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Old 01-08-2008, 11:10 PM   #1
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Default Melissa's Party

Melissa's Party

Part 1:

Nick was just your average high school junior. He wasn’t super popular or super smart or super athletic. He wasn’t extremely outgoing either. But, he wasn’t at the bottom of the social food chain either. He was just a normal guy. Nick got decent grades; he played some non-competitive sports; and he had a close group of friends with whom he socialized. Being involved with the “popular crowd” never even crossed his mind as something he desired, let alone as a possibility.

In and outside of school, Nick basically had two good friends who were always around him: Alex whom he had known since grade school, and Freddy whom Nick met during junior high on a city league baseball team. Alex was the smartest of the group, and he was involved in some academic clubs and wrote for the school newspaper as well. Like Nick, Alex was content with just his two close friends. Although, Nick did frequently catch him eyeing some of the popular girls whenever they would see them in passing. Freddy on the other hand was a little more vivacious. It was well-known in their threesome that Freddy would give about anything to be included in the popular crowd even though they all knew he would never act on it on his own. Freddy was a year behind Nick and Alex, and his immaturity often made that quite clear.

On one particular Friday in October, Nick was going to his locker after fourth period and he happened to walk by one of these cliques of girls. As he did, one of the girls, Melissa, turned to face him, and her eyes lit up a bit like she was going to address him. Nick barely caught this glance in the corner of his eye took little notice of it as he assumed it was meant for somebody else.

Melissa was a beautiful senior girl, arguably the prettiest girl at the high school. She had bright blue eyes, a distinguished nose, and succulent lips. She was a brunette at a height of 5’10” with a lovely build and striking feminine curves. Every part of her body was just the right size and just the right shape to fit her proportion. And the confidence she carried with herself, which was likely drawn from her superlative physique, made her an intimidating creature to behold for even the boldest of guys. Even the other girls in the school felt drawn to her because of her eminence. Her superiority in every aspect—beauty, wealth, status—compelled them to follow her direction, whatever it might be.

“Hey, Nick.” Melissa said in an austere, charming tone, considering who she was addressing. “Hold up.”

Nick did a double take, and then stopped and turned in her direction. “Who, me?” he asked.

“Of course you, silly,” she said in an almost forced flirtation. “I don’t see anyone else by that name around here.”

Melissa now stepped outside of the group and walked toward him until they were face to face. Her four friends followed her but halted a few steps behind. He stood there and waited for the punch line. “Well, what is it?”

Melissa reached her arm out and handed him a small piece of paper. Nick looked down and saw what appeared to be a birthday invitation.

“It’s my birthday today, and I’m having a party at my house tonight. There will be boys and girls there, of course” She paused and let out a slight giggle. “Anyway, I know it’s sort of late notice but I was wondering if you would be able to make it.” She waited again to see what his response would be, but he just stared blankly at the invitation and eventually lifted his head back up to make eye-contact. “Oh, and feel free to bring those two friends of yours as well,” she said.

She seemed anxious for a response and asked, “Well? Can you make it?”

“Umm, sure. I suppose that I can,” he hesitated. “What time is it?”

“It says right on the invitation, silly.” She giggled.

Nick blushed a little and realized it hadn’t even registered.

“Tonight, at my house. Eight o’clock sharp.” As she said this she gave a big smile with her pearl teeth. She then returned to her group. Melissa turned back and winked at Nick with her long eyelashes before walking down the hallway in the other direction.

+ + + + +

“What do you think it means?” Alex asked Nick.

“Well, obviously it means that one of the most popular girls in school is having a birthday tonight, and we’re invited!” Freddy chimed in.

The three friends were discussing the significance of the situation as ate their lunch in the school cafeteria. They sat in the center of the room along the perimeter. The rest of their table was pretty empty.

“Obviously there is a birthday and there is an invitation. That much is quite clear.” Alex removed his glasses and cleaned them off on his shirt. “The question is why us? I would think this party would have to be pretty big for the invitation list to get all the way down to us.”

“Remember,” Nick said, “I was the one invited. Of the three of us, only I received an invitation.”

“Yeah, yeah. No need to brag about it, Nick,” Freddy said with a glum look and crossed his arms.

Nick just rolled his eyes. He didn’t even care that Melissa was interested in having him over. He just wanted to figure out what could possibly possess these girls to want their company. Freddy on the other hand was just satisfied at the invite and was drooling at the opportunity to go.

“You did say ‘yes,’ though, right?” Freddy asked, wanting to assure their reception.

“Yes, Freddy. I gave her the impression that we would be there.” Alex turned his head quickly to Nick.

“‘We’?” He asked. “You said we were all going??”

“Well, I did give her that impression, yes.” Nick tried to read Alex’s face. “Why, is that a problem?”

“No. Why would it be a problem?” Alex asked, obviously hot and bothered. “I mean, I can go, but I just thought it’s something we should discuss is all…”

There was silence at the table for a bit, as the three continued to think on the matter as they finished their lunch. After a bit, Nick spoke up again.

“Well, what could it hurt? I mean, it’s just a party at a girl’s house. What does it matter if she’s popular or not? What’s the worst that could happen? Besides, if it turns out to be bogus, we can always bail early.”

“That’s the spirit!” Freddy affirmed.

Alex hesitated for a second, then said, “Alright, I’m in, too. We can all meet at my place at 7:30 and drive over from there.”

“Sounds good,” Nick said. “I suppose ‘casually late’ is out of the question, eh?”

More to come. Oh, and I do intend to actually finish this one.

Last edited by nonamejones; 01-10-2008 at 07:42 PM.
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Old 01-08-2008, 11:51 PM   #2
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Part 2:

That night at 7:30, Nick and Freddy arrived at Alex’s house together. Nick had picked Freddy up in his ’95 Civic, since Freddy didn’t have his license yet. They parked in the street by his house and then went inside. Alex was still upstairs in his room trying to figure out what to wear.

“Yo, Alex.” Nick yelled, trying to figure out where he was. “We’re here.”

“I’m up here,” Alex called from up the flight of stairs. “Come on up if you want.”

Alex was the only one at his house at the time. Both of his parents were out for the evening, and his younger sisters were at their own friend’s house. Nick and Alex ascended the staircase and went into Alex’s room, which was just at the top of the stairs on the right.

“Hey, man, what’s taking so long? Are you ready yet?” Nick asked as he looked at a half-dressed Alex sitting on the bed.

Alex just put his arms out and his palms up as if to say “Does it look like I’m ready?”

“Hurry up, man! We’re gonna be late…er, well…we aren’t going to be on time anyway!” Freddy urged.

“What does one wear to this sort of occasion?” Alex asked. He looked at Nick who was well-dressed in a long-sleeved button-up shirt with blue and white vertical stripes and khakis and a pair of Doc Martins. Freddy was wearing a short-sleeved solid green polo shirt with the collar popped along with jeans and a pair of sneakers. “I’ve been racking my brain all afternoon.”

Nick browsed through his closet. He pulled out and examined a long-sleeved white dress shirt, which was spotless. He tossed the shirt at Alex.

“Here, wear this with what you have on.”

Alex put on an undershirt and then put on the white dress shirt over his head. He added this to the pair of khakis and tennis shoes he was wearing. After that, the group was dressed and ready to go.

“Oh, shoot! One other thing…” Alex stopped the other two before they reached the staircase.

“What is it?” Nick asked.

Alex seemed a little panicky. He looked down at the other two and saw that Nick was holding something but that Freddy’s hands were empty. “It’s her birthday, right? Shouldn’t we arrive with a gift?”

“Oh yeah,” Freddy said, “I knew I was forgetting something.”

“Don’t worry about it guys. I have us covered,” Nick said. He put his right hand on top of the small box he was holding in his left arm. “My mom helped me come up with something really quick when she found out what we were doing. We can just tell Melissa that this is from all three of us.”

“Ah, good thinking, Nick,” Alex said, relieved.

“OK, then now that that’s taken care of, let’s high-tail it over there!” Freddy urged with is one-track mind. He quickly forgot what they were even discussing.

“Fine. We can take my car,” Alex said.

“You sure?” Nick asked. “Mine is right out in the street.”

“Yeah, I’m sure,” Alex assured him. “It’s the least I can do since you took care of us on the gift.”

With that, the three of them piled into Alex’s vehicle, a 2000 Volvo S60 and pulled out of the driveway at ten till eight.

“Destination: Partay!” Freddy belted out as they headed down the street to Melissa’s house, which was just a couple miles away.

+ + + + +

It wasn’t long before Nick, Alex, and Freddy arrived at Melissa’s house. There were a few other cars parked on the street that he could only assume were all here for Melissa’s party. Alex parked his car a couple of houses down on the side of the street. He was sure to park it in a place that wouldn’t invoke any harassment from the neighbors.

“You know,” Nick started as the three began to walk toward the house, “this all happened so fast, I didn’t even bother to find out anything about this party.”

“Oh? What do you mean, Nick?” Alex asked.

“Well, I just mean, all that I know about this is that Melissa and some other of her popular friends are sure to be there. I have no idea what guys or other girls or anyone that is going to be there. Heck, I’m not even sure what sort of party this will be. Being the popular crowd and all, they could have a couple kegs of beer for all I know. Who knows if there will even be any parents or anything around…”

“Ah yes, that’s a good point.”

“Oh, what are you two so worried about?” Freddy interrupted. “What are we a couple of babies? We’re in high school. Even if it was like you said with no parents and all, what would be the big deal of that? I think we can handle ourselves, don’t you think? You guys need to lighten up.”

With that, Freddy picked up his pace a little bit and got slightly ahead of the other two, as if to challenge their courage to continue on.

“Maybe you’re right, Freddy,” Nick said. “But, let’s just keep our senses about us. You never know what could happen here; there’s no shame in leaving if it comes to that.”

“Yeah, yeah…” Freddy nearly ran to the walkway of Melissa’s house but once he got there thought better of it and stopped to wait for the other two.

Melissa’s house was in a very nice neighborhood. Each piece of land was fairly large, but most of them were taken up by the houses themselves. Melissa’s was no exception. The house was two stories tall but about three rooms across. There were lots of different rooms in the house, along with one large gathering room in the center, complete with a grand staircase.

Nick and Alex joined up with Freddy, and then all three walked up to the door together. Nick pressed the doorbell and glanced at his watch just as he did. It was eight o’clock right on the money.

The door opened and a girl with almond brown eyes and blond hair down to her ears stood there to greet them. She was of about average height and none of her features were particularly outstanding. It was Melissa’s close friend Cary, a fellow junior.

“Welcome boys. You’re right on time. Melissa is so glad you could make it. Please join the rest of us in the salon.”

Cary led the three boys to an area in the back corner of the house adjacent to the kitchen. There were a few people gathered up here, along with countertop full of food and drinks. Alex was relieved to see that there were only plastic cups and 2 liters of pop present. Here, they also had set up a side table that held the gifts that Melissa had been given by her guests. In this room, Melissa was talking to some girls who were standing around and she greeted some of the people who had just arrived.

Nick and his friends were just walking in when she looked up from her conversation, and she saw Cary leading them to her.

“Oh, I’m so glad you could make it, Nick!” Melissa said, who seemed ecstatic to see them there. “I see you were able to bring your friends along, too. I’m happy to receive you, Alex and Fred.”

“Er, um, Freddy, actually,” Freddy said in a barely audible timid voice.

“Silly me. Freddy. Of course.” Melissa’s sights turned to what was in Nick’s left arm. “Oh, is that for me? How thoughtful of you!” She barely let him hand it to her before she swiped it out of his grasp.

“Yeah, it’s from all three of us. I hope you like it,” Nick said.

“You really shouldn’t have, your presence here is more than enough of a gift for me.” She winked at the boys like she had done earlier with Nick. Then, she handed it off to Cary to add to the rest of the packages.

“So far so good,” Nick whispered discreetly to Alex.

“Yeah,” was all he good muster.

“Well, since you’re all here, now. I think we can begin some of the evening’s activities,” Melissa said. “Follow me.” And she started walking behind them and toward the staircase. They really had no reason to resist, so they followed as directed.

As they followed, Nick looked around to check out the place. It was so elegant and large. He was impressed. Another thing he noticed, though, were the sheer lack of people. So far, he had just seen Melissa, Cary, and a few girls who were gathered in the salon. This wasn’t much of a party so far. Although, Melissa was being an excellent host.

“Psst, Alex,” Nick whispered. “Do you notice anything about this place?”

“What’s that?”

“There aren’t that many people here. Yet, Melissa is saying she’s ready to begin. Odd.”

“Well, it is just a little after eight. I mean, don’t most people show up later? I thought that’s how it worked. Maybe she just wants to entertain those that are here.”

“Ah, yeah. You’re probably right. Nothing to worry about, then.”

They followed Melissa to the basement with Cary coming up behind. Down here, it was very large and open. It was well-finished with Wainscoting along the walls, large comfortable furniture, an entertainment center, and a little bar area. There were other rooms connected from here, likely for storage or some such thing, but by and large the main room in the basement was quite comfortable. It seemed an ideal local for this sort of occasion.

There were a few other girls gathered down here whom Nick recognized from Melissa’s posse earlier in the day. They had made themselves comfortable in various areas of the room.

“Cary?” Melissa suddenly stopped.

“Yes? What is it?”

“Would you please gather the other guests in the house and tell them to join us down here. Everyone is finally here whom we are expecting.”

“Right away,” she said pleasantly.

“Have a seat, boys. You’re the last ones to arrive, and the others who arrived earlier are ready to join us.”

Alex leaned over to Nick and whispered, “So much for that…”

Feedback is always welcome.

Last edited by nonamejones; 01-13-2008 at 12:28 AM.
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Old 01-08-2008, 11:59 PM   #3
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good build up so far. I am interested in seeing if the rest of the guests are girls as well and what will end up happening
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Old 01-09-2008, 07:45 AM   #4
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i am hooked keep it going
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Old 01-09-2008, 09:48 AM   #5
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want to read on can't stay away from this for more than 24hour!
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Old 01-09-2008, 09:59 AM   #6
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l'am hooked come on m8 we want more
In its function the power to punish is not essentially different from that of curing or education"
almost 18 yr old male scotland,, lookin to meet new people, also lookin for mistress, online or off ,,have webcam and up for trying new thing all the time so pm if interessted or lookin for a chat,,,,
limits- no public or messy or x dressing,,

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Old 01-09-2008, 11:24 AM   #7
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Default Part 3 (1 of 2)

Think you're hooked now? I've barely gotten started. I'll post this next part to really get you hooked, but the next part after that probably won't come for another day or two. I'll try to stay on the ball

Part 3:

Cary came down the stairs, followed by another group of girls.

“Good. Everyone is here, now,” Melissa said.

Nick, Alex, and Freddy looked around the subterranean room; there had to have been at least two dozen girls down there. As far as they could tell, they were the only males at this gathering. If there was anything malicious planned for the evening, they were clearly outnumbered. But, seeing that their company was entirely female, they didn’t think that too much bad could come of this.

Alex just turned to Nick and gave him a questioning look. Nick returned this with a look of his own that said “I have no idea.” Freddy then turned to look at the other two with goo-goo eyes. It was all he could do to suppress a smile.

Nick opened his mouth like he was going to say something, but Melissa cut him off before he could speak a word.

“Boys, we are so pleased to share your company tonight.” Melissa lingered for a moment as she scanned the room, making eye contact with the other girls in the room. “We’ve been waiting for you to assist us in our activities.”

The boys just looked at each other.

“Hmm…Let’s see. Where to begin?” Melissa crossed her arms and put her hand to her mouth like she was thinking.

“Melissa, how about we play our game of spin the bottle?” Cary suggested.

Nick and Alex’s eyes rapidly scanned the room as if in a panic mode. Freddy was drooling at the mouth.

“Ah yes, that is the perfect way to get things underway,” Melissa said, satisfied. “Would that be okay with you, boys?”

The three nodded sheepishly.

“Very good. But…hmm.” Melissa stopped again.

“What is it?” Cary asked.

“It’s just that…we need a bottle. And we don’t have one.”

Alex was still scanning the room when he noticed a wine rack near the bar area. Quickly, he averted his eyes so as not to draw attention to it. Melissa was able to catch his gaze, though, and looked back.

“Aha. Good eye, Alex. I nearly forgot about those bottles we had down here. Cary, go back with Heidi and fetch us something good.”

“Right away,” Cary said with a smile.

“Come on, boys, let’s go over here and join the others.” Melissa held out one arm as she lead the way to the open area near the chairs and couches. When they all reached the area with the other large group of girls, Melissa indicated for them to sit down.

“Ashley, Heather, go get some of the plastic cups so that we can start passing out the drinks.” Melissa caught a concerned look on Alex’s face. “Don’t worry, babe. We just need a way to get an empty bottle. And, we don’t want it go to waste, do we?”

Nick and Alex just sat there, waiting. Freddy made an attempt at some small talk with some of the other girls in his vicinity. He wasn’t making too much progress to gain their interest, but he wasn’t exactly assertive either.

After a few minutes, Heather, Heidi, and Ashley brought some red plastic cups filled with bourbon and handed them to each of the girls gathered in the group. Cary also brought over three cups of the same to give to the boys.

“Here you are,” she said. “Enjoy.”

Melissa waited a while for everyone to enjoy some of their drink as they chatted amongst one another. Freddy couldn’t really believe it at first, but after he saw that all the girls were partaking, he didn’t want to appear a misfit. So, he quickly downed his portion as well. Alex was pretty hesitant and looked at his cup incredulously. Nick just thanked Cary for the drink and then set it aside inconspicuously.

“Did you manage to empty the bottle, Car?” Melissa asked.

“Yes, we did. Completely empty,” she said as she handed it to her. “Here it is.”

“Excellent.” Melissa gave Alex an alluring look and then smiled at Nick once again. He returned it cordially. Nick was still trying to figure out what was going on here, but he continued to appear friendly with these girls, as he had nothing yet tangible to arouse suspicion.

“So now we can finally commence.” As a few other girls joined the now growing circle, Melissa placed the bottle in the center of the group. “Freddy, Alex, Nick…why don’t you guys spread out a little bit.” She said this in such a way that made it impossible for them to refuse.

“Now,” Melissa resumed, “I’m sure I don’t need to explain the rules of the game, but we play this a little bit differently at my house.”

Nick listened attentively as Alex took an occasional sip of his drink. Freddy had managed to score the drink off of one of the girls sitting outside the circle and started in on that one.

Melissa continued, “If the bottle lands on you, whoever spun it gets to ask you a truth or dare. If you pass, you have to two extras. How does that that sound?”

“Okay,” Nick said coolly. The hormones were starting to kick in and not even he could continue to resist his interest in what was now going on before him. He reached back and grabbed his drink and swigged a good portion of it before placing it back behind him.

The seating situation inside the circle, Cary was to Melissa’s left and Nick was to the left of her. On Melissa’s other side sat Alex. To the right of Alex were Heidi and Heather, and Freddy was sitting between Ashley and Heather.

“Alright. I’ll go first,” Melissa said. Then, she looked back up. “Since it is my birthday after all…” Melissa sharply whirled the empty bottle of bourbon. It spun around and around and it gradually slowed down as it approached Alex. “Oh, goodie!”

Alex eyes widened like a deer’s caught in the headlights. He sort of gaped his mouth a little, but no words came out.

“Well,” Melissa asked, playfully impatient, “truth or dare?”

“Uh…T-truth,” Alex stuttered. And he quickly took a bigger sip of his drink.

“Aw, that’s not fun,” Melissa responded, her face showing disappointment. “Oh well. Hmm, let’s see…OK, I got it.” Melissa repositioned herself so that she was sitting on her legs with her knees pointing toward the center of the circle. “How many girls have you kissed?”

All of the color drained from Alex’s face. “H-how many g-girls have I…kissed?” He took another sip.

“Yeah, it’s a simple question.” Melissa waited eagerly.

“Uh…umm. Let’s see here. There’s that one, um…And that other…Well, that’s hard to say. I guess maybe…” Alex was muttering quite a bit trying to come up with an answer to give her. Clearly he was already regretting this game. “One, err um…two, I mean. Two.”

“Oh?” Melissa reacted. “Hmm.” And she wondered if he was really telling the truth on this. “Well, I think that’s cute. Maybe I’ll add just one more to your list…” And she gave him a small peck on his left cheek. Immediately, all of the color returned to his face, plus a little more. “OK. Your turn, now.”

Alex slowly reached for the bottle and gave it a small turn. It barely went all the way around and landed on Cary.

“I choose truth, too,” she said.

Alex wasn’t ready for it to be his turn to give out an order. He tried to come up with something good without showing he was giving it much thought. Finally, he asked, “How many boyfriends have you had?”

Cary smiled and promptly responded, “Two.”

Alex felt satisfied that his turn was over.

“Alright, now my turn.” Cary got the game back to a faster pace and gave the bottle a good spin. This time it landed on Freddy.

“Dare,” Freddy said without any hesitation.

“Ooo, cool. Alright, I dare you to…give me a kiss right on the lips.” And she put her index finger up to her lips as if to direct him to the exact location.

Freddy got a big dumb grin on his face, and slowly crawled over to her on his hands and knees. He seemed to have a lot more confidence in this game so far than he otherwise would. It was probably due to the fact that these things were demanded of him instead of him having to instigate it all.

He reached Cary and closed his eyes as he closed in on her face. He puckered his lips out and nearly missed her mouth altogether. He caught her bottom lip and her chin. After he realized this, he quickly retreated back to his spot. Cary didn’t seem to mind, though; she had a satisfied look on her face.

Freddy wanted to keep the game going at this pace; so he immediately spun again as soon as he reached his spot. He was a little loose; so the bottle was wobbly. It ended up landing on Heidi. Heidi was no hideous site herself; this junior had light brown hair and a pretty face with a sharply angled jaw. Her lips were very pouty, too. She also had a tight petit body to top. Before she could even say “dare,” a giddy Freddy was ready to verbalize his request.

Last edited by nonamejones; 01-11-2008 at 12:18 PM.
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Old 01-09-2008, 11:25 AM   #8
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Default Part 3 (2 of 2)

Part 3 (cont'd)

“I want you to kiss me for thirty seconds straight.”

She did more than that, and she was more than happy to oblige. She too crawled over to him. As soon as she reached him, she placed her hand on his knee and slowly moved it up his leg as she leaned in closer to his face. Freddy was actually taken aback by this sudden forwardness. Then, she stood upright on her knees and with both hands placed his chest she pushed him onto his back. Freddy was quivering in his pants by now.

Heidi then placed her left hand on the side of his face, touching some of his hair, and then she leaned down deep for a kiss on his lips. She didn’t just kiss him, she made an art out of it. She made those thirty second heavenly for Freddy. She went after his lips with her own and even got her tongue a little involved. As he watched, Alex took one big swig to polish off his drink. Following suit, Nick grabbed back for his own, looked down at it, and after a shrug, chugged the rest as well. Melissa spotted this and a smirk grew across her face.

No one was really keep time as they were all watching so intently, but after what seemed like a few minutes, Heidi got back up, licked her lips, and casually made her way back to her spot. Freddy on the other hand stayed down for a bit to recover before he managed to sit himself back up. Although Nick and Alex hadn’t been involved first-hand, watching the experience had made them pretty hopped up. They hadn’t realized it before but each of them had come to full arousal.

Everyone was pretty quiet for a little bit, but Heidi soon got the ball rolling again by twirling the bottle. This time, it finally landed on Nick. It was his turn to join in the festivities.

“So, what’ll it be?” Heidi asked, obviously a little worked up herself.

“I’ll take a truth,” Nick said. Everyone seemed a little disappointed by this, but they let the game continue.

“Are you a virgin?” Heidi asked it as bluntly as if she were asking him if he played a particular sport.

“Yes, I am,” he retorted without a second thought. Freddy and Alex shot him a wide-eyed look suddenly like they were surprised he was so honest about such a thing. Nick didn’t elaborate at all. He just left it with the simple answer.

“Oh, okay,” Heidi said. Clearly she didn’t have anything to say to that.

“So, I suppose it is my turn, now, huh?”

“Yup,” Melissa said with a little less enthusiasm than before but still keeping the friendly face.

He spun it, and this time it landed to the right of Melissa right on Ashley. Ashley had jet black hair and wild green eyes. She had a distinct nose, much like Melissa, which helped to well-define her face. She was a little taller than the average girl her age; she was a senior just like Melissa. Her body had some extreme curvature and her supple breasts were quite prominent. Her lips were soft and deep red, and she always seemed to have a mischievous smirk on her face. But other than that, she seemed pretty emotionally cold.

“Dare,” she said, ready for whatever Nick could throw at her.

Nick did his bet to retain his composure, but the whole situation had gotten him quite worked up. It was all he could do to keep from daring her to remove her shirt. Still, he couldn’t hold back his lewdness completely.

“I dare you to remove just your bra, still keeping your shirt on.”

The corner of Ashley’s smirk went up a little bit. “Fine,” she said. She reached both of her arms behind her and put her hands up the back of her shirt, facing away from the group. In about two seconds, she pulled her arms back in front of her, and with her right hand she reached down the front of her shirt, exposing a little cleavage. With one swift motion, she whipped out her bra and tossed it at Nick so that it hit his face and landed in his lap.

“A souvenir,” she remarked.

Nick was stunned, but he wasn’t complaining. Freddy was equally shocked but also a bit jealous. Whether by the alcohol or the provocation of the whole situation, Freddy got a little light-headed and quickly passed out face-first on the floor.

Ashley didn’t waste any time and spun the bottle since it was now her turn. The bottle once again landed on Alex. Alex had become a little tipsy for someone who’d never tasted a drop of alcohol before, but he was more prepared for his turn than the last time.

“I think I’ll take a dare this time,” he said, becoming a little bolder.

“Oh, excellent!” Melissa exclaimed.

“Alrighty, dare it is,” Ashley said. “I dare you to give us all a strip tease down to your underwear.”

Despite being ready to do a dare this time around, Alex in no way was prepared for this. Removing his clothes in front a bunch of girls was the last thing he’d consider doing in his right mind. But, Alex wasn’t in his right mind right now. The alcohol had gone to his head a little. Even still, he wavered simply for the fact that he now had a large erection, and he didn’t want to make it obvious to everyone when he was wearing just his shorts.

“Okay. I’ll do it. Just give me a second, though.”

Nick was actually quite surprised at his response. He thought for sure he’d pass on this and want to bail on this thing. Perhaps Alex was just too intoxicated to make a proper decision. Nick considered stepping in and removing him from the situation and getting the three of them out of there, but he ultimately decided to just let it play itself out. This still seemed harmless enough. And it couldn’t hurt for Alex to break out of his shell a little bit.

Alex was trying to buy himself some time for his mood and, more importantly, his penis to relapse. After about a minute, he figured he had suppressed it enough for it not to be noticeable.

“Okay, I’m ready,” he said finally. Alex stood up and moved to the side of the room closest to the bar, which was also near the exit. For a minute, Nick thought he was going to run up the stairs, but Alex turned to face his audience like he was ready to begin. He had never done anything like this before, not even in the privacy of his own room; so he didn’t feel very sure of himself at all. Some of the girls gave him a little encouragement and others gave whistles and still others shouts of approval. But overall, it was kept on the light side so as not to completely intimidate him.

Alex started to just rock his hips back and forth, simply by shifting his weight. He slowly unbuttoned his white shirt. He was glad to have this time to still think about this and if he wanted to follow through with it. After about half a minute, he had his shirt completely unbuttoned. He didn’t remove it, though; he remembered he was still wearing his shoes and that just wouldn’t do. So, he kicked them off toward the side of the room and threw off his socks as well. Then, he turned attention to his pants and slowly pulled his belt through the loops and removed it. He was going to set it aside as well, but he thought twice and decided to utilize it. He became a little more ambitious and put it behind his back and with both hands began to shake it, eventually moving it down to his butt to rub it against there.

Some of the girls were starting to hoot and holler a little by now. He became encouraged by this and set the belt aside as well. He removed his button-up shirt and did the same with this, this time running it through his legs to do the same. His earlier attempt to pacify his penis became futile because this stimulation once again excited it. After a little bit, Alex threw his shirt aside as well. Next, he turned his back and dropped his pants so as to expose his underwear-covered bottom. He still had on his undershirt as well. This had turned out to be a pretty good dare after all, the group members thought to themselves.

Alex now turned to face the group, and there was obviously a little protrusion on his front side, but his undershirt still concealed most of it. He now reached down slowly and crossed his armed in front of himself, grabbing the edges of his shirt. He started to pull up on it to remove it, but he now lingered once again. This time, however, he seemed a little light-headed himself. The whole affair had made him excited to the point of making his whole body weak and the blood was rushing to his head. Before he could continue any farther, Alex fainted and landed on his side, still wearing the shirt and boxers.

Nick rose up, now concerned. There was no way Alex had had enough alcohol to cause him to pass out. Freddy was one thing having multiple glasses and being a fairly short guy, but Alex was a big guy and he had hardly any to drink. Nick worried that there was something else going on here. Maybe it was just the exhilaration of his strip tease coupled with his own meekness, but Nick still thought it odd that he just collapsed like he did. He started to go over to him.

Melissa, grabbed his right arm before he could get any closer. “It’s okay, Nick. He will be fine. Why don’t you just have a seat and we can continue with our fun?” Melissa said this still layered with her sweet voice, but her tone was much more severe.

Nick, whether by the forcefulness of Melissa’s insistence or by his own light-headedness, sat down obediently.

“Good,” she said. “Now, since Alex can’t take his turn, how about you go for him?” She grabbed the bottle to hand to him. He started to reach out for it, but his arm suddenly became limp, and it dropped to the floor. Nick lifted his head but it began to spin, and his vision became blurry and otherwise distorted. He attempted to get up to leave or go to the bathroom or something, but he was simply too feeble. As he tried to do this, his upper body collapsed upon his arms and legs, and he was suddenly unconscious on his head.

Again, this much just to keep you interested. I'll post the next part after I get some more done. Enjoy!

Last edited by nonamejones; 01-11-2008 at 12:18 PM.
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Old 01-09-2008, 02:16 PM   #9
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Amazing, I beg you to continue. I'm really exicted for the next part.
Give Peace a Chance
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Old 01-09-2008, 02:40 PM   #10
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mon mate u got to keep writting,, this is great stuff
In its function the power to punish is not essentially different from that of curing or education"
almost 18 yr old male scotland,, lookin to meet new people, also lookin for mistress, online or off ,,have webcam and up for trying new thing all the time so pm if interessted or lookin for a chat,,,,
limits- no public or messy or x dressing,,

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Old 01-09-2008, 11:17 PM   #11
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Awesome Writing!! Keep it going!!

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Old 01-10-2008, 12:04 AM   #12
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Yeh great stuff so far.
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Old 01-10-2008, 04:00 AM   #13
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i agree with the coments gr8!
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Old 01-10-2008, 04:15 AM   #14
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you now had make me hook up !....write more before i die
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Old 01-10-2008, 07:41 PM   #15
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Default Part 4 (1 of 3)

Here is a little teaser for Part 4. I will likely post the rest of Part 4 sometime tomorrow...

Part 4:

About an hour later, Nick started to come to. His vision was still a little distorted, and his mind was still a little jaded. He tried to concentrate and recover, but whatever had happened to him had done quite a number on his senses. He realized he was still in the basement of a house, but he really didn’t remember any of the circumstances. There was a group gathering in front of him. The status of his own body still hadn’t registered with him.

“Mmm,” Nick muttered. He was mostly moaning from the swelling pain in his head, but he also made a vain attempt to speak. “Mmm” was all he could muster. Something was wrong with his voice because he could not speak!

No, that wasn’t it. He was starting to come around a little bit more. He tasted something. Something was in his mouth. He bit down. He noticed that there was a cloth-like object in his mouth that was hampering his ability to speak. Nick suddenly awakened. He realized that there was actually a gag in his mouth and tied around the back of his head.

His senses were starting to come back to him now. He forcefully blinked his eyes a couple times to revive his vision. This time, he looked around again. He remembered where he was. This was a party, wasn’t it? Yeah, that was it. He saw a large number of girls gathered before him. They were chatting amongst themselves but they were all situated so that the group was facing in his direction as if they were waiting for something.

Nick looked to either side of him. He saw Alex to his left and Freddy to his right; they were both still passed out. He did notice that they seemed to be wearing robes, Freddy a green one and Alex a white. He looked down at himself and saw that he, too, was wearing a robe of blue that was only loosely secured.

It was starting to become clear to him. There was a gag in his mouth and one on Freddy and Alex as well. They were all sitting on wooden chairs facing the group, slightly elevated in relation to them. His arms were behind the back of the chair and secured with rope so that he couldn’t even bring them to the front. The same was true for his comrades. By looking down as well as feeling it, he also found the same rope binding him at his ankles. Again, the same was true for Freddy and Alex.

One other thing…Nick felt a very odd sensation on his genitals. He wasn’t really sure what it was, but it was something unlike he had ever experienced before. It wasn’t exactly bad, but it didn’t seem good either. It was almost like someone was holding onto them with a secure grip. He looked and there was no one around to stimulate them. He could only guess what in the world was going on. He tried to bend his head and neck over to see if he could manage to glance under his robe. For better or worse, it was fairly exposed; so it wasn’t too hard for him (or anyone else) to catch a good glimpse at his pubic region. As secure as his arms and body were to the chair, he still managed maneuver himself just enough to peek at his genitals.

Nick’s eyes suddenly widened and he became alarmed. He abruptly threw his head and entire upper body back in a panic. He began to freak out senselessly, trying to free his arms, shaking his head about, and grunting and moaning since he was unable to speak.

Around this time, Alex and Freddy began to regain consciousness. As soon as they did, they both turned to face Nick, seeing him flail his head about with his eyes wide open. They were still groggy from earlier and had yet to fully restore their sanity. Nick continued with his fruitless gestures and muffled sounds to his two companions. They just let out some soft moans since they really couldn’t manage anything more.

“Ah, good. You’re starting to come around.” It was Melissa. “Excellent, now all three of our special guests are conscious once again…”

“Special guests”? Nick thought to himself. What is that supposed to mean?? What on earth is going on here?!

Last edited by nonamejones; 01-11-2008 at 12:19 PM.
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