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Old 05-08-2023, 03:17 PM   #1
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Default Lexi's Fate

Yes I've given the main protagonist my name, age and kind of based her on myself but this certainly isn't auto biographical. It's my first attempt at a little fiction erotica so if you want to comment don't be too harsh!

Chapter 1

It had been almost a year since Lexi had become a social outcast. Until that day in early summer 2022 she had been happy with a large social circle and a best friend she had known since pre school. That was all until her best friend Tasha had suddenly slapped her, dragged her to the ground by her hair and straddled her before unleashing a flurry of blows onto the defenceless 17yr old who had no idea why her friend had turned on her. It wasn’t until later that Lexi discovered the lie that had got her into this predicament.

Ollie had been Tasha’s boyfriend for about 6 months so when he tried to kiss Lexi a week earlier at a party Lexi had naturally spurned his advances. She would never betray her friend like that. What Lexi hadn’t realised at the time was that the kiss had been seen by Hayley Pritchard the school’s biggest gossip queen. Once the news reached Tasha the rumours and whispers had elevated the miniscule kiss into a full blown sexual dalliance and Tasha was furious. What was worse was that Ollie had claimed that Lexi had come onto him and taken advantage of him while he was drunk!

All of a sudden Lexi had lost her best friend. Everybody took Tasha’s side and suddenly Lexi found herself friendless and alone. The last year at high school had been awful. Eating lunch alone, sitting in class alone, snide comments heard whenever she walked past Tasha’s crew.

Lexi had retreated from any social scene. She found herself online most nights, chatting to people a thousand miles away rather than being around the people in her own community. Lexi had felt so unbearably lonely until about a month ago. She started chatting with a guy who just seemed to always know what to say to make her feel better. They had so much in common too. They liked the same movies, the same music, even the same sports teams. It was really weird how much they were alike. Soon Lexi couldn’t wait to get back home from school to talk with her distant friend and her feelings soon turned into something more than just friendship.

When they exchanged pictures Lexi couldn’t believe her luck, he was gorgeous. She was nervous when she sent her picture, what if she wasn’t his type? She knew she was attractive. Not in an arrogant way but she knew boys looked at her slender figure and pert breasts when she walked the school corridors. She knew that her cute face and long blond hair attracted second glances. However her nerves jangled terribly until her replied ‘wow you’re hot Lexi!’

Lexi literally giggled in excitement and happiness that he liked her picture, she even found herself sending him another one from the beach last summer with her bikini on - that really got him showering the compliments! Lexi had been so starved of attention and any positivity towards her that she couldn’t have been more ecstatic with her flirtations with LAboy2015 so when he asked for a more risque picture she agreed quite quickly. Soon she had sent him a cheeky topless pic, a couple of pictures of her butt in thong underwear and eventually a fully naked shot albeit with her face cropped out.

A few days later it was Saturday night and LAboy2015 asked if Lexi fancied a chat over cam. She happily gave him her skype address and soon he was calling. When the call loaded his screen seemed to be all black though, Lexi couldn’t see him much to her disappointment. It was still nice to hear his voice though and hopefully get to know him even better. When he began flooding her with compliments Lexi felt so good she couldn’t refuse when he asked her to show herself to him on cam. Soon she was sitting naked in her room while he encouraged her with more and more compliments and requests to be sexy for him. Lexi felt a little shy and very very embarrassed when he asked her to touch herself but he was so nice and so kind to her that she really wanted to make him happy. Using her fingers she slowly massaged her clit to a huge orgasm, moaning loudly and putting on quite a delicious show for her audience.

Little did Lexi know that her audience wasn’t just LAboy2015!
19f in UK.

Interested in - Being controlled, Humiliation, Orgasm Denial.

Limits - Pee, scat, toilet control, illegal activities, pics and vids (any pictures i send i will volunteer once I'm ready).
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Old 05-08-2023, 03:18 PM   #2
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Chapter 2

The day after her little show Lexi strode through school with a confidence she hadn’t felt for almost a year. She’s dressed in her little pleated tartan skirt and a tighter than usual tshirt that accentuated the roundness of her perfect c cup breasts. She was floating on air and felt sexier and more comfortable than ever. Even when she saw Tasha standing with Ollie, Hayley, Jess, Ben and Jordan she didn’t deviate, she simply strode past them preparing to ignore any insults coming her way. For once though the insults didn’t arrive, instead they just looked at her smirking and laughing.

Just as Lexi was walking away Tasha suddenly called out “Hey Lex, wait.”

Lexi turned, really shocked to hear Tasha speak to her. She hadn’t called her Lex in a long time, it actually felt nice to remember their friendship for a moment.

“Look, I think it’s time we talked,” suggests Tasha.

“Really…yeah sure…that would be nice.” Lexi smiles, eager to make up despite a year’s worth of ostrocisation.

“Do you want to come round to mine tonight?” invites Tasha.

“Sure that would be great!”

“Come about 8 o’clock ok?”
19f in UK.

Interested in - Being controlled, Humiliation, Orgasm Denial.

Limits - Pee, scat, toilet control, illegal activities, pics and vids (any pictures i send i will volunteer once I'm ready).
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Old 05-08-2023, 03:18 PM   #3
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Chapter 3

Looking at her phone it’s actually only 7:46 when Lexi arrives at Tasha’s house but in her enthusiasm to perhaps be welcomed back into normal life again Lexi couldn’t wait any longer. On her first knock the door opens and Tasha is smiling and eagerly ushers Lexi inside “I have to show you something Lex, you’ll love it,” she says with a big grin. This is just like old times Lexi thinks to herself as she thinks back to all the funny memes and videos they used to share with one another.

Instead of a phone Tasha takes Lexi to her bedroom and points to her bed where laid out is an array of photographs. Lexi’s heart skips a beat and she feels faint when she recognises herself, her cheeky selfie with her breasts pointing up towards the camera, her standing in front of the bathroom mirror completely naked her left hand tantalisingly brushing the edge of her nipple. Suddenly Tasha’s friendly laugh turns into a more sinister one as she presses a button on the remote and a video of Lexi masterbating springs into action.

“TURN IT OFF!” Lexi cries.

“Ha, don’t you like seeing yourself for what you are, a slut.”

“No, please. Just turn it off now please,” begs Lexi

“Oh don’t be shy,” taunts Tasha “It’s not like it isn’t something we’ve not all seen already.”

“All? What do you mean all?”

At that moment Ollie, Hayley, Jess, Ben and Jordan all emerge from Tasha’s walk-in closet. They are laughing hysterically as they bundle into the room boisterously.

“Wooo sexy Lexi the porn star is here,” teases Ben.

“There’s nothing sexy about being a slut Ben,” corrects Tasha.

“I don’t understand, how did you get these?” cries Lexi as she gathers up the pictures.

“You sent them to me you imbecile,” states Hayley with completely undisguised vindictiveness in her voice.

Jordan speaks next “Hayley was LAboy2015, well she was yesterday anyway. We’ve all been him at some point over the last few weeks.”

Lexi begins to cry both at the cruelty of the group and also the loss of LAboy who she thought had liked her. Rather than comfort her, all 6 of her bullies laugh.

“You’re such a slut Lexi,” says Tasha, “if it isn’t bad enough you try and fuck my boyfriend now you’re slutting it up online for a stranger to jerk off to.”

Lexi doesn’t know what to say. She’s been stupid she knows that now but it isn’t true that she’s a slut. She never wanted to get with Ollie and the pictures were all just one silly mistake. Lexi can’t believe they all think she’s such a slut when in fact she’s the total opposite, she’s actually still a virgin.

“What the fuck are you wearing?” asks Hayley.

Lexi is confused. With skinny jeans and a loose hoodie on she couldn’t be dressed any more normally.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean,” spits Hayley “that jeans and a hoodie are no way for a slut to dress!”

“I’m not a slut!” protests Lexi, starting to lose her temper.

They all laugh.

Hayley comes intimidatingly close to Lexi, her face staring down at her “Whether you are or you aren’t doesn’t matter now, you’re a slut from now on whatever you want.”

Lexi backs off and goes to leave but Ollie and Ben block the exit.

“Not so fast slut,” says Tasha but it’s Hayley who steps towards her again.

“STRIP!” commands Hayley.

“No,” says an incredulous Lexi.

“She just said no to me,” laughs Hayley as everyone else seems to see the humour too. “That’s the last time you’ll ever say no to me again slut because if you do every picture and video we have of you is going straight to your parents, to everyone in school and to every last person you know.”

“Please, please don’t do this,” begs Lexi.

Hayley stares at her with what appears to be genuine hatred in her eyes.


Lexi looks around at them all as they stare at her. She feels so small and vulnerable surrounded by her bullies, there really isn’t any way out of this. Nervously she lifts the hoodie up over her head. She sees Hayley smirk triumphantly while Jess and Tasha watch in amusement and the boys simply enjoy taking in the sight of the half naked teen. Next it’s the jeans she peels down her legs and oh how she wishes she had worn less revealing underwear.

“At least she’s wearing slut panties,” giggles Ben at the sight of Lexi’s black thong underwear and matching bra.

Lexi stands surrounded by her prey with nothing on but her skimpy underwear. She’s never felt so exposed and embarrassed in her whole life.

“Underwear too,” commands Hayley and then gestures to the masturbation video that’s still playing on repeat “it’s nothing we haven’t seen before!”

Reluctantly Lexi slips the bra off before nervously stepping out of her panties. Her face burns bright red in embarrassment and shame as Jordan wolf whistles and Tasha tuts her disapproval over what a slut her former friend has become. Hayley on the other hand grins menacingly with evil intent.

“On your knees bitch!”

She speaks with such dominant authority that Lexi dare not refuse and falls to her knees at the feet of her six captives. All six surround her and look down at her with disdain as though she’s something beneath contempt, somebody completely beneath them in every way. Lexi looks up at their faces in fear until suddenly her world goes dark as from behind she is blindfolded. She hears a voice, the firm authoritative voice of Hayley again, “It’s time to play a little game Lexi. Now the fun really begins”
19f in UK.

Interested in - Being controlled, Humiliation, Orgasm Denial.

Limits - Pee, scat, toilet control, illegal activities, pics and vids (any pictures i send i will volunteer once I'm ready).
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Old 05-08-2023, 03:20 PM   #4
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Chapter 4

Hayley begins to explain the rules of the game. “The rules are simple, even for a dumb slut like you. We will simply place something in your hands and through touch alone you are going to tell us what it is, is that clear?”

Lexi nods.

“Hold out your hands.”

Lexi hears a giggle that she thinks is Jess as she holds up her right hand. Something warm is placed in her open palm before hand is forcefully closed around what is clearly a cock.

“What the…are you crazy?!” squeals Lexi in protest until she feels a viscous slap across her cheek.

“What was it?” asks Hayley.

“It was somebody’s cock!” blurts out Lexi.

“Good,” acknowledges Hayley. “Of course a slut like you would recognise that. Now hold out both of your hands.”

Lexi holds out her hands and feels a hard cock placed into both of her little hands. She closes her hands around the solid shafts, inwardly Lexi marvels at how hard they are and is surprised by how big they feel.

“Open your mouth slut,” orders Hayley.

“No, no way,” protests Lexi.

“Send the pictures,” says Hayley to somebody before Lexi interjects.

“No, no please. I’ll do it, just don’t send anyone the pictures please.

Lexi opens her mouth and with both her hands full of cock she now feels a third phallus entering her virgin mouth.

“Jess, now.” says Hayley.

At that Lexi hears the click of a camera taking picture after picture, dozens of pictures of her kneeling naked with a cock in her mouth and another cock in each of her hands.

“Now slut, this is your one chance to get back all the pictures and videos we hold of you so listen carefully. I want you to tell me who each of the cocks that surround you belong to, starting with your right hand.”

This is ridiculous thinks Lexi. She’s never even seen any of the boys naked so how could she possibly know which cock is which. She decides to take a random guess.

“Is the one in my right hand Ollie?”

“YES! Yes it is slut. What do you think of that Tasha, she claims she’s innocent but she recognises your boyfriends cock!” laughs Hayley.

Tasha is seething and marches over to the kneeling girl before bending down to smack her over and over on her butt. Lexi squeals but still has somebody’s cock back in her mouth so struggles to protest as she otherwise would have.

“You’re really gonna get it Lex, you fucking bitch!” yells Tasha.

Hayley is laughing as she asks who is in the left hand.

“Is it Ben?” asks Lexi.

“Oh so close to being free but no, that’s Jordan. I guess you’ll be our slut for a whole lot longer then.”

Just at that moment the cock in her mouth that by process of elimination must be Ben starts to spurt thick globulous cum into Lexi’s mouth as she coughs and tries to get away. She feels feminine hands on the back of her hand pushing her onto the cock and not letting her get away from the cum. Finally when Ben’s orgasm subsides he retreats and Lexi allows the cum to dribble from the sides of her mouth and down her chin.

“No!” yells Tasha. “You’re our slut now and you’ll swallow any cum we give you, do you understand?!”

Tasha uses her fingers to start pushing the cum back into Lexi’s mouth. Lexi gags and feels like she’s going to throw up as she’s gradually fed every last drop of cum.

“Slut wants more,” says Tasha as Ollie and Jordan both point their cocks at Lexi’s face. Almost simultaneously they unleash shot after shot of cum that splatters onto Lexi’s face and in her waiting mouth. Again Tasha force feeds her the cum while Jess records the whole thing.

The blindfold is suddenly removed and Lexi’s clothes are tossed at her. She eagerly dresses desperate to cover herself finally.

“Fuck off slut. Go home and wait for our message,” says Hayley.

Lexi runs out of the house and doesn’t stop running all the way home until she collapses face first onto her bed in floods of tears.
19f in UK.

Interested in - Being controlled, Humiliation, Orgasm Denial.

Limits - Pee, scat, toilet control, illegal activities, pics and vids (any pictures i send i will volunteer once I'm ready).
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Old 05-08-2023, 03:21 PM   #5
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Chapter 5

Lexi didn’t sleep well so when her alarm sounded at 7am it felt way too early. Lexi finds great difficulty in getting her mind off the night before as she showers and dresses for the day ahead. Images of the guys lustful staring as well as the hate in Tasha's eyes, the gleeful amusement of Jess and the look of pure vindictive sadism in the eyes of Hayley. Hayley is the one that Lexi fears the most. She knows the guys just wanted to have their pervy way with her. Jess was having fun and found the whole thing hilarious and Tasha was clearly out for revenge but Lexi is confident that Tasha would only push it so far. Hayley on the other hand is a different matter. Lexi could see nothing good in Hayley, no redeemable qualities that might stop her from actually sending the pictures and ruining her life. Hayley had been a bully all her life, a truly nasty individual who was only ever happy when she was making someone else miserable.

Lexi pulls up her jeans and fastens the button when she hears the door bell. Her mum answers the door and Lexi hears footsteps coming up the stairs towards her room. Without knocking the down swings open and Jess walks in and dumps a small package on Lexi's bed.

"Your clothes for today," Jess explains.

"I'm already dressed and ready for school," protests Lexi.

"Then I suggest you get changed and be quick about it or you'll be late."

Jess recognises a slight sense of defiance in Lexi's expression so continues, "Just in case you're thinking about saying no to me, be aware that Hayley sent me over with these and she really really wants any excuse to send your pics and videos to everybody."

Reluctantly Lexi grabs the package and steps into her en-suite much to Jess' amusement, it's not like there's anything she hasn't seen before after last night's escapades.

Lexi is confused for a moment when she opens the package, there isn't anywhere near enough material in there to be an entire outfit. The first item she lifts up appears to be a pair of shorts but there's so little of them they are barely much more than a pair of panties. Lexi hears a little knock on her bathroom door.

"Don't forget, you wear what's in the parcel and nothing else. That means no underwear if that wasn't clear," instructs Jess.

Lexi sighs. She pulls the tiny shorts up her thighs but despite being very petite standing 5ft 1ins and weighing only 105lbs the shorts are too tight for her and have to stretch around her butt and thighs. They are too small to sit above her hips, instead the waistband is way below her hip bones only just covering the mound of her pussy. The legs are none existent, instead they cut off just above the bottom of her ass, a small amount of butt cheek peeking out from beneath the tightly stretched pink lycia material.

The top is not much better than the shorts. When it's on there's just a strap around her back leaving her full back bare. At the front the small amount of white material criss-crosses across her boobs leaving her entire stomach bare and a significant portion of cleavage too.

Lexi looks at herself in her mirror and knows she's dressed up like she's about to start a shift in a strip club rather than walk to school.

When Lexi emerges from her bathroom even Jess looks surprised.

"Oh fuck," she laughs "you're actually going to school like that!"

Lexi cringes. She feels lost and doesn't know what she can do but at the same time the thought of saying no to Hayley is unthinkable.

The weather is good but after sneaking past her mum to get out of the house in her ridiculous attire the cool morning breeze still creates a slight chill for Lexi in her near nakedness. Everyone she passes stares at her, some with lust and others in disapproval of the slut. Jess is walking 10 metres behind clearly not wanting to be seen with the town slut. Several vans beep their horns and call out obscenities at Lexi making her face blush bright pink. The chill in the air makes her nipples erect increasing her humiliation yet further as she approaches the school. It’s bad enough that she’s heading into school nearly naked but what’s worse is the sight of Tasha, Hayley and the boys all waiting for her at the school gate laughing at her as she approaches.

Tasha shakes her head “What a complete and utter slut you are Lex.”

Hayley laughs “Oh Tash, if you think she’s a slut now, just wait and see some of the ideas I have in store for her.”
19f in UK.

Interested in - Being controlled, Humiliation, Orgasm Denial.

Limits - Pee, scat, toilet control, illegal activities, pics and vids (any pictures i send i will volunteer once I'm ready).
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Old 05-08-2023, 03:22 PM   #6
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Chapter 6

Lexi is mortified as she enters the school building. The reaction to her lack of clothing is a mixture of barely concealed whispers or outright shock. Lexi walks slightly behind her gang of tormentors until Hayley turns around and grabs Lexi by her wrist, dragging her into the girls toilets. Tasha and Jess stand guard making sure Hayley isn’t disturbed in her plans.

“I’ve got a treat for you slut,” says Hayley as she holds out a small device that Lexi turns over in her hand examining it, “the thicker end goes inside that hungry slut pussy of yours, the curved part curls up and will rest nicely on your clit. Put it in.”

Lexi thinks she must be joking for a moment but Hayley stares her dead in the eye, waiting for her to do as she’s told.

“Don’t make me ask again slut,” warns Hayley.

Lexi pulls the front of her tiny shorts down and pops the device into position.

“No lube needed eh, your little pussy is enjoying being a slut and lubed itself up isn’t that right slut?” Hayley taunts.

Lexi lowers her eyes in shame. She doesn’t know when or how it happened but Hayley is right, her pussy is every bit as lubricated as when she’s about to masturbate.

“Ha, let’s see how you react to this then.”

Hayley presses something on her phone and the device springs to life with intense vibrations that take Lexi’s breath away. Lexi’s cheeks redden and her breath quickens as the vibrations send their tantalising ministrations through her pussy as well as torment her sensitive clit. Lexi looks at Hayley with almost pleading eyes not to push her any further, despite her body's needs Lexi doesn’t want to debase herself by cumming in front of her tormentor.

“Please,” groans Lexi.

“Please what? Please can I cum is that what your asking?”

“No, please stop,” begs Lexi.

Much to Lexi’s surprise as well as relief the vibrations stop.

“You might regret not taking the opportunity to cum soon slut. You’re going to be wearing that all day during school and I’m going to have fun with it.” Hayley holds her phone up, indicating the app that is in control of her vibrations.

“Here is a list I’ve written down for you of your rules from now onwards. Me and the others all got together and decided them for you so don’t only blame me,” Hayley proceeds to read out the list despite Lexi seeing it for herself.

“One, you will not cum, at all. You’re a slut but we want to make you an even bigger slut and sluts are wet and aroused and cock hungry, that’s what we want you to be. If we suspect you of having an orgasm that will be deemed to be the utmost disobedience and every picture and every video will immediately be forwarded to your entire family as well as the whole school.”

“Two, you will accept orders from me, Tasha, Jess, Ben, Ollie or Jordan. Whatever is commanded must be carried out for all six of us. One small point though is that we needed a leader for this project and I have been chosen. Only I can override a direct order from the rest of the group.”

“Three, you will wear what we give you to wear. If we haven’t provided any clothes you will go without.”

“Four, if anyone cums when you’re in the room you must swallow it. Male or female it doesn’t matter. If it’s on you, or on the floor or anywhere else you will suck it up and swallow, is that clear?”

Lexi swallows involuntarily as she solemnly nods her head.

“Five, you tell no-one about this arrangement. If you mention these rules, or tell anyone about anything we make you do then your pictures will be sent out immediately.”

Hayley looks serious for a moment.

“Is all of that completely clear.”

Lexi takes several deep breaths before accepting her fate. “Yes, I understand.”

“Excellent,” says Hayley chirpily and brushes past Lexi as she leaves the bathroom leaving Lexi alone to contemplate her predicament.
19f in UK.

Interested in - Being controlled, Humiliation, Orgasm Denial.

Limits - Pee, scat, toilet control, illegal activities, pics and vids (any pictures i send i will volunteer once I'm ready).
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Old 05-09-2023, 02:53 AM   #7
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Chapter 7

As Lexi sits in Maths class she can’t really focus on trigonometry. All that she can think about is what Hayley said and the rules she has been told. Swallow any cum? Lexi had little doubt from that rule that the guys would be using her again. Lexi had masturbated lots and fantasised about all manner of sexual acts but in reality she had experienced nothing. Until the previous evening she had never even touched a male penis let alone lost her virginity and now she feels like the guys are going to be making the most of having her at their mercy, what boy wouldn’t? There’s no doubt that Lexi would give anything to go back and never have spoken to LAboy or sent those pictures to him but at the same time she can feel a burning arousal at thought that she had found herself a slave to her tormentors whims. Her mind keeps conjuring images or the boys using her and despite hating herself for it she actually finds her pussy getting wet around the vibrator that is still lodged inside her.

Twenty minutes into class the vibrator jumps into life. It’s a low hum of a vibration, less powerful than in the bathroom, just a gentle vibration that begins to tease Lexi’s arousal to a whole new level. Her breathing quickens and she finds her hands gripping the edge of her desk firmly as she tries to control herself from making any sound or visibly reacting. Lexi feels her body tensing up and her face flush as her clit moves her ever closer towards an orgasm that she knows she has been commanded to avoid. Glancing over at Hayley she sees a wry smile on her tormentor who is clearly enjoying Lexi’s internal struggle.

After maybe 10 whole minutes of vibrations the pleasure finally stops and Lexi slowly calms down and tries to regain her composure but before she knows it the vibrations kick in again. Five minutes of torment stops again at the push of a button on Hayley’s phone. This goes on throughout class as she is pushed to the heights of her arousal and then finding it taken away at the push of a button. By the end of Maths Lexi’s knuckles are white from gripping her desk, her chest is flushed and her pussy is throbbing like she has never known before. As everyone leaves the classroom Lexi stays seated for a moment just trying to regain her composure and spend a moment with her own thoughts.

Lexi is relieved Maths class is over and finally the vibrations have halted. As Science class starts she is only just reaching a level of composure where she might finally be capable of listening to a teacher. As the focus of today’s lesson is outlined and Lexi finally relaxes she is dismayed to feel the vibrations start up yet again. Lexi looks around at Hayley with a shocked wide eyed expression, pleading with her eyes for a reprieve. Hayley however is literally laughing at Lexi’s surprise. A full hour of on and off, on and off follows. Lexi squirms and writhes in her chair. Her clothes, or more accurately lack of clothes, already has many eyes on her so her agitation doesn’t go unnoticed.

“Are you ok Lexi?”

Lexi’s complete focus on trying to sit still and hold back from a full blown orgasm is broken by the sound of Mrs Bateman saying her name.

“Sorry Miss?” Lexi asks Miss Bateman to repeat herself, completely oblivious to what she may have been asked.

“You seem distracted, are you ok?”

“Oh..erm…yes Miss I’m fine thank you.”

Lexi blushes. She knows she’s dressed completely inappropriately and has been fidgeting and writhing in her seat. In must be clear to anyone looking at her, and many eyes are, that something strange is going on.

Lexi is on the verge of tears as Hayley continues turning the vibrations on and off, teasing and cruelly pushing Lexi’s arousal to levels she has never ever experienced before. Lexi wants to scream and run out but manages to somehow last the whole hour until finally the bell rings putting an end to the most arduous lesson she has ever sat through. Lexi slumps down over her desk as her peers stream out towards the lunch hall. She feels a hand placed on her back and looks up to see Hayley standing over her.

“Come on, you can sit with us for lunch today.”

It would appear to any outside observer that this was a friendly invite. Something told Lexi that it might not be quite as generous an invite as it would appear.
19f in UK.

Interested in - Being controlled, Humiliation, Orgasm Denial.

Limits - Pee, scat, toilet control, illegal activities, pics and vids (any pictures i send i will volunteer once I'm ready).
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Old 05-09-2023, 05:31 AM   #8
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Chapter 8

Conversation over lunch was surprisingly quite normal with a variety of pretty standard topics discussed. I largely remained quiet and ate my lunch while my six blackmailers chatted.

“What was all that fidgeting about in class?” Ben suddenly asks me.

Tasha and Jess giggle to each other, clearly in the know about what Hayley has been putting me through. Jess leans over and whispers in Ben’s ear.

“Seriously? Ha that’s brilliant Hayls, do it to her now.”

Hayley taps her phone and Lexi gasps as the vibrations start up again.

Tasha and Jess laugh again as Ben excitedly tells Ollie and Jordan about my vibrator a little too loudly for my liking.

“This I’ve got to see,” says a grinning Ollie much to the jealous annoyance of Tasha.

“Show him,” orders Hayley.

Lexi looks at Hayley in confusion and timidly speaks up, “I can’t, there’s too many people.”

There’s at least a hundred or so other students wandering around or eating their lunch and with the way Lexi is dressed it’s quite likely a few of them are looking her way at any one time. Hayley looks like she’s pondering for a moment.

“Take her to the men’s room, she’ll show you in there.”

Ollie immediately leaps up and grabs Lexi by her wrist, dragging her towards the men’s toilets.

“Wait, I can’t go in there,” protests Lexi.

Ollie stops and grins, “Would you rather get it out here?”

Lexi sighs and knows she’s left with little choice as Ollie proceeds into the men’s room with Jordan and Ben quickly following.

Two younger boys are already inside but they quickly scamper off at the forceful command of Ollie.

Lexi is pushed back into a cubicle as the three boys gather round to watch.

“Come on, we’re waiting. I’d get this over with before someone else comes in if I were you,” suggests Ben.

Lexi pulls down the front of her shorts and slowly removes her vibrator.

“Holy shit, look at that pussy guys,” exclaims Ben.

Lexi looks down and even she is shocked by how swollen and engorged her pussy is, her clit so hard it can be seen poking out of its hood.

“Jeez, Hayley must have had you on edge all morning slut, I bet you want us to fuck you right here right now don’t you,” says Ollie.

Lexi just shakes her head and looks at the ground avoiding eye contact such is the humiliation that burns through every fibre of her being.

“Give me that,” demands Jordan as he reaches out and takes the vibrator.

He sniffs it before pushing it towards Lexi’s face. Lexi instinctively backs away but Jordan grabs her hair and yanks her towards him as he shoves the wet vibrator into Lexi’s mouth. Lexi grimaces in disgust but he holds it in her mouth anyway enjoying Lexi’s big brown eyes pleading with him to let her go. Eventually he takes it back out and shoves it straight back into poor Lexi’s swollen pussy.

“Has Hayley let you cum even once yet,” asks Ollie “We all agreed last night that as the leader of this little project she is the only one who can grant permission to cum.”

“No,” mumbles Lexi.

“I bet you’re getting desperate eh,” laughs Jordan as he reaches out and starts squeezing Lexi’s breasts.

“You’ll be begging us to fuck you soon slut, you’re gonna be begging for anything if it gives you the slightest chance to cum,” says Ben.

“Do you want us to fuck you slut. Well, do you?” asks Ollie.

Lexi shakes her head. She might be desperate and needy right now and her pussy might be crying out for release but there’s no way she will ever want to lose her virginity to these three degenerates.

“Ha, well I guess we better get back to Hayley and make sure she uses that vibe to encourage more co-operation then,” states Ollie.
19f in UK.

Interested in - Being controlled, Humiliation, Orgasm Denial.

Limits - Pee, scat, toilet control, illegal activities, pics and vids (any pictures i send i will volunteer once I'm ready).
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Old 05-09-2023, 05:46 AM   #9
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Chapter 9

The afternoon was every bit as tortuous as the morning as Hayley continued to toy with the vibe almost constantly. She kept it on a low setting thankfully so although the vibrations consistently kept Lexi on the brink she never did slip over into orgasm, managing to hold it off as difficult as that was.

When the bell rings for the end of the school day Lexi breathes a massive sigh of relief. She’s made it, she’s made it through the whole day without cumming and multiple times she had thought she wouldn’t make it. As she packs up her belongings Hayley approaches along with Tasha.

“7 O’clock at mine,” states Tasha.

“Please can I just go home. I’ve suffered all day, please can I just go home now?” Lexi asks.

“Hmm let me think for a moment,” says Hayley as her and Tasha look at one another in mock contemplation before both of them say in unison.


As she’s left alone, Lexi begins to wonder what is in store for her tonight. If they could make her suffer like this at school, imagine what they might have in store for her once they get her in private.
19f in UK.

Interested in - Being controlled, Humiliation, Orgasm Denial.

Limits - Pee, scat, toilet control, illegal activities, pics and vids (any pictures i send i will volunteer once I'm ready).
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Old 05-09-2023, 01:31 PM   #10
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Chapter 10

Lexi arrives home and immediately goes to her bathroom and strips off the ridiculous outfit she has had to wear all day. Then with great relief she finally removes the vibrator. Lexi pops the vibe on the side of her sink and goes back into her bedroom, collapsing onto her bed. Lexi is shocked at how exhausted she is, she never knew how constant arousal and fear could have such a tiring effect. Naked on top of the covers she raises her arms above her head and stretches before rolling onto her front and closing her eyes.

Lexi starts to doze, not properly asleep but halfway between the waking world and a dream as she starts to reflect on the last 24 hours. Was it really only 24 hours? It seems like she’s been tormented for weeks but realises it was only yesterday evening that this whole thing began. Thinking about the previous night Lexi is shocked to find her pussy getting wet and her hand beginning to trace its way down her body towards her aching clit as she pictures herself on her knees surrounded by her six abusers. As her fingertip touches her clit she gasps such is the sensation. She has a momentary doubt about defying Hayley’s rule of no cumming but there’s no way she can find out so Hayley begins rubbing slowly, taking herself towards her long awaiting orgasm - but then her phone rings.

Lexi looks across and sees Hayley’s name on her screen breaking the moment and sending that newly familiar sense of dread through her that Hayley instils in her. Lexi answers the call.

“Get your hands off your slutty little pussy you disgusting tramp. How dare you defy my rules! You know what that means don’t you?”

Lexi is both confused and terrified at Hayley's veiled threat to release the pictures.

“I…I…I’m sorry, what did I do?” Lexi asks, unsure how she could possibly have known about her touching herself.

“You tell me slut. Admit what you’ve done and you might just avoid further punishment than what you’ve already earned yourself.”

Lexi internally debates whether to come clean or not. Was this a bluff or did she really know.

“I haven’t done anything wrong Hayley, I don’t know what you mean?”

“You’re being filmed bitch. While you were in the bathroom this morning getting dressed I had Jess install cameras all over your room. I have cameras placed in all kind of places that you might think are private so if you ever even consider touching yourself like that ever again I’ll know about it and there will be life ruining consequences, do we understand each other!”

Lexi’s heart is racing. Hayley terrifies her and having made her this angry Lexi is beside herself.

“I’m sorry, I’m really sorry, I won’t do it again I promise.”

“No, you won’t. Trust me, I’m going to make sure of that!”

The call ends leaving Lexi shaken and shocked. She’ll make sure she won’t touch herself again, what did she mean by that? Is the punishment going to be so bad that she’ll never dare break a rule again? Lexi curls up in the foetal position and panics about what might be in store for her tonight.
19f in UK.

Interested in - Being controlled, Humiliation, Orgasm Denial.

Limits - Pee, scat, toilet control, illegal activities, pics and vids (any pictures i send i will volunteer once I'm ready).
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Old 05-09-2023, 08:53 PM   #11
Join Date: Oct 2022
Posts: 54

Fantastic story so far!! The situation sounds awful and fantastic at the same time 😂
Hello! Here just to mess around a bit. M/27

Likes: Edging, Masturbating, Pet Play, Light Bondage, being a submissive

Limits: Public, Pain, Body Writing, Too messy (unless otherwise specified), Pee
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