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Old 02-03-2018, 07:31 AM   #1
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Default DEBATE CORNER Edition 3: Personal Property, No Limits and Two Genders

For far too long has Getdare been littered with weak minded individuals, horny old age pensioners begging for exposure, when what they should be begging for is English Tuition. Too long has this forum been plagued by underage users pretending to be 18 with their "No LIMITS!!!" dares that they don't do. With that being said, it's time for some intelligent debate. It's time for the smart people on the forum to rise! With that, it's time for Debate Corner.

Debate Corner will be a weekly thread on Getdare, coming out every Friday or Saturday depending on your timezone. It will feature three opinions that I hold and then also my argument FOR holding that opinion. The aim of this thread is to encourage some smart conversation, and to encourage some amazing debate that enriches us all! This is an opinion thread and therefore emotions can get high. While passion is great, and I'll certainly be giving some, it's about the smart people in Getdare having fun and debating, not about fighting and argument. So, do you have more brain cells than sex toys? If so, this is the thread for you.

Opinion 1
Dares in other peoples house is wrong

One of the things I see a lot of on the Getdare forum is people saying that they will be staying at a friends house, or house sitting for someone and they want dares to do while they are doing this. For example, out of random - I’ve just pulled up one House Sitting thread, this particular one is from the user ABC. According to the thread, ABC was trusted to stay at a friends house for a couple of weeks, looking after the friends dog. This is something that made the 21-year-old female ‘super horny’ apparently - and that’s fine. We all get horny at different things. For her friend to allow her the keys to her home, and to allow her to stay there implies to me that the friend had a high level of trust to invest in ABC. It shows me that the friend had the respect for ABC - but was this respect mirrored?

Let’s look at one of the dares. One of the dares, that comes from XYZ - “You will go to each room in the house and insert one object from that room in your pussy. Don't need to insert them at the same time of course. You may wipe with your hand but not clean the objects afterwards.” Pretty standard dare, easily done - shouldn’t cause ABC much issue. The dare is a good, safe and interesting one that isn’t too long, isn’t unreasonable and will not cause ABC any issues. What about her friend though? I want you to all now put yourself in the position of ABC’s friend. You’ve trusted someone to look after your personal property. You’ve trusted someone to stay in your home to look after your pet. How would you feel if that person took personal objects that belonged to you and stuck them inside their genitals and left them in that state?

If someone did that to my property, and I found out about it - that person would not be my friend much longer. That person would be on the receiving end of something they simply would not want. Yet another thread chosen at random, this time coming from - G. In the thread, the author states the following “One thing I should add is I have access to all her clothes”. This is clearly an attempt to prompt users to include dares that involve her wearing, degrading and doing stuff to and with her friends clothing - her friend’s personal property. That’s not respectful and that’s damn right disrespectful to her friend. One dare in the thread actually stated that G should cum on their friends clothes - how’d you like it if your friend, who you trusted did that to your property? I’d be fuming. Stop making these types of threads guys, they don’t make you seem daring - just make you seem like a disrespectful twat.

Opinion 2
’No Limit’ thread makers are ALL idiots

You walk into the ‘Request Truth or Dare’ section to see what dares and creative punishments you can come up with and then, standing there in the corner - you see a thread. With usually incorrect spelling and grammar you see someone boasting of their ability to do any and all dares, in what was likely a pre-ejaculation rant turned thread. Boasting about their status of having ‘No Limits’. You then begin to write dares, not having to pay any attention to Likes, Dislikes and Limits due to the very status of the thread. You post your dare and wait for a reply - when the reply comes: “Sorry that’s against my limits…”

What? Despite Kinktalk being much worse for this than Getdare, No Limit threads are extremely common on both sites. Often authored by someone who has bad spelling, punctuation and grammar - these threads are a clog on the Request ToD section and serve as a constant reminder of people’s stupidity. I would therefore suggest that every one who makes this type of thread is an absolute, complete, undisputed idiot. Quite simply, the dares in these threads - we all know, do not get done. Despite some people claiming that they do the dares, we all know they don’t. I have several “extreme” dares that I whip out when I see these types of threads. These are all dares that can physically be done, but I know that the only people who would do them are devoted slaves or just extremely daring people; something that this site thoroughly lacks.

I quite happily troll these types of people. These threads are also often a red flag to me that the user might possibly be underage. If it’s posted by a female, this also creates a red flag to me that it might just be a horny bloke - this is because ‘No Limit’ threads do not often have dares that the author is prepared to do - the author just wants to look as if they are doing the dares. This is one of the main reasons that I use #Picproof in these types of threads, for example - one of my favourite dares to give is to “Walk outside onto a fully public road completely nude with your face covered in shit and take a photo.” - Now in a ‘No Limit’ thread, the author should be completely fine with a dare like that as Scat, Public and Pictures are simply not a limit.

Opinion 3
There is only two Genders

Oh boy, and here we go. Okay, so this one is something that has been in the news a lot recently - in which people are actually losing their jobs, losing their livelihoods based on the issue of “misgendering” people. So, what is Gender? Historically, gender has always been a concept that divides people based on what’s in their underwear. That’s the crux of it. History has told us, and the way it has always been is that if you have a penis, you are a biological Male. If you have a vagina, you are a biological Female. If you have both genitalia, you are a Hermaphrodite in which you have both Gender chromosomes. Because, that is what gender is - chromosomes. Gender being a Social Construct is nothing more than a meme. It’s absolutely hilarious that people believe that you can be born in the wrong body - you get what you are given at birth; it comes down to adaptation.

There is yet no scientifical, undisputed evidence that gender is a social construct. No study has yet been conducted that wasn’t able to be disproven by the leading scientists in all Britain, Alaska, America and I believe the other was Sweden. The argument for gender being a biological construct has been proven with science. There are too many pieces of overwhelming evidence to suggest that Gender is biological to go into but some of them are the brain structure studies done on M-F trans people, with the results always coming back that they had a brain structure more similar to females. There is also the androgen receptor, NR3C4 which regulate male sexual traits, M-F Trans people were found to have longer repetitions of the gene.

These leads me onto my opinions on trans. I am more than happy to talk and to know trans people. One of my old best friends was trans, and I happily referred to him as the gender he wanted to be known as. While he understood I didn’t agree with the idea of trans, as my friend - I did support him. I won’t go around misgendering people if their a lad that wants to be a lass - or a lass that wants one to be a lad. I won’t lower myself to seeing people as “Non-Binary” or watermelons or Attack Helicopters, or what other genders die-hard social justice warriors on Tumblr want to invent. If you are trans, that’s fine - I don’t care - it’s not my business but let’s be clear. This isn’t something that exists - this is something that edgy teenagers constructed in their minds on Tumblr.


What do YOU think? Is it disrespectful to do dares in other peoples homes? Do you get red flags upon seeing ‘No Limit threads? How many genders are there? 2...3...4...72.. More? Comment and let me know your thoughts!


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Likes: Pet Play, BDSM, Mild Pain, Humiliation, Age Play, Degrading, Contests, Spankings
Dislikes: Line Writing, Messy, Long Dares, Toothpaste, Edging, Hypno
Limits: Family, Extremely Messy, Shit, Needles

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Last edited by Butterfly; 02-03-2018 at 08:55 AM. Reason: Deleted specific user names
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Old 02-03-2018, 09:11 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by TheoDares View Post
Opinion 1
Dares in other peoples house is wrong

In the thread, the author states the following “One thing I should add is I have access to all her clothes”. This is clearly an attempt to prompt users to include dares that involve her wearing, degrading and doing stuff to and with her friends clothing - her friend’s personal property. That’s not respectful and that’s damn right disrespectful to her friend. One dare in the thread actually stated that Geek should cum on their friends clothes - how’d you like it if your friend, who you trusted did that to your property?
Yes, it's disrespectful to the other person and it shouldn't be done when you look at it from the 'respectfulness' point of view. From a different perspective, 'harmfulness', I think it's a slightly different story. You're right about when someone notices their property/objects being used, it could be quite harmful to the relationship if any. So that's why—when I use something that's not mine—I always make sure to bring it back to its original state by e.g. cleaning it.

It's just like the cook who spits in your soup; if you don't know/notice that there's spit in your soup, your soup tastes perfectly fine. When you do know that the cook spat in your soup, it probably will taste the same but your (subconsciousness) mind will play a role in how you taste the soup. So when you're disrespectful enough to use other's items without their knowledge (or actually their approval), you better make sure that they won't know about it at all.

Originally Posted by TheoDares View Post
Opinion 2
’No Limit’ thread makers are ALL idiots

I quite happily troll these types of people. These threads are also often a red flag to me that the user might possibly be underage. If it’s posted by a female, this also creates a red flag to me that it might just be a horny bloke - this is because ‘No Limit’ threads do not often have dares that the author is prepared to do - the author just wants to look as if they are doing the dares.
I didn't look at 'no limits' people like above before. It's obvious that they just want to fantasise about the thoughts of doing the dare and maybe do the given dares that are relatively easy. Another reason people write 'no limits' is that they have almost no limits. For instance, it's pretty common sense that you should have body modification, social suicide, health risks, permanent changes and a few other things as your standard limits. Because people who give out dares involving this kind of common hard limits aren't thinking clearly either, regardless of the dare requester mentioning they have no limits.

I went off track here so back to the quote above. I didn't see 'no limits' as red flags up 'til now. Though, I don't think it's not a huge red flag, more like a small birthday cake flag. I think that the number of people who pretend to have no limits is bound more to the horny-minded people than to their age. And yes, it's true that males who use a female getDare account usually have fewer limits with an exception of the picture limit.

Originally Posted by TheoDares View Post
Opinion 3
There is only two Genders

Gender being a Social Construct is nothing more than a meme. It’s absolutely hilarious that people believe that you can be born in the wrong body - you get what you are given at birth; it comes down to adaptation.
With today's technology, how exactly do you define 'adaptation'? If you are young (<10 y/o maybe) and you believe that you're born in the wrong body then is going into transition also considered adapting to the situation? Assuming it'll be a full transition.

I don't care if someone wants to be called a he or she as long as the prefered noun is they or whichever new word they came up with. And I'm more interested in someone's sex than their gender because there are basically only 2 sexes (with few exceptions). It's not like they have a trunk in their trunks.
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Old 02-03-2018, 12:29 PM   #3
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1. Completely agree, it comes down to consent, and as you stated, respect for others property. That being said, asking for dares while in someone else's home in and of itself isn't necessarily bad. Receiving and doing the types of dares that you gave examples of, is disrespectful of the relationship, but in theory one could do dares in that situation that doesn't involve defiling the person's home or property.

2. Agree. At one time, I liked to troll those threads as well. "Cut your dick off, boil it in hot water for 10 minutes, cover it in mustard and ketchup, then eat it like a hotdog." I decided to stop doing that, however, on the very off, slim chance that someone would be mentally insane enough to actually attempt something like that.

3. This is one of those controversial topics that I just really don't give much of a shit about. I'm a cis-gendered heterosexual male. I think it's impossible for me to understand trans-people. It does seem that recently you hear a lot more about gender being separate from sex. There are (with a few very rare exceptions) only two sexes. At the end of the day, it just comes down to decent human decency. I may not understand it, but if a person who physically appears male wishes to be referred to as a female, or vice versa, or really anything else, how is it harming me to honor that request? If someone identifies as a potato, fine, I'll call them "spud" if they wish, it's really no skin off my ass. I generally try to treat other humans with respect, and expect the same in return. Furthermore, I don't give a damn what bathroom anyone chooses to use. I would argue we shouldn't even have gender/sex specific restrooms, but that's probably a topic for another day.
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Old 02-03-2018, 01:30 PM   #4
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1. Yup. That's a total violation of privacy and trust.

2. I think these NO LIMIT EXXXTREME threads are fine! It's already lowkey code for fantasy due to the absurdity of the premise. Therefore, let them keep their fantasy there. It's a good way for newbies to learn about what they like and dislike. Also the fact of the matter is, being dared to do something that's within the fantasy realm can still be exhilarating. I say: let the kids have their fun.

3. Ooooh, you're busting open the hornet's nest with this one. Firstly, there's a difference between biological sex and the socially constructed gender. Sex is typically viewed as determined by chromosomes, however there's still some grey area at times. Gender refers to weather you're male, female, fluid or none. To your arguments: Firstly, you differ to one's genitals as the deciding factor for their gender, yet when talking about hermaphrodites, you say that they're both genders? Isn't that a third gender, as they don't fit squarely into either box? What do you have to say about the people that are born with XYY chromosomes? Are they men? Because according to science, their chromosomes don't match with the atypical guy gene. I could go on about the intersex people that pose such questions to the concept of gender. I think you turn to science as a false authority on a problem that interacts with society and what it means to be a human. You'd never get scientific evidence that definitively shows that gender is a social construct because such a question is unfalsifiable, just like how you can't run an experiment on what it means to be a good person. Sure sex is backed by biology, but the messy grey areas of gender are an unmapped form of expression, and can only be done outside of science.
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