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Old 03-15-2016, 04:42 AM   #1
getDare Sweetheart
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Default Little sister...

WARNING: This story may contain shoking scenes, incest and more. If you are sensible to this (whyare you here?) don't read this.

This story has not been written by me. I just read it on another website and found it so amazing I wanted to share it with you guys.
The original creator is TomWine and was posted here (as I know):
M23 / Bisexual / North America

Likes: Bondage, humiliation, semi-public,hidden public, light pain, long dares, rules, cocksucking, cuckolding
Dislikes: Piss, edges, anal.
Limits: Social suicide, cbt, family, blood, permanent, scat.

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PM me a dare within my limits and I will do it
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Old 03-15-2016, 04:44 AM   #2
getDare Sweetheart
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Default Little sister... CHAPITER 1:

It is another painfully hot day in the south, typical for the beginning of the summer, at least where I live. Although I graduated from high school last month, I have been asked by the band director to work with the band over the summer. I am a very good drummer, and played in the drum line all through high school. I also played competitively with a local team, so I have plenty of experience. With several of us graduating, there is a desperate need to rebuild the line, so I agreed to work with the band, especially the new members, over the summer.

This morning I drove to practice at 7:30, along with my sister, Ally, who is a rising senior. She and I are what some people refer to as "Irish Twins." We are not really twins, but were born in the same year. I turned 19 in January of this year, and she will turn 19 in December. As kids we moved around a lot, with both parents being in the military, and we were both held back a year in middle school. We moved from a crappy school system to one that was much more progressive With the start date for school years back, we were put into two different grade levels, even with our being born the same year. That explains the age difference and how she is still in school while I have graduated. Ally thinks this sucks, but that is just the way it is. I have rather enjoyed being a grade level ahead of her, especially when she first started high school. I was able to help her get assimilated, and was also a grade ahead, which allowed me the opportunity to sort of look out for her. I am a bit protective, but have gotten better through the years.

Our first day of summer band practice went well. Both Ally and I were beat at the end of the day. It was hot, we were sweaty, we were worn out. As soon as we got in the car, Ally started griping about the air conditioner.

"Turn the AC on, Ryan! It is too fucking hot in here!" Ally said.

"Give me a minute, will you?" I replied.

"Well, hurry up, I am about to die in here!" Ally shouted.

It did not take long for the car to start cooling off, which was a good thing, as we had nearly thirty minutes to drive before we reached home. I did stop by a country store on the way and got each of us a drink.

"Thanks for the soda, Ry," Ally said.

For as far back as I could remember, that is what she called me. Ry. My full name is Ryan, but she normally calls me Ry, especially when she wants something.

"No problem," I replied.

We continued to drive home, with very little conversation. Ally was drinking away on soda while at the same time leaning into the AC to cool off. She also had the radio blasting. We do not share the same taste in music, but I have found that it is much easier to just let her pick the music she wants to listen to rather than insisting on my own stations. She does not give in very easily.

We reached the house. We live in a small country town outside of a larger city. We don't live on a farm or anything like that. We have neighbors, but our yards are between three and five acres. That puts a little distance between us and the people on either side. We also have a deep back yard that backs up to a wooded area. There is a farm on the other side of the woods, but it is a long ways back there. I like the location of the house because it does give us some privacy. Where we used to live we had neighbors right next to us, and they could see everything going on in our back yard. This is different. We have a private back yard, with a swimming pool and a Jacuzzi. We make good use of both.

As we got out of the car, I felt a sharp pain in my back, like a nerve or muscle or something. The thirty minute drive home made my back tighten up, and shit it was really sore as I tried to move.

"God, what the hell?" I shouted.

"What's the matter Ry?" Ally asked.

"I am not sure, but I think I must have pulled a muscle or strained something during practice. I don't remember it hurting like this, but it has been a while since I used the drums, and carrying them all afternoon has really put my back out of sorts." I replied.

"I know it is hot, but it might help if you got in the Jacuzzi for a while. That is what I do when I have a sore muscle." Ally suggested.

"I might do that after dinner. It is too damn hot right now." I replied.

"Whatever," Ally said.

We both went into the house and sat down in the family room absorbing the nice cool air.

"Would you like a glass of ice water?" Ally asked.

"Sure." I replied

Ally returned to the family room with the ice water. She also had a ice pack from the freezer in her hand.

"Lean forward and put this on your sore spot and then lean back into the couch," Ally suggested.

I leaned forward and told her where to put the ice pack. She did, and then I leaned back on the couch.

"The ice does make it feel better. I don't understand why it hurt so much today. It did that years ago when I first started playing the drums, but it hasn't for several years now." I said.

"Well, it has been several months since you have worked out like you did today, and it was a long day. We normally only work out for two hours, but the summer is different," Ally said.

"You are going to have a long day tomorrow if it still hurts," Ally said.

"I think I will take your suggestion and get into the jacuzzi after dinner," I said.

"If you think it would help, I can give you a back rub. You did that for me when I twisted my back on that damn horse last month," Ally reminded me.

Sure, I remembered that. The neighbor behind us has horses, and every once in a while Ally, some of her friends, and I go horseback riding on their farm. It is usually a lot of fun, but the last time Ally's horse was acting up. It took off running ahead of us. We think something in the grass spooked it, at least that is what it looked like. Anyway, it took off running and Ally twisted her back either by the force of the horse running or trying to get it to stop. Either way, she was sore for a couple of weeks, and I did give her a couple of back rubs.

"Let me try the jacuzzi first and we will see how my back is this evening." I replied.

"Just let me know, I may sit in the jacuzzi with you, if you don't mind. My legs are cramped. My back doesn't get sore, but my legs sure do with all the marching. That is about all we did today, march formations. I didn't get to play the trumpet that much. I was just march, march, march." Ally said.

Just then mom pulled in the driveway. That meant it was about an hour until dinner would be ready. It was already five o'clock. Dinner would be at six. That meant that I could hit the jacuzzi around seven or seven thirty. That wasn't too bad.

"I am going to my room and lay down for a while. Call me when supper is ready." I said to Ally.

"I will tell mom, I am going to lay down too." Ally replied.

With that I made my way to my room. My parents' room is on the first floor, and Ally and I each have a bedroom on the second floor. My back was still in a lot of pain. When I got to my room I pulled off my shirt and shorts, leaving me in only my boxers. I grabbed a towel and walked to the bathroom Ally and I shared. As I walked into the hall, Ally came out of her room at the same time. She was wearing a large T-shirt with, I assume, just her panties on underneath. This was her normal attire for the house, T-shirt and panties. Mom and dad have told her for a few years that she needs to wear more around the house, but, as usual, she does what she wants.

"Where do you think you are going?" Ally asked me.

"I am going to take a quick shower before I lay down," I replied.

"Not if I beat you to the bathroom," Ally shouted as she rushed past me into the bathroom, locking the door behind her.

Shit, now I will have to wait on her. That will take forever.

I walked back into my room and flopped down on the bed. Lying on the bed, my right hand went to my crotch, made it's way inside the fly, and grabbed my cock, which was getting harder by the second. I pulled it out and began pumping it slowly. I lay there with my eyes closed, thinking of Ally.

She never used to have this effect on me. For all of these years she has just been my little sister. We have always been close. Sure, we fought from time to time, but I think we got along better than lots of other brothers and sisters. My parents think that is because we have moved around a lot and we grew to depend on each other rather than friends, because we never had friends for very long. We have moved something like seven times or more, and with that frequency of moving you don't stay anywhere long enough to develop really close friends.

For some reason, though, things have changed. I began to realize this ever since I gave her those back rubs. Ally, like I said, always runs around the house in a t-shirt and panties. Never before has it bothered me, but now, she doesn't quite look the same. Her legs are much thinner and shapely, her ass is perfect. There aren't any girls in my class that have the shape that Ally does. She has a perfect ass, and I think she knows it. Her breasts are still pretty small, but they are pert. I notice this at night because she never wears a bra. My mom is always on her about that, too, but she continues to go braless. Ally is short, maybe five foot one or two; has long blonde hair, a tiny waist, nice ass, and the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen on a girl. I have always thought she was pretty,

While I was aware of her physical changes, I was not aware of how much the affected me until that back rub last month. After Ally had that scare with the horse and strained her back, we spent a lot of time together, and got into a nightly routine. After dinner we would get into the jacuzzi and soak for thirty minutes or so. That seemed to help her back a lot. This one night, our parents were running late, and Ally got a couple glasses of wine for us to drink while sitting in the jacuzzi. Our parents were pretty liberal about this. When home with just them, they would often let us each have a glass of wine with dinner. Something we picked up while living in France, where this was customary. They would not allow us to drink if we had company or if we had friends over, but when it was just they wouldn't mind.

So, Ally brought me a glass of wine, and the two of us sat in the jacuzzi for about thirty minutes drinking our first, and then our second glass each. As we sat in the jacuzzi, Ally stated that her back was still very sore, and asked if I would be willing to give her a back rub. I told her that I would, and we went into the house. As I got out of the jacuzzi I began to notice the effect the wine had on me. I was a bit dizzy. As Ally climbed out of the jacuzzi, stretching her right leg over the side, I was able to get a glimpse of her crotch area, with her legs spread. " "God she looks hot." I thought to myself. She is no longer a little girl. "

"What the hell and I thinking?" I remember saying to myself. "This is my sister and I am staring at her crotch!" As he exited the hot tub and made her way to her room for the back rub, I then could not keep my eyes off of her bikini clad ass. It was more of a thong with a wide back in it, and I could see both of her ass cheeks as she walked away from me. Then it happened, I reached down and could feel my cock expanding. I was getting a hard on thinking about my sister. I knew this was not right, but in the moment, I really didn't care.

When we got to her room, Ally gave me a bottle of lotion, and then lay down on her stomach on her bed.

"Could you put some lotion on my back and just rub it in for a few minutes, Ry?" she asked.

"Sure, no problem," I replied.

I placed my knees on either side of her legs, and leaning over, squirted some lotion on her back and began rubbing.

""Fuck, that feels so good," Ally said.

I just kept rubbing her mid back area, pressing harder and harder. As I was just a couple minutes into this, it happened. My erection started growing. I was throwing a major woody while giving my sister a back rub. "This is sick," I thought to myself. I continued to rub.

"Could you rub a little lower?" Ally asked.

"I could, but do you want me to get lotion all over your tiny bikini?" I asked.

"It is not so much a tiny bikini, as it is a big ass," she replied.

All of this talking about her ass was making me harder by the minute.

"Your ass is not big," I told her. "It is perfect!"

"Quit making fun," Ally replied.

"No, honestly, it is a beautiful ass. Even if you are my sister, the truth is the truth. You have a nice ass, and a nice body." I said.

"You really think so, Ry? she asked.

"Yes, I do." I replied. "All of the guys I know think you are beautiful, and have the nicest ass in the school."

"Really?" she asked.

"Really," I replied, "At least they used to say that. After I just about beat the shit out of Tommy two years ago for saying something about you, they don't talk around me much anymore."

"I remember that," she said.

"Please, if you don't mind, would you rub a little lower on my back? You can turn down the top of my suit if you need to." she said.

So I did. I pulled the top of her bikini thong bottom down a bit, to about the middle of her ass, and continued rubbing her back and the top are of her ass. I avoided her ass cheeks, because I really didn't think I could control myself to go there. I had a raging hard on, was leaning over my sister, and running my hands all over her back and the top of her ass. My mind was racing. I was getting excited over my sister. I wondered if she knew the effect she was having on me.

It didn't go any further than this. I finished the back rub and left to go to my own room and change. I did rub her back a couple more times, but had to stop because I didn't want her to discover the fact that I got a major erection over her. When I got back to my room, I immediately dropped my swim suit and began beating off, thinking of her ass. As I was beating my cock, I was thinking of her. What a nice ass. She is so perfect. Her ass cheeks are so round and firm. Shit, she is so hot. But she is my sister, I can't be thinking things like this. With every thought I pounded my cock harder and harder until, thinking of her, I went over the edge. I shot my load all over my cum rag, which I always kept handy. I fell back on the bed with my hand still on my shrinking cock. In my mind I carried the vision of Ally in that tiny bikini, laying on the bed, right before me. I remembered the feeling of her skin on my fingers as I rubbed her back and ass. Shit, it felt so good, but it wasn't right. Soon, my cock was getting hard again.

That was then. A month ago. Now it was my back and Ally was offering to give me a rub down after dinner and a soak in the jacuzzi. I am not sure if I want to do this or not. At least she wont be able to see my erection if I am laying on my stomach. I just might let her God she is so fucking pretty. Would I fuck her? FUCK HER?" What the hell am I thinking now?
M23 / Bisexual / North America

Likes: Bondage, humiliation, semi-public,hidden public, light pain, long dares, rules, cocksucking, cuckolding
Dislikes: Piss, edges, anal.
Limits: Social suicide, cbt, family, blood, permanent, scat.

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PM me a dare within my limits and I will do it
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Old 03-16-2016, 02:34 AM   #3
getDare Sweetheart
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Default Little sister... CHAPITER 2:

While lying on the bed, I continued thinking about Ally, now in the shower. I could hear the water running, and was imagining what she must look like with the water cascading over her. Her hair soaked, clinging to her neck and back, water dripping off of her tits, running over her cunt. I imagined it running down her back, over that nice ass. I have never seen her nude, which is surprising because she is always running around the house wearing that damn t-shirt. The most I have seen of her is when she gets out of the shower. Most of the time she walks back to her room with nothing on but her towel draped around her tiny frame, usually just covering her tits, and covering all but the very bottom of her ass. When she walks past me in the hall I always turn my head to catch a quick peek of the bottom of her ass cheeks. I have never seen more than that, other than when she is wearing that tiny bikini with the thong in the back.

Caught up in my thoughts, I was beginning to get another erection. As I gently rubbed my cock, I heard a knock at the door,

"What do you want?" I asked.

"I am finished with my shower. Can I come in a minute? Ally asked.

I put my cock back inside my boxers and replied, "Sure, come on in. The door is unlocked."

Ally walked into my room with her towel wrapped around her small frame. It seemed to be shorter than normal, or it may have only looked that was because I was on my bed. As she entered the room, my first thought was of how beautiful she is. The towel hit just below her hips, and from my angle I could see a hint of her pubic hair between her legs. As she walked closer I got a better view. She walked over to the bed as if she wanted me to see under her towel. I now had a clear view of her pussy, for the first time ever. I could see everything. I wanted to reach out and feel her. I wanted to put my tongue in her pussy and taste it. I could only imagine how sweet it must taste. As she stopped, she spread her legs slightly, giving me full view. I felt my cock getting hard again.

"You can have the shower now, I hope I didn't take too long in there," Ally said quietly.

I redirected my eyes to hers, trying not to state at her pussy too long.

"What time is is?" I asked

"Five forty-five," she replied.

"That only gives me a few minutes before we are called to dinner. I think I will skip it," I replied.

"You could make it a quickie," Ally replied.

As she said this she had a slight grin on her face, and put an emphasis on the word "quickie." I may have imagined it, but I swear that she spread her legs just a bit more when she said that. I began to wonder if she was reading my mind. I don't think my hard on was that apparent, so that didn't give me away; but I am sure she noticed how long I looked at her pussy, which I know she was showing me on purpose. She also had a bit of a sensual tone in her voice.

"I think I will just wait and shower after I get out of the jacuzzi. I will need one then anyway," I said.

Walking back to the door, I could not help but notice that the towel had ridden up her ass. "Did she do that intentionally?" I thought to myself. I could now see the lower third of her ass cheeks. God they looked delicious. I immediately wanted to give her a back rub rather than getting one from her. I wanted to rub her ass cheeks and spread those legs, rub her thighs and slip my hand up to her pussy.

"I will see you at dinner, then the hot tub and that back rub I promised you," she said as she walked through the door, turning to look at me before closing the door behind her.

"If she is trying to seduce me, it is working," I thought to myself.

I decided to get up and put some clothes on and head down to the kitchen before dinner. Maybe talking with mom a few minutes would get my mind off of my beautiful sister. "Quickie," I thought. I wish I knew what she was thinking.

Dressed in shorts and a t-shirt, I went down to the kitchen. It looked like mom was fixing spaghetti again. This is what she turned to when she was stretched for time. I wasn't that I didn't like it, it is just that we had it at least once or twice a week. This was Monday and she was fixing it already. This could turn out to be a three spaghetti dinner week.

"Hey mom, how was work today?" I asked

"Same old thing," she replied, and then asked, "How was band practice?"

"Hot as hell!" I said to her. "I haven't marched that long in months. There are several new kids in the drum line, so I did a lot of instructing in addition to all the marching."

"Remember to drink plenty of water while you are out there, especially with all this heat; and make sure Allyson does too," she said.

"Mr Wilkins makes us take a water break every twenty minutes, and we sure as hell need it," I replied.

"It was nice of him to offer you this job with the band. He has been a good director, and I think he is proud of you. He must like you or he wouldn't have offered you this position over the summer," she said.

"During one of our breaks this afternoon he asked me if I would like to continue working with the band in the fall, since I was going to be living here and attending the community college," I said. "That would only be a couple of hours each afternoon, and also at games and concerts. He said I could be his assistant and continue to work with the drum line."

"That would be good, but you will have to keep up with your studies. You will also have to speak with your father about it. He has been saving all these years so you and Allyson will not have to work when you go to school. Both of us had to work, and it does take your mind off of your studies."

"I think I can manage. He has to check that out with someone, but he said he didn't think it would be a problem. I will talk with dad over dinner. When is he supposed to be home?" I asked.

"I hear his car now. Go get your sister and bring her down. I will get dinner on the table." she replied.

I went upstairs to Ally's room and knocked on her door. "Come in," she said.

I opened the door just as Ally was pulling her t-shirt down. As she did so, I could see that she was wearing white panties and, of course, no bra. As she pulled the shirt over her panties it stretched out over her tits, which caused her nipples to protrude under her shirt. God she looked sexy. "You better put a bra on under that shirt. You know how mom gets when you go braless, and there is no way to hide those nipples!" I said.

"What are you doing looking at my nips?" she asked, grinning from ear to ear.

"Fuck, they are sticking out so far no one could miss them," I said.

Ally walked past me heading to the door. Opening it she said, "See you in the jacuzzi after dinner, and then the back rub I promised." She walked through the door and went downstairs for dinner.

Fuck, she has become such a tease. Watching her walk down the hall I could see her hips swinging from side to side. I think she was doing this on purpose, knowing that I was watching her. I left her room and went downstairs behind her. My cock was getting hard again. "Shit," I thought, "she has total control over me." I felt a little embarrassed getting another erection looking at my sister. I was very conflicted. I shouldn't be having these thoughts about her. It isn't right. I wonder if she has the same thoughts? She must, the way she keeps showing off her body. I wonder why her nipples were so hard? Was she thinking about the hot tub and the back rub? It will be nice to see her in her bikini again. My love for my sister was quickly turning to lust; and I was enjoying the thought. What I would like to do to her. Now I have admitted it. I want my sister. Little Ally. I wanted her.

Mom had the table set, and dad was coming in from the garage. He walked into his office to put his things away, and mom was at the stove.

"Can Ry and I have wine with the spaghetti?" Ally asked our mother.

"I suppose so. Get four wine glasses out of the cabinet. I will get a cold bottle of wine. I think we will have that new red wine I got last weekend. It should go nice with spaghetti.

Mom walked out to get the wine, and Ally walked over to the cabinet. She opened the cabinet door and reached up for the glasses. As she did, the shirt went up with her, and her whole ass, covered in tiny white panties, was in full view. I was staring at her ass. She looked back at me and asked, "What are you looking at, Ry?"

"As if you don't know!" I replied. She wiggled her ass for a minute and just smiled at me. "You like?" she asked.

"You know I think you have the sweetest ass ever," I replied. "You better get the glasses and come sit down before mom sees you stretching like that and showing off that cute ass of yours." I said.

She got the glasses out of the cabinet, and pulling her shirt back down, walked over to the table. She put the glasses in front of each plate, and then sat down next to me. As she did, she spread her legs, giving me a nice view of her thighs and panty covered pussy. She pulled her chair up to that table, cutting off my view. She looked at me and gently smiled. "Jacuzzi and back rub. Don't forget," she said softly so no one else could hear her.

Mom and dad came back into the kitchen together. Mom put the spaghetti on the table, along with some garlic bread. Dad uncorked the wine bottle and began pouring. "I take it you two are drinking wine too?" Dad asked, noticing that there are four glasses on the table.

"I told them they could," mom said. "They have had a hard practice today, and I think this will help them relax a bit."

"Ryan hurt his back in practice today," Ally chimed in, "I think the wine will help him feel better. After dinner we are going to soak in the hot tub for a while and see if that helps him."

"It is too damn hot outside for the jacuzzi," dad said. "Why don't you wait until the sun goes down, it usually cools off then."

"Yes, It is too hot now. Just relax and wait a while before you go outside for that." mom said.

I felt a little disappointed that I would have to wait until dark to get into the jacuzzi with Ally, but they were right. It was still about ninety degrees outside, and it was too hot to be out there in the hot water.

We started eating. The spaghetti was great. Mom is a good cook, and always prepares a nice meal, which I appreciate, especially with her working all day. The wine was good, too. I finished my glass, as did Ally. Dad refilled both glasses, and poured the remainder in his and mom's glasses.

"I may have to open another bottle," dad said.

"I have another. Let me go ahead and get it," mom replied as she got up and walked out for a second bottle of wine. Dad opened it and topped of his and mother's glasses.

We talked while we ate, each one catching up with the other. I enjoyed dinner time. Mon insists that we all eat dinner together. Most of my friends never eat dinner with their parents, but this was something that was special to our mother.

"Dad, Mr. Wilkins asked if I would be interested in continuing to work with him through the school year. It would only be a couple hours each day during the marching season. Of course it would also include games and concerts. He really needs the help with all the new drummers, and he also said that I could be his assistant with the band. He still has to check it out with someone, but he thinks he can get it approved," I said. "I would also be able to bring Ally home after practice. I can drop her off in the morning and spend the day at the community college. They have a new library which is really nice. I could study in the morning, between classes, and before I have to leave for band practice."

"It sounds to me like you have this all figured out," he said. "I don't see any harm in it, as long as you are able to do it all and keep your grades up." I looked over at mom, and she looked surprised that he caved so quickly.

"What does Allyson think of having you at band practice every day?" He asked, looking at Ally.

"Actually, I think it would be kind of cool," she replied. "The band does need his help. We lost so many drummers from graduation. He would be a great help, and I wouldn't have to find a ride home every day."

"I agree as long as you keep your grades up. That is the most important thing now that you will be in college," dad said.

"I have some work to finish up, and we all have a early morning tomorrow," dad stated as he got up from the table. "You two be quiet when you are out in the hot tub this evening. I know our room is in the front of the house, but I don't want to hear you two carrying on out there."

Dad left the room and went to the office. That would be the last we would see of him tonight.

Mom, Ally and I cleared the table and put the dishes and silverware in the dish washer. "I am going to go back and watch some TV before turning in. You two have fun tonight. I will have your breakfast in the morning before you leave for band practice." With that she also disappeared down the hall way.

"I don't think she is going to watch TV," Ally stated.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"All through dinner she couldn't keep her hands off Dad's leg. I think that is why he was so agreeable to you working during the school year. He wanted to get back to the bedroom," she said.

"That's funny!" I replied. ""I wondered why I didn't get the argument I was anticipating."

Ally reached over and took the nearly full wine bottle and poured each of us a third glass of wine.

"Do you think you can handle that?" I asked.

"Sure, do you?" she replied. "I think it will help us relax this evening after a long practice today. Let's go sit in the TV room while we are waiting for it to cool off outside. I can't wait to get in the hot tub, and then I am going to give you a back rub you will never forget," she promised.

With that we headed down to the TV room. I had my glass of wine in my hand, as did Ally. I noticed that she was also bringing the half-filled wine bottle with her. "This could turn out to be an interesting evening," I thought to myself.
M23 / Bisexual / North America

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Old 03-16-2016, 11:15 AM   #4
getDare Sweetheart
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Very interesting evening it would seem great story
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Old 03-16-2016, 04:18 PM   #5
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wow. this is really well written. great job. enjoyed reading and can't wait for more..
Still working on these

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Old 03-16-2016, 05:32 PM   #6
getDare Sweetheart
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Default Lil sis chapter 3

Ally and I made our way downstairs to the TV room. It is a fairly large room that doubles as a game room. In one end it has a large flat screen TV. It is a seventy three inch HD Mitsubishi. I love it when there is a football or basketball game on. Dad and I especially spend a lot of time down here during the sports seasons. Mom sometimes jokes that we need to just move our beds down here. Sometimes I think she is right.

I set my wine glass down on the end table and plopped down on the couch, while Ally set her wine glass down and went over to look at the movies.

"What do you want to watch? We should have time for one movie before we head outside," Ally asked while looking over the movies in the cabinet. I thought I should ask for one on the top shelf, just to watch her stretch over her head again like she did in the kitchen.

"It doesn't matter to me," I replied. It really matter what I said anyway, she would pick out some chic flick like she always does.

Ally picked out "Like Water for Chocolate," and asked me if that would be OK.

"That will be fine," I replied. She has watched this movie about a thousand times. I think she has a thing for Marco Leonardi. He does look good in this film, and at least I will get to see a bit of nudity and a nice pair of tits.

She took the DVD over to the player and bent over to insert it. When she did this, I had a full view of her ass. She must have pulled her panties up before she bent over because it looked like she had a full wedgie. The white panties, tiny to begin with, had disappeared into the crack of her ass. Her full ass was on display. She had to know she was displaying her ass to me, but she didn't say anything.

"There, we can watch this a bit. I doubt that we will be able to watch it all though, it is a long movie," Ally stated as the movie started and she walked back to her chair. Sitting down, she threw her right leg over the arm of the chair, exposing her scantly covered pussy to me.

We sat in silence for the first few minutes. I noticed that Ally was drinking through the wine in her glass. I was doing the same, alternating my eyes between the screen and her crotch, staying mostly on her crotch. I must have been in sort of a trance looking at her, as she startled me when she spoke.

"You don't seem very interested in the movie, something else got your attention?" she asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked, jolting my head and eyes back to the screen before looking back at her. "You seem to be preoccupied with something, that's all," she said.

"Busted," I replied. "How do you expect me to concentrate on the movie when you are sitting like that?"

"Like what?" she asked.

"Like that, with your leg hanging over the side of the chair. I can see right up your shirt," I replied.

"It's nothing you haven't seen before," she stated, smiling at me. "I know you got an even better view of it when you were on the bed earlier."

"I couldn't help it, you were standing right over me. What did you expect me to do?" I replied.

"I think you liked it," she said.

"Why do you say that?" I asked wondering.

"Well, while you were lying on the bed, I got a pretty good view of you too," she replied.

"So," I replied. "You didn't see anything. There was nothing to see."

"I could see that you were getting a little excited. At least that is what it looked like to me," she said.

I know that I was turning red at that statement. I didn't think she was aware of my erection while I was staring at her pussy just inches above my head.

"What do you expect? I am human, you know," I replied.

"That was quite obvious. There was quite a tent in your boxers," she said.

"OK, so I got a little excited looking at you underneath the towel. I have always told you that you have a beautiful body. That was just the first time I have seen it, up close like that," I said.

"Maybe it wont be the last time, either," she replied while standing up. "I am going to refill my glass. Do you want some more wine?" she asked.

"Sure, I think I need some more," I said.

Ally walked over to the table where the bottle was, taking her glass with her. She poured hers full, and then turned and poured my glass full too. After that, she set the wine bottle back down, and rather than going back to her chair, she sat down beside me on the couch, leaning against me. The wine was working on both of us. I know my head was beginning to spin, and it was having its effect on her as well. She was acting kinda crazy, showing herself like she did, cuddling up to me on the sofa, it was like she was losing all her inhibitions, and I wasn't far behind her, if I was at all.

"Did you mean it when you said that I have a nice ass and body? I think my tits are too small and my ass is too big. Be honest." she said.

"So, are we playing a little game of truth or dare?" I asked her.

"Hmmm, not really what I had in mind, but we can if you want to," she replied.

"Well, OK. I take truth and will answer your question honestly. You have a great ass. I love the way it looks. It is not fat; quite the contrary. It is just perfect. It is firm and has a great shape to it. As I said, everyone things you have the best ass in the school, and I agree. It is beautiful," I replied, amazed at the direction this conversation was taking, and the relaxation I felt. This could be an interesting evening.

"What about my tits?" she asked.

"Well, I have never seen them, but through your t-shirt they look perfect. Not everyone likes huge boobs. I like yours. They look firm, and you have great nipples. I can even see them now through your shirt," I honestly replied. "If you weren't my sister, I . . ." I didn't complete my sentence. Even with the wine, there were still some things I did not want to admit to her, or anyone else.

"You what? If I weren't your sister, what would you do?" she asked.

"Never mind," I said.

"No, really, what would you do?" she pleaded.

"You already asked your question and I answered honestly. It is my turn now," I replied.

"Truth or dare?" I asked her.

"I think I will take dare," she replied without hesitation.

"I dare you to let me see your tits. You showed me everything else earlier, now I want to see them," I replied, wondering if I had gone too far.

"Did you like what you saw?" she asked.

"Will you do the dare or not?" I asked.

"Sure. I don't know why I am doing this, but with all that wine, you could get me to do just about anything tonight," she giggled.

She looked into my eyes as she crossed her arms and grabbed hold of the bottom of her t-shirt. Slowly, as if she were teasing me again, she pulled the shirt higher and higher. When she started pulling it up, I got a great view of her crotch. The white panties had a large wet spot in front, and they were really tight against her pussy. I could see her pussy lips protruding through her panties. My friends call this a camel toe. This is the first time I have seen one up this close. My cock was getting hard as she continued pulling up her shirt.

Finally I could see the bottom of her breasts. They looked so soft. I wanted to reach out and feel them, to lick them, to suck on them. God she looked so fucking sexy right now.She continued pulling up, until the shirt was now over her head. She took it completely off and threw it on the floor.

i couldn't believe she did this. I have wanted to see those tits for a long time, and now they were right in front of me, in the raw.

Her tits were on the small side, but they were beautiful. Her nipples were hard, sticking straight out. She looked amazing.

"So?" she asked.

"So what?" I responded.

"What do you think?" she asked.

"Well, first of all, I think they are amazing. I can't believe you took your shirt off," I replied.

She started giggling. "I don't think I would have if we had not been drinking wine all evening. Really, Ry, what do you think? Are they too small?" she asked.

"No, not at all. They are perfect. "Can I feel them?" I asked.

"It's not your turn yet. It is mine." she replied.

"Truth or dare, Ry?" she asked, sitting there topless with her arms supporting her weight as she was leaning back. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. I couldn't even respond. All I could do was look at her, her beautiful breasts.

"Truth or Dare?" she asked again, a little more adamantly.

"You took a dare, so I will too. Dare," I responded.

I really didn't know where this was leading. She looked at me for a minute before responding.

"I think I will hold that Dare for the hot tub," she said. She stood up and said that it is time for us to go to the jacuzzi.

I looked out the window, and noticed that it was getting dark. We had been in the TV room for a couple of hours, and I didn't even notice the credits rolling on the movie. I was mesmerized by what had happened. I knew it was the wine, and I also knew that this was Ally's intention when she brought the wine into the TV room.

She suggested that we go to our rooms and put on our suits for the jacuzzi, and that we should meet outside by the tub when we finished changing.

"Don't forget to take the wine out to the hot tub," she said as she went up the stairs.

I couldn't believe this was happening. Earlier in the evening she showed off her pussy to me. She played like it was an accident at the time, but she has now admitted that she knew it was on display all the time. Now she has shown me her tits. I looked down and noticed that there was a huge bulge in the front of my shorts. My mind was racing. The alcohol was making me light headed, and my l'il sis wasn't helping matters any with her antics. Fuck, she is amazing. She is so beautiful. I wonder what my dare is?
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Old 03-17-2016, 03:06 AM   #7
getDare Sweetheart
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Perfect, quick update with great erotic action.
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