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Old 12-24-2015, 12:50 AM   #1
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Default Kyle: My First Taste of Online Nudity and Humiliation - Part 2 [FICTION]

This work is a result of my imagination. This was in no way based to any person (alive or dead) and actual events. Any similarities to real-life person/s, places, and events, is unintentional and purely coincidental.

You can read the first part here:
Kyle: My First Taste of Online Nudity and Humiliation - Part 1


Kyle was an average 16-year-old. He was a high school junior student.

Like other teenagers, he also spends time on social media sites such as Facebook. A man named Jack whom he met via his Facebook blackmailed him to do naked tasks on his home after Kyle stupidly sends naked photos of him.

Without any other choice, Kyle was forced to obey Jack’s commands and he performed naked challenges almost every day not only at his home but also at his school and even at the nearby woods.

Kyle was trapped in the situation, finding himself faced with extreme and embarrassing naked dares with no means of escape.


Section 13. The Task Goes A Little Further
Section 14. Creature of the Night
Section 15. A Walk Down Memory Lane
Section 16. Cut Me Some Slack, Sir
Section 17. Suspected Burglar
Section 18. Unexpected Package
Section 19. Surprise!
Section 20. Running For My Life
Section 21. Naked Moon Bathing
Section 22. The Eye From the School

Comments are encouraged. Criticisms are also welcome.

Enjoy reading.

Last edited by Kylevan; 12-24-2015 at 01:01 AM. Reason: highlight link
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Old 12-24-2015, 12:50 AM   #2
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Default Section 13. The Task Goes A Little Further

It was already noon when I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. A text message was waiting for me along with five missed calls, all from the same number. It was Jack.

The text was short, which says “Answer your phone ASAP.” As soon as I read the text, another call came. I looked at the number and saw that it was from Jack so I answered it immediately.

I haven’t had the chance to talk when he shouted at me through the phone “What the fuck are you thinking not answering my call? I will only say this t you once, if I call you, you have to answer it during the first ring, or else I will send your naked pictures and videos to your school. Do you understand me?”

“Yes,” I answered.

“One more thing, when you talk to me, you have to address me as Sir or Master.” He told me.

“Yes, sir.” I answered. I decided to go for the shorter word. With its lone syllable, it was easier to pronounce.

“Good,” he said. “Now that we established that, I want you to go online and send me a screenshot of your exact address on Google Maps. I want it right now.”

“Yes, master.”

“Send it to my email.”

“Yes, sir.”

Then he hung up. I was hungry but I set aside my rumbling stomach. First, I need to obey Jack or else I will be in more trouble. I powered up my computer and typed the link for Google Maps. Then, I entered my address on the search bar and waited for the satellite image to load. Once fully loaded, I took a screenshot and sent the image to Jack’s email. Once sent, I went for the kitchen and made myself lunch.

I gobbled the food hungrily until my stomach was satisfied. I cleaned the dishes and went back to my room to shower. I feel refreshed and my mind was fully awake now. I went back to my room after showering and pulled on some clothes.

Then, I remembered that I was planning to have sleepover at my house tonight. I already asked my parents’ permission before they left and they were fine with it. As I was reaching for my phone to text some friends to invite them for a sleepover at my house, a text from Jack came.

His text was, “I received your email. The reason why I asked you for a screenshot of your home in GoogleMaps was because I decided to take the tasks a little further. Since you have spent naked nights inside your school, I thought that it’s time you spend naked nights outdoors. I sent the instructions for your next task on your email. Read it now.”

So I went to my computer and sure enough, a new unread email sits on top of my inbox. I opened the mail and the message goes: “I studied your location and your neighborhood. I noticed that you are two kilometers away from a forestry area up north. So my next task for you is to hike to the forest tonight. What you will do is to strip completely naked and leave your home at exactly 10 tonight. You have to walk the entire route to the forest carrying only your phone and the camera so make sure to charge its battery full before leaving.

“Once you reach the forest, walk deeper into it for ten minutes without stopping. Then, at exactly ten minutes, stop wherever you are so be sure to time it right. Then, make a camp on wherever you are standing by clearing any leaves on the ground and you need to lie there spread eagled. Then at exactly midnight, stand on your hands and knees like a dog and howl like a wild dog as loud as you can. Howl twelve times. After howling, find the biggest tree you can found around where you are standing then climb the tree. Find a branch where you can sleep. But before you sleep, you have to edge yourself for one hour, jack yourself and stop before you cum. Stop for several seconds then jack yourself again and stop just before you cum. Do this for one hour, then sleep on the branch. Just before sunrise, wake up and walk home.”

I was shocked by the intensity of the task. As the days went, the task seems to be more and more difficult. The risk of being caught naked outside my home is becoming more and more possible. I was really at Jack’s mercy. I was his slave. And I have to do what a slave would do, follow my master’s orders.

I was glad that I went to check the email first before I texted my friends for a sleepover because there’s no way that I will be able to host a sleepover. I will be spending the night away from home, out in the open.

I prepared myself for what will happen later. I was looking forward for the sleepover for two weeks now. I was really disappointed for how everything turned out this day.

I opened my Facebook to check for any new posts. I didn’t find any interesting posts. Then, as I clicked the messages, I saw again the message which was sent to me by the anonymous schoolmate back at the school library. Although the user’s page was already deactivated and deleted, the message was still there. Then, I saw again the link to the site where that user uploaded a video of me. I clicked the link to check if the video was still online. My fear came back when I saw that the video was still active, but now it has been already viewed over three thousand times. There was even a long succession of comments which I didn’t bothered to read because I was afraid to see whatever they say.

I decided to get offline for the rest of the day so I logged off my computer. I just lay there on my bed thinking for the possible worst scenario that may come out later tonight. I didn’t move from my bed even after it was dark outside. The entire house was dark because I didn’t switched on any light. I was preoccupied by thoughts of everything that happened the last three days and wondering what will happen on the next days that will follow.

Now that the sleepover I was planning was scrapped, all I could do was wait for the appointed time to execute the task. I decided to eat a full meal for dinner and maybe an extra. I needed the energy for the two-kilometer walk and back.

As the clock ticks nearing the appointed hour, I prepared the things that I will bring along for the task. The phone and the camera were fully charged. I won’t be planning to bring the keys in case I accidentally lose it. I’ll just leave it under the planters by the porch.

At exactly 10 in the evening, I switched off the lights at the second floor and the kitchen. I decided to leave the lights on the living room and porch open to ward off burglars. Standing in the living room, I began to film myself with the camera. I quickly stripped off my clothes until I was standing fully naked. Holding the camera on my right hand and the phone on the left, I opened the front door and slowly crept outside. Good thing that large tree in our front law provided me some shield from the street.

I locked the door and hid the key under then planters. Then, I set off for the night.
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Old 12-24-2015, 12:51 AM   #3
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Default Section 14. Creature of the Night

The wind was a little chilly, but I managed to keep my body warm by keeping my muscles working through walking. The houses from my neighborhood all have greens in their front lawns. This made it easier for me to walk casually without being seen naked from waist down. Of course, meeting someone walking was a different matter. Luckily, I didn’t met anyone.

To get to the forest indicated by Jack, I needed to take a dirt track. This track was an expanse of road which was heavy with dust when dry and muddy when raining. Bermuda grass grew on either side of the road. But that didn’t give so much comfort on bare feet. I occasionally trod on sharp rocks. But I kept walking on the side no matter what. If I walk on the road, which was dusty, I will be covered in it since my body was starting to sweat. The dirt will surely stick.

I passed on several barns and fields before I finally reached the clearing next to the forest. As I stood there surrounded with the vast expanse of trees infront of me and the empty clearing behind me, I was contemplating on whether to proceed or not. I convinced myself to proceed because backing out was plainly stupid. I didn’t hike for two kilometers just to back out at the last second.

The moon which was nearing its full from, provided enough light to give me sense of direction inside the forest. The forest floor was amassed with fallen leaves and twigs which snaps under the weight of my body whenever I stepped on one.

The task said that I needed to walk for ten minutes deeper into the forest. I used my phone to time the walk, and at exactly ten minutes, I found myself standing in a middle of a small clearing surrounded with thick trees. It was very creepy. Of course I knew that no wild animals were running loose in this forest. I did a little bit of research about this forest. Apart from the various species of birds, no other animals inhabits the forest——no bears, wolves, foxes, or even poisonous snakes.

The ground was growing with moss. Since no fallen leaves at this point, I need not worry clearing the ground. I just lay there spreading my arms and legs apart and waited for the midnight to come. I arrived at the forest a quarter before eleven, so I still have over an hour to wait.

The sky was clear and the stars were visible. I decided to watch the stars and hope to see a shooting star.

I was starting to feel cold from the fog and dew drops when I heard my phone alarmed. It was midnight.

Making sure the camera was facing at me, I stood on fours and started howling. The first howl was soft, then I gradually made it louder until the loudest I could manage. Twelve howls done, I waited if someone or something answers. I read somewhere that if wolves hear howling, they answer it. I didn’t hear any which proved the information I read about this forest that no wolves inhabits here.

I surveyed the trees around me to find the largest tree in the area. I found one. It will take at least six persons to completely surround it. But the challenge was on how I will be able to climb it. The lowest branch I could see was at least eight feet from the ground. A protruding root below it provided me a foothold but only barely. With some difficulty, I managed to climb the first branch. I had the camera and phone on a strap which I wore around my neck.

Sensing that I must go on higher for security purposes, I climbed a few more branches until I wasn’t visible from below. I clipped my legs on the branch, letting it swing on the sides. The howling I made earlier made me scared that someone might come survey the place. Although I was sure that no wild animals will come scouring the place, I was afraid that forest scouts will inspect the place. After all, a possibility of finding a wolf in that forest for the first time will be a breakthrough for them.

Satisfied that I was secured in place, I started the camera filming and I stroked my dick slowly until I feel I was about to cum. I stopped stroking. Counting five seconds, I started jacking again and stopping only whenever I feel the cum building up in my penis. I did this for one hour.

Although I was horny and needed to blow, the cold helped to control my libido. Stopping the camera from filming and securing it on my body, I shifted to another position where I can sleep without the fear of falling down. Then, I fell asleep.
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Old 12-24-2015, 12:52 AM   #4
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Default Section 15. A Walk Down Memory Lane

I woke to the sound of my phone alarm. I set it before I fell asleep so that I will be able to wake up early.

I was momentarily engulfed with shock when I realized that I wasn’t in my bedroom. I was weirded out when I saw myself naked and sleeping up in a tree. Then, I remembered that I was doing Jack’s task for me.

Memories of the previous naked challenges brought me back to the realization that I was responsible for the position I was currently in. Although it started as a friendly dare from the faceless Jack, it ended to him being forced to do naked challenges outdoors. Even the promise of an item from my Amazon wishlist after successfully completing a task was gone. Jack can use me for his pleasure whenever he wants without giving anything in return. And I was the one to blame. My stupidity and idiocy.

Now, I was trapped in slavery for an undisclosed length of time, probably as long as I live.

I was beginning to realize the weight of my problem. Of course, I can go out easily whenever Jack wanted me to, even at night or after midnight. But I was really scared when my parents were finally home next week. I couldn’t just sneak out of the house whenever Jack requires me to. Although I knew I can manage to sneak a few times. But what if Jack wanted me to sneak out every night? He explicitly told me that the next challenges will be outdoors, away from home and/or school.

I snapped my thoughts back to the present.

Slowly, I descended the tree by stepping on branches below me. Standing on the last branch, I decided to jump the way down. It was a bad idea. I hit the ground hard and my right foot was sprained. I whimper as the pain shot to my right foot to my legs. The pain even reached all the way to my anal opening. I inhaled and exhaled a few times until I can stand properly. And then, I walked out of the forest limping.

I timed my walk so that I was home by the time the sun was finally risen. But the unexpected injury made my journey home significantly longer. I made it out of the forest in thirteen minutes, that’s three minutes longer than the time I walked in.

The pain continued to worsen as I limped on the clearing. Soon, I reached the dirt track. Some of the houses by the barns have lights on. Of course farm people woke earlier than city people. How could I forget that? Just plain stupid.

A blinding light began to appear behind me. I was walking on the side of the dirt road and have no means of hiding anywhere near me. All I could do was to not turn around and show the front of my naked body and face. Judging from the sound, I could only guess that the light was from a truck headlights. My guess was confirmed when a large truck loaded with farm produce rode beside me.

It stopped a little further infront of me. I was confused but decided to continue walking. As I was nearing the truck, I saw the driver’s face looking at me through the side mirror. His face wasn’t of evil. It’s just the face of concern.

Although the face was friendly, I continued to walk and didn’t acknowledge the driver. However, he called on to me.

“Hey,” he said, “are you alright?”

It would seem rude if I didn’t answer him, so I gave him a reply. But I decided to give him as straightforward answer as possible. “Yes, sir. I’m fine.”

“Looks like you aren’t, son,” he said concerned. “Want me to give you a lift?”

“No, sir. But thanks for the offer.”

“In your condition, you won’t make it far.”

It was true. I was butt naked and limping and I still have over a kilometer to get home. Turning down the offer will be stupid. Besides, Jack wouldn’t know.

“OK,” I said. “Thank you very much, sir.”

“Don’t mention it.”

I hopped on the seat beside him and the truck lurched forward. I can feel the tension inside the truck. The awkward situation I was currently in, and the driver whom I knew was dying to get some information but kept silent, was really uncomfortable. Finally, the driver came up with the courage and asked me.

“If you don’t mind me asking,” he said, “what happened to you?”

I was expecting him to probe. Good thing that I already came up with an improvised answer.

“I was pranked by my classmates.”

He just nodded. He didn’t asked for more information, but I supplied him nevertheless.

“We hiked and camped on the forest. It was fun, at first. But when we went to sleep, that’s when things began to happen.”

The driver just kept on nodding.

“Anyway, I woke up surrounded by my classmates. My hands and feet were tied. I struggled but can’t escape. Then, they started tearing my clothes off and they all left me there naked. But not before they loosen my bindings. I ran after them but only managed to catch up with one. I snatched this camera and my phone from him and then I escaped. He ran after me and I sprained my ankle on the process. But I escaped and that’s all that matters.”

He seemed to have believed what I told him because he went on telling stories about teenagers camping in the woods and doing all sorts of stuff——drugs, sex, and alcohol.

We reached the concrete road and he asked.

“Where do you want me to take you off?”

“Just by the Rosewood Avenue is fine. I’ll just walk home from there.”

“Are you sure?” he asked. “Don’t you want to go to a doctor to have your ankle checked?”

I declined the offer. “No need, sir. I’ll just have my mom take care of it.”

“Well, if you say so.” Then noting that I was still naked, he added, “I have a spare shirt here. You can have it. I’m afraid I don’t have any extra pants here with me. But the shirt is larger than your size. I think it’s enough to cover you decently.”

He handed me the shirt which was really large for me. I slipped it on. It fell just below my thigh, enough to cover my dick. I told him thanks.

We reached the intersection to the Rosewood Avenue and he stopped the truck on the side. I gave him my thanks once again and I climbed down the truck. I didn’t leave until the truck was out of sight, the entire time I was waving at the kind driver.

For the last part of the task, I walked back the remaining 140 meters to my home. I was really thankful for the driver’s appearance because I managed to get home before my neighbors were even up.

I sent the videos to Jack.

The pain was returning from my ankle so I applied cold compression on it. It won’t heal the sprain completely, but it will help numb the pain I was feeling.

I went back upstairs to my bed and lay down to get more sleep.
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Old 12-24-2015, 12:53 AM   #5
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Default Section 16. Cut Me Some Slack, Sir

Half past eleven in the morning when my phone woke me up with continuous ringing.

I pressed the answer key without even bothering to check the caller ID.

“Hello,” I said sleepily.

“Kyle,” it was Jack, “I have another task for you today.”

I cut him off right there.

“I can’t.”

“What do you mean you can’t?” Jack inquired.

“My ankle was sprained from last night. It’s still sore.”

“Well, you certainly can’t tell me that you won’t do a task,” he said. “But in light of your present condition, I will change the task just for today. Tomorrow, I expect you to be fully healed and then you will do another task. Do you understand me?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Good,” he said. “Now, since you can’t perform an outdoor task for today, I want you to do a task from your home.”

“What do you want me to do, sir?”

“It was almost time for lunch,” he added. “I want you to make yourself a meal. Make some sandwich. But instead of using a sandwich spread, I want you to use your cum. Video yourself making the sandwich and jerk off. Then, cum on the sandwich and you must eat it all. I do not want to see you wearing any article of clothing for the whole duration of the video.”

“Will do, sir.”

“Good,” he said. “Send me the video before one.”

“Yes, sir.”

Jack hung up.

I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and shower. As per Jack’s instructions, I didn’t put on any clothes and stayed naked.

My ankle was still sore, but not as painful as before.

I was very thankful that we had a loaf of white bread, which means I didn’t need to go out to buy one. I raided the ref and found some leftover chicken cutlets and some vegetables. I picked the cucumber, lettuce and tomato.

I slowly stacked the food, starting with a slice of white bread, lettuce, slices of cucumber, tomatoes, and the chicken cutlets. I did the same for another batch.

When two piles of sandwich was sitting on top of the plate, I started to stroke my dick back and forth. The one hour of edging I did last night helped me to cum faster. Squirts of hot thick white cum hit the sandwiches and some even managed to land outside the plate. It was a huge load.

I used a knife to spread the cum all evenly. I even scraped the cum that landed on the kitchen table and spread it on the two slices of white bread that I placed on top of the sandwich after.

After several instances of eating my own cum, I still wasn’t used to the taste. I was really weirded by it, but ate the two sandwiches nonetheless because I was being filmed by the camera.

Wincing at every bite, I can’t hide the disgust in my face. The chicken did very little to mask the taste of the cum, which was overpowering. Soon, I finished the first sandwich. Although not very appetizing, I found it very satisfying, at least for my hunger. Grabbing the second sandwich, I slowly ate infront of the judging eyes of the camera.

I didn’t drink water until I finished off the sandwiches. I even licked the cum that dripped out of the sandwiches onto my fingers and palm. The plate wasn’t spared either as I licked every last drop of cum on it until it was spotless. With a last lick, I faced the camera. I opened my mouth and stuck my tongue out to show that I swallowed every last bit. Then, I drank water to wash the taste down.

I washed first the plate and all the utensils I used to prepare the sandwiches. Afterwards, I went back to my room and sent the video to Jack.

His reply came shortly afterwards.

“Great video,” he said. “You can rest for the day. I will contact you again for the next task. Be sure that you are ready when I do.”

With the rest of the day free from Jack, I decided to do my homework which was due the next day. I finished early and since the sleepover didn’t materialize the night before, I was home alone. But I just contented myself to watching DVDs.
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Old 12-24-2015, 12:54 AM   #6
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Default Section 17. Suspected Burglar

Monday at school, the whole community was alerted of suspected burglar at large.

The suspicion first came when the cleaning crew last Saturday found some footprints inside the gym locker rooms and shower. Same footprints were also found inside the main building and library. The whole faculty and school personnel were told to do inventories on all the school property to see if there was missing.

Meanwhile, all students were told to assemble inside the auditorium for further announcements.

We filed inside the auditorium and waited anxiously for any developments on the case.

Several minutes passed when the whole school staff, personnel and faculty entered the auditorium. They all went up the stage. The principal took his post by the podium and started addressing the school population.

“Earlier, you were informed that a burglar broke-in last week, here in our school,” he started. “We made the inventory and found nothing to be missing. It appears that whoever broke in here last night wasn’t planning on stealing something. Although the motive was uncertain, we must take necessary precautions. Thus, the school staff voted to increase the security inside our school.

“I already contacted the board and they all agreed. In addition to assigning a security guard who will patrol the school round the clock, we have also applied for additional budget from the school district to fund the CCTVs that we were planning to install around the school.”

There was a murmur of opinions from the crowd. This also scared me. Although Jack said that next tasks he was planning to give me were to be executed away from my home or this school. What if he changed his mind and decided that I perform another naked task here? I got lucky the previous times because there were no security guards roving and no CCTVs installed to monitor activities inside the school. This was entirely a different matter. I knew that I wasn’t allowed to decline his orders.

As you may have guessed, the footprints found by the cleaning crew was mine. It was from the task I did last Friday night and early Saturday. I forgot to clean the marks and now my secret was on the verge of compromise. I was very thankful that my sprained ankle were healed and I wasn’t limping anymore. If I came to school limping, they may suspect that I was the one who broke in at school last Friday.

The principal went on.

“It was our mistake not take security our top priority. But now, you can rest assure that we will monitor and secure the school round the clock.”

There was a soft round of applause. I knew that most of the students were also dreading the security upgrade. No one will be able to smoke cigarettes secretly. No more ditching classes. No more bullying in the hallways. No more sleeping in classes. No more wild making out session in public. No more display of indecency.

As for the faculty and personnel, I knew that some of them sleep on the job. Some teachers even ignore teaching their classes.

But everything will change once the security enforcements were installed and running.

“As for the culprit who broke in here last week, the police will find him. The community around the school will also be alerted. They will be on the constant lookout for any strange goings on in their neighborhood, especially after dark.”

This was even worse. I mean, if the neighborhood will be guarding community after dark, how was I to go out at night naked when Jack forces me to? I was particularly dreading because Jack warned me that he have a task for me tonight.

We were dismissed from the assembly and went back to resume classes as usual. I can’t get my attention to focus on the lessons. I was busy thinking of ways to sneak out of the house, neighborhood, and even the town, without being detected or suspected.

I managed to get through the day without appearing suspicious and inattentive. As I walk back home, I was dreading for what Jack has in store for me later for the night.
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Old 12-24-2015, 12:55 AM   #7
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Default Section 18. Unexpected Package

Fear was engulfing me. I realized that I wasn’t the same anymore. I found it hard to look people in the eye. I almost instantly turned aloof and was scared to be around people.

The secret life I was living as a slave and puppet was a heavy burden on my back. I was really helpless with no one to turn to. I find it very hard to trust anyone to confide my problems. I feel like I was alone in the world and no one will be able to save me.

Soon, I reached home. I quickly locked the door and closed the curtains around the living room. I was feeling paranoid and had a feeling that eyes were constantly watching me, although I knew that this idea was just in my head.

I was really scared. People will be alerted. Soon, they will be on the lookout for any suspicious activities around the neighborhood. Adding to my worries is the fact that my parents will be home soon from their trip. Their arrival on Saturday will considerably limit the freedom I have at the moment to do Jack's tasks for me without being constantly questioned.

I was dreading the moment that I will be caught. Visions of me being caught naked outdoors kept flashing inside my head.

I just wish that Jack will stop getting ahold of me when my parents are back. Although the chances were slim, I didn't gave up hoping.

The sound of the doorbell interrupted my thoughts. I was confused. I wasn't expecting any visitors. I was scared of who might be the person or persons standing behind the front door and what he wants.

Could it be my parents finally back from their trip? No, that was impossible. They weren't due home until Saturday.

I slowly crept to the window. Slowly pulling the curtain an inch to glimpse outside, I saw a man in uniform. He was holding two boxes.

A delivery guy. The first question that comes to my mind is what were the packages are? And where did it come from?

To answer my questions and curiosity, I opened the front door. The delivery guy was asking for me. And then I remembered, the packages were from Amazon. They were the items from the wishlist which Jack bought for me as rewards for completing the tasks.

The delivery guy told me that the first box was supposed to be delivered last Friday but no one was home. Now I remembered. I spent the whole day and night at school last Friday. Jack didn’t allowed me to get home last Friday so no one was home to receive the package. The second box was a new delivery.

I signed the receipt and received the packages. As I opened the boxes, their contents were a mixture of items from my wishlist along with some other items that I could only guess as Jack’s additional choice items for me to use on the next tasks.

I was even confused when I saw a hammock included in the package. What use do I need for a hammock? Maybe it is a clue to what the next task will be.

My mind was blank as to what the next task was for the night. I was completely clueless. And as the night comes nearer, I can’t help but feel very nervous. My heart beats faster and faster as the seconds ticked.

Earlier, I thought that Jack wasn’t planning on giving me rewards for my performances in his tasks. The arrival of the packages proved otherwise. Yet, I realized that these were the rewards from the tasks last Thursday, Friday and Saturday. He didn’t even asked what items I wanted him to buy for me when I did the task eating a sandwich with my own cum yesterday. If he didn’t ask me this time, then I guess these packages will be the very last rewards that I will receive from him.

I noticed that it was getting darker. Although I wasn’t really sure because the curtains were pulled shut. But my growling stomach says that it was dinnertime. I went to the kitchen to make myself dinner. After what happened yesterday, I wasn’t planning on eating sandwich any time soon. The incident of the pizza delivery last week where I had to receive the delivery while I was fully naked, was still fresh on my mind. Ordering a pizza delivery was also out of the question. I was afraid that the same guy who delivered the pizza last week will deliver the order today. What if he recognized me as the naked boy who ordered pizza last week?

To satisfy my hunger, I opened a can of soup and heated it on the microwave. I didn’t made an elaborate meal. I just contented myself with the easy to prepare food available in the house.

I’m not planning on wasting my energy for such things. Jack’s statement from yesterday where he said that my forthcoming tasks will be performed away from home or school, made me decided to save my energy for the walks going to such places.
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Old 12-24-2015, 12:55 AM   #8
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Default Section 19. Surprise!

Dinner eaten, I washed the dishes and went to my bed taking the packages with me.

With the anticipation of Jack’s commands for the night, I decided to do the homework right away. I wanted to get the homework done in case the task take most of my time for the night. At least, I have one less thing to worry.

Thankfully, we only have few homework today. I knew that I can finish them in an hour. After changing into a more comfortable clothes, I started to do the homework.

At 9:00 PM, I was done with the homework.

On ordinary nights, this was bedtime. I was expected to be on the bed with lights off, especially on school nights. But tonight wasn’t an ordinary night, at least to my knowledge. Not since Jack took control of my freedom, and my life. Everything was based on his decisions and orders. Whatever he says goes. All I can do is follow. If he says that I need to be out of the house even past midnight, then I have to be out of the house.

I was toying with the idea of sleeping. Thirty minutes had passed and still no word from Jack. Few more minutes before ten when I finally drifted off to sleep.

A loud ringing woke me from sleep. I checked the time and saw that it was a few minutes past eleven.

Without even checking the caller ID, I answered the call.

“What the hell took you so long?” Jack was furious. “Didn’t I tell you to pick up the phone immediately whenever I call you?”

“I-I’m sorry, sir,” I was fully awake all of a sudden. “I didn’t mean to make you wait. I was asleep.”

“Whatever,” he said still mad. “You will be punished boy. I’ll make sure of that.”

“But, sir,” I pleaded.

“Did I tell you to interrupt me?” he said His anger was growing more and more.

“No, sir,” I answered.

“Good,” he replied. “Now, I want you to listen carefully. Tonight, you must leave home. You are not to wear anything. No article of clothing must be visible in your body including footwear. You are to go to the lake three kilometers away from you home. I expect you to be there before midnight. I want a photo of you naked standing with the lake at the background. If I didn’t receive a photo before midnight, expect a hell of a consequence. Do you understand?”

“Yes, sir.”

“I wasn’t finished,” he added. “You must also bring with you, along with the camera and your phone, the hammock that I included in your package. I expect you received it?”

“Yes, sir,” I replied. “It came this afternoon.”

“Good,” he said. “Bring the hammock. Once at the lake, you are to sleep in the hammock. Find a tree where you can tie it. But before you can sleep, you have to do the main task in this challenge.”

He paused for effect. My breathing stopped for the duration of the pause. I was afraid of what he was about to make me perform later on the lake.

“As I have observed, the moon is almost full,” he finally said. “You are to do moon bathing, a naked moon bathing. But, unlike a sun bathing, you will use a different kind of lotion. You are to use your own cum. After you set up the hammock, you are to masturbate until you cum. Make sure that your whole body is covered with cum. Every inch of your skin must be covered with it, including your face.”

I was shocked and scared. Shocked because I was about to be covered in my own cum, every inch of my skin. Scared because I suddenly remembered that the neighborhood was on the lookout for the unknown ‘burglar’ still on-the-loose. Given the remaining time before midnight, I needed to get moving immediately if I need to be at the lake on time.

Jack interrupted my thoughts.

“Record everything and send me the video tomorrow. But, I expect you to send me the photo before midnight, or else. That’s all you need to know. I’ll tell you the rest in due time.”

I tried to protest.

“But, sir,” I said. “The neighborhood was alerted by the school to guard the neighborhood for suspicious activities. After what happened on school last weekend, I might get caught.”

“I don’t care,” he said shouting through the phone. “That’s your punishment for making me wait. If you didn’t comply with my demands tonight, I’ll make sure your naked photos and videos will find their way to your school and your neighborhood, Understand?”

I gulped, scared. Now, I fully realize that I can’t escape the situation. Not now, not ever.

“Yes, sir,” I replied.

He hung up.
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Old 12-24-2015, 12:57 AM   #9
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Default Section 20. Running For My Life

Forty-five minutes remains before midnight. If I have to be on the lake before midnight, I must start moving.

Stripping the boxers and shirt that I was wearing, I decided to start right away. Then, I retrieved the hammock from the box. I also grabbed the camera from the desk. Luckily, I remembered to charged it earlier.

With everything I needed ready, I switched off my bedroom lights and went downstairs. As I reached the front door, I started the camera filming and switched off the living room lights. I slowly opened the door and peered outside. I wanted first to make sure that no one was patrolling down the streets.

The street was deserted and I can’t see any movements. I slowly crept out of the door and locked the mechanism. The key was deposited under the planters. I didn’t plan on bringing the key. Here, it will be secured.

The task was very tough indeed. With barely enough time to get to the lake, I was left with no time to plan for the route. I just have to take my chances and hope that no one was patrolling on the way at the moment.

I decided to take the route at the back of the house. It wasn’t as exposed as the road at the front so I was more comfortable that I will not meet anyone there especially on midnight. I circled back the house and started the walk.

The lake was at the opposite direction as the woods forest from Saturday’s challenge. It was in fact over a kilometer from school.

If the principal was true to his word, then I was in danger of being caught. If the communities around the school were already warned of the alleged ‘burglar’, there is a big possibility that they were alert for any suspicious goings-on around them. I have to be extra careful.

However, the route was lined with trees which gave me enough cover for the walk undetected. Although I had to duck and dodge to hide from occasional passing vehicles, no one seemed to notice me from the shadows of the trees. At least not to my knowledge.

I was treated to occasional sharp stones and twigs which made me step more carefully. With no protection under my feet, I was left to cope with the foreign hostile objects that made contact with the underside of my bare feet.

I was constantly checking the time on my phone, anxious to strictly comply with Jack’s demands. One simple mistake and my life will be over. I can only imagine the humiliation when my whole school find out all my naked photos and videos. Even I was disgusted with the acts I was performing in them. Not to mention my neighborhood, and even my parents. What will they say? Or worse, what will they think of me? And I can only imagine the look in their eyes. The judgments and disgust in their gazes.

The person to blame was me. I did this to myself. I was stupid for trusting Jack. The worst fact of the situation is that I don’t even know who he really was. All I knew was that he has full control on me. I was a helpless slave under the faceless master. If only I knew his real identity, then I might have the chance to escape this embarrassing and disgusting situation.

I checked the time once again and was shocked when it showed that I only have eighteen minutes left before midnight. I was only halfway to the lake. I needed to run if I wanted to make it there in fifteen minutes. Worse, I needed to come out of the trees’ cover to be able to run without the worry of stepping on rocks and twigs.

I decided to take the gamble and chose to run on the road. I didn’t care anymore if a passing vehicle saw me running naked on the street late in the night. All I care at the moment is to comply with Jack’s demands. What is one person who saw me running naked as compared to the whole school and my neighborhood seeing all my naked photos and videos?

The lake was actually situated on the next town. And the way to get there is through the main road which I was currently running on. This particular road was primarily servicing truckers who delivers cargos in open trucks and large container vans. They were the primary users of the road on late nights until early mornings. In fact, this was where the trucker whom I met last early Sunday morning went after he dropped me off at the corner of Rosewood Avenue.

Running the last ten minutes, I was occasionally greeted by flashes of headlights as several trucks passed. Some even blew their horns just to get my attention and let me know that they saw me. I didn’t care. I kept on running, determined to get to the lake on time.

I was panting and gasping for breath but I kept on running. I didn’t stop until I reached the small groups of trees hiding the lake to the other side.

The lake was a public place. Although no guards or security person was stationed, I was always on the constant lookout for presence of other persons. I couldn’t afford to let my guard down, not when the consequence can afford to degrade my identity considerably.

I decided to cut through the woods, in case somebody was on the lake. If I approach by the lake entrance, I will be walking fully exposed. At least the trees will buy me some privacy. As I reached the edge of the lake, I was glad that no one was in sight.

I only have eight minutes so I decided it was now or never. I put the hammock down by the tree root, propped the camera still filming to face towards the lake where I will take the photo, and I walked to the spot. Turning my back to the lake, I took several selfies at my fully naked body making sure that the lake was in the background. Although Jack only requires one, I went to take several pictures in case the first shot didn’t capture the required scene.

I went back to the tree to hide once again in case someone came. Scrolling for the best picture, I sent the one where I can see my whole naked body clearly and the lake was visible at the background. I sent the photo to Jack with three minutes to spare. I sighed in relief. At least the first part was over.
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Old 12-24-2015, 12:58 AM   #10
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Default Section 21. Naked Moon Bathing

Waiting for Jack’s reply, I set up the hammock. I was toying with the idea of setting it deeper inside the trees to hide from the exposed view. But Jack clearly said that it should be a naked moon bathing. Thus, I must be illuminated by the moonlight. But the moonlight only shines through the outer trees. Setting the hammock deeper inside the trees will be noncompliant with Jack’s instructions.

Regretting the idea, I was forced to set up the hammock between the two trees on the edge of the lake. All I can do was to hope that no one was nearby to see me in this horrible state.

With the hammock already in place, I started to stroke my dick to produce the ‘lotion’ required for the moon bathing. The night was cool, not cold. And I was sweating from the sprint earlier. I was tired and panting. Nevertheless, I was able to shoot o huge load.

Despite the disgusting smell of the ‘lotion’, I massaged it throughout my entire body. But the ‘lotion’ wasn’t enough. It only covered my upper and lower body, front to back. I still needed more for my neck up. I stroked again my dick. But due to the huge load from the first one, I was able to produce less cum. But it was enough to cover my face and neck.

The smell was foul and horrible. Now, I was glistening under the moonlight. I looked like I’ve just been bathed in baby oil. The cum was slippery on my body.

I went to the hammock and laid down. I just laid there not moving. Even if it was a hammock where I was laying, I didn’t rocked it back and forth. I wanted to stay immobile as not to attract attention in case anyone beside me was nearby.

It was only a few minutes past midnight when Jack called again.

“Well done on your first photo,” he said. “Now, I want you to stay there. You may sleep. I’ll just call to wake you. That’s when I’ll give you the next set of instructions to complete the challenge. Good night.”

Then he hung up. He didn’t even let me speak. That’s what I was to him. Just a slave to talk to, but not to listen to. I feel so useless and low.

I can only cry in silence as I contemplate on the fact that I was a prisoner of slavery, an object of lust and abuses. The fact that I threw the good life ahead of me in exchange for this life of constant fear and forced slavery. I cannot bring myself to accept the reality of the situation. Just a week ago, I wasn’t weighed by problems with magnitude such as this. How life can change in just a simple mistake and stupidity.

I didn’t even realized that my life wasn’t mine anymore. It belonged to Jack now.

Soon, I fell asleep.

I had a scary dream that night. It didn’t involve monsters or zombies or any of that stuff. It was scarier than any of that. I saw my own school scattered with photos in large prints of my naked self. And videos of my previous naked challenges were playing on the theaters from our local cinemas. All of them. Some videos were even played in our school auditorium. Then, I saw people laughing and jeering at me, calling me names like ‘slut’, ‘whore’, ‘faggot’, and other rude names.

I woke up with a jolt. I can’t take myself to sleep anymore with bad dreams invading my thoughts like that. The thought was revolting and it made me scared more. I was really dreading the time that it will happen in real life.

I cannot contain my shock when I realized that it was beginning to get bright around me. The orange streak in the horizon tells me that soon the sun will be up. I checked the phone’s time and saw that it was half past five. I was asleep for over five hours. It felt like I was only asleep for five minutes. What even surprised me more was that Jack wasn’t calling me yet.

Did he do this in purpose? Did he really wanted me to be caught naked in public? I was dreading the idea. To think that I made it to the next town, just to be caught naked and reeking of dried cum smell. I thought this was it. My life was over. Soon, the whole school and my town will be informed that I was next town in lascivious state. The embarrassment was too much to handle. I don’t think I can show my face in public again as long as I live.

My eyes darted left and right, staying alert for any other human presence. The lake seemed to be deserted for as far as I could see. The camera was still on the side, filming my movements from the night before.

I waited for forty more minutes when the phone rang. Learning from my previous mistake, I quickly answered after the first ring. It was a good decision because as I’ve expected, it was Jack who’s calling.

“Good morning,” he greeted. “Did you sleep well?”

Although my sleep wasn’t peaceful and comfortable, I decided to tell him otherwise.

“It was good, sir,” I lied. “I had a good night.”

“Good,” he seemed satisfied. “Now, you may go home. You will walk the same route on your way back. Send me the videos as soon as you reach home.”

“Yes, sir,” I replied.

He ended the call. Thank goodness, I can go home. It was nearing 6:30. Judging by the time I needed to walk home plus the fact that I needed to stay on the cover of the trees on the entire walk, I can only say that I won’t be able to make it to school. I just have to skip school for today. I’ll just have to hand over my homework tomorrow, if the teachers will permit me.

I untied the hammock from the trees and folded it neatly. I grabbed the camera from the side and started my walk back. My back was aching from the early morning cold. I can smell the strong foul odor from the dried cum covering my entire skin. I badly needed to get home and take a shower. Of course I could just have swam on the lake for a few minutes to wash away the smell, but the camera made sure that I won’t do any of that.

Because Jack didn’t say that I can swim in the lake, I have to comply. Cheating will only make my situation much worse than this. To think that this particular task was his punishment for me for not answering his call immediately. I can only imagine that the punishment for cheating will be a lot worse.
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Old 12-24-2015, 12:59 AM   #11
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Default Section 22. The Eye From the School

As I passed the trees out to the road, I was very thankful to find it empty. At least, the situation was still on my favor. I wasn’t running to beat deadline. I have the time this time, so I just walked carefully and out of sight from the road.

This part of the road was lined with trees and no nearby houses. I positioned myself to walk behind the trees, blocking the view from the road.

From time to time, I would run and duck behind a tree when the distances between the trees becomes lengthy and when a vehicle passes. I didn’t mind being seen naked last night because it was night and darker. Today was an entirely different matter. It was completely bright. The sight of a teenager walking on the street naked will raise an alarm. Especially, if that teenager was reeking of dried cum. Worse, I can be accused of being a pervert and a rapist.

I only realized at this moment that this task was indeed a punishment. It taught me a lesson not to disobey Jack anymore. What he says goes. He should be my priority above all else.

Soon, I was past the road. The obstacle of the houses around my neighborhood presented the next challenge. I was aware that most people will be up at this hour. Some kids were even on their way to school, except of course myself. Here I was ducking behind a bush, waiting for the right moment to move and sped home. The presence of several neighbors on the street and their front lawns made it impossible for me to do so. Walking through the street will be impossible. I have to devise a plan. And I desperately wanted to be home now. The longer that I wait, the more vulnerable I was in this position.

At the end, I decided to take just crawl my way through the back of the houses. Besides, Jack said that I should take the same route as last night. Still in ducking position, I tiptoed to the back of the first house and went deeper until I was hidden behind an unkempt bushes. As long as I stay low and quiet, no one will notice me from this position. Although I have to be extra careful because all of the houses have their kitchen at the back of the houses. That means, if someone was at their kitchen sink, they will have a clear vantage point from the windows to the back lawns. Of course there were also the second floor windows from the bedrooms directly above the kitchen.

At one point, I have had to crawl rather than duck as I passed a house with an open second floor window with drawn curtains. Although I didn’t see anyone looking out the window, I didn’t want to take chances. Luck can only come so far. Even it runs out. And if it did, then I’m dead.

Soon, I reached home. I was overjoyed but was quickly dismayed when I realized that I had the back door locked. The only key available for immediate retrieval was the key of the front door, which to my dismay was also at the front porch. That only means one thing. I have to go to the front porch and enter the house from there.

That was bad news for me. I’ve already seen the number of people currently out of their houses earlier. I could only guess that by this time, that number have increased. I have no choice but to go to the front, or else I will be stuck here.

I resumed the ducking position, slowly made my way to the side. My eyes were on full alert. I was glad to see that the front neighbor wasn’t out. Although I could see some of the neighbors in the distance. Some tending to their front lawns. None seem to be looking at my direction. I grabbed this chance and sprinted to the front porch. The large tree provided me a moment of privacy. But if someone stared long enough, they will see a naked teenager standing on the front porch, searching for a key under the planters.

Luckily, I found the key quickly. Without sweeping another check round the neighborhood, I inserted the key to the knob and opened the door. When it opened, I quickly stepped inside and closed the door shut.

Thank goodness that was over. All I that was left to do was to send the videos to Jack. I went upstairs and opened my computer. I hooked the camera on the computer and started uploading the video and later send it to Jack. I waited for the video to finish uploading and made sure that it was sent to Jack before I hit the showers. I didn’t want to let it sit for another minute without being sent to Jack. I learned from my mistake earlier. I wasn’t planning on letting Jack punish me again.

After the screen prompted that the videos were successfully sent, I went to the showers. I brought the phone with me in case Jack calls.

I made sure to wash off the smell by showering and soaping myself thrice. Although the cum was mine, I can’t stand the smell of it, especially when dried. I finished showering but Jack didn’t called.

It was half past eight already. I was staying home for the rest of the day. Skipping school entirely for the day doesn’t mean that I have to be out somewhere else. I needed to be extra careful especially now that more eyes were probing and constantly sweeping the neighborhood for suspicious activities.

At about nine, I received a text message. The number wasn’t registered on my phone’s contacts list. But the content of the text caught my attention.

“I’m wondering why you didn’t come to school today. Are you afraid to be caught in the library doing your faggot business? If you aren’t realized yet, I was the one who saw you on the library last week. I even uploaded it on the web, remember?”

I have no idea how he got my number. Perhaps, he was friends with some of my friends and he got it from them. I didn’t replied, but another text came from the same number.

“I think that some poor guy lost his boxers last week when you stole them. So, who’s boxers were you sniffing in the library, faggot?”

He didn’t knew that the boxers were mine. He thought that I stole them from someone. I decided to ignore the text, but he seemed persistent. Another text came.

“Listen, I know that the footprints found by the cleaners last weekend were yours. Although I have no proof, I’m sure that it was yours.”

This time, I responded.

“What do you want?”

“Nothing. I just want to let you know that I know your dirty little secret. Maybe someday I’ll find a use for you. For the moment, I’ll just keep your secret. Maybe you can do a repeat act when the CCTVs were finally installed at school. So you better be ready when it did. Hehehe.”

That made me scared. The possibility of another blackmail, this time from someone who knows me well, was scaring me. I just moved on from the school exploits and now the possibility of another school naked dares was beyond my limits now, especially that the CCTVs were to be installed in coming days.

If I can control the fear before, this time I wasn’t sure. Living in seclusion and naked secrecy for the past few days made its toll on me. I wasn’t sure if I can face anyone anymore. With the weight of the dark secret I was carrying inside me, I think I can’t trust myself to be around anyone, especially strangers.

I was even having second thoughts of coming back to school the next day. The extremities of the tasks that Jack forces me to do was already affecting my whole life. My being absent in school today was one proof of that. Not to mention the scared feeling engulfing me. And the weird feeling I was having whenever people were staring and looking at me. I feel awkward when I’m near someone, even around my friends.

I didn’t know what to do anymore. It seems like I was empty and meaningless whenever no tasks or orders come from Jack. All my movements and actions depend on what Jack says. Everything should be approved by Jack.

Jack. Whatever did you do to me?

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Old 12-24-2015, 01:07 AM   #12
Demon Thief
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These stories are amazing! I wonder what Jack will make him do next.
"How many seconds in eternity?"
And the shepherd's boy says, "this is a mountain of pure diamond. It takes an hour to climb it and an hour to go around it.
Every hundred years a little bird comes and sharpens its beak on the diamond mountain.
And when the entire mountain is chiseled away then the first second of eternity will have passed."
You must think that's a hell of a long time.
Personally, I think that's a hell of a bird.

14 years on GetDare!
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Old 01-02-2016, 02:46 PM   #13
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Hello, Keep on continuing with the stories.
Likes:diaper/underwear, loosing bladder control, pee desperately, bedwetting, pee clothing, set up daily routine for loosing control

toy: vibrator egg, buttplug size (small, medium, Large), inflatable buttplug.

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Old 01-08-2016, 08:43 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Demon Thief View Post
These stories are amazing! I wonder what Jack will make him do next.
Thanks... I will post the next part as soon as it's ready...
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Old 01-08-2016, 08:47 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Tom_claw View Post
Hello, Keep on continuing with the stories.
Noted sir. Meanwhile, please keep on checking this thread for updates:

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