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Old 02-13-2012, 05:43 PM   #1
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Default The Wolves

This is my first post and story on here. I have lurked for a while and now decided to submit to my creative demons for at least a story.

Thanks for reading and your comments are appreciated (but not mandatory). I know how annoying it is to read a story and have the author be like I have to have responses before I post again.

As of now there are no sex scenes planned will mainly be truths and a lot of dares, but I can't promise that it will stay that way the more I get into the story.

I will apologize in advance for any spelling grammar mistakes but I checked it and nothing jumped out at me. I trust you will tell me if this is too short, I don't think it is really judging by other stories I have read on here.

Major Characters:
Jack (Me): Age 16
5’7” Brown hair Brown eyes Average build.

Larry: Age 17
6’0” Blonde hair Blue eyes skinny as a rail.

Bryan: Age 16
5’9” Brown hair Green eyes chubby.

Jaaron: Age 17
6’1” Black hair, Brown eyes, athletic.

Minor Characters
Cameron: Age 25
6’3” Sandy Blonde hair, Brown eyes, Average build.

The director (Sandy): Age 37
5’8” Red hair blue eyes, scrawny but tough.

Sure to be more as we move forward and I will add them to the top of the chapter.

So without further delay. Here we go.

Hi I’m Jack. I’d like to tell you who I am and where I came from but we don’t have a lot of time right now. You see I am new here. This is my third institution in the last year. The director is showing me around before throwing me to the wolves that are sure to be inside. I have done this before. I know the image I have to put off in order to survive. I might be short for my age but I have been on my own for a while now, 3 years to be exact, and I can fend off those wolves most of the time.

The director led me to a room and let me unpack my few possessions. I sat on the bottom bunk of one of two sets of bunk beds, when the director returned with someone else in tow and my uniform.

“Jack, this is Cameron he is the ‘Podfather’,” she said as he extended his hand.

“Jack we will do our best to make you feel comfortable in your time with us,” he said trying to put me at ease.

“Thanks,” I replied.

“Well I see you’ve already unpacked, why don’t we get you to dinner I’ll introduce you to the guys?” he said.

We walked toward the cafeteria I was careful to take in all of the surroundings, looking for anything that could be used for or against me. I walked through the double doors to the expansive space. There were about 50 kids overall, 47 others to be exact. Cameron led me to the only open space at the tables and quickly introduced me.

“Hey guys, this is Jack,” he said. “Jack this is Bryan…, Jaaron…, and Larry . I’m sure you guys will make him feel comfortable.”

“Will do Cam,” Larry said.

I sat down and quietly ate the food provided. It was by far the best food I had seen since I had been away from home. The other guys talked and genuinely tried to get me involved I just hadn’t put my guard down yet. After dinner we met as a ‘pod’ for the first time.

We made our way back to the pod. The other boys grabbed the chairs from the desks and I followed suit.

“Why don’t we just have a more some more depth introductions?” Chris asked rhetorically. “I’ll start and once I’m through Jack can ask one question and so on. So, I am Chris Hilton, I’m 25. Now, your question.”

“Well, why do you work here,” I asked.

“That’s a pretty good question,” Cameron complimented. “Well I got my degree and had to do something with it. Plus I love working with you guys helping you become the people you want to become.”

“I’m Louis, and I’m 17,” the boy next to Cameron announced.

“What have you learned about yourself since you got here,” I asked.

“Well, I’ve learned to let the small stuff go,” Louis said. “I have to pick my battles and sometimes it’s just not worth it.”

“I’m Brady, and I’m 16,” the next one piped up.

“What has helped you the most since you got here,” I asked.

“I don’t really know,” he replied. “I guess I would say just talking with people and knowing that there is help there if you want to take advantage of it.”

“I’m Jaaron, 17 years old,” the last boy said.

“What is the strangest thing you’ve done in here,” I inquired.

“What the hell man,” Jaaron said.

“It’s a fair question,” Cameron prompted. “You’ll get your chance.

“Alright, you know when we can we like to you know play jokes on the other
pods,” Jaaron said. “We’ve put snakes in the room, the old water bucket over the door trick and saran wrapped the door.”

“Okay this brings us to you sir,” Cameron said pointing at Jack.

“I’m Jack and I’m 16 years old,” he said.

“Jaaron why don’t you start it,” Cameron suggested.

“Okay, I guess since you wanted to know what strange goings on go down, we’ll see how crazy you get,” Jaaron said. “What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done?”

“I don’t know, I suppose that depends on what you mean by crazy,” I said asking for clarification. “Is it the most unusual or the dumbest?”

“Unusual,” Jaaron cleared thing up.

“Well, I love to hand fish,” Jack said showing the scars on his hand. “My dad taught me and there is nothing like feeling free in the water and have a big fish latched on to your arm.”

“Why are you here,” Bryan asked.

“I uh, well I uh killed a kid,” I said hesitant of their reaction.

“Well I guess I’m next,” Larry said. “Why did you kill that kid?”

“You don’t have to answer that,” Cameron said.

“It’s okay,” I assured him. “I’ve accepted what I’ve done, for the most part. I killed him because he was messing with my girlfriend.”

“What do you hope to get out of this,” Cameron asked.

“Well like you said earlier, I want to be more in control of my anger. Like there was no need to kill the kid but I couldn’t stop beating him,” Jack said.

“I think this is enough for tonight,” Cameron said. “You guys get your homework done ad we’ll see you in the morning.”

“We’ll do this for real later,” Jaaron said.
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Old 02-13-2012, 05:47 PM   #2
daremaster 1
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Starting off very nice. Really like the title for some reson.
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Old 02-13-2012, 08:11 PM   #3
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Default chapter 2

I felt creative so I decided not to let it go to waste. I hope you enjoy it. Again comments and feedback are appreciated.

I awoke with a hand over my mouth.

“Don’t fight it,” a voice rang from the dark.

“We said we would do this later,” Jaaron said.

“Okay, what do you want,” I said nervously.

“Shhh, not so loud,” the group said.

“We’re going to play a little game,” Larry whispered.

“We’ve all done it and if you don’t we’ll see how long you go before you go crazy,” Jaaron said.

“You’re going to go for a swim Jack,” Larry said.

We silently slipped through the door and down to the lake.

“Take off your clothes,” Jaaron ordered.

“What,” I said surprised.

“Take off your clothes Jack,” Larry said.

“What,” I asked not believing what I thought I heard.

“We can’t very well hide wet clothes from Cameron,” Larry said. “Now, catch us a fish.”

“I mean that’s how you hand fish but I’m a little weirded out by you guys being around,” I said.

I reluctantly removed my clothes and set them on the bank. The group watched in amazement as I slipped into the dark water. I searched for the characteristics of a catfish home and dug my fingers into the mud. When I surfaced a couple of minutes or so later with the fish latched to my arm I found no one around and my clothes gone.

“Fuck them,” I said.

I walked back to the dorms dodging the moonlight. I slipped my way into my bunk but before I made a quick pit stop tossing the writhing fish into Larry’s bed.

“What the fuck man,” Larry yelled.

The yelling woke Cameron and he ran into the room flabbergasted at what he saw. There was a fish flopping in a bunk, a naked ward of the facility and astonished looks on everyone’s faces.

“What on earth is going on here,” Cameron said.

“Just some hazing,” Jaaron said. “We all went through it.”

“Yeah but usually I don’t know anything about it,” Cameron said. “What did you do with his clothes?”

“They’re right there on his bunk,” Bryan said.

“Alright get dressed and we’ll meet in the lounge,” Cameron ordered.

The boys drug themselves out of their beds and headed for the main room while I put my clothes back on. I quietly joined the group with Cameron still berating them.

“You know that behavior is not allowed,” he yelled. “Now I have to make a report. What am I supposed to write down? When will you guys finally accept a new bunkmate without them having to prove themselves to you?”

“Jack’s cool,” Larry said. “He passed our test.”

“Yeah but we went through 3 others before Jack and you never accepted them,” Cameron huffed. “We have to have trust each other in order to have improvement.”

“We trust Jack now,” Jaaron said. “Like Larry said, he’s cool.”

“Yeah but does Jack trust you guys,” Cameron pointed out. “You compromised his trust in you by your little stunt. Right Jack?”

I looked around with a dilemma. I could either agree with Cameron and alienate my new bunkmates or disagree with Cameron and alienate the person in charge.

“Jack,” Cameron prodded.

“I don’t know,” I said. “I mean, I can see both of your points. You’re right that it hurt my trust in them.”

“See,” Cameron boasted

“But, I don’t think it can’t be fixed,” I said with a wry smile.

“What did you have in mind,” Cameron asked.

“Well, they wanted me to catch them a fish,” I said. “I don’t see why they can’t catch me one.”

“I do,” Cameron said. “Swimming in the lake is strictly prohibited. You guys know that and you had him get in there anyway.”

“Okay, idea two, since I don’t trust them I want the room to myself for a week,” I suggested.

“Very creative,” Cameron said. “That sounds like a winner. You guys get your stuff out of there while I talk to Jack in my office. Follow me.”

Jack went and sat on Cameron’s unmade bed. In all of the excitement he didn’t have time to fiddle with it. Cameron sat down next to him.

“Jack, I wanted to say that I am proud of you,” Cameron said. “I know how angry you must have been and yet you didn’t snap completely. That’s real progress.”

“Does this mean I can get out of here,” he asked half joking.

“Get out, you just got here,” Cameron said surprised.

“I had to try,” I informed him.

“I suppose you did,” Cameron said. “But in the future can we please keep animals out of your bunkmates’ beds?”

“Yeah I can try,” I said.

“Alright get to bed you have school in the morning,” Cameron ordered.

I walked back through the lounge amid stares. I hoped they weren’t too mad at him for demanding the room to himself; but my experience with kids like this is that they were.

“I thought you were cool man,” Jaaron said as I left the room.”

“I couldn’t just let you get away with it,” I said.

“We’ll see about that,” Larry said menacingly.
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Old 02-14-2012, 01:52 PM   #4
daremaster 1
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Love this chapter even more! If someone did that to me I would be so pissed.
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Old 02-15-2012, 03:52 PM   #5
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Default chapter 3

I dodged the stares through breakfast wondering what Larry meant by his comment last night. I had a sneaking suspicion that I knew. I glanced over at the director who was talking with Cameron.

“I heard there was some commotion coming from your pod last night,” the director said.

“Yeah just the usual new kid on the block stuff,” Cameron said trying to defuse the situation.

“What happened,” she asked.

“I don’t really know,” Cameron said. “I walked in on Jeff Conner naked and a fish flopping in Louis Fisher’s bed. I made them all have a sit down and things should be better.”

“Sounds good,” the director said. “Just be sure to keep an eye out for more trouble.”

“Well the boys seemed to brush it off well and Jeff didn’t snap like I thought he would in that situation,” Cameron informed.

“That’s good maybe they are turning a corner,” the director said.

“Yeah three new kids in a month is quite excessive,” Cameron said. “I don’t think I have seen anything that bad.”

The rest of the day passed rather pedestrianly. I sat down to supper, it was even better than last night. There was fried catfish and potatoes.

“I see they made use of your lady friend Larry,” Bryan joked.

“Ha-ha very funny,” Larry shot back. “I’ll get you back just you wait Jack.”

“I’m shaking in my boots,” I said sarcastically.

“Last night was just the tip of the iceberg,” Larry said threateningly.

“There’s a reason we had room for you in our pod,” Jaaron said.

I began to get more apprehensive of what they had in mind. I knew that I had to keep up the front of being tough so they didn’t railroad me. I couldn’t let them see the fear in my eyes. I quickly turned my attention to the fish and savored the rare treat.

We sat down to our group therapy session after dinner. No one was very talkative but I had something to say.

“Cameron, I have changed my mind,” I said. “They can come back into the room.”

“Are you sure,” he asked. “What changed your mind?”

“Yeah it’s cool,” I said. “I just slept on it and I’m not really mad about it anymore.”

“Smart move Jacky,” Larry said.

“Well if you’re sure, I don’t mind,” Cameron said, surprised of the turn of events.

It wasn’t much longer and we were working on the homework assigned. Cameron turned out the lights and headed into his quarters. I rolled over on to my side to fall asleep when I heard some movement above me. Jaaron hopped down to the floor and crept towards the door. A few minutes later he whispered to Larry and Brady who followed him to the floor. I heard whispers in the next room and I quickly found myself overpowered.

“Jacky we would like to get to know you a little more,” Larry said. “What better than a good old fashion game of Truth or Dare?”

“I don’t think so,” I said trying to get out of it.

“I guess you misunderstood me,” Larry said. “We are going to play.”

The three guys drug me out of bed and into the lounge. They threw me in a chair and took positions around me.

“Alright Jack we’ll let you start,” Larry said. “Here are the rules. One, if you pick truth you get a truth from everyone. Two, if you fail to tell the truth or complete a dare you get a punishment from the person who gave it. The other two people will decide if the punishment is too harsh. Sound good?”

“I guess I don’t have much choice do I,” I questioned.

“That’s the spirit,” Larry said. “Who’s the first victim?”

“You’ll do,” I said. “Truth or dare?”

“I’ll be daring, dare me,” he said.

Thoughts raced through my mind; what do I dare him? How much is too much? How little do I go before I’m a wussy.

“Okay I dare you to give yourself a wedgie,” I said unsure of my decision.

“Is that all,” he replied. “Man guys this will be easier than I thought.”

He quickly stood up and jerked his boxers up and sat back down. Then in a turn of events I didn’t expect he came right back at me.

“Jacky boy, truth or dare,” Larry said.

“What, you can’t do that,” I protested.

“I said no such thing,” Larry said. “You agreed to the rules, now truth or dare?”

This would be worse than I thought. I didn’t want to take three truths but I was scared of the prospects of a dare.

“Truth,” I said reluctantly.

“We have a little bitch,” Larry taunted. “Alright, you said you had a girlfriend, how far’d you get with her?”

“Not far really just kissing mainly,” I said.

“Bullshit,” Larry said laughing.

“What,” I asked. “I haven’t seen her in two years,” I was 14 at the time.”

“Okay, okay,” Bryan said. “What did you do to get in here?”

“Nothing really, my lawyer set it up,” I said.

“Okay, my turn,” Jaaron said. “Is your girlfriend hot?”

“I guess, she’s got a nice look to her,” I said. “So Bryan truth or dare?”

“Dare me,” he said.

Thinking back to Larry’s reaction I decided to up the stakes a little bit.

“Okay, I dare you to wear you boxers on your head the rest of the night,” I

“Whoa now we’re getting serious,” Bryan said as he complied with the dare.

“Jack truth or dare?”

“You know I am getting tired of this,” I complained. “Dare me.”

“Okay I dare you to…”
Check out my story The Wolves
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Old 02-15-2012, 05:07 PM   #6
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Whats going to be the dare? Have to wait.
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Old 02-16-2012, 11:13 PM   #7
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Default Chapter 4

“I dare you to lick my belly button clean,” Bryan said.

“What the hell man, that’s nasty,” I complained.

“Are you taking the punishment then,” Larry asked.

“I’ll do it I’m just not happy about it,” I said.

Bryan lifted his shirt and I plunged my tongue into the abyss. The taste was indescribably bad. After what seemed like ages he pushed by head away and lowered his shirt.

“Felt like you were getting into that,” Bryan said laughing.

“Whatever,” I said. “You want to play this game fine, truth or dare Bryan.”

“Cunning, I’ll take another dare,” he said.

“I dare you to lick the toilet seat, all the way around,” I said.

“No way that I’m doing that,” he said.

“You’re taking the punishment,” Jaaron said. “I thought we were going to
teach him a lesson.”

“You can do that, I’m out,” he said.

“I guess we underestimated you Jacky,” Larry said. “What did you have in
mind for our bitch ass friend?”

“Your punishment is to hang by your underwear until morning,” I said.

Bryan stoically left the room and a few seconds later we heard a small
whimper and a small rip. Jaaron and Larry looked at each other wondering
what they got in to.

“Good job Jacky, you won’t get us to quit so easily,” Larry said. “I’ll take a truth.”

I thought for a few seconds, and the perfect thought hit me.

“Whose dick is bigger,” I asked.

“Mine, of course,” he bragged.

“I got you all day,” Jaaron said.

“Well I suppose there’s only one way to settle this,” I said smugly. “You’ll
have to measure it out.”

“Whatever, you’re going down,” Larry said.

“Is that so,” Jaaron snipped. “Why don’t we raise the stakes?”

“What did you have in mind,” Larry asked.

“Loser writes ‘I have a tiny dick on their forehead,’” Jaaron said. “Plus when I
win you do the punishment for lying.”

“Bring it,” Larry said.

They flopped their dicks out; Larry looked disheartened as he realized he was
going to lose this bet hands down. He came up a good inch short and reluctantly submitted to the marker as Jaaron smeared it across his face.

“I’ve had enough of this,” Larry said heading to bed.

“Ah ah ah,” I taunted. “You’re forgetting the punishment.”

“Fuck off,” he yelled.

I blocked his path to the bunkroom and Jaaron grabbed him from behind.

“You’re not just going to bitch out like that,” he said throwing him in the chair. “Go ahead Jack.”

“Your punishment is to streak through breakfast tomorrow,” I said.

“Come on that’s too much,” he protested.

“I don’t think so,” Jaaron said. “You’re doing it.”

“Don’t think I won’t get you back,” Larry said. “Both of you.”

“I’d like to see you try,” Jaaron taunted. “After we see that tiny dick of yours
running through the cafeteria.”

“It’s getting late we should get to bed,” I suggested.

“Yeah I can’t wait until morning,” Jaaron said laughing.

“We’ll see who has the last laugh,” Larry said angrily.

We sat down to breakfast and after a few bites Larry left to use the head. Jaaron and I looked at each other both wondering if he would actually go through with it. Our doubts were put to rest as a mixture of laughter and gasps started to roll through the room.

“What the fuck is he doing,” Bryan said laughing.

“You weren’t the only bitch ass bitch last night,” Jaaron said. “You know Jack here is pretty clever. We are going to have a lot of fun.”

“Come on it was just beginner’s luck,” I said modestly.

“We’ll see about that,” Jaaron said. “We’ll play again real soon and you have yet to break me.”

“I meant to ask Bryan, how’s the butt doin’,” I asked.

“It’s fine,” he said. “You’ll get your chance to experience it soon enough.”

“I’ll be eager to see this,” I said.

Cameron ushered the naked boy out of the cafeteria it was sure to bring down questions tonight especially coupled with the face art. It was also sure to make its way back to me. I sat in fear the rest of the day waiting for the group therapy session tonight.

We all sat in silence the uneasy tension on everyone’s mind. You could cut that tension with a knife – or a spoken word which is what eventually happened.

“So no one has anything to say,” Cameron started. “Huh? Speak up. I don’t hear anyone. What is going on here? One night we have a fish in his bed and the next morning he’s running through the cafeteria naked with ‘I have a tiny penis’ written as across his forehead. Someone better speak up or we will sit here all night.”

More minutes of silence passed. Everyone’s eyes were shifting about waiting for someone to make a move. The uneasiness spread to everyone and there was more and more fidgeting. Cameron eventually broke down and broke the silence again.

“I see, no one is going to talk,” he said. “I suppose it is up to me to get things flowing. The one thing I know is that Larry here seemed to be the alpha – until Jack here showed up. Now in one day and with one act of defiance things have turned themselves on their head. Jack what have you done to my calm pod?”

I sat in silence carefully considering what he said. I knew that one wrong move and I would be heading back to hard time. I drew in a deep breath and the words flowed out.
Check out my story The Wolves
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Old 03-02-2012, 02:30 AM   #8
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Default Chapter 5

Sorry for the long delay I've been super busy with work and school.
Despite a waning interest I decided to keep up my original bargain and not worry about what people thought about what I write. I know it's a slow pace but I think you'll find it worth it.

The words began to flow, just not from my mouth, Jaaron had come to my rescue. I watched as Cameron pondered what to do.

“Well, Jack, it appears as if you have a friend here,” he said. “If not I wouldn’t hesitate to send you right back to the clink.”

“Thanks, I guess,” I said trying to comprehend what exactly I was supposed to do. After more thought I still couldn’t come up with anything. “What exactly do you expect me to do? If I don’t fight back they will railroad me. I’ve done the new kid routine a couple of times.”

“I expect to not get a new asshole torn open everyday thanks to you,” he replied. “If I don’t get you all under control by Friday, I’m gone and you’ll have a new counselor to worry about.”

“We’re sorry,” Bryan said. “You know we’re just having fun.

“This isn’t the place for fun,” Cameron scolded. “You haven’t figured that out yet? This is a juvenile rehabilitation center. We’re here for rehabilitating not

“Take a chill pill,” Larry said.

“Whatever,” he said frustrated. “If you want a new counselor go ahead and keep at it. But, I am not going without a fight. If I have to stay up all night to make sure you guys don’t cause trouble, I’ll do it.”

“Knock yourself out,” Jaaron said.

“I’m done,” he said. “You guys do your homework and I’m going to take a nap so I can watch you guys all night. I made arrangements for another counselor to come and watch you while I’m asleep.”

“Cool,” we said sarcastically.

Cameron retreated to his quarters and locked the door. We did what we were told, deciding to let things cool down a bit before we all found ourselves doing hard time. The rest of the night was uneventful and we eventually resigned ourselves to sleep.

Parents’ weekend was coming in a couple of days and the guys didn’t want to jeopardize their visitation privileges. Saturday rolled around and I slept in – I wasn’t expecting anyone, after all I didn’t have anyone left.

Cameron came back after his morning meeting to find me still sawing logs. He gently shook me awake and asked why I wasn’t with my family.

“Hey man, why are you still asleep?” he asked. “It’s parent’s weekend go enjoy.”

“Enjoy what, I don’t have parents,” I said.

“Everyone has parents,” he said.

“Well I used to,” I said with the pain of loss flooding back.

He could see the anguish in my eyes and he gently put his arm around me.

“You know I wondered why the name on you emergency contact was different,” he said. “What happened?”

“There was a fire,” I said with tears starting to well up in my eyes. “It spread so fast they never had a chance.”

“I’m so sorry,” he said. “So you have no family left?”

“I have some older siblings,” I said as a tear rolled down my cheek.

“Why didn’t you invite them,” he asked grabbing a tissue.

“I can’t really,” I said. “My older brother is in Iraq the last I heard and the other is in prison. My sister is at Stanford and can’t afford to come back just to see me.”

“That’s sad,” he said sympathetically.

“I just wanted to belong to a family again,” I said. “I felt at home here, and the guys have welcomed me. I don’t think I’d survive going back to the
detention center.”

“Why do you say that,” Cameron asked. “You seem pretty well adjusted.”

“I don’t think I want to talk anymore,” I said trying to avoid going farther.

“We’ve come this far,” Cameron encouraged. “What are a couple more questions?”

“You don’t know what it’s like in there,” I said. “I tried to kill myself.”

“Well I can’t say that I condone those actions,” he said. “What would bring you to that point?”

Tears rolled down my face. I struggled for air while sobbing uncontrollably.

“Take it easy,” he said clutching me in to an embrace. “It’s okay now you’re not there anymore. Just breathe. I’m right here for you.”

I fought through the tears to finish what I had started. Cameron was right I had come this far and I was this close to the end – I should just finish.

“All I did was lay in a cell that I could touch all four walls in if I tried,” I began. “I saw no one they wouldn’t let me out for anything, except for punishing me. I gave up hope. Here I was 13 years old with nothing to live for. I didn’t think it could get any worse – but it did. They let me out for the funeral and I watched the 6 caskets roll by. They wouldn’t even let me see my brothers and sister. I wanted to join them as they lowered them into the ground.”

I was sobbing again as I finished. All Cameron could do was to wrap me into a tighter embrace as I let it out. He eased me back down to my pillow and ran his fingers through my hair until I fell back asleep.

What I didn’t know was we were not alone and there would be hell to pay for crying like I was a little girl.
Check out my story The Wolves
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