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Old 12-28-2011, 05:37 PM   #1
tequila mockingbird
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Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 65
Heart Double or Reflect - Full Story

Ok firstly this story is one close to my heart, it is loosely (very loosely) based on what really happened. This could very well be the reason I love stripping stories so much to this day, but at the time it was horribly embarrassing.


So I was 12 in my second year of high school, [ UK Schooling system, years 7-11 aged 11-16 in high school ] I’m not going to go into many details about myself as it’s not needed but let’s just say I wasn’t well developed in many ways at this age. I was small and skinny to say the least.

Anyway back to the story, I had this friend Laura she was my only real female friend. She like most real people wasn’t a cliché and so quite hard to sum up for the purposes of this story. She was sort of in between a geek and a tomboy I guess, she hung out with a few of us boys who were quite geeky I guess. Anyway she would have been 13 at the time, probably as her birthday is long before mine, she was quite attractive in a geeky with glasses sort of way. She like many girls had developed before the boys at her age so she was a bit taller than me at this stage but not much. She had started to develop in other way too which I had noticed which brought strange new feelings as I was just starting to appreciate the appeal in girls.

Anyway since we moved up to high school we had started to drift apart. She was getting more female friends and started to be more of a conventional girl and I was quite content being geekier. We were still friends and our parents where good friends too so one afternoon after school I went round to her house to stay for tea and I was to stay the night. I was to stay in her Brother’s room like usual. Her brother Mathew I think was his name, was a couple of years older than us probably 14 going on 15, he was ok but liked to have his fun at other people’s expense.

So Anyway, something came up I don’t remember what but Laura’s mum had to go out on a family emergence but it was ok we could look after ourselves. We got bored like teenage kids do and ended up playing truth or dare. For about half an hour the game was really boring we were playing some obscure rules where you spun a bottle and whoever it landed on had to do a truth or dare. Anyway mostly truths had been asked and some dares skipped. Then Mat suggested the last 5 spins of the game whoever it landed on had to do the dare no backing out of it but you could do paper scissors rock with someone, for reflect or double, meaning if you won the other person had to do it instead or you had to do and even worse dare. Don’t judge we were all young once and made up stupid rules and games. Anyway we all agreed and the bottle was spun. It landed on Laura who looked slightly scared but not too much.

Mat pulled me over to one side and started whispering what we should dare her, I was shy and sort of went along with it, suddenly Mat announced. “We’ll if you think so we’ll use your idea” I was stunned we hadn’t even spoke of a dare.

“Sam Says you gota lift your skirt and show your underwear to him for 10 seconds”

Laura blushed and looked at me giving me daggers, I wouldn’t have dared to do that she was a good friend, even though I was too shocked and didn’t have time to recover.

“Is that 20 seconds if I lose Double or reflect?”

Mat shook his head. “nope we’re playing make it worse if you lose that you gota lift your shirt and show your bra too” Laura blushed even deeper it was clear that was an even more embarrassing prospect to expose her developing little boobs.

“Fine” She said and before I could recover from everything happening around me she lifted her grey school skirt up to her waist exposing to me her knickers. I remember them to this day being pink with some writing on the front. I stared at her pale exposed legs and underwear, I had seen her knickers before when we was kids but this was different now, I didn’t look away until she counted to 10 and pulled her skirt back down and asked me if I had a good look. It was then I realised I had been staring her face had coloured red and so had mine. I didn’t know what to do I couldn’t find the words to explain myself and Laura looked angry and betrayed. Mat laughed but spun the bottle again, I was dreading the result and knew before it stopped that it was my time.

Laura flashed me an evil grin and started whispering with Mat. When they finally turned back Laura told me it was pay back and that I had to take off my trousers for the rest of the game. I turned red, looking between them but finding no compassion. I asked them what the double was and they told me it was to be in only my underwear for the rest of the game. This was worse don’t get me wrong but not much worse, Mat grinned it was all part of his plan, he probably didn’t find being in his boxer shorts embarrassing in front of his sister and a guy, so if I won the reflect he probably wouldn’t care. My worry was I had only just switched over to wearing boxers and made sure to do on a PE day, but today I was still in my old briefs it would be humiliating. I took my chance I had a lot to lose and so did Laura who would lose her skirt and would have to expose her knickers again this time for the whole game.

As the rules went first Laura and Mat did papers scissors rock to see who would go against me. Mat won meaning it would ether be me or Laura. Ether she would be sat with just her school shirt which would probably not cover much or I would be in only my little grey briefs. For a moment I had a ray of hope and something strange I longed to see Laura in her underwear again, this time for longer and any future dare would be extra embarrassing for her. Mat counted 1…2…3 I did rock… Laura had paper.

Humiliated I tried to beg “Please don’t make me show my underwear”

“Why you made me do it!”

“Come on Sam off with them, it’s only your boxers” Mat laughed

I coloured and mat noticed, “Not in boxers yet? Wow this is going to be embarrassing for you isn’t it” Laura laughed at this comment her grin massive now.

I took my School shirt off and then my socks, I hesitated my skinny hairless top half on display. I knew I had to, it was how you played when you were young, not something to go back on. I unbuttoned my trousers and pulled them off trying my best to cover my little undies. I sat back down crossed legged covering them up with my hands. I was almost in tears and red as anything. Laura and Mat laughed at me and my embarrassment.

“This is payback, I only had to show you my knickers for a few seconds now your little undies are all you have to wear this whole game, maybe if you lose again you can dance for us, or maybe even run around the garden.”

I was trying my best to cover up but I had so much skin on display it was horrible. I couldn’t imagine having to do something so humiliating in this state of undress undressed.

“Please guys this has gone too far let’s stop playing and let me get dressed.”

“Don’t be silly we still have three more spins.”

Mat grabbed the bottle again he was loving this and both me and Laura where playing right into his hands. So there I was in only some little grey undies humiliated but watching the bottle spin like it was the barrel of a gun. It almost stopped on me but passed on landing on Laura who quickly lost her smile.

By this point I was angry and embarrassed, before Mat had even come near me to whisper about a dare I spoke. “Sine you wanted me to dance in my underwear , why don’t you do a dance in your pink knicker” I added the colour to rub salt in the wound that I had already seen them. Laura looked terrified but Mat agreed it was a great idea. The longing came back to see her pale legs and her panties again, I smiled despite my state of undress.

“What’s the double?” Laura asked

I looked at Mat and his grin grew. “If you lose the double you gota dance in your knickers and Bra only.”

Laura looked mortified but deep in thought suddenly she said.

“So my dare is to dance bottomless in my pink knickers?” mat nodded, “So that means if I reflect one of you two has to dance in my pink knickers?”

My mouth fell open, even mat looked shocked, “No I dared you to dance in your underwear” I said hopefully.

“Nope your exact words were in pink knickers!” Laura said smiling.

“She’s right you know Sam you did dare her that” said mat looking worried for the first time all game

“I’ll take the risk.” Laura said.

I turned to mat, 3…2…1. I did Rock. Now he’s a thing I didn’t know at the time but I found out later, Mat had noticed that as my hand came down for the last reveal I already made the shape as habit, he was quick and picked up on this I didn’t stand a chance. He had paper. Suddenly I was terrified, it was one massively humiliating thing to be in my undies but an whole other level to me in girls knickers and worse to have to dance in them.

“You ready to get them little undies off Sam? They’re almost girls knickers as they are it won’t change much” Mat laughed now realising this game was just getting better and better for him. “So what will happen, will my little Sis be dancing in her Bra and Panties or will Sam be dancing in just some little girly knickers?”

My throat was dry and I was terrified, 3…2…1. Rock, Now I chose Rock a lot hoping people would think I wouldn’t use it all the time. I started stunned and Laura’s hand for a second shock taking over all other emotions. She had chosen scissors. Laura looked at me and I could see the dread in her eyes, I didn’t care now she had made me strip to my undies and if her plan had worked I would have been dancing in some of her knickers.

Mat went to get some music, he came back with a cheesy disco party tunes CD. He picked the song well. “How long do I have to dance for?” Laura said her voice shaky

“One whole song” I replied with a grin on my face now. Despite my undress, maybe due to in part to me undress I couldn’t wait to see her clothed in only her underwear. I didn’t have to wait long Mat had set the CD player up and was waiting. “You need to strip first before the music will start, you’ve got to dance the whole song properly as well”

My eyes where wide as she unbuttoned her skirt obviously she was nervous and embarrassed but also I could tell she just wanted to get it over with as quickly as possible. Her school skirt slipped down her legs and she stepped out of it, my eyes followed it down and then back up her pale thin exposed legs all the way up to her underwear. She was red in the face and looking away from me to embarrassed to meet my eye, she started to unbutton her shirt until it was loose enough to pull over her head. In front of me was Laura a friend I had known for years and this was the first time I’d really noticed her as feminine, in front of my me first image of an undressed girl. Growing up it had been a private giggle between boys if they had seen up a girls skirt and so on, but now looking at her underwear was something different it brought a lust I was barely beginning to understand.

I looked up her body noticing her small developing breasts covered in a white bra which was clearly padded but that didn’t change the image for me. It was a good job I already had a hand over my crotch because now seeing her like that had set strange feelings and impulses into motion. That was all I needed right then in my little underpants it would be obvious and humiliating. Mat started the music, YMCA ah such a tune with good memories. She had no choice but to do the actions, she throwing her arms over her head, turning around I could see every inch of her. He little boobs clad only in the white padded bra bounced lightly I was mesmerised.

It was obvious she hated every moment, she was red faced and almost in tears, I should have felt sorry for her and took pity on her but all I could do was watch her pale skinny body dance. By this point Mat was in hysterics, laughing so hard it seemed to hurt him. As quickly as it started it was over, Laura quickly got dressed and I got one last look at her Panty Clad bum as she pulled her skirt up her legs. She was shaking obviously the humiliation was too much she was near breaking down into tears. She glanced at me with tears in her eyes, but behind the embarrassment there was rage. She buttoned up her school shirt and turned back on us with a grim determined look.

“Spin again Mat” she said her eyes seemed to will it to land on me.

“two more dares who will it be?” Mat said a massive grin still on his face.

I could only watch with horror as the bottle was spun again, the penultimate time the dare that must be done. Everything seemed to slow down, the bottle stopped dead on me and I could feel my heart drop.

Laura laughed a massive grin replaced her face.

“So you liked watching me dance in my underwear didn’t you perv? What shall I make you do?”

“Please come on this has gone too far” I begged

“not yet it hasn’t, you are at my mercy now Sammy boy.” Laura said with an evil in her eyes I had never seen before.

“Your already in your little undies maybe I should make you take them off”

“Naked? No not that please that’s too far” I begged almost in tears.

“Hmmm I don’t know it sounds fun, I mean you’re already in your little undies” she paused for a moment looking down at my state of near nakedness “Stand with your hands on head while I decide and I might not make you get naked as your dare”

I did as I was told too scared of being naked to do anything else. Mat just laughed as I put my hands on my head exposing all my hairless body covered only by a little pair of undies. Luckily the fear and embarrassment of my situation had killed my earlier excitement. I was sure that was the reason she made me do it to see if I had a boner. She laughed looking me up and down, relishing the control she now had over me.

“I think he looks cold, let me put some clothes on” mat said, I felt a ray of hope and Laura looked at him confused.

“Ye one of your old school dresses should do nicely and some girly undies to match, don’t you think” Mat finished laughing wildly.

“Great idea” Laura perked up looking ecstatic at the idea.

“No I can’t dress like a girl…” I started

“Dress like a girl or get naked it’s your choice” said Laura with a grin

“What’s the double” I asked

Laura thought for a moment but Mat spoke first.

“Double and you have to let Laura undress and dress you right here in the room, that means if she wanted she could take your undies off first before putting the dress on”

“I could take my time about it too” Laura added with a grin

I turned bright red even more than I already was, I couldn’t do that it was too far.

“Fine” I said defeated after a moment at least I would have something to cover.

Laura and Mat went off to find me some suitable clothes. They returned with a checked old school dress made for an 11 year old, the sort that could be worn in summer time in JR school, it should have been thrown away years ago but Laura hadn’t got around to it. As well as this she had brought a well-padded training bra and some little pink frilly knickers.

“You never said anything about a bra” I protested

“What do you mean I said girls unaware didn’t I? girls wear brass too you’ve seen my sisters already remember?” I turned red trying not to think about that and get exited as I was still only in my little undies. Laura helped me put the bra on padding it with a bit of tissue. Mat joked about getting my undies off but I put the dress on first. It was tight but I was thin for my age. The dress would probably once have been modest but on me it looked small threatening to expose my undies if I bend down. It was so humiliating sitting there in a dress, they made me remove my undies.

As I pulled them down my legs I suddenly realise how easily my nakedness could be exposed. Laura passed me the knickers and I quickly pulled them on glad they was covered. They too where old and small digging into me obviously not made for a thirteen year old boy.

The two of them almost fell on the floor laughing, with my thin hairless legs I really did look like a girl. Laura lifted up the dress quickly exposing the front of the knickers, I had to pull it down quickly totally embarrassed.

“Awww Sammy you make a good girl” Laughed Laura. I quickly sat down saying it was time to spin again and get this game over with. Mat pushed me back, I didn’t expect it and being my first time in a dress couldn’t cover in time before I flashed them again. Laura laughed saying I had seen her in a bra and panties and now she had seen me in them now.

Eventually the teasing stopped although I couldn’t feel more humiliated. Mat span it again, I was too embarrassed almost in tears at this point to even think about revenge. Even so it would have been nice if it hadn’t landed on me again. I started at it like it was the last thing in the world, I hated that bottle.

“Ok Sam here’s you dare, you got to take the dress off and stay in Laura’s underwear until bed time.” This was going to be hours away, it was bad enough sat in my underwear but in her little knickers all night. I was ready to burst into tears I couldn’t do that.

“What’s the double?” Laura asked

“A good fair one, if he wins he can get dressed back into his normal clothes and ether me or you has to stay in our undies until bed time, however if he loses he has to stay in your knickers until bedtime and then ask you to undress him for bed and let you dress him into some PJ’s.” Mat said smiling at his sister.

I stared at them terrified but suddenly I saw a way out, both would break me but my only hope was to win the double. I accepted and they both looked surprised. Mat won Laura and then it was just me and her, we both looked red and humiliated who ever lost would have to spend a long night in one some knickers and a bra but for me I would end up naked before the night was over. 3…2…1. I did scissors changing my tactics hoping she would pick paper to beat my usual rock. Instead she had done rock my heart dropped.

“Go on Samantha, take that little dress of yours off !” Mat said. I refused saying this had gone too far. Before I knew what was happening he had grabbed me and Laura helping wrestled the dress off me leaving me in only a bra and frilly knickers. It was so humiliating being manhandled and wearing only girls’ underwear. Mat held me fast spinning me around he was much stronger than me.

“Now this is for being a bad girl” mat laughed pulling me over his knee, “do you want to do the honours Laura?” She smacked my panty clad bum a few times getting harder and harder with each hit. They were laughing and my humiliation got worse, my bum hurt and Laura didn’t stop, this was obviously payback for her and I had tried to go back on the dare. She spanked me hard and it hurt, tears started I wasn’t sure if it was from the pain or humiliation I couldn’t tell which. Laura pulled the panties down at the back exposing my naked bum, I couldn’t move but was fearful she was going to take them all the way off.

The smacks came again and I was openly crying everything was too horrible I couldn’t stand the humiliation. It was then Laura stopped, she told Mat I had had enough and it was time to get baby ready for bed any. He protested but she made him leave the room so it was just me and her.

“awww poor baby no need to cry, listen let’s just finish your dare and I’ll let you get some PJ on”

She stood me up and went behind me, I didn’t even try and stop her as she unclipped the bra, I hesitated but couldn’t stop her as she hooked a figure into the knickers. I was still crying the humiliation, it was too much and now I was going to be naked. She stopped before pulling them down, she wiped my tears with a cloth and waited until I had stopped crying, she looked at me. “Did you enjoy watching me in my underwear?”

“I wonder if you had a boner you was sitting funny while I was dancing, did you like looking at my body, only in my panties and bra?” she was talking slowly every word echoed through my head sending pictures of her dancing again. She unbuttoned her shirt about halfway down until I could see her bra again, I couldn’t help it I quickly got a boner, Laura laughed. “Awww are you getting all hard? Is my bra turning you on?” Quickly I covered it up, but Laura only carried on unbuttoning her shirt all the way. I was getting too excited, Laura then took off her skirt, saying “Now you can see my knickers too, they look better on you though”

She came over to me pulling grabbing the underwear. Laura Moved my hands and pulled her panties off my boner, leaving me butt naked with an erect penis. Emotions burst out of me, tears streaming down my face i was so ashamed and utterly humiliated. After I had stopped crying she made me stay naked with my small penis on show until she was ready to put me in a pink night gown and put me into bed.
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