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Old 10-28-2008, 02:14 PM   #1
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Default The quarterback

Please tell me what you think. I have the next part, but if noone likes it I will not write any more.

================================================== =======
It was Monday morning and Chris jumped out of the bed. Chris is 18 and the starting quarterback of the local high school football team. Chris lives in a small town in Texas where high school football is a way of life. The whole town closes down for a high school football game. Chris was the oldest son. He has 2 younger brothers named John, and Ryan.

When Chris went downstairs he saw his mother crying. She had just found out that her mother had passed away and that the whole family had to make a trip to Hawaii. His mother is from Hawaii and had not been able to go back out to see her family in years so she also wanted to spend a month out there to catch up with her family.

“I can’t go out there. My first game is this Friday and I can’t let my team down.” Chris stated
“We have already talked about this and me and your dad think we can trust you, and we think you can stay here by yourself if you want.” His mother said.
“Really! Thanks. I am sorry to hear about grandma.. When do y’all leave?” Chris said.
“We are leaving right after your brothers get home from school.” His mother said. “SO say good bye to them this morning cause we will be gone by the time you get home from football.”

Chris was so excited., but he did feel bad for his grandmother but living so far away he never really got to know her. So Chris got ready for school, and then said good bye to each other. As he was walking out the door his mother gave him an envelope and walked out.

The letter said
We have already called your school and told them about the situation. We know we can trust you. If we tell you not to have a party while we are gone we know you will still have one. So just keep it small, and NO ALCHOL. We love you dear. Please stay safe. Also when you get back we will have left you some money in desk. Please stay safe. If you need anything just call you know the number.


Chris went through the rest of the day just thinking about his new freedom. His football coach could even notice a difference in practice as Chris was not concentrating on practice at all.
After practice the coach came up to Chris and said “I know about your Grandmother so I will take this practice as a once in a year thing, b ut Friday is our first game and I really need you to keep your head in the game. If you need to talk to someone just come to me. Anything you say will stay between us. Do you understand Chris?”
“Yes Sir. I will do better tomorrow, and right now I am fine, but if I do need something I will let you know.” Chris said.

Chris then went into the locker room, took a shower, and headed home. As he got inside he went straight to the desk where he found $200. Since he was at the computer he decided to check his email. He only had one message.

“Chris sorry to hear about your grandmother. I also wanted to let you know about your fantasy to have a slave, and I wanted to give you the chance. I will call at 9:00 if you answer I know I am right and we can make plans.”

That was all the email said. Chris had no idea who sent it. He also had no idea who sent it or who knew about his fantasy he had told no one, and it kind of scared him, but all he could do is wait till 9:00 to find out the info. So Chris decided to have some dinner and watch the Monday Night Football Game where the Cowboys were playing the Steelers.

At 8:50 the phone started ringing. Could the person be early? Chris walked over to the phone and the caller ID said pay phone.

He answered the phone. “Hello”“Hello dear. This is your mother. I just wanted to let you know that were are right now in California, and to make sure you got the $300.” His mother stated.
“I am glad you have made it that far, and yes I have the money. Well 200 of it I must have missed the other little bit. I am sure its there.” Chris replied.
“”Well honey I have to go. Stay safe. Bye.” His mother replied and then hung up.

He had just hung up the phone when it started to ring again. Again he looks at caller id, and this time it says unavailable.

“Hello” Chris answers the phone.
“Hello, I am glad you answered the phone.” A girl on the other line answers.

Chris’s mind started running a cute sounding girl wants to be my slave. yes., but wait who is this.

“Who is this and who told you about me? Chris asks.
“There will be enough time to get to know each other. I will be over in 30 minutes. I hope you are ready.” The girl said as she hung up the phone.
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Old 10-28-2008, 02:48 PM   #2
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I like it so far please post the next part
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Old 10-28-2008, 03:17 PM   #3
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Its so far so good. Please keep going.
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Old 10-28-2008, 03:57 PM   #4
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This has good potential. Since you have not introduced the female yet, you can make her what ever suits the story best.
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Old 10-28-2008, 08:14 PM   #5
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Default Part 2

Chris mind was going crazy. How did she know where he lived? Who is she? Have I seen her before? And many other questions was running through his head. The thirty minutes was going fast. Just then he remembered about the money his mother had left and went back to the desk. Chris open the desk drawer and still did not find the money, but still could not find it. Just then someone knocked on the door. Chris went to open the door. To his surprise it was Samantha. Samantha was a varsity cheerleader at the same school he went to. Everyone just called her Sam. She was 5’6 and 115 lbs. All she was wearing was a pair of jeans and a white shirts.

“Sam. I was not expecting you.” Chris said. “How did you find out about my secret?”
“Well last Tuesday you got onto a website on the school computer. I had the class right after you and you forgot to logoff. So I knew you were into S/M and I guest you would be a master. Now may I come in?” Sam replied.
“Yes . Yes. I am sorry come in.” Chris replied.
Sam walked in and asked “Do you have any toys? Have you done this before?”.
“No. I have never done anything like this. I honestly never thought I would.” Chris said.
“Well maybe next time Sir I will bring mine.” Sam stated as Chris closed the door behind her.
“Well Sir what is my first task? Sam asked.
“I want you to kiss the wall.” Chris ordered.

As he said that Sam’s face looked a little disappointed, and she walked over and kissed the wall. As she walked back Sam just looked depressed.

“This is your first time. I can tell.” Sam stated. “Is this your first time to be with a girl also? Don’t get me wrong it was an order and I will do it, but come on now we are both 18. The only task you can think of is to kiss a wall.”
“Fine strip naked and give me a lap dance.” Chris stated.
‘Now that’s better.” Sam replied.

Sam’s face was so excited. She loved doing these tasks. Sam started unbuttoning her white shirt slowly as she walked over to a chair. By the time she got to the chair she grabbed it and brought it over to Chris. She set the chair down and grabbed Chris’s arm and pulled him to the chair and sat him down. She then started to un button her jeans and slowly pulled down her jeans. Now Sam was only wearing a lacy black bra, and a black thong. She then undid her bra and let the bra just fall off her breast. Sam then pulled Chris’s hands up and Chris stats to pull down her thong. He got it have way down to her knee and the fell the rest of the way. She was the best thing Chris had ever seen. Chris talked the talk, but had never been with a girl before, and this was the first time he had seen one naked in real life.

“I See someone likes what he sees.” Sam states as she looks down at the bulge that is growing in Chris’s pants.

Sam then starts to rub on and sit on Chris’s lap.

She had been dancing for 10 minutes when Chris said “Stop”.
“Yes sir” Sam replied “May I get you a drink.”
“Yes please.” Chris replied “A coke.”

Sam then turns and walks towards the kitchen. Chris thought that was strange cause he knew Sam had never been here before and yet she seems to know where everything is. Sam walks back in with the drink in a glass and gives it to Chris.

“Thank you” Chris said,. Sam still being naked right in front of him made him forget about her knowing her way around, and just took a drink of the coke.
“No problem sir. May I go to the restroom?” Sam replies.
“yes you may.” Chris replied.

Sam then turns around and starts walking upstairs to the restroom. Chris’s eyes are starting to get heavy. The next thing Chris knows is it’s 7:00 am and he is naked on the coach. Suddenly he remembers about Sam and looks around the house. He could not find her. So he got dressed at school and he knows he will see her there. As he was on his way to school his phone went off. He received a text message.

“Had a gr8 time. Will see u when u park.”

Just like she said. Sam was waiting for him in the parking lot. Before Chris could stop his truck Sam opened the door and threw in an envelope, and then walked away. Chris opened the envelope and could not believe what he saw.
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Old 10-28-2008, 10:59 PM   #6
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This is such as good storie please coninue it!!!!!!!
Im looking for a Master, Any age. I have a camera half the time...
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Old 10-28-2008, 11:12 PM   #7
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Yeah it's great!

Hard Limits: Family, Poop,Piss, High-Risk Public, Permanent

not really into X-dressing.
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Old 10-29-2008, 07:52 AM   #8
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Default Part 3

Please tell me what you thin and PM me any ideas you would like to see.

In the envelope was 2 pictures. In one of the pictures is Chris holding a beer. Being from a small Texas town that did not mean much. In the other is Chris by some drugs. This was the bad picture. If the school saw it he would not be able to football. If he did not play football then there is no chance of him getting a scholarship. Not to mention his parents would find out.

Chris had no idea what to do. He had no idea what she wanted or why she was doing this. He got out of his truck and started looking for her. He could not concentrate all day. All he could think about was Sam, and those pictures. He looked all day at school, and never found her. Finally time came for football practice.

“Hey Chris. I hope your mind is on the football today.” The coach said.
“Yes Sir it is.” Chris answered knowing he had to put Sam and the pictures out of his mind for now.
“Good. Get out there and start stretching.” The coach states.

Chris did his what he was told and had one of his best practices. Chris had almost forgot about Sam and was walking back to his truck when he noticed a note in his pocket.

“I will be over at 5:00 to discuss those pictures. As for now no one knows and I hope to keep it that way.”

Chris looked down at his watch and saw it was 4:45 so he went running to his truck and got home as fast as he could. All he could think was that he was in big trouble. When he pulled in he saw Sam walking up to the door. All she was carrying was another envelope.

“What do you think you are doing?” Chris yells.
“We need to talk about this inside..” Sam responds calmly.
“Fine .” Chris says as he opened the door.
“So. I guess you are wondering why I took those pictures.” Sam asks Chris as they walked through the door and Chris locked the door behind them.
“Your damn right I am.” Chris replied.
“Well would it make you feel more comfortable if I told you that I took the pictures so that to make sure it stayed between us?” Sam tells Chris. “To make sure you did not go out and tell your friends.”
“Yes. That is a big weight off my shoulder. I had no idea why you did it.” Chris replies. “I honestly thought the worst of you.”
“Well I am sorry to hear that. Now the truth is I took those pictures as blackmail. “ Sam replies. “YOU ARE MY SLAVE NOW.”

Chris could not believe what he had just heard. He grabbed the envelope in her hand and rips it up. Thinking he had destroyed all the evidence.

“Did you think that was the only copies? Do you think I am that stupid?” Sam yells “You will be punished for that now.”
“What do you think you can do to me?” Chris replies.
With a straight face she calm tells Chris “Strip naked now.”.
“No fucking way.” Chris replies with defiance in his voice.
“Fine.” Sam replies as she takes he phone out of her pocket and start messing with it. “Go check your email.”

Chris walks over to the computer and gets on his email. His jaw drops to the ground. He could not believe what he saw. The pictures were emailed to him, and another email address. He slowly started taking off his clothes.

“As you can see. I can email your pictures at anytime to anyone. For you disobeying me I have now sent the pictures to another friend of mine. She may or may not know you. I am sure my next person will know you.” Sam states.

By the time Sam finishes her speech Chris had his shirt off. Sam saw just how good Chris was in shape. Chris then started to unbutton his jeans and slid them down.

“Stop” Sam all of a sudden says as she walks over to Chris by the desk. She opens the drawer and pulls out a pair of scissors . She then starts to cut of Chris’s boxers.
“You will no longer wear boxers. On most day you may only wear tighty whities. On game day you will wear a thong.. This is my first rule. There will be more to come.” Sam States “Now lets have some fun.”.

Last edited by Sumanitu; 10-29-2008 at 07:53 AM. Reason: Left a little out
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Old 10-29-2008, 08:03 PM   #9
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since noone seems to like it anymore. I guess I will stop writing. I might be wrong and if you do want me to continue just say so.
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Old 10-29-2008, 08:14 PM   #10
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Here's the thing Sumanitu. People rarely answer my threads. It gets frustrating, I know. Right now, you're facing a decision : writing for others or writing for yourself. If you rely on others' to provide motivation, chances are you'll be disappointed at some point (like you probably are right now). But if you really like your story, if you believe in it, you can find your motivation within yourself. Most people simply read and don't comment, I know I'm guilty of that.

You must also give time for people to give you feedback. And saying you won't continue if you don't get feedback is somewhat of a threat, and people don't usually react well to being threatened. If you want to write, then write. Validation will come from the knowledge that you finished your story, that people enjoyed it even if they did not write about it.

All in all, your story is interesting. I've already said I'm not a fan of blackmail stories... but that's a personal appreciation. The narrative is well constructed, we have an intrigue, even if it is pretty straightforward. Your grammar is good. I could do without the bold myself, but that's just a reflection on the visual presentation.

I say this to you, in closing : if you enjoy your story, then enjoy it and write it. If you don't, then set it aside. It's always your decision.
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Old 10-31-2008, 04:43 AM   #11
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Default Please continue writting.

I love the way you turned the tables on Chris. I'm a bit of a switch so either senario would have had me interested. love your writing style.
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but whips and chains excite me.
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Old 11-08-2008, 03:46 PM   #12
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ya you should continue
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Old 11-11-2008, 09:34 AM   #13
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love twists like that in storys (Y)
In its function the power to punish is not essentially different from that of curing or education"
almost 18 yr old male scotland,, lookin to meet new people, also lookin for mistress, online or off ,,have webcam and up for trying new thing all the time so pm if interessted or lookin for a chat,,,,
limits- no public or messy or x dressing,,

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Old 01-04-2009, 10:26 PM   #14
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I think this is GREAT!!!! Please finish!!!
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Old 01-05-2009, 07:05 AM   #15
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*Sigh*, this has just turned into all the other stories. I thought this was going to be different, guess I thought wrong.
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