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Old 08-30-2018, 03:34 PM   #1
Truth or Dare Zealot
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Default Initiation

This is a short story written by AM and myself, written in the perspective of both sub and Dom.

My eyes scanned the dimly lit club, seeking out the Dom that both scared yet intrigued me. As my eyes fell on him I smiled slightly to myself as I watched him clean the equipment he would need for his scene. A pressing desire urged me to enquire if he had found a willing submissive to scene with him but something held me back. I wasn't sure if I was ready to scene with him just yet.

I was new to the club and yet to participate in any of the scenes, despite several Dominants approaching me over my time here. I was curious and eager yet hesitant to explore further. I couldn't find a Dominant that really spoke to me on an inner level and I wasn't satisfied with scening with any random partner just for the sake of it.

The man I was watching though...I had been studying him for the last month or so of my club membership, hoping that he would approach me and ask if I was willing to play with him. However, he always seemed to go for the more experienced submissive's and so I had formed the opinion he wasn't fond of playing with inexperienced submissive's. Which was a pity, really. I was sure he could teach me a lot...

As my thoughts drifted it took a moment to realize he had stopped cleaning the equipment and was heading in my direction. As he neared I took a glance behind me, searching for the submissive who had caught his gaze. When I saw there was no one behind me and turned back my heart almost stopped when he stopped directly in front of me.

"Good evening, little sub."

Wiping down the gynae chair with alcohol was more a formality than a necessity. The club was famed for being immaculate. Cleaning the already spotless equipment was the start of the ritual, allowing my hands to work while my head entered the correct mind frame. It also gave me time to note that she was watching. Not for the first time either. After six weeks of studiously ignoring her attention, she was primed. Ok, yes, I know it is a dickish way of doing things, but I wasn't planning on letting anyone know.

Watching her as I approached, her eyes flitting to see who I had chosen to play with, never suspecting it was her. "Hello, girl," I said softly, my hand already rising, stroking her cheek. Threading through her hair, I closed my fist at her scalp, twisting my grip and turning. She could come with me, or lose half a head of hair, she chose to come with.

Setting her in place, the chair quite comfortable, aside from the fact her legs were spread wide apart - well, that and the thick leather straps at wrist, ankle, belly and forehead, keeping her pretty immobile. Such a shame she wore such pretty clothes really.

As he secured the bonds over me I could feel my heartbeat rising. Was he really going to choose me tonight? I had been hoping for so long....but now that it was reality I was scared. He was much more experienced than I was. What if it was too much? What if I did something wrong? I had been sure to follow the club's protocol rules during my time here but I also knew that each of the Dominant's enforced their own as well. What if I couldn't live up to what he expected of the people he played with? As my fear rose, my body started to tremble.

"The club safeword is red. Are you willing to scene with me?"

His voice roused me from my stupor and I focused on calming my breathing. I still had a safeword if things became too much for me. As one of the club's monitor's walked past, my heartbeat steadied further. Surely I would be okay. I had not only the safeword but the club's monitor's to look out for me too. I realized he was stood waiting patiently for an answer. Swallowing hard, I nodded my consent.

"Good. Try to relax a little. You have your safeword and the monitor's will stop by periodically to check in on us."

I smirked inwardly. It was almost as if he were reading my thoughts.

"For the duration of the scene, you will address me as Sir. If you need to stop use the safeword. If you need something changing your colour is yellow. Is that clear?"

Again I nodded, only to feel him glare at me.

"Ye..Yes, Sir." My voice was shaky and came out hoarsely.

"Better. Let's begin."

While I knew the protocols were there for protection and reassurance, and I approve of that, going through the checklist was always my least favourite thing. Yes, it was important, but it distracts from the drama, the illusion of the moment. Still, it was done with now. Now we could begin.

Taking a pair of medical scissors from a tray behind the chair, all my toys hidden out of sight, I waited for the doors to open and the rest of the patrons to arrive. The only occupants of the room being myself, those submissive's who had volunteered to play with me, and Gregory, who monitored this room and the one next door. Smarmy little git, I never much liked him, oily... creepy - that and he owed me fifty quid still from the last time we played poker.

Gregory opened the doors and made his way into the next room to oversee the start of whatever Monica was doing to that poor boy who follows her around, and a trickle of interested patrons started to appear. Showtime.

Slipping the scissors between clothing and skin, I started to slice down from the neck of the very pretty dress my vict… I mean play partner was wearing. Leaving the underwear intact for now, leaving the dress pretty much undisturbed actually, the cotton still draping her body as if the garment were whole, though she was so painfully aware it was not.

"Oh look, we have company," I spoke softly into her ear, but loud enough for the room to hear. "They must have heard that the 'ice maiden' is finally consenting to play after all this time. I wouldn't be surprised if the whole club isn't in here by the end."

As he slipped the scissors between my clothes and skin I had to fight hard to keep still and briefly wondered if he was aware of any limits I had laid out upon joining the club. He hadn't asked for them, what if he hit one? Attempting to calm my racing mind I assured myself he would have read my file before approaching me and would be aware of anything I was unwilling to do. At least I really hoped so. Maybe we should have discussed that -before- he strapped me to the chair...

As I saw the monitor slip into the other room, my fear receded again knowing I could call out if necessary. I knew from watching his past scenes that he liked to have his submissive's eyes on him but I couldn't help but gaze around the room as a few more people started to arrive. Briefly I wondered why there was so much sudden interest in this room and why they weren't partaking in their own scenes in one of the other rooms.

"Oh look, we have company. They must have heard that the 'ice maiden' is finally consenting to play after all this time. I wouldn't be surprised if the whole club isn't in here by the end."

His words, although giving me my answer, also startled me. Was that really how I was known by the other members? I looked down as I blushed. I -had- declined quite a lot of offers during my time here...

Once I was over the shock of his words I slowly realized that the spectators had no intention of leaving and every intention of watching. Despite the rising heat I felt in my pussy when I considered this, my nerves also multiplied.

It was one thing to scene for the first time. It was quite another to choose someone so much more experienced and knowledgeable....and even yet another to do it with an audience. What on earth had I been thinking? I KNEW his scenes always drew an audience. Why had that knowledge escaped me when I had agreed to play?

My body tensed, entering flight or fight mode and as if he could read my thoughts his hand landed softly on my head, almost caressing. I recognised it as a comforting gesture and I was grateful, especially when it allowed me to begin to think clearly again.

Watching the panic rise in her, I stroked my fingers through her hair. Soothing her in silence, watching the fear in her eyes drop to a manageable level. It was good for my reputation too, adding to my reputation for being caring and attentive. Ok, it was earned, but not entirely understood. Everything I ever did had layers of meaning behind it, reasons within reasons. Soothing her elicited a good response from the crowd, filled a few seconds for a few more people to wander into the room, and kept her on a seesaw, a rollercoaster of emotion.

Emotion - that was the key. Physical sensation is well and good, but my playground was the mind. She knew it before she volunteered to play with me - and I knew from her file that keeping her on the edge of breakdown was exactly the level of fear and excitement she needed. As her pulse calmed a little, as she started to relax as much as she could under the circumstances, I yanked her dress open in front, exposing her underwear to the room.

Walking round slowly, my eyes roaming her near to nude body, I flashed my almost imperceptible smile. "Oh dear," I said softly, stroking my finger down her crotch. "Your knickers are wet. You should close your legs or everyone will see what a little slut you are."

As he tore open my dress I flushed, knowing the majority of my body was on display to the eager spectators. I couldn't bring myself to look at them, knowing that both shame and arousal was written all over my face. I never had been good at hiding my emotions.

I missed the comforting touch of his hand on my head and while eager to see what he would do next I couldn't hide my nerves from him. It was obvious in the way my body trembled, the expression on my face. And yet...I didn't want to hide it. Wasn't that part of what would make this an experience to remember?

I had watched dozens of scenes of the last month and always been amazed how the majority of subs were so open with their emotions and desires. Not only amazed, but a little envious too. They seemed so free. I jumped slightly, or as much as my restraints allowed me to - which wasn't all that much, when I felt his fingers stroke over my panties.

"Your knickers are wet. You should close your legs or everyone will see what a little slut you are."

My cheeks flamed as his words washed over me, loud enough to carry around the ever filling room. Almost instinctively I attempted to bring my legs together, but of course I was unable. I heard a low chuckle escape from him as he noticed my movement.

I blushed further still when I realized I was both embarrassed yet obviously aroused. A sudden whooshing noise startled me and I flinched, moaning slightly when I felt something connect with my body.

Laughing softly at her reaction, the tensing of her muscle as she tried to close her legs and failed, the flicker of frustration and humiliation at her knowing that everyone knew she tried.

Leaving her off balance gave me the opportunity to reach behind the chair again, hands closing on a thin fibreglass crop. Whippy, stingy, but barely strong enough to leave a mark, nothing that would last more than a few minutes anyway. A vertical stroke between her legs demonstrated to the gathering that my touch to her wet knickers had a dual purpose, leaving the damp fabric pressed against her, outlining her lips, providing the perfect target to slice directly between the hot, wet outer labia, the crop landing square on her barely protected sex.

Pausing for a slow count of thirty, allowing her plenty of time to appreciate the first stroke, before delivering a sharp series of six in rapid succession. Each time the thin rod forces the damp cotton further into the cleft, the lips of her sex so clearly delineated, the fabric all but sheer. Holding a mirror between her legs, I allow her to see what everyone else can see, preventing the luxury of hiding behind ignorance, or feigned ignorance, of her situation.

Another six strokes were delivered with perfect precision and I couldn't help the tiny gasps that escaped my lips as each one landed. The throbbing only lasted for a few seconds before it began to fade and I was thankful he hadn't chosen a heavier implement. I wasn't sure how I would cope with something sturdier. My cheeks heated as he held the mirror for me to see. Initially averting my gaze his stern voice halted me.

"No. Look at what I'm showing you."

Meekly I followed his command and was surprised to discover that the more embarrassed I became, the wetter I got. This was unexpected and I vaguely recalled marking humiliation as a curiosity on the checklist I had been required to fill out when joining the club. Although I had been curious about it, I had never expected to have this specific reaction to it...

"Eyes on me, little sub."

Raising my eyes to meet his, I realized that by agreeing to scene with him I may have gotten in over my head. He seemed to know exactly which of my buttons to press. Right now, I couldn't decide if this excited or terrified me.

I stepped back from the chair, slipping just out of her sight, and gave a signal into the room. Two trusted friends came up at the gesture and took position either side of the girl. Rough hands wandered her bare skin, prodded and poked at her chest and crotch. Leaving the underwear in place, though it provided little protection as they groped her body, making appreciative comments.

As they stepped away, another pair took their place, and a third. Long minutes passed as four guys and two girls each took the opportunity to get their hands on her body. Soft compliments, and lewd remarks as they freely discussed both her body and her reactions.

All the while, my laughter, soft in her ear. My voice, soft and low, murmuring in her ear as I stood behind her.

"I could have charged for this," I told her. "They all wanted to get involved, to get their hands on you. Are six enough? Should I just invite the whole room to come have a feel? Don't worry, little sub, they wont touch anything that's covered... not that much is covered. But those goodies are all mine."

As hands caressed my body, my skin, slightly chilly from being exposed, quickly warmed to the touch. I wondered briefly if he planned to let them do more than touch and panicked yet again.

"Don't worry, little sub, they wont touch anything that's covered... "

His words washed over me, reassuring and firm. I was certain now that he had taken the time to read my file before approaching me and this allowed me to relax a little more and focus solely on the sensations my body was being subjected to, rather than focusing on my nerves and panic.

I was surprised two of the partakers were female, though. Unsure how I felt about this, I knew I wasn't so uncomfortable that I felt like I had to use the club safeword and so instead I relaxed under their touch, more gentler than their male counterparts.

When their administrations stopped, I felt a sense of loss as my body was bared once more yet back to being only exposed and untouched. I didn't have long to fret over this however, as I saw him pick up the scissors and move them towards my underwear.

Sliding the surgical steel horizontally beneath the gusset of the sodden, almost transparent underwear, so that when it fell it would expose the entire sex in one single cut, I paused and looked at the clock on the wall. Monica's scene should have ended, which means the doors should open just about.... snip. Now.

As the knickers fell open, the swollen, visibly aroused sex displayed, the door to the playroom opened also. Good old Monica, you could set your clock by her predictable scene, the same thing every time. Still, her boy loved it. Everyone who had been watching her play came at once. Every pair of eyes paused and looked at the uncovered pussy, then flicked up to see who it belonged to.

"Cunt first, person second," I whispered to explain the looks. As her eyes were drawn to the influx of spectators, I busied myself on the modified chair. The seat itself hinged, swinging up in the centre. A large dildo mounted on the chair, skewering the naked pussy in one fluid motion. The clear Perspex of the mount and the dildo allowing a distorted, but still rather spectacular view as the sybian-like frame was locked in place.

Turning the dial, i set the vibrations high. "Now show them all," i whispered, for her ears alone. "Show them all how the ice maiden melts, how miss untouchable is a slut... for me."

As the large toy slid inside me, I shuddered as it stretched and filled me. His whispered words only heightened my arousal and even if I had tried I knew I wouldn't have been able to stop the impending orgasm. How had he so quickly been able to turn me into a shivering trembling mess of nothing but desire?

As the toy suddenly increased its pace my body shuddered against its intrusion and as I felt it hit deep inside me I could feel my orgasm coming closer. Could I really do this? Could I really let myself go and orgasm in front of everyone in this room?

Closing my eyes I instead focused on the administrations of the toy and his comforting nearby presence instead of the eager viewers. My pussy throbbed as the dildo worked its magic and the first tremors escaped me as the orgasm came even closer. Just as I was about to let go and surrender to this wonderful feeling, his voice cut through my thoughts.

"Cum, little sub."

My body responded of its own accord and my pussy convulsed as the tremors rode through it. Slowly I came down from the high, still feeling my pussy tingling.

Watching her orgasm, I reached a decision. I don't know exactly why, and I was pushing the boundaries of acceptable. But the devil was in me.

Leaning in again, I whispered in her ear. "That cunt belongs to me," I told her softly. "If anyone touches it without my permission, I will never touch it. If anyone uses you but me, I will never use you again. You belong to me."

Straightening as my words sunk in, I turned off the device, slipping the immense toy from her gripping sex. Restoring the chair to order, undoing the bindings, I stood and clapped my hands sharply.

"I think that we have pushed this poor, brave girl hard enough for her first session," I address the room. "A round of applause for a stunning first session."

The ripple of applause spread through the room, but I barely heard it. Turning back, I smoothed my fingers through her hair, throwing a robe over her nudity, waiting for the gathering to disperse, the fickle crowd soon departing for the next spectacle.

As he unstrapped me from my bonds and helped me to stand, I wobbled slightly, adrenaline coursing through my veins. Chuckling quietly, he simply proceeded to pick me up and tuck me into his arms as he headed towards one of the aftercare rooms.

Placing me down on the soft couch, he sat next to me, placing my still fuzzy head gently into his lap and running his fingers through my slightly wet hair. Sweat trickled down my body even now, the evenings events catching up with me.

I replayed his words before he unstrapped me and found myself wondering if they were for the benefit of the scene or if he actually meant them. When he turned my head to look up at him and I saw the collar dangling from his hands, waiting to be received or rejected, I knew the answer.

I knew if I were to accept, this was going to open up an entire new world of possibilities and potential. I also knew I would be pushed and tested as a submissive. As I pondered over my choices I realized that only one of them seemed right for me. Smiling shyly up at him, I accepted the collar.
♡ My Stories. FAQ.AMA
Happily loved, owned and collared by AbusiveMaster.
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Last edited by IceMaiden; 08-31-2018 at 07:39 AM.
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Old 08-31-2018, 08:48 AM   #2
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OMG what a story! And so well written too!

I must admit this was arousing to read.

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Old 08-31-2018, 02:02 PM   #3
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Default initiation

Exactly how a story should be written in the way it has. I loe it, please tell me you have more to come

Likes: Age Play (10-16), Diapers, Cross dressing, hidden public.

Limits: camera, illegal, CBT exposure, blood, overtly public, friends, family.
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Old 09-02-2018, 04:10 PM   #4
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Oh my god more please more
Female 19 Uk

Likes - role play,verbal humiliation and degradation

My Kik is shadowgirl

My only limit is pictures unless trust is gained
I want someone to strip my brain and mould me into the worthless bimbo shit i aspire to be

I serve by vow
Vows are not made to be broken

" As an empty heart fades a single petal shall take its place"
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Old 09-20-2018, 08:59 PM   #5
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Great story guys!!! It was very well written!

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Old 09-29-2018, 12:40 AM   #6
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Excellent story, I like the writing style too!

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Old 12-13-2018, 04:12 AM   #7
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This was beautifully written. I absolutely loved it. I hope there is more to come!
Im a depraved submissive (learning to be a switch) that has a long list of kinks.

Pussy stuffing
Orgasm denial
Being a cum dump
Heavy bondage
Knife play
Blood play
No touch
Post-orgasm torture
Inflatable Toys

Sexual Face Pictures

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Old 12-19-2018, 09:47 AM   #8
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Thank you for all the nice comments! We don't plan to continue this one as it was just a one off short story, but we do plan to write some new ones after the new year.
♡ My Stories. FAQ.AMA
Happily loved, owned and collared by AbusiveMaster.
I Love This Girl Unconditionally. Always And Forever ♡
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NOTlooking for a dom/sub or to play a game, exchange dares, pictures etc!
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Old 03-16-2019, 03:02 AM   #9
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That is an exquisite piece! Very impressed!
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