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More male/female sex content. 65 58.04%
More of the traditional truth or dare/sleepover content. 51 45.54%
More mystery/horror content. 27 24.11%
Introduce one or more new characters. 19 16.96%
Kill off one or more of the main characters. 16 14.29%
End the story as soon as possible. 6 5.36%
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Old 05-15-2014, 05:49 AM   #1
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Default The Dolls' House

Just to prove I’m not a one-horse pony and I can write quality drama as well as quality comedy, I present my new story: The Dolls’ House. It will develop into Adult 18+ content and therefore I have posted it in the appropriate section.

Here are the first two chapters for your delectation. Feel free to comment on them.

Last edited by depp; 06-28-2014 at 07:11 PM. Reason: typo in title
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Old 05-15-2014, 05:49 AM   #2
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Default Chapter One: The Dare



‘I dare you to go inside that old house at the end of Shady Lane and stay inside it for twenty minutes. We’ll wait outside for you.’

The girls often spent their Saturday afternoons in the park, playing truth or dare, and they were finding it increasingly more difficult to come up with original dares.

‘But...’ Amy wasn’t sure about her friend’s dare. She knew the old house and its story. “It’s...’

‘Are you chickening out?’ Kirsty said. ‘If you are, you have to do the counterfeit.’

‘Forfeit,’ Melanie corrected her.

‘Whatever,’ Kirsty said.

‘What’s the forfeit?’ Amy asked, hopefully.

‘Hang on,’ Becky said, ‘Let’s scrum.’

The other girls huddled together and whispered so that Amy couldn’t hear them. After a few moments, they came out of their scrum and Kirsty said: ‘You have to go up to a random man in the park and ask him if you can suck his dick. If he says yes, you have to do it.’

‘What?’ Amy felt herself starting to blush. She looked around the park. ‘Okay, I’ll do the old house dare.’

The other girls laughed.

‘I knew you would,’ Kirsty said.

The four girls set off for the old house which was about five minutes walk away. They left the park at the Shady Lane gate and walked down to the house which stood alone at the far corner by the common.

Amy had often passed it on the bus on her way to school and, when she was on the top deck, she could just about see above the overgrown hedge and trees in the garden. The windows were boarded up and there was a hole in the roof where some of the tiles had been dislodged. Other than that, she knew nothing about it apart from things her friends had told her. It used to be owned by an old man who had died a few years ago and since then it had been deserted.

Amy had no idea how she was going to get inside. She hoped that there was a window or door that wasn’t boarded up. If she couldn’t get in, she’d have to do the forfeit and she was too much of a good girl to do things like that.

By the time she came out of her reverie, they were standing outside the house.

‘Go on then,’ Kirsty said. ‘Twenty minutes. Take some pictures with your phone to prove you’ve been inside. Then back out here.’

Amy took a deep breath and started walking down the driveway, which was overgrown with nettles and brambles, trying her best to avoid the vicious plants and glad she’d worn jeans and not a skirt.

When she got to the house, she looked around for a way in. The front door and windows were boarded up. One of the upper windows was un-boarded but she had no chance of getting in through that one. She walked down the side of the house to the rear. Like the front garden, the rear garden was overgrown with nettles, brambles, wild roses and other plants and shrubs.

She went up to the back door of the house and tried the handle. To her surprise, it moved.

Amy let go of the door handle and got out her phone from her jeans back pocket. If she could get inside through this door it was going to be a doddle. She just wanted to get in, take her pictures, wait the requisite twenty minutes and then get the hell out of there. Some people said the house was haunted and she didn’t want to discover whether it was or wasn’t.

With her phone in hand, she tried the door again. It opened with an eerie creak and she stepped inside. Once she was inside, the door closed behind her, startling her. She looked around. She was in a hallway.

The floor was just basic wooden boards, some of which were broken. There were a couple of loose wires hanging from the ceiling which, she assumed, should be attached to a ceiling light. She was glad it was daylight although, with the windows boarded up, even in daylight, the house was only dimly lit. She adjusted the camera settings on her phone to enable clear pictures in low light.

She walked slowly down the hallway, taking one step at a time, ensuring that she didn’t step on any loose or damaged floorboards. She took a couple of pictures with her phone.

Curiosity started to get the better of her. She had twenty minutes to wait, so she decided to have a look round. She opened another door and looked inside. It was empty and, she thought, surprisingly clean for a house that had been deserted for several years.

She closed the door again and walked further down the hallway. She could see the boarded up front door at the far end and the banister of a staircase on the left hand side. She approached the staircase and took a picture of it. There was a pile of old newspapers at the bottom of the stairs, beside the front door and she noticed that the date on the top one was almost two years ago. She took a picture of them. She wondered if she should go upstairs and take a picture of the upper floor as well, just to satisfy her friends.

She placed her foot on the lower tread of the staircase, testing it for stability. It creaked under her weight but held firm. She walked step by step to the upper landing, occasionally pausing as a tread creaked and bent slightly under her weight. When she reached the landing, she looked into the bathroom to take a picture of it, expecting it to be filthy and disgusting. It was surprisingly clean.

They’ll never believe this is the same house, she thought to herself as she took the picture.

She stepped into the bathroom. There was a bath, a washbasin and a toilet. Just basic facilities. She tried on of the taps (faucets) on the washbasin. It was tight and, when it did eventually turn, nothing came out. She assumed the water supply had been disconnected. She tried the toilet flush. It didn’t work. She wondered why the bathroom was so clean if it hadn’t been used for years. She was expecting, but hoping not to see, spiders and rats.

There was another creak on the landing behind her. She froze where she stood, staring into the toilet bowl and not wanting to turn round. What if it’s a giant rat, she thought.

‘Who are you?’ It was a croaky male voice. ‘And what are you doing in my house?’

Who is there? Find out in Chapter Two
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Old 05-15-2014, 05:50 AM   #3
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Default Chapter Two: The Occupant


Amy turned round to see an old man standing behind her. He looked ancient. His face was wrinkled and he had a wooden walking stick supporting him. He wore a plain pyjama top and matching bottoms. He had slippers on his feet. ‘Are you...’ she remembered the story about the old man dying. ‘Are you a ghost?’

The old man just laughed, but not in a fun way. ‘I said: who are you? And why are you here?’

‘I’m sorry,’ Amy muttered. ‘It was...’ Should she tell him the truth? She decided it would be best to. ‘It was a dare.’

‘A dare?’ the man said. ‘ ‘You like being daring do you?’ He gazed into her deep blue eyes. ‘An adventurous girl, are you?

Amy didn’t know how to respond so she stayed taciturn.

‘How old are you?’ he asked her. There was no gentleness in his voice.

‘I’m...I’m fifteen,’ she replied.

‘And very pretty, at that,’ the man said. ‘It’s been a long time since I had any real female company.’

Amy could believe that. She wondered what he was going to do.

The old man lifted his stick and pointed it at another door part-way along the landing. ‘Go in there.’

Amy looked at the door he was pointing to. She just wanted to run but the old man was blocking the staircase and she thought he looked angry. She nodded.

The old man, still blocking the staircase moved slightly to allow her to pass.

Amy tentatively stepped out of the bathroom and squeezed past the man. She walked down the landing to the door he had indicated and opened it.

When she saw the room, she was amazed. The window was not boarded up; it allowed a good deal of light in. The room was carpeted and there was a bed, complete with duvet and pillows. The room also had closets and other furnishings. It was completely contradictory to the rest of the house. This room was habitable. But the one thing which caught her attention was a collection of dolls, of all sizes and styles, scattered around the room.

There must have been hundreds of dolls. Some were undressed, others had clothes on. All were different. She noticed dolls in different national dress styles; she noticed a collection of Barbie dolls in various costumes; she noticed plastic dolls; ceramic dolls; she noticed rag dolls and, in one corner of the room, she couldn’t miss a life-size blow-up doll, fully inflated, with almost life-like features. Amy suddenly realised what the man had meant when he said: “It’s been a long time since I had any real female company.”

‘Inside,’ the man said as he walked up behind her.

‘I thought the house was empty,’ Amy said, absently as she stepped into the room.

The man followed her in, closing the door behind him. ‘So, what’s your name?’ he said, not answering her.

‘A... Amy,’ she stuttered. ‘Amy Willets.’

‘Pretty name,’ the man said. ‘Sit down.’

Amy looked around and saw a chair beside the bed. She went over to it and sat down.

‘On the bed,’ the man said. ‘Sit on the bed.’

Amy got up from the chair and sat down on the edge of the bed. She could not take her eyes off the dolls. They seemed to be watching her.

‘My name’s Edward,’ the man said. ‘Do you like my girls?’

Amy realised that he had seen her staring at the dolls. She nodded in agreement. The dolls, his girls, were very pretty. She noticed that the man’s eyes were on her, looking her up and down. She bit her lower lip.

‘It’s okay, you’re safe,’ Edward said, ‘I find it very difficult to perform at my age. My...’ he gave a sharp laugh and put a hand to the crotch of his pyjama bottoms. ‘My soldier rarely stands to attention these days. I think it’s time he was discharged and returned to civvy street.’

Amy tried to smile but she was still scared what might happen to her.

‘Do you have a boyfriend?’

Amy was surprised by Edward’s question. ‘Er...no,’ she said, ‘I don’t.’ She had never had a boyfriend. ‘Why?’

‘No reason,’ Edward said.

Amy suspected that he did have a reason for asking but wasn’t telling her.

‘I think I’ve been here too long,’ Edward said. ‘I doubt very much if I have much longer in this world.’ He just appeared to be rambling on, rather than speaking specifically to Amy.

Amy, however, was listening intently to him. ‘Don’t say that,’ she said, ‘I bet you’ve got years ahead of you yet.’

Edward laughed. ‘Do you know how old I am?’

Amy shook her head. She obviously didn’t.

‘Older than you can imagine,’ he said, cryptically, ‘but no-one lives forever.’ He paused. ‘There’s still much I would like to do but no time to do it.’ He seemed to be rambling to himself again.

‘And you’ve been here all that time on your own?’ Amy wondered out loud.

‘Look around you,’ Edward said. ‘I’m not alone.’

Amy’s eyes wandered back to the collection of dolls.

He pointed his walking stick at the life-size doll in the corner of the room. ‘Meredith keeps me company much of the time but, at the end of the day...’ he left his sentence unfinished.

Amy looked at Meredith, then back to Edward.

‘It would, however, be nice to see a nubile young human female body again.’ Using his walking stick, he approached her, very slowly and deliberately.

Amy started to feel nervous, despite Edward’s soldier being AWOL, so to speak. Her eyes unconsciously wandered to Edward’s crotch area. She’d never seen a soldier before, either on leave or on active duty. She wondered what his soldier looked like. Oddly, she had visions of Sergeant Bilko, rather than Andy McNab.

Then, she remembered her dare. Time was passing. If she didn’t get out of the house soon, she’d fail the dare and she’d have to do Kirsty’s forfeit: suck a random man’s dick. Then she would find out what a soldier looked like. She glanced at the time on her phone. Shit, she thought, too late.

‘Are those your friends outside?’ Edward brought her out of her reverie.

Amy looked up at him and narrowed her eyebrows. How does he know the others are outside, she wondered. ‘Ye-yes,’ she said.

‘I’d like you to do something for me,’ Edward said, sitting down on the bed beside her. ‘If you do, you’re free to go.’

What does he want her to do? And how does he know the other girls are outside? Find out in Chapter Three.
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Old 05-15-2014, 08:11 AM   #4
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great story i am anticipating the next chapter
Loves: crossdressing, wedgie, light mess (food, hidden public

Likes:short term blackmail, ssmi-hidden public, bandage,

Limits: permanent,blood, scat, family, full public, pics, hard

== Results from bdsmtest.org ==
98% Rope bunny
95% Submissive
94% Brat
89% Degradee
82% Pet
80% Slave
71% Experimentalist
51% Voyeur
45% Vanilla
43% Boy/Girl
40% Masochist
37% Non-monogamist
37% Rigger
31% Ageplayer
27% Switch
25% Exhibitionist
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Old 05-15-2014, 01:37 PM   #5
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Great story so far, can't wait to find out happens in the next chapters
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Old 05-17-2014, 05:29 AM   #6
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Default Chapter 3 - The Forfeit


Kirsty, Becky and Melanie waited patiently on the footpath outside the old house, wondering where Amy had got to.

‘Where is she?’ Becky finally asked.

Kirsty just shrugged her shoulders.

‘Should we go and look for her?’ Melanie piped up. ‘It’s been almost half an hour now and she should have been back out.’

‘Has she got a watch?’ Becky suggested. ‘Maybe she don’t know the time.’

‘It’s on her phone,’ Melanie said. ‘She didn’t want to go in there in the first place so she’s not going to be in there longer than necessary.’

‘She chose dare,’ Kirsty said defiantly.

Melanie took out her phone and started to dial a number.

‘What are you doing?’ Kirsty said.

‘Calling her,’ Melanie said, ‘to see if she’s okay.’

‘Put the fucking phone away,’ Kirsty said. ‘If she’s got stuck, it’s her fault.’

Melanie paused in her dialling and put her phone away.

Kirsty was the dominant member of the group and no-one wanted to tangle with her. ‘She’s already lost the dare because she took too long. When she does come out, she has to do the forfeit.’ Kirsty gave an evil smile. ‘We wait for her.’

A few minutes later, Amy came running up the driveway. ‘Done it,’ she called out.

Kirsty tapped her wrist. ‘Too late,’ she called back. ‘Counterfeit time.’

‘Forfeit,’ Melanie corrected her.

‘Shut it,’ Kirsty said.

Amy tried to regain her breath as she joined the group of girls. ‘Sorry,’ she said, ‘but I got held up. Got my...er, jeans caught on a... something.’

Kirsty inspected Amy’s jeans. ‘Don’t see any damage to them. Anyway, you were told to be out in twenty and you failed. So you do the counter...’ she exchanged a glance with Melanie, ‘forfeit.’

Amy took a deep breath. ‘Do I have to?’ She gave Kirsty a little-puppy-dog look. ‘I did the dare. Look.’ She took out her phone. ‘I got the pictures of the inside of the house.’

‘No exceptions to the rules, Ames,’ Kirsty maintained. ‘You do the count... forfeit. We all agreed at the start.’

‘Please,’ Amy’s voice started to crack. ‘I c-can’t.’

‘Park,’ Kirsty insisted. ‘Now.’

Amy put her phone away in her jeans pocket and wiped a stray tear away from her eye as she followed the others back to the park.

<<< * >>>

The four girls stood by a group of trees beside the public toilets in the park, watching people passing by.

‘Okay, Ames,’ Kirsty said, ‘You choose someone or we’ll choose for you. You ask him if if he wants you to suck his dick, or whatever words you want to use. If he says yes, you bring him up here, introduce him to us, then take him behind the toilet block where you can’t be seen by anyone except us. We’ll make sure you do it.’

‘Wh... what if... what if... he says he doesn’t want me to do it?’ Amy asked.

‘Then you get off lightly.’

‘I’m not sure how to... do it,’ Amy said.

‘It’s easy,’ Kirsty said.

‘Yep,’ Becky said, ‘Kirsty should know.’

Kirsty glared pointy daggers at Becky, then turned back to Amy. ‘You kneel in front of him, take his dick in your mouth and suck on it. Roll your tongue around it. Use your imagination.’

‘So who do you want?’ Becky asked.

Amy looked round at the people walking past, looking for a man who she thought might refuse her offer. Most of the men walking round the park were younger men in their twenties or thirties. She knew that most of them would jump at the chance. Where were all the older men when you wanted them, she thought.

‘Come on,’ Kirsty said, ‘If you don’t choose now, we’ll choose one.’

Amy chose a man who was jogging past . She thought he looked to be in a hurry and might say no. She prayed that he would. ‘That one there.’ She pointed at him as he approached. ‘The jogger.’

‘Okay,’ Kirsty said, ‘I’ll go with you to make sure you ask him.’

Amy sighed and walked out onto the path as the jogger got closer. Kirsty followed her. Amy waved at the jogger as he ran by. ‘Excuse me,’ she said.

The jogger paused, running on the spot beside the two girls. ‘Yeah?’ he said.

‘I hope you don’t mind me asking,’ Amy began, ‘but would you...’ she looked at Kirsty and then back to the jogger. ‘Would you like me to er... suck... your...’ she struggled for the right word. ‘your cock?’

The jogger raised his eyebrows, looked at Amy and said: ‘Are you for real?’

‘I understand if you don’t want me to,’ Amy added, ‘I don’t mind.’

‘Fucking do want you to,’ the jogger said. ‘Where?’

Amy could tell that the guy was thinking it was Christmas. She pointed at the toilet block and said, reluctantly, ‘Behind there.’

The jogger saw Becky and Melanie and then looked at Kirsty as well. ‘Do I get a blow from your mates as well?’ he said.

Kirsty shook her head. ‘Don’t push your luck,’ she told him. ‘It’s a once-only offer from Amy here.’

The jogger followed Amy and Kirsty up towards the toilet block and Amy took him behind he block where they were completely out of view of anyone else in the park.

The jogger pulled down his jogging bottoms. He had nothing underneath them and his semi erect penis sprung up, pointing ominously at Amy. ‘Go for it then, babe,’ he said.

Amy looked round and saw the other girls watching as she knelt down in front of the lucky guy. ‘I’m sorry if I don’t do it right,’ she said. She then moved her head closer to the jogger’s pride and joy and opened her mouth. Her mouth enveloped the now erect penis and her lips closed around it. Amy started to suck on the weapon.

The jogger didn’t take very long. Within a couple of minutes, he started to groan and moan. ‘Yeah, babe, yeah,’ he mumbled. He took hold of the back of Amy’s head with his hand and held her firmly in place.

‘He’s coming,’ Amy heard Kirsty say.

Amy felt a spurt of warm salty fluid fill her mouth. She tried to withdraw but the jogger held her in place. She felt another spurt and could not prevent herself from swallowing it. She wanted to throw up.

The jogger let go of her head and she moved away from him, releasing his penis from her mouth.

Amy tried to spit out the alien liquid from her mouth, but she had already swallowed most of it.

The jogger pulled up his jogging bottoms. ‘Thanks, babe,’ he said, ‘That was great.’ He smiled at the other girls and then set off to resume his jogging session.

Amy stood up and scowled at Kirsty. Bitch, she thought to herself. ‘So,’ she said out loud, ‘my turn to ask someone?’.

‘You know what,’ Kirsty said with a smile, ‘Time’s getting on. Let’s call it a day for today.’

You know what? Amy thought, You’ll get yours.

Will Amy get her revenge on Kirsty? Find out the answer - and the answers to the questions posed at the end of Chapter Two - in Chapter Four or maybe Chapter Five, depending on how things pan out.
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Old 05-17-2014, 05:31 AM   #7
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Default Chapter 4: The Promise


As she travelled to school on the top deck of the ninety-four bus, Amy passed the old house where she had met the old man and she remembered her promise to him. She would keep her promise and, she swore, she would get her revenge on Kirsty for making her endure that forfeit. With a bit of ingenuity, she may be able to complete both tasks in one; kill two birds with one stone, so to speak.

Amy liked Edward. True, he had frightened her at first but then she had trespassed inside his house. She was also enthralled by his collection of dolls and, in particular, by the one he called Meredith. She wondered if all the other dolls had names. She remembered a doll she owned when she was younger. She called it Rosie. Rosie was long gone. Amy wondered where Edward had got his dolls from; had he collected them over the many years of his life. She didn’t think men collected dolls. There were so many questions she wanted to ask him, but she didn’t get the opportunity. Maybe she would see him again soon. She certainly would if she kept her promise to him.


‘What?’ Amy looked up.

‘School.’ It was Melanie. ‘You daydreaming again?’ Melanie got up and started walking down the aisle of the bus to stairs.

Amy looked out of the window and saw that they were approaching the school. She glanced at her watch. It was eight-fifty. She grabbed her bag from the floor between her legs, got up from her seat and followed Melanie and several other pupils off the bus.

‘Sorry about Saturday, Ames,’ Melanie said as the two friends walked through the school gates, ‘If it had been up to me, I’d have said you’d completed the dare.’

Amy just nodded in silence.

‘But you know what Kirsty and Becky are like,’ Melanie continued, ‘They can be bitches at times. Especially Kirsty. She’s’

‘Mel,’ Amy suddenly said, ‘Shut up about it. Just fucking forget it.’

It was Melanie’s turn to nod in silence.

As the two girls walked through the car park, there was a hoot from one of the teachers’ cars. Melanie gave a brief wave; Amy ignored it.

They went in through the main entrance, along with other pupils, and made their way to their form room in total silence.

Their form teacher, Mr. McDonald, walked in carrying a pile of folders. He dropped them on his desk and took out a pen from his jacket pocket. ‘Good morning, Kiddies,’ he said.

Amy looked up and smiled at him. She thought he was hot. She’d give him a blow job any time.

‘Right,’ he said, picking up a sheet of paper from the top of the pile of folders, ‘Let’s get the register done and you can go to your first classes. He looked round the class. ‘Kirsty Addams?’

‘Here, Sir,’ came the voice of Kirsty Addams.

Amy looked round and exchanged a glance with Kirsty. She decided to start formulating her revenge.

<<< * >>>

Mr. James, the Chemistry teacher, was a bit old-fangled and stuck in his ways. Amy liked Chemistry but, because she often kept herself abreast of new developments, she often felt that she knew more about it than he did. She sat through the discussion of fractional distillation making notes on what she was going to do about her promise to Edward and her revenge on Kirsty. It had to be planned perfectly because she didn’t think Kirsty would fall for it otherwise.

She turned round and glanced at Kirsty and Becky, sitting next to each other at the back. Kirsty looked up at her and Amy just smiled and went back to her notes.

‘So, the equipment is all set up on the benches,’ Mr. James said, ‘If you want to get into pairs or groups of three and start the experiment.’ He looked up at the wall clock. ‘You have forty-five minutes.’

Experiment? Amy thought, what experiment? She looked around at the benches and saw the distillation equipment. ‘Oh, yeah,’ she said. She looked across at Melanie and scuttled over to her. ‘Mel,’ she said, ‘ you want to be with me?’

Melanie gave her a sheepish smile.

‘I’m sorry about earlier, Mel,’ Amy said, ‘I shouldn’t have yelled at you.’

‘No probs,’ Mel said. She gave Amy another smile. ‘Yeah, I’d love to be in your group.’

The two girls went to find a set of distillation equipment.

Amy looked round and saw Kirsty and Becky a couple of stations further down the bench. ‘Let’s use the ones next to Kirsty,’ Amy suggested.

‘Okay,’ Melanie agreed.

They went to the equipment station next to Kirsty and Becky, but no words were spoken between the two pairs of girls.

‘Do you know how to do this?’ Melanie said.

‘Yeah,’ Amy said, ‘In my sleep.’ She made a start on setting up the equipment. Melanie just watched her do it. Every so often, Amy glanced across at Kirsty and Becky, who were making a complete mess of theirs. She stifled a laugh and continued with her experiment.

~ * ~

The bell rang on the dot at three-fifteen and the whole class breathed a collective sigh of relief.

Amy picked up her bag and waited for Mr James to give them the word.

‘Right, you may go, if you wish,’ Mr James said, ‘but remember you have a mock exam next week, so make sure you fully revise all the relevant topics.’

Amy made her way to the door and was the first out.

‘Ames,’ Melanie called out, ‘’What’s the rush? You getting the bus?’

Amy paused and turned to see Melanie running up behind her. When her friend had finally caught up, Amy continued down the corridor.

‘I have things to do,’ Amy said. She left the school by the main entrance and rushed down to the main shopping area.

‘Where are you going?’ Melanie was still in tow.

Amy went into a second-hand shop and found the bric-a-brac section. ‘Yeah,’ she said, ‘ It’s still here.’ She picked up a small male doll - one of those action figures that boys often dress up in soldier’s uniforms, but this one was unclothed. She took it to the checkout counter.

‘What do you want that for?’ Melanie said, as Amy paid the £2.50 to the shop assistant.

‘It’s for my little brother,’ Amy lied.

‘You’re a single child, Ames,’ Melanie said.

‘Can you keep a secret?’ Amy said. When Melanie nodded, Amy added: ‘Well, so can I.’

Amy left the second-hand shop with her purchase and made her way to the next shop - an adult shop with the windows blacked out. ‘This is the tricky bit,’ Amy said, realising they were still in school uniform. She opened the door and stepped inside.

At the counter, she took a deep breath and said: ‘I’ve come for Edward’s item.’

‘Edward?’ Melanie, who had followed her in, said. Melanie looked up at the shop assistant, gave a smile and said: ‘It’s okay, we’re eighteen and going to a fancy dress party.’

‘It’s okay, Mel,’ Amy assured her. ‘Edward said it would be okay.’

‘Who’s Edward?’ Melanie saw a display of dildos beside the counter and picked one up to have a closer look.

The shop assistant produced a box from below the counter. It said on the box: “Inflatable man, fully functional”.

‘How much is this one?’ Melanie asked, holding up the dildo.

‘£29.99,’ the shop assistant said.

‘Put it away,’ Amy said, picking up her boxed inflatable man.

‘Do you need anything to blow it up with?’ the shop assistant said.

‘Amy has plenty of experience in blowing things...’ Melanie said, as Amy punched her in the shoulder.

‘Shut, it,’ Amy said. She paid for the item and waited for the assistant to put it in a bag.

Amy made her way to the old house. Melanie followed.

‘Where are you going?’ Melanie said.

‘To keep a promise,’ Amy replied.
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Old 05-17-2014, 05:32 AM   #8
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Default Chapter 5: The Plan


Amy made her way carefully into the house through the rear door and up the staircase to the upper landing.

Melanie had followed her. ‘What’s going on?’ Melanie said.

‘Stay here,’ Amy said. She still wasn’t sure about Melanie being here, but she didn’t want to startle Edward by bringing someone new in. She was also wary of walking in whilst Edward was maybe in a state of undress. She knocked on the bedroom door. There was no reply. She knocked again and opened the door, peeping inside, half-closing her eyes. ‘Edward?’ she said. ‘It’s me. Amy. I have your...’ She opened her eyes and saw him.

Edward was lying perfectly still on the bed. Amy went over to him. ‘Edward?’

‘What’s going on, Ames?’ Melanie had followed her in. ‘Who’s... Wow, this room is gorgeous.’ She looked round at the dolls and the plush carpet and bedding.

Amy dropped her purchases on the floor. ‘He’s dead,’ she said, as a tear fell onto her cheek. ‘I’m too late.’

Melanie looked at the old man on the bed. ‘Is this Edward?’

‘He’s dead,’ Amy repeated. ‘I’m too late.’ She started to sob.

Melanie lifted Edward’s arm and put two fingers to his wrist. ‘No pulse,’ she confirmed. ‘And he’s not breathing, is he?’

Amy sat down on the edge of the bed, and started to cry. ‘Too late.’

‘He’s still warm,’ Melanie said, ‘ and rigor mortis hasn’t set in yet, so it hasn’t been long.

‘I’m still keeping my promise,’ Amy said. She looked up at Melanie. ‘Do you want to come to a sleepover here at the weekend?’

‘Here?’ Melanie said, ‘ With a corpse here?’

‘We have to move him into another room,’ Amy said. ‘He wanted me to bring you all to a sleepover at the weekend.’

‘What’s going on?’ Melanie asked. She walked over to the window and looked out. ‘This window isn’t boarded,’ she said, ‘You can see out. Look, you can see the street from here.’

Amy glanced over. Was that how Edward knew that the other girls were outside on Saturday? Was he watching her coming in?

Melanie looked back to Amy. ‘So, what’s going on?’

‘It’s a long story,’ Amy said, ‘and it’d take too long to tell it.’

‘Sleepover?’ Melanie looked around the room at the dolls. She focussed on the inflated Meredith in the corner. ‘Wow,’ she said, ‘ That’s an impressive.’ She glanced down at the bagged item that Amy had bought from the adult shop. ‘You’ve bought a blow-up man to keep her company?’

‘Mel,’ Amy said, getting up from the bed, ‘We have to get Kirsty and Becky here.’ She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. ‘A sleepover at the weekend. We need to bring everything we need, including food and drinks. There’s no electricity and water here. Torches, as well. It’ll be dark early.’

‘Please, Ames,’ Melanie said, ‘Tell me what’s going on, you’re scaring me.’

‘I told you, Mel,’ Amy said, ‘I’m keeping a promise to Edward.’


‘A sleepover?’ Kirsty said, ‘Cool.’

Amy had gathered the girls in the refectory at school the following day.

‘Who’s house?’ Becky said, ‘My mum definitely won’t allow it.’

Amy took a deep breath. ‘At the old house.’ When the other girls gave her a quizzical look, she felt it was necessary to explain a few things. ‘There’s one room that’s fully furnished. A big bed, carpet, wardrobe, everything you’d expect in a standard bedroom.’

Melanie came over to the table carrying a tray with four cups of fizzy drink on it. ‘Dolls...’ she added as she put the tray on the table and sat down.

Kirsty looked at Melanie. ‘Dolls?’

‘Never mind,’ Amy said, ‘ It’ll be fun. We just need to take everything we need. Food, drinks, change of clothes,...’ She took one of the cups and started to suck her drink through the straw.

‘Toilet paper,’ Melanie added. She chose her own drink.

‘What do we tell parents?’ Becky asked, taking the third drink and offering the last one to Kirsty.

‘That’s the beauty of it,’ Amy said. ‘Kirsty gives her mum my mobile number, I give my mum Melanie’s number, Melanie gives her mum Becky’s number and Becky gives her mum Kirsty’s number. Then, if, for example, Kirsty’s mum rings, I just say “Yes, Kirsty’s here, do you want to speak to her?” And the same all round the group.’

‘You seem to have this all planned out,’ Becky said.

‘In Chem yesterday,’ Amy confessed. ‘Look, it’ll be fun.’ Amy had decided not to tell Kirsty or Becky about Edward, and she had made Melanie promise not to say anything either.

Amy had planned to get to the house early on Friday evening with Melanie and to move Edward’s corpse into another room, away from the main bedroom. The sleepover would then be in just the one room. Anyone who needed the toilet would have to go out into the garden, but no plan was perfect.

‘What if our parents say no,’ Becky said.

‘They won’t,’ Amy said. ‘Yours and Kirsty’s parents will be glad to see the back of you. Kirsty does what she likes anyway.’

Kirsty glared pointy daggers at Amy.

‘We need boys,’ Becky said.

‘Yeah,’ Kirsty agreed. ‘Boys.’

‘No boys,’ Amy said, ‘Just us four.’

‘Where’s the fun in that?’ Kirsty said.

‘You’ll see,’ Amy said. She had a few more surprises up her sleeve. Especially for Kirsty. Her revenge would be sweet.

How will the sleepover go?
Will there be boys?
What will Amy’s revenge be?
Find out soon.
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Old 05-21-2014, 03:10 PM   #9
getDare Sweetheart
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Great story so far anxiously waiting for revenge
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Old 05-22-2014, 07:27 AM   #10
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Default Chapter 6: The Final Preparations


Amy and Melanie left school promptly on Thursday afternoon and got off the bus in Shady Lane. Amy had asked her friend to help her move Edward’s body into another room and to prepare a few things for the sleepover.

With a bit of a struggle through the brambles, they eventually got to the house and went in through the back door and up to the landing. Even though it was still light outside, it was dim inside the house because most of the windows were boarded up. They both took a deep breath and Amy opened the bedroom door.

Edward was not there. The body had disappeared.

“Where is he?” Melanie said.

Amy just shrugged her shoulders. She had no idea. He was there when they left the house on Monday.

Melanie picked up the box with the inflatable man in it. “This chap’s still here,” she said. She opened the box and took out the deflated inflatable man. She unfolded it and straightened it out. “How do you do it?” she asked.

Amy had been looking round the room for Edward. She got down on her knees and peered under the bed. Nothing but dust.

She got up again. “What?” She saw what Melanie was doing. “What are you doing?”

Melanie was trying to blow up the man. She had him half-inflated before she ran out of breath. “Maybe you should have got something to blow him with,” Melanie said.

“Give him here,” Any said. She put the nozzle to her mouth and started to blow. She inflated the man a bit more. He was almost fully inflated by now. She took a breath. “It’s easier than blowing up a paddling pool,” she said.

Melanie nodded. “And infinitely more satisfying,” she giggled.

The inflatable man’s penis was now stiffening and pointing directly upwards at Melanie.

Amy gave the man a few more blows and slipped the cap onto the nozzle. “It may need a bit more,” she said. “I can bring my bike pump to finish him off.”

“What are you going to do with him?” Melanie looked at the man’s stiff penis. “Or shouldn’t I ask?”

“Edward asked me to get him,” Any said. “He had ordered him a few days ago but couldn’t get out to the shop. I think he wanted him as a companion for Meredith.” Amy pointed at the inflatable woman in the corner.

“Are you serious?”

Amy nodded.

Melanie picked up the box and read from the lid. “Inflatable man. Fully functional.” She looked at Amy. “What does fully functional mean?”

Amy tapped the inflatable manhood. “Use your imagination.”

Melanie looked at Meredith. “Is she fully functional as well?”

“I don’t know,” Amy said, “I never noticed.” Amy put the inflatable man on the bed and went over to Meredith. She had a good look at the woman. “She’s got a small aperture where her... you know,... should be.”

“Her ‘you know’?” Melanie said. “What’s a ‘you know’?”

“You know,” Amy said.

“Anyway,” Melanie said, “Where’s Edward gone?”

Amy shook her head. “No idea.”

They took a look in some of the other rooms in the house but Edward was nowhere to be seen.

“Do you think someone’s been here?” Melanie said, when they reconvened back in the bedroom.

“Doubt it,” Amy said. “Who? And why would they?”

It was Melanie’s turn to shrug. She picked up the little Action Man that Amy had bought from the second-hand shop. “Did Edward want this as well?”

Amy looked. “No,” she said. “I was going to get it as a present for him. He didn’t have any male dolls, so I thought why not.”

“I see,” Melanie said. She put the Action Man down on the bed beside the inflatable. She looked round at all the female dolls. “What now?”

“Now?” Amy paused a moment. “Now, we start to prepare for the sleepover.”


On Friday afternoon, the girls had a free study period to prepare for their mock exams, so they had arranged to gather in a quiet corner of the school library.

Amy and Melanie went there together. They had things to discuss in private. Both were still mystified by the disappearance of the corpse from the bedroom and they were throwing around ideas about what might have occurred. The only logical answer seemed to be the most illogical: Giant rats had eaten it.

Amy and Melanie arrived at the school library and found their study desk. Becky turned up a few minutes later and sat with them.

Kirsty was the last to arrive and, when she finally turned up, they started to plan the sleepover. They had all gained permission from their parents to stay at each others’ houses and they had started to put aside some of the items they needed.

“Okay,” Amy said, taking the lead since it was her idea, “We need to list everything we need. There’s not much there in the way of supplies.”

“I’ll bring the food,” Melanie said. “Snacks and things, to keep us going.”

Amy took a pen, an A4 refill pad and a Helix shatterproof ruler from her bag and started to draw columns. She wrote a name at the top of each column. “Right, we’ll assign different things to different people.” She started to write ‘Food’ under Melanie’s column. “We also need water.”

“I’ll bring that,” Becky said, “I can fill empty lemonade and coke bottles up before I leave home.”

Amy wrote it down under Becky’s column. “We’ll need at least two litres per person, so I suggest everyone brings their own.” She wrote ‘Water’ under all four columns.

“Torches or candles,” Melanie chimed in, “And matches to light the candles with.”

(For our transatlantic friends, a torch is a flashlight!)

“Toilet paper?” Melanie said.

Changes of clothes,” Kirsty said.

Music, CDs,” Becky said, “And a portable CD player.”

Sleeping bags?” Melanie said.

“I think the bedroom’s comfortable enough,” Amy said, “And the bed is certainly big enough for us all to snuggle together.” She winked at Kirsty.

“I’ll bring my own anyway,” Melanie said.

“Me too,” Kirsty said.

“I’ve got a portable DVD player,” Becky said. “I could bring a DVD.”

“Make sure you charge the batteries up, then,” Amy said, “There’s no electric supply.”

“And everyone charge up their phones,” Melanie suggested.

Everyone nodded.

This went on for almost half an hour and by the time they’d finished suggesting things, the columns were almost even.

“I just thought,” Kirsty said, “Make up.”

Everyone looked at Kirsty.

“We’re doing a sleepover,” Amy said, “Not a night out.”

“Just saying,” Kirsty said.

They started to decide what they’d do on the sleepover. They all decided to continue their game of truth or dare and, since Amy was the last to be dared, she would be the first to ask someone.

“What about if we make it more interesting,” Becky suggested.

“Like what?” Amy asked.

“I could bring a pack of cards and we could play twenty-one or poker or something, but with a truth or dare twist to it.”

“Bring them,” Amy said, “We’ll have till Sunday evening, so anything could happen.” She gave Kirsty a sly glance as she said 'anything could happen'.

Amy went over to the photocopier and made four copies of her list. She gave one to each girl and kept one herself. “Right,” she said, “Everyone pack their stuff and meet by the old house at six-thirty this evening. If anyone can think of anything else that we might need,” she looked at Kirsty. “Anything IMPORTANT, then bring it along. If you can bring some money with you as well, then if we need anything else then someone can get it from Asbury’s tomorrow.”

Amy asked if there were any questions and then finished with: “Everyone wear jeans. The brambles and nettles on that driveway are vicious.”

They started to do a bit of revision before the study period was over. Amy thought about her plans for Kirsty. It was going perfectly.


In the next chapter, the Sleepover begins.
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Old 05-22-2014, 02:29 PM   #11
getDare Sweetheart
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I'll be waiting patiently
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Old 05-23-2014, 10:53 AM   #12
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Interested to see how this goes, its very origional
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Old 05-24-2014, 02:31 AM   #13
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Default Chapter 7: The Sleepover


Amy arrived at the old house early with a back pack and a large sports holdall. She had a few final preparations to carry out.

She went straight into the house, carrying her two bags of supplies. In the bedroom she dropped her bags on the bed and started to rummage through one of them. She found what she was looking for: a small camcorder, fully charged and ready to go. She looked around for somewhere to hide it. She knew that Becky and Kirsty would be curious as soon as they saw the room and they would start poking around. She had to hide it where there would be a good view of the room but where the others wouldn’t find it.

She saw a shelf with a row of books on it. None of the other girls were particularly erudite and she doubted if they would pick up a book voluntarily. She climbed up onto a small footstool and placed the camcorder in between two books in the centre of the shelf so that it was facing the bed. It was a fairly slim-line device so it couldn’t easily be seen unless you were right on top of it. She set it on standby.

She went to her bag and took out the small remote control unit, no bigger than a small cell-phone. She slipped it in her jeans pocket; it to have to be on hand when she needed it. She then set about unpacking her other supplies.


The other girls arrived outside the old house on the dot at six-thirty, carrying bags full of supplies. Amy got back out in time to greet them. She led them down the overgrown driveway towards the house.

“Ouch!” said Kirsty.

“Fuck!” Becky cursed, “Ow!”

“I told you to wear jeans,” Amy said, realising that Kirsty and Becky had both worn short skirts. Melanie, she noticed, had been more sensible.

“My jeans are in my bag,” Kirsty said.

“Well, they’re not much use in there are they?” Amy said.

At the house, Amy led them to the back door and into the hallway. It was darker inside than it was outside because all the windows had been boarded up, so Melanie took out a torch to light the way.

She led them up the stairs and into the main bedroom.

“Fuck me,” Kirsty said, “It’s amazing.”

Becky went over to a collection of dolls and picked one up. “Isn’t it sweet?” she said. She then ventured over to the inflated inflatable man: fully functional. She stroked the stiff penis which still stood proud. “It’s realistic isn’t it?” she said.

“Ask Amy,” Kirsty blurted out. “She’s seen one close up.”

Amy held her anger in. She avoided looking at the camcorder; she didn’t want to alert the others to its presence. Kirsty would soon get hers.

Kirsty went to a chest of drawers and opened the top drawer. She started to rifle through it. “Look at the stuff in here,” she said.

“Stop it,” Amy said. She couldn’t tell Kirsty or Becky about the old man who lived there and Melanie had also been sworn to silence.

Kirsty held up a small pack of condoms. “Balloons, anyone?”

“Put them back,” Amy said. “Let’s unpack our stuff.”

The four girls started to unpack and have something to eat. Melanie had brought a variety of snacks and she had asked her mum to make some sandwiches. She had also brought a two-litre bottle of lemonade and four plastic cups.

The girls sat on the bed and ate before doing anything else. They saved half for later; it would be a long night.

After they had eaten, Kirsty said: “Okay, let’s play truth or dare.”

The bedroom window was not boarded up and, as it was early May, it was still fairly light.

“I start, then,” Amy said. She couldn’t ask Kirsty immediately. They had a rule that you couldn’t ask the same person who had just asked you and Kirsty was the last one to dare her. Amy looked at Becky. “Becky, truth or dare?”

“Truth,” Becky said.

“Chicken,” Amy said. “Okay, have you ever given another girl oral?”

Becky glanced at Kirsty and then back at Amy.

Amy was sure she saw Kirsty give Becky a ‘you dare’ scowl.

“No,” Becky said.

Amy was not sure. She decided to let Becky off with it for the present. She’d use it later.

“Melanie,” Becky said, “Truth or dare?”

“Dare,” Melanie said. “Why not?”

Becky thought for a moment. “I dare you to drop your jeans and rub yourself through your panties for two minutes.”

Melanie knew the forfeit would be ten times worse so she reluctantly unzipped and unbuttoned her jeans and lowered them to her ankles, exposing a pair of pink panties.

“I’ve got a second hand on my watch,” Amy said, “I’ll keep the time.”

Melanie placed her hand over her crotch.

“Okay,” Amy said, looking at her watch, “Start... Now!”

Melanie started to rub her slit through her panties. She used one finger to start with but, after about ten or thirty seconds, she started to use two fingers on her slit. By the time the first minute was up, she was using her whole hand, including the palm.

“Thirty seconds to go,” Amy said, when there was thirty seconds left.

Melanie wasn’t listening; she was getting into it.

Becky and Kirsty were mesmerised watching Melanie rubbing herself.

Amy was also captivated by it but she felt obliged to keep checking the time as well.

“Ten seconds...”

Melanie had her eyes closed. She was starting to gasp.

“Five seconds... four... three... two.. one... Stop.”

Melanie stopped. She opened her eyes and saw the others staring at her. “That was amazing,” she said.

“Jeans up,” Becky said.

Amy glanced at Melanie’s panties and noticed a slight damp patch. She wasn’t sure if it was perspiration or something else. She didn’t ask.

Melanie pulled her jeans back up and refastened them. “Okay,” she said, “My turn.” She focussed on Kirsty. “Kirsty, truth or dare?”

“Well, as it’s you, Mel,” Kirsty smiled, “I’ll choose dare.”

“I dare you to take your panties off, assuming you’re wearing some, and do a handstand against the wall...” She pointed to the wall at the side of the bed, “...and hold it there for thirty seconds.”

If Kirsty does this, Amy thought to herself, it’s a result. Kirsty would be in the perfect position to be captured by the camcorder. She tried to use telepathy to persuade Kirsty to do it.

“What’s the forfeit?” Kirsty asked.

Amy, Becky and Melanie huddled together and whispered. After a few seconds, they parted and Melanie smiled.

“You have to strip completely and outside into the street for one minute.”

“No way,” Kirsty reached up under her skirt and pulled down her panties to her thighs. She sat down on the bed, slipped off her shoes and peeled her panties off. She dropped them on the bed. They were white.

Amy knew Kirsty would do the dare, not because of the forfeit although that helped, but because Kirsty was good at PE and an expert at handstands.

Kirsty walked the patch of wall indicated.

“I’ll keep time,” Amy said, “You two watch her and make sure she does it right.”

Becky and Melanie stood well away from Kirsty at the side of her and watched as the girl hyped herself up for the handstand.

Amy made sure the others were watching Kirsty and then she slipped out the remote control for the camcorder. She switched it on as Kirsty did her handstand.

Amy watched too as Kirsty’s skirt fell to her waist giving a full view of the girl’s neatly- trimmed pussy. The slit was perfectly in view. Amy prayed that the camcorder was recording it. It was positioned opposite the bed and was set on panoramic view, so it was picking up an almost full view of the whole room.

Amy realised she hadn’t kept the time so she just left Kirsty balancing there for a little while and then said: “Five seconds to go... four... three.... two... one...and down.”

As Kirsty lowered herself again, Amy paused the camcorder and pocketed the remote unit. First one done, Amy thought.

Kirsty put her panties back on and sat down on the bed for a few moments. “I hope you all got a good look,” she said, sarcastically.

Yes, thanks, Amy mused to herself. She smiled and wondered what she could get next. She needed a lot more footage of Kirsty before she could show her hand.

What will happen next?

Find out in Chapter Eight.

Next update will be in a few days. Hope you can wait.
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Old 05-24-2014, 04:41 AM   #14
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Realli enjoying it.....Please keep going..
Angel's wet demon
likes: bondage, mild torture, pussy play, ice play, hidden public, secrets
dislikes: spanking, anal, swallowing
limit: i have people around so restrict it to my bedroom, pics, cams, public, poop!
toys: as much as i would love to play with my pussy using toys i don't have any.. , you can help me make a toy at home too..
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Old 05-24-2014, 05:12 AM   #15
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Absolutly fantastic I love it keep going.
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Dislikes (or maybe what I really like the most) big insertions, a lot of pain, high chance of getting caught.
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