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Old 12-01-2016, 02:20 PM   #1
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Microphone The GetDare Reality Show

S01 Ep01

Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the very first season of The GetDare Reality Show. Eight contestants will compete in two teams to be crowned the champion and win the first prize of $1,000,000. They'll live together, they'll sleep together, they'll hate each other and it's up to you, the viewers, to make their lives a living hell.

That's right. My name is Lily - I am your host and this is the first season of the GetDare Reality Show. Welcome to Day 1, we have a great show coming up - you'll get to meet this season's eight contestants with their very first challenge. That's right, every day - one contestant must complete a task to earn their teammates luxury items and punish the losing team. But who will compete in those challenges? You, viewers, will vote for what contestant you want to see suffer! Keep your eyes peeled during the show for your chance to vote!

But first, to the start of yesterday - as the contestants first met each other. Let's meet the first team - Blue Team!


10:00AM, GetDare Studios

The first contestant steps up to the camera, a quite petite girl with long brown hair, with an awkward fringe at the front. Freckles coat her face and she has some fairly goofy teeth, but they're nothing too off-putting from her overall, quite cute, appearance.

"Hi, my name is Lucy," she says to the camera, "I'm eighteen and I'm a little bit nervous, not going to lie." She blushes before going on, "Obviously, this is the first season so I have no real clue what I'm in for but I know what types of things will be on the table. I really hope I won't have to do anything with pee, that would just be really disgusting."

"I don't know why I'm doing this," she continues, "A million is a lot of money and I guess I'm doing this for the experience. I'm quite a shy person and I'm hoping that this show will help get me out of my shell and, maybe, make a name for myself." She shrugs, "I just hope the public like me..."

She steps off to another room, disappearing from view and another door opens. The second member of the Blue Team walks in (not yet having met Lucy). A fairly skinny, lanky male. Pale skin and wire-frame glasses with short, brown hair and a bit of a geeky grin on his face. He's wearing a bright blue t-shirt, as was Lucy, to signify his team alliance.

"Hi, my name is Paul," he says to the camera, "I'm twenty and I really have no idea what is about to happen, but I'm excited. This will be a bit of fun, I'd guess, just something to scream about now and laugh about in a few years. I don't care too much about winning, I just want to put on a good show and hopefully find a part of myself that I haven't seen before."

"The scariest thing I could do? I don't really like the idea of appearing nude on television, I guess it's probably going to happen at some point but I think that would probably be the thing that makes me the most nervous. That, and, if I had to do something with other people. I'm not a very competitive person, I don't think I could do anything to harm others, even if it meant I suffered."

Paul steps off and the next contestant steps on, exactly how he did. This time it's another male - who looks a bit more buff than Paul, but not extremely so. He has a half-grown beard and looks rather cocky as he steps up with gelled up blond hair.

"Hi, my name is Ryan," he tells the camera, with a fairly obvious American accent, "I'm twenty years old and I'm here to take home the title. I'm a very competitive person, there's not much I won't do to win the title. I'm going to put up a good fight here and I'm going to walk away the winner."

"My girlfriend back home, Ashleigh, is going to be watching so I hope I can just prove to her how macho I am, I'm doing this to show the world that Ryan Clark is a name they should all remember - because he is the most daring man that has ever graced this planet." With a grin, he kisses his bicep and walks away.

The door swings open again and another female walks in, the last of the blue team. She walks with much more confidence than Lucy did, her curley ginger hair flowing as she walks and steps up to the camera with a fairly happy smile on her face.

"Hi, my name is Rachel," she says, "I'm eighteen years old and I'm here to pick up babes." She winks at the camera and laughs, "I'm not really here to win, winning would be nice but I just want to have a laugh and meet some cool new people, have some fun along the way."

"I don't really want to do anything really sexual on TV, that would be quite scary and I don't think I could handle it. A lot of the silly stuff, I could do, that some of the guys might think they're too manly to do - I'd just rather not go waving my vagina around for everyone to see, y'know?"

With a grin, she walks off and the screen cuts to black.


So, there's our Blue Team - Lucy, Rachel, Ryan and Paul. A formidable bunch, three of them say they have no intention of winning, what kind of team spirit is that?

Anyway, before this clip, the Blue Team had yet to meet. This is their very first interaction, before entering the Dare House...


10:29AM, Outside Dare House Gate

Four cars pull up almost simultaneously and the four blue team members pop out of each other. Lucy, Rachel and Paul all run excitingly together, while Ryan strolls over, much calmer.

"Blue team!" Paul grins, as he grips hands with the two girls on his team.

Rachel gives a smile, "I'm Rachel."

"Paul," Paul nods.

"Hi, I'm Lucy," smiles Lucy, nodding and holding up a hand.

"Ryan," nods Ryan, not making much eye contact with any of his team-mates as he says anything.

"So, I'm assuming there's another team, somewhere," Paul frowns, looking around. They're outside the main gate to the Dare House, a large mansion which looms in the distance. A field of grass lays in between the gate and the mansion.

"They don't seem to be around," Lucy shrugs.

"So are we just waiting here or what?" Rachel frowns, looking around, "I don't see anyone." She goes to pull at the gate, but it doesn't budge, as she expects. She shrugs, "Must just have to wait."


That's right, Rachel - you're waiting for now because first, we have to introduce the Yellow Team! Like the Blue Team, they're made up of two men and two women - it's going to be a fun contest!

Let's meet them!


10:10AM, GetDare Studios

The first yellow team member steps up to the camera. She's a fairly short Asian girl, who gives a fairly weak smile as she looks in to the camera. She has straightened brown hair and a pudgey little face.

"Hi, my name is Maddi," she says to the camera, with no thick accent as some may have expected, "I'm eighteen and live in Britain. Umm, I'm just in this for some fun - I don't really want to do anything bad, I just want to meet cool new people. The prize would be great, I don't think people will like me, though, so I'm not expecting anything."

"I won't do anything painful, that's just awful. Why would I want to hurt myself? I don't want to make a fool of myself on television, either. So, basically, I don't know why I'm here."

She leaves the room and the next team member steps up. A skinny girl with a freckled face and blonde hair tucked in to a pony-tail behind her. She has a bit of a narrow face, which isn't ugly but she isn't exactly extremely pretty.

"Hi, my name is Amy," she smiles, "I'm here for the million, anyone who says otherwise is lying. The money would really change my life and I'd do anything to get it."

"I have a bit of a kinky sex life with my boyfriend, it was his suggestion I come on here. I say suggestion, but I didn't get much say in it - but I want to win to make him proud and for the money, of course! Pee and stuff is disgusting, but don't think, for a second, I won't do it if it means not winning!"

She steps away and the first male member of the team steps up. He's got a little bit of weight on him, but he's fairly average in build - not fat but not anything special. He has short, flat brown hair and wears glasses, too. He looks a bit nervous in front of the camera, but does look well presented, in general.

"My name is Jack," he says to the camera, "I'm nineteen and I am, most definitely, a competitive person. I want to win this and I don't care who I have to take down to make it this far. I'm a cyclist, in my spare time, so I know what it's like to compete. I have a taste for it."

"I have a habit of taking charge," he goes on, "But that's not nessecarily a bad thing. I don't know how I'll cope with the challenges, but I think I can take them. It'll be an experience, for sure."

He steps off the platform and the final contestant steps up. He's a fairly pudgey (not fat, but getting there) guy with long, brown hair (guy-wise). He speaks with a very "camp" voice, "Hi, my name is Liam."

"I'm twenty and I think I'm going to be the first out," he laughs at his own joke, "I'm definitely going to be the diva inside the house, I can get pretty annoying and I'm sure they're all going to hate me. It'll be great fun. I'll try everything, I won't like it, but you've gotta give it a go. A million dollars is a load of money - it would change my life!"

"I hope there are some cute lads in the house," he gives a smile, "Don't want any fuckboys, just some cute ones, please!"


Are there any cute boys in the house? Who knows, we'll have to get back to Liam on that one.

So we've met our two teams and they'll both be ready to go in to the house. Let's go and see their very first meeting...


10:35AM, Outside Dare House Gate

"Look, there's some cars coming!" grins Rachel, as she points to four cars which are speeding down the, otherwise deserted, road.

The others gather around as the four cars pull up and the yellow team step out. The eight of them all smile and exchange hugs and introduce each other.

"I'm Paul," smiles Paul as he shakes hands with Liam, who gives a cheeky wink to the camera.

The four girls immediately seem to get talking.

"So what do you think is going to happen?" Rachel asks the group, clearly being one of the most eccentric characters in the same gathering.

"It's going to be a lot of tough stuff, I'd imagine," Amy shrugs, "I do kinky stuff with my boyfriend, so it'll probably just be like that."

"On TV, though," Lucy points out which makes Amy pause a bit but she shrugs it off.

"Yeah, well," Amy shrugs, "It's not like anyone will care, they all know I'm doing this for the million."

The others nod and continue chatting when, suddenly, the gate to the Dare House swings open, dramatically. The eight all seem to giggle, in excitement, as they follow the path down towards the mansion, the gate swinging closed behind them.


10:35AM, Dare House Lobby

The eight contestants enter the main lobby and are greeted by the freckled, brown haired face of Lily - their host. "Welcome," she grins, "to the Dare House!"

The others look around. They are currently in the lobby, an open room with a chandeleir hanging from the ceiling.

"To your left is the dining room," Lily smiles, "You'll eat your meals in there. To the right is the social room, where you can all hang out and exchange witty banter or whatever. In the door behind the stairs there is the Confession Box, where you can go to tell your opinion on events, for the show. Upstairs is the bedroom and the bathroom. There are various rooms around the house, but they're all locked for now."

"So," she smiles, the structured part of her speech coming to an end, "I'm sure you're all excited to get started."

There's a murmur between the group, a mixture of approval and disapproval.

"Every day," Lily smiles, "There will be a challenge. It will be a tough challenge and one member from each group will compete it in a battle. The winner will take home a great prize while the loser... the loser might as well not return at all, because they will take home an awful punishment. Usually, the public will vote for each challenge but since this is the very first episode - the public have yet to vote."

"Instead, the two teams here," as she says this, the two teams split in to a yellow group and a blue group, "...are to select a team captain, who will lead the team."

"You have a minute to discuss."

The two teams immediately enter chaos mode as they begin discussing.

Lucy: I want Paul as the captain.
Ryan: Paul, no offense, mate, but I don't know if you can handle it.
Paul: No, Ryan's right, if you want it, mate, you can have it.
Ryan: Right, any objections?
Rachel: I could be captain?
Ryan: It's fine, I'll do it.
Paul: Rachel, do you want to? We can vote.
Rachel: No, no, he can do it, if he wants to, I was just suggesting.
Paul: Okay then, it's settled - Ryan is our leader.

Liam: Right, who wants to be captain?
Amy: *shrugs* I could be, if no one else wants to.
Jack: Same.
Maddi: I don't really mind.
Liam: Right so, Jack or Amy?
Amy: I think I'd probably be better at a task, I've got more experience.
Jack: Yeah, but are you a better leader?
Amy: *scoffs* We're on a TV show dedicated to doing weird fetish challenges, we don't need leadership.
Jack: Then why are we electing a leader?
Liam: Ladies, ladies.
Maddi: I think Jack should be the leader.
Amy: Right, but-
Liam: That settles it, let's stop arguing.
Jack: *snickers*

"Minute's up," Lily cries out from the noise, "Tell me your decisions!"

"We're electing Ryan as our leader," Rachel announces from the Blue Team.

"Jack is our leader," Liam speaks out.

"Excellent," Lily smiles, "Now, the twist! Captains, there will be a challenge today - and it will be a tough one. Fortunately, for you two, you are immune. You will, as well, get to choose what member of the other team will take part in this challenge. Choose wisely!"

There are some murmurs in the room and some faces look especially nervous, namely Maddi and Lucy. "You have a minute to discuss as a team," Lily smiles.

Ryan: I'm picking the Asian one, look how nervous she is looking.
Paul: Dude, look how scared she is - you can't put her through that on her first day. Leave her alone.
Rachel: Will they be that nice to us, though?
Lucy: I'm with Paul, here, leave her alone.
Rachel: Who do you reckon they will pick from us?
Lucy: Probably me, I'd guess. *sighs*
Paul: I don't think so, I reckon they'll pick me.
Ryan: So, what - I'm picking Maddi?
Rachel: Yes.
Paul: No!
Lucy: No!
Ryan: Look, we need to play tactically here - she's their weakest link.
Paul: Right, but you being a dick here will ruin the house dynamic on Day 1. There could be an advantage to gain from being friendly.
Rachel: If they go first and they pick Lucy, then you can be a dick but if they're playing like gentlemen, then you be one too. Pick that Amy or something.
Ryan: Right, whatever.

Liam: That Lucy girl is looking scared. You can't pick her.
Amy: Why not? She chose to be on here, she's an idiot - act scared and you'll just get picked to do more challenges.
Maddi: What if they pick me? I don't think I can do this... *sobs*
Liam: *comforting Maddi* They won't.
Jack: *shrugs* They might. *pauses* Although, tactical decision - if we pick one of them that looks more ready to do it than Lucy, they might back off and pick one of you two, instead of Maddi.
Amy: It's a crazy plan... What if they pick her anyway? Then we lose.
Maddi: ...Thanks, but please, I really don't want to do it.
Liam: I'd do it instead...
Amy: Yeah, well, we don't get to pick, do we? Who are we going for?
Jack: Let's pick Paul - he looks like he can take it, he's looking quite tough.

"We've made our decision," smiles Jack as he steps forward. "We are nominating Paul to do the challenge."

"Very interesting," Lily nods and smiles. She turns to the Blue Team, where Lucy is smiling and hugging Paul. "Blue Team, who are you nominating?"

"We're nominating Maddi," smiles Ryan, which causes an eruption from his team, behind him.

"We made a deal, you dick!" Lucy growls, attempting to swing at Ryan, who just laughs.

"I want to win, unlike you, apparently," he laughs.

"So, Paul and Maddi will be taking place in the first challenge and it's a good one! You two, follow me upstairs and we'll begin the first challenge - the rest of you, enjoy your new home - I'll speak to you all, later!"

The three disappear upstairs as the rest are left to discuss what just happened.

"I can't believe you just did that," Rachel scowls at Ryan, "Part of being the leader is listening to the team."

"I did what I had to for the team," Ryan responds, cold-heartedly.

"We're sorry, guys," Lucy sighs, as the other team approaches, "We didn't want to send her, it was this dick."

"I wonder what they're going to have to do," Jack speaks out, breaking the tension. "I bet it's not a nice one."

"I hope Paul wins," Ryan grumbles.


10:45AM, The Time-Out Room

"Welcome to the Time-Out Room," smiles Lily as the three walk in to the room. It's an empty room, with a cement floor. The only thing in the room is two dog cages, which have their barred doors wide open. "This is the Time-Out Room. If anyone misbehaves, in the future, they will be sent here. It will also be the home of the first challenge. If you two would please crawl in to the two cages."

The two grimace a little but both crawl in to their own cage. Lily locks the doors behind them. "This challenge is called Who Wants To Be a Millionaire? because you both clearly do. It's simple, I will ask you both trivia questions. The first one of you to get three wrong will lose and will spend the next eight hours in their cage. The other player will not only earn an all important point for their team but will also earn all of their team-mates a king size bed so they can really live in luxury."

"Are you two ready?" she smiles.

Paul nods, Maddi mumbles yes.

Lily: Paul, I'm going to start with you. These questions are going to start off fairly easy, what's the square root of 64?
Paul: Eight.
Lily: Correct. Maddi, in what country would you find the city Stockholme?
Maddi: Um, Sweden.
Lily: Correct, correct! Paul, in a game of chess - the loser is the first player to lose what piece?
Paul: The King
Lily: Correct, of course! Maddi, in a game of Monopoly - what is the colour of the least valuable property?
Maddi: Brown?
Lily: Correct! Paul, coming back to you, what is the capital of Australia?
Paul: Melbourne, right?
Lily: Nope, it's Canberra. Funny one, that. Two of your lives remain. Maddi, in the NATO phonetic language, how would you say the letter A?
Maddi: *sobs* Not a clue.
Lily: Tough one, it was Alfa! Both of you are on two lives. Paul, what dating app shares it's name with a material used to start a fire?
Paul: Umm... Oh! Tinder!
Lily: Yep! Coming to you, Maddi, what's four cubed?
Maddi: Um, sixty fiv- Sixty four! Sorry, I meant sixty four!
Lily: It's fine, sixty four is correct! Paul, what is the name of the Simpsons' family pet cat?
Paul: Hm... It's Snowball isn't it?
Lily: Ah, I'm afraid it's actually Snowball II - going to have to cost you a life, there.
Paul: Come on ;_;
Lily: Back to you Maddi, Paul is on one life. Who wrote the novel "The Handsmaid Tale"?
Maddi: Oh my god, we were doing this in college... Umm, it was Margarot Atwood or something, right?
Lily: Correct! Paul, get this wrong and you'll spend eight hours locked away! What's the capital of the Netherlands?
Paul: Amsterdam!
Lily: You stay in another round! Maddi, what year was the popular search engine Google founded?
Maddi: How am I supposed to know that? 1973?
Lily: *laughs* 1998. That means we're neck and neck!
Maddi: *sobs* Please, I don't want to stay in here...
Lily: Paul, I'm coming to you here. What country won the Eurovision Song Contest in 2014?
Paul: That's an easy one, that's obviously Aust- *pauses* I can't do this, it's okay, Maddi. It was Antarctica.
Lily: Noble of you, Paul, but it will mean that you are the losing team...

Paul nods as Lily opens the door to Maddi's cage, letting the (now blubbing) girl out. "Thank you, thank you, thank you," she sobs to Paul's cage, who is looking quite content.

"You don't have to tell the others I did this," Paul responds, "Just pretend you beat me."

Maddi shakes her head as Lily turns to the camera. "What a match! Definitely some drama kicking us off, in the house, here. Unfortunately, Paul, here, won't get to experience most of it as he's going to be a bit stuck for the day."


11:15AM, The Social Room

The six remaining contestants are having calm discussions in the Social Room about their lives and what they expect to come when the door to the room opens and Maddi walks in, smiling through her tears.

"Maddi!" Liam runs up and gives her a huge bear hug. "What happened?"

"I won," she smiles, sobbing a little bit.

The Yellow Team cheer. The Blue Team don't look too upset, however, only Ryan looks annoyed.

"Where's Paul?" Rachel asks, looking a bit concerned.

"We were locked in these cages and had to answer questions, he has to stay in there for eight hours," she blubbers.

"He'll be okay," says Jack, patting her on the back. "Good job on winning!"


So, that's the first challenge done - with Paul making a noble sacrifice of spending eight hours locked away. Let's see what Twitter has to say about what we just witnessed:

LOL can't believe the two of them just climbed in to cages like dogs. Some pathetic contestants, this year.
Maddi made a cute puppy. Can't believe Paul had to ruin it.
So noble of Paul to do that! <33 #PaulToWin
Anyway, let's fast forward to 6o'clock when Paul's time-out is over.


06:00PM, The Time Out Room

As the clock strikes six, the door to Paul's cage swings open and the skinny boy crawls his way out, his legs numb from such a boring eight hours. He hasn't wet himself, despite being absolutely desperate to go, but he is drenched from sweat from being so cramped for such a long period of time.

He opens the door and makes his way in to the rest of the house, stopping off at the toilet, first.


And that's the end of the first day! Now's your chance to vote for who you want to take part in tomorrow's task. There's a description of it below and a link to the two polls, remember: one player from each team will be taking part in the challenge!

Challenge #2: This challenge will see a member of each team face it off in a game of "Truth". Contestants will ask each other questions until one of them cracks! The loser will have a very sore bottom tomorrow, as the loser of this challenge will receive spanks from every member of the house!

VOTE FOR BLUE TEAM MEMBER: http://www.strawpoll.me/11776714
VOTE FOR YELLOW TEAM MEMBER: http://www.strawpoll.me/11776730

Votes will close when the next post is made, tomorrow! Have fun, see you then!
18 year old transgender female from the United Kingdom

Lover of Diapers, Humiliation and Total Control
Limits are social suicide, anal, blood and enemas.
No longer in denial
I am trapped until diapers until 11:59pm December 4th.

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Old 12-01-2016, 03:20 PM   #2
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love it so far
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Old 12-01-2016, 03:24 PM   #3
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great attention to detail, love this story
likes, limits etc:

PM dares

toys/outfits I have access too

my house rules, please read before daring me

please call this slut "Slutty whore Danielle"

this sissy is stuck with panties, please don't make my dare just wear panties cause that my normal now

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Old 12-01-2016, 03:26 PM   #4
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Make sure you guys vote for who you want to see more of in tomorrow's challenge!
18 year old transgender female from the United Kingdom

Lover of Diapers, Humiliation and Total Control
Limits are social suicide, anal, blood and enemas.
No longer in denial
I am trapped until diapers until 11:59pm December 4th.

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Old 12-01-2016, 03:27 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by PrincessOfDiapers View Post
Make sure you guys vote for who you want to see more of in tomorrow's challenge!
i have done so now
likes, limits etc:

PM dares

toys/outfits I have access too

my house rules, please read before daring me

please call this slut "Slutty whore Danielle"

this sissy is stuck with panties, please don't make my dare just wear panties cause that my normal now

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Old 12-02-2016, 08:40 AM   #6
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Voting for who will complete the second challenge will close in about an hour, when I'll start writing the next chapter. Make sure you all vote for who you want to know more about, it's a close one, in terms of voting!
18 year old transgender female from the United Kingdom

Lover of Diapers, Humiliation and Total Control
Limits are social suicide, anal, blood and enemas.
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I am trapped until diapers until 11:59pm December 4th.

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Old 12-02-2016, 12:12 PM   #7
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S01, Ep02

Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen - to the second episode of The GetDare Reality Show. Last episode, we met our eight contestants and saw two of them go head to head in a battle of wits, with the loser spending quite a few hours in solitary confinement.

We have an exciting show coming up today, we have one heated duel between two of the contestants in the "Truth Challenge", there are arguments and there's going to be one hell of a spanking to a loser! All to come...

But first, back to yesterday's dinner time - where our contestants got to know each other a bit better...


06:12 PM, Dining Room

The seven contestants, minus Paul, are eating their dinner - a rather nice dish of steak pie and chips. Very basic but they're all enjoying it. They share an eight person table with the yellows on one side and the blues on the other.

The door opens and Paul walks in.

Maddi: *getting up* Oh my god, Paul, are you okay?
Paul: I'm fine, don't worry about it.
Rachel: You were really in there for eight whole hours, wow, that's hardcore.
Ryan: Good on you for sticking it through, mate. We'll get 'em next time.

As Paul sits down, collecting his meal - he goes in to further depth discussing what happened with his side.

Ryan: What happened? There's no way she beat you...
Paul: It was close, messed up on a couple of trick questions.
Ryan: Right. So any idea what the next challenge is going to be?
Paul: Not a clue.
Lucy: I can't believe it, eight hours in a cage - I think I would have peed myself.
Paul: *laughs* Almost did.
Rachel: *face full of food* *holds up glass of orange juice* To Paul!
Rest of Team: *holds up glasses* To Paul!


Blue Team are starting to look more like a team, after the bickering yesterday. Both teams went to bed, although one team was more comfortable than the other - with the Yellow Team having won themselves king-sized beds from Maddi's achievements.

But, the morning held fateful news as the two teams were prepared to face the second challenge and the first public vote for who will complete it...


07:30 AM, Lobby

Contestants are standing at the bottom of the stairs in groups of their teams, chattering amongst each other. The front door swings open and Lily walks in, brandishing a card.

Lily: Hello, everybody. As I'm sure you're all aware, the public have been voting on who will complete this task. This task is called the "Truth Challenge" and it will be a tough one! Trust me, you don't want to be taking part in this one! So, for Blue Team... I will reveal who is not doing the task first.
Blue Team: *looking around anxiously*
Lily: The player with the least votes is... Paul!
Paul: *nods* Thank you, public!
Lily: Must've satisfied them yesterday, Paul. Or maybe you're too boring for them - who knows? The second Blue Team member who will not be taking part in the task is... Lucy!
Lucy: *pumps fist and yells out in happiness* Thank you so much!
Lily: Must've really made the public feel for you, or maybe you just weren't memorable? Anyway, this means that it's either going to be Ryan or Rachel...
Ryan: *nods at Rachel* Probably our strongest two...
Rachel: *grins* Let's see what happens...
Lily: I can announce, that competing in this challenge for the Blue Team is... Ryan!
Ryan: *looks a little surprised* Thank you, public - I won't let you down - it'll be a good show!

Ryan steps forward for his team, getting pats on the back as he does so. Lily turns to the other crowd.

Lily: So, Yellow Team - which one of you will face off against Ryan in the Truth Challenge? The player with the least votes is... Liam!
Liam: *laughs* Thank you, public, I'm honoured! *does a little bow*
Lily: Also not doing the challenge is... Amy!
Amy: *looks a little disappointed* Thank you, public.
Lily: Which means it's either going to be, you, Maddi or Jack?
Jack: *holding Maddi's hand* C'mon, public, be nice... Do the right thing...
Maddi: *beginning to tear up*
Lily: I can announce that Yellow Team's player will be... Maddi!
Maddi: *nods through her tears*
Jack: *shakes his head and tuts*
Lily: If you two could join me, upstairs, we're going to get this party started!

With a nod, Ryan and Maddi follow Lily upstairs, leaving the rest of the contestants stood in the hall.

Paul: Really didn't expect them to pick Ryan...
Rachel: *shrugs* Probably for the best, though, he could do with a rude awakening...
Paul: Poor Maddi, though. That's two in a row.


7:41 AM, Lily's Office

The room is quite small and carpeted, with a desk. Lily sits at the swivelly chair behind the desk which Maddi and Ryan sit at the less comfortable ones on the other side.

Lily: Welcome to my Office. This is the Truth Game, I'm sure you two will understand what you're in for.
Maddi and Ryan: *nod*
Maddi: More questions?
Lily: Not quite in the same way. You see, both of you are now hooked up to lie detectors. I'm going to ask you both a series of embarrassing questions, that you will both have to answer truthfully. The first player to either refuse a question or lie to a question will be the loser.
Ryan: *grimaces*
Lily: So, what are the stakes? You see, the winner will take an all important point for their team but will also take an unlimited supply of make-up for the girls, and whoever else wants it, on their team. The loser, I'm afraid, will receive a spanking from every member of the house.
Maddi: *whimpers* That doesn't sound nice...
Lily: Not at all! Now let's get to the first question, Ryan I'm going to start with you...

Lily: Okay, Ryan, gonna start off fairly simple - how big is your penis?
Ryan: Um, it's six inches - fairly average.
Ryan's Chair: TRUTH.
Lily: *laughs* You act like it's bigger. Coming to you, Maddi. Have you ever had sex?
Maddi: *gulps* No, I'm a virgin.
Maddi's Chair: TRUTH.
Lily: Good, good. Neither of you fibbed on the first turn. Coming back to you, Ryan - what was the most humiliating moment in your life?
Ryan: Umm... Probably the time my younger sister caught me masturbating.
Ryan's Chair: TRUTH.
Lily: And how old was she?
Ryan: Not too sure, I'd guess around thirteen.
Lily: That is definitely awkward! Maddi, would you ever get with a girl?
Maddi: I don't think so.
Maddi's Chair: TRUTH.
Lily: *grins* Aww, boring! Looks like we have a game on our hands - coming to you, Ryan. So, your sister would be, what, sixteen now? How much money would it take for you to have sex with her?
Ryan: What? Not for any m- *groans* Ugh, I think I'd do it for around a million.
Ryan's Chair: TRUTH.
Lily: *laughs* Now that's what I like to hear! Do you think she's watching?
Ryan: *grumbles* Probably...
Ryan's Chair: TRUTH.
Lily: *laughs* Man, that is awkward! Maddi, let's see if we can get you to blush as much as Ryan is right now. Do you have any weird kinks?
Maddi: *shrugs* Not really... I don't think I'd mind being tied up.
Maddi's Chair: TRUTH.
Lily: *smiles* Not bad, but it's not really a weird kink. Ryan, it's your turn again! Do you think your sister is hot?
Ryan: *groans* Stop talking about my sister! Yes, she's hot.
Ryan's Chair: TRUTH.
Lily: *grins* This is too much fun. Maddi, which boy in the house would you most like to have sex with?
Maddi: *blushes* Probably Paul...
Maddi's Chair: TRUTH.
Ryan: *grins* That's pretty funny.
Ryan's Chair: FALSE.
Ryan: *scowls* Shut up!
Lily: *laughs* We're going to let that one slide, Ryan. Which girl in the house would you most like to have sex with?
Ryan: Um... *blushes* You, Maddi.
Ryan's Chair: TRUTH.
Maddi: *scowls* (anger) What the fuck, Ryan?
Ryan: Look, I'm sorry! You're just probably the cutest one in here.
Lily: Now, now, stop your domestic. Maddi, how much money would I have to pay you to have sex with Ryan?
Maddi: *scowls* No amount of money.
Ryan: *laughs* There's no way that's true.
Maddi's Chair: TRUTH.
Lily: *dies of laughter* Now that's a rejection! How's that making you feel, Ryan?
Ryan: Quite hurt, honestly.
Ryan's Chair: TRUTH.
Lily: Aww, poor guy. Coming to you, Maddi, why do you think the public have put you up here, today?
Maddi: *doesn't make eye contact* Because they think I'm pathetic and can laugh at me?
Maddi's Chair: TRUTH.
Lily: And, Ryan, why do you think the public have picked you to be up here?
Ryan: *again, doesn't make eye contact* Because they want to see more of me?
Ryan's Chair: LIE.
Ryan: *jumps up in anger* What!? I was telling the truth!
Lily: *laughs* Clearly not, you feeling a bit insecure - Ryan?
Ryan: *growls* Your machine is broken! I was telling the truth, they voted for me because they love me!
Lily: Maybe it's true, but you don't think it is!

Lily reaches under her desk and pushes a button. Suddenly, two men in black suits come in to the room and hold Ryan against the desk, bending him foward and pulling down his pants. Behind them, the six other contestants all walk in.

Lily: Now, I want to see five good spanks out of all of you! No going easy on him!

Maddi: *steps up* This is for thinking you have a chance with me! *SPANK* *SPANK* *SPANK* *SPANK* *SPANK*
Ryan: *groans* I'm sorry...
Rachel: *steps up* Sorry, Ryan... *SPANK* *SPANK* *SPANK* *SPANK* *SPANK*
Ryan: Ugh...
Paul: *steps up* Sorry, mate. *SPANK* *SPANK* *SPANK* *SPANK* *SPANK*
Ryan: *groans and tries to nod his head* No... problem...
Lucy: *steps up* sorry... *spank* *spank* *spank* *spank* *SPANK*
Ryan: *mumbles a curse*
Amy: *steps up* Oh, I'm going to enjoy this, big boy! *SPANK* *SPANK* *SPANK* *SPANK* *SPANK*
Ryan: *whimpers a little*
Jack: Sorry, man. *SPANK* *SPANK* *SPANK* *SPANK* *SPANK*
Ryan: *continues whimpering*
Liam: *steps up* Prepare for some pathetic spanks... *spank* *spank* *spank* *spank* *spank*
Ryan: *still whimpering*

Lily: Right, that's enough! His arse is almost as red as his face when he confessed he would have sex with his sister.
Amy: *looking repulsed* You what, now...
Ryan: *standing up and rubbing his arse* It wasn't meant like that...
Lily: *laughs* I think you'll find it was!


What an exciting trial, which leaves Yellow Team ahead by 2 points - with Maddi winning both of her challenges! Good job, her! Ryan was today's loser and he really did suffer. There are some tweets relating to this whole incident which are pretty funny!

WTF Bro, why would you say that about me? -Ryan's Sister
Something very satisfying about seeing their arsehole get aw good seeing too... Maybe that's just me.
Really wish Maddi would've lost... Would've loved to have seen her cry even more...
Anyway, after the task - the eight contestants spent the rest of the day chilling around the house. Although, there were some awkward confrontations about some of the confessions made in the game...


01:52PM, Garden

Maddi is sitting on a park bench, admiring the good weather when Paul walks over. She's nervous, she knows what's about to come.

Paul: Hey.
Maddi: *blushes* Um, Hi.
Paul: Sooo, Ryan told me what you said in the game.
Maddi: Oh, um, sorry... *looks away*
Paul: No, it's fine. Don't worry about it, I obviously get why you're feeling that way - you feel like you owe it to me because of the first challenge but you don't, don't worry about it!
Maddi: *blushes* Paul, you're just a great guy. Any girl who has you is a very lucky one.
Paul: *smirks and playfully slaps her arm* Stop flirting! It's only the second day!
Maddi: Thank you for yesterday, I never really got to say it properly.
Paul: Don't worry about it. Good job on putting Ryan in his place today - even if it did mean that my team lost a point.
Maddi: I hate this stupid team crap, I just want to be everybody's friend - I hate how this is a competition.
Paul: We're all friends, at the end of the day - well Amy and Ryan are at each other's throats a bit but, otherwise, we're all pretty chill.
Maddi: I just hope I don't have to do tomorrow's task.
Paul: *shrugs* Whatever happens, happens, I guess...


Coming up in tomorrow's episode - a member from each team will face off in the "Baby Challenge" which will see the members seeing who can be the most daring in an ABDL scenario. The loser will become the House Baby for a day, so there's a lot to play for! Vote for who you want to do the challenge below:

VOTE FOR BLUE TEAM MEMBER: http://www.strawpoll.me/11782421
VOTE FOR YELLOW TEAM MEMBER: http://www.strawpoll.me/11782429
18 year old transgender female from the United Kingdom

Lover of Diapers, Humiliation and Total Control
Limits are social suicide, anal, blood and enemas.
No longer in denial
I am trapped until diapers until 11:59pm December 4th.

No public Kik. PM me if you want my private one
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Old 12-02-2016, 06:51 PM   #8
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Thumbs up

I voted. I hope to read more soon.
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Old 12-02-2016, 07:49 PM   #9
getDare Sweetheart
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Great great story! Love the interaction part and the story is well writtten too, looking forward to tge next part!
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Old 12-03-2016, 01:57 PM   #10
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S01, Ep03


Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen, to the GetDare Reality Show. Last episode, we saw tough guy Ryan take a beating after he lost a challenge against one of the weaker housemates. There's an even more exciting show in store for you, tonight, as two more contestants will go head to head in a new challenge, one of whom will be spending 24 hours as the House Baby.

There's a lot to play for and it's going to be fun watching, let's play the GetDare Reality Show!

Tonight, we're going to start off by going to just before we announced who would be competing in the Baby Challenge - where Liam and Rachel were having some serious discussions...


6:53AM, Social Room

Lights are quite dimmed, it's clear that no one else in the house are awake except for Liam and Rachel who are both just sort of chilling in the Social Room.

Liam: So, how did you come out?
Rachel: *shrugs* Made a massive Facebook coming out post, got myself a load of likes *laughs* Most people kinda assumed anyway.
Liam: *laughs* I always made fun of people who did those. I made one as a joke because everyone already knew.
Rachel: *smirks* I made one coming out as Hannah Montana
Liam: Nice.
Rachel: *nods and laughs* Yeah, great banter.


8:21AM, Social Room

Flash forward to later in that day, the challenge still yet to take place. Liam, Rachel, Amy and Maddi are chilling in the Social Room.

Rachel: So how was the challenge, yesterday?
Maddi: It was awful, although I think it was a lot easier for me than Ryan, he had a lot more to hide.
Amy: *smirks* Like fucking his sister.
Liam: *laughs*
Maddi: *scowls* And confessing that he'd like to fuck me...
Liam: *laughs even harder*
Rachel: So do you reckon they'll have picked you to do todays?
Maddi: *not making eye contact* I really hope not...
Liam: *laughs and jokingly punches Maddi's arm* c'mon girl, that's 2/2 now, you're the star of the Yellow Team.
Amy: Pfft.
Rachel: *shrugs* Don't quote me on this, but I'm predicting it's going to be you and Ryan, again.
Maddi: *sighs* Probably.


9:20AM, Lobby

The teams are grouped up in the lobby, by the foot of the stairs. As always, the door opens and Lily marches in, brandishing the card that reveals all of the secrets.

Lily: Welcome everybody! Today's challenge is called "The Baby Challenge" and it's a very tough one. Much tougher than yesterdays! Yellow Team, I'm going to start with you this time... You guys are two points ahead, you guys are going to want to make sure this lead persists.
Yellow: *nod*
Lily: Right, so I can announce that the member of Yellow with the least votes is... Liam!
Liam: *grins* Thank you, public! Again!
Lily: *chuckles* I really think they just forget you exist, to be honest. Anyway, the player with the 3rd most votes is... Jack!
Jack: *looks a little surprised, yet relieved* Thank you, public.
Maddi: *groans*
Lily: Which means that it's between Maddi and Amy... I can announce that the player for Yellow competing in the Baby Challenge is... Amy!
Maddi: *looks shocked and blubs up a little, but they're happy tears*
Amy: *pats Maddi on the back* Don't worry, I've got this.

Lily: I'm wondering what's sparked the surge of Amy voters, but it doesn't matter because she's nothing without an opponent. Blue Team, I can announce that the player with the least number of votes is... Ryan!
Ryan: *looks shocked* Wow, thank you, public!
Rachel: *raises eyebrows* Wow...
Lily: The second least amount of votes goes to... Paul!
Paul: *looks over at Rachel and Lucy and bites his lip* Thank you, public.
Lily: All four of the boys are in the bottom four today, guys must really want to see you girls in diapers. It's between Lucy and Rachel... Good luck!
Rachel: I really hope it's me, and not you.
Lucy: *eyes closed and nods*
Lily: Competing in the Baby Challenge for the Blue Team is... Lucy!
Paul: *shakes his head*
Lucy: *keeps eyes closed* No, please...
Rachel: *sighs*
Lily: You two, join me upstairs - the challenge is about to begin!


9:35AM, The Nursery

The three walk in to a bright pink room with two completely mirrored sides - each containing a crib, a changing table, a playpen and an assortment of baby items.

Lily: Welcome to the Nursery. One of you will be sleeping in here tonight and will be spending the time until tomorrow's challenge announcement in diapers and pacifiers. The winner of this challenge will not only take home an important point for their team, but will also win their team access to the luxury bathroom suite - which contains a jacuzzi and a really fancy looking toilet!
Amy & Lucy: *both looking nervous*
Lily: So, the stakes are high, let's hear the game. The game is simple - I have a device here that will randomly select a baby-related dare for you to complete. You will complete the dare assigned to you. If you refuse, you lose. If all the dares are completed, we go to the tiebreaker round, although I don't think that will happen. Are you girls ready?
Both: *nod and sigh*
Lily: Lets do this!

Both girls step in to their own sides of the room and face Lily in the middle, who has her phone out to tell her the dares.

Lily: Okay, first one goes to both of you. There's a pile of diapers behind both of you, both of you are to slip in to one.

The girls do as they are told, although both do it rather reluctantly. Fans are a bit shocked, as Amy had built up a sort of tough-girl approach to these things, she clearly had not anticipated diapers, though. Lucy is sobbing a bit. Eventually, both girls are standing clearly in a diaper and their shirts.

Lily: Okay, now Lucy - you are to put in one of the pacifiers in the pile.

Lucy nods and plops in one of the pink pacifiers. She looks cute, especially with her tearing up face.

Lily: That pacifier is not to leave until the challenge is over, understood?
Lucy: *through pacifier* Ywes...
Lily: Good, now Amy - make a good pose for the camera. Hug one of those teddy bears and suck your thumb facing the camera.

Amy does as she is told, but seems to do it much easier now - not looking too bothered. She definitely looks just as cute as Lucy did, she actually seems to be enjoying it.

Lily: Very nice! Back to you, Lucy, your dare is to put on another diaper over your current one. Double diaper up!

With another groan, Lucy slips on another one, now almost waddling on her two feet as it's difficult to stand, due to the diapers being almost as big as she is.

Amy: *snickers*
Lucy: *still crying a bit through pacifier* Shwut wup!
Lily: *laughs* Very cute! I'm glad we got two pretty girls doing this one. Okay, Amy, it's a nasty one. Mess your diaper!

Amy's eyes go wide in horror. She hadn't been expecting it this quickly. With a nod and a grimace, her face muscles tense up and both Lily and Lucy gasp as she, very clearly, messes her (now brown) diaper.

Lucy: (through pacifier) Awww bwaby!
Lily: *laughing* Dirty, girl! Lucy, wouldn't get too complacent, your dare is to let Amy sit on your face with her dirty diaper.

Lucy's jaw drops, almost dropping the pacifier but with a sniffle she edges her way over to Amy's side of the room and lies down, blubbing.

Amy: *groans* She's going to make my diaper wet in tears...
Lily: *laughs* Just do it!

Amy sits down on to Lucy's face, smushing the disgusting diaper on to it. When she finally gets up, Lucy looks repulsed, as if she is going to throw up.

Lily: Good job! That was a tough one. Now Amy, your challenge... is to let Lucy change you!
Lucy: *snickers*
Amy: *shrugs* I have a beautiful vagina, nothing to hide.

Amy climbs up on to the changing table and Lucy gives her a, very sloppy, change in to a fresh diaper, with a few flashes of her pussy on the way - going out to the very large television audience.

Lily: Aww, isn't that cute.
Lucy: *snickers*
Amy: Whatever.
Lily: Okay, Lucy - it's your dare, now. Pee your diaper!

Lucy gives a solemn nod and her face muscles tense up but her diaper is still dry. Her eyes start to water and she shakes her head.

Lucy: I-I-I cwan't... I want two bwut I cwan't!
Lily: *snickers* Well, that's too bad! I guess we have a winner!
Amy: *laughs* Enjoy baby time.
Lily: Amy, you can go change out of that diaper. Lucy, I'm afraid - that not only will the diapers be staying on, they must be used at all times; the pacifier must stay in; your feet may not be used; you will sleep in here, tonight and someone must feed you baby food at dinner time.
Amy: Aww, it's okay - I'll wook after the wittle baby!
Lucy: *full on sobbing*

Amy lifts up Lucy, surprisingly lighter than anyone could've expected and the two march off downstairs.


10:00AM, Social Room

The door to the social room opens and the other six contestants are greeted with the sights of Baby Lucy being carried in by Amy. Ryan, Liam, Jack and Rachel immediately burst in to laughter while Maddi and Paul look horrified.

Rachel: Oh my god, she's so cute...
Ryan: She makes a better looking baby than she does woman.

Amy, laughing, dumps Baby Lucy down on the couch next to her team-mates. She is sobbing through her pacifier.

Amy: She's your responsibility now, Team Losers. That's 3-0 now...
Maddi: *angrily* Don't be a bitch, Amy, it will bite you in the arse when you lose a challenge...
Amy: *laughs* I won't lose a challenge.
Liam: *pauses* I'm with Maddi, here. Sorry, Lucy, I shouldn't have laughed...
Lucy: *through pacifier* No... pwobwem...
Ryan: *dying of laughter* Who will change baby's dirty diapers?
Amy: *snickers* Nobody, just leave her in her mess...
Paul: *looking furious* Right, fuck off, all of you - I'll look after her, since you're all being dicks... Except you, Maddi.
Ryan: *nudging Amy and laughing* Paedo...
Amy: *dies of laughter*


Certainly some conflict going on in the house but what a cutie Lucy is! We looked at some tweets to see what you guys thought about the beautiful house baby...

Ugh Amy so deserves to be spending the night in diapers #bitch
Baby Lucy is my spirit animal <3
Will literally pay the show a million dollars to keep Lucy in diapers for the rest... pretty pleeeassseee...
That's all from today's show - we'll see the rest of Baby Lucy's antics tomrrow, alongside the next challenge which is described below!

Tomorrow, two contestants will face off in a challenge like no other. They will leave the house and head to a public space to compete in the Public Challenge! Ultimate humiliation for two of our contestants, who will they be? You decide! The loser will have to give a blowjob to all of the boys on the winner's team so there's a lot to play for and you decide who does it!

VOTE FOR BLUE TEAM MEMBER: http://www.strawpoll.me/11790812
VOTE FOR YELLOW TEAM MEMBER: http://www.strawpoll.me/11790822
18 year old transgender female from the United Kingdom

Lover of Diapers, Humiliation and Total Control
Limits are social suicide, anal, blood and enemas.
No longer in denial
I am trapped until diapers until 11:59pm December 4th.

No public Kik. PM me if you want my private one
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Old 12-10-2016, 08:51 AM   #11
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when will this continue?
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