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Old 03-18-2010, 06:57 PM   #1
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Default Dignity Academy

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I have read through a few stories and decided to post my own.It's my first one,so please bear with me.

Maria was home early today.It had been her last day of summer break,and she started school the next day.That was the day she dreaded.She arrived at her house after soccer practice,which she would be giving up to go to her new school.Maria hastily made herself a sandwich and plopped down on the sofa.She fished around a bit untill she found the TV remote, then switched on the the television and flipped to the news channel. The report was just starting.

"We're here live with Joanna Birch, the headmistress of the new and controversial school, Dignity Academy." the interveiwer was saying.She turned to a woman who looked to be about forty or so with short brown hair and a permanent smile plastered on her face. "Miss Birch, many people are saying that your new school is cruel, even inhumane." the woman looked as if she was glaring and smiling at the same time, but she answered in a strangely sweet voice. "My academy is perfectly humane. Parents send their children there to teach them pride. The academy is based on the idea that you cant know how important something is untill you lose it. We teach these children pride by taking it away from them entirely, so that they will understand what we want to teach them. I see nothing wrong with that." The news reporter looked a little scared of the woman herself. "Well, um, Miss Birch, could you tell us about some of the methods the school uses?" Miss Birch smiled sweetly. "Now now, if I did that, others might try to copy us, and we wouldnt want that now would we?"

Maria switched off the TV. She could imagine what would happen at that school. She never wanted to go. But when her mother had heard about it, she had set her mind on forcing Maria into going. Now she was enrolled, and tomorrow would be her first day. To make things worse, it was a boarding school, so she wouldnt even get to come home. Maria sighed as she heard her mother arrive at the door. She had a bad feeling about this school. If only she had known just how bad it would be....

Last edited by Leopard; 03-26-2011 at 05:20 AM.
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Old 04-08-2010, 01:18 AM   #2
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Default s'been a while,but heres part 2

Maria would have slept right through her alarm clock.If her mother hadnt screamed for her to wake up.Dara Hadely didnt even set her own alarm clock,and her room was on the other side of the house,but she always seemed to wake up right when her daughter's alarm clock went off.To Maria,it was proof that she had the most controlling mother on earth.It was her mother who had forced her into this weird school anyway.She had walked in on a game of truth or dare Maria had been playing with some friends.She did this all the time,but of course,it had been the one game where the dares had escalated into stripping.When her mother walked in,Maria was only wearing a tank top and panties.So,Dara had looked online and found Dignity Academy.Which brought her here.

Maria groaned as she remembered why she was awake at 6 AM.She rolled out of her bed and walked sleepily over to her closet to pick out her clothes.She wasnt supposed to bring a suitecase or anything,according to the academy's brochure,the tuition included uniforms for every part of the day.She picket out a modest green tee-shirt and black shorts,then checked her reflection in the mirror.

Now,Maria had always been a pretty girl,but recently she had developed into a truly atractive young lady.Her copper colored hair and emerald eyes complemented each other,and her pale skin accentuated the splash of freckles on her face.She was well defined from her many sports and hobbies,and was generally the head-turner in any room.

Once she was sure she looked alright(which couldve meant anything to her at that time of the morning) she trudged down the hallway to the front door,where her mother was waiting.They didnt speak the hole way to the school.They had already had numorous arguments about the school,and none of them had gotten anywhere.Eventually Maria fell asleep in the back seat of the car,and didnt wake up untill they arrived.The academy was,to say the least,impressive.

It was comprised of a massive four-story building,made entirely of concrete with black-tinted windows.It looked modern and intimidating.Her mother led her to the door and pushed her inside.They found themselves in a dim room filled with strange art that seemed like just swirling paint.In the front of the room was a reception desk,where a cheery woman sat smiling in the same creepy way as Miss Birch had in the news interview.

"May I help you?" she asked brightly.Maria's mother stepped forward. "Im here to check in my daughter." she said.The woman smiled even wider. "Name?" "Maria Hadely." The woman typed something, presumably Maria's name,into the computer that sat in front of her. "Ah yes, here you are." she waved over at a tinted glass door near the back of the room,and another smiling woman appeared. "This is Cassidy," the woman behind the desk was saying. "She'll take you back for your evaluation and check you in."

"Evaluation?" Maria asked nervously.Cassidy materialized beside her and gripped her hand. "Nothing to worry about sweety!Just something to see where you are and what we need to work on.Come on!" she said,speaking quickly so that it was difficult for Maria to understand her.Maria didnt like being called 'sweety',but she didnt say anything as she was led into the same door that Cassidy had emerged from......
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Old 04-08-2010, 02:10 AM   #3
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As soon as Maria stepped through the door,the atmoshere changed.In place of the odd artwork and the dim lighting there was a stark white room that seemed to be perfectly square.There was a small pedestal in the center of the room,around which several women stood.They all wore white and blue uniforms that had "DA" embroidered on the left sleeve.

Maria turned around to ask Cassidy what was going on.She was no longer smiling.Instead, she had a stern, commanding look.She had tied her orangish hair back in a pony tail, making her watery blue eyes more visble. "Wha-" Maria started to ask,but Cassidy cut her off. "Well,it's obvious isnt it?Get your ass on the stool." Maria started to respond that she wouldnt be doing that,and that she was out of here,and that Cassidy was freaking crazy,but she never got the chance.Cassidy pressed a silver baton against Maria's stomache,and Maria felt a sharp shock. "Ow!What the-" Cassidy zapped her again.

It didnt take much after that to get Maria to comply with Cassidy's orders.She was led onto the pedestal by two of the other women and told to stand still.Cassidy walked around her several times,muttering things to her self that Maria couldnt hear.Maria couldnt believe what was happening.There was something seriously wrong with this school.She had no way to resist what Cassidy was doing,and no way to make it to the black doorway,which was probably locked anyway.

After several minutes of standing there,Cassidy finally said."Give her the uniform." One of the women stepped forward with the 'uniform'.It was nothing but a matching bra and panties.Both were white and blue,and "DA" was stitched into the right breast of the bra.

"Oh no,I am not wearing that." Maria said defiantly.In response,an electric shock singed her butt,causing her to fall off the pedestal.She was quickly repositioned and offered the clothes again. "Uh-uh,no way." Maria insisted. "Fine," Cassidy said flatly,turning to the women around her. "We have a defiant student.See to it that she is in uniform."

Before Maria could react,she was descended upon by four of the women.They pulled off her shirt and pulled down her shorts.Then she felt the clasp of her bra come undone,and her panties sliding down....

In short order she stood there naked,trying to cover herself up. "Now," Cassidy said sweetly. "You can either continue as you are,or you can put on your uniform." Maria reluctantly donned the uniform,wondering exactly what this place was.Cassidy smiled. "You just leared rule number one:Always stay in uniform.Now come on,ill teach you the rest on your war to the dorms."

Knowing what would happen if she resisted,Maria followed Cassidy to the only other exit in the room aside from the one leading to the lobby,an identical black glass doorway.Cassidy stopped and fished something out of her pocket.It was a blue collar with a tag that contained Maria's name and the number 27.Cassidy fastened it around Maria's neck,then pointed at the tag.

"Twenty seven,that's your student number."She said in explanation. "Its so we know who you are and where you are at all times." Maria nodded in compliance and they continued through the door.It led to a long,gray tiled hallway.They bagan walking,with Maria following behind Cassidy as she explained the rules."You will follow everything I tell you as long as you are on campus.

1.Always wear your collar.It has tracking devices in it and helps us identify you should you be caught breaking rules.Not that you could get it off anyway,it requires an instructors fingerprint to unlock.

During the day,you will wear what you are now.
During the night,you will remain naked,except for you collar.

3.You will follow the intructions of anyone wearing a DA badge on thier arm [I]to the letter. [I]

4.Failure to comply with school rules will result in severe punishment.


Maria could only nod and wonder what on earth had happend to her as they reached a metal door marked "Girls Dormitories".Cassidy pressed her finger to a pad on the door and it hissed open. "Good then,time to meet your fellow students!"
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Old 04-09-2010, 12:39 AM   #4
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Default El nexto chaptero....

Cassidy ushered Maria through the door and into what looked like a metal version of a summer camp cabin.There were metal bunks with stark white sheets and pillows filling the room.At the foot of each bed were two pairs of hadcuffs,each attached to the bed on one side and an ankle on the other.The ankles were attached to twenty-six sullen girls,all about Maria's age,all attractive,and all wearing the DA uniform.

"Everyone!" Cassidy shouted sharply. "We have a new student!" all of the girls looked towards Maria,and she shifted uncomfortably. "This is Maria Hadely," Cassidy continued. "And she is student number twenty-seven!Make sure she stays in line wont you?" Before Maria could react,Cassidy had turned and glided out of the door,closing and presumably locking it behind her.For a few uncomfortable seconds,the room was silent.Then A girl on the top of a bunk in the far left corner of the room spoke up.

"Your twenty-seven?" She asked casually.The girl had shoulder length black hair and peircing green eyes.She,like maria was well toned and beautifull. "Yeah." Maria responded weakly.The girl nodded. "Guess that makes us bunkmates." She said, thrusting a thumb towards the bed beneath her. "Strap yourself in, next class is in about ten minutes." Maria did so, laying in the bed and putting her ankles into the cuffs, which clicked shut.

"Im Maddie." the girls voice rang out from above. "Ill teach you everything around here I guess." Maria nodded,though Maddie couldnt see her. "I guess the classes arent going to be like the ones back at my school..." Maria said.She could hear Maddie snort. "You'll see.The worst is gym.Oh,and if anyone tells you to partner up, im your partner.Things pretty much go by bunkmates in here."

Maria thought she said 'in here' the same way her uncle did when she visited him in jail once.She got the feeling this place was for the most part the same thing.It was silent in the room untill a loud buzer went off.With the buzzer came dozens of liittle clicks as all the cuffs opened,and a hiss as the door opened up.A woman in the DA instructor's uniform stepped in and yelled for everyone to continue on to the next class.All the girls scrambled to comply,with Maddie leading Maria by the arm out of the door and down the hallway.They continued down the monotone hallway untill they arrived at a door marked "Discipline 101". Maria had an extremely bad feeling about that.
I take pride in proving stories with more than blackmailed sex. I like my characters

Dignity Academy:http://www.getdare.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=43511

DA's Sequel, "Halloween, The return of Micheal Masters: http://www.getdare.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=45759
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Old 04-09-2010, 01:10 AM   #5
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The door hissed open and a man with a mullet and glasses steped out.His greasy brown hair and pointed chin made him look downright pedophile-ish.He ordered the troupe of girls in with a commanding voice.They filed into the room,where several stations were set up.Two girls filled each station,wich consisted of a small pedestal like the one in the first room Maria had seen.Maddie led her over to one near the back,marked "27&28" With a glance at Maddie's collar,Maria saw that she was number 28.

"Today," Said the man who was the apparent 'teacher' of this class. "We'll be doing scripts." Nervous looks flashed around the room. "What're scripts?" Maria whispered.Maddie held a warning finger to her mouth,and Maria didnt ask anything else. "Odd numbers reading first." the teacher said,then went and sat down behind a multicolored desk in the front of the room.All around the room,one girl in each group steped on the pedestal and the other picked up what looked like a riding crop.

Maddie pushed Maria up onto the pedestal and handed her a sheet of paper.It was a copy of the DA rules. "Start reading," Maddie whispered. "And whatever you do, dont stop." Maria did as she was told.

It was about halfway through the second rule when the first hit came.A searing pain errupted in Maria's backside.It suddenly dawned on her what was going on, and she bit her lip and continued reading.After a few more smacks on her ass,she saw Maddie move around the front of her, snapping the crop against her inner thighs.Across the room,similar scenes played out,as girls struggled to keep reading through the pain.Eventually the whippings moved up to Maria's stomach,then her breasts.It hurt,but didnt leave much more than a stinging red mark that fadded slowly.After about thirty minutes of it,the teacher called out; "Switch!"

With that being self explanitory,Maria stepped down and alowed Maddie to get onto the pedestal.On the teacher's mark Maddie began to read,and Maria started at the task of whipping her partner.It almost hurt more to be the one with the crop.Maria once tried to hit a litle softer,but went back full on when the teacher gave her a warning glare.The strangest thought occured to her while she went about her task.She wondered what on earth her mother would think.
I take pride in proving stories with more than blackmailed sex. I like my characters

Dignity Academy:http://www.getdare.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=43511

DA's Sequel, "Halloween, The return of Micheal Masters: http://www.getdare.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=45759
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Old 04-09-2010, 10:58 PM   #6
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Default Warning-contains some non-sexual content

For several days the schedual went on like it had on the first day.In the morning,all of the girls (who slept naked except for the collars) would pick up their uniforms,put them on,and head to breakfast.The cafeteria was one area of the school where things seemed normal (aside from the fact that everyone in it was wearing only a collar,bra,and panties) and they were free to talk to each other.Then they would go back to the dorm, recuff themselves to their beds, and wait untill a buzzer went off,signaling class time.Then,for half of the day, they'd be locked into the Discipline 101 classroom, where they had to do scripts on a regular basis, along with other things that the perverted teacher seemed to come up with.They way he himself had put it, the girls were his toys, and they had no choice but to obey his orders.He said his name was Mr.Masters, but it was pretty obvious that was just a play on words.

According to Maddie, he picked one girl each week to be his "class assistant", which meant that they spent the class sitting in his lap, and well, not doing pleasant things.This week it was a cherry-headed girl named Cissa, who said that she would rather spend a solid week doing scripts than a half hour in his lap.Maria dreaded the day her turn would come, which from the way he normally looked at her, was likely to be soon.

Once that class finally ended, they would go to lunch, which was much like breakfast.And then for the rest of the day would be gym.From her first day, Maria knew why Maddie thought it was the worst class.The 'coach' had them spend half the day doing what he called "Sexercises".THe creativity they lacked in the name was made up for by their variety.

One was called the collar races.The girls were forced to strip down to just thier collars.Then a leash was attached to one girls collar.One girl would lead her partner by the leash in a race around a huge indoor track.They switched off jobs halfway through the class, just like with scripts.The winners were forced to wear a tiara that said "Slut Queen" in rhinestones across the top.Maria and Maddie hadnt won so far, which they didnt really mind.

Another was the strip-off,in which each team was given themed outfits and made to do a partnered striptease.Maria and Maddie were given the French maid costumes.The only rule was that your partner had to strip you,you couldnt do it yourself.And if time wasnt up once you were naked,you had you keep dancing, which meant kissing each other and other things that Maria had never imagined doing with anyone, much less another girl.As with the races, the winner was given the tiara.Maria had almost won that one once, but Cissa(who seemed to have terrible luck) and her partner Veronica got it at the last second.

After this they would go to dinner and then back to the dorms for bed.Upon arriving,the girls stripped off thier uniforms and dropped them in a basket,which was collected by an instructor and carted off,presumably to be washed.Then they took showers, where they had to was thier partners and vice versa.The showers had no curtains, so the only thing anyone in te room could really look at was a nude girl, no matter where you turned you head.An instructor also patrolled the aisle between the two lines of showers, and he made no attempt to disguise his 'inspecting'.Then they would all be cuffed to their beds naked, the lights would shut off,and they would be left there untill morning when it started all over again.

I take pride in proving stories with more than blackmailed sex. I like my characters

Dignity Academy:http://www.getdare.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=43511

DA's Sequel, "Halloween, The return of Micheal Masters: http://www.getdare.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=45759
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Old 04-10-2010, 12:03 AM   #7
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Default Heres that non-sexual part

It was about the fourth day in when Maria first met him.They were walking down the hallway to breakfast as usual,when Maria noticed a door was open that was usually closed.As they passed by, she caught a glimpse of a boy who,under other circumstances, she wouldve asked for his phone number.He looked about her age and was dressed in all black.Black jeans and a black pullover shirt that was covered by a black leather jacket.On his hands he wore black fingerless gloves.His jet black hair flowed over one eye,but the visible on was a twinkling grey-blue that gave a slight fortaste of mischief.In simple terms: he was the hottest guy Maria'd ever seen.

She must have been staring at him, because he suddenly flashed her a pearly smile and a litte wave.She could tell he wasnt an instructor because of his clothes and something else.He's looking at my face.Maria suddenly realized.Every other male she'd seen in here had been looking at her boobs or her ass, or her pussy, but he was looking at her face, and it was a look that wasnt perverted.It looked like he was just seeing her as a pretty girl,not a pretty, mostly naked girl.

She looked around to make sure the instructor wasnt watching,and waved back, earning her a wider grin.Maddie shot her a questioning look, and she shrugged.Before she could continue her silent communication with the boy, the instructor leading them picked up the pace,and they left the boy and his doorway behind.

Once they had sat down at the table in the cafeteria and the instructor had drifted away Maria immediatly turned to Maddie. "Oh my gosh, you saw him right?" Maddie nodded. "Who is he?" Maria asked.Maddie shook her head. "I dunno, never seen him before." Cissa picked up on the conversation and asked about the boy, which attracted the interest of the other girls at the table.Maria gave them a description of the boy, and all of them said they had no clue who he was.

Throughout the day, Maria's thought kept floating back to the boy.During scripts,she let her thoughts stray and didnt notice the pain for the first time.Mr.Masters announced that the next day he would pick a new assistant,which put a damper on Maria's spirits,but didnt stop her thinking about him.Once again the collar races came at gym,and Maria and Maddie won.They were both given the matching tiaras and forced to wear them untill the class ended.The day seemed to pass quickly, and all too soon Maria found herself in the pitch dark room,lying naked and thinking of the boy.Slowly,one hand made its way down to her pussy,and one finger slipped ever so slightly inside.Then all the sudden,she felt something brush her cheek.

A tiny orange light flickered to life. and Maria turned to see the boy, grinning and holding a small red butane lighter,which was the source of the light.He was exactly as she remembered, except he had taken off the leather jacket.She snapped her hand up, and he smiled a little wider,but didnt say anything except "Hello!" Maria quickly tried to cover herself. "Uh...hi." He continued smiling. "You saw me this morning." he stated, looking pleased with himself. "Yes." she confirmed. "Um...who are you?" the boy frowned as if the question wasnt something he'd expected. "Im Jared." he answered lightly. "Maria." she responded. "I know," he said with a hint of amusement. "Maria Hadely, student number twenty-seven." She blinked. "How'd you..." he answered by pointing with his free hand at the tag on her collar. "Oh, right."

It dawned on Maria that he was laying next to her, between her and the wall.She was in bed, naked with a cute guy and cuffed down.She felt herself get wet and hoped the lighter's flame didnt light that far down.He didnt even seem to notice she was naked.To keep the conversation going, she asked; "Do you like, work here or..." he shook his head. "Naw, you know that old hag that was on TV a few days ago.Maria remembered the news interview with Miss Birch and nodded. "She's my aunt.So im stuck here too, and im not allowed to talk to anyone.Well, im not supposed to talk to anyone." Before Maria could reply, Maddie's voice flowed down from the top bunk.

"Maria?Is someone own there?" Jared gave her a pained look. "Ill have to talk later.If I get found here,my life ends." With that,he leaned over and pecked her on the cheek, then the lighter's flame dissapeared,and so did he,leaving Maria there rubbing her cheek and smiling stupidly.
I take pride in proving stories with more than blackmailed sex. I like my characters

Dignity Academy:http://www.getdare.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=43511

DA's Sequel, "Halloween, The return of Micheal Masters: http://www.getdare.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=45759
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Old 04-10-2010, 07:20 PM   #8
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Default The next part in the story....

The next day at breakfast, Maria told Maddie about her encounter with Jared.Maddie didnt seem too concerned. "Everyone has weird dreams when they first come to the school," She said. "It's normal." Maria tried to tell her it wasnt a dream, that he had really been right there, next to her.Maddie didnt listen, she just nodded and said. "Uh-huh." Eventually Maria grew frustrated and dropped the subject, sure that she'd see the mysterious boy again.

Eventually the time that Maria had been dreading came.In D101, Mr.Masters announced that Maria was to be his assistant for the week.He called her over and pulled her into his lap.As the class began the day's scripts, his hands began roving over her body, eventually finding thier way to areas they really didnt belong in.As he fondled her, he whisperd in her ear, and made her beg him to touch her.She knew now why Cissa prefered scripts.As he continued to toy with her, she let out a soft moan, which only served to excite his perverted mind.

Then, out of nowhere, smoke curled up from the east wall of the room.Before anyone could react, the smoke errupted into a small fire.It was quickly put out, but the room had filled with smoke, and D101 was cancelled for the day.The girls were taken back to the dorm and cuffed to their beds untill lunch, but Maria got away from Mr.Masters and his roving hands.She thought to herself that she was finally getting some good luck.

At lunch,the announcement was given that D101 would be cancelled for the rest of the week, due to extensive damage and investegation into the cause.It meant half a day of being locked into her bed and not allowed to say anything, but it meant that she wouldnt have to be a class assistant for a while at least.

In gym, the coach said they would be doing some actual excercises.He had them all strip off their uniforms and line up in rows.They then had to do several excercises naked, starting with jumping jacks(which the coach had picked for obvious reasons.) and moving through push-ups, squats, and stretches before finally ending in sit-ups.The sit ups were just as bad as the jumping jacks,because each partner had to hold the oter's feet down and count, which meant that they had nothing to look at but thier friend's exposed pussies.

Finally they were finished, and before long Maria was once again laying naked in the pitch darkness.It wasnt long before a gloved hand brushed her cheek and Jared's voice whispered in her ear. "Miss me?" Maria's spirits soared. "Where are you?" she asked timidly, still very aware of the fact that she was totally nude. "Same place as before." his reply came from the dark. "It's too bad I used up all my lighter's juice in that fire.I wish I could see you." he quickly added. "Not because your naked of course." Maria felt herself blush and she was glad he didnt have the lighter.

"The fire was you?" she asked, carefull to whisper so that Maddie wouldnt wake up and scare him away again. "Of course, I wasnt going to let that old perv do anything to you.Well, not anything I could stop anyway." Maria smiled to herself. "I guess thanks then." When Jared next spoke, he sounded pleased with himself. "You know how you could really thank me?" he asked smoothly. "Mmmhmm?" "A kiss." Maria blushed even deeper. "You already got one." Jared's hand brushed her cheek again, making her whole body tingle. "Oh, come on, I mean a real kiss.Please?" Maria wanted to do it, but she also wanted something else. "Only if you promise to come back."

She felt him come closer. "You wouldnt have to kiss me for that." he whispered.Then their lips met.Maria had never truly kissed a boy.Her mother was too hovering, and never liked the boys she did.She never knew what she'd been missing.For over a minute they were locked together, and everything else around Maria fell away.Jared was the only thing she knew, the only thing in her world.And then he was gone, leaving her the same way he had the night before:dazed, confused, but smiling in comforted bliss.
I take pride in proving stories with more than blackmailed sex. I like my characters

Dignity Academy:http://www.getdare.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=43511

DA's Sequel, "Halloween, The return of Micheal Masters: http://www.getdare.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=45759
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Old 04-13-2010, 04:47 PM   #9
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Despite thier conversation that night, it would be several days before Maria saw Jared again.In her mind, she wasnt worried.He had said he would come back,and she believed he would.The days went by as usual, minus D101.Maddie still wouldnt believe a word Maria said about Jared and his mysterious comings and goings.Cissa said she believed her, but Cissa would say anything to make someone feel better.Despite this, Maria knew she wasnt dreaming, and she knew that the fire hadnt been an accedent.Nothing and no one could convince her otherwise.

It was three days before D101 was supposed to reopen when Mr.Masters showed up in the dorms.He carried with him a large blue plastic box marked "Toys".As he entered the room, he announced why he had come. "We are sure," he said slickly. "That one of you started that fire in my classroom." He looked pointedly at Cissa, once again proving her ill luck. "However, since we cannot determine which one, you were all given a vacation from my class." Cissa breathed a sigh of relief, which earned her a dark glare. "However, I have some homework for you on your break." He opened the box and withdrew several objects. "These," he said with a grin. "Are called vibrators.You'll have a lot of fun with them." Maria bit her lower lip.She had never had anything except her own fingers in her pussy, and even that was rare.Mr.Masters passes them out quickly, distributing one for every pair of girls.He then ordered all of the girls on the top bunks to move down to the bottom ones with thier partners, and had all of them strip down to just thier collars.

Once he was satisfied with the arrangement, he continued his explanation. "These are specially made to be used in pairs.It's pretty simple, even for your little brains.One end goes into one of you, the other goes into, well the other of you!" he paused to enjoy the girls horrified looks. "Oh, and, this wont stop once you come back to class.They will be a permenant addition, to be used any time you are in the dorms.He stayed for a while to watch and comment as the girls all figured out what they were doing.For most of them, there was a little blood, which was promptly cleaned by on-hand assistants.Then each of them was told to embrace thier partners, in a sort of forced hug.Instructors came around to ensure that each pair was as close as possible, then hancuffed every girl's hands behind thier partner's back.This ensured that if they became uncomfortable or needed to change what arm they were laying on, they had to roll together, putting one girl on top of the other, with the vibrators between them.Mr.masters found this absolutely hilarious, untill he finally left the room.

Before long, the girls were covered in each other's juices, making the situation even more humiliating.Maria started to sob, and Maddie tried to comfort her friend, but due to the situation, it didnt help much.The treatment continued, and eventually Maria got used to feeling the invasive thing between her legs.She no longer orgasmed contantly, but instead stayed always on edge.Every now and then she would sart crying again, but not untill it was dark at night, and Maddie was alseep.At night things just all ame at once.She hated the dark, she hated this school, she especially hated Mr.Masters, and most of all, she hated how helpless she felt.And she missed Jared.As the days went by, she began to wonder if he'd been caught and locked up, like her.Her worst fear was never seeing him again.Cissa said that he was probably just having a harder time getting to the room after the increased security since the fire.Maddie took it as proof that Jared never really exsisted.It wasnt untill the night before D101 was due to start back that she could sleep well.That night, she was lying half awake, with Maddie next to her, dead asleep, when the best thing happened since her kiss with Jared.Well into the night, she felt fingertips run across the bare skin of her back, across her shoulder, and onto her cheek.Then a soft, familiar voice said the one thing she never expected to hear.

"I'm going to get you out of here." Then there was a soft kiss, just soft enough to feel on her cheek.And then, like a shadow in the darkness, he was gone.
I take pride in proving stories with more than blackmailed sex. I like my characters

Dignity Academy:http://www.getdare.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=43511

DA's Sequel, "Halloween, The return of Micheal Masters: http://www.getdare.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=45759
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Old 04-17-2010, 06:34 PM   #10
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The next week went by with a strange sense of brooding.Even though D101 started back up, Mr.Masters announced sullenly that he wouldnt be having a class assistant for a while.Something must have seriously ticked him off, because he couldnt think of anything but scripts for the girls to do the entire week.And even though they were still required to use the vibrators, he never stopped by anymore to watch or gloat.At first, Maria thought that he was simply in a bad mood, but then in gym, the coach announced that they would be doing nothing but collared races for the rest of the week.And all of the instructors watched over thier shoulders, as if they expected someone to be following them.

Then, about two days into the week, Maria started to see Jared.Not at night, when he normally came, but during the day, throughout the Academy.Once she spotted him in the rafters on the gym roof.He'd blown her a kiss and smiled, then dissapeared.The next day she couldve sworn she'd seen his twinkling eyes in the shadows of the dorm showers.Another time she caught a glimpse of a black figure ducking out of the cafeteria doors.But never once did he visit her at night.She sometimes wondered if he'd ever come back.

Despite the abnormalities of the week, the cogs kept turning inside of the Academy.The week was pretty laid back, but it still left Maria feeling nausious at night when she thought of the things she'd been forced to do during the day.One night as she lay awake, it dawned on her that she'd never be the same, even if she did get out of the Academy.She would never be able to think of sleeping without remembering the bunks and the vibrators, never be able to think of dancing without remembering stripping for the coach.And every time she saw a dog being walked she would remember being on a leash herself.She realized that her time here would scar her forever, and the thought made her cry.

She sobbed for a few minutes untill a rough hand gripped her shoulder.She looked up to see Mr.Masters standing menacingly above her.He uncuffed her and pulled her roughly out of the bed. "Youre coming with me." he growled. "Miss Birch wants to have a chat with you about your annoying little boyfriend." Maria tried to protest, but he stuffed a ball gag in her mouth and marched her to the door.She knew this wasnt going to be a fun talk.
I take pride in proving stories with more than blackmailed sex. I like my characters

Dignity Academy:http://www.getdare.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=43511

DA's Sequel, "Halloween, The return of Micheal Masters: http://www.getdare.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=45759
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Old 04-19-2010, 05:43 PM   #11
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Default The End

Here's the end of this one, but be on the lookout for the sequel!
__________________________________________________ _______________

Mr.Masters dragged Maria down the hallway.She was still naked.The hallways of the Academy seemed unusually cold. The only sound was Mr.Master's shoes clicking on the ground and Maria's heavy breathing as she struggled to keep up with the big man's pace.He pulled her towards the D101 classroom (which still had a large portion of the wall missing.) untill they came to one of the doors near the end of the hall.Maria, of course, hadnt really noticed the door before.She had never been herded through it, so she had never really contemplated the reason for it's existance.Only now that she was next to it could she read the stiff black lettering in the lower right corner that read:Administrative Office,Miss Birch.

Maria had never seen Miss Birch in person.She had thought that she wasnt actually at the Academy, which in retrospect, was a foolish notion.After seeing the interview on the news, the prospect of meeting the Academy's director was not one Maria looked forward to.All hope of avoiding her vanished, however, when Mr.Masters twisted the doorknob, swung the door open and pushed Maria roughly inside.He then followed her, closing the door firmly behind him with a smirk.

Maria had expected to find herself in some sort of dungeon or torture room, but her imagination was dissapointed.Instead she stood in a room that looked like an ordinary principal's office.It was neat and tidy, with metal filling cabnets and plush carpeted flooring.The only thing that seemed out of place was the art on the walls.It was just like the art in the reception room, abstract and disturbing.With a start, Maria realized it must be Miss Birch's painting.The architect of Maria's misery sat behind a desk in the back of the room, preserved just as Maria remembered from the news interview.As she watched, Miss Birch gestured with a clawlike hand, and Mr.Masters grabbed ahold of her slender shoulders and steered her into a chair on the other side of the desk from Miss Birch.

Once she'd sat down, Mr.Masters removed the ball gag and stepped out of the room, leaving Maria alone with Miss Birch.Nothing held her down but Miss Birch's focused glare.After a moment, the director spoke up. "My nephew has gone missing." she said shortly.Maria nodded, not sure how she was supposed to respond.Miss Birch narrowed her eyes. "I know he's been visiting you.I allowed it because it kept him content and away from my work." Maria wondered to herself how this could be work. "After the fire incedent, however, I was forced to confine him to his room.Everything was going well, untill a few nights ago when he mysteriously dissapeared." Maria nodded again, not liking where this was going. "Ever since, ive been sure he was still here, trying to gather evedince to take to the police against me and my Academy.Of course I couldnt allow this.I believe he's still here.And I believe You know where he's hiding."

"I dont!" Maria protested. "I havent seen him in a week." Miss Birch glared at her. 'You are lying young lady." she hissed. "I do not tolerate lying in my school." Her hand flew across the desk, weilding one of the instructor's shock sticks.It hit Maria on the cheek, making the entire right side of her face flare in pain, then go numb. "Now, do you want to tell me the truth?" maria looked up at her defiantly. "Imb noot lyin!" she said, her face still numb.Miss Birch sighed. "Very well then..."


It had been hours since the interrogation began.All over Maria's body, numbness lingered from the shock stick.Tracks ran down her face from crying.Her throat was dry from protesting.Miss Birch looked calm, and as fresh as she had when Maria had first been shoved in.Se was determined to get Maria to answer her with what she wanted to hear.The problem, of course, was that Maria didnt know.She couldnt give answers when she had no idea herself.Miss Birch simply wouldnt believe it though.She was absolutely certain Maria knew something about Jared's location.

As she raised the stick threatiningly again, a knock came from the door.Miss Birch glared at it for a second before shouting irately "I'm busy!" Then a familiar voice called out from the other side. "I think you'll want to make time." Miss Birch's eyes widened, then narrowed.Maria's feelings clashed between joy and fear as she wondered if Jared had any sort of plan, and hoped he wasnt going to get himself into trouble to save her. "Jared dear!" Miss Birch said sweetly. "Good to hear you!Do come in, your girlfriend is already waiting." She gave Maria a gloating smirk, to which Maria gave her a middle finger.Apparently, she was too preocupied to dispense discipline for the gesture.

When Jared responed a few seconds later, he sounded calm. "Door's locked aunty......" Miss Birch rose from behind the desk and grabbed her shock stick. "Well let me come open it for you." Maria wanted to shout a warning, but fear gripped her and her voice wouldnt obey her.Miss Birch crept over to the door.The look on her face said she was already planning how to punish Jared.

Slowly, she turned the lock on the door.It clicked softly, breaking the heavy silence that hung over the room.She slowly turned the handle, licked her lips in anticipation, and in one fluid motion, swung the door open and brought the stick down.Both she and Maria gasped as her wrist was gripped,not by Jared, but by.............a uniformed police officer!In the doorway stood three people.In the middle was a smirking Jared.To either side of him was a serious-looking police officer.As they pulled Miss Birch out and gave her her rights, Jared stepped in and grinned widely.He pulled her out of the chair and handed her a wad of clothes.She eyed the police officers and quickly slipped into them:A matching set of bra and panties, along with some jeans and a teeshirt.It felt almost strange to wear more than the DA uniform, but she was gratefull for it.Looking behind Jared, she could see girls being escorted out of the building by officers, also clothed, while other officers arrested intructors and took pictures of the Academy.

Even with everything going on around her, her eyes found thier way to Jared. "You did it." she said softly.He blushed a deep red, the only time she'd ever seen him embarassed.It was cute. "Well, I promised." he replied.They stood there a few minutes, and then she wrapped her arms around him and pulled him close.As thier lips met, she finally felt it was over.She could go home.She wouldve been content to stay there, in that moment for an eternity, but all too soon Jared pulled away.

"I have to go help the police finish this." he said.She tried not to look dissapointed, but it mustve showed. "Dont worry, ill find you again as soon as im done." he assured her quickly.Maria looked up at him playfully. "You promise?" she asked.He grinned, showing a row of white teeth. "Of course." She nodded, and allowed him to lead her to an officer who escorted her out of the doors of the Academy.She breathed in the air.The sun was just rising.And it wasnt just in the sky.


Maria was in bed at home.Not cuffed to it, and still fully clothed.She had watched the whole thing on TV.All of the Academy's instructors were convicted, along with Miss Birch.Mr.Masters, who's name really was Micheal Masters, had escaped, but it did little to dampen Maria's spirits.All the girls were returned home, and it was agreed that with a little tutoring, they would progress to the next grade as they should have.With Jared's testemony and the pictures from the Academy, Miss Birch would be in prison for a long time.

What was more, Maria's mother was giving her pretty much whatever she wanted.And as another added bonus, it turned out that Maddie and Cissa lived within three blocks of her.The only thing that Maria had to worry about was Jared.It had been nearly a week since the trial, and she hadnt seen any sign of him.She knew he would come though.He always did.

She clicked off the lamp beside her bed and rolled over to sleep.Just before she did though, a gloved hand brushed her cheek,sending tingles down her spine, and a soft voice whispered; "Miss me?" Maria rolled over.In the darkness she couldnt see him, but she knew where he was.Right where she wanted him.Right next to her. "You're late." she whispered.He brushed her cheek again. "I have a question." he said ruefully.Maria arched an eyebrow. "Uh-huh?" it was a second before he asked. "Would you marry me?" she laughed. "Im fourteen Jared!" she giggled.He contemplated it a moment, then said "Alright then, would you be my fiancee untill we can get married?" she leaned into him and whispered,so softly that she could barely hear herself. "I promise."


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I take pride in proving stories with more than blackmailed sex. I like my characters

Dignity Academy:http://www.getdare.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=43511

DA's Sequel, "Halloween, The return of Micheal Masters: http://www.getdare.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=45759

Last edited by Leopard; 03-26-2011 at 05:22 AM.
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