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Old 01-23-2011, 05:21 PM   #1
getDare Sweetheart
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Drink The life of footballdare.

Hi, this is a story, some of it is true, but some of it isn't, I definitely don't have enough interesting stories to make a fully non-fiction storiy, so I'll mix and match, if anyone would like to know which bits are true, then PM me, and I'd be happy to let you know. I'll start the story off in 2002, when I was about 10, her goes. I'll do the stories as though it was recent, but occasionly flicking forward to looking back at it. (If you catch my drift). This story is a collaboration between 2 people, so there could well be a bit of a difference in grammar/story as it goes on too.

This bit of the story is completely true, apart from some minor details that I've forgotten.
22/7/2002, Dublin, Eire

It was 4 days before my tenth birthday, and I was over at my friend, Alex's house. It was about a 2 or 3 minute walk from my own small place where I lived with my mother and father, and I used to walk over there pretty much everyday in the holidays. That day I'd arrived at his house at about 8 o'clock-ish in the morning, having woken up early. After going in and saying hello to his family, we decided to go to the park, and meet with our friends, Jess, Blathnaid, and Greg, who were all either 9 or 10, with Alex's brother, Jordan who was 7. We were all fairly sporty, as most 10 year olds tend to be, but our favourite sports varied. I'd always been a football boy myself, and had walls plastered with players from some of the local Irish premier teams, as well as the big names of world wide football, and some of my favorite players from back home, in England. Alex and Jordan prefered the GAA sports, hurling and Gaelic football, and were more at home in Croke Park than Wembley, but also played a lot of football too. The two girls were both fairly good gymnasts, and were always cartwheeling everywhere rather than walking. Greg was a rugby union fan, and was always telling us amazing but pointless facts about Irish rugby.
This meant that we never really stuck to one kind of game on our trips to the park but played a variety. After starting off by playing splitting into two teams and playing something akin to gaelic football, we saw some other children coming towards us, all wearing what appeared to be Manchester United kits, and holding what looked like a very expensive football.

The tallest of the group, a slightly tubby spanish looking boy, wearing a shirt with 'Cantona' printed on the back approached me and told me in an american accent that they were on 'vacation' and wanted to play us at 5-a-side 'soccer'. We agreed to this and decided to let Jordan, the youngest of our group, be the referee, so both sides had 5 player. We decided that the first to twenty goals would be the winner of the (imaginary) cup.
We lined up our team with Jess in goal, and the rest of us running around like maniacs outfield. As we were about to start the game, the one who was wearing the cantona shirt, who told me his name was actually Eric shouted 'WAIT', and ran over to me and said that he wanted to add in some new rules, and listed some off to me, as though he had said them hundreds of times before.
  1. If a player scores an own goal, they must kiss the goalkeeper
  2. If a player commits a foul, then they must take off one item of clothing. Clothing can be won back if you are fouled
  3. If a goal is scored that the keeper could have saved, then the keeper must rub themselves in the muddy puddles behind the goals
  4. If somone kicks the ball over the hedge, they must get it with there shorts and boxers/knickers around their thighs.
  5. and lastly, the losing team must do what the winning team want for the whole day
Because the playing fields were empty, and we were confident of winning we agreed to this, even though we all knew that the stakes were high. The first few minutes went fairly well, we went 3-0 up, but there were no fouls (probably due to having a six year old referee), and their keeper was at no blame for any of the goals. They pulled a couple back,we scored a couple, there was no real incident of note until the score was a 8-4 to Eire. I had the ball and was having a run, when I was tackled by Eric, facing his own goal. The ball hit his foot, span out of control, and ended off flying in the top corner of the 3 foot high goals. 9-4 to us. As part of his rules he had to kiss the goalie, an attractive girl who was maybe 2 or 3 years older than us. Anyway, after a bit of moaning, he stayed true to his word, walked over to the goalie, and gave her a fairly long kiss, no problem, nine four to us. The next real incedent came at about 13 all.

Greg, the rugby fan, had already lost his shirt from getting bored and rugby tackling somone, and did the same thing again, and a very short black boy with an afro. This meant that as well as his shirt, he had to play without his shorts, and ended up playing in just his boxers (none of us were wearing shoes or socks anyway). From the free kick that the foul led to, one of the americans smashed the ball, hitting Jess in the side of the head, and bouncing into the back of the net. Because of rule number three, she had to go and roll in the muddy puddle in behind the goal, she did this by taking a step away from the goal, and half- cartwheeling, half-falling straight into the mud, and rolling around in it in a mass of ginger hair and flying mud. When seh cam out of it she was absolutely covered, the mud was stuck all over her bare legs, pink shirt, and long red hair. Her mother would not be happy with all that washing.

Nothing else really happened then until the score was stuck at 14-15 to the USA, then the proverbial really hit the fan. The small afroed kid was making a run down the wing, when he was bought down by Greg, who was already down to his boxers. The six year old referee deemed this was a foul, and Greg must therefore lose the boxers. The park was quite away from anywhere, and was deserted until night time when the local scagheads would come out and shoot up, and Greg new this, but that was the least of his concerns. 10 is the kind of age when you are half attracted to girls, but still have that 'boys rule, girls drool' mentality, and clearly didn't want to get naked infront of any of them. But he also realised that rules are rules, and slowly lowered his bright green boxers, allowing a small hard penis to pop out. This was the first time the 2 Irish girls had seen a willy like this, and struggled to focus on the match, instead watching it wobble about as Greg ran back to where he should be for the yank's free kick. as the free kick came in high I got myself underneath it, leant back a bit, and smashed it. Straight over the hedge. Which meant I had to get it with my boxers around my knees, with no shirt on (I'd lost that earlier). I wasn't overly concerned about the girls seeing it, I thought it would be a treat for them to see two in a day, (especially with mine being approxiamtely 48 foot long ). What I was concerned about was what was over the hedge, the tennis courts, which are usually very busy. But a deals a deal, so I pulled my trousers and pants down, and ran to the gap in the hedge, looked about, and realised that the Irish rain had scared most of the players off, walked in and grabbed the ball, turned around, and heard what sounded like a cough just behind me. To this day I don't know wether somone had seen me or I had just imagined it, but I took off quicker than a 747, and kicked the ball back into play, and started again.

The game went to 18-17 to Ireland when I scored an absolutely horrible own goal. By this point I'd lost my boxers, as had two of the american boys, and our Goalie, Blathnaid, who had swapped places with Jess minutes before was topless. Because of the own goal I had to kiss here, and I did, very quickly, but it wasn't deemed enough by american eric, so I had to do it again, this time properly, and I did, tongues and all, and quite enjoyed it too, that was the first proper kiss I'd ever had.

Anyway, eventually we won the game 20-18, and the americans were at our mercy for the rest of the day, we decided to make them all strip naked, and jump into the muddy puddle, until they were plastered in mud, if they stood up and we didn't deem them muddy enough, then we called one of the girls on their team to rub some more mud on them properly. There goalie, the slightly older looking girl, had slight bumps on her chest, and looked really embarassed, so I made her come over to me and decided it was my personal job to rub the mud into her chest, and a vey good job I did as well. After this we lined them up for an inspection, and having decided they were muddy enough, let them free. After they went we were absolutely knackered, and just sat round the centre circle, talking and laughing.
It was a great day, I'd had my first proper kiss (and with Blathnaid, the best looking girl in the whole of Dublin as far as I was concerned), seen my first fully naked girl, and had a good feel of some boobs. As we sat in the centre circle chatting, I revealed that I'd heard of a new game, that we should play some time, called Truth Or Dare.

Sorry about the lack of action in this part, it happened nearly 10 years ago so my memory's fairly hazey, and that was pretty much all that happened anyway. It gets a lot more interesting at about the 13 or 14 year mark.
I'll have a pop at the next bit same kind of time tomorow.

M/Northern Ireland
Limits: Public, Poo
Is fear ciúin mé
Éirinn go Brách

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Last edited by footballdare; 01-23-2011 at 06:24 PM.
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Old 01-24-2011, 02:55 PM   #2
getDare Sweetheart
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This story is really good. You should continue.
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Old 01-24-2011, 06:31 PM   #3
getDare Sweetheart
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22/7/2002, Dublin, Eire

As we sat in that field laughing about what just happened, and feeling tired due to the 38 goal football marathon, we talked about what we could do next. Jordan had been sent home by us just before things got really 'serious' with people ending up naked, as we wanted the game to remain a secret, and this gave us more freedom to do what we wanted. The park that we'd played in was in one of the city's suburbs, and as such was very presentable. There were two full sized football pitches, tightly squeezed together, one half sized football pitch which we had played on, and a small, square concrete basketball court, with one post on it at the bottom. On the other side of the hedge was the tennis courts, it had two grass, and one tarmac court, and was usually well overbooked. The hedge separating the pitches and courts was around 15 foot high, and was almost 8 foot deep in places. In one such place a few of us had taken down a few branches and made ourselves a den. A place where we could hang out when we felt like it, and was used as a changing room, when we got really shitty.

We decided to move into this space, which was invisible to both the tennis courts, and the pitches although we could see anything coming towards us. To get to our den we had to climb through a tiny gap in the hedge, and move approximately 6 foot to your left, where you got into the thickest part of the hedge, leaving us a space of around 6 foot by 8 where we were completely invisible to everyone but ourselves.
We sat down in a circle and started chatting about what to do, when Jess mentioned we could try Truth or Dare, the game that I had mentioned when we were sat round the centre circle, this was instantly agreed on by everybody in the group, and we made some rules up, to cover those that I couldn't remember.
We decided there would be a point system, with dares ranging in difficulty from 1-10, with one being easy, and 10 being ridiculously hard, and truths being rated between 1-5. After someone selected truth or dare they could choose the difficulty that they wanted, but could only back out once per game after they had chosen, and would lose the points of the difficulty they had chosen. If they backed out a second time, then they would be tied to a branch of the hedge, using the 'emergency supplies' we kept in the den, while everyone else finished the game, while they were tied to the tree, they were at everybody’s mercy. If more than one person was involved in the dare, then the group decide how many points the person gets. The winner was the first to 50 points, if two or more people got to 50 points in the same round, then there would be a dare-off, with the first to back out losing. The prize at stake was a sock from each of the players as a kind of trophy, as well as the entire purse from the 50p playing fee we each put forward.
To decide who would go first we, played a complex rock paper scissors tournament, and it fell to Jess to do the honours. Jess was extremely pretty, and was twins with the group's other girl, Bláthnaid . Although they were not identical you could tell they were related easily, both were extremely slim, and had pretty faces, with flamy red Irish hair, Jess was much taller than Bláthnaid. They originated from Northern Ireland, and had strong accents, so even though they had been below the border for years you could tell where they were from.
'Truth or Dare then' I asked Jess.
'Dare' she replied, with no hesitation, 'I'll start at a level 3'. After deliberating with the group we decided that she should stand still, while we rubbed mud into her face, and stuck some leaves on her as decorations. She sounded surprisingly pleased with this, and she was already muddy anyway, so she accepted straight away. Alex decided he do the honours, and after slapping some of the mud from the wet ground on to his hands, rubbed them all over Jess's face, leaving absolutely no skin showing. He then found himself a few leaves and bits of grass that had ended up under the hedge, and stuck them all over her forehead, like a bad hairstyle. Jess seemed fairly unfazed with this, and sat back down, ready for the next go. Next it was me, and being the show-off that I am I straight away asked for a level 7 dare.
'Get completely naked' was the response that bounced back at me before I had finished speaking. I did it straight away, and sat there, in the mud completely naked. At the time I was fairly short and light, and had blonde curly hair which sat on top my head like a mini afro. My nationality was harder to trace then the girls, my mother was Northern Irish, and my father, from the ROI, but I was born, and lived in, England until the age of nine, to this day I still don't really know what nationality to call myself, and choose to flick between Irish, English and Northern Irish quite a bit.
Anyway, next in line was Bláthnaid, who selected a level 5 dare, and ended up being dared to come and sit in my lap for the next round, with me recieving a point for the honour of having her.
Alex was up next, and chose to be dull, and have a level 2 truth. He got asked who he thought was better looking, and replied that it was a close one, but it was just about Jess.
Gregg was next in line and decided to go for the level 7 dare, same as me, and he was expecting to be told to get naked, same as me again. What he got though was very different. I dared him to take a piss, right here in front of everyone, he was reluctant, and was thinking about backing down, but after a bit of gauding from me, his competitive side kicked in, and he strode to the middle of the circle, lowered his trousers and boxers, and let the yellow liquid flow out, watching the steam rise as the warm urine hit the wet, swampy ground. At the end of the round it finished 3-8-5-2-7.

Nothing of note really happened for a while, until the start of round 4, Jess had already refused once to get naked, and selected a level 5 for her go, and was immediately dared to take off her top, and give herself a wedgie, and once again she refused. After being reminded of the consequences she still refused, so we grabbed her and tied her to the branches. When we had her tied up, she seemed to smile abit, as though this was what she had hoped for.

After another round it was really starting to heat up, I was on 31 points, and wanted to be in with a shout of winning the next round, so I selected a level nine dare. The rest of the group were clearly not expecting this, and took a while to come up with anything. What they eventually came up with was for me to be tied up to the same tree as Jess, completely naked, and with my head up her shirt as a blindfold. Although Jess objected to this, she had no choice in the matter, having lost, and seemed relaxed enough when I put my head inside her shirt, and against her chest and felt two lumps against the back of my head. While I was there defenceless, the group had a minute or two to do whatever they wanted to me, and when I finally emerged, and had been kicked, scratched, punched, fondled and even kissed. It was later revealed that the kiss was part of another dare, given to Bláthnaid, to get her to 45 points. In the next two dares Alex ended up tied naked to a branch opposite Jess, and Gregg took his total to 38 points.

With Bláthnaid within reaching point of winning, there was nothing for it. I had to go for a level ten. The two others in the game were still discussing my fate, when Jess called, 'Help, guys, I really need a piss now. this finalized my fate. Jess was to call over, when she definitely couldn't hold it any longer, and I would have to get through the foot of undergrowth between me and her with my hands behind my back , and remove her shorts and underwear with my mouth. If she started to piss before I was there, then I had to do it anyway, even if the flow was coming right on me. When the call came from Jess I jumped through the undergrowth between us, knelt down on the muddy floor, and got my teeth around the material of her shorts and starting bringing them down until they got down below her ankles, and she jumped out of them, allowing me to pull them away from her. This left just the problem, of her tight knickers. I grabbed them from below with my teeth, and pulled down, just as they were passing her knees the stream started, I managed to get myself away from the worst of the stream with her knickers still in my mouth, but as I came down towards her feet, I knew I would have to lean back in to allow her to step out of them. As I leant in I felt the splashes on my head intensify, until it was more of a stream than a splash, but I kept going nonetheless, and soon cam out victorious. Although there could only have been a two second interval between the pissing starting, and me escaping I was covered.

I can't remember the exact details, but Bláthnaid chose a 5 pointer, as that was all she needed to reach the total, and Gregg bowed out, as it was impossible for him to win. Because he was the last one in we decided that he should be the dare master for the face off to judge the winner. The first task he set was to give the other one a detailed report of our bodies, this went without too much indecent, and I amazed at how easy I was finding this, considering I would have never done anything like it just a few hours earlier. The second and third task was something similar, although I can't remember what they were, but we were deadlocked. Finally he decided that it would go down to one last head to head challenge. A good old fashioned mud roll. We were given two minutes to get as muddy as possible, and the one who was muddiest after 2 minutes would win. I'd like to say I won, but I never really stood any chance against the gymnast. I just jumped in and rolled around a bit, but she twisted herself into all manner of positions, and then as soon as I stood up satisfied with what I had done, leaped over towards me, as if to give me a hug, and pushed me into what must have been the only dry patch in Ireland, winning the Truth Or Dare game my a mile, and along with it, 4 filthy socks, and £2.50. We released our prisoners from their trees, and allowed them to get dressed, before promising that we would definitely play again,but to keep this a secret, before Alex and Gregg went one way, Jess another, and me and Bláthnaid walking away hand in hand with one another.


After this I'm thinking of picking the story up in 3 or 4 years time, unless you want to here more stories from this kind of time, but they are all fairly similar to this, some are quite funny though. If you want to suggest either way, then just comment below.

Sorry if this bit wasn't brilliant. It's late and I haven't had a cup of tea for hours, so it might well trail off towards the end.

M/Northern Ireland
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Is fear ciúin mé
Éirinn go Brách

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Old 01-26-2011, 03:22 PM   #4
getDare Sweetheart
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I think you should stay with the story, in the "vicinity" of of the time o your last posts. I want to see if you 'n' blathnaid go out.
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Old 01-26-2011, 03:47 PM   #5
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Nice story! Continue with a similar age. Feel free to miss out boring bits and maybe combine different occasions(if you feel you can do it well). Keep it a good story with truth as the basis and fiction connecting things. Please mention your realationships etc. That always makes it interesting.
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Old 01-29-2011, 04:39 PM   #6
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Writing another section as we speak.

M/Northern Ireland
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Is fear ciúin mé
Éirinn go Brách

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Old 01-29-2011, 06:00 PM   #7
getDare Sweetheart
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Ok then boys and girls. I will do what you say and go on from the last two posts, I haven't been able to do it for a while due to a happy combination of work, women, and alcohol, but I've only had a couple tonight, so It should be alright. (If it isn't let me know, and I'll take note (maybe))
This one contains a wee bit of fiction to pad t out, but if you want to know whats true and what's false PM me and I will let thee know.
Anywhoo, thar she blows:

23/05/2003, Dublin, Eire

Since our previous adventure at the park, the 5 of us had a bit of a secret dare club going. Every so often we would meet up, and play a game and had a giggle. We kept a record of how many games we had all won, and the count looked something like this:
1) Me and Blathnaid 4 each
2) Alex 2
3) Gregg 1
4) Jess Nada

We had decided that the person who was leading after the 22nd July 2003, the year after our first game, would have the others as 'pets'with last place being punished the most severely, 2nd place the least, for a certain amount of time which we had not yet determined . This seemed to motivate most of us, with Gregg ending up full on streaking down the road on one of our games to make up thedeficit, but Jess still seemd to be struggling to get into it, even though she had agreed happily to the whole slavery idea, and had not been almost as half as daring as her twin sister, who joint on the lead with myself, and probably the only reason that she wasn't winning completely was the fact that she'd missed a game.

For this game, the 12th of the 02/02 Dublin TorD championship, we were inside, at Jess and Blathnaids house, while her mother was out at work for the day, meaning that we had the place to ourselves. Meaning time for a great game of Dares (Truths had been pretty much abandoned). We played the same rules as last time, with points given according to the difficulty of the dare, first to 100 points wins. I was first up, and just went with the plain old 5 pointer dare. The dare was given to me by Jess who told me to go down to the freezer, and get myself a nice frozen bag of nice frozen peas, which had to stay down the front of my boxers until I was told otherwise. Ididn't think that it would be too bad, so ran down the stairs, grabbed the bag, bounded back up the stairs, pulled my trousers down slightly, pulled my boxers away from my body, and dropped the bag in. Bad idea.The first thing that hit me was the pain from getting smashed in the nuts by a bag of peas dropped from about two foot, the second thing was the wet cold, if the initial pain had doubled me other, then the ice had kept me there, but I wasn't about to lose, so I just grit my teeth and pulled my trousers back up.

Next in line was the winner of the previous game, Gregg, he went with the level 5 dare, same as me, and was told by Blaithnaid that he had to removehis underwear in fron of all of us. After agreeing, and then considering it for a while he curled up into a ball, reached up the leg on one side of his shorts, then the other, and came out holding a pair of green boxer shorts. Mission Accomplished.

Jess was the nex in line, and went for the same as us. She had recently started wearing a bra, and was told to remove it and put it in the middle of the room, so her hand went up the back of the shirt, and out came a brightly striped bra, with small cups, and this was thrown into the middle of the pile as required.

Next up was Alex, who went for a level 7 dare, and was stripped to his underwear.

Finally it was Blaithnaid, who was by far the most competitive of the group, and took a level 7 dare to mach Alex's, she was told to remover her underwear, same as Gregg, but she had to wear hers on her head for the next round. At the end of round one it was 5-5-5-7-7.

Despite all this going on, I wa struggling to pay attention, the frozen peas had been squeezed against me for 10 minutes now and it was starting to get painful, so as soon as my turn came around, I jumped in and asked for a level ten dare, in the knowledge that it would require nudity, and meant I could get this coldness away from me.
After some delibiration by the rest of the team it turned out that I was right, I would be getting naked and warmer, but on other accounts I probably would have been better off waiting for something rated lower, and hoping. For the dare I was to be put in the bath, which had a shower attachment which would be sprayin cold water over me, while having something from the kitchen poured on me from each of the people. I thought that it could not be worse than the situation I was already in, so I agreed. I was led to the bath, put in it, restrained by having my right wrist tied to my left ankle, and the shower was turned on. At first it wasn't too bad, just felt like a particularly fierce Dublin winter rain. Blathnaid was the first to pop up, and had with her a nice load of tomato ketchup. A good load was splattered all over me, and after a swift kiss on te cheek, she went again, with me starting to feel the chill from the shower. Up next was Gregg, who turned up with a nice dollop of mayonaisse, put where you'd expect somone to put it if you were in a similar situation, he dissappeared, and by now I was really freezing. I honestly can remember how the next few minutes panned out, or what was put on me, but I do now that by the end of it I was freezing, and looked like a fast-food place table after a particularly messy family had eaten there. After all was done I was given permission to wash myself, in cold fucking water obviously, and return to the game, which had been continuing without me. When I got there, I was told that they'd been through a whole cycle without me, and was told it was my go again, I had learnt my lesson from being cocky, and went for a level 7, and was informed that Jess had been earlier daerd to get naked, and they were waiting for me to be there when she did it, but now I could help her out of her clothes, using only my teeth.
It took a fair old while, but evetually it was done, and I saw her completely naked for the first time, and she seemed to be enjoying it. Rather than trying to cover up like the rest of us did after we were dared to get naked for the first time, she stretched herself out a bit, folding herself onto the bed, with a relieved look on her face, as though she seemd pleased to have finally jumped over that first hurdle.


Sorry about the short chapter, but it's one oclock in the morning and I'm bloody cold, please leave me a bit of feedback so I know wether it's worth me writing another chapter, and c'est ca.

(also join the football dare in my signature, even if you know nothing about sport, we need more people )

Merci beacoup,

M/Northern Ireland
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Is fear ciúin mé
Éirinn go Brách

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