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Old 09-05-2014, 04:53 PM   #1
getDare Succubus
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Post A Bundle of Trials

[For any of you who know me, hello again. For those who don't : hello!
I'm interesting, and this is my attempt at revisiting past characters and stories posted here a few years ago. You may want to revisit them. I list them all on my profile at the following blog post :


You may also pick up the story from here, as it develops. I'll see how often I'm inspired to post them, and I do hope to get a few old readers and a host of new ones.]

It started with Jim and Sarah. It didn't end there. It went all the way through Jennifer, Barry and Bonnie, Claire and Cassie, Thomas and Jimmy, Brad and Brigitte... so many others played a hand in making it happen... there were Mick, Rick and Jody, Mary, Prissy, Kate and Pauline, Judy, Janice and Daniel, Peter, Suzy, Marquis, not to mention Julie, Sandy, Marlena, Claudia, Susan and Kamara, and who else whose name slips my mind (Deni and Kim, for example).

The past shaped the present, and it, in turn, shaped the future.

And that future is now unfolding...

The Trials aren't simply those of Jim and Sarah. The trials involve everyone, and they are about to coalesce into a new chain of events that, as usual, start with play and end with change. Because things always change, and truth is the first catalyst of it, but daring is ultimately the transformative element.

Stay tuned for the next ride...

You can visit my erotic stories website at:

This link can get you to all of my stories on this site as well:
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Old 09-05-2014, 10:00 PM   #2
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Default A Bundle of Trials - Rewind [Jim]

Last year, around the same time, my life was very ordinary. Since then, things have become... complicated. Better, definitely more entertaining, but complicated none the less.

I met this girl. Sarah. A student of mine. She hung out in class, and developed a fancy for me. So when she was no longer under my care at school, she approached me. We met, we had fun, we dared each other, and then, we became an item. Sort of.

I met her her friends too around that time. Jennifer. Thomas. Barry. Bonnie. Claire. Cassie. Let's just say these people were way into... things I wasn't into at the time. Daring. Playing. Sexing (is that a word?). I started hanging out with them. Things got weird. I started being sexual with Jennifer too. Things got weirder. Everybody pretty much cracked from the pressure. It took us a while but we managed to get things back in order, and my mind, well... things change. Experiences make you think about everything that's happened before, casting them in a new light. That's where I'm at, right now. About eight months into my relationship with Sarah.

Last April (was it already three months ago?), we had a big party. A really really big party. Things got wild, wilder than at Christmas, but about as wild as Spring Break. Different though. Spring Break was both an epiphany and a breaking point. April, things were resolved. Most things, anyway.

Since then, I have been happily monogamous with Sarah and, I hope, she has been happily the same. I hope for the happily part, because I know she hasn't had any other experiences with anyone. I don't think I would have minded if she had, though - as long as she kept me in the loop. Perhaps we didn't create opportunities.

For those of you who know me, who have been following my unique stroll into personal and sexual discovery, you might want to get some news on everyone. If you haven't been paying attention, or if you're simply new to the entire scene, it'll be a nice stepping stone for you to build on.

So Jennifer is single again. She wasn't for a few weeks. She met Prissy through Cassie, and they hung out, went out for a time. It was Jennifer who called it off. Sarah was really pissed about it. Prissy seemed like a good girl for Jennifer, as open-minded as she was. We spoke to Prissy : she doesn't seem bitter about it. We don't hang out but we keep in touch. Oh! Jennifer is still a model too. She's started officially calling herself a 'porn star'. She did a few stunts with her photographer friend Peter; she was alone for both (no partner), but she did it all. We have a pass for the two shoots she's done : one in the pool at Peter's place, and the other in his bedroom. Sometimes, we watch it to get ourselves in the mood, not that we really need it.

Claire and Cassie are still together, still very much in love and still very open-minded. I know that Prissy has spent some time with them since her breakup with Jennifer, but I'm not privy to what happened. Knowing them, it could have been a simple hangout or a more elaborate activity in their dungeon. I don't see my favorite lesbian couple as often as I would like, but they're around.

A word about Thomas. Him and Jimmy - it didn't work. They were great together, but Jimmy got scared that he would be outed as gay, and he couldn't handle the pressure. He left town : I think he's in Vegas now. It is a shame. I liked Jimmy. Thomas wasn't as heartbroken as we thought he would be, or maybe he's just good at hiding it. Professionally though, Thomas has made quite an impression in the boxing circuit. He's scheduled to face some upper echelon opponents sometime this September, and he might even get an endorsement if he performs well. He's got an agent now, apparently. I haven't met him, but Thomas seems to think he's made of gold.

Brad and Brigitte are... well, they are. It's hard to describe. They moved too. Brigitte's medical condition is under control, but she wanted to be closer to her family, and Brad followed her like a lovesick puppy - or any other kind of puppy she wants him to be, really. They're in Oregon, where Brigitte's extended family now resides. As far as I know, they're doing great. I hope it stays that way.

This takes me to Barry and Bonnie. We hang out a lot with them, now that Sarah and I are officially 'a couple'. We all laugh at the the term. It mostly means we live together, share the same bed - as far as romantic pursuits go, though, it seems we're pretty much on the same footing. Nothing's happened between us four so far. I say so far, because there's always the possibility now. No more closing of doors without talking about it first. I've said it before : I don't need anyone else if I have Sarah, but if an opportunity shows up, well, we'll talk about it and decide to see if we act on it.

And this rewind, recap, or whatever you call it, takes me up to now, narrative speaking of course. During the last Spring Break, Barry and Bonnie didn't attend the festivities because they were on a trip, indulging in a different kind of affair altogether. While there, they apparently met a nice thirty-something couple, Kim and Brian, she, a bank manager and he, a computer programmer. I'm told they had a very nice time. Apparently, they stayed in touch. Barry and Bonnie have been invited to several days of leisure and recreation at their friends' summer home, in the second week of August. It occurred to them that they could extend the invitation to others, and the inviting couple agreed. So, they thought of me and Sarah.

There are no illusions around this. If we go, we'll end up having sex with them - some level of intimacy anyway. I should be fine with that, some would think, given what we've done in the past, but if I may quote myself : 'We'll talk about it.'

And talk we did. The life I have with Sarah is full of happy moments, great tenderness, awesome sex, and the occasional frowns. I'm on break for the summer, as is Sarah. She's starting her classes to become a kindergarten teacher in only a few weeks. Time-wise, it's perfect for an activity such as this. But I'm always reminded of my breakdown after Jennifer, and after the Spring Break activities. Things got weird before they got better. I like the better part. The weird... not so much.

Now, I know what you're thinking. Of course they're gonna go. He wouldn't do such a preamble it they weren't going. And you're right, but you need to understand what it means for us, Sarah and me, to do this at this moment in our lives. You have to understand : I have been with her less than a year and, so far, I have had more partners in that time that in the rest of my life combined - and to my knowledge, at least at the beginning, I wanted to be in a monogamous relationship. Sarah also wanted the same thing, but neither of us delivered on that promise. That reflection brings its load of uncertainty and hesitation. The question is not if we can be faithful to each other, because I'm fairly certain we could manage (even Sarah, who is definitely still more prone to challenge herself than me). The question becomes : do we want to be faithful?

The only answer I can really come up with may require more explanation, but I'll leave that for another time : it's all about the dressing.
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Old 09-24-2014, 09:10 PM   #3
getDare Succubus
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Default A Bundle of Trials - The Lodge I [Jim]

That morning, Sara got up before me, and prepared breakfast in bed for me. Essentially, it means that she woke me up by taking advantage of my morning boner, wrapping her lips around it until I woke up, then sitting on me facing away while she rode me to ecstasy for both of us. She calls it breakfast in bed. Every so often, the inkling will take her to start the day on a high note like this. I'm not complaining. Waking up to my girlfriend taking care of me, and within minutes of wakefulness, experiencing the pleasure of a powerful release inside her is a great way to start the day. That morning, before we were done, we swapped position a couple of times; I came hard into her while she was lying on the bed, her legs held together to my left. She moaned long and hard for my benefit, and we collapsed on the sheets.

"It's gonna be a great day," she whispered.

I laughed as I got up to take a shower. She joined me, trying to make me hard again, to no avail, so she left me alone in the shower. When I walked out, I had peanut buttered toasts ready for me. Our luggage was ready from the previous evening. We got into the car as soon as we finished getting dressed, and took the bus up to Barry and Bonnie's house.

Once there, we left my car in their driveway and took theirs, roomier and more luxurious, out of town and onto the highway. Barry set us up with an easy listening radio station, soft rock, and we headed out for the two hour drive.

"So... excited?" Bonnie asked us."
"Like you wouldn't believe!" Sarah replied.
"I guess. It's gonna be fun to be away from the city for a few days."

The elephant was in the car with us, and it was Barry who brought it up.

"You know the plan is to swap, right?..."
"I know. We'll see once we get there," I replied.

I saw Bonnie looking at me with desire; given what we had already done together, it didn't seem impossible for us to end up together if the circumstances were right. Barry was in the same situation with Sarah; they had never officially slept together, so this could be a first for them as well, if they allowed it to happen. I wasn't really concerned about it, considering the other things I had witnessed them do together, or the games we had all played. I was concerned about the two people I did not know, the owners of the cottage where we would be staying, the banker Kim and her lawyer husband Brian, whom I had never met. After all my past experiences, I was open to the idea of swapping, at least more than before, but I also knew that I had to feel some kind of attraction for the other person, otherwise, it would leave an aftertaste in my mouth and lead to more problems. Having learned and understood my limitations, I could now play with them. Yet, even knowing this, the notion of swapping, deliberately, and not as part of a game, was challenging at best. It was easy to act on the randomness or goofiness of the play as it was happening, or even afterwards; could I do the same if I deliberately went with someone else, and allowed Sarah to do the same?

I reassured myself. We were going to be there three days and three nights. It wouldn't be all about sex, that much was certain. But perhaps that was the disturbing part. Despite any pretension we might have had, the games we played, the dares we imposed on each other in our little group, always served the purpose of justification for our sex games. Going to live with two other couples for three days, in a context where partners could be changed without the excuse of the game, that was a stretch for me. I had addressed it with Sarah the day before, but we had still agreed to go there.

"Worse comes to worse," she had replied to my concern, "we can always watch the others swap and stick with each other, or choose not to do certain things, kind of like when we're daring."

Her argument had made sense, which was why I had agreed to go. On the way, Bonnie and Sarah chatted about things which I didn't follow in the backseat; I was on the passenger's side with Barry. As we exited the highway and went onto the country road, he opened up.

"You seem tense."
"I guess I am, a little at least."
"It will be fine. You're a lot more confident than when we first met."
"True. I just don't really know them."
"To be truthful, we don't know them either very well. We know enough."
"Is it safe?"
"They're not diseased or anything."
"Yeah, but... I mean... are they into bondage, or costume play, or... weird shit?"

Barry looked at me with puzzled eyes.

"You're awfully judgemental today, Jim."
"I know. I'm sorry. I just want to get a bearing."
"Well, let's be honest, Jim. We're not gonna arrive on site, get naked and fuck on the porch. You'll get a chance to talk to them, get to know them, see if there's a connection there."
"I guess. You're right."
"Relax... We're gonna have a great time!"

It took another twenty minutes before we hit the dirt road. From there, we followed the narrow way into the woods. Barry almost missed the entrance but swerved just in time. He followed the path up to a lovely two-story country home, right near a large lake, surrounded by trees and nature. There was a large patio leading up to the lake, a quay where a small boat was tied up.

The owners came out of the house through the side to greet us as we stepped out of the vehicle. Theyre were older than me by about ten years. Brian was good-looking, short brown hair, a pinch of grey on the temples, unshaved from a few days, a big smile on his lips. Kim, his wife, was very well kept and it showed the she trained a lot. She had shortish straight dark hair down to her shoulders, a smile as contagious as her husbands. They wore casual clothes, and I quickly noticed that Kim was not wearing any bra in her strapless dress. Handshakes and cheek kisses were exchanged and they walked us around the property.

We eventually sat down on the patio with drinks, where Kim and Brian got Sarah and myself talking about us.

"So you're a teacher's assistant? What do you teach?"
"English, mostly. A literature class too. This semester."
"And is it as rewarding as you want it to be?" Brian inquired."I like it."
"I hear that's how you two met," added

I looked at Barry and Bonnie; they had obviously talked about us, and I wondered how much they had said. It was Sarah who picked up the answer.

"Yes, but it was all very proper - until the end of the semester, anyway."

She laughed, and everyone laughed along with her. I retaliated with my question.

"And how did you two meet?"
"University, actually," replied Brian, and then he handed the torch to Kim.
"I was majoring in finance, and I ended up doing a stint as a financial analyst intern at a law office where he was also interning. We met around noon... and we were in bed together by five."
"You don't waste time!" replied Bonnie.
"You have to understand, neither of us were looking into a commitment at the time. I had a boyfriend at the time too, but with Brian, it just clicked."
"I was a serial dater, to be honest," Brian added. "But meeting Kim - she really captured my attention."
"We didn't actually formally start going out before a year after that - in the meantime, we kept seeing each other - and other people. But he completes me."
"And she me. It's a a perfect arrangement for us."

We finished our drinks just in time for lunch. Brian took out the barbecue and we had chips and ribs. After that, the girls switched to their bikinis and went to take a dip in the lake. The water was apparently cold.I sat down with Brian and Barry.

"Barry tells me you're a little hesitant about the affair?"

I looked at Barry.

"You're really good at secrets, Barry."
"Hey! Don't look at me. I just think it's fair they know, given they invited us, and the 'activity' is part of the premise."
"It is, and it isn't," corrected Brian. "Listen, Jim... swapping isn't for everyone, you know. There's no harm in not doing it."
"That's not really the issue, Brian," I replied. "We've had sex with other people before. But... it feels weird a little to be in this, to reflect actively on it."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, most of our activities were games which lead to sex."
"So... make this a game?"

I looked at my host with a strange look.

"How do you mean?"
"Jim, if you're gonna be into this - or if you're not, doesn't matter - you need to confident about it. Are you afraid she might love it more with someone else?"
"No. I don't think so. But make it a game...?"
"Well, think of it this way... do you do role-play?"

I remembered a video I had shot with Jennifer and Sarah, and I smiled. He understood what he wanted from it.

"So make it a role-play situation, or a game... you're into stunts, so make it a stunt... or strip card games, strip monopoly..."
"I see."
"It isn't just about swapping, you know. It's about having fun."

He turned to Barry.

"When we met on vacation, we weren't looking for anything, but you and Bonnie happened to be there, and it felt right. But it could have been anything else, really. We got right down to business, but we could have made a game of it."
"I guess we could try," I replied, looking at Barry to see if he had my back, and he did. "Can I... take charge?"
"You like being in charge?" Brian asked.

I smiled.

"I guess I do. I like being in control, and I suppose this is a good way. But are you up for games? I mean, like, uh, truth or dare, or stunts, or card games..."
"We're up for anything!" Brian smirked.
"Ok... I'll think about it. What was the plan anyway?" I further asked.
"Honestly... there wasn't one. We were just gonna wing it - but if you need a little more structure, well, we can work with that too."
"Thanks... I'll... think about it."

We watched our respective partners frollick in the water. The idea of making this my activity, of claiming it and structuring within a frame that would be comfortable and familiar to me made sense. I knew Sarah would be down with it, and I imagined Bonnie wouldn't mind. I nodded my head as I considered options, watching our three partners swim and fumble around the lake in their bikinis.

Possibilities raced into my mind, and I realized that this had all the makings of a disaster - or a great time. I guess it all depened on my ability to reason with my emotions and my psyche.
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Old 10-24-2014, 10:20 PM   #4
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Default A Bundle of Trials - The Lodge II [Jim]

We watched our ladies frolic in the water for some time after our conversation. I was still considering Brian's suggestion, allowing me to take control of the activities in order to help smooth the transition from gaming to swapping. I wasn't against the idea but I needed to reflect on it. It was agreed, in any event, that we would take time to get to know each other a little better before getting all sexual.

We saw our three lovely companions, Sarah, Bonnie and Kim, stepping out of the water and onto the deck. Watching the water drizzle over their bodies was quite a treat : all three kept in shape. Kim was the oldest, in her mid-thirties, but she was still stunning in her two-piece black bikini. Her wet hair undulated above her head. She came in, leaning over her partner and planting a kiss, then setting herself down on the lawnchair beside him. Bonnie was equally ravishing, her voluptuous shape screaming to escape from the confines of the pink and yellow two-piece she was wearing. She sat between Barry's legs at the edge of his chair. Sarah completed the tableau with her gorgeous figure, blonde-auburn hair and red bikini that she had bought just for the trip. She pulled up a chair, sitting down between myself and Bonnie.

"So," Kim inquired, "what are you boys talking about?"
"We were actually thinking of letting Jim set us up for the rest," Brian answered her, looking at me.
"That's a good idea..." Kim added.

Sarah seemed pleased. She placed a hand on my hip; I instantly felt my soldier wanting to come to attention. But it was definitely too early to indulge. Or was it, I asked myself for a moment.

"We're all here to have fun," Bonnie commented, "but I have to be honest... I've been wanting a piece of Jim for a long time..."

I blushed, and started getting hard. My trunks could not hide my reaction.

"Ever since that trip we took together," Bonnie added, "I've been a lot more open-minded."
"I think everyone can benefit from that," Barry said.

There was quiet laughter among the group. Kim's gaze, wandering across the room, landed on the bulge in my swimwear.

"Well, someone is eager..."

Her comment only drew a larger reaction, which made the others laugh.

"Can't wait to see it unfurled," she added.
"It's worth a look..." Sarah commented, sneering at me.
"Stop talking about my crotch!" I replied, somewhat stern.

My reaction only made the others giggle even more; their laughter helped reduce the swelling. Barry spoke up, drawing the attention away from me.

"So, it's the middle of the afternoon... what should we do?"

There was no immediate answer. My mind was still working out the details of how I wanted our games to proceed. A general idea had already formed, at least as far the first day should go. I finally spoke up.

"Well, if you're all interested in playing a little bit, I may have a game for all of us..."
"A game? Sounds exciting," Bonnie said.
"Just a starters game, to get everyone in the mood for further fun later..." I added.
"All good. What do you have in mind?"

Expectantly, the five people stared at me, waiting to see what I had come up with.

"It's gonna be a couples game... so, everyone with their regular partner."

They nod, waiting to hear more.

"So... each couple will have to mime something... one mimes, the other has to guess. You score points on getting the right answer and quickness. The first team to fail - or get the lowest score - gets a penalty from the other teams, decided together. You like?"
"It's nice," Kim said.
"Yeah," added Brian, "it's a good start."

Perhaps they had anticipated something more challenging. For my part, I wanted to start out smooth and work my way up to more sexual activities.

"So... which team starts?" Sarah inquired.
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Old 11-01-2014, 06:00 AM   #5
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Default A Bundle of Trials - The Lodge III [Jim]

Every player wrote something on a card. They had agreed to play a very simple game of guessing, where one partner would get the other to guess what the other was trying to interpret. We agreed on a rule that no sounds could be used - only pantomimes. Each team would also have a time limit.

We moved the chairs about so they faced each other, in a circle. Barry sat with Bonnie, Kim with Brian and Sarah with me. Then, we started picking out the words or ideas we needed to play out.

It was clear from the onset that, as couples, everyone knew each other pretty well. Barry got to wave his arms wide and got Bonnie to guess 'Birds of a feather'. Brian almost ran out of time trying to get his wife, Kim, to say 'Disneyland', but she managed it. I had to get Sarah to identify the expression 'Car of the year', and it was surprisingly easy. Ater that, the women had to do the same. Barry instantly guessed Bonnie's interpretation of 'Titanic'; Kim was very hilarious in trying to get Brian to say 'Red, White and Blue'; finally, Sarah wobbled around until I recognized her gestures as attempting to portray 'Daffy Duck'.

The game was quite amusing, not serious whatsoever, and it helped set the tone. Since no one had failed the round, we talked about doing a second one, but I decided to change the game.

"New rules : the girls play against the boys."

This change of pace got everyone quite excited, so we rotated the chairs.

"Failure means that the other team can inflict a sanction on the losers..." I added.
"They're so gonna ask for our tops!" Bonnie replied, laughing.

Each team wrote six new ideas - one for each player - on blank pieces of paper which we shuffled them again. We drew randomly and the girls got to start the game. Sarah opted to go first, so she drew a piece of paper. She started flailing about madly; Bonnie and Kim watched her go about until a few guesses in the right direction got the expression 'Don't count your chickens before they hatch'. The girls hopped for joy, a most welcome sight, and then it was our turn.

I drew an expression and started my pantomime. Brian seemed unable to solve it, but Barry, focusing solely on my performance, figured out that I was 'baking a cake'. A high-five later, I sat back down and it was the girls' turn again.

Bonnie decided to go. Her large breasts were very distracting as she hopped about; it wasn't as distracting to the women because they figured out her acting and the expression 'to hop around mad'. Bonnie flashed her tongue at us before sitting back down.

Barry volunteered to go next; despite our best efforts, neither Brian nor I were able to figure out his gestures before time ran out. Barry looked at us almost bewildered.

"Come on, guys, it was 'The Eiffel Tower'. I was mimicking France!"
"Wow!" I replied. "If that's what you think of French people..."

Bonnie interjected at that point.

"You lost... so... you get a penalty..."
"Oh... great!" Barry jokingly complained. "We're getting exposed."
"Not so fast," Kim cut in. "We may have another dare in mind..."

The girls retreated a little, whispering to each other while we boys waited for them to make up their mind. Within minutes, they headed back towards us, a worrisome glint in their eyes.

"So," Sarah said, "we decided that we would delay your punishment - our reward - until after the game was complete. There's only two turns anyway..."
"But what is it?" Brian asked.
"We're not telling."
"Ok... but what does that mean for the game?" he continued.

I chose to answer that one.

"It just means that we get a last run at them to get to impose something on them..."
"...and then," Sarah cut in, "we get a last run at you, then we do all the dares at once."

Everyone agreed. It was time for Kim to act something out. It was a close call as she did her best to get her partners to guess it, but time ultimately ran out on them. There was some disappointment on their side, but on the boys' side, we were ecstatic.

"Boobies!" yelled out Barry.
"See," Bonnie answered. "I told you..."
"Now, hang on," Brian intervened. "We should talk about this."
"What's there to talk about?" Barry answered. "I want boobies."

His approach was playful, but his desire was sincere. Brian shrugged off and allowed the decision to stand.

"Now?" Kim asked, reaching for her top.
"No," I answered. "After the last turn, which is us..."

And so Brian got up, trying to get us to recognize the expression he had drawn. Try as we might, we ran out of time a second time. Brian lifted his arms in defeat.

"The Final Countdown!" he spat out.

Neither Brian nor myself would have figured it out. He seemed like he was sulking, but it only lasted a moment. As he returned to his seat, Sarah stood up.

"We are the winners, and we get to double dare you..."

She was giddy at the prospect. Kim decided to take charge.

"All right, let's move all these chairs out of the way."

The men carried out the order, clearing the deck, while the women went to get towels which they laid down on the ground, lined up in a parallel fashion.

"So, your first punishment," Kim said, "is to give us a fully body massage."
"And how is that a punishment?" Brian asked.
"It's not. But it's what you have to do."

The three girls laid down on their respective towels, face down, their backs exposed to us.

"And what about your tops?" asked Barry.
"Tell you what... when we flip forward for the front massage, we'll take them off."

Each man went to his respective partner; I set myself beside Sarah, but both Barry and Brian sat on top of their girl. In unison, we all started kneading the flesh, caressing their skin and massaging the muscle underneath. Sarah's skin was warm under my touch, and I felt her relaxing into it. I barely watched my fellow men work on their own partners, focusing to slide my fingers on every spot of Sarah's delightful frame. I started with her neck and upper back, moving slowly down until I reached her buttocks. I gave them a special attention before moving down to her thighs, legs and feet. She moaned every so often from my stimulation; I started moving back up, quickly to her shoulders, then down her arms. There were other moans, so I looked up : Barry was intensely kneading Bonnie's cheeks while Brian was massaging into Kim's hair. I reached up and did the same to Sarah; she moaned louder than before, and I finally returned to her neck and shoulders.

The entire massage of the girls' backs lasted for over ten minutes. They were putty in our hands at that moment. It was Barry who initiated the next step; he helped Bonnie switch to her back. As she did, she unclasped the bikini top and removed it, exposing her large breasts to everyone. It was hard not to look, and I was reminded of a few times I had been in contact with them. My eyes wandered to Kim's own chest as she exposed herself. She was new to me. They were somewhere between Bonnie and Sarah, nice and firm. It made me think she might have implants, nothing large, just something to keep her up. As she lay back on the towel and I saw her chest still holding up, it confirmed my suspicion, not that it mattered. My eyes returned to Sarah, who smiled at me knowingly. I stared as she removed her top, and I knew the other two men were also staring. The girls had stripped in turn, drawing attention on each of them in order instead of all together.

We returned to the massages; Barry immediately grabbed Bonnie's breasts and went to work, like he knew she enjoyed. Brian and myself took our time, going from the woman's feet up their legs. When my hands neared the area where Sarah's legs connected, I heard a long sigh from my girlfriend. I looked up to see the full arousal in her face. As I kept going up, I climbed on top of her, and my own sex, now hardening, rested just above hers. I hazarded a look at the others; Brian was in a similar position as myself, but I couldn't tell how Kim was reacting to it. Barry was still at it on Bonnie's chest, and her head was bobbing left and right, as her eyes looked glazed over. I knew how stimulated Bonnie could get that way. Sarah drew my attention back to her, grabbing my hands and putting them on her breasts. I started working them up, and Sarah smiled at me, then looked towards the others. She enjoyed the sight as much as I did.

The massage went on for another few minutes, with many moans coming from the girls. I was panting myself from the excitement, eager for more. Kim eventually managed to get her bearings, motioning for her partner to stop.

"Ok... that was nice... so..."
"So?" Brian asked.
"Well, we all know we're going to have sex these few days, so might as well get started..."
"Only," Sarah intervened, "you're going to start us up... with some oral."

I had, of course, expected this to happen, even if it seemed to occur quickly. Then again, the premisce of the entire activity was sex, and possible swapping of partners. The other players had indulged in the game to get me in the mood and break down my defenses, and in truth, it had worked.

"Okay," Brian answered for all of us. "We each get our traditional partner for now... but we do it here, on the deck... all together."
"That was the idea," Kim replied.

Tension rose to a new level, not that it was anything challenging to myself or Sarah, or even Bonnie and Barry but, as with any game we had played, this was the next level, and we were ready to plunge head on.
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Old 11-03-2014, 10:51 PM   #6
getDare Succubus
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Default A Bundle of Trials - The Lodge IV [Jim]

It wasn't that I hesitated to dive in-between Sarah's legs and start orally pleasuring her but, somehow, I couldn't do it first. Barry had pulled away from Bonnie and was gently caressing her inner thigh, his head low but not quite there yet. Brian, leaning down on Kim, looked straight up at her and descended upon her wet sex. That was our cue. I saw Barry go down on Bonnie, and I did the same to Sarah.

Moans and whimpers rose from their lips, some but not all of it for our benefit. I didn't consider myself particularly good at oral sex; I always felt clumsy. My eyes looked upwards to Sarah's frame, her tilted head staring down at me from between her breasts. The sight was intoxicating, and I dove in with renewed energy, hoping to at least provide her with satisfaction before moving on to other things. Truth be told, this wasn't any different than any of the other activities I had done with my friends alongside Sarah; I had come a long way in that respect and was no longer shy about having sex with others in the room. In fact, I popped my head back up. From my vantage point, I could only see Barry and Bonnie, her huge mounds flopping to each side and shifting as her boyfriend did the same as me. And, although I could not see her, Kim was giving us all a vocal display which certainly helped arouse some baser instincts. I was ready for the next round, but I wanted to give more to Sarah.

"Fuck..." I heard Bonnie say, "what's gotten into you, Barry?"

Apparently, he was doing a great job. Again, my eyes turned to Bonnie, whose eyes were rolling in the back of her head. I suddenly felt Sarah's hand on my head, pinning me against her sex, reminding me to take care of her, so I did. I moved my tongue and lips as best as I could and, although it didn't seem to drive her up the wall like Barry was doing to Bonnie, she rewarded my efforts with more sounds, goading me on.

It was Kim's almost-scream that tore through the air first.

"God dammit Brian!" she yelped as her husband did the trick on her, before either Barry or me could finish.
Sarah let go of my head so I looked up and away, now able to see Kim writhing in pleasure as Brian continued his work between her legs. She shivered, her breasts shook the trembling, and her mouth was still wide open as she orgasmed silently. The instant Brian pulled away from her, she grabbed his head and pulled him to her face, kissing him passionately. He then laid on top of her for a moment, and I knew what was going to happen next for them.

In fact, it was happening to all of us. Bonnie pulled Barry up over her body, setting his sex between her breasts like she enjoyed.

"Do it..."

Barry nodded and started grinding himself between her cups. Sarah pulled me up as well, further even, and my manhood came to rest in front of her face.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

This wasn't one of our usual moves.

"I'm sure. Face-fuck me. Please."

It wasn't the weirdest request I had ever gotten from her, but it was definitely unique, if only in the way she had said it. She opened her mouth wide and accepted the tip inside. Supporting myself with my hands, like I was doing push-ups, I started moving in and out of her mouth. I looked down but, from this angle, I could barely see her eyes. I wanted to see them; for whatever reason, taking her mouth in this position did nothing for me, but she seemed to enjoy it so I complied. I absent-mindedly looked to the others as my body followed its own course. Kim had spread her legs as wide as she could and her husband was indulging himself inside her sex; I could tell how much pleasure each of them was getting from the situation. I was surprised that neither of them looked away from each other, their gazes locked. I had figured that, as swingers, their eyes would wander, like mine were, but perhaps I had misunderstood a few of the key concepts behind their lifestyle.

Bonnie was practically begging Barry to finish between her tits, but Barry had another idea. He got off of her and turned her around, on all fours. He whispered to her as he penetrated her sex, but the sound carried to me.

"Remember on the stage, when the dude was ramming you and I was fucking the other girl..."
"God yes..."
"Imagine there's all these people watching us..."
"I don't have to imagine..." she replied, looking straight at me.

Suddenly, I felt Sarah pushing me off of her. As I exited her mouth, she coughed. I was stunned for a moment, then immediately apologized.

"I'm so sorry!" I said, realizing I had completely forgotten about her, and put all my weight on her face and in her mouth.
"I'm okay..." she said through the cough.

Barry and Bonnie gave us a concerned look, but Sarah was fine. I felt bad for becoming so distracted. Sarah looked at me with an angry look for a moment, but it subsided. She pushed me back down, spreading her legs for me.

"Guess we'll do it the old-fashioned way," she laughed.

Hearing her words and seeing their sincerity calmed me down. I set myself against her sex and pushed into it, the second time that day. I wanted to feel her around me so bad, I didn't think I would last very long, and I was hoping she would derive as much pleasure from it as I could. As it happened, I didn't have to worry. She climaxed quickly and, for whatever reason, I was able to hold out a long time after that, enjoying her warmth and embrace as she grabbed hold of me and refused to let go. I focused on nothing else for a long time, kissing her mouth, caressing her arms, hair and breasts as I kept at it, longing for release.

I started feeling the rush inside me and, for some reason, I looked to the side. Bonnie was in bliss as Barry kept her high in the clutches of pleasure, still taking her in the same position. I could see now that Kim was riding Brian, but I could not see him.

We were outdoors, on the deck of a lodge in the woods, having sex with our respective partners, and the sensation was simply too much for me.

"Oh! Sarah! Oh! I'm gonna come..."

Why I said it, I didn't know, but the words couldn't be ignored. Her reply pushed me over the edge.

"I love you... Do it... Come in me... Come on..."

It all happened quickly, but with fierce intensity. I almost shouted out my orgasm, holding it in before more than a basic sound could echo across the water. Sarah's moans joined mine and Bonnie's; all this stimulation was getting to Barry as well because he too almost instantly climaxed inside Bonnie, speaking with every blissful thrust.

"Yes... yes... yes... yes... yes..."

I collapsed on top of Sarah while Barry fell over on Bonnie's back; it took us a moment to realize that Brian and Kim were still going at it. We watched them perform; they switched positions, Kim going on all fours and Brian straddling her with energy. From there, it wasn't long before we saw Kim explode in pleasure, just as her partner spent himself fully, without a word. Kim's own release was silent, but her open lips told the story.

Stupid smiles seemed to appear on everyone's face, as each started to recover from the activity.

We had done it. Sex with our own partners, outdoors, with the others watching. As Brian and Kim looked up at us, I was forced to look away, feeling a strange sense of unease which, for the moment, could not be explained. I was thoroughly satisfied, but my mind was already racing to the next step, unable to live in the moment.
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