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Old 07-04-2007, 01:38 AM   #1
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Default Never Have I [Fiction]


This is a story about a group of teenagers. No, none of them are hotter than supermodels. No, none of the guys have are hung like horse. This story is about "normal" (I use that term loosely...due to the lack of a clear defintion of normal) teenagers, ones you and I talk to and meet everyday. Also, just because this is a fiction story does not mean it cannot happen. I am freestyling this, but expect this story to be 100% believable...no bs or amazingly huge outlandish occurences. Lastly, I'm not going to force anyone to compliment my writing before i post a new part of the story. Of course, compliments are appreciated, but never should anyone hold something over your head until they get a compliment, so expect the story to continue over the next few days. And now we begin...

It all started at my "party". Party is in quotations because many people would not consider it a party, as many people see parties as music blaring and alcohol serving events. Mine was just a humble get together with around 20 friends invited, where we played soccer and pool and especially guitar hero. My mom cooked food and it was a breakout time for me, meaning it was when I finally stopped being such a pussy around people and gained alot of self-confidence. Loking back on it now, there was no way I expected that night to lead to what it did or for me to even think about doing the things that i would do. But we can discuss that later, for now I'm setting the mood. So as the clock neared midnight (ohh Cinderella-esque there) people said there good byes and steadily left my get-together. Two to my friends decided they would stay the night and we could just hang out and chill. We played more video games and moved onto poker, where I did in fact win 5 dollars (which still put me in the hole overall $100 for the party...but you take the small wins). My parents and little brother soon drifted to sleep but we were still flyin high (figuratively speaking of course).

Now is a good time to introduce my friends and I. My name's Chris and I'm about 6 foot 210 lbs. Sadly to say I have no rippling abs or bulging biceps...not quite the perfect ladies man but a fun guy just the same. Jeff, one of my friends, is a short white kid. I'm convinced the kid's half black, because this kid has got game. He has wavy blondish hair and is short, but still owns everyone at sports, but he is overwhelmed when it comes to the ladies. Lastly, Andy is a funny Mexican kid. He is the butt of all jokes made in my group...but then again he takes it so well and is sharp with a come back. He is taller than me and a bit lighter, but a hell of alot awkwarder.

So after poker and games, we were stumped what to do. We weren't tired as we were still jacked up on mountain dew (uhem..thats an original ) We racked our brains until we finally came up with something we can do. We decided to teepee a house. Whose house you ask? Well shut up and stop asking questions because I'm telling the damn story. Anyway, three of the girls that attended my party were staying in a camper outside of one of the girl's house...as they often did when they had girls night. We figured, in all our teenage male maturity, to sneak up and teepee their camper. After planning the logistics of the operation and askig my parents for permission (which they were suprisingly cool with), we left. Of course we went all out, with black clothes and ski masks and the whole deal.

Adrenaline rushed through us as we creeped closer to the house, and with little hesitation we heaved the toilet paper towards their camper where giggling could be heard. Unfortunetly, it did not work. The toilet paper sailed over or too short or didn't unravel. It was a disaster, so we just threw some rocks at the camper and drove off. THE END

Just kidding, but we did drive away. As we turned off of the girls' street, my phone began to vibrate. I looked down and saw that it was the girls calling me. "Curses, foiled again". So I answered, trying to act all innocent and sleepy, but what I heard on the other line would change the course of the night for the better...

Pam, one of the girls, in an exasperated voice said "We know it was you guys, we saw you sneaking up oh so quietly and laughing and even driving away, so why don't you guys just come over and chill for awhile." Oh yeah, I thought, this night has yet to begin.

Last edited by saintcmj13; 07-04-2007 at 11:20 PM. Reason: substitued up for off
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Old 07-04-2007, 02:09 AM   #2
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Default Part 2

Of course, we quickly turned around and headed back to the camper. Visions of the girls in their pj's made me smile. You see these girls were not the kind I would usually hang out with on weekends. We were friends, but not very close...yet. Their were three of them there. One, Kayla, was a chubby girl. Yet she did not act chubby or seem chubby, its one of those weird cases where she is so good looking that you don't notice the bit of extra weight, because it seemingly adds a sense of hotness to her. Hard to explain but she was pretty smokin in my opinion. All three of the girls were soccer players for my school and were very athletic and still very smart. They were partiers and loved a good time, but were far from sluts. Kayla always had a smile and a very distinct voice, which I loved to listen to. Emma was the opposite of Kayla, skinny and dark and blonde. They were the same height...around 5'4" or 5'5" (I'm not completly sure because I do not go around measuring girl's heights, as thrilling as that sounds). Lauren, the last chick, was (in my humble opinion) the hottest girl in school. She had dark pitch black hair and the greenest eyes you have ever seen. Always a sucker for legs, she had the bggest calf muscles I have ever seen and the smoothest lookin legs I would ever want to lay my eyes on. She was not brimming to the max with common sense but was very book smart. She was also one of the nicest girl's I have ever met, never snubbing you or making you feel like shit like many cheerleaders are so apt to doing in my school.

We barged into the camper and then realized what an awkward situation we were in. Us three guys, far from the consumate ladies man, were now in a trailer, alone, with three good looking girls. We didn't let it show (hell we probably did, but I'm not going to admit it) but we got really nervous really quickly. We sat down and starting small talking, chatting about school and soccer. Akward pauses were abundant and I was begining to think I made a mistake when Kayla piped up, "We should play a game". Always the outgoing one, we quickly followed her lead.

Only then did I realize what the girls were wearing, or not wearing. Kayla had these really short shorts on with a tank top on. The tank top was awesome for me because it really allowed me to notice how big and round Kayla's breats were. The shorts couldn't have gotten much shorter, which was quickly given mental approval by me. Emma, a bit more conservative, had long pants on and a shirt. Emma was boobless, well of course she had breats, but they were not big, well not even medium sized. They fit her perfectly, but she is only 100 or so pounds. Lauren knocked me out when i started to really scan over her. She had a white t shirt on, and it was almost white enough to see her nipples poking out, but not yet. I strained my eyes trying to spontaneously gain X-ray vision so i could get a load of those babies. Lauren also had shorts on, but her legs were radiant and her tan was amazing. I felt happy just sitting so close to her.

After the quick look over of the girl's, I asked Kayla what we would be playing. She smiled and told us we'd be playing a litle game of Never Have I

Last edited by saintcmj13; 07-04-2007 at 02:11 AM.
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Old 07-04-2007, 02:18 AM   #3
molten man
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Nice Start. continue plz..

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Old 07-04-2007, 02:35 AM   #4
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i like it can't wait for next part xD
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Old 07-04-2007, 10:08 AM   #5
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wow this is great! u have no idea all those girls you just explained are so freakin similar to my friends! its not even funny how closely you explained them!
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Old 07-04-2007, 11:19 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by turbo1914 View Post
wow this is great! u have no idea all those girls you just explained are so freakin similar to my friends! its not even funny how closely you explained them!
thanks...they are pretty darn close to my friends too minus a detail or two...and so far this story is completely true also the names were changed....im going to start writing the next part of my story now
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Old 07-04-2007, 11:31 PM   #7
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looking forward to read xD
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Old 07-05-2007, 12:14 AM   #8
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same hr.. continue asap!!

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Old 07-05-2007, 12:30 AM   #9
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Default Part 3

We all quickly agreed to play the game, seeing as we were all bored and running out of small talk topics. The game sounded interesting enough and I found myself getting a bit nervous and excited as Kayla outlined the rules of the game for us.

"First" she said "put three fingers in the air." "The way we play this is we sit in a circle and take turns saying 'Never have I...' and you fill in the blanks. If you have done what the person said they have never done, you put a finger down. The first person to have all three fingers down loses. For example, if I say 'Never have I ever eaten a sandwhich' (which of course isnt true, but I'm using it as an example) and Andy here has eaten a sandwhich, then he puts a finger down. Everyone understand? Also, how about we make the loser do something bad for losing? Of course, nothing can leave this camper and all that jazz."

We all nodded our comprehension and the game started. Kayla started, saying she had never made out with another chick. Andy put down his finger, as Jeff and I looked at each other, our faces growing redder by the minute. Next in the circle was Jeff who said he had never played truth or dare. Down came the fingers of Kayla, Emma, Lauren, and Andy. The three girls started giggling and carrying on, kind of like they had a secret inside joke Again, it seemed this innocent life of mine was coming in handy all of a sudden. Next came Lauren and she said that she had never flashed anybody. My finger slowly came down, as well as Emma's. I had once been pantsed in seventh grade and flashed my class. Jeff said that he had never owned a cat. Andy put down his last finger, much to the delight of the group. The rest of us quickly huddled together and pondered a punishment. Andy looked nervous. Grinning, we broke our huddle and told Andy his punishment. He had to go outside and run the hose over his head for three minutes, then he had to come inside and sit dripping wet. He frowned and headed inside.

Four minutes passed and he lumbered in as we all laughed. That'll keep ya quiet Andy. Little did I know it wouldn't. He would be just as talkative as he always was, just a bit colder. Next in line was Andy. In typical Andy fashion he proceded to say, "Never have I ever ridden on a camel naked for more than seven miles, backwards". Laughter exploded around the camper and we looked at him in disbelief. As a joke I lowered my finger. I soon raised it again, but Kayla protested. Turns out I had to leave the finger down because it was already lowered. Next was my turn and I decided to take a stab at a very unique question. "Never have I ever stuck anything up my ass." 10 eyes looked at me in disbelief and no fingers were lowered. After two quick turns, I was dismayed to find all of my fingers were down. I looked over at the shivering Andy and cringed at the idea of my punishment. The group broke their huddle. All of a sudden, Jeff darted out of the camper. No one else looked confused so I just waited, hoping my punishment was an easy one. After around ten minutes, Jeff climbed into the camper, sweaty and panting. The group then told me my punishment.

They told me I would have to be gagged until they allowed me to talk again. I thought that considering the alternatives, I got off pretty easy. Unfortunetly i was counting my proverbial chickens before they hatched. Jeff took off his socks as I looked on in confusion. "What are you guys doing? I thought you were just gonna tape my mouth?" "Oops, did we forget to mention that you will have to put Jeff's sweaty socks in your mouth?" Lauren blurted as the others laughed. I accepted my punishment and nearly gagged when Jeff's socks were roughly shoved into my mouth and duct tape was placed over it.

"Let's continue" said Emma
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Old 07-05-2007, 03:28 AM   #10
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yay i love you and your story
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Old 07-06-2007, 11:14 PM   #11
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great story please continue
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Old 07-07-2007, 12:47 AM   #12
molten man
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nice story. plz continue!!

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Old 08-01-2007, 10:23 PM   #13
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I love that game. And now I have new ideas. Thank you and please write more, I am hooked.
TRUTH: How innocent do you really think I am?

If you wanna know pm me
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Old 08-04-2007, 12:41 AM   #14
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Heh, When i goto parties with alot of my friends we have a Drinking Card Game called kings and if you get an 8 Its Never have i Ever and instead of putting a finger down you just drink. Although i'm pulling from Real life. We have had some Really Wild times. Nothing like 15+ Drunk kids =D
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Old 08-06-2008, 09:52 PM   #15
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what happens next??
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