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Old 08-08-2010, 03:20 PM   #1
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Default Evelyn

Unlike most stories; I'd like to go really slow with mine. I noticed most stories end up with complete masterbation or nudity by the third chapter, most of them at least. So, please don't mind me when I take my time in this story. Sorry.

Please forgive me in advance for the spelling mistakes since English is not my first language.

Thank you.


Chapter One

Our school, like every year is making a school-play. Now, some students have to join mandotrely no matter what the cause is. Other students, slacky ones or others which are involved in other activites aren't really expected or forced to join. I'm not a popular girl, to be honest; I'm the exact opposite of that. I walk the halls like a ghost, I hardly get boys glancing at me and if they do, I blush so red that they'd end up whiserping amongs themselves while looking at me. It felt weird and nice at the same, but I never really knew what they were saying; never were curious and it's better off that way.
The school-play is pretty random if you think about it, unlike prom, it doesn't focus on one theme yearly but it changes yearly. Last year, it was about ancient China, year before if I recall correctly it was about the enviroment and this year it's about Romeo and Juliet, not like anyone wouldn't see that coming. Seeing that we are finally 17 (most of us are at least, some are a tad younger or a tad older, doesn't matter much) we might get to really french-kiss in the play. Then again, it's not like I am popular enough or have the required skills to be as good as Juliet truly was. Now the thing about the play, is that it's dull. Mostly nerds, or just fat-extra nerds kind of students, if you know what I mean. I didn't want to join, but they think I'm nerd, I wouldn't decline those thoughts, I am a pretty proud students of my grades which never descend below an A-.

Enough about school, I think it's time to discuss a little more about him. Edwin. He'd the most popular guy in school, a year older than me and not that smart in school but he knows a lot about cars as much as girls know about make-up. Sadly, I only know little about him, like how his straight brown hair would tingle within the wind if it's blowing, or how his cheeks take a cute curve when he smiles or how how he influences those around him when he is laughing. Some call him, Edwin, some call him Eddie, but I prefer, deep down in my heart; to call him my Eddie. He never really spoke to me, and he hardly looks at me, and if he does, he would be looking to try to holler at his friends which are walking behind me. Then again, why would he be interested in me? I blame it all on myself. It's not like I don't put on make up or wear mini-skirts like other girls, I just don't have the courage to walk up to anyone and say hello, how would I expect myself to react with my one and only crush. I had crushes in the past, just never went far, not because we lacked the potiental, it's because they eventually get boring. I'm not a slut, I'm just a hard to please person with a really natural shy attitude.

I went up to the bulletin board, I saw the names enlisted which were arranged in alpahbetical order.
* Alfred B. Johnson
* Brenda Roy
* Barry Randal
* Daniel D. Donald
* Edwin W. Neal
* Evelyn Clifton

I stopped reading at the name right above mine, I stopped reading and just gazed with my mouth-gapped staring at "Edwin W. Neal".
"E. D. W. I. N. That's him, yeah it's him. But.. Like, why?" I said below a whisper, to myself. "Not much of sharer are you?" A familiar voice said right behind me. I turned my back, seeing the most gorgeous face ever. I blinked repeatedly, making myself seem like a fool; but I had to blink several times to make sure I'm not dreaming. "Sorry, didn't mean to sound rude, you just don't seem to be much of a conversational-person" He added to his last statement. God, if only you knew how much I talk to myself about you. "So, who are the people enlisted?" He said as he took a step forward, being so close to me. I think that's the closest he was to me physically and my heart was racing like a train. I gulped deeply, and was about to ask why he'd join. "You know I only registered for a specific reason." He said. It's like he was reading my mind. "I'm sorry, I seem to be annoying you. I'll just go for now, seeya later in the practise session." Talk, talk, talk, say something. I was trying to think of anything to say. "How tall are you?" I said, cursing myself within my mind. God, how stupid am I? What sort of question is that? He stopped walking, looked at me and I could tell he wanted to burst laughing. "Uhh, 5"8 feet. You?" He replied, half smiling at my question. I never measured myself and even if I did, I can't remember! "Shorter than that." Few seconds passed until he broke the silence. "You're Evelyn, right? Evelyn Clifton?" He asked. "Yes." I answered. "Cool. So, I was wondering since we are together in both Math class and in Gym. How about if we just hang out later on? Like, discuss about the play? I hardly know anything about Romeo and Juliet." He said, and I knew he was lying. He knows a lot about them seeing he is a Romeo in modern times. Sadly, I had other work. Damn, I hated myself. "No sorry, I babysit kids for every weekend; starting from Friday till Sunday." I replied to him, still regret saying the truth. I wish I lied, only to know where he'd want to go with me. "Oh, well.. I guess I'll just see you next week then. Catch ya' later" he said, seemingly disappointed. I think, he thought I was lying, I didn't lie!

School was soon over and here starts our weekends, I had to go home. Disappointed and regretful.

Once I got home, I saw my elder sister, Vanessa about to leave. I asked her, "Where to?". "Just out with couples of my friends tonight." She replied while shuffling through some paper work and she handed me one. "So, you'll have to babysit a kid's family, uhh.. Neel or something like that. Anyway, you need to be there by 7PM and take in some of your PJs, you'll spend your two next nights there till Sunday, head back here. Love ya' sis" she said in an sisterly love tone or whatever it is. My sister, was the hotter and braver version of me. Ever since our parents passed away in a car accident which I prefer not to talk about, she has been taking care of me in her own way. She gave me a car, an old one but it's a car none the less and I really prefer walking but she says it's too dangerous seeing I do babysitting from time to time. Much similar to me, she is a bit taller; same weight and the same brunnette hair and honey-colored eyes. She is 7 years older than me, which means she is 24 years old.

I went to my room, grabbed a bag, packed myself some underwears and a towel, a well-clean t-shirt and a sweatshirt (God knows if that kid wants to go out) and just couple of jeans and a short. I almost forgot to pack myself a couple of clean PJs. Now when I say PJs, I mean a sleeveless shirt and a really short shorts. I went into the bath, turned on the warm water with a little of cold water to ease the hard-work and tension of today.
I always had fantasies when I'm alone, where I'd close my eyes and just stray in my wide imagination. I always wanted someone to join me, or more like; hoped Edwin would join me in the bath. I took off my clothes and unclipped my bra, and pushed down my panties and just dipped my fingertip to check the temperature of the water; it was good, it was the usual. I slowly moved inwards, with my legs first within the tub and my left leg followed. I layed down, allowing my body to entirelly get into contact with the warm water. It feels great. I know I am weird, I figured that out when I realised I enjoy warm stuff being pressed on my butt. I loved the sensation of warmth being pressed on my butt, never wondered further more what I'd enjoy or not. Seeing that my sister is not home, I figured I could masterbate if I want, but I wasn't at all turned on even though my butt was enjoying what I was feeling, I was rather disappointed with what happened today.


Please let me know what you think with entire honest regardless if it's positive or negative.

Thank you.
"If someone makes you so angry...
Take a deep breath...
Count to ten...
And kill him immediately..."
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Old 08-08-2010, 06:28 PM   #2
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omg amazing! so refreshing to see a story from a female perspective
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Old 08-09-2010, 05:43 AM   #3
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Thank you for your reply.

I'll write the second chapter tonight, please keep the feedbacks coming.

Thank you for your comments.
"If someone makes you so angry...
Take a deep breath...
Count to ten...
And kill him immediately..."
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Old 08-09-2010, 02:01 PM   #4
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Sorry for double posting.


Chapter Two

Soon after I was done with my bath, I grabbed my sister's bathrobe and put it on. I left the bathtub, headed towards the living room and switched on the computer, I did my hair while it was being loading the necessarry functions, not that it took more than a minute but I figured I'd save that minute doing my hair. Once I was done, I went back to the computer, seeing the screen-saver on. Wow, it took me more than 10 minutes to do my hair. I never figured I was that sort of person who spent a lot of time doing her hair. I moved the mouse and sat down, I signed into my Hotmail inbox to see I had three new messages, not surprised; probably some trash. I just deleted them all without even going through them. I did the daily routine, checked few online videos at YouTube, mostly a waste of time as my sister says but I really love watching Musical Videos of Usher or similar performers and singers, I find it really interesting.
Once I was done, I went to my room which was next to my sister's. I wore my red panties (I love simplicity) and put on my regular jeans, I slipped my arms into a matching red bra and a dark green t-shirt. I looked at the watch and noticed it's 5.26PM. So I figured I still have about an hour and a half. I grabbed my packed bag and just headed for my car, but then I remembered that they keys are in the living along with my almost empty wallet. I grabbed them both, not in a rush though but I figured I should get myself something to eat on the way; I'm not starving but I am hungry after a school day. I pushed the key into the ignition, turned the key on and just drived towards Mac. I went in through the drive through, ordered a regular McChicken meal. Now, McDonalds is far from my house but it's on the way to that house I have to babysit; which reminded me. I stopped nearby McDonalds to see the address and area, I can't go into a house of unknown. My heart skipped a few beats. The paper clearly said I had to go to the house number 560, which lies in Riverton Street. It had the paper titled as "Neal". Now if I'm not mistaken which rarely happens with a striking clue such as the one in my hand, that is Edwin's house. I recall I saw him a couple of times with a younger person, much younger. So, that was his younger brother. I reckon he was 10 to 12 years old, somewhat old to be babysat. But heck I don't care! I'll finally get a chance to be alone with Edwin. Finally!

I looked at the digital clock in the car and it read 6.34PM. I had to drive now to the house. I was excited but more worried, what if he thought I'm too stupid? What if I made a joke out of myself? I was playing the 'What if...' game in my head and I wasn't liking any question straying through my brains. It wasn't long till I found the house. I drive there whenever I'm bored or I miss him too much, hoping to see him but all my attempts to see him are just futile. I never know where he hangs out or with whom he hangs out, not that it's a difficult thing to guess; he is probably with his friends, Frankie or Edmund. Now their group is much bigger but you mostly see those three around each other, talking within themselves and keeping everything within. Frankie was the craziest one, with curly dirty brown hair and always too lazy to do anything. He almost bitchslapped Mr. Hamiliton once for being too much of a prick to handle in class, but aren't all teachers supposed to be strict? Oh well. Edmund, was the calmest of all and quite smart but he wouldn't be the one you would enjoy messing with. He is about as tall as Edwin, quite muscular if you take a second or two to gaze at him and he is what they call 'hot'. I glanced once more to look at the clock, it read 6.51PM. I just grabbed my bag from the backseat, opened the door and just stepped out. My heart was beating so quick, not that I'm not used to it but this time it's different. I am going to see Edwin, in his own house, where we'll be alone sort-of alone once I get his younger brother to sleep.

I rang the doorbell. Few seconds later, a man in his late thirties or possibly early fourties answered the door. He was wearing a neat Lacoste shirt, I was too scared to look further below. "Babysitter?" He asked, so much for greeting. "Yes, sir" I answered. "This way please." he guided me through the house, he showed me the living room and that's when I noticed he was wearing navy tracks. He seemed like a gentleman in a sportly scenerio. They had a backdoor swimming pool. What the hell? Edwin is quite rich, his house was antique and full of vases and it seemed much bigger from the inside. Lucky! Suddenly, a boy was sprinting through the house in swimming trunks. "Roy!" Mr. Neal said raising his voice just a bit more than normal. The boy, who seemed to be Roy and the one I am going to be babysitting stopped running, and stood infront of his dad, trying to catch his breath. "This is.." Mr. Neal stopped talking. I figured this is where I should introduce myself. What kind of man would entrust his son with a person he doesn't even know her name. "My name's Evelyn, sir" I finished his uncompleted statement. "Ah yes, Evelyn. Your two nights babysitter. Just don't cause too much trouble for the young lady." He told his son. "Don't worry about it" Roy replied, walking away to the glassdoor which led to the swimming pool.

"I understand and hope you know the rules. I already showed you the guestroom but that's not where you are going to sleep. Roy sleep walks, so I'll need you to sleep with him in his own bedroom or in the guestroom if you can convince him. Whatever you like. There's a shower in the guestroom, it's the door on the left once you enter the room; you can have your shower there but please don't take too long there, I don't want Roy to be left alone for quite awhile. The kitchen is yours if you need anything, and make yourself comfortable. My wife, already left ahead and I'll be heading off now. We'll be back in two nights, by Sunday morning." He said to me, ensuring everything was okay. He seemed like a nice man from the way he spoke but it's too early to judge anyway.
I still didn't see anything regarding Edwin. I saw a room but Mr. Neal didn't open the door any further to tell me about it. I just went to the guestroom, I placed the bag on the bed and sat down, thinking. What if he isn't even here? What if he is out of town too?
I just enhaled and exhaled deeply, I was about to let out a cry, but I should remember where I am. I just closed my eyes, pressing with both my eyelids hoping he is here.

I left the guestroom, went to the glassdoor which was half-open already. I stepped out as I saw Roy floating on the water. Boys can float? That's new. Suddenly he lost balance by my presence, but soon regained it. "Ummm..." Roy said, or at least he was trying to say something. "How are ya'?" he added, started swimming. "Good. You?" I replied. Seems we are going to have a conversation and my mood wasn't the best for any sort of conversation at the moment. "Great! You know, you don't have to stand. You can either dip in with me angel or just sit down and gaze at my beauty." He said, seemingly serious. Did that kid just flirted with me? What the hell?! I ignored him, seeing I am here to help him anyway, not hurt him. I just looked around and found a plastic chair, just walked towards it and all of the sudden, Roy splashed water all over my legs. I glanced at him, I wanted to curse him but I never cursed anyone for a stupid act. "You are going to ignore this beautiful swimming pool and just sit down? Come on!" He said. "I don't have any swimming clothes." I said in a calm voice. "Who says you need any?" He said, raising an eyebrow.
I gazed at him, he did have some of Edwin's looks. Actually, he had a lot. Same nose, with the same lips and although he was wet, you could tell his hair was similar to Edwin's in someway if you focus deeply.
"Hello? Stop.. Staring?" He said as if I am a kid. "Get in, girl" he added.


I hope this chapter get's more attraction than the previous.

Please, post any positive or negative feedback for the future imporvement of the story.
"If someone makes you so angry...
Take a deep breath...
Count to ten...
And kill him immediately..."
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Old 08-10-2010, 04:13 AM   #5
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I really like this...

"Nothing" really happened, and it still got me hot.. strange... but FUN!

I'm intrigued about her liking warm things on her bottom...
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Old 08-10-2010, 02:58 PM   #6
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Thank you for your positive comments and please keep them coming.

Now I am kind of wondering, should she jump in the pool where things will accelerate somewhere else or would she hold herself and just maintain her patience and keep waiting around.

If you have any suggestions regarding anything (Please avoid a scene such, Edwin would enter and he would see her and things took off somewhere else. I added Roy into the story for a reason, a good reason hopefully and I hope to make some use of him.)

Please don't hesitate to suggest anything useful or even a mere idea.

Thank you in advance.
"If someone makes you so angry...
Take a deep breath...
Count to ten...
And kill him immediately..."
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