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Old 03-15-2014, 07:13 PM   #1
getDare Sweetheart
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Default Tales From Wedgieville, The Weekly Series

This is a new project I have decided to start. Basically, every week, life permitting, I will be posting new stories, all taking place in a town you will soon learn about, Wedgeville, or as some of the locals call it "WEDGIEville". There will be continuing characters, plenty of different story lines, and a whole lot of wedgies. (Not to mention plenty of other embarrassments and such.)
Stories will likely appear a couple times a week, though some will be short one post ones, while other's might take several posts, maybe even past one week, to tell. But, assuming all goes well, there will be at least one new story each week. Better hope YOUR undies survive the ride.

Thanks, and please leave suggestions and/or feedback. It'll help a lot.
Male, looking for female wedgie slave that can send pictures and/or video. PM (Private Message) for more information.
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Old 03-15-2014, 09:02 PM   #2
getDare Sweetheart
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Default Welcome To Wedgieville: Chapter One: Part One

Welcome To Wedgieville

Chapter 1: "Wedgeville, meet John and Jake. John and Jake, meet WEDGIEville."

Part One

"I don't know about this place..." John said as he watched another field of corn fly past his window.
"Don't worry son, I'm sure that once you get to know it, this town will seem a lot more exciting." His dad said from the front seat of the car.
John and his twin brother Jake looked at each other with an expression of understood boredom and sighed in unison. Despite their protests, their family was still moving across the state from Chicago, all the way to a small town in south Illinois called "Wedgeville." A dumb name, even if "Wedge" was the last name of the first mayor, as John had found out doing careful research on the place. He wanted to know what he was dealing with.
So far the place looked beyond boring. There was nothing but farmland around them. As if reading his twin's mind, Jake piped up with the same statement they'd made about a hundred times since they were south of Springfield.
"But Dad! There's not even anything here TO seem exciting! It's all CORN!"
"Now now," Their Mom replied. "There will be more "proper civilization" around once we actually cross into city limits."
As if on cue, they looked out the window and saw a large faded sign that said "Welcome to Wedgeville".
"See, look! What did I tell you?" Their mother said, pointing towards a subdivision coming into view down the road.
Jake sighed and rolled his eyes, returning his focus to his Nintento 3DS he had been playing. John started to look down at his book, when something flashed in the corner of his eye. Looking up, he noticed the sign again as they came close to it. There was a long streak of white paint on the sign, a strait vertical line near the center. He also saw something white hang off the sign... but they drove past before he could make out what it was.

When they arrived at their new house, John and Jake were impressed. It was huge! According to their dad, he'd gotten it quite cheap. John wasn't surprised. When he had researched the town, one website mentioned that multi-bedroom homes tended to be priced much lower in this area than in most. However, it failed to give an explanation as to why this was. Of course, John didn't know why his dad bothered with such a cheaply priced house. The job transfer he'd received that caused this move in the first place offered an enormous raise.
"Now tonight you two will have to share a room, but once we get fully moved in you two will each have your own."
Good. Thought John. He had been tired of sharing a room with his brother. Jake seemed to have insomnia or something, cause he was always awake it seemed.
They headed inside, and began to move in boxes. The house was quite nice. It had a large kitchen, and a very comfortable looking living room. Outside, there was a huge pool, with plenty of space around it, as if the yard was specifically designed for summer parties. In fact, the entire house looked like the kind from TV shows and movies where the kids always throw parties when their parents aren't home.
A good thing to note... John thought as they finished unpacking for the day. He and Jake had discussed the fact that they would need to find a way to make some new friends before they earned any sort of bad reputation at their school. Not that either one had had too bad of an image at their old school, but all it would take is one social blunder and their lives here would be ruined.

It was night now, and Jake and John got ready to go to bed in what would soon be the guest room. Tomorrow was their first day of their Sophomore year of high school, and John wanted to well rested and ready. He quickly put on a blue shirt and matching pajama pants over a pair of blue briefs. After brushing his teeth in the bathroom attached to the bedroom, he crawled into bed and got ready to sleep. Eventually, Jake also got into the other bed, after quickly throwing off his jeans and shirt and jumping onto the bed in his black boxers he'd been wearing all day. John turned out the light, and rolled over to go to sleep.
In the middle of the night, he heard Jake get up, and go to bathroom. He shut the door. John sighed, thinking of how stupid it was of his twin to have not used the toilet before bed. Then he began hearing strange noises he couldn't discern. Assuming it was just Jake staying up, playing his video game in the bathroom, he ignored it, putting in a pair of small earplugs he got a long time ago for when Jake was making too much noise and wouldn't let him sleep.
Maybe if he hadn't put them in, he would have heard the rather loud ripping noise that came about a minute later...

End of C1P1

Part Two of Chapter One coming soon.
Male, looking for female wedgie slave that can send pictures and/or video. PM (Private Message) for more information.
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Old 03-16-2014, 05:20 PM   #3
getDare Sweetheart
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Default Welcome To Wedgieville: Chapter One: Part Two

Welcome to Wedgieville

Chapter One: "Wedgeville, meet John and Jake. John and Jake, meet WEDGIEville."
Part Two

The next day, John woke up, turned off his alarm, and went to shower. He noticed a tiny bit of black fabric on the floor. He assumed it was part of an old shirt, or a sock. Just some bit of trash left from the previous owners of the house. He threw it away, and showered in peace. As he showered his thoughts wandered. Eventually they wandered to the same place most teenage boys' minds do every so often. He looked down at himself, thinking about how he really needed to find a girlfriend soon. A couple minutes later, he cast the thoughts of sex and girls from his mind again, and finished showering. He dried off, threw on a pair of fresh tighty-whities, jeans, belt, and a blue polo shirt and went back to the bedroom.
As he walked back in, he found his brother still sleeping in his blue boxers.
"Wake up!" John shouted, throwing a pillow at his brother's head.
Jake groaned as the pillow struck him, and sat up as John left the room for breakfast.
Later, once they were ready for school, they stood outside waiting for the bus to arrive on their street. A couple of kids were already there. Many of them looked really nervous, as if they were dreading starting school again. John thought about seeing if he could start talking to someone to stay entertained. However, most of the other kids were engaged in conversation already. Jake had taken out his 3DS again and was playing his game. One kid, who seemed about John and Jakes age, came over greeted John with a brief handshake.
"Hi!" He said, a friendly smile on his face. "I'm Isaac. You two must be those two kids I saw moving in yesterday. Well, to be truthful, I thought it was one kid. Didn't realize you were twins."
John laughed. "Don't worry, you're not the first to make that mistake. I'm John, and the vegetable here is my brother, Jake."
"Nice to meet you." Isaac said, still smiling brightly.
Jake gave him a small wave without even looking up from his game.
The bus soon arrived, and all of kids climbed in. Jake had his game put away now, and as he climbed onto the bus he noticed a cute girl with an empty seat next to her. He smiled and sat down, starting to flirt. John rolled his eyes at his brother, and sat a couple seats back with Isaac. His brother had always had better luck with girls than him, even if Jake couldn't seem to hold a relationship for very long. John looked out the window lazily as they started to pull away from the stop. Just then, a kid who looked like he was probably in middle school came running around the corner. The kid freaked out as he saw the bus driving away.
"Oh, no!" Isaac said worriedly. "Poor Timmy..."
"Should we ask them to stop the bus?" John asked.
"No. It's too late now." said Isaac sadly.
"Oh, well. The middle school's closer than the High School right? He should still make it on time if he runs."
"He should, but he won't..."
"What do you mean?"
Isaac didn't respond. At a stoplight, Jake and the girl he'd sat with quickly ran back to two empty seats next to Isaac and John. The girl was laughing.
"John, meet Alexis." Jake said.
"Alex." She corrected him. "Never call me Alexis."
"Fine. Alex."

"Hey." John said, nodding.
Alex was wearing a small pair of glasses that sat slightly crooked on her nose, just enough to be noticed. She had her brown hair tied back in a long ponytail, and was wearing a black Pac Man shirt with a long sleeved brown shirt unbuttoned over it. She also wore a pair of cargo shorts and and sandals. She was a bit oddly dressed, but she looked very cute. It was obvious Jake thought so. He kept grinning at her. (Or perhaps at the Pac Man shirt.) The four of them chatted about classes and things for a little bit. It turned out Alexis and Isaac were already good friends, and Alexis and Isaac were both Sophomores like John and Jake. They continued the conversation nonchalantly until they stopped at the middle school. Middle schoolers began walking off the bus. A group of sixth graders walked by, all looking absolutely terrified. One seventh grade girl seemed frustrated with her appearance or uncomfortable, because she kept adjusting her clothes with a worried frown on her face. Finally the last two eight grade boys got off the bus looking more confident than the others, but not happy to be there. John's gaze followed them out the window. As he watched them walk towards the school, something caught his eye. Something was moving in a tree nearby on the school grounds.
"Hey look!" Jake said a little too excitedly. "That kid's getting a wedgie!" He laughed, almost shakily.
Indeed as he squinted, John could see a large pair of bright yellow briefs hanging from a tree branch. Attached to them was a small boy, either in 6th or 7th grade by the looks of it.
"So?" Alexis asked, confused. Isaac said nothing.
"Well, it's funny, isn't it?" Jake asked, wondering if he'd said something wrong.
Alexis paused for a moment before a look of realization crossed her face as she said, "Oh my God, Isaac! You didn't tell them?"
"I've only just met them before we got on the bus. Besides, I thought it'd be better if they figured it out for themselves."
"You know that's not right." she said as the bus pulled away from the middle school.
John watched the boy struggle with his underpants as they drove down the road. Nobody was helping him. Not even a teacher, if they were even around. Isaac continued to remain silent.
"Fine, I'LL tell them" Alexis said, sounding annoyed.
"Tell us what?" John and Jake asked in unison.
"About Wedgieville." she said ominously.
"You mean WEDGEville, right? Not wedgie?" John asked.
"No. Wedgie."

End of C1P2

Chapter One: Part Three should come quite soon. It will likely be the last part of the first chapter. Once Chapter One of this story is finished, I'll probably start having MULTIPLE STORIES AT ONCE so stay tuned. PLEASE LEAVE FEEDBACK IT WOULD BE MUCH APPRECIATED
Male, looking for female wedgie slave that can send pictures and/or video. PM (Private Message) for more information.
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Old 03-18-2014, 10:19 PM   #4
getDare Sweetheart
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Default Welcome To Wedgieville: Chapter One: Part Three

Welcome To Wedgieville

Chapter One: "Wedgeville, meet John and Jake. John and Jake, meet WEDGIEville."

Part Three

As they rode on toward the high school, Alex began to explain the story.
"It all started a long time ago. Probably back about when our grandparents were in school, when the whole idea of a "wedgie" gained significant popularity. The town had been previously named "Williamsburg," as in William Wedge, the first mayor, but that's a very common and famous name for other towns and cities, and the citizens wanted it to be unique, so the local government decided to rename the town on it's hundredth year anniversary. This time they called it Wedgeville instead. But not too long after, a kid named Calvin Hanes started a bit of a bullying... "regime" you could call it.
Hanes made a point of becoming the top bully in the district and ruled the school system through fear. His favorite weapon--"
"Wedgies." John and Jake predicted in unison.
"Yup." said Alex. "He used a lot of different bullying tactics, but wedgies were his favorite. According to legend, no boy made it through the year without getting his undies pulled at least once."
"But didn't he eventually graduate?" Jake asked.
"Yeah, but more students carried on his legacy." Alexis replied. "Bullies practically warred to be the best, and the nerds in particular suffered the worst. Soon though, a girl named Victoria Klein took things up a notch. She became the best girl bully, dividing the nerds by gender amongst herself and the at that time current top bully, Joe Loom. Now even the girls weren't safe."
"Why didn't the adults do anything about it?" John asked, quite confused by the apparent negligence of the teachers and parents.
"Well, they tried." Alexis explained. "But it didn't do any good, and eventually, the people who used to give and get the wedgies first graduated and then they were the adults. So the legacy continued. Now everyone, child, teen, parent, teacher... EVERYONE is part of it in some way or another."
As Alexis finished her story, they arrived at the high school. The students began filing out of the bus. As the twins, Isaac, and Alexis walked off the bus, they noticed a commotion happening at the front gates to the school grounds. The gates seemed to have just been opened, as school would be starting soon, and all of the students who'd arrived were crowded there. A chant was just starting up. It soon became easily discernible as dozens of students began repeatedly saying:
Then a older student, probably a Senior, climbed atop a statue of a knight on a horse that was just past the gate. He scanned the crowd in front of him, and then pointed and said, "Let's have that one there!".
The crowd watched and the chanters cheered as a small blonde haired boy, obviously a freshman, wearing rather large glasses, and a striped polo tucked into a pair of beige jeans with a belt, was pushed and carried forward to the statue. Two boys lifted him up about a foot as he panicked and protested, "No! Please! No! NooOOO!" and the boy on the statue reached into the nerds pants and hoisted out a perfect pair tighty-whities.
The crowd cheered louder as the little nerdy freshman screamed, and was hung by his undies from the statue's sword. His name, "Arnold Sanders" was perfectly visible on the waistband of his underpants. The Senior climbed down from the statue and the crowd flooded into the grounds cheering. John, Jake, Issac, and Alex watched as a few of the people ahead gathered around the statue. One person quickly undid the nerd's belt, and ran off as the nerds pants dropped to his feet, fully revealing a pair of tighty-whities now stained yellow in the front by pee, and pressing hard on his crotch, showing his anatomic short-comings. He grabbed his crotch in pain and embarassment and started to cry as John and his friends walked by.
"Welcome to Wedgieville." Alexis said.

End of Chapter One.

Chapter Two coming soon, also I will be starting to have more than one story up at once. PLEASE LEAVE FEEDBACK PEOPLE I NEED TO KNOW IF YOU'RE READING THIS.
Male, looking for female wedgie slave that can send pictures and/or video. PM (Private Message) for more information.
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Old 03-19-2014, 02:25 PM   #5
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This is really good! It's kind of slow, but that's good because it is actually creating the setting instead of jumping into the action too quickly!
U.S.A/ Male

Male Farm Breed: Hound (PM me a dare if you are part of this)
Likes: wedgies, semi-public
Okay: pain, messy, pictures
Limits: extreme pain, illegal, family, crossdressing
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Old 03-20-2014, 04:53 PM   #6
getDare Sweetheart
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Well remember, "Welcome to Wedgieville" is going to be slow because I'm using it to introduce many different characters and places. But it's not going to be the only story. I'll soon have some that will be much faster paced.
Male, looking for female wedgie slave that can send pictures and/or video. PM (Private Message) for more information.
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Old 03-20-2014, 10:07 PM   #7
getDare Sweetheart
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Default Panties In A Bunch: Episode 1

Panties In A Bunch: Readings from the Personal Journal of Alexis Pole
Episode 1: The Last Day of Summer

Hello Journal. My name is Alexis. I've started this journal to record the happenings of my Sophomore year of high school, which starts tomorrow. Anyway, here's how today went:
This morning started out pretty well. I woke up, excited to make the most of my last day of freedom. I practically jumped out of bed, and through off my blue bra and matching panties. (I sleep in just my underwear in the summer cause of the heat. Is that weird) Then I started my usual morning workout, doing a few pushups on the floor. I don't usually work out much, or really do any physical activity for that matter. See, I'm kind of a nerd. Plus, I know it's weird I work out naked, but that's BEACUSE I'm a nerd. Let me explain.
Since I live in a town nicknamed Wedgieville, I'm used to wedgies. I mean, in a town where everyone's getting their undies pulled, there's nothing worse than being a geek, right? And whenever I workout, my panties tend to get a bit of a natural wedgie. So it's not always that comfortable of a feeling or thought to have them up there like that, even only a little. On top of that, I get used to not wearing underwear anyway. They tend to get ripped off when I get wedgied, and I've even tried not wearing anyway, so I couldn't even be wedgied (It didn't work. They just used my pants). Finally, I was even kind of used to not wearing ANY clothes. Sometimes the bullies-- well not just the bullies. Being a nerd, almost any type of person in school can wedgie and pick on me without anyone caring. I'm sort of at the bottom of the totem pole. In fact, I've even learned the nickname of "Pulled Panties Pole" since Pole is my last name. Anyway, sometimes people take things so far that my clothes get stolen or ruined. I've been stripped naked several times. At least it's been amongst few people.
As I was saying, I've been working out this summer because this year I'm determined not to be wedgied (as much) this year. So I'm building up strength to defend myself. Maybe I'll even get my own person to wedgie.
After my workout, I stood up and checked my naked body out in the mirror. I was looking a little more fit. I was quite sweaty, so I took a quick shower and then went to put on my clothes for the day. I'd planned out my outfit the night before so I wouldn't waste time in the morning. I wanted full enjoyment out this day. I quickly put on a nice clean pair of pink Pokemon themed panties, with a huge Pokeball across the butt and "Gotta Catch'em All" written a few times around the waistband in big yellow letters. I wanted to wear my nerdiest undies now, in the summer, while I could enjoy them. It's not a good idea to look like a nerd on the first day at Wedgieville High School. I found that out the hard way last year, and back in middle school as well. I put them on a little TOO fast, so I had to pick out a tiny wedgie, right before I threw on my white Pokemon shirt with a Charmander on the front, and my red shorts (also Pokemon themed) with Pokeballs near the bottom on each pantleg. Today was a very Pokemon day I thought, giggling a bit as I put on the finishing piece, a red Pokemon themed baseballcap. I walked out of my room with a smile on my face and went down to eat a quick breakfast.
...That's when the day went bad.
After I finished my breakfast of pancakes and a large amount of syrup, I got up and started towards the front door in the living room to start on my way toward the park to hang out with some friends. As I walked into the living room, I felt two things at once. First, a hand quickly darted into my pants, and half a second later, my ankle hit something, causing me to trip.
I screamed as my underpants rocketed into my ass, and as I fell forward, stopped by them. But I only stopped for a second, because whoever had grabbed my underwear soon dropped me to the floor. I craned my head around as I lay on my hands and knees, just in time to see my step sister, Megan, grinning as she walked towards me. She crouched down, pulled my shorts down, grabbed my undies again. Then she stood up, my ass being pulled high into the sky as the rest of my tried to stay on the floor. I screamed again, slightly quieter, as Megan began to speak.
"Well, if it isn't Pulled, Panties! POLE!" she said, yanking the undies higher each time she said a "P" word. "And look! She's even wearing little Pink Poke'Panties!" she continued, this time bouncing the underwear with each "P." "There were too many P's in those sentences." she said. "Or maybe not enough..." she said as she let me drop.
I was too scared to try to run. I had tried and failed enough times to know it wouldn't work, and it'd just make things worse. She came back from the kitchen carrying the leftovers from my breakfast.
"First, how about PANCAKES!" She yelled as she walked towards me.
She took what was left on the plate, and slammed the plate on my mostly bare butt, squishing pancakes onto me, and letting syrup cover my butt, my legs, and the floor. Then she spanked me with plate a couple times. I howled in pain but she wasn't close to done yet, I knew.
She drizzled syrup from the bottle over the larger plate of untouched pancakes, and then squished them up in her hands and threw it all over me. Next, she pulled off my hat, stomped on it, and dripped syrup on it. But there was still plenty of syrup left. She grabbed the spare bottle as well apparently, and this one still had a little in it. She pulled my panties open again, and poured syrup down them, even some in the front. Then she wedgied me again. I could feel the syrup in my buttcrack, sticking hair to the panties and sticking my cheecks together. She then poured the syrup all over my clothes and in my hair. How much syrup was IN those bottles? Finally, she pulled the panties into anatomic wedgie, all the way to my nose. All I could see was stained white cloth, and all I could smell was butt and syrup.
"There still needs to be one or two more 'Ps'..." she said slyly. "I GOT IT!" she shouted, even thought it was obvious she'd had it in mind all along.
She turned me over on my back, my hair sticking to the floor, and she pulled the underwear up my front as well, as she shouted "PUSSY!" The syrup sticking to the inside of my vagina. Then she began to tickle me, shouting "And finally, PEE!"
She kept tickling me, and I laughed and laughed, as if this was actually fun. It wasn't long until I peed myself. She kept tickling me until I had peed all over the floor and was rolling around uncontrollably. As I peed and rolled, the strain on the atomic wedgie was too much and my little panties ripped off. She stopped tickling me, satisfied at last, and walked away, leaving me there half naked, covered in syrup and bits of pancake, laying in a pool of pee and syrup, and smelling like those two things as well. I eventually got myself cleaned up again, and then had to clean up the floor. The floor got clean ok, but I still smell like syrup, and my clothes are nearly ruined. Especially my cute little PokePanties. I loved those underpants...
Anyway, I eventually managed to get to the park. My friends and I spend a majority of the time swapping stories of the wedgies that several of us had received from family members that morning, or from other people on the way to the park. That night when I got home, I avoided my sister after dinner and managed to change into my Doctor Who themed undies and pajamas in piece. After watching Doctor Who in them, in almost fixed my day. All I had to do was finish my journal entry to calm me down and I'll be ready for

I write this last sentence with an atomic wedgie just given to me by my older brother with my TV remote shoved into my butt by the panties. I guess NOW I'm ready for school tomorrow...

Keep watch for more episodes of Panties in a Bunch, as well as other stories. PLEASE GIVE FEEDBACK
Male, looking for female wedgie slave that can send pictures and/or video. PM (Private Message) for more information.
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Old 03-21-2014, 10:13 PM   #8
getDare Sweetheart
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Guys, I feel REALLY uninspired to keep going on this. It doesn't seem like hardly anyone is paying attention to the stories. Please comment if you want me to keep going.
Male, looking for female wedgie slave that can send pictures and/or video. PM (Private Message) for more information.
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Old 03-22-2014, 04:21 PM   #9
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i would like for you to keep going because i love wedgies and i love your stories
wedgie man/dare man

Make mine long and super messy and hard to clean up
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Old 03-22-2014, 04:31 PM   #10
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Please keep going, I love wedgie stories and there are never enough of them on here!

Likes: Pee holding, self-bondage, wedgies, ice, spanking, messy, humiliation, denial, edging
Dislikes: Pee drinking, corner time
Limits: Public, family, permanent, scat, cam/pics

Send me humiliating messages on Kik. Make me edge, make me come, wherever I am when I open a message @gdvenusaphrodite
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Old 03-22-2014, 07:21 PM   #11
getDare Sweetheart
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Welcome to Wedgieville

Chapter Two: "The Ceremony"

Part One

"Well, I think I understand things now." John said, sounding nervous, as the four of them talked inside the school in the commons, waiting for the bell to ring and for school to start. "Though what was with the chant? Was that just the first wedgie that someone in highschol received so far this year? And why that kid? Why was it him?"
"Well, OFFICIALLY it was the first wedgie to be received this year. But that's not actually true. On the bus and in on the way to school kids have probably already been wedgied this morning. In fact, there are probably kids hanging by their undies along sidewalks all around town right now, who will probably show up late to school later."
"Why is it only the 'official' first wedgie?" Jake asked.
"Because it's supposed to be." Isaac explained as if this were obvious. "No high-schooler is supposed to receive a wedgie from another high-schooler, unless it's a traditional one like the first wedgie of the year or the 'end of the day wedgie', until 'The Ceremony."
"What's that?" John asked.
"Tonight, around seven o'clock, all high school students will be required to show up at the football field." Alexis told them. "And before you ask, no it's not an official school event. But you have to come. The students who run the whole thing will take attendance, and anyone who doesn't show up will be punished... severely punished. Being new students, you're lucky we told you. The new students never know. They never see it coming." she said ominously.
"What about after the Ceremony?" John asked, truly frightened now.
"After, and I mean IMMEDIATELY after, like, the very second the Ceremony ends, everyone is fair game. Well, sort of. You CAN wedgie or bully anyone, but you have to be careful. You don't want to mess with the wrong person."
"But what happens to the people who wedgie other people BEFORE the ceremony?" Jake asked, intrigued.
"If they don't get caught by the students in charge, nothing. If they do, they get punished at the Ceremony."
As if on cue, they heard some shouting a few feet away from them. They turned to see a crowd forming around two students. The two girls seemed to be arguing over something, and were shouting insults at one another. It was too hard to hear what exactly they were saying because of the crowd cheering them on to fight. Suddenly, one girl hit the other, and they fell together to the floor, wrestling with each other. The one who through the first punch soon pinned her victim facedown, and almost as an instinctive reaction, reached into the girls black jeans and pulled out a pair of bright pink panties. The girl wearing the panties screamed loudly, and the girl pulling them soon pulled them over her victim's head until the waistband was in the girl's mouth, giving her a horrible atomic wedgie.
Just then, a senior boy and girl came over and pulled the victor off her prey. The boy ripped the girl's school ID card from around her neck and showed it to the senior girl. She wrote something, probably the girl's name, on a clipboard paper. The seniors walked away, leaving the two girls alone, the standing one looking frightened, and the girl on the floor sobbing, tears soaking the underwear on her face. The sound of the girl crying caused her wedgie-er to glance at her, and angry look formed on her face. She pulled the sobbing girl up to her feet, yanking on the exposed leg holes of her panties, then pushed her head-first into a nearby trash can. The girls legs stuck out of the trash can, flailing about. The other girl then pulled her pants to her ankles, leaving her exposed butt visible just above the top of the can, her legs still flailing about above her.
The senior girl walked back over, glanced at the legs and butt cheeks coming out of the trash can, then at the other girl, and wrote something else on her clipboard before walking away again. The other girl called her a bitch to her back and stormed off as well.
"See? She's going to be punished tonight." Alexis said. "And if she doesn't show up, it will be worse."
They watched as a boy came through the front doors, a bit of torn blue briefs sticking out of the back of his pants. He immediately walked up to another senior with a clipboard, and said something. To senior nodded and scribbled on the clipboard.
"So why was that kid chosen for the first wedgie?" Jake asked.
"Well the first wedgie is always given by a senior boy, who is chosen during the summer a few weeks before. Then he picks out a freshman boy on the first day of school to hang from the statue outside. It's always a nerdy kid too. Because, of course, nerds get wedgies first." she said, a frown starting to form on her face.
"That's right!" said a voice behind her. Alex's eye's widened in fear.
Male, looking for female wedgie slave that can send pictures and/or video. PM (Private Message) for more information.
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Old 03-24-2014, 03:04 PM   #12
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Love the story, hope you keep writing.
Don't really use this account anymore. If I'm logged in then I'm just browsing and horny.
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Old 03-24-2014, 03:50 PM   #13
getDare Sweetheart
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Quick question for my readers. Which would you like me to post more often than the other?
Main timeline stories, such as Welcome to Wedgieville (one and only one of these will always be going on. all side stories will branch from the current or past main timeline stories.
Side stories, such as Panties In A Bunch, which there will usually be several of at a time (they are shorter, but they tend to be faster paced and there could be a lot happening at once, once i get more started that is)
Male, looking for female wedgie slave that can send pictures and/or video. PM (Private Message) for more information.
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Old 03-26-2014, 08:57 PM   #14
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I like the main timeline ones more.
Don't really use this account anymore. If I'm logged in then I'm just browsing and horny.
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Old 03-26-2014, 09:00 PM   #15
getDare Sweetheart
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Another feed back question (could someone respond to the previous one as well? please?): Do you guys like the font and size changes I use? Or do you even care? Because bothering with that kind of thing makes the stories take longer to type sometimes, so I want to know if I should even keep doing it.
Male, looking for female wedgie slave that can send pictures and/or video. PM (Private Message) for more information.
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