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Old 04-14-2015, 02:11 PM   #1
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Default More than just friends

This is a story that I've been working on for a while now... I intend it to be a bit more detailed and in-depth than my last one, though many of the themes are similar. I'm hoping that it will turn into a long story with the two protagonists as they go through college etc, in fact I'm hoping to make it the longest story on getdare

Here goes!

High school was over. It was now the long summer before University started. And what a summer it was turning out to be. Temperatures in Southern California were reaching almost 110 degrees. No school work. No deadlines. No worries.

For Sam, this meant time to relax, to work on his tan, to swim and surf in the sea every day. To make things even better, his parents were going for a long weekend in Texas. Visiting some friends or something. It didn’t matter to him, he was more interested in the fact that he’d have the house to himself for a weekend. He’d already arranged for his best friend, Charlie to come round.

Sam was watching TV when the doorbell went. He jumped up and checked himself out in the mirror, more out of habit than anything else. He ran his hands through his short dark hair, making it stick up a bit. His clear jawline was covered in light stubble, the way he preferred it. He noticed his arms were looking particularly muscular today. ‘God I’m vain’ he thought to himself as he snapped himself out of his preening routine and walked to the door.

‘What took you so long buddy?!’ Charlie said with a laugh as Sam opened the door. ‘Checking yourself out in the mirror again? I swear you’re worse than Laura!’. Laura was Charlie’s ex-girlfriend.

‘Yeah yeah, whatever, gotta look good in case it was a hot chick at the door wanting my number’ Sam joked. The two boys walked inside the house. The temperature outside was already in the high 80s, and it was only just gone 10 o clock.

‘How about going for a swim?’ Sam suggested. Sam’s house looked out onto the beach. In fact it wasn’t just a house, it was a mansion. Sam’s parents were very rich, and had bought this house 3 years ago. Sam loved it, it was great for parties – there was a pool, a rooftop garden, a Jacuzzi and the beach was right there.

‘Sure!’ said Charlie. The waves weren’t looking great today, so it wasn’t worth surfing. Sam was already wearing his swim shorts, but Charlie went to the bathroom to get changed. Meanwhile Sam walked out across the decking behind his house and onto the beach, to the water’s edge. He waited a minute before he began to hear running behind him. Just as he turned round, he caught sight of Charlie running towards him, his blonde hair glistening in the sun. And then Charlie hit Sam with full force, tackling him into the water. Sam came up gasping for breath, trying to locate Charlie. When he had got his bearings, he splashed Charlie with the water, who splashed back. Charlie was already topless, and the water made his tanned torso glisten and shine. Sam stood up and pulled off his sopping wet t-shirt, throwing it onto the sand.

‘Dick’ Sam said with a Laugh.

The pair swam out a bit until they were a good 100 yards from the shore. Sam had been on the high school swim team and was very much at home in the water. Far more than Charlie, who was a bit afraid when he could no longer touch the bottom.

‘Did you feel that?’ Sam asked.

‘What?’ asked Charlie

‘Something brushed against my leg’

‘What the fuck? Dude don’t joke’ Charlie looked terrified

‘I’m not joking, I just felt it again’ Sam said, wide-eyed. Suddenly he disappeared under the water. Charlie whirled around looking for Sam, until he felt something on his own leg, pulling him down. As soon as he was under the water he realized what it was. Sam was looking up at him, beaming a mocking grin. Sam let go and swam back up to the surface. Charlie splashed him again ‘you bastard’ he shouted. Charlie grabbed Sam by the shoulders and pushed him back under the water. The good-natured joking was nothing unusual between the boys. They had pulled practical jokes on one another since they had become friends in 5th grade.

‘You nearly had a heart attack, you should have seen your face!’ Sam laughed. The boys swam back to the shore, noticing a young couple on the beach belonging to next-door, and laid on the beach without talking for a few minutes.

23m, UK

184cm / 160lbs / straight

Likes: Cum eating / porn control / shaving / underwear control / pics / speedos / commando / masturbation / exercise

Limits: face pics / family / public / poo / pee / pain / friends

PM dares:
Commando - I will take off my underwear for the rest of the day
Speedos - I will wear speedos for the rest of the day
Picture - I will email you a picture of myself
Porn - Send me a video or picture for me to jerk to
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Old 04-14-2015, 02:14 PM   #2
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‘Hungry?’ Sam asked

‘Very’ Charlie replied. Sam led Charlie inside, rinsing off the sand in the outdoor shower on the way. It was only now that Sam noticed how incredible toned Charlie’s body was. Charlie was a tennis player, had played since he could hold a racket and was now just about the best 18 year old in the state. Sam had seen Charlie topless before, swimming and surfing, but had never really noticed his physique in this way. Meanwhile, Charlie happened to be thinking the same thing about Sam. Sam’s abs formed a defined ‘V’ as they plunged into his shorts. He had a six pack, though it was nowhere near as defined as his own.

In the kitchen Sam asked what Charlie wanted to eat.

‘Just a sandwich or something’ he replied.

‘How about some pizza, I ordered some last night but couldn’t finish it’ Sam suggested.

‘Unlike you to not finish something’ Charlie said, taking a slice. ‘Or are you trying to catch up with me and my toned body?’ he joked, flexing his right bicep.

‘Your biceps are only big because you jack off so much!’ Sam retorted,
‘whereas I usually have a girl to do that for me’ he said, winking at Charlie. Fair enough, it was true, Sam had had a girlfriend until a month ago.
Once they had finished their pizza, Sam and Charlie went out onto the terrace outside with a bottle of Budweiser each and sat on the chairs, looking out to sea.

‘Are you looking forward to University?’ Charlie asked

‘Kind of, I’m not looking forward to saying goodbye to all my friends… But then I can’t wait to see a new place and try new things…’ he said.

‘I know how you feel’ replied Charlie. ‘At least we’re going together hey?’

‘Haha, don’t go all soppy on me Charlie, do you know how gay that sounded?!’ Sam mocked. Both boys laughed.

When their beers were finished, the boys went inside and up to Sam’s room. It was almost too hot outside to stay in the sun. After an hour of playing video games, Charlie turned to Sam.

‘How about a game of truth or dare?’

‘Truth or dare?! Has that beer gone to your head? We’re not 14 year old girls!’ Sam laughed

‘No I mean a proper game! Something a bit more daring’ Charlie clarified.

‘Ok I guess’ Sam agreed. ‘So long as whatever we say or do stays between the two of us!’

‘Agreed. Well, I’ll start, truth or dare?’

‘Truth, obviously’ Sam said, sticking out his tongue.

Charlie thought for a moment. ‘How many girls have you had sex with?’

Sam pretended to count. He held up his fingers and stared upwards as if trying to recollect. Charlie’s eyes widened when he moved onto his second hand.

‘Haha, only 5’ Sam said

‘Phew, I thought it was going to be like 10!’ Charlie said

‘Truth or dare?’ Sam asked Charlie.

‘I’ll go for a truth as well’

‘Boring! Ok, have you ever shaved your pubic hair?’ Sam asked.

‘No! I do keep it nice and trimmed though’ Charlie explained. ‘Laura preferred it that way. Truth or dare?’

Sam chose truth again.

‘When was the last time you jacked off?’ Charlie asked.

‘Ummm’ Sam thought for a moment ‘the day before yesterday, when I woke up’ he stated

Charlie laughed ‘morning wood?’

‘Uhuh, it just wasn’t going away!’ Sam sneered. ‘Truth or dare?’

‘Ok I’ll go for a dare then’ Charlie said reluctantly.

Sam thought hard. ‘I dare you to go and change into your underwear’

‘Sure’ Charlie said, and got up and found his underwear in Sam’s bathroom. He quickly pulled off his shorts and pulled on his white Hollister boxer-briefs and came back into Sam’s bedroom. Sam wolf-whistled jokingly. Charlie’s bulge was clearly visible, and relatively sizeable. Sam reflected for a moment that he had never actually seen Charlie in such little clothing. Nor had he seen his dick. Wait, was he actually thinking about his friends dick?! He shook his head and snapped out of it.

Charlie sat back down. ‘Truth or dare?’

‘Guess I’ll have to go for dare now’ Sam chose

‘Ok I dare you to get a boner under your shorts!’ Charlie dared

Sam slipped a hand under his swim shorts and began to massage his cock. It responded instantly, becoming larger and larger in his hand, until a nice tent had formed in his shorts.

Charlie was laughing ‘nice tent dude!’. Sam felt simultaneously embarrassed and turned on at the knowledge that he had just touched his cock and got an erection with his best friend in the room. He put the thought out of his mind and asked Charlie the question.

‘I’ll go for a truth’

Sam thought again, and eventually asked ‘Have you ever tasted your own cum?’

23m, UK

184cm / 160lbs / straight

Likes: Cum eating / porn control / shaving / underwear control / pics / speedos / commando / masturbation / exercise

Limits: face pics / family / public / poo / pee / pain / friends

PM dares:
Commando - I will take off my underwear for the rest of the day
Speedos - I will wear speedos for the rest of the day
Picture - I will email you a picture of myself
Porn - Send me a video or picture for me to jerk to
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Old 04-14-2015, 02:23 PM   #3
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Thank you! I look forward to seeing what's to come!
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Old 04-14-2015, 04:53 PM   #4
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‘Err, haha!’ Charlie stumbled over his words.

‘I won’t judge, and I’m not going to be telling anyone!’ Sam said

‘Ok well yes, I have’ Charlie admitted. ‘I was just really curious one day and decided to try it after I jerked off. It doesn’t taste too bad’

‘Fair enough’ Sam said. Sam had always wondered what it tasted like but had never actually tried it. ‘I’ll pick a truth as well’

‘Have you ever been caught masturbating?’ Charlie asked.

‘No, never’ he answered honestly. ‘Have you?’

‘Haha yes, awkwardly…’ Charlie responded. ‘My big brother caught me twice about a year ago, I was watching porn at the time as well, which was embarrassing. And then once my big sister caught me having sex with Laura’.

Both boys laughed hard. Charlie asked the next question: ‘Have you got any sex toys?’

Sam blushed slightly. ‘Yeah, me and Sarah had some handcuffs, a vibrator, a blindfold, a dildo and a fleshlight’ he admitted, walking over to his bed and pulling out a box from underneath. He showed the contents to Charlie. ‘She took the vibrator when we split up, but I’ve got the rest’. Charlie showed particular interest in the dildo and the fleshlight.

‘I’ve never seen one of these’ said Charlie, holding up the fleshlight. ‘What is it?’

‘Basically you lube up your cock and fuck it like a pussy’ Sam explained.

Charlie smiled, pushing a finger through the fake pussy lips. ‘Ok, truth or dare for you?’

Charlie looked up confused. ‘Oh, dare!’

‘Ok, since you’re wearing white underwear, I dare you to go swimming in the sea, and swim up to the section of beach belonging to next-door, where that couple were sunbathing. Go and say hello to them, and have a conversation with them’.

‘Ok… Hardly a dare is it?’ Charlie replied, confused.

‘Well, it is, because your boxer-briefs are going to go see-through when they get wet!’ Sam explained, smirking at his own genius. The realization hit Charlie and his eyes widened.

‘I can’t do that, they’ll see my junk!’ Charlie protested.

‘Exactly!’ Sam mocked, ‘that’s why it’s a dare, no backing out!’

Charlie knew he couldn’t decline the dare. The two boys walked out onto the beach again and Sam stood and watched as Charlie, dressed only in his white boxer-briefs, waded into the water and began to swim to the left, arcing round towards next door’s beach.

Charlie was feeling nervous. The couple on the beach were still there, and they were about to see his junk through his transparent underwear. He hoped the material was thick enough to not turn see-through. He knew it wasn’t… As he approached the beach, he stood in the water and re-arranged his package so that it didn’t show too much, then walked up the beach, out of the water, and up to the couple. He looked down at his underwear. Shit, they were totally see-through. He decided to pretend he hadn’t noticed.
‘Hey! Beautiful day!’ he said to the couple. The girl looked round at him and her eyes immediately snapped down to his package. She raised her eyebrows. Her boyfriend then looked round. His eyes were drawn to the same place.

‘Yeah I guess it is’ the female said. She was wearing a white bikini. Charlie couldn’t keep his eyes off her. For a moment he was scared that he would pop a boner. ‘Lovely day for swimming’ she added

‘Uhuh, and for sunbathing’ Charlie managed. The boyfriend was thankfully taking this quite well. He actually looked amused.

‘I like your shorts’ the boyfriend said with a smirk.

‘Thanks’ Charlie said ‘It’s the first time I’ve worn them actually’

‘Almost as revealing as my bikini’ the girl added with a giggle. Charlie couldn’t take much more. He ignored the girl.

‘Well enjoy your day, see you around!’ Charlie said, with a wave, and walked off back toward Sam. As he arrived, Sam was bent over laughing. As he picked himself up, he looked at Charlie’s underwear. His cock and balls weren’t entirely visible, but one could make out the dark patch of his pubes above his junk, and his ass crack was clearly evident when he turned around. The boys walked back to the decking outside the house. Sam was still laughing. Charlie saw the funny side of it too.

‘Well now that’s over, you’ve got to do an equally embarrassing task’ Charlie said to Sam, with a grin.

Sam thought it was only fair. ‘Go ahead, do your worst!’ he said

‘I want you to go out onto the street, and wait for someone to walk by. When they do, I’m going to ‘sneak’ up behind you and pull down your swim shorts. You’re not wearing anything underneath them right?’ Charlie asked
Sam looked unsure, but agreed to it. ‘No I’m not wearing anything underneath. Can we make sure it’s not someone I know? And preferably a girl?’

Charlie thought for a moment ‘I think it’s only fair that it be the first person who walks along the street, who you don’t know’ he compromised. Sam agreed.

23m, UK

184cm / 160lbs / straight

Likes: Cum eating / porn control / shaving / underwear control / pics / speedos / commando / masturbation / exercise

Limits: face pics / family / public / poo / pee / pain / friends

PM dares:
Commando - I will take off my underwear for the rest of the day
Speedos - I will wear speedos for the rest of the day
Picture - I will email you a picture of myself
Porn - Send me a video or picture for me to jerk to
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Old 04-14-2015, 10:14 PM   #5
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This is so good! Keep it up!
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Old 04-15-2015, 10:31 AM   #6
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Walking downstairs and to the front yard, Sam loosened his shorts so that they would be easy to pull down. He suddenly felt a swelling in his dick, knowing that he was about to be exposed to a random stranger, but also exposed to his best friend, who had never seen him totally naked before. In fact the latter filled him with trepidation. Charlie would immediately judge his cock against his own. He would know who was bigger. He would know what his balls looked like. He would see his ass and make judgements. Sam felt his dick was big enough, but he didn’t want to be the smaller of the too. On the other hand, the prospect of being laid bare in front of his friend also made him slightly horny.

Sam was now standing out on the road, with Charlie hidden behind a tree, ready to run out at the right moment. A figure came walking down the road. It was a man, Sam thought. As he approached, he could see that he didn’t recognize the man, and he was in his 30s.

‘Excuse me sir, do you have a moment?’ Sam asked as the guy approached.
‘Sure, can I help?’ the man replied

‘I was wondering if you could point me towards the park?’ Sam asked, feigning ignorance. Charlie took his cue. He walked out from behind the tree. Sam knew he was approaching as the man’s eyes diverted behind him. Sam braced himself for the imminent embarrassment.

‘Yeah, you walk down there’ the man pointed behind him ‘and turn left. It’s about another 100 yards’ he said.

Sam suddenly felt his shorts disappear from his legs. They dropped to his ankles immediately. He gave a surprised look and after what seemed like long enough, covered his package with his hands. The man had undoubtedly seen his privates, though, and took a step back, laughing.

‘I hope you find the park buddy!’ he said, laughing as he walked off. Sam whirled round, looking for Charlie, who was out of sight. Sam pulled up his shorts, and looked for Charlie. He guessed he was back in the house, so he walked up the front door. Suddenly, again, his shorts disappeared from around his waist.

‘You cock!’ Sam exclaimed as he turned round to Charlie, who was laughing again. He made no attempt to cover his package this time. He was embarrassed, but also found this slightly homoerotic.

‘Dude, where are your pubes?!’ Charlie exclaimed, noticing that Sam had no pubic hair. He also couldn’t help but notice that Sam was uncut, like himself, and his dick was almost exactly the same length as his own, at 4 and half inches.

‘Well obviously, I’m a swimmer! We all shave!’ he defended himself. He failed to add that he would probably shave anyway, even if he wasn’t a swimmer.

‘Seriously?! So Mike and Will also shave?’ Charlie asked in amazement
‘I guess, I’ve never seen them naked, but we’re all required to’ Sam clarified, pulling up his shorts at last.

Charlie looked amazed. ‘I’ve never been totally shaved down there! What does it feel like?’ he asked, as the boys went inside.

‘I guess it feels better when you’re having sex, not that that’s a common thing for you’ he mocked, playfully punching Charlie’s shoulder. ‘Other than that, it kind of feels sexy, not having any hair to get in the way’

‘And, er, what about?’ Charlie asked, pointing at his butt

‘Yeah we shave there too’ Sam admitted. He had no secrets ‘it’s tricky to shave there obviously’.

Charlie looked surprised but intrigued. He had never known this about his friend.

The two friends went back inside the house. Charlie couldn’t get the image of Sam’s cock and hairless privates out of his mind. They sat in Sam’s room, and carried on their game of truth or dare. Charlie picked dare.

‘Ok, I dare you to get naked! You’ve seen me naked now, it’s only fair!’

Charlie felt surprised that his friend was being so forward, but agreed happily to do it. He stood up and pulled down his damp boxers. Sam took in the sight of his naked friend. Immediately, his eyes were drawn not to his cock, but to his balls. They were far bigger than his own, and seemed to hang lower. He was relieved to see that Charlie’s cock was no larger than his. Charlie was also uncut, but his foreskin was shorter than Sam’s, and he could just see the tip of his glans peeking out from underneath. Charlie had said earlier than he trimmed his pubes, but Sam guessed that he hadn’t done so for a long time, as they were growing quite long. His big balls were also covered in a few hairs. Charlie sat back down.

‘Dude, someone needs a trim!’ Sam mocked. His eyes were still fixed on Charlie’s package. Charlie began to feel turned on knowing that Sam was eyeing up his package. He loved being naked. If he was honest with himself, he knew he had an exhibitionist streak.

‘Yeah yeah, It’s been a while!’ Charlie laughed. ‘Right, since I’m totally naked, it’s time for you to get naked’ he stuck his tongue out at Sam.
Sam jumped up and whipped off his shorts in one movement. ‘I have an idea’ he said. He got his laptop from his desk and set it down on his bed. ‘We’re going to put some porn on. Whoever can’t control his cock and gets hard first has to do a forfeit’.

23m, UK

184cm / 160lbs / straight

Likes: Cum eating / porn control / shaving / underwear control / pics / speedos / commando / masturbation / exercise

Limits: face pics / family / public / poo / pee / pain / friends

PM dares:
Commando - I will take off my underwear for the rest of the day
Speedos - I will wear speedos for the rest of the day
Picture - I will email you a picture of myself
Porn - Send me a video or picture for me to jerk to
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Old 04-15-2015, 06:15 PM   #7
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Please continue!
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Old 04-17-2015, 10:19 AM   #8
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‘Sure’ Charlie said. ‘How about the loser gets spanked? 5 spanks on each butt cheek?’. Sam liked this idea. He logged onto his pornhub account and searched ‘teen stripping and fingering’. He found a video of a tight-bodied blonde girl. Charlie and Sam laid side by side on the bed, with the laptop between their hips. Sam pressed play and the video started. Neither boy could quite believe that they were doing this together.

The girl was dancing, swaying her hips and flashing her cleavage and panties. Off came her top, revealing a lack bra. Sam could feel the blood pumping down to his cock. So could Charlie. The girl took off her skirt and was left in a black thong and her bra. Fuck she’s hot, thought Charlie, as hic cock began to lift, swelling noticeably. Sam looked over at Charlie’s dick for a moment and was instantly relieved. The video now showed the girl with no bra on, cupping her breasts in her hands and bending over, showing her butt to the camera.

‘Breasts or butt?’ Charlie asked, more to take his mind off his growing cock than anything

‘I prefer butt’ Sam replied
‘Me too’. Was it Sam’s imagination, or was Charlie’s breathing getting shorter? In any case, he was fighting with his own erection.

Charlie looked over at Sam’s crotch. His hairless cock was now rising slowly. He looked down at his own. It was neck and neck. He could feel his foreskin beginning to retract from his glans.

The girl in the video was now pulling down her thong, with her butt to the camera. As it came off, the boys could just about see her butthole. She turned round and showed off her totally naked body. Her pussy was completely shaven and her small pussy lips were clearly visible. She moved the camera and sat down, and began to finger herself. This was too much for Sam. His cock hardened almost instantly. It had grown to his full 7 inches, and his foreskin had moved back behind the head. Charlie was relieved – he felt he was only seconds away from a full erection. He was also relieved that his friend’s boner wasn’t longer than his own.

‘Shit’ Sam said. Charlie paused the video, with a still of the girl on all fours, fingering herself from behind with a dildo, her asshole proudly displayed to the camera.

‘Let’s have you in that position then’ Charlie said with a smirk, pointing at the laptop. Sam kneeled on the bed and bent over with his elbows by his knees, presenting his smooth toned buttocks to Charlie. Charlie could certainly see from this angle that Sam’s butt crack was indeed shaved. As was his tight butthole. His thighs were also naturally smooth, and his leg hair only really started just above his knees.

‘Get it over with already!’ Sam said

Charlie knelt down on the bed next to him, and delivered his first spank to Sam’s left cheek.

Sam cried out in pain. And a little pleasure. Charlie couldn’t help but notice that Sam was still sporting a full erection. He also couldn’t help but notice how close his hand had just come to touching Sam’s most intimate area. Charlie’s next strike was to the right cheek. Sam grunted again.

Once Charlie was done, Sam’s butt was nicely red, though he hadn’t spanked as hard as he could. Sam was still rock hard. In fact, Charlie had become fully hard as well.

‘Woah!’ Sam said, unable to help himself. Sam looked down at Charlie’s hardened manhood. It pointed well above perpendicular to the ground, about 45 degrees from his body. And it was huge. Sam suddenly felt very small. ‘Holy shit, how big is that?’ he asked

Charlie looked down at his boner ‘8 and a half inches’, he said. Not only was it long, it was thick. Sam had only seen erect penises in online porn. He’d never seen one this size in real life.

‘Careful’ Sam said, ‘you could take an eye out with that!’. Both boys laughed.
There was an awkward moment, in which both boys seemed to realize they were naked and sporting erections in each other’s presence. Eventually, Sam spoke.

‘Have you ever played gay chicken?

‘Gay what?’ Charlie asked

‘It’s where you see how far you can push the other player before they freak out’ Sam explained ‘It’s a good laugh’

‘No, but it sounds like fun!’ Charlie said with a wink, ‘I’ll go first’

The two boys sat down on the bed and Charlie began to inch his hand up Sam’s thigh.

‘Tell me when you freak out’ Charlie said

23m, UK

184cm / 160lbs / straight

Likes: Cum eating / porn control / shaving / underwear control / pics / speedos / commando / masturbation / exercise

Limits: face pics / family / public / poo / pee / pain / friends

PM dares:
Commando - I will take off my underwear for the rest of the day
Speedos - I will wear speedos for the rest of the day
Picture - I will email you a picture of myself
Porn - Send me a video or picture for me to jerk to
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Old 04-17-2015, 02:32 PM   #9
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dang got me breathing hard
My Cam
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Old 04-17-2015, 04:01 PM   #10
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Hey guys,I'm glad you're enjoying the story - please inbox me with any ideas or suggestions for the things that could improve the story, or things you'd like me to include
23m, UK

184cm / 160lbs / straight

Likes: Cum eating / porn control / shaving / underwear control / pics / speedos / commando / masturbation / exercise

Limits: face pics / family / public / poo / pee / pain / friends

PM dares:
Commando - I will take off my underwear for the rest of the day
Speedos - I will wear speedos for the rest of the day
Picture - I will email you a picture of myself
Porn - Send me a video or picture for me to jerk to
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Old 04-17-2015, 04:42 PM   #11
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His hand moved further and further towards Sam’s package. When it got too close, he switched to Sam’s torso. He ran his fingers over Sam’s hardened nipples and down towards his toned abs. He felt the ridges of his six pack and let his index finger drop into Sam’s navel. He traced down each side of Sam’s defined ‘V’ and as he did so, Sam’s cock jolted noticeably. Charlie raised his eyebrows at Sam. Sam shook his head as if to say that he wasn’t chickening out this easily. Charlie continued downwards to Sam’s hairless crotch. It was remarkably smooth. Sam opened his legs slightly, and Charlie felt around his shaved balls, to each side, run his hand across Sam’s smooth taint and felt the point where his crack began. Sam was breathing very heavily.

Is Sam enjoying this? Charlie wondered to himself. He couldn’t deny that he found it highly arousing. His erection outwardly confirmed that fact. Charlie then began to cup Sam’s balls, squeezing them lightly. He heard a sharp intake of breath from Sam.

Now up close and personal with Sam’s cock for the very first time, he could see every detail of it. It was 7 inches, or slightly more perhaps, his foreskin was loose and fully retracted from the glans. It had the slightest upward curve. There was barely a visible vein on it. It was thick, Charlie thought, though not as thick as his own. It pointed out perpendicular from his body, unlike his own which was nearly parallel with his torso.

Charlie could no longer resist the temptation. He took a firm hold of Sam’s dick with his right hand. Sam laid back on his bed, and Charlie moved to between Sam’s legs, kneeling between them. With his left hand, he stroked Sam’s abs while his right hand slid Sam’s foreskin up and down his rock-hard shaft, and over the big head.

‘Am I the only one who’s happy that this has finally happened?’ Sam asked between deep breaths

Charlie looked Sam in the eyes ‘I’m glad you feel the same’

Charlie then looked down at Sam’s dick and took as much as he could of it into his mouth. Sam moaned in surprise and delight. Having Sam’s cock inside his mouth was something that Charlie had fantasized about for a long time. It was different from how he had imagined though. He had feared it would taste bad or smell. It didn’t at all. He was clean for a start, and he had never expected it to be this big, or for Sam to be clean shaven. Suddenly Charlie felt Sam’s hand on the back of his head, and his hips thrusting. Sam was into this! Charlie felt his gag reflex protest for a few moments, and then settle, as Sam’s manhood was pushed further into the back of his throat.

‘You’ve got a talent for deepthroat dude’ Sam said with a sigh of pleasure. Charlie couldn’t get any word out. He just let his tongue glide around the exposed head. He must be right though, he suddenly realized that his lips were now touching Sam’s balls and the base of his cock. All of Sam’s 7 inches were now inside his mouth! He could taste something different though. Precum?

Sam suddenly pulled Charlie’s hair, forcing him to release the big dick in his mouth. It flopped out, covered with and dripping spit and precum. Sam now took Charlie’s cock in his hand and began to massage it. Sam had never had a cock this size in his hands before and was loving every moment of it. Charlie’s cock pointed almost directly upwards, but there was plenty of give and it was easy to control in his hands. His foreskin with tighter than his own, and needed some spit for lube, but still glided smoothly over his glans.

Looking down at it in his hands, Sam wondered whether he should return the favour of sucking his dick. He couldn’t help but feel that he’d never fit all of it in his mouth as Charlie had his own. He kneeled between Charlie’s muscular legs and licked his balls, feeling the tickle of the few hairs on his tongue. Sam remarked to himself again how large Charlie’s balls were. Did that mean he produced a lot of cum? As if magnetically drawn to Charlie’s huge package, Sam opened his mouth wide and took both his testicles in his mouth. He licked them and sucked gently, causing Charlie to moan and buck his hips forward. Opening his eyes, all Sam could see was Charlie’s pubes, and the enormous piece of erect meat sticking out of them. He could resist the temptation no longer…
23m, UK

184cm / 160lbs / straight

Likes: Cum eating / porn control / shaving / underwear control / pics / speedos / commando / masturbation / exercise

Limits: face pics / family / public / poo / pee / pain / friends

PM dares:
Commando - I will take off my underwear for the rest of the day
Speedos - I will wear speedos for the rest of the day
Picture - I will email you a picture of myself
Porn - Send me a video or picture for me to jerk to
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Old 04-24-2015, 10:01 AM   #12
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Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 56

Next chapter is coming soon guys, keep inboxing me with suggestions
23m, UK

184cm / 160lbs / straight

Likes: Cum eating / porn control / shaving / underwear control / pics / speedos / commando / masturbation / exercise

Limits: face pics / family / public / poo / pee / pain / friends

PM dares:
Commando - I will take off my underwear for the rest of the day
Speedos - I will wear speedos for the rest of the day
Picture - I will email you a picture of myself
Porn - Send me a video or picture for me to jerk to
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