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Old 04-22-2016, 01:53 PM   #1
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Lightbulb Mistress Pain's Corrections School (Level 8/10 Part 3) [Single] [R] 18+

Mistress Pain's Corrections School (Level 8/10 Part 3) [Single] [R] 18+

(You should already have read posting parts 1 and 2.)

**Calculating Starting Demerit Level**

You should now understand that MY demerit system (both the general checklist that applies to all of my corrections schools and the school specific mandates) is going to be the focal point of your life until you finally demonstrate enough self-improvement to earn freedom. From now on, your demerits will be used to determine if you are punished (and if so how severely) or rewarded with a star, getting you one step closer to that coveted graduation attempt. I specifically want the details of the graduation attempt to remain a secret for now.

You will soon know your starting demerit level. This is going to determine if things are going to be bad or really bad for you during your first behavioral correction punishment session. Mistress can't wait to find out your fate! It will also affect how hard you'll have to work on your demerit score this week to avoid further punishment or even worse punishment next week on check in day. Roll 1D6 to find out your starting demerits and record in your journal or paper...

1 or 2:

5 demerits for you! (It could be worse.)

3 or 4:

4 demerits to start you off.


The good news is that 7 is supposed to be a lucky number. The very bad news for you my obedient sub is that 7 is also your starting demerit level!


Mistress is in a good mood. You are starting with only 3 demerits!

So after all of that, you finally know your starting demerit level. Oh wait... silly me... I almost forgot. We still need to make some adjustments based on your entry exams AND HOW WELL YOU'VE FOLLOWED INSTRUCTIONS so far. Why are you squirming... are you nervous... ohhh I think you are nervous and if I'm not mistaken you must have to poop and pee soooo badly by now. (Loud and maniacal laughter) Perhaps you thought I forgot your predicament? When you started reading my introduction, you were instructed to continue ONLY if you had to go to the bathroom and you were also told to stay on your knees as well. I can assure you Mistress is highly intelligent and doesn't miss or forget about details. What... did you expect me to remind you just to keep you well behaved? So you do have to poop and pee badly don't you? Answer Mistress NOW.

a) I'm so sorry Mistress I did hold it for a while but I already went. Please forgive me.
b) I held it as long as I could. You could have at least let me know when you would finally let me go.
c) I never had to go to the bathroom, I disobeyed and continued reading anyway. I understand this was wrong of me to do Mistress.
d) I'm patiently holding it for you as instructed Mistress. Thank you for letting me do so.
e) I AM holding it Mistress... but I am about to explode... pleeeease let me go to the bathroom I beg you!

Answer A:

Sigh. This needs to be done by MY rules. You came here for self improvement didn't you? You need to trust that Mistress knows best. It WILL be hard at times but you CAN manage this with EFFORT. Go eat and drink and come back to finish your demerit calculations once you have to pee and poop. Oh, and... +3 demerits!

Answer B:

Ohhhh... that what very definitely NOT the right answer my petulant pet. My program is demanding. You need to pay attention to DETAILS. DETAILS like the fact that I told you to address me as Mistress... something that is distinctly MISSING in your ridiculous response. I've whipped hundreds of men into shape (often literally) and you'll be no exception. You WILL do EXACTLY as told do you fucking understand me??? Now go eat and drink. If you have any laxatives in your medicine cabinet take them NOW. Even better, if by chance you have suppositories, shove one up that little hole of yours as well. If you have neither of those then I want your meal to consist of one of your least favorite foods. Preferably something you absolutely hate! For forgetting "Mistress" +2 demerit, and +1D6 demerits for everything else! I really hope you roll a six... you deserve it! Go eat and drink and come back to finish your demerit calculations once you have to pee and poop.

Answer C:

Ughhh. You need to FOLLOW directions or what the fuck is the point of you coming to Mistress. You came here for self improvement didn't you? You need to trust that Mistress knows best. There will be challenges but you CAN manage graduation with EFFORT. Go eat and drink and come back to finish your demerit calculations once you have to pee and poop. Oh, and... +4 demerits!

Answer D:

Now THAT was the correct answer! I'm not usually so generous but... -1 demerit! If it is of any comfort, know that you'll be allowed to go near the beginning of your first punishment session which is just moments away! (Rubs hands together)

Answer E:

Mistress is happy to see that you are trying. (Grins) Oh I love to see you squirming. Mistress might just rub herself later just thinking about your discomfort! That SHOULD be all the incentive you need to continue holding it until the start of your first punishment session which is now just moments away. Now if you ABSOLUTELY just can't hold it ANY longer continue reading this spoiler, otherwise STOP READING RIGHT NOW.

Sigh. You can get up and go to the bathroom but NO FLUSHING and NO WIPING. If you had waited a little longer you would have had a chance to roll for toilet paper, but since you lack the willpower, NO toilet paper for you! And yes... your underwear and pants go back on when you finish your business. Now go to the bathroom you little shit so we can finish calculating your demerits and finally start PUNISHMENT! And don't forget to get dressed again so that your underwear gets nice and disgusting.

OK, moving on with our calculation. Are you on your knees? Answer ME.

a) Yes, Mistress. I've been on my knees throughout this introduction as instructed.
b) I've been cheating a little Mistress. My knees got really sore!
c) No Mistress. Oh God please not more demerits (begs).

Answer A:

What a good little sub. I'm sure your knees are getting very sore indeed. As a little reward, you can sit in your punishment chair until the punishment session finally begins. Once that starts though you are back on your knees, understood?

Answer B:

Awww... do your poor little knees hurt? Let Mistress kiss them and make them all bett... wait, on second thought, I don't fucking care! GET BACK ON YOUR FUCKING KNEES NOW! If you think your knees hurt, just wait until Mistress is done punishing your bum hole! Then you'll know SORE! +2 Demerits

Answer C:

Grrrrrrr. GET ON YOUR FUCKING KNEES NOW! +1D6 demerits! Oh, please let it be a six so I can punish you so severely in our first session. (Crosses fingers)

Now let's take another look at your school entry exam answers. You DID answer in WRITING like I told you I'm sure... (Taps foot and waits for answer)

a) (Cringe) n...n... no, Mistress.
b) Yes, of course Mistress!

Answer A:

For fuck's sake, how hard is it to WRITE yes or no? Well, since we have no recorded evidence of your answers, Mistress is going to just have to assume the worst and give you +8 demerits. Yep... eight!

Answer B:

Good boy. For every answer on your exam in the affirmative you earn +1 demerit! Wow, these things add up fast don't they! (HEE HEE HEE)

You were told to NEVER read any sections (especially spoilers) that don't relate to your specific rolls, school, and answers. This is VERY important to Mistress. How have we been doing so far with this very simple request?

a) No... ughh... not so well, Mistress.
b) As instructed Mistress.

Answer A:

You are ruining this for Mistress! You WILL STOP this behavior! Understood??? +1D6 demerits.

Answer B:

Good boy. Things are far more interesting this way... trust My judgment and continue your diligence.

OK, some more fun with dice now. Look at the following statements. For EACH statement that does NOT apply to YOU at this very moment you will roll 1D6 and use that to look up the appropriate spoiler below to learn your demerit penalty for that infraction.

1) My journal (or paper for now) is very well done. My entries are labeled and dated. ALL of my demerits to this point have been logged and I have been keeping a RUNNING total as instructed so that I am aware of my demerit level at all times.
2) When you told me earlier to read the general and school specific demerit checklist twice and to print it out, I did exactly as you commanded.
3) If my school detail section required me to do something (determining your ideal weight for the Fitness School or writing a list of three chores in the Motivation School for example) I did so and did a thorough job of it.

1 or 2:

2 demerits

3 or 4:

3 demerits


Luck you... only 1 demerit!


Let's count your additional demerits shall we? 1... 2... 3... 4... 5. Yep, +5 for you! Oh I can't wait to get to your punishments!

Almost done my little sub. This next section is school SPECIFIC so only reveal the appropriate spoiler.


Did you floss yesterday? If not, +1 demerit.


Did you touch yourself in ANY inappropriate ways since you started reading the introduction? (Keep in mind that you were given no such permission by ME to do so and understand that little cock belongs to ME now.) If you did touch yourself, +2 demerits. If you came... (shakes head) +2 more demerits!


Did you exercise at least 30 minutes in the past seven days? If not, +2 demerits!


Is your bed currently made very neatly (as if it were a hotel room)? If not, +1 demerit.

So how is your demerit score coming along? Mistress is literally quivering in anticipation of your first punishment session. Our FINAL adjustment will be for very low and very high scores. Open the appropriate spoiler and follow instructions if your current demerit score is BELOW 5 or ABOVE 17.

Below 5...

Sorry, Mistress just isn't buying it. I think you are being a little too easy on yourself. Cross out your current demerit score and replace it with a 5. What... you think that is unfair? Do you want Mistress to make it even higher? OK, works for Me... SEVEN. Write 7 as your running demerit total in your journal right NOW.

Above 17 (cringe)...

For Christ's sake I almost feel sorry for you. (Shakes head... beautiful hair flowing) Hmmm... what to do with you. You see, normally a demerit score over 17 would mean doing a FULL punishment session AND applying the NAUGHTY modification to the punishments AND a few very special punishments tacked on as well just for good measure to get my NAUGHTY subs under some semblance of control. Trust me, just the FULL session is going to be miserable enough to compel compliance in almost any sub. Listen my dear... you REALLY don't want the NAUGHTY tag. (Thinks) OK, you are new to this program. I am RARELY this merciful. I will reduce your current demerit score to 17. This puts you just under the threshold of having to suffer my very special wrath that I reserve for the naughty. Don't feel too relieved. You will be getting a FULL session and that is not going to be a pleasurable experience and unless you work very hard at getting demerit credits this week, you'll end up with another FULL session next week as well or perhaps even worse. You had better shape up!

And now we finally have your starting demerits. So if my calculations are correct (of course they ARE) one of two fates awaits you for our first punishment session. If your score falls in the range of 5 to 10 (inclusively) I have some good news... you will be getting a PARTIAL session as your initial punishment. (If this applies to you I hope that you are kissing my feet right now because the fate awaiting some is so much worse.) If your score falls in the range of 11 to 17 I have some VERY bad news for you. Our very first time together is going to be a FULL session! You better work hard on those demerits this week! After suffering the punishments contained in posting part 5, you'll be directed to drag your sore ass to part 6 where the real fun begins. Oh GOD I can't wait!!! (Licks lips)

So you are going to SKIP posting part 4. Posting 4 is the weekly check in section. Obviously, you'll be starting from there on your next check in day. You have your demerit score now which is all you'll need for punishment. You'll be going to posting part 5 so we can begin modifying those bad habits of yours. We'll be breaking you down and building you back up again... a newer better you! Isn't Mistress so kind! I'm not even sure you deserve me. (Pushes out bum for a kiss.) I guess time will tell... will you be able to make Mistress proud... following ALL of My rules... doing EXACTLY as you are told until you graduate? I can assure you that if you manage to do so, you'll truly have something to be proud of. You'll know that you can handle ANYTHING that comes your way... perhaps you'll even decide to enroll in my LEVEL 10 corrections school (MUAUH HUH HUH). But let's not get ahead of ourselves.

In case you are a little slow on the uptake, I'll remind you of a few things and further clarify how this little arrangement of ours (or should I say Mine) is going to work.

- You have selected a school for the purpose of self-improvement. You know how many stars you need to earn to have the privilege of a graduation attempt. The details of this attempt will remain HIDDEN behind a spoiler on the check in page (posting part 4) until you are worthy of your first attempt.

- You know NOT to read sections that do not apply to you at that moment.

- You will keep a DETAILED journal of demerits (both gained and lost) during the week and will be very familiar with the general checklist and that of your specific school. The running total will always be known by you. The running total can go negative but never below -5.

- On check in day, you will be clothed, on your knees, and having to poop and pee before going to posting part 4 for instructions. Your journal will be ready so that after a few questions and rolls the running total can be checked to see if punishment is needed.

- If your demerit score is sufficiently low on check in day, you'll earn a graduation star.

- If punishment is required, the extent of your torment will be determined by many factors including your demerit score, dice rolls, specific school, and so forth.

- Receiving the NAUGHTY flag for a very high demerit score will mean most punishments get modified and a few additional REALLY bad punishments tacked on even AFTER the FULL session.

- You should know that things can even get worse for you than the NAUGHTY flag. Pray that doesn't happen.

- Your two dildos and two butt plugs must meet My minimum size requirements! You have a TWO week grace period in which you can use other toys/objects that are as close to My size requirements as possible. However, DO NOT give yourself the standard demerit reductions for punishments done with toys of improper size.

- Have the three sites that I linked in posting part 1 open and ready to go when checking in. One is for rolling dice, the other is for timing things PRECISELY with an audible alarm which will be needed at times, and one is an adjustable ticking metronome that will ensure "actions" are performed at the pace Mistress requires.

- Most successfully completed punishments and assignments will provide you with a demerit credit. (If not specified, it gets you -1 demerit.) A failed punishment may lead to more demerits but others have more detailed consequences. (Smiles) In some cases you may be given the opportunity to avoid a really harsh punishment at the cost of demerits or other alternative punishments. (You'll have some really hard decisions to make at times... that's the life you have now my dear.)

If NOT otherwise specified, the following rules apply to FAILED punishments, depending on the conditions of the failure...

- Tried REALLY hard but just couldn't manage the full time requirement. +3

- Didn't try very hard. +5

- Didn't try at all. +7

- Didn't have the item available. The food and household items list in posting part 1 was not read for reasons of intrigue (or this is your FIRST week) and the requirement of that item had NOT BEEN experienced before. (If COMPLETED within TWO days, no demerits... but you DON'T get the -1 normally associated with suffering a punishment, otherwise +6)

- Didn't have the item available. The food and household items list was read and/or I knew I should have the item because I had encountered it in a previous session. (If completed within TWO days +2 demerits, otherwise +7)

Yes, yes, I know this is a lot to keep track of. You'll get used to it. There is a method behind it all. Mistress knows best. The detailed demerit system requires diligence. It is the only way we can ensure proper and REAL self improvement. I hope this is all very clear. It better be!

Note that Mistress will sometimes make CHANGES (some small, others substantial) to the punishments hidden behind the spoilers just to keep you on your toes. (Winks)

Oh look what time it is... according to my watch... let me see... it's P U N I S H M E N T time!!! Go on to posting part 5 so we can FINALLY get started on you.
Submissive Straight Male

Love strict and harsh femdom.

Last edited by Noc; 04-24-2016 at 07:01 AM.
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