Old 06-19-2017, 02:14 PM   #1
getDare Sweetheart
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Default The Photograph

Firstly, there are no ages in this story, assume the ages yourself.
Secondly, as anyone who has read my previous stories know, they get pretty graphic. I will put a warning at the start of each chapter if I feel it needs one.
Finally, enjoy!

"Really fit bby, send one more plz x”

Leon scrolled back through the messages, scanning for any signs that this girl wasn’t who she claimed to be, nothing.
He listened for any sign of his parents and double checked that his brother was fast asleep before, slightly reluctantly, slipping his fingers into the waistband of his boxer briefs and lowering them to his knees.
He snapped another photo and pressed send.

The tick signalled that the message had been sent, the double tick signalled she’d gotten it.

Ava is typing…

“Wow! So glad we started chatting bbe, I’m off to bed, chat tomorrow xx”

Ava is offline.

He closed his phone and lay back on his bed, his heart jumped slightly at the thought of having a girlfriend and especially one as pretty as Ava. He’d begun chatting to her almost a week ago and they’d messaged each other every day since. He liked her, their conversations were more than just “hey, what’s up”. She was interesting and funny and was much nicer than any girl Leon had spoken to before.

Leon was by no means unattractive, if anything, he could probably date any girl in his school if he put himself out there but unfortunately for him, he was shy, painfully shy, making him a perfect target for bullies and a definite rejection with the pretty girls.

Ava had messaged him on Facebook quite unexpectedly. He wasn’t friends with her and had no mutual friends, more often than not, he would ignore these profiles but she offered an explanation of having to make a new page after her last one was deleted and a few days later her page was just like any other girls. Photos of her with friends, in school, at parties. She had tonnes of likes and comments from people who she seemingly knew quite well so all seemed well and they hit it off immediately.

It was her who started driving the conversations towards sex rather than him but being his age, he didn’t complain. It started off simple, topless photos, underwear, teasing photos until eventually she sent a naked one and Leon’s eyes lit up. He’d watched porn but he knew that was unrealistic and this was the first time he’d seen a ‘real’ female naked. As these things go, he sent one back, he was nervous but excited, nobody had ever seen him naked other than his parents and probably a doctor so he spent more time than he’d prefer to admit, trying to get the best angle and best lighting and eventually picked one that was half way decent in his opinion.

Now they were sending regular photos, each one showing more than the last until the most recent one. She had sent him a photo showing her naked from head to toe, something, which although he very much enjoyed looking at, was a complete no go for him. As much as he trusted her, he didn’t want any of his photos to be identifying in any way. She didn’t push it but he could tell that she wasn’t overly impressed that he hadn’t returned the favour and now she was logging off and it was only 9:30pm, early for both of them.

Leon sat up in his bed and ran his hand through his hair, contemplating. He did have a photo of her which meant she couldn’t do much with his one and chances are, she wouldn’t do that anyway.
He got out of bed, picked up his phone and tip toed into the bathroom.
He sighed as he looked at himself in the mirror, he looked tired and for a moment he toyed with the idea of finding a photo online and sending that instead but that would ruin anything him and Ava had.
He dropped his boxers, rubbed himself until he was erect and aimed the phone camera at the mirror.
Should he smile? Look at the camera? Look down?
He chose to look at the phone and quickly snapped a few photos so he could choose which one to send when he got back to bed.

From being in the gym showers Leon knew that when it came to size, he was below average, he had started skipping gym class and would do anything in his power not to have to shower with the rest of his class but when he did, he made sure his back was turned. Ava didn’t seem to mind which gave him a boost.

He got back to bed, checked the photos which all looked the exact same and sent the first one.

Ava is online

He smiled.

Ava is typing..

He knew she’d be happy with this one.

Ava: “Big mistake”

His eyes widened.
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Old 06-19-2017, 02:18 PM   #2
getDare Sweetheart
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Default Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Leon scrambled on the keypad of his phone and typed back

“What do you mean?”

Ava is typing…

“Didn’t your parents ever tell you not to talk to strangers, Leon?”

He began to sweat as he read and re-read the message, surely she was kidding.

“Ava stop playing, you sent me one too?”

There was a pause, he stared at the screen, hoping she’d send a laughing face or make a joke about it but she didn’t.

Her next message was a link to some website, Leon clicked on it and watched as hundreds of photos appeared of “Ava”.

“That aint me in those pictures buddy, a simple image search could have told you that”

Leon could barely move, he had been catfished and now this person had the most revealing photo he’d ever taken.

“Who the fuck is this??” he typed back.

Ava is typing…

He felt like crying.

“Ah ah, don’t swear Leon, I want you to read the next message very carefully, understand?”

Leon began to type back furiously.

“Understand?” the message accompanied a screenshot of Leon’s Facebook page and the photo he’d just sent.

He was terrified but quickly weighed up his options and text back a simple yes.

“In the past week you have supplied me with almost all the details of your life. You’ve told me about your mum and dad, your little brother Jack and even your dog Rex. You’ve told me where you go to school, spoken about your friends and enemies, given me your phone number, email address and even told me the street you live on. Then you started sending me photos, photos you definitely wouldn’t want to get into the wrong hands”

Leon read the message carefully and felt completely helpless. Everything this person was saying was true, he had told ‘her’ everything.

“You don’t need to worry about that happening as long as you do exactly what I say, got it?”

What else could he say? He was backed into a corner, his heart pounded and he wanted to punch himself for being so stupid and sending that last photo.

“Please just delete the pictures, I fucked up, please just get rid of them”

The message was ignored.

“The photos will be sent to every single person on your friends list by tomorrow morning from an anonymous page if you don’t agree to this now”

His entire family was on Facebook, even his little brother, his life would be ruined if they were to see these photos, he knew he had no choice.


Ava is typing…

“Good boy, first things first, get onto your laptop, download Teamviewer and give me the password, delete whatever you want, I’ll be able to recover anything deleted within the last 28 days so it would be pointless”

He scanned the room for his laptop, he didn’t know what Teamviewer was and he didn’t know how this person could recover stuff from it but he didn’t dare argue and within a couple of minutes Teamviewer was downloaded and he had handed over the password.

“Good boy”

He felt sick with everything that was happening but this person calling him a good boy made him want to throw up, he watched his laptop as the cursor began to move on it’s own. He used the touchpad but it didn’t work, he tried the keypad, nothing.

“If you turn the laptop off, the photos will be sent, just sit back and enjoy the show”

Enjoy the show? This time Leon could feel the tears dripping down his cheeks, he rubbed his eyes and watched, terrified as this person accessed all of his documents, pictures, videos, social media sites and history. It felt like his heart stopped when his Facebook opened and then his messages.

Ava: “Pick someone”
Leon: “What? Pick someone for what?”
Ava: “Just pick someone, you have 10 seconds”
Leon: “Wait, please just tell me what for??”
Ava: “9”
Leon: “Please!?!”
Ava: “8..”

Leon had a sick feeling that this person wanted him to pick someone and that person would get a photo, his eyes darted through the contacts on the screen, he quickly tried to think who he’d rather see him naked and typed back.

“Dylan Shields”

Dylan was one of his best and only friends and he knew that he could probably come up with some explanation if he received the photo compared to anyone else.

He watched again as the cursor moved and clicked onto Dylan’s name then watched as a message began to appear.

“Hey Dylan, I’ve wanted to tell you for a while, I’m gay and I’m very attracted to you, look…”

A photo of Leon holding his penis was attached to the message.

He grabbed his phone and typed a message.

“Please fucking stop this, I didn’t do anything to you, please just leave me alone, I’ll get the police!”

The message disappeared from the screen and Leon sighed in relief, obviously the threat of the police had scared the person off. He had control of his laptop again, quickly turned it off and checked his phone.

Ava is offline.

He lay back in his bed, rubbed his eyes which were itchy from tears and drifted off to sleep, vowing that he’d never send anybody another photo again.
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Old 06-19-2017, 02:20 PM   #3
getDare Sweetheart
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Chapter 3
Leon woke to the sound of his alarm. Jack was already up getting dressed and he could hear his parents downstairs. Memories of the night before began to flood back and although he was sad that ‘Ava’ had turned out to be some psycho, he was glad that it was over.
He jumped out of bed, careful to hide his morning glory from his brother and pulled on his school uniform.
After breakfast he picked up his gym and school bag and left the house, he wasn’t looking forward to the day ahead, gym class after lunch and two classes in the morning with Jamie Weston, the guy who’s bullied him for years.
As he closed the door behind him and turned to walk out the gate he noticed something attached to it, he got closer and picked it up. It was a note.

“I told you not to turn off the laptop”

His heart dropped and his mind raced, under the sentence was the full naked photo of him with an arrow pointing to the back of the page. He turned it over.

“There’s a bag pack in the bushes at the end of the street, leave your gym bag there and take that one, don’t open it until gym class. You know what happens if you don’t”

He knew that this was it. Whoever this person was, was not going to back down from the police and if they wouldn’t back down from that, then they wouldn’t back down from anything. He shoved the note in his pocket and walked to the end of the road. As stated, there was a red bag in the bushes which he took and replaced it with his own one. He didn’t dare open it.

The entire morning was spent terrified about what was in the bag, he didn’t even care when Jamie spat at him in class or when his teacher gave him detention for not paying attention in class. He continued to check his phone every few minutes for any sign of his blackmailer. He thought back to the message this morning, anyone could have picked that up, how did this person know that he’d be the first out of the house, usually his dad leaves first, it just so happened that his dad was running late this morning and that just made Leon realise that this person didn’t care about ruining his life.

Eventually the dreaded bell rang and Leon swallowed the lump in his throat. He stood up and slowly walked to gym class. He watched all the other students laughing and joking and wished he was anyone else but himself.
He clutched the bag he’d been given and found an area in the corner, almost out of sight of the other students but not completely. He noticed how quick the others were changing, some of them walked around in just their boxers and he wondered how they were so comfortable showing off their bodies with everyone watching.

Leon sighed and began to open the bag, the first item he noticed was a towel, he took it out and laid it on the bench, next was a white vest, it looked like it would fit a young child and Leon knew that even if he managed to get it over his head, it would be too tight to even move in. Next were a pair of shorts, also child sized, the last were a pair of blue briefs, he looked around hoping nobody would see the design on them. Power Rangers. A pair of socks were wrapped up inside them, also Power Rangers.

Most of the locker room had cleared out but there were still a few students left, mainly the ones who were also shy like Leon and preferred getting changed with less eyes.

Leon resigned to the fact that the next hour would be probably the most humiliating time of his life but he knew there was absolutely nothing he could do about it if he didn’t want his photos getting out. He reached over to close the bag and noticed something else at the bottom, a small white bag. He pulled it out, noticing that there was something hard inside. He pulled out a note first.

“Hopefully by now you’re wearing the clothes I’ve provided for you but before you go and humiliate yourself, I’ve put a little something in this envelope, take it and insert it into your anus, I’ll know when it’s inside you and you’ll know when I know have fun Leon!”

Leon felt a pain in his stomach as he read the note, he wasn’t even entirely sure that something could actually go up his butt but if it did he knew the pain would be intense.
He took the object out of the envelope, it was about 4 inches long and about two inches wide, normally he would have said that it was small but now that he knew where it was going, it was huge.

“Come on boys, hurry up!” the gym teacher called.

There was only one other student in the locker room so now was his chance. He pulled his shirt off and replaced it with the other one, surprisingly it fit him but like he thought, it was skin tight. He looked around again, double checking that nobody was watching and pulled down his trousers and boxers. He picked up the plug spat on it and pressed it against the entrance to his tight virgin hole, he scrunched his eyes shut and began to put pressure on it, he could feel himself slowly opening up and the pain started building after about half an inch. He took another deep breath, knowing he had no choice and pushed it harder inside until it slid completely into his asshole with only the base of it showing. Tears welled in his eyes as his body adjusted to the pain. He could barely move between the pain in his butt and the tight shirt, he picked up the Power Ranger briefs and slid them on, these were also far too fight and squeezed his dick and balls into an uncomfortable package, he was however, thankful that they would keep the plug inside him so that it didn’t fall out in the gym hall.
The shorts went on next, followed by the socks and that’s when Leon noticed that whoever was doing this to him hadn’t supplied him with sneakers.

He looked around, frantically trying to see had he just misplaced them.

“Leon! Get your ass out here, you’re late” called the gym teacher, Mr Higgins.

He knew he wouldn’t be allowed wear his school shoes and also knew that anyone who forgot their sneakers was forced to either go barefoot or in just their socks. He quickly thought of his options, he could put back on his black school socks to save himself from embarrassment or he could suck it up and wear his Power Ranger socks. Something told him that if he was to chose the former then he would be found out by whoever was doing this.

He sighed and walked out to his teacher.

“I um.. I forgot my sneakers sir”

Mr Higgins rolled his eyes “well you know what to do then kiddo”

“Yes sir” Leon frowned and walked by his teacher toward the door.

“What happened, brought your brothers socks?” he laughed and ushered him further out the door.

Once he got out onto the court he could hear people whispering as he tried desperately to cover himself, especially his feet and crotch area. The pain in his ass was causing him not to be able to stand properly.

“Aw look at his lickle socks” laughed one of the jocks
“What a little fag”
“Do your pants match your socks little boy?” were just a few of the remarks made to him.

“Ok boys, wrestling today! I’ll pair you off” Mr Higgins announced. Leon wanted the ground to swallow him but as he was watching Higgins pair people off her felt a surge of pain from his bottom right up into his stomach, he grabbed himself and doubled over in pain.

“What’s wrong Leon? Get up and stop your messing!” Higgins called.

Leon tried to stand up straight as other boys began to stare but the pain was getting gradually worse, it was as though the plug was widening inside him. He was sure his ass would be bleeding by now.

“Leon you’re with Collin, over there” Higgins pointed at a corner of the gym and Collin walked over, smirking.

“You’re fucked fag boy”

Collin was Jamie’s best friend, they had been the first to notice Leon’s socks when he walked out.

“Let’s get those pants down and see if the curtains match the drapes” he laughed as he circled Leon.

Leon was terrified, even on a normal day, wrestling was his least favourite sport, let alone wrestling Collin Smith.

Higgins blew his whistle and before Leon even had a chance to blink, Collin had picked him up and thrown him to the ground, knocking the wind from him and causing the pain in his butt to intensify.

He could feel Colin reaching for the waistband of his shorts and tried with all his strength to pull away but it was no use, he was bigger and stronger than Leon and it didn’t take much to hold the boy down and unbutton his shorts.

“Oh fuck!” Colin exclaimed “they do match! THEY MATCH!” he laughed out loud, drawing the attention of almost every person in the gymnasium.

Leon scanned the room, waiting for Higgins to run to his rescue and tell Collin to leave him alone but he was nowhere to be seen.

“Pull them down!” shouted Jamie as he ran towards the commotion “strip him!”

Collin stood up and pulled Leon with him, Leon grasped at his shorts, trying desperately to keep them up, he felt whatever was in his ass widening again and this time the pain was too much and Leon could feel himself about to pass out.

“Please” he muttered as Colin put his arm around the boys neck. Everything was going dark for Leon but he could see Jamie approach him with a big grin and felt the air hit his legs as his shorts were pulled down to his ankles.

He couldn’t even fight or struggle with the pain and within a few seconds the jeers and laughter began to fade and he slipped off.

“He’s waking up!”
“Come on Leon, open your eyes buddy” he could hear someone saying.
“That’s it, wake up”

Slowly he opened his eyes, it was brighter than he remembered. He could tell that his hair was soaked in sweat as was his shirt but it felt like he was drenched from the waist down and he could only hope that that too was sweat.
“Come on buddy, let’s get you on your feet”

Higgins hooked his hands under Leon’s arms and lifted him to his feet in one quick movement. Everything was spinning and Leon began to notice that a circle had formed around him of students and even some teachers. He looked down at his bare legs and noticed his shorts on the floor.

“W..Wa..Wait” he slurred, hoping to get his shorts back but Mr Higgins was already leading him back to the locker room.

“Let’s get you cleaned up” he said and Leon immediately realised that he’d wet himself.

His life was over, he’d never felt so embarrassed in his life. Everyone had not only seen him wearing these ridiculous briefs and socks but now they’d also watched him piss himself.

“Get yourself washed up Leon” Higgins said and turned and walked out.

Leon was still groggy, his head hurt, his ass was still sore and he just wanted to be anywhere but here. He looked around the locker room, it was empty so he slid off the wet briefs and shirt and stepped into the showers.

He immediately reached for the plug and tried to pull it out but it wouldn’t budge. He pulled harder, nothing.
His heart started to race as he continued to try to pull it out but the harder he pulled the more it hurt.

“There’s no use trying” a voice said from the shower door.
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Old 06-19-2017, 02:21 PM   #4
getDare Sweetheart
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Chapter 4

Leon didn’t think the day could get any worse but now someone was watching him try to pull a plug from his asshole. He shot up, a little too quick and turned to face the owner of the voice. He covered his dick with his hands and stared at the boy before him.
He recognised him but only just.

“Take your hands away” he said, rather sternly for the size of him. He was small, smaller than Leon anyway and looked to be about a year or two younger. Leon wondered how he’d gotten into the locker room and then remembered the boy who’d stayed back when he was first getting changed.

“How.. How did you get in?”

“Don’t ask questions Leon, take your hands away from your little dick” the boy snarled.

“Who the fuck do….”

Leon doubled over in pain as the plug inside him sent a shock through his entire body, he fell to his knees and noticed another stream of piss shooting from his soft dick.

“I can make you do whatever I want Leon, now stand up and put your hands on your head” the boy sneered as he held a small remote control in his hand.

“What the fuck..”

Another bolt of electricity shot through Leon’s body and he fell onto the wet tiled floor again.

“You’re not a quick learner are you Leon?”

Leon looked up with tears in his eyes and realised that this boy was the one who was blackmailing him, he wanted to run over and punch the kid in the face but while he had the remote in his hand he knew there was nothing he could do, a feeling he was very much getting used to.

He pulled himself onto his feet and slowly moved his hands to his head.

The boy took a few steps closer until he was inches away.

“Fucking pathetic” he smirked as he took Leon’s cock and balls in his hand.

Leon gasped. It was the first time anyone had touched him there and this was not the person he wanted to do it.

“How many time a day do you jerk off?”

Leon looked at him wide eyed.


The boy squeezed his package causing him to cry in pain.

“It wasn’t a hard question boy”

“Like once or twice” he groaned, shifting from one foot to another to soften the pain.

“Not anymore” the boy had already pushed a small cage over Leon’s dick and was locking it in place.

“What the fuck is that?!” he spat as the lock clicked shut.

He felt the sting across his face before he heard the crack of the belt and fell back against the wall. He knew it wasn’t the boy because both his hands were grasped around his caged dick.

“Surprise faggot” laughed the unmistakeable voice of Jamie.

Jamie patted the other boy on the back and walked over to Leon who had fallen into the corner holding his face while a trickle of blood seeped through his fingers.

“Shouldn’t be sending pictures to strangers faggot, should you?” he sneered and Leon watched as he removed his sneaker and sock.

“You’re our little bitch now, understand?” Jamie moved his foot towards Leon who could smell the stale sweat from about 4 foot away.

He pressed himself back into the corner but there was nowhere else to go, Jamie’s foot got closer and closer until it was pressed hard against his face.

“Lick it faggot, lick it clean” he hissed.

Leon turned his face away from Jamie’s rancid foot.

“Corey, you know what to do” he said, his foot still pressed against Leon’s face.

Corey obviously did know what to do and pressed a button on the control sending another shock through Leon’s ass who quickly changed his mind and began licking the stale sweat from Jamie’s foot.

“Get in between the toes faggot”

Leon obliged and pressed his tongue in between Jamie’s toes. He gagged and felt like throwing up but Jamie pressed his foot deeper into the boys mouth until all of his toes and half his foot were inside.

When he’d felt that Leon had had enough he removed his foot and stood over him.

“From now on, we own you, not just me, not just Corey, all of us”

Leon looked up, standing at the shower doors were about 6 other boys. Through the tears he could make out Colin and beside him were 5 other boys who Leon recognised as friends of Jamie.

He didn’t even care that he was naked anymore, he wanted to die, he wanted his life to be over, he could see the flashes from the boys cameras as they jeered and laughed and the only thing that brought Leon out of his zombie like state was the stream of piss that hit him directly in the face.

His eyes followed the stream up to Jamie’s huge cock which was inches from his face. It smelled worse than his feet and although he was being drenched in urine, his first thought was that Jamie must not have showered in weeks.

The stream eventually slowed down until only droplets leaked from his cock. He squeezed his foreskin and shook his dick so that the last few drips weren’t wasted.

“Who’s next?” he laughed as he moved away.

One by one each boy stood over Leon’s naked body and unloaded their bladder. Younger boys, older boys, big cocks and small cocks. Once they were finished, Leon felt like a urinal and the smell was appalling.

“Don’t bother getting washed faggot, put back on the clothes I left for you and fuck off home, I have a task for you and you’re going to livestream the whole thing” Jamie smiled “I know how much you and your little brother fight so this should bring you closer together”
Kik: Faggotboy95
You won't be dissapointed

Likes: Age Play, Anal, Bondage, Cum, Corporal Punishment, Child-Like Punishments, Role Play, Line Writing, Corner Time, Humiliation, Degredation, Spanking, Messy, Pee, Light Scat, Slight Public, Embarrassing.

Dislikes: Foot Torture, CBT, Drinking Pee, Heavy Scat

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Old 06-19-2017, 02:22 PM   #5
getDare Sweetheart
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If people are interested in reading more, let me know in the comments and I'll continue it!
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Old 06-19-2017, 09:46 PM   #6
Demon Thief
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I would like to see where this goes. Please continue.
"How many seconds in eternity?"
And the shepherd's boy says, "this is a mountain of pure diamond. It takes an hour to climb it and an hour to go around it.
Every hundred years a little bird comes and sharpens its beak on the diamond mountain.
And when the entire mountain is chiseled away then the first second of eternity will have passed."
You must think that's a hell of a long time.
Personally, I think that's a hell of a bird.

14 years on GetDare!
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