of them did 25 push ups just as he told them too. He felt proud.

The cousins talked some more, mostly about John's body and the work he put into it. Matt and Kyle asked to touch some of johns muscles which he agreed to. They felt his arms, his back, his calfs and finally his abs. Each muscle was felt so much it was almost a massage. When they were touching johns abs he was standing up for better access. So far all of the touching didnt really bother or mean anything to John, until his abs. The boys were fascinated by his abs and even remarked that it was the first time either of them have seen abs that defined in person. They ran their fingers down the center of johns stomach, feeling each ab muscle, tickling John slightly. Matt was the most intrigued he was feeling the bottom abs the most and remarked "How do you get this muscle??" Matt was referring to John's "V line muscle".

John explained his work out schedule to how he got his entire body, and that it might not have been any 1 particular part of the work out. Matt nodded at what John said and asked if he could touch it. John agreed without any thought. Matt's hands immediately started touching the top of johns hips, feeling the edge of his v-line just above his hips.

"How far down does that muscle go?" Kyle asked. He wasn't touching John at this point but was still watching Matt and John. Matt without any hesitation followed John's V line downward a few inches. This surprised John because before he could say or do anything Matt pressed on John's crotch and said "I think it goes down to this muscle..." Matt said this before realizing what 'this muscle' was. His eyes widened when he realized he just touched John's dick through his pants, "Sorry, I was just feeling that and I didn't think it went all the way down."

As Matt was trying to explain he was slowly getting more and more red, which caused John to also be a little red. "It's fine," John reassured Matt, "we're all guys here." John was embarrassed, he also wanted to change the subject so no one would think about what happened anymore than necessary. He looked at the time, it was 8:45. "I'm gonna take a shower."

John went into the bathroom and turned on the water and locked the door. He stripped off his compression shorts and his gym shorts and stood in the bathroom nude. He looked at himself in the mirror, and was embarrassed. All the working out John did made him look huge, but he couldn't really make his dick bigger. John always though the proportions were off. He got into the shower and got hard, he always thought that his dick when flaccid was almost too small, and he was starting to think that his erection wasn't large enough to compensate. He was lost in thought during his shower. He went flaccid and got out of the shower after he cleaned off. He dried himself and covered in a towel and went to his room.

His cousins were in the main room watching TV still when John came out only wearing a towel. "I'm done and I'm going to get dressed." John said, and went into his room and closed the door. Then he got dressed wearing sweatpants, and a tank top; John never wore underwear before going to sleep, especially after a shower.

When he came back out Matt was still watching TV but Kyle was gone. "Where'd Kyle go?" John asked.

Matt responded, "he is taking a shower. I'm going in after him."

John acknowledged this and the two sat on the couch. Without much time passing Matt turned to John and said, "Can I ask you something? And if I do can you not tell anyone?"

John looked at his younger cousin, he was looking at John very intently. John was filled with a new emotion. He didn't know what this was, but he imagined this is what it felt like to have a younger brother. "Of course Matt, I won't tell anyone, what's up?"

Matt looked at the bathroom door. Saw it was closed and could hear the water running still. "Have you ever played Truth or Dare?"

John had played it once, but it was at a friend's sleepover a few years ago when he was 13. He didn't remember much about the game, but knew that nothing sexual happened and knew the rules. "Yeah, once. Why?"

Matt started to blush and he put his hands in his lap. "I learned about the game a few days ago. My friend had a party and we played for a few hours."

John tried to remember more of his experience, he could remember playing it with like 3 other people, but it didn't last longer than maybe 2 hours total and was mostly a bunch of truths and a few dares involving eating weird combos of things from the kitchen. He asked Matt "Did you want to play?"

Matt was looked surprised. He didn't answer immediately. He turned his attention to the bathroom again, the water had stopped, but the door was still closed. "S-Sure" Matt replied.

John asked Matt, "Truth or Dare?"


Just like John remembered, he started to think of questions for his younger cousin. After a few moments "have you ever kissed a girl?"

Matt smiled, "Yep!"

John high fived Matt. "Nice dude, I don't think I kissed a girl till I was 15"

Matt's smile grew. "Thanks! It was actually a few days ago during truth or dare. Speaking of which your turn. Truth or dare?"

John wanted a truth, curious to see what Matt would ask.

Matt looked at the bathroom, the door was still closed, then turned his gaze back to John. "What is the furthest you've gone with a girl?"

Just as Matt finished asking the question, Kyle opened the door. He was covered by a towel, but probably naked underneath. Kyle walked into the room a bit, "I'm done with my shower, all yours Matt." And then he proceeded to walk into his room and close the door.

When the door was closed Matt and I made eye contact and I told him, "I've made out with a girl and have done some other stuff."

Matt wasnt entirely pleased by this answer, "What do you mean some other stuff, you have to answer truthfully and fully. I'm 12, I know about sex and stuff."

John grew a little flushed, he didn't think he'd be going into specifics about his love life with his 12 year old cousin. But he was genuinely curious, and already said a non disclosure so John explained, "I've had sex before, just once. We were in a relationship for about 4 months and when I turned 17 a few months ago, we fucked for my birthday." John said this in a proud tone, looked Matt in the eyes, he was super intrigued.

John asked Matt, "Truth or dare?"

Matt didn't think about it for more than a second and said "Dare."

John had no idea what to dare. He didn't really want to order room service and food dares were all he had experience with. "Uhmm...." a pause "go take a shower."

Matt was puzzled.

John said with conviction, "I dare you to take a shower."

Matt chuckled, went into the bathroom and closed the door behind him. A few moments later John heard the shower turn on. Almost immediately after Kyle came out wearing his PJ's, a matching camouflage shirt and pants probably from costco.
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