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Old 07-18-2016, 08:23 AM   #1
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Default Omegle Fun

I have created a new Getdare account, here is the link to the old story thread under my old account name - http://www.getdare.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=264594

Please know that some stories may involve me pretending to be a girl, I am in fact a guy, and I will tell you when I have or have not actually completed the dares given (and assume I have made substitutions to dares to accommodate the fact that I am a guy).

Thank you, and please enjoy.
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Old 07-18-2016, 08:38 AM   #2
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Posts: 110
Default Spanking / Wedgie

In this dare, I played the part of an 18 year old girl, I did give myself all the spankings required.


You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You both like Spanking.
Stranger: M 19. Hi
You: 18 F NY, I want a quick spanking because I need to leave the house soon for dinner, would you please help? I do have Kik for pictures later if requested.
Stranger: I don't have kik but sure
You: Haha thats fine, just was offering in case you wanted proof
Stranger: Gotcha. So rp or like dares?
You: Well i'm going to do what you say, like right now haha
You: So this is all real lol
Stranger: Hotttt
You: ; )
Stranger: What are you wearing?
You: holister t-shirt, shorts, and solid black panties
Stranger: Alright, I want you to lay on your stomach on your bed. Start smacking your ass over the shorts bare handed.
Stranger: Feet on the floor.
You: Ok..
Stranger: Now pull those pants down.
You: Done
Stranger: Resume the spanking. Alternate left and right cheeks, and every ten or so, deliver a good hard one to your sit spot.
You: Keep going?
Stranger: Alright. Get up, and go to your kitchen. Get a wooden spoon or rubber spatula.
You: Err...ok give me like 2mins
You: Okay, i got a wooden spoon.
Stranger: Assume the position again, and start spanking yourself over the panties with the spoon.
You: starting to sting a bit
Stranger: I think it's time we started working on your bare ass. Use your non-spanking hand and pull your panties into a nice tight wedgie so your cheeks are exposed.
You: ok its wedged up there
Stranger: Now blister those little cheeks of yours. Really go to town.
You: okayyy
You: owww ok that really stings on my bare cheeks lol
Stranger: You're a bratty little girl that needs a spanking.
You: But it hurtsss
You: its getting a little pink in my mirror
Stranger: Keep going until your ass is red as a lobster.
You: oh god
You: This might take awhile, its only now just getting really pink
You: stings like hell every hit though
Stranger: Now with each smack, I want you to yell through the house, "I, (your name), am I naughty child who deserves a spanking." Count each one up to 20.
You: Ummmmm my dad is in the house, I can't yell
Stranger: And you're doing this? Bold.
You: Hahaha well I am realllly hoping he can't hurt the smacks
Stranger: I think you're about good by now. Go ahead and pull your pants back on. Don't fix your panties, though. I want you to remember this little lesson through dinner.
You: ugh thats uncomfortable lol
You: My bum is a bit red now
You: Do you think I need to do anything else?
Stranger: Now go replace the spoon where you got it. I want your family to use it for cooking without knowing where it's been.
You: Lmfaoooo
You: Ok ill do that when I go back down for dinner :P
You: Btw, my name is Sammy, what's yours?
Stranger: Gil.
You: Nice : )
Stranger: I had fun here. I'm usually not into the dare stuff this much.
You: Well I thank you for giving me this spanking Gil.
You: Is there anything else you wish for me to do?
Stranger: Hmm... I challenge you to somehow work the way spank into your speech or texts three times tonight. You can pretend it's a mistake, autocorrect, or whatever, but I want you to have to try to hide your kink in plain sight.
Stranger: Word, not way.
You: Oh my....ok i'll try to.....that'll be difficult.
Stranger: That's the point. I'm a demanding guy, but you seem audacious.
You: Lol
You: Well then, if that will be all, it was nice speaking with you
Stranger: And you. Have a good one.
You: You too.

Last edited by SammyWhammi; 07-18-2016 at 08:54 AM.
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Old 07-18-2016, 08:48 AM   #3
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Join Date: Jul 2016
Posts: 110
Default Wedgie / Swirly

I did not play a role here, all personal details are true, and I did all of the instructions given to me. Enjoy!


You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You both like wedgie.
You: I have been quite naughty, please punish me with a wedgie, a spanking, or whatever you see fit.
Stranger: kik?
You: Yes, I have kik
Stranger: asl?
You: Would prefer to chat here for awhile
You: 18 M NY
Stranger: ok cool
Stranger: im 18 m TN
You: Alrighty : )
Stranger: so you been naughty?
You: Yes I have
You: I have been gambling a lot recently
Stranger: oooo
Stranger: hmm... any limits nerd?
You: Public, hanging (i suck at it lol), ill let u know if someone crosses my limits
Stranger: excellent
Stranger: so you wanna just talk or be punished rn?
You: Both
You: Although I only have about a half hour
Stranger: ok then. give yourself an atomic and tell me about yourself
You: Lol, my undies don't stretch that far
Stranger: then rip them over your head
You: Err, I can try, but I am not that strong lmao
Stranger: lol good to know
Stranger: so after the wedgie tell me about yourself
You: Ok def cant rip them lol, got them to like mid-back
Stranger: good enough
Stranger: so care to do a squeaky clean?
You: I can do that.
Stranger: also my kik is [REDACTED] if you wanna talk more after omegle : )
You: Alright i will keep that in mind
You: How would you like me to do the squeaky clean
Stranger: alternate pulling both hands each side
You: Ok, how many times, or just keep going until you say stop?
You: Johnny?
Stranger: go till i say stop
Stranger: sorry parents walked in lol
You: Ok, starting now.
Stranger: good
Stranger: stop
You: Oww i forgot how much that hurt my balls
Stranger: lol
You: Well my undies are significantly stretched out now...
Stranger: lol i should call you sammy stretch
Stranger: X D
You: Lol
Stranger: ok now do... a permanent wedgie
You: Huh?
Stranger: aka a shoulder wedgie
You: Oh
You: let me see if itll stretch that far...
You: cant get it that high
Stranger: ok
Stranger: idk lol
You: I got it like halfway up my arm lol
Stranger: sweet
You: Like i can keep the wedgie going on by hooking the undies to where my arms bend
Stranger: ok do that
You: ok
You: damn it hurts my arms too lol
Stranger: lol
Stranger: wanna stop?
You: up to u
Stranger: ok lets stop
You: thank u lol
Stranger: lol
Stranger: you have fun?
You: Yes, not really too painful lol
Stranger: lol
You: What now? : )
Stranger: idk
Stranger: what undies do you wear
You: Do u want to do anything else to me?
You: I mainly wear boxer briefs, but i have a couple briefs and boxers for wedgies and what not
Stranger: lol
Stranger: i wear briefs
You: briefs or tighty whities? lol
Stranger: an wanna just talk?
Stranger: tigty whities
You: Lol
You: Ya we can talk if u are sure u dont want to give me anymore wedgies or spankings or anything
Stranger: how about a swirly
You: Oh god
You: Ummm I guess I can, ima bout to take a shower anyways lol
You: Ive only done it once before, and i barely got my hair wet
You: too scared
Stranger: you better dunk your whole head in nerd X D
You: Okkkk, just in normal water?
Stranger: yes
Stranger: for now
You: I can keep my mouth closed right?
Stranger: yes
You: Okay.
You: Do u want me to do it right now?
Stranger: actually do you need to go to the restroom?
You: Umm I can try to pee. I just went poop like 30 mins ago tho
Stranger: piss yourself then do a swirly X D
You: piss myself? like in my undies? or in the toilet? lol
Stranger: undies
You: I honestly can't do it, I have tried many times and my body refuses to pee itself lmao
Stranger: i understand then in the toilet
You: Ok let me try.
You: Ok i was able to go
Stranger: good swiry time
You: ughhh im scared
Stranger: do it
Stranger: do it
Stranger: do it
You: Fine. do i put my head in first or my face??
Stranger: face
You: Ok... i cant believe im doing this
You: ok im gonna do it
You: ughhh im so scared lol
Stranger: lol do it
You: Ok i am going to do it, I can't back out
Stranger: i'm proud of you
You: Ok at 3:38 i am going to do it
Stranger: it is 3:38
You: ok its time, here we go : (
Stranger: you can do it
You: oh my god i cant believe i did that
Stranger: X D
You: oh god that was so gross
Stranger: awesome job
You: my face smells like pee
Stranger: X D
Stranger: i wish i could see
You: sry i dont want to send face pics
Stranger: np
You: ew god this is gross lol
Stranger: X D
You: ughh ew, anything else u want me to do now?
Stranger: noogie
You: okayyy, tell me when to stop
Stranger: ok
Stranger: stop
You: good lord
You: hurt a little and felt gross bc theres pee in my hair.
Stranger: X D
Stranger: ok i gtg, ttyl
You: see ya bud, ill add u on kik
Stranger: : )
Stranger has disconnected.

Last edited by SammyWhammi; 07-18-2016 at 08:53 AM.
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Old 07-18-2016, 08:53 AM   #4
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Default Wedgie / Spanking / Toothpaste

I played the role of an 18 year old girl here again, and I gave myself all punishments given


You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You both like wedgie.
Stranger: Hi
You: Hello, I have been quite a bad girl, will you please punish me? You can give me a wedgie, a spanking, a swirly, or whatever you see fit.
Stranger: How old and what type of underwear
You: 18, regular panties
Stranger: How have you been bad my dear
You: I called my momma a b***h earlier today and she's really upset
Stranger: Come here *grabs you by your panties*
You: Oooooooooww
Stranger: *spanks you 100 times*
You: 100 times?! give me a minute to do so!
Stranger: Do you have kik?
You: No i do not
Stranger: Okay i wanted to personally punish you let me know when your done
You: Ok i just finishedd
Stranger: Put yourself in a atomic and say you're sorry
You: My undies dont stretch that far tho
Stranger: Shoulder wedgie then
You: Ok that I think i can do
Stranger: Good
You: oww ok i did it
Stranger: What did she say
You: who?
Stranger: I told you to tell your mom sorry
You: Not with this wedgie in!!
Stranger: Put a shirt over it
You: Helllll no
Stranger: Fine take it out and tell her
You: OK
You: brb
Stranger: Okay
You: She said its okay, but she is still going to punish me later.
Stranger: How does she punish you
You: she usually spanks me with the hairbrush
Stranger: Thats cute
You: no its not!!
Stranger: Yeah it is
You: no it hurts and its embarressing!!!!
Stranger: Life lesson don't call her a bitch *pulls your panties as high as they can go*
You: Owwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Stranger: Come on lets go to the bathroom *drags you by them*
You: ow ow wo owowowo wowow owo wo wowo that hurtssss
Stranger: Put your head in
You: in what... *worried look*
Stranger: What do you think *i smile*
You: the sink...? : D
Stranger: Nope
You: the shower?
Stranger: No
You: The trashcan....?
Stranger: *gets you to your knees*
You: oh noo
Stranger: Any requests before hand
You: please be gentle : |
Stranger: Haha i'm surprised you're not trying to bribe me
You: i ummm, u can spank me more! I realllllly dont want to go in there!!
Stranger: Gotta do better
You: ummmmmmm, oh! I have toothpaste and i know it hurts, i can do something with that, idk, whatever u want!!!!
Stranger: Explain?
You: the toothpaste thing?
Stranger: Yes*still holding you by your panties*
You: owwwww ok um i got dared once to put toothpaste on my crack and it reallllly burned
Stranger: *puts toothpaste in both sides of your panties and flosses it*
You: owwwwww fuck that hurts
Stranger: *kisses cheek* sorry but i have to
You: *whimpering*
Stranger: Learned your lesson?
Stranger has disconnected.
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Old 09-05-2016, 10:50 PM   #5
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Default Wedgie/Spanking RP

Playing the part of a 19 year old girl from New York. Yes I did everything it said in the chat.

Stranger: hi
You: Hello : )
Stranger: asl
You: f 19 ny
You: u?
Stranger: 18 m
Stranger: tell me an embarrassing thing about yo
You: I really love being called baby girl
Stranger: thats not that embarrassing lol
You: i think it is lol
You: i like being treated like a little girl
Stranger: ok, is this like a fetish thing?
You: eh idk if i would call it a fetish, i just like it : )
Stranger: lol, you can admit if its a fetish or kink or whatever, there are no consequences
You: ok it may kinda be, i like being treated like i'm younger and inferior, and i like being spanked a little bit like i used to when i was a little girl
Stranger: alot of people are like that so your not that weird, depending on how far you take it
You: good : )
You: how about u?
Stranger: i guess i have a weird kink too
Stranger: i like giving girls wedgies
You: im into wedgies a little bit
Stranger: really lol, didnt think anyone else was
You: nah there are plenty of people that too
Stranger: thats good haha
You: would be kinda nice if u were here to maybe give me a little wedgie and a light spanking haha
Stranger: what panties are you wearing right now
You: i'm actually wearing boyshorts and they're black
Stranger: cool lol
Stranger: i got an idea actually
You: hmm?
Stranger: we should rp
You: Oh ya? : )
Stranger: we can do something where i am a babysitter and you are a kid and i have to punish you
You: Sounds like a great idea : )
Stranger: in this rp could you be wearing a diaper or is that too weird
You: eh not into diapers lol
You: im good with just some cute little girl undies : )
Stranger: those are great too, i love the white kind that have some kinda print on them, like flowers
You: sec
Stranger: ok
You: found some super cute ones : )
Stranger: i love it, do you wanna start
You: mmm i'm not good at starting lol, u do it : )
Stranger: Ok
Stranger: *your parents leave and I walk up to you and say "Hi there"
You: *looking way up* "hiya! whats your name?"
Stranger: "My name is Nick, and Im gonna be taking care of you tonight"
You: "Hey Nick, my names Sammy, but u probably know that, what do u wanna do? : ) "
Stranger: "What did YOU want to do?
You: "wanna play barbie with me? : D"
Stranger: "ok sure"
You: "yay!! ok come with me!!"
Stranger: *I follow you
You: "do u wanna be ken?"
Stranger: "ok sure"
You: "k cool, lets go shopping!!!"
Stranger: "Ok" *we play for a few hours until it is later into the night
You: "Nick i'm hungry!!! can u make mac and cheese?"
Stranger: "didnt you eat already before i came here"
You: "well ya but im hungry again!!"
Stranger: "you should be full by now, and its time to go to bed anyway"
You: "nooooooo i want mac and cheese!!!!!!!"
Stranger: "stop acting like this or you will get a spanking"
You: "ya right my mommy would never tell u u could spank me!"
Stranger: *i pick you up and hold you over my legs "im sorry i have to do this"
You: "NO!!! U CANT SPANK ME!!!!"
Stranger: *i spank you once "yes i can"
Stranger: *i spank you again
Stranger: *i spank you again "are you going to stop now"
You: "no it doesnt even really hurt me, i still want mac and cheese!!!!"
Stranger: *i spank again but a little harder "are you sure?"
You: "ok ok fine it hurt a little, please stop it!!"
Stranger: *i spank you again "you need to learn your lesson"
You: "ok ok ive learned!!!!!"
Stranger: "do you still want mac and cheese?"
You: "yup!"
Stranger: "ok i guess im done with spanking then"
You: "yay!!! mac and cheese time!!!"
Stranger: "no i think now its wedgie time"
You: "whats a wedgy?"
Stranger: "you want me to show you?"
You: "yeah yeah yeah!!!!! : D"
Stranger: *i grab the back of your underwear while i still have you lying on my legs "are you ready?"
You: "why are u holding onto my undies?"
Stranger: "because of this" i pull up on them quickly "WEDGIE!!!"
Stranger: *I keep pulling "but you said you stil want mac and cheese"
Stranger: *i hold the underwear down lower to make the wedgie smaller "are you sorry"
Stranger: "Ok just another quick pull to make sure you learned your lesson
You: *sobbing*
Stranger: "im sorry but i have to do this" *i pull up one last time to give a gigantic wedgie and then let go
You: "owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww that hurt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Stranger: "im very sorry but i had to make sure you would behave, i didnt mean to make you cry"
You: "they feel all weird now!!"
Stranger: "im sorry but you had to learn."
You: "I HATE YOU!!!!!!!" *starting running to my room*
Stranger: *i knock on the door
You: "go away!"
Stranger: "im sorry about this, come out i want to hug you"
You: *still sobbing a little* "promise u wont hurt me?"
Stranger: "yes i promise, you can even wedgie me back if that'll make you feel better"
You: "really?!?!"
You: *opens the door*
Stranger: *i hug you when you come out
You: "i'm sorry i said i hate u"
Stranger: "its ok"
You: "can i really wedgy u though?"
Stranger: "yeah haha, why not
You: "sweet!!! wait how do i do it?"
Stranger: "just do what i did haha, you dont remember"
You: "not really, it was really fast and really hurt!!!"
Stranger: "the only person i could show you how to do it on is you haha"
You: "ughhh cant u just tell me?"
Stranger: "this will be more fun"
You: "ughhhhh : ("
Stranger: "this is the best way i can show you"
You: "fine fine, please dont do it too hard"
Stranger: "ok i wont and besides, this will get you ready for when you get one of these at school" * i grab the back of your underwear
You: "at school?! no way"
Stranger: "you never know, you seem like the type of girl to get alot of wedgies at school"
You: "whats the mean? : ("
You: "im always so good!! who would want to hurt me?"
Stranger: "there are mean people out there who will do this to you for fun"
You: "for fun?! this is horrible though!!"
Stranger: "you might end up getting a wedgie everyday"
You: "EVERYDAY?!?!?!"
Stranger: "dont worry you'll get used to it haha"
You: "nooo they hurt so much though and my undies are all stretchy now "
Stranger has disconnected.
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Old 09-09-2016, 01:46 AM   #6
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Posts: 110
Default Wedgies

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You both like wedgie, and wedgies.
You: heyy
Stranger: Do you like wedgies
You: Yes I do : )
You: Just bought some new tighty whities : )
Stranger: Yes
Stranger: Are you gonna wedgie now
You: I'm looking to show them off and have you give them a little tug to break 'em in over kik, M 18 : )
Stranger: I don't have it : (
You: awwww, well u can still direct me to do some stuff here if u want : )
Stranger: Hang?
You: thats the one thing i cant do lol : (
You: for some reason i can never get it to work!
Stranger: Atomic
You: ...they're brand new lol
Stranger: Get someone to wedgie you
You: err...its 4:24am hahaha
Stranger: Haha just give yourself a good Ol original wedgie
You: Yes sir! Just tell me when to stop pullin!
Stranger: Harder
You: oww yes sir
Stranger: Now melvin as well
You: at the same time?
Stranger: Yep
You: Yes sir.
Stranger: Pull higher
Stranger: Send me a photo
You: U dont have kik tho lol
Stranger: Insta?
You: dont have it lol
You: god can i please stop pulling
Stranger: Yes my turn
You: thank u lord
Stranger: My turn
You: What?
Stranger: Wedgie
You: Oh!
You: Are you wearing tighty whities?
Stranger: No purple boxer briefs
You: Do you have any briefs?
Stranger: Yep
You: Put them on please.
You: Color?
Stranger: They are white
Stranger: Okay there on!!
You: Perfect, are they on?
You: Good.
You: Begin pulling slowly on the back
Stranger: Yep
You: A little harder...
Stranger: Ouch
You: Now with your other hand, pull the front with the same strength
Stranger: Mmmm
You: Now stop pulling the back, with all your might pull the front!
Stranger: Ahhhh
Stranger: That hurt so bad
Stranger: Keep pulling?
You: Yes.
You: Stop
You: Do not remove the wedgie
You: Pull again from the back, switch every 10 seconds until I say stop.
Stranger: Ahh my ass
Stranger: Yes master
You: Stop
You: How are you feeling now?
Stranger: Hvvjbjghfhvjgjg it's riding so high
You: You may remove it
Stranger: Oh thank you master
You: Are u okay?
Stranger: Yes
You: Good
You: Now I believe it is my turn.
Stranger has disconnected.
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dare, omegle, spanking, wedgie

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