Old 04-05-2018, 10:02 PM   #1
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Post The power of time

Hello, I really enjoy reading most of the story here so I decide to try and write my own story. English isn't really my first language so this actually a good way to practice writing in English.

For now, this is the story of a 17 years old latino virgin boy named Don who discover a watch that can control time I hope you enjoy it.

Part 1

I can’t believe how hot it is! I’m suffocating over here. Why am I even here again? Walking in downtown with this weather when I can be at home playing game with the ac on?
“Earth to Don can you hear me”
“Oh, sorry was I spacing out again?”
Now I remember why am here. Jenny asked me to go with her to Chinatown. Now that I think about it this weather isn’t so bad after all. I mean this is the best time of the year to watch and admire girl on the streets. Look at Jenny per example, she is wearing some of the shortest and tightness jean I ever saw in my life. You can clearly see the shape of her cute little ass. Those things should be illegal. She was even wearing a semi-transparent shirt where we can plainly see her black bra underneath it.

“Why did we come here for” I ask Jenny
“I already told you. I saw this beautiful necklace the other day in this old oriental shop and I really wanna buy it for my sister birthday, but I'm scared of going alone so I ask you to tag along”
“Well you could always look up on Amazon for a necklace, you know?”
“Yeah but I want one specific that I’m pretty sure I won’t find it on Amazon. My sister is going to be so happy with her present. Once again thank you for accompanying me”
“Well that's what friend are for after all”
Friend...friend...FRIEND??? What I’m saying??? I’m just digging deeper into the friend zone. Why can I not just tell her how I feel. Dammit, I have no ball. I know Jenny for at least a good 15 years now and I never made any move. And my god that puberty has done her a ton of favors body-wise. Going from a 30 A to a 30 C in a single year. Now every single boy in my school are asking her to go out with them and I’m the only who still haven’t asked her yet. The worst part is that prom is only a few weeks away and I have no else to ask to go with me. (sigh)

“Here’s the store Don. I hope the necklace is still there”
“Sweet the faster you buy your gift, the faster we can get away from this weather”
This was my first time going to an antics store. They were quite a lot of handmade jewelry and some weird antics and oriental style statues but not a lot of shoppers.

“Hey, you there!”
“Me?” I asked looking back at some old Asian women standing in the corner and smoking some weird long pipe.
“Yes, you come over here”
I got closer to the old lady without even knowing why she was asking for me.
“What your name young one?”
“Juan but everyone calls me Don”
“Well mister Don I see something special in you”
“Listen, lady, if you are trying to sell something I’m not interested. I’m actually quite broke”
“No, you listen, I want to give you a gift”
“A gift?”
“Yes, a gift. I can see in your eyes who you truly are. I see a young boy whose heart is in the right place but he’s missing the courage that he sincerely needs”
“I have no idea what you're talking about (actually I do but it scares me to know that she knows so much just by looking at me)”
“Is ok Don you don’t need to worry anymore. I will grant you the power of time”
“The what now?”
“A silver pocket watch. Here take it and find out who you truly are”
“Well thanks and all but I don’t think a watch can help after all I have already a phone and it can tell me time”
“You don’t understand just take this watch and you will see”
Suddenly Jenny start shouting at me
“Hey Don, I found it I’m going to go buy it now! What are you doing over there? Have you find something interesting?” asked Jenny
“Not much I’m just talking to... heu” I responded confuse
The old lady was nowhere to be found. Was I dreaming? No, it can be, I still had the watch in my hand or maybe I was the one who took the watch without even realizing. No, I’m 100 percent sure there was an old lady here who give me that watch. Maybe is the weather making me go crazy.

“What wrong Don?” asked Jenny
“Heu, oh nothing I thought I saw something I really wanted but never mind. Let get out of this shop. It's giving me the creep (better not tell who about the old lady or she might think I’m crazy)”
“Oh ok well if you want after this we can go drink some iced coffee. I’m pretty sure you are still broke, so I will buy for you as a reward for coming with me”
“Hahaha thanks, Jen”
Without even thinking about it I took the watch and put it in my pocket before we left. Later that day we went back to Jenny house and we hang out for a little while. Her parents were working overseas and the only one taking care of her was her big sister. Her sister usually works on weekend pretty late, so it was just me and Jenny at her house
“Hey Don, you don’t mind if I take a shower and change clothes I’m just sweating a lot and feel so sticky”
“Not at all I’ll be in the living room”
“Sweet I won’t take long”
While she went to the bathroom I decide to take a closer look at my watch. It didn’t look like a cheap watch, but I still crept out by that old lady. There was some Chinese writing inside it, but I couldn’t figure out what it meant. I saw it was showing 12 O’clock when in reality it was five thirty, so I press the button on top to see if that will allow me to change the time. Suddenly something weird happing. Everything around me when silent. I mean a second ago I could hear the water running from the bathroom, the birds cheeping and even the neighbor mowing his lawns. But now it was completely silent. I press back the button and all the sound came back. Well, that was weird. What just happing? I went outside and decide to press the button to see what will happen. And then I saw it. The neighbor, the car, and even the bird were all frozen on the spot. What the hell was going on? Did I just stop time? I press the button one more time and everything when back to normal? Wait what? How is that even possible? I have now, I’m my possession a watch that allows me to stop time. I couldn’t believe it. I’m sure I was going insane. First, that old lady disappears into thin air, now this! If this watch can truly stop time that means I could use this power to help people. I could use it to fight crime and become a superhero. What am I even saying? What kind of stupid idea is that? I need to find out first how far does this work. I went back home and suddenly an I idea pop into my head. I could still hear Jenny taking her shower. I walk toward the bathroom and press the button on my watch. Once again it went completely silent. I couldn’t believe what I was about to do but I had to do it. I mean no one could ever found out so what the harm. But what if time suddenly starts back up. Or what if it could never return on or what if...
Fuck it, let's just get this over with. I slap my face to calm down then I slowly open the door to the bathroom and there she was.

This is crazy. I’m standing next to Jenny naked body. She is one of the most beautiful girls in my school and my oldest friend. I wasn’t able to perfectly see her body that well. It seems she was in the middle of washing her hair but most of the water and steam were frozen in place and blocking some of the views. Most of her important part where clearly visible at least. I couldn’t take my eyes off her beautiful breast and shave pussy. I slowly start feeling my dick getting harder and my short getting tighter. I try to control myself and keep my head straight. This wasn’t my first time seeing her naked. The first time when we were only 3 years old and our parents made us take bath together. But now is completely different we were now a fully developed teen and soon young adult.
My heart was racing so fast and I wouldn’t stop sweating. I was too scared of touching her. I was a little worry about what will happen if time turn back to normal and she saw me here standing next to her holding my dick in my hand like a pervert. Maybe I shouldn’t try to touch her and just take some pictures. I took out my phone and hope it will turn on and thankfully it did. It's seen I didn’t have access to the WIFI or even getting any signal, but I could still take pictures. I took quite a few from a different angle. Once done with the photo shoot I went back to the living room, sat on the sofa and return time to normal. Now that time is back I looked back at the photos I took, and they were still there. Once again, my boner was starting to show, and I could hear Jenny getting out of the bathroom. I close my phone and took a pillow to hide my boner. But suddenly someone opens the front door.
“Heyo someone home?” screams the intruder
“Oh hi Elo. I didn’t expect to see you this early” I responded
It was Jenny big sister Elodie. Compare to her young sister she was a lot taller but the rest of her body was pretty much the same as her sister. Both were tall blond girl with blue eyes and cute smiles. But her ass was more desire then Jenny. I was more a boob man than an ass man anyway.
“Hi, Don. Jenny didn’t tell me you were coming today well I should have expected it. You are here almost every day.”
“Sorry I didn’t notice I am being here so often lately”
“Hahaha is ok you are always welcome here Don. After what happened to you parent I understand you must feel lonely back at your house. Our parents aren’t even here most of the year so it good to have good company”
“Thank Elo”
“By the way next Friday, you are invited to my pre-birthday party”
“Pre-birthday party?”
“Yeah I was thinking of invite some of my closest friends and get wasted with you and my little sis and depending on how I feel the next day I probably going to go to some lame hipster bar with some buddy from my college”
“Well I will try to come this Friday”
“That will be so great. I’m so happy now come here and let me give you a hug”
She lifts me from the sofa and took me on her arm. I could feel her breast pressing against my face.
“Have I ever told that you were like the little brother I never had Don”
“Yes, you told me that like a hundred time already (probably Jenny also think of me as her brother)”
“So, are you gonna stay here for dinner?”
“Nah sorry I told my aunt I will be home not too late today to help her, so I better get going”
“Oh, is ok well take care Don and say hi to miss Layla for me”
“Sure do”
Jenny promptly appears in the living room.
“Are you already leaving Don?” asked Jenny
“Yeah sorry”
“That ok take care and see you tomorrow at school”
“Thanks, see ya”
Miss Layla was my guardian and not my real aunt. She was a close friend of my parents that why she decides to take care of me after my parent’s accident.
Once a got home and ate dinner with Miss Layla, I went to my room and started to look back to the picture I took. I couldn’t resist anymore. I took off my clothes, grabbed my dick and slowly move my hand up and down while thinking of some of dirties thing I wish I could do to Jenny. I quickly took a sock and explode it on the inside, but I didn’t think I will cum this much I felt gross and dirty by how much there was inside my sock. Better hide this under my bed and clean it when Miss Layla isn’t around. Since I left Jenny house I felt like a time bomb ready to explode but now I felt pretty good. Then I remember this was all possible because of that weird Asian lady and her mysterious watch. I took the watch in my hand and started staring at it until I slowly fell asleep.
5 days have passed since I got the watch. I have done some experiment with it and I had a pretty good knowledge of his power. I did some experiment with an inanimate object to see how it will react if I move objects while time was frozen. Most of the object like a car, mp3, tv, and cellphone keep working but not at 100%. Like if I touch a television while time stop and only show static. I also try with my neighbor’s dog to see what will happen if I touch it while time was frozen and well… nothing happens. The dog was still frozen even if I had on my arm. So I conclude that living being will stay frozen no matter what. But I still haven’t experimented with another human being… until today.

Heya just some random guy who enjoy reading and some time writing
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Old 04-06-2018, 05:19 AM   #2
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Interesting start.

I will follow this
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Old 09-24-2018, 06:57 PM   #3
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Default Power of time part 2

What better place to test my watch then school, but first and most importantly I needed to choose who was going to become my first victim. Most of the day I was trying to pick the perfect girl, but it was hard to choose. Time when by and it was the end of last period, PE, and I still haven’t chosen anyone. So, there I was thinking to myself in the boy looker room of what could I do next. I didn’t want to pick just any random girl. I’m still a decent person and was against the idea of sexual harassment and what happen with Jenny doesn’t count cause she a very close friend of mine.

“Hey Don stop daydreaming and get change already. You promise you will help me out today”
“Heu? Oh, Sorry Jo, I’m didn’t notice I was day dreaming again”
“That ok just get change already”
Jonathan also known as Jo was one of those rare people I called a good friend. I never knew why he was always hanging out with me. I know him since the start of high school and he was always there to support me and help me when I was in trouble. He was also way better good looking then me and had a dashing good personality. Unlike me who I’m always shy around other people. Jo was the kinda guy who takes a good 2 hour before coming to school to do his cool hairy spike hairstyle. Even after all this running outside and sweat his hair haven’t move an inch. What kind of hair product does he use. He was also one of the first student at our school who manage to find a way to wear the school uniform looking cool and without breaking any rule. And that lady and gentleman’s is why he always having new girlfriend each 2 month and I’m still a virgin.(sigh)

“So Jo what was I suppose to help you with, today?”

“Have you already forgot Don you promise you were going to be my wingman’’

‘’Wait what??? Me a wingman? Are you sure it’s a good idea?”

“Of course, I do. Listen prom its just around the corner this is our last year as high school kid. Next year we will all be in college, so I need to have the perfect girl for prom”

“And who is this lucky girl you are trying to get?”

“Linda McCoy” Jo answer proudly

“Linda? wow I’m impress, you usually go for dumb and easy bimbo”

“I know, I’m done with easy bait, now is time to go for the big fish”

“You are such a douchbag”

“I know” he responded proudly once again.

Linda was known for being the smartest and nicest girl in school. If I wasn’t in love with Jenny I probably being thinking of Linda all day and everyday. She was a redhaired girl and she was quite a cute girl. And it was a surprise to see Jo going after Linda. Most of Jo’s ex where all girl with huge tits but Linda was more like 34 A cup at least. I was starting to understand why Jo needed me. He probably wanted to show his kind side by having me next to him to prove he wasn’t such a douchbag

Once I finish changing clothes, we left the locker room and coincidentally we found Linda just standing against the wall in the school corridor.

“Don listing just be yourself and help me out ok?”

“Help you how?”

“Like I told you just be yourself”

To be honest I have no idea how to act as a wingman for Jo

“Hey Linda, how is going?” Jo asked

“Pretty good Jonathan thanks for asking. What about you?”

“I’m feeling great, I actually wanted to ask you something, you know we been in the same class for the past 2 years and we know each other pretty well, so will you possibly, maybe interested in going out with…”

Suddenly a girl came out of the girl looker room looking quite angry.
“Linda my god! What are you doing talking to Jonathan? His such a dick. Don’t stand around him” screamed some mystery girl at Linda

“Fuck it’s Stacey” Jo whispered to me

Stacey the most annoying girl in our school and my next test subject…

So, Stacey was basically a huge bitch. She was also known as the gossip queen and a liar. She would invent story just to ruin someone reputation. She was never mean to me, probably because she had pity for what happen to my parent and also, I didn’t really have a huge reputation at school. It didn’t help that she was the daughter of a wealthy millionaire. Even if she was a bitch, she was a HOT bitch. She had long brow hair, light brown beautiful eyes, gorgeous lips and some of the hugest breast in our entire school. A lot of people suspect that her breasts were fakes and that Stacey asked her father for money to pay for breast transplant.

“Stay away from him Linda. He just broke up with Monica not to long ago. I even heard that he might have herpes.” Told Stacey to Linda

“Don’t listing to her Linda. She is lying like usual. By the way I didn’t break up with Monica. She’s the on who broke up with me. She wasn’t ready for commitment. I’m actually quite an gentleman isn’t that right Don”

Jo was quite nice with every girl he went out with. He never made one feel bad or sad even if thought he was always changing girlfriend, but he was a dumbass sometime. In the outside Jo looks like a badass dude who seem to only care about how he looks but on the inside he was actually a good caring guy.

“Stacey you don’t know nothing about Jo he’s actually one of the greatest person I know” I shouted back at Stacey

“Pfff Tell me Don how much does Jonathan pay you to follow him everywhere and make you say those stupid thing” said Stacey

“My god when will you stop making up thing Stacey. You are such a bitch” responded Jo

“You are just sad because you know you have no chance of going out with me someone like me. Come Linda let get out of here” Said Stacey while grabbing Linda by the arm.

“Men what’s her problem? I didn’t even ask Linda out yet” asked Jo

“I don’t know. Probably you will have a better chance with Linda if Stacey isn’t around’’ I told Jo

Before we left, I turned back to see where Linda and Stacey were. Linda was standing once again next to the wall while Stacey was drinking water from the school drinking fountains. Well then is now or never I though out loud. I took my watch out of my pocket then press the button.

I saw Jo standing next to me frozen like a statue. It looks like he was about to ask me something. I left Jo and got closer to the two girls on the other way of the hallways. Both girls were wearing the school uniform. A medium black skirt with a white short sleeve shirt. Once again, my heart was racing from the thought of what I could do to Stacey. I mean she had it coming after being mean and such a bitch with so many people. So, I took Stacey and moved her away from the fountains. She kept her position of bending over like she was drinking water. I slowly start stripper her. First, I took her skirt off and then her shirt. She was now standing with only her pink bra that match with her pink panties who look quite expensive. Once I remove her bra my hand was starting to shake from the happiness of my first time touching a women’s breast. I finally grab both breasts, one in each hand and started playing with them. It felt quite soft and hard. They were firm from inside, but they feel almost like huge ball. I couldn’t confirm it they were transplant or not. I mean this was my first time and I have nothing else to compare to. I decide to take it further by slowly licking and sucking he left nipple. I even started to softly bite into them. My cock was getting harder by the second, but I still haven’t try the rest of her body, so I slowly slip my hand inside her panties and slide one of my finger inside her cunt.

“WHAT THE FUCK???” I screamed while losing my balance from the shock and falling on the floor. When my finger was inside her it felt so wet. I know it was supposed to feel that way but how was that possible when time was frozen. I mean when I freeze time, every living thing stop breathing or a better way to describe it, they stop living. Was it because I was playing with her breast that it made her body horny and wet? I was just scare that I might return time back to normal without even knowing.

I should better stop now before this go over my head. I was ready to start dressing her back when I notice her mouth. I froze her when she was in the middle of drinking water from the fountain. I couldn’t resist. I took of my pant and boxer. I slowly start inserting my 6-inch hard dick inside her mouth. I took both of my hand behind her head and made her start sucking my dick by moving her back and forth. This felt so fucking amazing. It was better then I ever imagine in my wildest fantasy. Once again, I was surprise that her mouth was a little wet inside. I couldn’t stop so I kept deep throating until I finally release a huge load inside her mouth.

And just like that my job here was done. I notice that I couldn’t have gone for a second round because I didn’t have the stamina. I wasn’t really in shape per say. I wasn’t fat but I was also not someone who is very active but somehow I felt more tire then usual. Anyway, I started dressing Stacey and then I put her back where she was before I’d stop time. Everything was back in his place, but I didn’t want to leave thing like this. I went back to Stacey and removed her skirt and pantie. I only put her skirt back up and kept her underwear. I wanted to keep something from her as a trophy and what better then her pantie.

I went back to my original position next to Jo, waited a while to catch my breath, took my watch and return time back to normal.

“So, Don what are you going to…” Jo try asking me but got interrupted by the loud cough that Stacey was making.

We turn around to see what was going on and we saw Stacey coughing like crazy. It was like she was drowning or something.

“Stacey are you ok?” Linda ask preoccupied for Stacey well being.

“Cough* I’m not sure Cough* Something wrong with that water fountain Cough* The water started to taste warm and bitter suddenly”

“Oh my, that weird, are you going to be aright?”

“I think so… wait a second...”

“What wrong?”

You could see how confuse Stacey was. She probably notices that something was missing. I wonder what is was… (smirk)

“Linda go wait for me outside. I think I drop something back in the girl looker room. I’ll be back very quick”

I could see Jo wandering what was going on. If only he knew.

“Don why are you smirking” asked Jo

“I’m not smirking, what are you talking about? Anyway, what were you going to ask me?”

“Just wondering if you’re free tonight?”

“Sorry I’m not I’m going to Jenny house. Her sister invited me to her pre-party”

‘Wait you are going to a party without me, man that lame”

“Well is not like I could invite you. Anyway, is not like it`s going to be a huge party. Is only me, jenny and her sister closest friend”

“Fine I understand you don’t want me to come and steal your girl. Am I right?”

“I have no idea what your talking about”

“Fine keep playing dumb see you Saturday then”

“Ok, take care Jo”

“Same to you”

We both went our separate way, taking different train. While I lived close to the suburb, Jo lived in downtown. It usually take me like 1 hour just to get to his house on bike. Anyway, once I got to my neighborhood I saw an old woman standing in front of my house. She was wearing oriental dress with a headscarf. Who was she I wonder…

Heya just some random guy who enjoy reading and some time writing
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Old 09-25-2018, 12:39 PM   #4
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So far its a great story. Your english is quite good too. keep it uo, cant wait for the next part.

Likes- semi/hidden public, denial, piss play, light pain

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Add me in tumblr for great content! mrnice90nice
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