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Old 04-03-2016, 05:04 AM   #1
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Default Discovering my sexuality


My eyes shot open. Another morning in supposed paradise. Every single time I got away from school, I was sent off with my family to go to our family beach house. Don't get me wrong, it's amazing here; the surf rolls off in spectacular barrels, the wind always down, the sun always bright. It was the life.

And yet I always hated it. I got so bored so easily. Nothing was a challenge. Which was correct, because there was always nothing to do.

The best part of my day was when my best friend came down for a few days. Will was such a sick lad, and he and I had been friends for more than I could remember.

I walked into the kitchen in nothing more than boxers; mum would be at the library doing a club, and dad would be upstairs working. However, to my surprise, someone sat at the marble bench watching the crystal clear water. He was tall, and was bulked up. He had a tan complexion from too many days in the sun, accompanied by ash blonde hair. He couldn't have been much older than me; maybe 15.

It was only then I recognised the kid. He had grown a lot of muscle in the last few months.

"Hey, Will!" I cried. I strode towards him, a wide grin forming on my face.

"Blake!" Will replied, whipping around and embracing me tightly.

"Fuck, man, you've been to the gym far too much. Too big you are," I said.

"Shortass, calm down," he said cheekily. I was a solid head and a bit shorter than Will.

"Shall we go surfing?" I asked.

"I didn't just travel by train for a couple hours for nothing, did I?"


I threw my board in and dived into the water. It was cold, but bearable. I knew soon enough I would be numb.

"Despite it being great to see you again, Will, but why are you here?"

"Mum and Dad are going up North and didn't trust me enough to leave me alone for a few days. Probably had something to do with the break up," Will admitted.

I'd completely forgotten about the break up. Will had been dating a very hot girl, Rachel Queen, but she'd cheated on him for her ex. Will was still sensitive about the subject, so I decided to just enjoy the surf.

Will and I had spent well over four hours in the water, and talked about some great banter. By the time we got out it was almost 3.30.

"We should head back," I said, pained. "You should probably announce yourself to my parents."

We walked back, almost wordlessly again.

"When we get back, let's play some pool," I said. "I've gotten much better."

"Ok, Blake, but we all know who'll win..." he jabbed a thumb towards himself.

"First person back gets first shower, and the person with first shower gets to break!" I cried. I bolted ahead of Will, leaving him behind me.


I had first shower and Will had talked to my dad, who promptly left to get dinner's ingredients. He wasn't going to be back for another hour, and he needed to pick mum up, so Will and I would be alone. Little did I know what he had in store for me...

I'd set up pool and was lining up my first shot when Will interrupted me.
"How about we make this more interesting?" he said.

"How so?" I replied innocently.

He winked. "How about some good ol' fashion strip pool?"
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Old 04-03-2016, 05:43 AM   #2
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Default Discovering my sexuality PART 2


I was shocked. Not once in my entire life had Will ever been dirty. I'd always tried to get him to play truth or dare with me, but he's never obliged me. I couldn't show him he'd beat me; out-dirtying me wasn't allowed.

"Fine. Here are the rules: 1. Each ball potted against you = one article of clothing off. 2. Potting the 8 Ball prematurely causes you to lose like normal, but the other player has three free spanks. 3. If you lost, you have to stand outside on the deck for a minute completely naked."

This was gonna be intense. I couldn't believe I'd just made those rules.

"Deal," Will replied smoothly.

This was dangerous. The deck outside was on the second floor right outside the pool table, on top of the fact that it was mid afternoon and there would be lots of people out there.

"Ok, both of us should have 8 articles on right now?" I said, thinking of shoes, socks, underwear, tracksuits, a t-shirt and a hoodie. Will nodded. I lined up the shot and fired. The explosions of ball on ball clanged, and they all exploded everywhere. A lucky 2 dropped into a corner pocket.

I turned around and faced Will. "I'm on smalls, have fun with one shoe."

Will took his shoe off nonchalantly. I lined up my next shot at a 5 simply asking to be potted. I tapped and the 5 slid in easily.

"Not looking good for you, William."

"It's not over until the fat lady sings."

We alternated, shot over shot, and still no one potted anything. Breaking the spell, Will managed to drop the 9 and 12 on the same turn and set up for 11 and 13.

"What the hell, noo!" I cried, stripping off my shoes and socks.

Will lined up for yet another shot, and smacked away. He missed and slammed straight into a pocket.

"Thanks for the 2 shots!"

Will shot me a nasty look.

The game remained neck and neck mere several minutes later. We were both with 2 balls left, not including the 8 ball. I managed to sink the 7, and Will slipped his shirt off, revealing his nicely built torso. He had firm pecs and solid abs. His v-line was sharp.

I felt a semi grow in my crotch. What the hell?

I took my next shot but was completely distracted. I couldn't think straight. I was pretty sure I wasn't gay, but how could I possibly know for sure? It's not like I'd ever had a girlfriend. I missed, and Will abused his two shots and sank two balls, magically leaving me snookered

I stripped down to my boxers and hoped to god my semi wasn't obvious.

I slowed my breathing, and blocked out Will's sexy body. I jumped the white ball over the 8 ball and knocked two of mine in. Will screamed in fury. I now had a perfect shot to nail; a clear, basic shot to win. Before I took my shot, I glanced over at Will. His dick was very obviously slightly aroused by all this; he had a semi.

I liked up and sank the 8 ball, but I shouted in fury. I just lost. I sank the white ball right after the black.

Will shouted at me. "AHAHA! AHAHAHA! YOU'RE SO BAD! TAKE IT OFF!"

I blushed. "Can you not look? I'm embarrassed..." I said, but really I wanted to hide my semi.

"Sure thing, I'll set up the timer. Enjoy you're time in the wind, strip boy!"
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Old 04-05-2016, 08:24 AM   #3
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Default Discovering my sexuality PART 3


I pulled out my phone and made sure it was on silent before snapping a photo of the naked Blake before me. I felt like a pervert, but my intentions were going to be funny. I set up the timer like I'd said I would, and Blake stepped outside.
I seriously couldn't believe Blake had followed through with it. Normally he was shy about showing off his body.

I didn't particularly want to have a look at the photo I took, I felt like such a dog. I went on Instagram and searched my favourite account and I immediately got rock hard. Such hot girls, with firm, busty tits. There was one photo that always made me want to whip out my dick and wank. Two girls at the beach, pressing their bodies together. If you looked hard enough you could see the nipple.

My phone started vibrating, and I called out for Blake to come back on.

"Thank god!" he cried. "I was worried I was getting hypothermia down there!"

I cringed. "Too much information, man,"

"I wanna get you back for that!" he said. "This family walked by and I swear they saw my dick, but the mother just hooted at me!"

I couldn't help but laugh. "Try me."

"Let's play another round of pool, but this time, if I win, you have to strip off for half an hour, but if you win, I will..." Blake trailed off, prompting me to say something.

"You will watch gay porn on the TV. And you'll strip again."

"What the hell! No way!" he cried.

"Fine, but if you win, you get 10 free spanks and 3 favours on top of me stripping."

Blake didn't hesitate. "Deal."

We began again. The game felt so much more intense for a goal.

I lined up to do a shot and slammed it, the balls all bouncing away violently, and I was lucky enough to drop the 11 and 14. Blake unhappily took his shoes off. The anticipation was getting intense.

"Damn Blake," I said.

"What?" he replied.

"I hope you're ready to watch gay porn stark naked in your own beach house!" I replied cheerfully.

Blake gave me the finger.

I lined up for the 9 and tapped gently, and the white ball rolled across the table so slowly that it bored me. However, it did hit the 9 and a smile broke across my face. I lined up for the 15 which would practically roll into the pocket if a hair poked it. I shot without really aiming, just kind of hoping for the best. I missed the 15 altogether and dropped the white ball into a pocket.

"Oh, fuck me!" I wailed.

Blake stepped over to me. "Sure thing boss," he whispered sexily.

"That's not what I meant, Blake," I said, trying to not notice that I was very turned on from that voice.

"Well I figured if I lose and watch gay porn I should at least act like I have a reason to," Blake explained.

"So you're going to talk dirty to me?" I said. "Two can play that game."

"Sure thing, boss," he winked.

Blake set up his white ball and I sat nervously. Blake was going to slam me. I knew I was going to lose this game, I could tell by his determination. His face was very very unhappy.

Blake nailed the 1 authoritively. I pulled on shoe off and was waiting for the second. He then nailed the 3.

"I'm on fire, man. Prepare to get spanked!" Blake said cockily.

I took my other shoe off wordlessly.

Blake then proceeded to nail the 6 and then nick the 2 in. I took both socks off. He then barely hit the 5, and it just rolled away from going in. I stood up for my shot until Blake's hand came up to say it wasn't my turn. Angrily I realised Blake could beat me without even losing his socks.

He tapped the 5 in and came back around for the middle pocket in a snooker. I took off my jumper. Blake gave me a cheeky grin before closing his eyes and lining up his shot.

"Don't get cocky, Blake!" I warned.

Blake kept his eyes shot and hit the white vall so it skipped over my 13 and knocked the 2 in. I threw my shirt off, unconvinced I could even get another turn.

"Ok but let's add some more to the deal now. If I win, you still do everything from before but you're also my slave for half an hour, but if you win, I'm your slave for 2 hours," Blake said.

"You're really cocky, you know that, right?" I replied.

"I'll take that as a yes." He nailed the 4, leaving me in my shorts and underwear. Blake hit the 7 dangerously close to a pocket. I now had one chance to win, and I had a perfect angle on the 15 again. I breathed slowly and concentrated. No other shot had ever mattered more. I hit the white ball smoothly, and it bounced away roughly 3 cm away from 15, and proceeded to miss anything else.

"What the fuck, I swear that 15 is cursed!" I screamed.

"Good game, man," Blake said and didn't lose eye contact with me as he dropped the 7 in. I wasn't even feeling sexual as I stripped to my underwear, I just felt lost without my bravado.

Blake dropped the 8 ball in effortlessly. "Lose it," he said, pointing his finger at my underwear. I stood there with my 4 inch soft dick and I felt like I was being judged.

"Oh, this is going to be so much fun," Blake laughed manically.

I immediately felt scared to the core. Blake was not going to be happy, and he would want revenge.

Last edited by coq_king; 04-08-2016 at 10:27 PM. Reason: Spelling and grammatical error
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Old 04-08-2016, 11:27 PM   #4
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Default Discovering my sexuality PART 4


I knew I'd barked up the wrong tree. I stood there, completely naked, in front of my best friend. The worst part was that this didn't even feel weird. Being in front of my best friend, with him inspecting my dick, most likely comparing sizes. A wince of annoyance made me suspect I was correct, and that I was bigger. I smiled.

"Well, nice bush, man," Blake said, slightly nervous. "I always thought you shaved."

"Nah man, the hair keeps it warm," I replied, anxious. "I like it."

Blake couldn't help but laugh. "Damn this awkward."

"Well, let's do something!" I said back.

"How about some NBA?" Blake said. "I'll smash ya!"

"Well, I can't refuse, can I? Otherwise, I guess that means I'll let you think you're better!"

We walked off to Blake's room, anticipation getting the better of us; I was practically shaking.

I sat on the bed that was always mine whenever I visited, and Blake sat at the end of his by the window. I asked him to close the blinds for discretion to me, as there's an empty block of land that faces the window, and I wasn't fond of being seen. Blake was nice enough to oblige.

We began to choose teams, but we both knew it wouldn't really matter; Blake was so much better at the game than me. I chose Golden State Warriors, my favourite team, while Blake chose Chicago Bulls. I was slightly intimidated. Blake knew how to beat me with Lebron James.

We started the game. Bogut won the jumpball and Curry got possession. I flashed Blake a grin. I drove hard to the three point line and attempted to cross one defender up. I managed to get around him and drop the swish three.

"Cheers, chef Curry," I said.

"That's ridiculous, Curry's shots half the time don't even deserve to drop!" shouted Blake.

Lebron charged right through my defense, and went through the gap, straight to the ring. A slam dunk pisses me off, and that's exactly what Blake wanted.

I growled at Blake.

I took Thompson to half court until I got double teamed, and tried to pass it off to Green, but it was intercepted. Two quick passes and suddenly the scores were 4-3. By the end of the quarter, I was down 10-15, Curry being the only one who scored on my side.

Second quarter began and I got my ass handed to me. With Curry recovering on the bench, I simply couldn't get the points I needed to keep up. With 3 minutes left in the quarter, the first foul was committed.

"What the hell!" cried Blake. "They shouldn't send AI flying into players like that!"

I remained silent, determined to get a break ahead. Down by twelve points is kind of daunting, especially only scoring twice in 3 minutes.

I dropped all three shots in easily, and managed to get on a roll, preventing Blake from scoring in 2 minutes. In that time I dropped two three's (one of which shouldn't have gone in; the timing was rated D-), and got many interceptions. At half-time, the scores were much closer. 33-36, Bulls way.

"Losing you're nerve?" I said.

"No, I've only lost to you once, and that's due to Justin fucken Bieber on the Dream Team splashing bullshit points, back a couple of years ago!"

"Bullshit - I see what you did there, really funny!" I winked.

"Turn around," Blake commanded, anger laced through his voice.

Oh dear...I thought to myself. He's using a free spank.

I stuck my butt up to Blake, exposing my hairy ass. I felt the sting of Blake's hand on my right cheek. I felt kind of horny by this. And then I remembered my comment when Blake said he would fuck me as a joke before when we played pool; two can play that game.

I moaned as sexually as I could, remembering what turned on Rachel when I dated her. "Ohh, yeah, spank me!" I cried.

I heard before feeling the next spank on my butt, before I realised the game was about to begin again. I curled back up in my blankets.

I passed the ball out and quickly scored again with Curry. Blake was furious but ready for victory. He slam dunked quickly with James. Score after score, Blake and I remained neck and neck, me staying just behind. After a dumb mistake of passing from backcourt, Blake drove right in and drew a foul from me. I screamed obscenities at the game.

"I didn't even touch him!"

"Well, ya did!"

I crossed my arms and furrowed my eyebrows, knowing nothing would get better anyway. Blake easily nailed the free throw. The scores were 40-41, Bulls way.

Final quarter went away like a blur. We scored easy layups and many dumb mistakes were made. No one gained more ground than before. Suddenly, I set Curry up for the ultimate three ever.

James came up to help guard Curry, but Bogut set a screen and Curry drove around, leaving James and the other defender trapped.

James leaped across Bogut to block Curry, but Curry stops for no man. Curry put up a flawless shot, going in swish, and James fouled, giving me the extra shot.

Blake shrugged. "Fair call. Good play, by the way."

I smiled. He smiled back. I felt my dick grow just a little bit.

Blake is kinda cute, I thought to myself. I want to bend him over and... I stopped my train of thought. What the fuck, me, I'm not gay! Right?

I couldn't exactly recall the rest of the game, I just knew that I won narrowly by one point. I was almost certain that I wasn't gay, I'd masturbated over porn more than I could remember, and I'd done way too much with Rachel. But there is more than just gay and straight. There's so much more to learn about my self.

I heard the front door open, and Blake's parents announced their arrival.

"Shit!" I whispered to Blake, gesturing to my body. We heard footsteps coming our way.

Blake's eyes widened. "Keep that doona over you, and act completely normal!"

I wrapped myself up and prayed that I wouldn't get caught, otherwise I would have some serious explaining to do.
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Old 04-09-2016, 03:29 PM   #5
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Default Discovering my sexuality PART 5


Mum walked into the room rather sternly and stood right in front of the TV. She did this because usually I would just continue playing without listening.

"What have you two been up to all day?" she asked. "Oh, hello, William."

"Hello, Eleanor," I replied. "We went to the beach and played some pool. We only just started playing PS4."

"Oh, ok," she said, disappointed at not having an excuse to shout chores at me to do. "Well, I'll leave you two to get back to your game. Dinner will be ready soon," she added before leaving the room.

As she closed the door, Will and I both exhaled in relief.

"That was too bloody close," Will said as he pulled on Adidas tracksuits and a Nike hoodie. "And that will mark 30 minutes naked."

We played another game but we got bored halfway through, and quit. We just got to the front screen of Black Ops 3 when mum called us for dinner.

We ate in silence, allowing the fat and saltiness of lamb sit in our mouths, utterly delicious.

We get back to our room and realise it's only 8:30.

"Blake!" I heard mum call out.

"Yeah!" I replied.

"Your dad and I are going to bed. Make sure you brush your teeth, and Will, take your medication!"

"But it's not even 9?" I replied curiously.

"We're simply exhausted, honey," she replied. "Goodnight you two!"

She left, and Will turned to me laughing. "Mate, we both know what's happening in there!"

I cringed. "Ew, ew, ew, no! Gross!"

"I'll close the door, we'll be grateful for the sound proofing," Will said.

A year or so ago, we learnt that the walls were very thin, and you could ear everything that was said, so we put soundproofing in all bedrooms. Mostly to stop scarring teenage boys' minds.

We played some Black Ops, but I have far more superior practice compared to Will, and I easily take a 100 kill to 58 kill win.

We played for far too long and we got bored. We looked at the clock and it was already 11!

"Turn the PS4 off, but keep the TV on. We might watch a movie," I said to Will.

We sat in silence for a couple of minutes until Will broke the silence. "I'm bored."


"How about some truth or dare?"
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Old 04-11-2016, 12:13 AM   #6
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Default Discovering my sexuality PART 6


"Fine. Truth or dare?" I replied steadily.

Will paused decisively. "Truth."

"How often do you masturbate?" I asked.

"Depends how horny I am; usually four to six times a week. If my hormones get really bad, it can get up to more than ten," Will replied, blushing slightly.

In all honesty, I hadn't expected him to reply; normally, when we played, he just wasted one of his three chickens on questions that embarrassed him.

"Truth or dare?" Will questioned.

"Truth," I said, not wanting to hasten the game too early but also hoping he wouldn't hasten the game next turn.

"Tits or ass?"

I didn't even wait. "Both. Truth or dare?"

"Truth - wait, dare - actually, no, truth."

"Jeez, make up your mind!" I laughed. "Have you ever watched gay porn?"

Will's face didn't even scrunch up. "Depends what is included in the term 'gay,' because people use gay to describe lesbians and bisexuals, so on, so forth, so clarify."

"Guy on guy action," I replied, anticipating to draw information out of him.

Will let out a huge sigh. "Yes," he muttered, quickly followed by, "but it's not what you think."

I felt my heart pumping. Maybe my friend wasn't as straight as we both thought?

"I was at a sleepover with a couple of mates from school," Will explained.

Will and I went to kindergarten together, but we never lost touch through school. Unfortunately, this also meant I couldn't learn every detail because I would be clueless as to who the names referred to.

"We began playing truth or dare, but I thought it would be tame, because you and I always played tame versions. These guys are a whole other level. One guy gave another a blowjob. I was dared to watch gay porn, and if I didn't do it, they were gonna gang up on me while I was asleep, and do something," continued Will. "Probably like tying me down and forcing me to give them blowjobs or something."

"Jesus, dude, that's perverted!" I said, but a gnawing thought at the back of my head reminded me of something I would do. I had been considering making Will do some pretty perverted stuff tonight. Maybe I shouldn't do it?

"Anyway, truth or dare, Blake?"

"Um, I'll take a dare."

"I dare you...to...strip for two turns. You must hand me all your clothes."

"Wow, just because you had to strip for half an hour," I said cheekily.

Will just gave me a death stare. "If only I was the one who had the right to the spanks, because you need some serious disciplining!"

I pulled the doona cover up to my chin and wrapped it around me, preserving my lost body heat. I handed over all my clothes, surprisingly willingly. I enjoyed being naked, I realised.

"Truth or dare?" I asked.

"Dare," Will replied, feeling more confident now that I had taken the first dare. That had set the pace. Maybe I would increase it, tenfold.

"I dare you to..."
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Old 04-16-2016, 03:06 AM   #7
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Default Discovering my sexuality PART 7


"I dare you to..." Blake paused, sending shivers down my spine in a mixture of fear and anticipation. "I dare you to only take dares for the rest of the game!" Blake said, sounding almost proud.

I laughed at Blake for once, not with him. "Ah, my friend, you're so original. Oh, and the fear! How will I handle with this?" I mocked him.

Blake's face became red from embarrassment. "Fuck off, this is just setting up," he winked, and suddenly I was a little afraid. Now that I was only doing dares, I was screwed. No matter what I did to him, he could retaliate twice as bad.

I began speaking but my voice warbled too much, and I tried again. "Truth or dare?"

"Truth," Blake replied evenly.

"What's the furthest you've gone on someone?" I asked.

"I've never even kissed a girl, dude. It's like I repel them. I wish I was you, they dig tall, cute guys," I replied.

What the fuck, me! I thought. Did I seriously just call my best friend cute?

"Nawh, aren't you sweet?" replied Blake. "You're dare is is that you must take two dares each time it's your turn."

"Fine," I replied. "How about this; no chickens. Remove them. It'll make this interesting."

Blake grinned. "Definitely."

We had a few more turns each, finally both of us choosing dare (even though I didn't have a choice), and they were pretty mild, the standard, lick another players stomach or give them a raspberry. Absently, I remembered that I should have put my clothes back on, but I had some dirty dares that I wanted to happen, kind of like fetishes. Just the thought made me rock hard.

Then I had to dare Blake. Finally. A chance to fulfill a fetish. Not really a fetish, but always something I'd wanted. I don't even know why.

"Blake, this dare will sound pretty gay, but it's a dream I've always had. I've always wanted someone to finger my prostate."

"Whoa! You want me to finger you?" Blake said, shocked.

"Um, yeah," I said, knowing full well he would get me back. Kinda what I wanted.

"Fine. 20 seconds."

"No, 2 minutes," I replied.

Blake growled. "40 seconds."

I was growing impatient with Blake. "You do it for a minute, and if you don't you're getting punishment."

"I'll take punishment any day of the week you shit head!" Blake cried angrily.

"Go to the kitchen and get ice cubes. Put two up your ass, one under an armpit, and one on the tip of your dick. Hold that one in place. Describe the pain you're going through!"

Fear flashed Blake's face, as anger flashed across mine. How dare he disobey me! I was going to bend the rules, force him to do things he never even dreamed of!
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Old 04-21-2016, 04:15 AM   #8
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Default Discovering my sexuality PART 8


Blake solemnly dragged his feet to the kitchen. In hindsight, I probably hadn't wanted him to do it anyway, I would have just used it to see how far he would actually go with these. I guess I pushed the boundary.

I followed his naked body through the house, the cold tiles coarse beneath my feet. Blake pulled the freezer open and snapped a couple of ice cubes free before beginning to walk back to the room. I grabbed his shoulder, forcing him to a halt. His skin was warm and slightly shaky under my hand.

"Um, actually, you're doing the punishment in here," I whispered. "Don't even try to talk your way out of this, it's a punishment for a reason."

Blake gave me a nasty scowl. Clearly unhappy, he put an ice cube in each specified position.

"I'm glad for puberty," he began. "The hair in my armpits keeps most of the cold out."

"Doesn't change the fact that it will get cold," I replied coldly.

Blake clenched his ass tightly, and he squirmed uncomfortably.

"By Odin's beard, that hurts like fuck!" cried Blake.

I didn't reply.

It went on for several more minutes before Blake dropped the one from his dick, claiming it was far too sensitive.

My foot moved swiftly into Blake's crotch, which felt far too cold. Blake bit his lip to hold in a cry. He picked up the ice cube off the floor awkwardly, holding back tears, and moved to put it back on his dick. I grabbed it halfway there and told him to take a quick ten second break. He didn't hesitate to let the ice drop out of him, like he was some kind of ice-dispenser.

He heaved deep breathes, attempting to warm up his ass quickly. Now that I had a good view of it, he had a nice, tight asshole, with not too much hair there. Enough to make it enticing, but not too much to make it uncomfortable.

I called time. "Put all of them in your mouth for 3 minutes."

Blake obeyed mindlessly, swiftly returning the ice cubes to his body. 3 minutes passed quickly, and I knew that the ice would be getting small, soon I could no longer manipulate him. I frantically thought for a moment. What could I possibly do to lengthen the dare?

"Now you must transfer all ice cubes to my mouth without the use of your hands. If you use your hands, you must be my slave for 20 minutes. If I don't count the same amount you started with in my mouth, you must be my slave for an hour."

Blake's eyes filled with a fire, a fire to impress, a fire to win.

Maybe a fire for me.
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Old 04-23-2016, 03:02 AM   #9
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Default Discovering my sexuality PART 9


My heart wasn't in my chest anymore. I could feel it rapidly pumping away in my throat, making it hard to breathe. My mouth felt impossibly dry. I could feel an erection coming for me, just simply thinking of my body against Will's. Basically, he wanted me to kiss him.

But there was one issue, and I'm terrified what he will make me do because of it; I accidentally swallowed an ice cube earlier.

I had to act quickly, to stop him noticing that, in my nakedness, I had a boner. In front of him. Because of him. Yet, if I acted, he would realise that an ice cube was missing, and I would be forced into doing more.

I grabbed his hand and led him back to the bedroom, my hand sweaty, slippery. The door closed silently behind us, the carpet scratchy and warm beneath my feet. I twirled Blake around so I was facing him.

Suddenly, my lips were pressed against his. And electricity. Oh, I could swear there were sparks jumping off of us. His lips felt warm and soft against my own, and he kissed me repetitively. My dick no longer bound itself. It pushed against Will's tent that had formed.

I pushed Will over onto the bed, realising that the ice was still melting in my mouth. My mouth was back on his, our tongues toying with each other, I let them slide into Will's mouth. I left one in my mouth and crunched down, breaking it into two, hoping he wouldn't notice the size difference between the rest.

I now lay naked on top of my best friend, both with raging boners. I couldn't let that slide.

"Someone's a little excited, aye?" I said cheekily, and playfully rubbed his dick. At a guess I would have said he was maybe 5 inch, but he didn't seem fully hard.

He didn't reply. Instead he flashed me an adorable grin, ice gone. Swallowed. He then furrowed his eye brows.

"Still missing two pieces of ice, mate," he said. "Time to be my slave!"

"Not so fast," I said, "I want more." The ice transferred between us swiftly, but I was trapped in his embrace, locked together. We were a flurry of flesh, clothing and bedding as we precariously made out. This didn't feel strange. I felt different; liberated.

Maybe I'm not straight.

Maybe I'm not gay, either.
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