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Old 07-14-2017, 07:44 PM   #1
getDare Sweetheart
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Default Day at The Gym

So, I’ve not been active. Part of the reason, some of my writing time has had to stay hidden for awhile now (about a year and a half). This series, ‘The Day at the Gym’ has been something I sort of wanted to try. Stories that take place simultaneously. It took awhile though, as I wanted to wait till they were all done. You perhaps saw I did a few stories in-between, in the mean time. Yet now, all four stories are finally done!

Read them in any order. I sadly can't split them up, so they'll all be grouped her. Which order they are in will be random. Skip some if you’re not into those characters. I did my best to try and write each story in the style of their main characters, and even in the slight hopes they could even be standalone. No story is meant to be read first or anything. I don’t think they all give the same amount of context necessarily, some may explain more than others. Yet they should work on their own still.

So please, have a read. I would love thoughts and things, either as you go through and finish them one a time, or also once it’s all done. Ever since I finished the first of the four, I’ve hated having to sit on stories and not get to post them, but now finally I get to again!

That all said, not sure I’ll be doing anything quite this overzealous again! Heheh!

Perhaps this can work as a bit of a Table of Contents for those who want to jump to specific ones first:
Originally Posted by Jappio View Post
Bad Luck at the Gym
Originally Posted by Jappio View Post
Megan and Jessie #6
Originally Posted by Jappio View Post
Ashley at Work
Originally Posted by Jappio View Post
Mary Works Out

Last edited by Jappio; 07-14-2017 at 08:09 PM.
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Old 07-14-2017, 07:45 PM   #2
getDare Sweetheart
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 420

Day at the Gym:

Bad Luck at the Gym
By Jappio

Part 1

“I’ve got my membership card… wait… where is it…?” Suzie mumbled as she started to search her bag. She saw her wallet, car keys, and everything but the card she needed! Suzie wondered if perhaps it fell out when she was packing.

The brunette at the counter asked, “Can’t find it?”

“Just one of those days,” Suzie complained with a nervous giggle. Suzie mulled over how the missing card was just another notch in how her day was going. The blonde knew it was bad news for the day when the first thing she does is poor a bowl of cereal, only to find out moments after she was out of milk. After that, her friend she was going to hang out with had a sudden event come up, so Suzie had the day off. With no plans, it seemed a day at the gym could do her some good, some exercise to get her mind off the troubles so far.

Her search wasn’t yielding anything, but the receptionist was already looking up Suzie’s membership electronically. Suzie was glad that at least one of them had their head in the game.

“Enjoy your time here!” the gym worker said after having finally gotten Suzie signed in properly. Suzie hoped it was a sign of good things to come now that things were straighten out. Suzie moved on to the locker room so she could get on with the rest of her day.

The locker room was empty. Suzie was probably the only person there at such a time. Most people probably had things to do! Suzie though preferred to exercise with some privacy, so it would work out she felt.

Her jeans and sweater all found their way into her gym bag. She grumbled while looking down at herself. Another victim of her string of misfortune that morning was her wardrobe while dressing. A sports bra was a must, but her panties hardly matched the look. The dainty and thin cotton panties stuck out, but were the only realistic option. Suzie’s laundry was backed up due to the machine at her place being on the fritz. The pink and black design was strikingly cuter than the simple gray sports bra, but she wasn’t looking for that sort of attention. Really, the two items just clashed a lot. Luckily the locker room was empty, so Suzie got shorts on to cover the fashion-shame.

Holding her shirt up, Suzie realized she was forgetting to put some deodorant on. She hooked the shirt on the open door of the locker and turned back to her bag. She dug around, reaching down to get into it.

By the time she had her deodorant applied and had her eyes set on her shirt, it had moved… along with the door into the closed position! Suzie probably bumped the door with her hip when she’d been bent over. She lightly pulled on the shirt, but the door had it pinched now that it was shut and had its locked engaged.

Taking her assigned key for the lock, Suzie tried to get the thing to un-jam. Turning did nothing though. Was the lock broken? She checked to make sure the key was the right one. Both said “G06” she was sure. After another turn, it made a menacing scraping noise. Suzie knew something had to be wrong.

Suzie wasn’t about to be beat by a cheap locker, so she tugged on the handle as hard as she could. Doors don’t just get stuck shut so easily! She pulled and tugged, and she’d been right, the door was never THAT stuck. With so much strength put into her pull, the door flung right open! As it opened, Suzie also caused her shirt’s downfall . One end of the shirt stayed wedged in the slot for the lock, while the other stayed attached to the door. A huge gash was made right across the front of the fabric!

“Noooo!” Suzie called out, frustrated at the sound alone. She quickly examined her shirt. Her face turned red; she felt so foolish to let something like this happen. The blonde put the shirt on, hoping it wouldn’t be so bad. However, the tear was tacky; it went from her bra to her belly button in a diagonal. It wasn’t going to work.

They day seemed further ruined. She couldn’t exercise in rags. Suzie didn’t want to admit that another set of plans fell through. That’s when Suzie realized there was a way to rebel against her fate. She took the shirt, and jammed it into the locker with her bag. “No reason I can’t go out like this. I’ve shown more on the beach! Some girls work out with just a sports bra all the time, right?” Suzie only had herself to convince and that argument was enough.

She was about to close the door, and thought better of it. She didn’t have any valuables she needed hidden, and the key to the lock did seem a bit banged up. Suzie kept the door open, and walked out, intending to start with some yoga! Suzie was going to make sure the day went her way from that point forth!

The bra-clad girl ignored her situation all the way to the yoga room. Suzie didn’t see a soul, and was ready to start right with her initial stretching once finding her own mat. She was doing her best to find peace in the situation, and let that mood carry her through some calm and mindless stretching. It was having the right effect.

Even at first the appearance of two more girls didn’t shake her at all. Suzie let them be, not even giving them much more than a glance as they entered. She just continued to stretch and balance. Why should she care about her state of dress?

Suzie was nearly working up a sweat when she noticed something odd. She could hear what was light chatter between the girls, but couldn’t make out what it was about. She stole a peek, and realized the two were staring her way!

Suzie avoided keeping eye contact. Why were they looking? Suzie worried some sort of mistake had been made. Were her shorts intact? Had her bra let a breast slip out? No, her clothing was quite in place she found when she did a pat down. That’s when wondered if it was her sports bra.

Was it as decent as she assumed? Maybe it did show more than some she’d seen girls wear. Though firm, the garment did offer a bit of a few of cleavage. Suzie could see herself in the mirror in front of her. Was it perhaps a bit too much?

Another look back and Suzie was sure she had to be the subject of some gossiping! Her face grew redder. She wanted to defend herself, but admitting to the mistake in the locker room wouldn’t be her proudest of moments. Then if her bra was indecent, it would be like admitting to second mistake, leaving the locker room with it as her only upper cover.

Removing herself from the room was her best option she thought. “Just don’t let them know it bothers you,” Suzie coached herself. Her path was set to the door back to the hall.

While strolling with just a bra up top, she again caught the girls staring. She was going to act like everything was normal, try and appear without guilt. “Be sure to not work too hard ladies!” She quipped with the most genuine smile she could manage.

“You too! Best of luck,” the black haired girl responded. It didn’t seem catty. Was Suzie incorrect and the girls didn’t find her attire odd? Perhaps they were just good at acting like it. The second girl was avoiding eye contact.

Suzie was out in the hall, and wandering down it, unsure what to do next. She was feeling silly for being so intimidated by just the two girls. It had to be in her head! Suzie felt the rough start was still affecting her. She had to stay positive! The staring was probably just in her head, and her bra really couldn’t be too bad! Suzie knew she was second guessing herself with the new found worries.

Using the exercise machines seemed like the next logical step after her warm up. Suzie headed right inside the room once she reached it. Again, the room was just to her, and she was able to find her seat and begin the more serious part of her work out.

Taking on a few different machines, Suzie was making head way into her exercise for the day. The distraction was well suited for making her forget about her worries. After a few minutes though, her peace was interrupted again, this time by a group of three. They were slow to start doing anything, instead chatting to among themselves. Their gaze didn’t drift to Suzie though, so she paid them no heed.

The other girls were rotating about their own machines once they got started, and so Suzie felt just as alone as she did before. She was now determined to not let her missing shirt bother her.

After her most recent conquest, a few reps on the lateral pull down machine, Suzie moved to get up. She stopped dead in her tracks though, and not because she pulled a muscle. It wasn't horribly audible, but she had heard it… a snapping noise! It wasn't just any noise either; it was one Suzie felt she knew too well.

Glancing backwards and down, Suzie's vision trailed what it could of her bare lower back. Near the top, she saw a few black and pink stripes… her panties! Just a couple of inches below the waistband of her panties was the waistband of her shorts!

Suzie tried tugging on them. They felt loose. She followed the shorts waistband around, seeing if they had indeed torn like she feared. She didn't find any breakage in the weaves though, so perhaps it was her imagination and they just had lowered on their own?

Suzie was worried if the other girls noticed, who still seemed busy. None were looking her way, and hopefully didn't notice how she was examining her clothing. Suzie sighed relief when she was able to stand, and keep her shorts up with a hand. She was twice as relieved when she noticed they weren’t even sagging on their own.

Suzie let go of the shorts… and they stayed in place. Pretending to do some stretching, Suzie twisted and turned while no eyes were on her. The shorts weren't moving. She was trying to determine if something did tear. With nothing being out of the ordinary, Suzie was sure the noise had to be something else, or something more minor like one of the leg holes. Suzie couldn't find anything had gone wrong with her bra either.

The girls still weren't looking towards the blonde, so she decided to just move on. She couldn't believe a non-incident had spooked her out of the routine again. Suzie told herself she'd have to stop worrying too much. She skipped over to the treadmills, ready to do some light jogging.

Though only a single layer, the sports bra was enough to contain Suzie's breasts from bobbing around. The round mounds were held firm to her chest, and she was able to jog away in place thanks to the spinning belt below her. Suzie was focusing as best she could, running was always a challenge part of her workouts, and she wanted to push a bit further than usual endurance wise. She tried to not let her tiredness slow her down or stop her.

Suzie kept her pace fairly even till she felt her shorts slipping down! The feeling was minor, but Suzie was lucky enough to tell what was happening sooner rather than later. She took a hand from one of the side bars so she could reach down. The shorts hadn't lowered too much, but a quarter of her butt was starting to hang out! Maybe it was the elastic that snapped earlier!

Suzie tried to tug them up, but finding them so loose rattled her some. She tried to twist and investigate, but the treadmill was still moving. The clumsy girl was already risking she'd tumble down hard, so she threw both her hands back to side bars and quicken her leg movement to catch back up!

Her shorts lowered again, just barely past the half way point of her butt. Suzie quickly slapped the stop button on the machine with one hand, and tried to rescue her shorts with the other. The slowed motion on the machine made her stumble though, and she did little more than hold her shorts in place.

"Ugg!" Suzie gasped in frustration, trying to find her footing again. That's when she heard a loud gasp! Suzie stood straight at attention and turned around, looking for the source. While twisting, she lost grip of her shorts which found themselves pooled at her thighs.

The sound was from around one of the columns, it was probably the other girls using the machines. The sound was thankfully not anyone discovering her mooning her pantied-butt! Suzie was happy she wasn’t being started at. She hovered her hands behind her to find something to help her find stabilize her stance, still off balanced from being half turned and with her shorts lowered. Instead, her hand found the dial that turned the machine on.

Whirring into action, the belt under Suzie's feet began to feed out again. She felt herself get jerked forward, her hands only able to grip at the side bars to slow her decent as her feet were dragged out from underneath her. With a light and gentle thud, Suzie's pantied-butt landed on the treadmill.

Suzie twisted, trying to get back up. The machine wasn't moving fast, instead slowly trying to suck her away from the console. She managed to get on her knees, but it was tough to stand now that her shorts were getting tangled in that same spot! Suzie dragged herself up, but felt the fabric of the shorts lower to her ankles!

Suzie was in a panic. She wasn't at any risk of harm, but she was half dressed and practically tumbling on the slow running treadmill. She wasn't sure what would be more embarrassing, her state of dress or total lack of grace!

Suzie made the call to just ignore the shorts and try to get up onto her feet. One foot actually already slipped from the garment. The blonde finally was high up enough to see and even reach parts of the console. The off button wasn't in range, but she could at least try to slow the machine down even more from its crawl! She twisted the dial and soon found it was a bit easier to fight the pull.

Being able to step forward though was made easier by the fact that she lost the bit of tugging weight on her right foot. The cotton shorts that had been dangling from them were half wedged under the belt during Suzie's climb forward. With the machine still pulling them, the freed article of clothing was pulled further under the belt!

Suzie placed both her feet on the stable sides of the machine. She grimaced at the look of her body. She was in just bra and panties now, and her bare midriff and thighs made the cutesy underwear stick out even more. Suzie felt she'd die of embarrassment if she were being watched, especially since the cotton stripes were stretched so thin against her spread legs! The shape of her butt surely was obvious through them from behind too!

Suzie didn't notice what had happened to her shorts yet. She took the time to look for the clothing. She saw them sticking out from the side of the barely moving belt. She learned long ago to not questions the odds of something going wrong like that. She shut off the machine, finally safe to move about on it without making any more silly mistakes.

One gripping her shorts, Suzie realized that lady luck was not smiling upon her today. Somehow, just like her shirt, the shorts were stuck! They were half beneath the belt, and possibly wedged in some sort of tread or gear! No sort of angle of pull seemed able to free them!

Suzie was huffing and puffing as she tried to free her lower wear. Her shorts couldn't be gone! A sports bra was one thing to be working out in public… panties would not be acceptable! She didn't want to let things get this out of hand!

It was no use. She only risked ruining the clothing itself if she continued, and it wouldn't do her any good like that. Suzie recoiled away from the edge of the machine, stepping off it and away from where she'd remembered the girls being. They had become quiet, and Suzie had to hope they weren't spying on her from some corner somewhere.

Suzie splayed both her hands in front of her panties as she backed up to a wall. She tried to think how she'd get out of this mess.
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Old 07-14-2017, 07:46 PM   #3
getDare Sweetheart
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Posts: 420

Bad Luck at the Gym
By Jappio

Part 2

Suzie felt the back of her legs press on the cool wall. She tried to stay near the side of the room, away from being out in the open. She knew she didn't have much clothing anymore. Legs, arms, midriff… it was all exposed!

She could almost hear the sound of the other girls talking. She wasn't being spied on at least by them it seemed. Yet all they would have to do was go to another set of machines, and Suzie in just her underwear would be in their line of sight!

Suzie began to side step, looking for a place to hide The supply closet on the other side of the room wouldn't be the wisest to get to, she'd be caught before she would make it in. Underneath a bench press wouldn't really be well hidden. None of the other machines were solid enough to totally hide her. Suzie would probably just raise suspicion if seen crouching behind something anyways.

The sound of the main door closing was the last thing Suzie heard before the silence. Did someone enter or did someone leave? The blonde couldn't hear the sound of anyone working out or chatting, so maybe the group of three had left!

It was risky to check, but Suzie left her wall and approached the area she had last seen the girls. She had to know. And with a few careful steps, she soon could see the rest of the equipment room that was hidden by the pillar.

Suzie was alone now, but being alone didn't make her any more covered. She had a time limit now. She had to find cover before she was caught.

The closest clothing to her was the shorts that were trapped in the treadmill. She had no way to fix the problem, but perhaps the staff did? She didn't want to just stand trying to cover her shame though while someone retrieved them for her.

Getting to her locker would be a chore too. She had to risk crossing almost the whole building to get back there. She wasn't sure she could pull off that much travel without being caught. The odds of pulling something like that off were rarely good for Suzie.

It took her quite a few minutes to start formulating a plan. She spent a lot of her time fretting, wondering how she'd get away with any of this. There were no towels, clothing, or cover she could find in the room. Once or twice the girl tried to see if there was any help in the hall, but surveying from the door never yielded any results. She was too scared to blindly check any nearby rooms.

"What if I got someone to come fix the machine… and maybe they'd leave the shorts out for me to grab? Or worst case… I tell them what happened and just own up to it. It'll be embarrassing, but better explain the accident than be caught trying to sneak around in my underwear," Suzie thought out loud.

She hated the idea of telling someone she lost her shorts to a machine. She didn't want to stand around with her underwear out in the open either. Yet she had to be mature about it, and do things the proper way.

After a few minutes of psyching herself up, Suzie picked up the phone in the room. She dialed the extension for the front desk and waited.

It took awhile for anyone to pick up. Each moment, Suzie felt the nerve drain from her body. She had wanted to get it over with, but every ring gave her more time to dread the coming conversation! Suzie was trying to plan what she would say, but it all sounded as ridiculous as, "Hello, I lost my pants, could you help?"

Suzie was startled when she heard the phone finally connect, she could just barely hear there was someone on the other end. Hesitantly, Suzie asked into the receive, “Hello?” Seeing if someone were actually listening.

“Sorry, this is the front desk, how can I help?” The voice on the other end responded. The woman sounded a bit distracted, and out of breath. It sounded like she’d just got done working out too.

Suzie wasn't able to do it. She couldn't describe everything about the situation over the phone. She was going to wait to go over it all. “Yeah, um, in the exercise machine room… the treadmill isn’t working well, something seems to be jammed in it, I’m heading out to another room, but if you could come here and fix that?” Suzie's nerve was all gone. Mid-run-on-sentence she changed plans. Her new plan was to hide and then she'd be able to just come in after it was fixed!

“It’ll just be a moment, I’ll be down there soon,” the girl on the other end responded. With a click, the phone was hung up.

Suzie looked about. She knew it was a bad idea to just go with a plan she hadn't thought through, but she couldn't help it now! She was wondering if she should wait there and explain, or run and hide like she wanted.

A look down at her panties, Suzie tried to picture what it would be like to find her. Her face was burning hot. Scenarios of her standing without any clothes ran through her head, being teased for her missing clothing as the staff worked on the treadmill. She pictured every employee being called to "help" with the problem, all seeing the unlucky girl in just her underwear. What if other guests arrived too, and each were told of how Suzie ended up like this?!

Suzie wasn't sure if anyone would be so cruel to make her sit through that. Yet the possibility was enough to frighten her, and she knew she had to get to a hiding spot! The supply closet wouldn't work if it had any needed tools for the treadmill. Suzie's only option would be to leave the room!

Suzie scurried to the door any moment; the person at the desk would be coming or whoever she might send to do the repairs. Suzie had to get out, and into another room!

The hall was empty as Suzie got out. She didn’t' see anyone in either direction. She had to find a nearby room, but that seemed tough. Down the hall one way, there was the lobby, the exercise room past there, and the locker room even further down. She wasn't sure what was the other way, besides the pool.

Decisions had to be made quickly. She then heard the footsteps of someone coming from the lobby! The desk girl was probably on her way!

Suzie turned on a dime and tried to run towards the pool room. It was too far she worried, her pantied-butt jiggling would be seen! Suzie closed her eyes, hoping that something could go right and she'd somehow make it out without staff finding her running the halls undressed!

"In here!" came a void as Suzie felt a grip on her forearm. She was tugged to the side, and through an open door way! Soon she was out of the hall, and not a moment too soon as she was sure she had seen someone exit the lobby, but thankfully head the other direction.

Suzie sighed in relief. "Oh wow, thanks. That was close!" Suzie breathed in gratitude. She looked up, and looked to her saviors. The black and brown haired girls before her seemed very amused. Suzie also recognized she was in some sort of racquetball room.

Suzie remembered her state of dress, but all a second too late. She fixed her posture and got an arm across her breast and a hand between her legs to try and hide the striped cotton. She didn't think of it, but covering her breasts was probably a mistake, since it only implied the sports bra wasn’t decent.

"Hehe, wow, just trying to find ways to beat the heat, huh?" The shorter of the two girls asked. Suzie's face was red, trying to find the words to make up an excuse.

"You could have gotten in trouble. Lucky enough we saw you before anyone else did. Unless you're trying to get seen?" The curvier of the two added.

Suzie shuffled her feet a bit. "I'm not like this on purpose… it was an accident."

The two girls giggled. They didn't seem mean spirited, but they were definitely finding the situation interesting. Suzie was just glad they didn't seem the type to make a comment to the staff.

Suzie felt she owed them more of an explanation. "It's just not been my day. I'm trying to get some clothing back before anyone sees me… well I guess before anyone else sees me! I just… I didn't know where to go and I panicked when I thought I saw someone."

"Well, maybe we can help. Jenny and I would love to, right?" The black haired girl asked. The one named Jenny nodded. "I'm Julie by the way. And don’t' be so embarrassed. I think those are really cute panties!" Suzie couldn't keep eye contact, and stared at the polished floor instead. She'd have felt a lot less on show if the panties were something plainer and less "cute."

"You could help? I really could use that! I knew I couldn't get out of this mess on my own, but I didn't want to risk getting in trouble with the staff!" Suzie started to recognized the two. They were two of the girls from the exercise room earlier.

The one named Julie stepped forward. Her eyes looked up and down Suzie's body. "You know, our help won't be free. We might have something like a shirt that should help cover you up, but we'd have to get something in return."

Suzie gulped. That didn't sound good to her at all. "Um… what sort of something?" she asked.

Jenny answered, as if knowing exactly what Julie had in mind. "You give us your bra, and we go get a shirt." The offer was on the table, and Suzie was shocked by it. Why did they want her bra? Did they want to see her topless?

"I can't do that! I'd be almost naked!" Suzie proclaimed.

"Right, we don't want to ask for too much and take your panties too! We figured we'd be nice, just take a bit. You know, insurance sort of, just in case this is some sort of trick against us," the brunette explained. Suzie wasn't even sure how her own exposure could be a trick against the two clothed women.

Suzie didn't have many options though. She'd have to gamble on these two probably. Going to anyone else for help just meant more people seeing her without any clothing on. Suzie didn't like it, but giving up her bra was her best option it seemed.

"So, you two will bring me a shirt?" Suzie was thinking if that would work. "I guess… I could hide here till you get back," she thought out loud.

"That might not work," the raven haired girl commented. "The room is actually reserved I think. It won't be long till they're here. You probably don't want to stick with us either, we have to go see someone first."

Suzie's mouth hung open. "So you want me to get topless and leave me stranded to be caught?!" Suzie was less sure about this deal than ever.

"No, we don’t' want to get you in any trouble like that. I have an idea about that. You can meet us at the sauna. It's private, and I think you can get there without going through the halls. There's a door from the pool room out to the alley. This door is right next to the sauna! So if you take the exit door here, it's just a short little walk in the back alley!" Julie offered.

Suzie lifted an eyebrow. The idea seemed a bit fishy. She did see there was an exit door at the back of the racquet ball room. She stepped over to it, and pulled its handle. It did lead to the empty back alley. She looked to the left towards the pool half of the building. She did see what seemed to be a door in that direction, though it was hard to see from that angle. The fresh air on her skin though reminded her she was sticking her half naked body outside into a public area!

After snapping back inside and letting the door shut, Suzie could swear the two women with her had just been staring at her butt unabated! They must have looked away at the last second, but Suzie had a hunch. She was really unsure if she could trust them.

"And you really will have a shirt for me?" Suzie reaffirmed.

"We're going to get our friends extra shirt. We'll be happy to give it to you. First we need your bra though," Jenny replied. Suzie gave it some serious thought. He breasts would be exposed… but she'd have a shirt to cover up with. If it was worth relinquishing her bra, that hopefully meant it was long enough to hide her panties. Her other options were to just expose her underwear to even more people.

"In for a penny, in for a pound," Suzie said. The blonde reached back, finding the clasp on her simple sports bra. She had the item loosened and hanging in no time, but she couldn't help but hold it her body. She wasn't ready to just outright flash her two possible saviors.

Suzie turned around, not happy they got another look at her butt through the cotton. Yet this let her lower the bra and take it the rest of the way off. She slung an arm across her breasts the best she could, and handed her sports bra over.

The taller girl took it, and the other just stared for a moment. Suzie felt silly, standing in so little in front of them. She was starting to wonder if she made a mistake, that maybe staff would have been a better choice!

"We better hurry; don't want to make you wait! You better think about leaving soon too, cause that game is probably going to be starting in here soon!" Suzie wasn't exactly filled with confidence that the two girls were saying all this as they were nearly out the door! She really hoped she hadn't been swindled!

Their insistence on haste though was probably right. In just her panties, Suzie was a sight to behold, and it was a sight she wanted no one to actually see! She scampered to the back door of the room.
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Old 07-14-2017, 07:47 PM   #4
getDare Sweetheart
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Posts: 420

Bad Luck at the Gym
By Jappio

Part 3

The back alley was still clear when underwear clad blonde checked. She would have to only run for about a few seconds to get to the other door. She had to hope the pool room would be empty then too. The racquet ball room would for sure not be empty though, so it was the worse of the two options.

Suzie took off finally. She turned left, and ran down the alley in just her panties. Both her arms crossed over her chest, doing their best to keep her breasts from bouncing all over the place. She hated how besides her shoes and panties, her body was so exposed. The building blocked the angle of the sun just barely, but she still felt very outdoors.

Ahead of Suzie, she could see the back of the couple of businesses down the way that were neighboring the gym. She hoped no one would come out for any reason. She’d be very embarrassed to be caught essentially streaking the back alley!

The door to the pool was finally reached, and Suzie pawed at it to find the handle. The only problem was… there was no handle! Some color drained from Suzie's face as she didn't see any sign of how to open the door. Pushing wasn't the answer for sure, but there was nothing to grip to open it!

"Oh my gosh, is it one way only? Like a fire escape or something?" Suzie wondered. The two girls probably didn't know that, since they wouldn't have seen the doors from the alley. She really couldn’t get any sort of grip on the door. It made sense; they probably didn’t want people just sneaking into the gym from the back!

Suzie wracked her brain. Solutions weren’t coming up. She was down another piece of clothing, and her deal she set up required she got back inside and into the sauna. “Maybe if I’m fast… I can get back in the way I came before the people who had the room reserved show up,” Suzie thought out loud. Her hands wrapped around her chest again as she jogged back to the door she came from.

Following the same beat that other events in the day had taken, Suzie wasn’t actually all that shocked to see the door to the racquet ball room was also without any sort of handle or knob. Of course none of them would back there. She truly wouldn’t be getting back in this way.

What was Suzie going to do? She was outside in just her shoes and panties. Her bare breasts had not a stitch to hide them. She looked all around her, and solutions were slim. Her only bet would be to maybe search the trash near the other businesses. It wasn’t an appealing option, but the only other place to go was the front of the building, and back through the main doors. That was of course not going to work out very well in her mind.

While thinking though, Suzie had more trouble brew. From the direction of the other businesses she heard a noise! The sound was clearly of some sort of truck. Suzie even heard the sound of a couple people. If she had to guess, those other businesses had shipments coming in! She couldn’t see the truck, and had to assume it was in the small alley between the gym and the next business down the strip!

Once they would get the product off the truck, the people would be sure to walk into the back alley to enter the store form the back! Suzie could see it now, her in just her panties as a few people carrying boxes would stare at her, with jaws agape! Suzie’s face was red just thinking about it.

There was nowhere to hide. The back wall of the alley was too tall to climb up, and she didn’t know where it would lead. The doors all along the back of the gym were assumingly unable to be entered. Heading towards the sound of the truck and other businesses would only make things work. Suzie did the only remaining option, run away from the building and towards the opposite back corner of the gym!

Suzie faced her butt towards the sounds and began to run. She pushed more than she had during any of her exercises, needing to move faster so to not be caught. She could feel the way the tight cotton material stretched against her lower cheeks. She needed to not be caught undressed outside!

As she got close to the corner, Suzie worried partially about all the things she was heading towards. Though the side of the gym did have a fairly tall fence, on the other side of it was the freeway, and it was where it began to rise above ground so to be able to overpass the street it was perpendicular to. The cars on it were zooming by fast and hopefully too far away to notice a running girl like Suzie was in just her panties!

Suzie reached the fence, and felt at least hidden from the highway. She turned sharply around the corner, and was removed from sight of the back alley. She spared only a moment to look back once, happy to see no delivery people staring and gawking from the other side of the gym!

Now Suzie sat on the path that was between the parking lot and the back alley. The street running in front of the gym was just past the parking lot too, but Suzie felt it was at least too far to see her while she was this far back.

“Gosh… I really am stuck now. I can’t get back inside unless I go up front. How am I going to manage that? The desk girl isn’t going to just let me go inside!” Suzie thought. She considered checking her car, but she had just cleaned it out, it offered no solutions.

She had no solutions in the back of the building though, so she started to at least slowly approach the front of the building. The walk from one end to the next was nerve wracking. She could see the street come into focus more and more. Anyone at the lot would probably be able to see her too. Her crossed arms over her chest probably didn’t’ really help her look any more clothed than she actually was. They might not be able to tell her panties were striped, but anyone looking would at least be able to assume that Suzie was without pants or a skirt.

Suzie gulped nearing the end. The front entrance really was probably her last hope? No cars pulled into the lot, but a few did whiz by. She had to hurry with any plan she might have. Did she just go in and explain her predicament? Maybe the staff would be understanding.

Suzie had to trust that she would luckily meet someone nice and helpful. She braved the dash from the alley, and now ran in full view of the street as she continued along the perimeter of the gym and towards the front doors!

Shining light shone down on the half naked woman. Her breasts jiggled about in the cage her arms created for them. Her bare thighs rubbed against each other as a reminder of her lack of dress. Her skin felt every movement of air as she zipped down her chosen path.

Suzie was now standing in front of the glass doors of the building. She couldn’t see inside due to the bright glare of the sun. She shook and reached for the handle. She was debating if she should just rush in or sneak in. She continued to stand, despite knowing her butt was on show behind her.

Then Suzie realized her other mistake. She couldn’t see in the door, but there was risk that the inside could see her! Hesitation wasn’t going to help, so Suzie opened the door and stepped inside.

Suzie held her breath. She was almost shaking, ready to apologize to the surely surprised people all around her. When her eyes adjusted to the dimmer lobby though, it looked like she was alone!

Thinking about it, Suzie realized she was probably alone because the desk girl was off fixing the treadmill! Her window was probably going to be small, but that just meant that she had to hurry. She might actually succeed in sneaking into the gym in just her panties!

She wanted to stay and see if she could find a new solution to her problem, but she knew Jenny and Julie might be waiting with a shirt! Suzie again did her best to hide her bared chest and took off towards the hall.

She was alone it seemed, and so Suzie kept a brisk pace. She tried to pass by the exercise room and the racquet ball room to avoid any detection from the people she was sure in each. At the end of the hall was the pool room, and that would house the sauna. Suzie hoped all would be over.

Opening the door just a crack, the near naked girl listened for sound. It seemed the pool was quiet, not a single splash of water could be heard. She eased further in the room, and was happy to see she was lucky enough to have the pool room to herself! If all went well now, Jenny and Julie would be waiting for her in the sauna.

Suzie made it to the little room at the side, and took one final breath. Her misfortunes would finally be stopped. She grabbed the handle, and pulled it. She felt the steam seep out and warm her exposed skin. She stepped inside; having a hard time seeing exactly what was all there.

When her eyes adjusted to see through all the water vapor, she noticed something she didn’t expect… five other girls! And not only five other girls, but it seemed most of them were naked! Four were just totally, brazenly exposed, and one was in a towel.

Suzie wasn’t even sure what to do or say as she crossed her arms over her chest. All of them could see her topless and her cute, striped panties! One of the dark haired girls got up and grabbed her wrist though. “Ooo, another! Come, sit with us here!” she said, happy and bubbly. Suzie was still a bit confused. Was this the girl who was supposed to have her bra and shirt? Suzie followed along, and sat down.

She was starting to better tell what was going on. She was now next to the black haired girl who she had seen in the yoga room. Her blonde friend was with her as well. On Suzie’s other side on a different bench were the three girls from the exercise room, and two of them were supposed to have her clothes! She didn’t feel she could bring that up now with so many other people around her.

“So, I was telling Megan that she should loosen up a bit like the rest of us! She is a bit too shy, wouldn’t you agree?” The bubbly one who invited her to sit down asked.

Suzie didn’t really have an answer. She was honestly jealous that she didn’t have as much cover as the fellow blonde had! “Oh, you know, we’re all the same in a way really. So no big deal,” Suzie played along. She wasn’t sure what was going on, but clearly it was clothing optional in the sauna. Her only hope was to play off she did it on purpose.

“Exactly, no better way to relax than totally naked. Like, it’s way more nice freeing like this!” The girl said. Her round breasts bobbed as she emoted, and she seemed totally without any modesty! Her legs were slightly parted, showing off her shaved-clean pussy. Suzie tried not to stare too much, but it was hard to with such a spectacle. She’d never known someone so unashamed.

“Yep, suppose you’re right. I was a bit worried at first, but a lot better seeing you all like this too,” Suzie was trying to think what a nudist might say. She never once put thought into nudism though, so she wasn’t sure what they were like. She still had her arms crossed, and felt that was probably not a proper act either. She could continue to try and hide her breasts, but that might give away how much of accident everything up to this point was.

Suzie weighed what was more embarrassing… nudist women seeing her breasts, or admitting how silly and incompetent she’d been all morning. One seemed more likely to have her laughed at, so Suzie braved having her breasts uncovered. Her arms went to her sides, nipples and all now exposed to each woman there. Her face was red, but hopefully the heat of the room would mask the cause!
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Old 07-14-2017, 07:49 PM   #5
getDare Sweetheart
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 420

Day at the Gym:

Megan and Jessie #6
By Jappio

Part 1

“You really don’t think I could use a bit of slimming up? I don’t know, I think I could use a little work. This ass is far from perfect!” Jessie exclaims, her hips cocked to a side as she looks over her shoulder to me. She even groped one of her own cheeks as she inspected herself. I just don’t know some days. At times, I think it would be impossible for Jessie to do anything intentionally cruel. Yet days like this, I wonder if she understands how much she tortures me.

I bit my lip and looked away. I fought back saying something too obvious like “it’s the most perfect butt I’ve ever seen.” It’s how I felt, and I wish I could stare more. Yet I had to at least pretend to be nonchalant. My tongue was tied entirely, not sure what to do. Why was she standing around in JUST her pink bra anyways? Why did she come to the gym without wearing panties?

Though she was very fit, Jessie tried to convince me she needed to make coming to a gym a regular thing. She enlisted my help in this task. She hoped someone as punctual as me could keep make it a habit. I will admit, she can have problems keeping to a schedule.

I tried telling her it wasn’t all that necessary. That’s how I’ve ended up with her flashing her gorgeous charms at me I guess. I wish I could comfortably point out how she was discrediting her own argument with all the sexy posing, that she was perfect, but there was no way I could. I really didn’t want our relationship to become weird because she found out how much I was into her.

Ever try not looking at your crush’s butt when she was showing it off though? It’s not easy! I tried to change the subject a bit, “I really don’t think you need it as much as you say, but I do think you could do with some underwear! You wouldn’t even wear panties here?”

“Gotta keep cool when exercising Megan! When I do some at home, I usually stretch, do my yoga, and all that naked!” That was too much info for me! My face was getting redder by the second as images crossed my mind of her doing that! “Wouldn’t wear anything here if I could!” she added.

“Jessie, please, control yourself at least a little?” I begged. There really was a risk she wouldn’t put her clothes on if she thought she could get away with it! I closed my locker. I again looked at Jessie, seeing her in just that bra of hers. It was probably too small for her. Maybe she wouldn’t want to get undressed so often if she wore clothes that were comfortable!! Or maybe she just filled it out too well. Maybe I had to control myself instead!

Jessie did finally put her shorts on. She was staring at her shirt. “Jessie, come on. Hurry it along already!” I urged her. With a gruff, she put it on. She started to pout, and part of me wished I could let her keep it off, but I didn’t want to see her get in trouble!

We left the little locker room, and we made our way to the yoga room. I was hoping I’d be able to keep up with Jessie today. She really was better than me at the physical type stuff; last thing I needed was to make myself look foolish in front of her. I know it’s silly to hope that she’ll somehow notice me, but perhaps if I used these little exercise days to get a bit more fit … well maybe in my dreams at least she’d be into me!

A blonde woman was working away at some stretches when we got to the yoga room. She seemed focused, so I didn’t want to bother her. Jessie was already limbering up as I set some of our stuff down. I joined Jessie in her warm ups.

After a bit, I noticed something had caught Jessie’s attention. She was staring at the blonde a lot. I was actually sort of worried, as the blonde was pretty. I really didn’t want to be jealous. “Megan… she’s not wearing a shirt,” Jessie remarked, revealing the real reason for her staring!

I looked too. It really hadn’t clicked before, but the girl didn’t have a proper shirt on. Yet the sports bra was plenty decent. I knew what Jessie was angling at.

“Look, I know, but it’s a bit different, ok?” I tried to argue. Again, Jessie was pouting! “Seriously, it’s different.”

“How so?” She asked. She tapped her foot. I can’t believe I was having this argument! I got plenty good of a look at her bra… the pink fabric was too revealing. How do I explain that to her though? I can’t just out myself and tell her that her cleavage was too noticeable in it; that would be admitting I’d been looking!

Trying not to blurt out something like, “You’re too sexy,” I calmly tried to make my case. “You’ll just look suspicious if you take it off now.”

“But I’m so hot Megan! I need a bit of relief!” I quickly looked away, trying to hide my red face. She was so bad with her words! Either I couldn’t think what to say, or she was saying the wrong thing!

“Be sure to not work too hard ladies!” we both heard. The blonde had gotten up, and was set to leave.

“You too! Best of luck,” Jessie responded. Jessie gave me some sort of sly smile once the woman was gone. My excuse of looking suspicious was gone! Jessie didn’t even wait for the door to close to whip her shirt off and toss it to the side!

I put my palm to my face, sighing heavily. I wanted to get her to put it back on, but it was no use. It didn’t help that she looked great dressing in those tiny shorts and bra! I just had to hope she didn’t look too out of place; the last thing I wanted was for her to get in trouble or someone to think less of her!

“Now, come help me out,” she requested. She sat down. “Hold onto my feet, would you?” I obliged, ok with taking a break from stretching anyways. I kneeled in front of her, grabbing her feet and holding them to the ground. I watched as she did a sit up; bring herself up to her raised knees.

Up and down Jessie went. My eyes followed her each time, her beauty and swaying was practically hypnotizing me. I leaned in a smidge, hoping her to not notice. I started to have odd thoughts, picturing her kissing me on her up rise. I watched the way her bra clad breasts pressed to her legs too.

I wondered how it would look if she was naked, like she claimed she did. How would her bare breasts look, pressed and squishing against her legs? Even now I could see a lot of the bare thigh up the legs of her shorts. How sweet a sight it could be to see between her knees and thighs at her little treasure…

“You know, I’m still a bit hot and bothered,” Jessie lamented. I nearly fainted. I had to assume she didn’t mean it the way I heard it. How does a girl who wants to take her clothes off so often be this innocent?

I had to put a stop to her doing anything illegal of course, “You can’t go stripping naked at the gym you know.” I wished she could though.

She kept doing her sit-ups as she continued her thought, “yeah, but I guess I just worry a bit. It’s easier to move around without normally. I think it would be a bit of a turn off too for a girl to be dressed in gross and sweaty clothes. Doing it naked would avoid that!”

I wanted to tell her she could never smell bad, but that’s probably a quick way to make your best friend think you’re a total creep! I was a bit worried though… did she really think sweaty gym clothes was a turn off? I hadn’t worked out too hard yet, but what if I did get to that point?

“Your turn. You sure you don’t want to take a bit off first though? I really do think you’ll have an easier time with a bit less on!”

I couldn’t undress too… but what if I did end up gross because of my modesty? The other girl did get away with a bra showing, and mine was more decent than Jessie’s. I gripped the hem of my shirt. Could I do it?

I gulped… then started to lift my shirt. I had my eyes closed, but as I got the shirt towards my bra, I peeked. I saw Jessie staring right at my chest! I was glad to hide my face with my shirt, cause my cheeks were turning bright red! I get so self conscious when she looks at me!

“Much better!” Jessie said. She was staring right at my navy blue sports bra as I held my top to my side. I went and picked up her shirt, bothered by it sitting around messily. That’s when she commented “Keeping the shorts on too? Come on, you don’t need to double layer when working out!”

“I can’t take them off Jessie! People don’t work out in only underwear,” I babbled back! What was she even suggesting?

She seemed genuine confused. “They look enough like shorts. What’s the big deal?” Was Jessie looking at me when I changed before?! I was too caught off guard, realizing she took note of what underwear I chose. She was able to somehow get up right next to me, and her hands on the waistband of my shorts!

“What are… are you… doing?” I asked in a stutter. Jessie pushes my shorts down a bit, revealing part of my navy blue boyshorts. I took a few steps backwards, unable to say more. My breathing turned sharp. I’ve had some dreams like this…

The shorts got lowered. I don’t know if I could keep resisting her. “They look good on you Megan! Don’t be shy!” She maybe didn’t know it, but she was too good at making me practically melt. She got the shorts to my thighs, and after another step back, she helped them the rest of the way. I don’t’ think I was thinking straight. We felt alone enough, but maybe I was trusting Jessie too much.

I took the discarded clothing, and set it on a nearby pile of towels. I crossed my arms in front of my body, feeling basfhul. Not only was Jessie staring at me in my underwear, but I was starting to worry my need for the gym was showing. That’s when she said the sweetest thing, “See, you’re the one who doesn’t need to tone much! You’re just cute as you are I think. Surprised you bothered to come with me.”

“Jessie! I… I mean… no… I’m not… you are…” I couldn’t get my words out again.

Jessie giggled and walked us back to our mat. “Fine, then stretch up and get to it. We’ll put a bit of muscle on your petite self.” I started to stretch per her instruction. Being in my underwear was very embarrassing though, I was showing a lot of my body with every movement!

She had me sitting on the floor. It was a powerful view, seeing her get on her knees and put her hands on my knees. Again, it reminded me of some dreams I’ve had about her! I had to actively try to mentally cool down a bit!

I really wasn’t as good as Jessie; my frail body was having a tough time even after a few sit-ups. I didn’t want to disappoint Jessie. Every time I made it up, she gave this incredible warm smile! So I started to think about that little kissing scenario, but this time was Jessie who was rewarding me with them every time I made it to the top. After another set, I was starting to feel the burn, and also worried I may have actually puckered my lips once or twice! Gosh, she’d have me so in shape if that was my prize for real.

She grew satisfied with my work, and said it was time for some cool down stretching. I agreed, and was sort of noticing she was a bit right; working out in just a single layer was a bit more cooling. I couldn’t believe we were doing it at a public gym though! I was actually, in a way, less decent than her too.

I also couldn’t help but marvel at her as she moved. She was very flexible I have to say! Seeing her body bend in such ways was almost like a work of art in motion. I tried to only watch from the corner of my eye, so not to make it obvious.

My heart almost stopped when I heard the door! I froze, not sure what to do. Jessie didn’t even bat an eye lash though. Bless her ability to always remain so unworried; I was jealous! The three women who joined us in the room seemed pre occupied with their own plan, which was relieving since they didn’t seem to notice me in just my underwear!

Jessie nudged me, and got me back to my exercising. It was hard to get in rhythm though, and my heart was pounding more than it had during the more strenuous stretching. I kept looking back, worried we were being watched!

When we were finally done with our cool down stretches, Jessie without concern got up to leave. I had to follow along. I hoped the girls hadn’t noticed just how inadequately dressed we were. “We’re in usual work out gear, we’re in usual workout gear,” I chanted like a mantra in my head. If I could convince myself, maybe that would somehow convince them!

“Wait just a second! We have to at least put our clothes back on! Anyone could be out there!” I warned Jessie in a hushed tone, as we got near the door. She was just about to walk out as she was! When I turned to where the towel stack was though, I was horrified to see it and our clothes were gone! “Where are they?”

Jessie giggled. “Hm, I didn’t see anyone else come by. Looks like the towels are on wheel-able racks. Maybe someone just took them by mistake?” Of course Jessie was less panicked than I, and able to think a bit more rationally. I was just wondering what I was supposed to do without any of my outerwear!

Jessie again headed to the door. I hissed, “Jessie! Wait! We can’t!”

“Sure we can. We were like this just fine; no one said anything, including the staff who came to get the towels, “Jessie was too innocent. I was a little worried it could have been done on purpose! Though, I suppose if they wanted to leave us exposed, they wouldn’t have left other racks of towels either. I picked up the bag of stuff we had, sad to know it had little more than our own towels and bottled water. I self consciously tugged my panties up a bit, wondering if they were enough to sneak through the hall with.

Jessie was again about to leave, so I had to quickly jog up to her to catch up! I wasn’t given much of a chance to hesitate, and soon I was out in the hall! I looked every which way, hoping to find no one. Only Jessie was around. She briskly picked up her pace, and I wasn’t going to leave her side! What if staff did care, and just didn’t notice how I was dressed? Could my boyshorts actually pass as regular shorts?

Jessie’s path led us in the wrong direction. I was sure we weren’t heading to the locker room. “Jessie, where are we going?” I whined. I didn’t think we’d actually continue!

“Swimming! There’s a pool here, and you know I love swimming. Happens to be good for exercise as well!” I wasn’t even sure what to say. It’s true; I knew Jessie adored time in the water. Yet we weren’t prepared for it!

“Jessie, you know we don’t have suits!” I tried to point out. I nervously kept my eyes on the doors we passed as we headed to the other end of the building.

Jessie turned to look at me, “So?” I wasn’t even sure I was supposed to respond. What was her plan? Then I recalled one of Jessie’s common practices… skinny dipping! On more than a couple of occasions, Jessie would like to swim naked! It’s not something I like to complain about, as her body dripping wet was an incredible sight, but it also made me so worried! Secluded rivers and lakes were one thing… but we were in a public building with others around!
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Old 07-14-2017, 07:50 PM   #6
getDare Sweetheart
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 420

Megan and Jessie #6
By Jappio

Part 2

I was too lost in thought, and in no time we were in the pool room! I finally stopped, trying to get my bearings. I was still without any outerwear. We were still alone, but that just gave Jessie less reason to stop. She was already unclipping her bra half way to the side of the pool. I didn’t get to even raise my voice as she dropped the pink thing to the floor. At the pool’s edge, she hopped from foot to foot as she shimmied her shorts down and off her feet.

It was totally mesmerizing. She never once hesitated. She was so free, and so beautiful. I could hear her giggling as she dove in. When she surfaces, the bright smile on her face had me unable to get mad. I slowly stepped over, gathering her discarded clothing into our bag. She was officially skinny dipping in the gym pool.

She began with some laps from one end of the pool and back. I just watched. The clear water was a lot easier to see through than the typical lakes and rivers I’ve seen her swim in. It was incredible to see her dart through the water naked. She made it seem so effortless. She seemed so free, in more than just one way.

I looked back to the door, and didn’t see anyone still. I sighed, and took off my shoes and socks. I sat on the pool’s edge. I dipped my feet in, and just continued to watch her. Jessie… she’s so beautiful. I could sit here for hours and watch this honestly. The effect she has on me… it’s crazy. I should be trying to redress her, redress myself even. Yet here I was, just happy to see her happy. There was also lust too I’ll admit. I… I just couldn’t not look at her and want her.

“Going to join me?” She asked. “Wouldn’t hurt ya to get a bit wet!” She called out. I nervously giggled. If only she knew I was already wet! I nervously closed my legs, wondering if it would start to show at this rate.

“I’m good here on land for now,” I explained. She accepted my answer, and continues with her swim. I sort of wondered where she even got all that energy.

I kicked my feet, thinking about it all. Maybe I should be honest with her. Maybe I had to stop hiding my feelings. Watching from afar, it was tough at times. Yet, I didn’t have that courage I admired her so much for. I bet if she were in my shoes, she’d have made me hers in no time. Well, I mean, I pretty much already was, but she didn’t know it.

Jessie, after another lap, swam back to the pool edge near me. She looked expectedly at me. That made me almost melt. I wasn’t sure what she wanted at first, but then her smile turned to a menacing one in a flash. Her hands reached out, took mine, and then pulled me right into the pool!

It was all a blur, but suddenly my body hit the water and I was totally submerged. I didn’t know which way was up for a few moments. I felt her hands still clasped to mine, and she helped my upright. I gasped for breath. It was all only a few seconds, but it was quite a shock!

“Jessie!” I called out. I looked to her, and she was there in front of me, still holding my hands as she helped me stabilize. Soon we were swimming in place. Her eyes locked with mine. She had this little smug smile on her face.

She got a bit closer as we kicked there. I felt her legs pass against mine. I was starting to breathe heavier from the extra exertion, and from her being so close. “Sorry, but I wanted you to have some fun with me!” I really did appreciate that she wanted that.

She was so close I was starting to feel her breasts press to mine. This would have been incredibly romantic if we were a couple, but to Jessie this was just a thing that friends would do, I guess. I could have effortlessly leaned forward and kissed her. Do I tell her? Do I admit how I feel?

“Jessie… it’s ok… just you surprised me. Um… though, speaking of surprises, I wanted to tell you that… that I…” I wasn’t sure I could do it. I saw her waiting for the answer, but I don’t’ think I could have done it. I was already losing my nerve!

Then the sound of doors swinging open saved me from having to continue down that path! It then hit me I wasn’t saved, as now I was going to be caught swimming with my naked, best friend!

I pulled Jessie close, wanting to hide her. I saw at least two girls, I think I recognized them from the yoga room, looking out at the pool. I don’t know if they had seen anything yet. Jessie giggled “Hey now, be a bit gentle!” Jessie had no idea what I was worried about I’m pretty sure!

“Jessie, shh, we’re going to be caught!” I tried to explain. It’s sad that the puzzled look she gave me I still found to be adorable. The two girls discussed something, but I wasn’t sure what. I had pulled Jessie too close maybe, it was a bit distracting! Jessie then splashed me! I gave her my most evil glare, but she wasn’t the least bit intimidated by it. “How are you not worried?”

“Worried about what?”

I looked again; no one was calling out “Skinny dipper!” yet, so I suppose Jessie hadn’t been noticed. “You can’t be naked her Jessie. You’ll be thrown out!”

Jessie wasn’t fazed, “Pfft, it’s no big deal Megan. People don’t really mind that much. I read once that places like this had nude swimming all the time. Heck, kids are all in school, so if it’s just us adults, no one will mind!”

I think I knew what Jessie had meant, but it was a weak excuse. I didn’t want her to get in trouble, for her to be hurt. Yet that’s when she got free from my grip and swam away! I wanted to call to her, but more attention wasn’t something I need to draw! I tried to swim after her to catch her, but I knew it wouldn’t work. I was stuck without a plan, and things got worse as one of the other girls called out, “Hello!”

I tried to ignore them, maybe they’d go away. Yet I heard them call again, they approached the pool.

I wasn’t sure if they saw Jessie yet, but perhaps I could distract the other girls. I turned, and pulled myself out of the pool. I walked my dripping body over to them, trying not to look guilty or too nervous.

“Oh, hey! Heheh, I think we saw each other before?” I tried to start some small talk. The shorter girl started to already bob on her feet, trying to look past me! I then thought I could perhaps get the focus put on them. I noticed they weren’t in swimming suits. “Get lost? You don’t seem dressed for a swim.”

The taller of the two responded. “Your friend doesn’t’ either!” A pit grew in my stomach. They did see Jessie skinny dipping!

“I can explain!” I blurted out. Probably not the best idea to say that, made us look even worse! I was bad being on the spot, so I went with the only excuse I could think of. “You haven’t heard? Places like this do nude swimming all the time!”

The shorter one giggled. “Um, not since like the 70’s I thought,” she said. My face was red, I felt foolish to suggest that was still a thing. Yet I had nothing else to go with.

I had to keep going. “Honest. It’s just a thing they do here, I guess. Only during school days like today of course,” I couldn’t do it, I couldn’t look confident by using the excuses I myself didn’t buy earlier.

Both girls seemed to ponder for a moment. “You know, you act like someone who did something wrong,” one pondered.

“Yeah, those don’t’ even look like they’re a real bikini! You see how they’re clinging to her body?” My face turned totally crimson in an instant! I covered up quickly, realizing I was in just my soaking wet underwear, not a real swimsuit!

My brain reached for the best suggestion. I didn’t like it, but I had to protect Jessie. “I… I was going to join my friend… cause it really isn’t wrong… I just was too shy.” It was true, Jessie did want me to join her and I was too afraid. A bit of truth would help my story hopefully!

The girls didn’t relent though. The black haired one quipped, “Too shy, or too afraid to be caught and thrown out? Just not as much of a thrill seeker as her I take it?”

“Yeah, where’s the shame in enjoying sanctioned nude swims?” The other added on. I was really at a crossroad now.

The accusative women weren’t giving up. Were they going to turn us in? I had to think of something. The only thought though was to at least eliminate one of their points… my shame! Though, I couldn’t stop from blushing… I could ‘prove’ that I didn’t think it was against the rules to be naked…

My heart almost stopped. I knew what I had to do, but my body couldn’t do it. I was actually considering undressing in front of the two strangers! I knew it would be impossible; there was no way I could reveal myself like that.

Then I heard Jessie giggle and splash about. She didn’t know a thing of the risk going on. I didn’t want to ruin her fun. I didn’t want to scare her or get her in trouble. I had to do something… and only one thing was left.

“Maybe you’re right. It really isn’t so a big deal,” I tried to laugh it off, but it probably still sounded nervous. I averted my gaze, not wanting them to see the fear in my eyes. I reached behind my back, and started to undo the latch on my bra.

“You… you both don’t have to stare!” I say, noticing they were indeed watching me undress. This was making it tougher! “Do it for Jessie, do it for Jessie” I chanted in my head. I got the bra down my arms, and my breasts were exposed in the pool room!

Without letting myself show too much doubt, I kept going, and started to take off my soaking boyshorts. The navy garment was down and off, and I was naked in front of two strangers! I tried to will up any courage I still had. I decided to really insist it was fine. “So, were you two going to join? I assume that’s why you’re not in suits, wanted to save time by undressing here?”

I was hoping I’d leave them speechless, but they both giggled. Their eyes were all over me. Nervously I covered my chest. They could have called my bluff, and I think I had no more steam to keep going at that point.

Fortune favored me though, and they shrugged. “Nope, we were heading the sauna actually. We were only teasing you. It’s funny how some girls don’t know about the naked swimming hours here. We just thought you were one of them. Well, toodles,” the brunette responded. I was so relieved to hear them say that.

Actually, wait, was Jessie right? Did they allow naked swimming this whole time?! The two girls got one last good look in before they walked off. I felt totally embarrassed, but at least they weren’t running to the front desk to tell on us!

I almost died from shock when arms were around me! A slick wet body was pressed to me. I arched my back, and felt the cushioning of incredible breasts. The arms around my waste were dangerously close to hugging my breasts; I could feel my boobs sitting atop the arm like it was a shelf.

“Jesssieee!” I knew who it had to be of course. I would have probably fallen if not for her holding me. This was way too much! Why was I suddenly in a naked embrace with her?

“What were you up to? I saw you getting naked for these two. What was so special about them and not me?” she asked. Was she jealous?! Did she actually want me to undress for her?!

“Um, no! I just, I was!” I didn’t know what to say.

“Well, no biggie, up for a swim again now that you’re more comfortable?” I wasn’t comfortable being naked, but I also didn’t want to end the embrace. Yet I knew I couldn’t trust myself for much longer, so I reluctantly agreed.

She let go, and I was able to follower her back to the water. I was nervous, not sure if the other girls were telling the truth. Now both of us could get in trouble!

She dove right in, and I was left to carefully step in. I froze when she looked back, me reaching a toe into the water. I’ve never skinny dipped in a gym pool before after all, so I wasn’t so sure about just jumping in. With my leg out though, I worried how much of a view she got. I covered up again, even though I’d need my arms out to actually swim. “Stop waiting and get in!” She shouted to me.

I rolled my eyes, and then started to sit down. I dipped my shins in, and then scooted forward till I could just slip into the water slowly. I was finally neck deep, and had to uncover myself. I hated how I could look down and see myself through the water’s surface. Clean chlorine water was not ideal for hiding a naked body!
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