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Old 08-17-2019, 09:14 PM   #1
mr me
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Default April

Eighteen year old Jen lived with her parents in the town of Clarksville in Australia. Jen was very popular in Clarksville being part of the cheerleader team for the Clarksville basketball team and always the first to be invited to parties and sleepovers as she was conceded one of the more popular girls in the town. With lovely strait blond hair that stopped just before her shoulders and a slim body with firm 32B breasts that the boys often admired she loved the attention but she went both ways was more attracted to girls than boys and living in Clarksville but she always knew there was something missing in her life and often searched online to find what she needed. One night online Jen discovered S&M sights and from them on she visited them every night reading stories and watching videos dreaming one day she could find a slave for herself and often thinking about it while she lay in bed playing with herself to relieve her growing desires before she went to sleep.

As the months went on Jen kept her new obsession a secret from her friends and parents as she grew more frustrated each time she got online but couldn’t help herself and had to finish her frustrations in bed each night.
Just a few months later her parents and Jen sat down to eat dinner and Jen could see her mother had been crying and was trying to hold back her emotions and her father was holding her hand for support. Jen asked what her mother was crying about and her father said that her sister had died and her Cousin April would be coming here in a couple of days and live with us for a while. After dinner April comforted her mother with a hug and headed back to her room to go online again.

Jen had thought about April living at her house and thought about how she used to visit from the city when they were younger and play together in the backyard and how she was adventurous and bold when it came to getting dared to do things when we used to play truth or dare and hardly ever not done a dare she was given and Jens mother had told her she was on a cheerleader team and loved being on it and was desperate for Jen to make an appointment to have her audition for the team. April tried to stop being online but she was addicted and since hearing about April impure thoughts had been coming into her head and she knew it was wrong but an aspect of this exited her as well.

The day April was to arrive was Friday and Jen spent the day at her university in the next city about twenty kilometers away where she studied and was looking forward to finishing and returning home on the bus to meet her cousin and get to know her. That was the longest day in Jens life as the day seemed to drag but finally the bell rang and Jess boarded the bus for her trip back home. April had already arrived and she had moved into the bedroom next to mine and already unpacked and settled in as Jen arrived home and walked through the front door then dropping her bag and hugging April as she welcomed her to their home and told her to come into her room tonight after dinner and they could chat.
April was a couple of years younger than Jen and Jen admired how lovely she was with her dark shoulder length hair, beautiful firm 30B cup breasts with a petite body to mach. April and Jen sat in her room talking about when they were younger and how April never really liked the city and often thought about moving to a small town. “So what’s to do in Clarksville for a teen” Said April as she wanted to try and make friends with some locals and go to parties and things as soon as she could and impress her cousin Jen that she looked up to.

“Well you’re properly used to city life but here is a little different, here, outsiders have to earn the respect of people before they are conceded local and make friends but luckily for you I know most people in Clarksville and I’m on the cheerleader team and have influence over who joins so if you want to be popular and get to know the right people then I can help you but there is a ritual that is a tradition that new teens that move to Clarksville have to go through to prove themselves worthy of being invited to the most popular parties and make the right friends but if you want that you have to start at the bottom and work your way up “April thought about what Jen said and asked her “will I be able to join the cheer squad later on if I become popular enough? Please I’m really good at cheerleading.”
Jen knew April was a great cheerleader back where she came from and Cheerleading was her passion and what she aspired to so she knew this was a good leverage tool to use on her to somehow fulfill her desires. “Maybe if you start at the bottom and work your way up doing what your told and completing the secret tests and rituals that every new teen has to obey and complete to earn the respect of us locals and if I’m happy with your efforts I promise I will let you be a cheerleader.”

“Thanks Jen I really want to be a cheerleader and fit in, what sort of things will I have to do?” April asked curiously as she sat on Jens bed next to her. “I will have to ask you four of questions that have been asked to every new girl for as long as I can remember and you must answer truthfully then I will be able to reveal the rituals of the Clarksville new girl initiation, do you want to start?” April was curious and really wanted to fit in so she decided to do her best to comply so with nothing to lose and a strong desire to get an invite to Jen’s cheerleading team she said “ok what do you want to know?”
“Ok question one, do you have an attraction to boys, girls or both?” April looked at Jen with a curious look on her face and thought about the question then answered “both, I like boys a lot but I have had two girlfriends I was attracted to but if I had to choose I think I lm attracted to other girls a little more than boys.”

Question two, “If you had a choice to tell somebody about something that happened to you during the ritual or not tell anybody and earn some respect what would you do? The answer to this question was simple for April as she wasn’t and never been a snitch in her life and answered “not tell anyone ever.”

Question three, are you willing to start at the bottom of the food chain as a worthless slave girl to do my bidding until you work your way up the food chain to the respect of me, the local teens and the position of cheerleader?” April had to think about this for a minute before answering as she considered how much the cheerleading squad meant to her and the popularity of her peers in her new town. “Yes”

Question four, “While you are undergoing the rituals of being a new girl do you voluntary give control of your possessions to your owner (me) to control what you wear at any time and follow rituals, proceedings and directions until graduating to local?” Again the answer was yes, I promise I will do as I’m told no matter what until I’m a cheerleader, as Jen logged on and searched the web looking for her normal sites, showing April as they spent most of the night reading and looking and discussing what they saw and found out they both had the same interests in S/M.

“Your first test starts tomorrow morning April, from tomorrow morning I’m going to think of you as my maid and slave and I want you to do everything I ask you to do to make me think about letting you do a workout at a cheerleader team audition, what do you sleep in and what time do you normally wake up?” Jen said. “I sleep in pajama pants and top and I always are awake at around six thirty in the morning and lay in bed for a few hours.” Replied April

“The first thing you will do when you wake up is get out of bed and take your pajama top off and a bra if you wear one to bed and I want you to crawl on your hands and knees from your room to mine and then kneel on your knees next to my bed and then with your hand wake me up so I can give you your next order.

As April awoke the next morning, she yawned and rubbed her eyes thinking about how she has to get out of her warm bed so early in the morning instead of her normal routine of just laying there for a couple of hours snuggling up to her pillows and blankets. She knew she wanted to show Jen that she was serious about wanting to join the cheerleading team and become a proper local girl instead of an outcast that no one respects even if it meant having to get a little embarrassed for the time being to get what she wanted so with a little effort April found the courage to get herself out of her warm bed and walked over to her bedroom window and open the curtains to see that the sun was just rising and it was still a little dark outside.

She walked over to her wardrobe and opened the door to look at herself in the large mirror on the inside of the door to see herself standing there in her blue pajamas. She hesitated for a moment but knew what she had to do so with her right hand she used her fingers to start on the top button on her pajama top and slowly moved down her front unbuttoning each button until she had all buttons undone and slipped it off placing it on her bed and leaving her in her pajama bottoms and a white t-shirt she had on underneath which she held with both hands at the bottom and preceded to lift up over her head and placed it with her top. Looking back into the mirror at herself half naked from the waist up she paused for a moment to admire her own breasts she had always been proud of and was about to show them off to her own cousin.

April finished looking at herself in the mirror and opened her bedroom door to look out into the passage to make sure Jen’s parents were not up yet then dropped to her knees and started to crawl out into the passage and crawled the short distance to Jen’s door, seeing that Jen had deliberately left her door ajar so April could stay on her hands and knees and crawl strait into her room she kept crawling inside the door and over to Jens bed where she followed orders and knelt by her bed and woke her up for her next task.

“Good morning you did well, I wasn’t sure you would go through with it and this shows me you are dedicated and determined to get what you want.” Still kneeling April replied “yes I am, cheerleading is my life and I will do anything to be on the team, after all they have won a lot of trophies and are famous when it comes to cheerleading teams for their dedication and cheers.”

“It’s so nice to wake up to such a pretty site like these two beauties “Jess said as she reached her hand out of her bed and onto April’s naked chest feeling her cold breast with her warm hand making April think about pulling away for a split second then relaxing and enjoying the warm feeling she was experiencing as well as giving her a bit of an idea of the sort of things she would have to do if she was to continue. Having her breasts fondled was not new to April. She had a lot of boys touch her over the years and some girls as well, she even used them to get what she wanted with the offer of a feel so having her cousin want to touch them and find her desirable turned April on a little so she just went along with the flow of what was happening and see where it would take her.

“Ok April, are you ready for another task?” April quickly replied with “yes” as she relaxed and enjoyed the fondling of her breasts. “climb into my bed and cuddle up to me until it’s time for us to get up then “You can go back to your room and get dressed and we will see how determined to please you are later today when I let you meet the other cheerleaders, this docent mean you are excepted into the team yet, it only means you have to meet with them and pass an initiation first, then if you do get in you are only a probationary cheerleader for the first six months and have to show us how dedicated you are to the team by becoming our mascot and wearing the mascot suit to the games and some of our famous cheerleading parties if we ask you to as well as anything else we need help with before and after the games.”

“Wow thanks Jess this really means a lot to me” she said in a quiet and exited voice as she cuddled up to Jen and kissed her softly on her lips. “This docent mean you are excepted, you still are my slave girl for a while yet even though you have the chance to be on the team so do as I say when I say at all times and we will get along fine” April knew she was working her way to getting her dream and knew she was now a slave to her cousin and was starting to like the feeling of being controlled and told what to do.

April and Jen lay in bed cuddling up to each other in a warm embrace until eight thirty in the morning when Jen decided it was time for them to get out of her warm bed and kissed April’s soft lips and whispered “time to get up slave” then taking her hand Jen got out of bed pulling Aprils half naked body with her until they were both standing next to her bed kissing in a another loving embrace.

“We really need to get you back to your room before my parents get up so let’s go.” Jen pushed her bedroom door open and poked her head out looking around to see the coast was clear then holding Aprils hand they both entered the passage and then back in to April’s room then gently sitting her on her bed as Jen looked through her wardrobe and draws to find something for her to wear for the day.

Searching through the wardrobe Jen found a light blue striped shirt with six buttons on the front and held it up over April’s chest and commented how nice she would look in it then placed it on the bed next to April. Next Jen opened the set of draws next to the wardrobe and searched through April’s cloths until she found a pair of white denim shorts with a belt sown into them with a small buckle on the front and through them over to the bed landing them on her shirt. Going through Aprils underwear draw she soon found a pair of white hipster panties with two pink stripes of cotton sown on the front each side of the crutch and decorated with pictures of little hearts, kittens and the words girl power randomly printed on them and a matching bra, then she told April to get dressed as she started to walk towards the bedroom door and back to her room to get dressed herself and then to the kitchen to make them breakfast.

As April came downs tares and into the kitchen Jen thought to herself how pretty she looked dressed in the clothes she picked out for her and commented “you look pretty this morning, are you looking forward to meeting the team later?” April sat down at the table and Jen gave her a bowl of cereal for breakfast then replied “yes I am and I’m looking forward to meeting the team later, where are we meeting them and do I get to know beforehand what I need to do for my initiation.” Sitting down next to April at the table she said in a soft voice in case her pedants got up and overheard her. “It’s a secret until the time of the initiation so no I can’t tell you but all I can say is if you pass it you will have earned the right to be a probationary cheerleader.” April smiled and said to Jen “I know all about initiations, I had to do one at my last cheerleading team and that was so extreme and humiliating but I passed so I’m ready for anything they throw at me and I’m planning on passing.” Getting back up from the table and patting April on her head Jen replied “good girl, you should do well then.

With breakfast finished and the dishes placed in the dishwasher both girls went to the garage to get Jens old bike that had been in storage for a year ever since she got a new one for April to ride. “Here it is” as she pulled the bike out from under an old tarp and looked it over to see that it was still in good condition then gave it to her.

Later that day Jen and April were still at home watching TV in the lounge room when Jen looked up at the clock to see it was five thirty in the afternoon and knew it was getting close to the arraigned meeting time for Aprils initiation and told April to get up its time to go and headed to the bikes passing her parents in the kitchen. “By mum and dad I’m taking Jen out for a while to meet some of the girls from the team so we might be home after dark so we will see you when we get back” and headed off on their bikes down the road and out of sight. Her parents liked the idea that Jen was introducing April to her friends on the cheerleading team so staying out after dark was ok with them. The ride took about half an hour and then they came to an old building just on the outskirts of Clarksville that looked like it was some sort of old abandoned factory. “Is this where we are going to go for my initiation?” April asked.

“Yes it is, it’s the old cotton mill, and no one ever comes here so we use it for a place to practice our routines and or things like initiations.” As they entered through the big old wooden doors April could see that there was a massive room with a wooden floor and she thought that no wonder they like practicing their routine here with so much room. At the center of the room there were eleven girls standing together looking at April as she approached them. Hello April I am Jane and let me introduce the other cheerleaders as she worked her way through the other ten girls names then said “for today’s initiation you will address us all as miss and we will start, do you understand?” April had been through all this at her old cheerleading team when she first joined and knew she would have to do most of what she had been through again and maybe more depending on how much they wanted to test her. “Yes Miss.” She replied and waited with her head tilted slightly down standing in front of them waiting for her first test.

“Strip and stand to attention” came from Jane as the others looked at April to see if she was going to comply. Knowing the routine April lifted her hand to the top of her shirt and slowly started unbuttoning her shirt until she had all the buttons undone and slipped it off dropping it on the floor, next she reached behind her back and uncoupling her bra dropping it next to her shirt on the floor. As she did this the girls chuckled and made some comments about her breasts and how they might use them in the initiation to try and embarrass her but this wasn’t working because she had been through this before.

Next she looked down at her shorts and with both hands she unbuckled her belt then unbuttoning the button and unzipping the zip leaving them to easily slide down her legs and off with little effort. Hear was April standing there in only her panties with all the girls looking and commenting on the words and little hearts on them as April placed each thumb under the bands then dropping them to her ankles and then off onto the ground.“Now you are naked for tour first test I want you to stand strait with both hands on your head and spread your legs apart as far as you can so you are exposed.” April complied without hesitation wondering what she was in this position for. Once in position Jane reached into a bag she had sitting on the ground next to her and pulled out a container of butter and with her hand slowly rubbed it into and around April’s breasts, pussy and ass until she thought April was covered enough.

“Now April I am going to ask you some questions and you will answer them while you are distracted and you must try and stay in your position without falling over or moving too much.” April heard a bark behind her as two of the girls walked a couple of Labrador’s around the front of her and let them lick off the butter, . One had his nose firmly pushed in April’s pussy licking and the other dog was coaxed into licking April’s breasts.

“How much do want to be on our team” Jane asked April as she stood their naked for all of them to see.

“I want it more than anything Miss. “she replied

“How much of an effort will you put into your initiation to show your worth being on the team?”

“Everything Miss, I will do as I’m told.” April said but with a stutter as the dogs were getting her wet and turned on and her legs were starting to shake with the emotion of what was happening. As the dogs finished cleaning all the butter from April’s body they lost interest in pleasuring her and the two girls took them away again. “Well done April, I could see a dribble of juice running down your leg when they were pleasuring you and that’s what we like to see in cheerleader material. Now for the next task.

“Show me an example of your willingness to be a cheerleader.” Jane said as April voluntary dropped to her hands and knees and started to kiss and lick Jane’s shoes in front of everybody. This display lasted ten minutes Jane’s leather shoes were getting shinier and shinier with the saliva from Aprils tong to the delight of the watching audience. “Stop now and I want you to stay in that position for your next test of stamina, each of the twelve members of our team will be ceremonially giving you one hard smack each on your ass cheeks with this homemade wooden bat and you must take the hits with honor and not give up and say I quit and for one last mark of respect you will thank each member of the team for your smack.”

The last time April had this happen to her was at her last initiation but with a ping pong bat not something this big but she was determined to take the pain and pass the test so as the first member moved behind her with the bat she closed her eyes and braced for the hit. SMACK, the force of the impact moved her body forward s little and she felt a stinging sensation on her ass cheeks. “Thank you Miss.”

As nearly all the girls worked their way over to Aprils ass and had their turn with the bat Aprils ass was now stinging and lines of red where the blows connected was making her think about quitting but she knew there was only Jen to go with the bat and she would have passed so she just waited as Jen gave her final hit and she must have felt sorry for her and lightly tapped her ass. “Thank you Miss.” April said as she dropped to the floor on her belly and rested from her ordeal until she caught her breath and stood up feeling proud she made it through it.
LIMITS- family,friends,

My Skype is im.me093

Have Skype im.me093 looking for young female slave any age or size. (don't have kik sorry.)
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Old 08-17-2019, 09:15 PM   #2
mr me
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“Well done April you have passed the initiation and are officially a probationary member, you will receive your uniform tomorrow and now we only have to tell you the rules and obligations of your six month probationary trial so get dressed while I tell you.

“Rule one; you will be our team mascot wearing our mascot costume for games and team parties.”

Rule two; you will be willing to do anything our members ask you to do.”

Rule three; you may be required at times to do a fundraiser for our team anyway we think is appropriate.”

“As a probationary member you will learn our routines and get to cheer with us but we will treat you like a slave until you pass the six months probation and the girls will be giving you points depending on your attitude to see if you pass.”

“How’s your bum this morning” Jen whispered into Aprils ear as she sat on her bed gently kissing her on the cheek and moving her arm under the sheets to gently massage her still red ass cheeks with her hand as April opened her eyes and smiled at Jens comforting face. “Still a bit tender but it will be fine soon” she replied putting her arms around Jen and giving her a kiss on the lips as a thank you for letting her have the opportunity to be on the team.

“You did well April and I’m so proud of you for making the team, On Sunday’s we practice in the gymnasium at school because it’s not open to students or the other public and we have it to ourselves so later this morning we will go to the gymnasium and have your first team practice and get your uniform so relax for a while and later we will ride over there.”

Later that morning April and Jen arrived at the school gymnasium and parked their bikes in the bike rack out front and walked inside to the change rooms see the other girls already there getting into their uniforms.
The cheerleading uniforms consisted of a red skirt that came down to half way between their bums and their knees with two white stripes running around the bottom hem, the top was a red top with no sleeves on it and two thick white striped in a v shape in the middle and the words Clarksville written on them.

“Welcome to the team April, here is your new uniform” Jane said to her as she presented her with it and told April to go over to your new locker with your name on it and change so they could see how she looked. She quickly undressed down to her panties and proceeded to put on her top then her skirt. The first thing April nosiest was the skirt was a lot shorter than the others and looked back over at them and asked if they had a longer one because this ones the wrong size. “It’s ok, that’s how probationary members wear their skirts until they become full members, and you will earn your longer skirt in six months,”

April felt a little embarrassed about the length of it but she thought to herself it could have been worse and be short enough to show off her ass. April stood up and walked into the middle of the change room and stood there so the team could walk around her and see how she looked in the uniform. “Nice, but before we go out to the basketball court and teach you our routines there’s another rule probationary members have to do to show their commitment to the team over the trial period, for the full trial period apart from when we cheer at games your uniform will consist of your top, skirt, shoes and socks and no panties.” April had to go without panties before but her old team only made her do this occasionally. “Yes Miss” she said as she slipped off her panties and then followed her team members out the change room doors.

At least it wasn’t at public games were she had an audience to see her bare ass as she cheered. Being a cheerleader before April quickly picked up the routines and cheers as she did her front and back flips in her routines with ease as her skirt fell towards her top each time she did a flip showing the short trimmed strip of public hair every time this happened. Just for a bit of fun they thought that April would like to try being on the top of the pyramid when they did that routine so she often got lifted and thrown up into the air with her skirt flying up and down each time she did it showing her bare ass still with some red marks in it from her initiation.

After practice they all went back into the change rooms where April got undressed and put her uniform in her locker. “Wait April, before you put ant clothes back on you will need to try on the mascot costume and see how it fits you” one of the girls said as she hammed the costume April to put on.
April looked at the costume that was a grey three peace costume with a fox head that completely covered her head and when she put it on she could see quite well out of it. The other two pieces of the costume were a fury grey vest with long sleeves that came down to her wrists a and a pair of fury grey pants that were connected and held up to the bottom of the vest with Velcro strips and a fox tail sown on to them at the back. As April went to put on the pants she nosiest a couple of odd things about them and looked closer to see that there was more Velcro hidden on them and with a little playing around she had discovered that the crutch on them opened up with two Velcro strips from the start of the tail all the way to nearly the front top of the pants but the Velcro was hidden under the fur when closed.

“Don’t worry about that April, that’s just as it was when we got it and anyway it might come in handy one day, oh yes and the no panty rule applied to the mascot as well.” Jane said with a smile on her face. The costume fitted April quite well and everyone commented on how she looked as April did some slow turns so everyone could get a good look before taking it back off and putting it in her locker and getting dressed for her bike ride back home.

April and Jen spent a lot of time in the old cotton mill with the other cheerleaders practicing their cheers for Aprils first game on Saturday except for Jessie who for no fault of her own was sitting on a chair watching them cheer with a sprained ankle and on crutches putting her out of the team for a couple of weeks at least. Were trying to get their routines perfect to inspire the basketball team to victory in the big game. “I think we have it, well done girls” Jane said excitedly as she gave a high five to all of the team except April which she promptly patted on her bare ass cheeks under her cheerleading uniform which inspired the others to do the same to Aprils annoyance but she put up with their antics because she knew it was all part of her probation period and decided to just go along with whatever happens even if it was embarrassing at times or even humiliating.

“What’s happening at half time? I mean our cheer seems short, only three minutes and the half time goes for fifteen minutes? April asked trying to understand the situation. Replying to April Jane said with a pause and slight hesitation “um, the school band plays for the other twelve minutes while the team and us go back to the change rooms for a half time meeting but we are one member short because Jessie can’t put pressure on her ankle.” This put a look of confusion on Aprils face as she curiously asked “why does it matter if Jessie isn’t there?”
“Well, we want to ask you something April, we weren’t going to ask you this because your new here, we had even numbers of cheerleaders and players but now where one down, how much do you want to help the team?” All the cheerleaders were looking at April now with a look of desperation and worry over what April would say next. “JUST TELL ME!” April shouted sensing they wanted to ask her about something. “I will tell you all now this team means everything to me and if you have something to ask me for the team just ask.” A sense of relief came over the girl’s worried faces as they said to April. “For the past two years the cheerleading team has had a tradition at half time to give the team some motivation and encouragement to go out there and play better, apart from you there are twelve players and twelve cheerleaders but now we are one short, when the half time break starts the team go back to the dressing rooms while we do our short cheer and then the band takes over for the other twelve minutes then we go back to the rooms where the team have set up some mats on the floor, we all kneel in a circle facing outwards and the team surrounds us and we give them blowjobs while they discuss the team play.”

“Wow that’s dedication, I said I would help out the team and I’m not going back on my word even though it seems a little yuk but I will try it seeing it’s not just me doing it its all of us, I need to ask a favor though, I’ve only ever given one blowjob in my life so I probably won’t be very good so can you have a talk to the team and make sure I get the smallest dick until I have done this a few times?”

“Ok that’s no problem we can do that, we will give you James because his is only five inches long and that should be easy for you to suck and he docent care if you swallow or blow on your face, it’s up to you.”
Agreeing to that April thought about how she would go and hoped she wouldn’t let the team down with her inexperience in sucking a dick. “You will be a good sucker soon you just need some practice and whenever the basket ball team has their victory parties we are expected to be there as well and satisfy them by sucking them off or fucking them and a heads up girl for a new probationary cheerleaders first team victory party she has to be the entertainment for the evening with a special show she has to voluntary do to show loyalty to the team.”

“I don’t mind trying to suck their dicks or even letting them fuck me as long as they are wearing condoms because I’m not on the pill yet and what special entertainment show will I have to do for them?” April curiously asked. “Well we all had to go through with it ourselves and some of us thought it was awful when it happened but we voluntarily did it for the team and nothing leaves the party so no one will ever know what happened, we will bring you to the party dressed in the fox mascot costume with nothing at all underneath it and you will crawl around the floor most of the night with the Velcro crutch pulled open exposing your pussy and you probably noticed when you had the head on the mouth was open so you will have to suck cock and be fucked be anyone that wants you, but that’s not the worst of it, after the parties half over the team will bring in their pet dogs and it’s your job to voluntarily let them fuck you and give them blowjobs. There are usually six of them.”

“I see what you mean that’s awful but what happens if I don’t voluntarily go through it or strait out say no?” April said in a worried voice. “Then you will be off the team.” April had thought about fucking a dog in some of her fantasies but they were only a girl’s fantasies not real life, could she go through with it? She didn’t know but she was going to voluntarily do her best and this may be her only chance where nothing at the party would leave the room.
LIMITS- family,friends,

My Skype is im.me093

Have Skype im.me093 looking for young female slave any age or size. (don't have kik sorry.)
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Old 08-21-2019, 05:18 PM   #3
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Ow, you sould finish this story. That sounds really humiliating and awful. Will she do it...
Likes: Humiliation, Petplay, ridiculous outfit/costumes, bondage, forced to do something, semi public, latex (don't have yet),

Gray area: Pee, cum

Limits: Scat, Family, Blood, Anything illegal, pictures/videos, online exposure, full public.
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