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Old 09-17-2010, 05:49 PM   #1
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Default Crossing The Nation

I really want feedback. Positive or negitive help me make my 1st story great.

Chapter 1

“Will Jason Valentine, Greg Machovich, Brian Kingsley, Ashley Smith, and Carrie Chen please make their way to the office now” The PA system at Williams High School chirped as the voice, most likely the secretary Mrs. Jenson. I stood up and headed for the door but not before my teacher stopped me.

“Jay” Mr. Cole said “before you leave the class has something to say to you” Both student and teacher turned to face the class

In Unison they bellowed “Thanks Jay” Surprisingly these weren’t kids in a primary class acting organized they were most 17 and 18 year old grade 12 students. They were one of the homerooms of the Williams High class of 2011.

“Thanks guys” I said embarrassed and walked out of the room. Seeing as the office was on the other side of the school I figure I should probably explain to you about myself and why everyone likes me so much. I am not the captain of the football team, the highest scorer on the basketball team, but I am something much more important. I am the president of the WHS Seniors Trip Committee. A group of 5 members every year whom are assigned the task of along with the assigned teacher are given a very low budget and told to plan a trip, meaning schedules, stops, buses, flights, hotels, right down to bathroom breaks.

I arrived at the office and my 6’2” 190lb frame stepped through the doorway. I as by no means ripped but some detailed muscle and abs made me look according to the girls in class ‘sexy’. My long dark black hair and blue eyes gave me a dark look which clashed brightly with my pale white skin. Looking at the group he realized the differences in them all. Greg had a slightly bigger much more muscular build then Jay with matching brown eyes and short brown hair. Brian stood only 5’9” and stick thin having his shoulder length hair in a ponytail with his green eyes glistening, truly a feminine build but that didn’t matter to Carrie, The beautiful Asian goddess on earth whom had her hand in his back pocket. Brian had his other arm around her shoulder fondling her a-cup breasts and causing her nipples to stand obviously erect beneath her shirt. . The hand in the pocket seemed popular today as Ashley her 6’ even frame and skinny waist could be easily be hidden behind her partner’s huge muscled bulk, being that of Greg. I don’t even want to know where his hand was.

“Hey Jay” Brian said, my friends call me Jay for short.

“Sup Jay” asked Carrie

“Notta Carrie” I answered “Is Ms. C in the office already?”

Ashley must have just taken notice of me for she answered “Yeah, should we go in now?” The others looked at me, their fearless leader. Only a hint of sarcasm there, I took the lead and walked into the office. Basically a cramped closet with 6 desks and chairs but we took pride in it.

We all shuffled to our seats and sat down. Ms. C spoke first

“So we are ready to commence the start of the trip tomorrow?” Carrie Asked

Ms. C once again beat me to the answer, “Totally, after all our planning it will finally be a reality. But there is one problem that arose if you all recall.

“Unfortunately we do Ms. C” Greg mentioned, he tends to go to his own little world when horny. “Due to our senior class size, a school record of 200, the 3 buses containing the kids can’t all travel at the same place at the same time due to space and costs… so the buses will traveling in different directions on our trip across America” Did I mention that part yet?

You see the trip for most high schools is normally to foreign countries but WHS figured we need to see more of our own back yard and had us plan a trip across America.

Ms. C spoke once more “Now because you kids all count as chaperones you are gonna be split up as you know. Brian and Venus, Greg and Ashley, and Jason…”

“Jay” I corrected her

“Right, Jay, because you are the odd man out you and I will be partners” Ms. C continued. “Also each group will have a third chaperone. Jay ours is going to be Mrs. Johnson” The toughest teacher at the school, hooray.

“Well” Said Ashley “I guess this is good bye”

“No” Ms. C told Ashley and the rest of us. “Tomorrow at 7am the buses will leave and you can all say goodbye then” She glanced at her watch “But I have to get back for homeroom, you can stay here if you would like” With that she left, I watched my teacher leave as her tight tanned behind walking out of the room. The thought of spending such time with her was going to drive me crazy tonight. Her beauty was astounding and added to the fact that this was her first year out of college she was amazing.

The group chatted for a few minutes then filed out and went our ways home… Boy this was gonna be a trip,

2 weeks across the nation with my beautiful teacher. What could go wrong?

Wish me luck world, here we go!
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Old 09-18-2010, 05:34 PM   #2
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Default Crossing The Nation

I pulled my Honda Civic, a piece of crap by any right, into the school parking lot. Just as I seemed to do so the damn engine cut out resulting in my lashing out at the damn thing. I got out of the Civic and slammed the door behind me,

“Freaking piece of crap” I yelled at the car. I opened the trunk and pulled out my bag out of the trunk. It contained everything I would need, 4 changes of clothes, a hygiene kit, and a thin windbreaker in case it got cold once we left Florida. I also retrieved my backpack which contained more maps and information brochures then ever thought possible along with some snacks for later.

“Jason, your late” I turned but already knew who the voice belonged too.

“Yeah Ms. C sorry” I apologized “My car has been acting up all morning, good thing I can leave it hear for 2 weeks. And it’s Jay remember?

“Yeah, well, you wish Jay” She laughed “But there is one more problem.”


I noticed the others walked up behind her, it was Ashley whom spoke first “Your guys bus is smaller then the other groups by 4 seats.” She motions around group “ but seeing as only 3 would have people in them it means that…

Ms. C interrupted “Its mean you, I, and Josh Kramer will be traveling behind the bus in your car leaving Mrs. Johnson on the bus” A deep frown broke out across my face. I normally wouldn’t have cared but Josh was a skinny little prick who would try and have sex with anything that moved be it Human, Animal, and Inanimate Objects.

“Speak of the devil” said Brian motioning to his left where storming over to us faster then a hurricane and strangely enough she had Josh and a heavyset dark haired older women behind her.

“Ms. Campbell here is the faculty head of the trip committee Mrs. Kramer” Said Mrs. Johnson motioning toward Ms. C “Mrs. Kramer here has some last minute changes of heart about sending her son on this trip” Ms. C nodded and turned attentively toward Mrs. Kramer.

“Listen Honey” Snapped Mrs. Kramer in an impatient jersey shore style tone. “I have been reading these sites online about what exactly happens on these trips” She snaps in Ms. C’s face “And I personally don’t know bout thee other crazy parents but personally I don’t want my son on this SMUT trip” She put emphasis on smut.

“Well umm… Mrs. Kramer” Replied Ms. C “I can assure you your son will be kept under the best of supervision along with the rest of the children.”

“No” Mrs. Kramer “I will not have my son on this trip of disgust and filth”

“Ok” Ms. C said glancing at the disappointed face of Josh. “Carrie would you mind giving Mrs. Kramer a refund”

“Not at all” replied Carrie taking the ever attached Brian with her, Mrs. Kramer and her sulking son in tow.

Ms. C turned to address all the teacher and teen chaperones coming on the trip “Lets get those kids on the bus, as soon as Brian and Carrie get back we are moving out. And Jay” She turned her head toward me.

“Yeah?” I replied

“Can you grab my luggage from bus 3 and put it in your trunk? “she asked

“Sure thing Ms. C” And with that I jogged off to get her bag which I found in the front seat. Even from here I could hear Ms. C, Greg, Ashley, Mrs. Johnson, and all the other teachers yelling out who was going where. Just as I returned to the group everyone started to walk to their buses. Even Carrie and Brian had gotten back.


“Dude” Brian said to me as I turned to face him “Good luck” And that was it. I seriously wondered what he’d meant.

“Jay. Let’s get going ahead of the buses to make sure no one gets lost” Ah Mrs. C, Now I know what Brian was talking about.

“Totally” I replied back to her while tossing both our bags back in the trunk. I hoped into the drivers seat and revved the crappy civic as Ms. C hoped into the passenger seat. “Ready?”

“Yes Jay” Ms. C said finally getting my name right. And with that I pulled out of the parking lot.

Alone in a car with my sexy young teacher… I pinched myself to make sure I wasn’t dreaming. And even if I am thankfully I didn’t wake up.
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Old 09-18-2010, 10:42 PM   #3
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All alone with the teacher... now it get's interesting
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Old 09-19-2010, 09:55 PM   #4
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Chapter 3

It was around 8am and lunch was penciled in for around 1 in Orlando meaning that I would be sitting here with Ms. C for around 5 hours. We drove through the streets and I got to thinking. These are the streets you grew up on, but now you are fully grown. These are the streets where you spent your childhood, but you are no longer a child.

I turned to look at Ms. C still with the last thought in my head, No longer I child I thought to myself once more.

Ms. C must have taken notices of my looking at her as she screamed “Jason keep your eyes on the bloody road!” I snapped my eyes front to see I had almost had a head on with a minivan hugging the divider.

“Jay sorry” She said realizing she screwed up my name once again “Did our gym teacher Dale teach you nothing in Drivers Ed” Considering the gym teacher/ drivers ed instructor ‘Dale’ as everyone called him rode the bus the true answer to that was no…

“Yes Ms. C he was a terrific teacher” I just thought I saw a wasp in the car and I’m allergic” I gave her a weak smile.

“It’s alright Jay but if you plan on getting me killed wait till the end of the trip” Ms. C stated “I at least want to see California first”

California our final destination seemed so far away a week away as a matter of fact of museums and parks and cheap hotels… ah the glory of a school trip. I was just turning my way out of city when I got a call on my phone. Brian and Greg had both called me in a 3 way. 3 way nationwide talk something we had gotten out of our own pockets we knew would come in handy.

“K umm, guys can you both hear me” It was Greg

“Yeah” Brian and I responded almost simultaneously

“I’m putting you guys on speaker” I said plugging the phone into a little speaker amplifier the same time Ms. C reached over to turn off the radio, When the heck had I turned on the radio? I for sure need to focus… But as she did this she leaned just a little too far causing my hand to graze her breast. We both quickly pulled away.

“Problem?” Ms. C asked

“Yeah kind of” Ashley answered; Greg must have it on speaker also. She continued “Tonight’s hotel in Jacksonville had a bug problem and we can’t get in”

“Well all 3 buses will have to come to Tallahassee tonight then, I will make reservations for 20 more rooms and Carrie can give you guys directions.” Ms. C proceeded.

“Good thinking guys” I said supportively “So lunch in Orlando at McWilliams Square”

4 Voices said “Yeah” In unison and we all hung up. Ms. C called the hotel and I continued to drive onward.
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Old 09-22-2010, 07:03 PM   #5
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Default Chapter 4

“Ms. C” I asked in a questioning tone.

There was a moment of silence before she answered “Yeah Jay?”

“Why are we in my car?” This was something I had been pondering the last 4 hours of almost silent driving. Ms. C had been asleep until a few minutes ago having fallen asleep

“Well Jay” She answered still groggy from the nap. “Your car might suck but mine broke down last week and it’s still in the shop” she laughed “Imagine the 2 of us in the back of my little car stuck on some no where road in Atlanta trying to snuggle to keep alive”

“Yeah no one would want that” I said… Why couldn’t the freaking car wait another 9 days! Lord help me, after her description of that my erection was so big that if the air bag went off the tip of my penis could burst the air bag.

“10 miles to Orlando” Ms. C read the sign we were both looking at aloud.

My phone rang and I answered to find Greg and Carrie calling me for a double checking. I put them on speaker and placed the phone in the cup holder, unfortunately not getting to graze Ms. C’s breast again.

“So what’s up for the square?” I could hear Ashley in the background “These kids want food and they want it soon”

“Then they are lucky we’re 30 minutes ahead of schedule” I mentioned looking at the clock. Lunch wasn’t supposed to be until 12:30 and it wasn’t even noon.

“Well, let them off and you kids can go talk or whatever” Ms. C said.

“Cool” Said Brian

“Tell the teachers that I want to see them before they eat” Ms. C added

“Sure” Came Greg’s response

“Totally” Came Carrie’s

As we had been talking I pulled in front of the buses and cemented myself as the lead car.

“Talk later guys and gals” I said and hung up the phone.

“Here’s the exit” Noted Ms. C

“Like to point out the obvious?” I asked

“Pretty much Jay” She answered with a laugh

We chuckled trading meaningless conversation for about 5 more minutes and then I pulled into McWilliams Square.

“Welcome to Orlando stop #1” I said hopping out of my car

Ms. C couldn’t let it slide “Now who’s pointing out the obvious”.
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Old 09-22-2010, 07:05 PM   #6
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Hey all, To try and boost some interest in this stroy anyone who wants can write a reply below and will be entered to become a character in a future chapter. Please just post what you think about the story and what you would like your characters name to be.
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Old 09-25-2010, 10:10 AM   #7
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i love it hope jay get some from the teacher
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Old 10-26-2010, 07:22 PM   #8
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Default Chapter 5

Sorry about the length between posts... Comment please.

I walked toward the buses which had just arrived. The driver opened the doors as students ran past prompting Brian’s shouts.

“One hour” he yelled.

Ms. C turned to him with a glare and he became quite. “I have a minor headache Brian, you mind?”

“Sorry” Brian quickly replied and walked away to Carrie whom followed him along. I stood and watched as Greg and Ashley got off the other bus coming towards us.

McWilliams had always been a good place but there was this little junk shop down on the corner I loved. They had everything from Anthropology Ant Farms to Xylophones Imported from Zimbabwe. I wanted to take my friends there so bad.

“Hey dudes” The crowd of 3 looked at me. “I know this great little shop down the corner; Check it out before we eat?”

“Why not?” Ashley replied. She started to walk in the direction I had gestured, Greg followed I am sure hoping there would be a secluded dark room somewhere. Ms. C, I think she came along to seem hip and cool. The tight jeans she wore helped make her cool, but I was getting pretty hot.

The girls chattered as we walked past some clothing stores. The 6 year difference between the girls disappearing at the sight of ripped and decayed looking jeans on for 75% off..

Ashley suddenly took a pose straight outta the Snookie Book of Jersey Shore and snapped her fingers “On da way back we coming bawk here, Gots me?”

Ms. C surprisingly turned and struck a similar pose. She chewed some invisible gum. “You knows it Gurlfriend” The girls laughed. More mindless chatter and snacking noises, what the heck? Where did Greg find chips? Never mind.

Anyways we reached the store and Ms. C stepped in the door with a “Wow” Obviously a bit to hip for her. When Greg and Ashley entered with the same reaction I stepped in to see what was up.

“Fuck” I almost screamed. The shop was filled with many pieces of junk. And I mean junk, like a guys junk. They walls were covered in sex toys and strange objects. I looked at the shocked faces of those around me and decided it was time to leave early. I turned and accidentally slammed Ms. C into a display of god knows what that toppled as we piled out the door. Ashley stood there bitching at me as Ms. C recovered from both shock and surprise; Greg had a huge smile on his face which Ashley whipped off with a smack.

“Jay” Ms C said calmly.

I freaked “Listen I thought it was a junk shop, six months ago it was a junk shop and I am really…

“JAY” Ms. C screamed to break my rant. “All I was going to say is we want to look at the pants and it might take a while” She laughed a cute sweaky laugh “Go meet Brian and Carrie to talk over the plan, Text me where you are k?”

I was speechless for a second so Greg answered “He will” Greg grabbed my collar “Now lets go” He gave me a little tug and we walked off. We found the targets at a taco bell, Can’t go wrong with $0.89 tacos.
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Old 10-27-2010, 11:26 AM   #9
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go on please can't wait for more
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Old 10-28-2010, 01:12 PM   #10
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Default confused :P

im a bit confused... i think maybe the story is going a bit slow but i like the idea of it and i think it has potential .. keep up the good work
PM me dares

Love u Dylan and i love u Bangin! great story writers :P

13/m/uk - bi
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Old 11-13-2010, 09:24 PM   #11
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We walked in through the front door of the taco bell and we sat in the booth across from Carrie and Brian, I don’t think except for the bathroom and rare occasions I had ever seen one leave the others side.

“Want to toss me $5” Greg said.

“Yeah sure thing” I answered and pulled a $5 bill from my wallet. Greg turned to walk away as I called after him “Two burritos and a coke” and then I turned back to Carrie who was snapping her fingers to get my attention.

“I have the map instructions right here” Carrie pulled out her Iphone4 and gave it a wave. “So I am assuming we are just going to go and get there when we get there?”

“Hmmm” I answered “I wish but we have to have a debriefing at the hotel before bed. Just follow us up after key exchange in the lobby.”

“Sounds good” Added Brian as he finished his taco and last remains of his drink before popping in some gum and leaning into Carrie for a kiss. I turned away to avoid staring and a red plastic tray was shoved into my face where two cokes stood a paper bag next to each.

“Time to go” Said Greg “Just picks a bag and we can eat on the bus. Or no, your not going on the bus are you” Greg gave me a poke in the ribs.

Brian came up on my other side and gave me a poke there too. “So is anything gonna happen with Ms. C?

I gave them both dumb looks and replied with sarcasm “Yeah she said after lunch she would go down on me and maybe even hop into my lap.

“Ha, you can only wish.” Greg laughed in my face.

Carrie surprisingly popped up in front of me “We all know you like her Jay”

“And?” I answered “She is like 10 years older then me and has a career and college degree”

“And you’re a genius little punk who seems to pull luck out of thin air” Greg came back.

We reached the buses and the two pairs stood in front of the buses, some adult chaperones already standing around. I let them stop and continue chatting but I walked over and got in the car opening my lunch and watching the students board the bus. The passenger door opened and Ms. C leaned over to toss some bags in the back seat. Her shirt had such pressure against it as she did so and her lovely breasts seemed to almost pop out as my mind wandered.

“Oh I am so hungry” Ms. C said as she noticed my lunch. I dug into the bag and tossed the taco to her as I felt a strange tingling in my pants.

I must be getting really turned on I thought to myself before realizing it was my phone. I checked to find a text from both Ashley and Brian, they read Ready?

With this I pulled from the parking lot for the next chapter of our journey.
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