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Old 07-09-2012, 11:27 AM   #1
getDare Sweetheart
Join Date: Jan 2009
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Default The Office Strip

My name is David and I work in accounts. Most people think that accountants are really boring, and I'll be honest, if you didn't know me, you'd probably think I was. I go out with friends, I like the cinema, I drink a bit and I play football at the weekends. But I have a secret. About once a month, a friend from university and I have a recurring date to do crazy stuff.

It started when we were at university. Jamie and I got really drunk and skinny dipped in the sea. We ended up making out and having sex on the beach. We tried going out for a while afterwards and it didn't work, but then about two months later we met up and realised that we still wanted something ... we just couldn't decide what that something was. I suggested we go back to the beach and see if we could find out again. She teased me into getting naked and then took a photo of me on her phone, saying she'd upload it to dropbox unless I ran to the end of the beach naked and back again. I did it and I got the photo back. Then I dared her to do the same and she did, although on her way back, she ran right past a dogwalker. It must have been the best day of their life, but she came right back to me.

We'd found it. We never found anyone else who shared our love for risk, but every few weeks we'd try something new. I streaked on a golf course. She stripped and walked down a main road at 4am.

But then we graduated and didn't see each other for a while. I got a job with a small accountancy firm and worked far too hard at it. I was always the last one to leave, and the pay was bad - there were too many graduates with too much debt. So I hung in there.

One night I got an email from Jamie.
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Old 07-09-2012, 01:06 PM   #2
getDare Succubus
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interesting start... keep it going...
[COLOR=Magenta]You could say no but whats the point in being on a dare site if you say no all the time......

If you don't put up a limits list, expect to be pushed on everything.
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Old 07-11-2012, 10:58 AM   #3
getDare Sweetheart
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"NSFW" was the subject line - but I was opening this in the office at 5.30 and people were more focused on getting their trains rather than looking at my screen, which faced the wall anyway, so I figured I was ok.

"Hi Dave," (it said) "How are you? How is the big smoke? I have not had much luck with jobs and am stuck at home with the family working at the Hare and Hounds down the road - you know how I love that."

The Hare and Hounds was a local pub we'd once been to when I visited her in the summer holidays. It was a typical 'old man' pub smelling of stale beer and old people. It was ok and had some good beers and we'd caught up over a few cheap drinks, but it wasn't the most exciting place I've ever been.

"How is your job? When can I come visit? I am trying to move to London to work, but no-one will offer me a job - boo hoo Have you heard any good music lately? I am bored of dubstep now."

Knowing Jamie, I got the impression she was just trying to chat before saying something important - and lo and behold:

"One ray of sunshine tho. I found someone else who does what we do. One night I was going for a walk in the woods behind our house at about 3am on a Sunday night - who would be up at that time, right? I was starkers and so close to the edge (hahahaha - bet you wish you were here) but when I got to the field at the end, I saw someone else by the fence. I almost wet myself! I froze and couldn't move for about a minute, sweating like crazy. But then they turned and I realised it was a girl my age.

She was obviously, well, enjoying herself, which I enjoyed watching (!!!) and once she finished, I went up to her to talk. She actually did wet herself (hilarious funny!) but when she calmed down and realised I wasn't a murderer or pervert guy or anything, we decided to do more stuff like this together.

So I have been disappearing off at night with Laura - and sometimes during the day. We had a picnic in a field completely naked and I was shaking the whole time but it was AMAZING. I told her about you and she reckoned we should sort out some kind of system.

So here's a little something for you and a challenge. There's a picture of me and Laura doing a 'safe' run attached to this email."

My mouth was dry, and I was shaking a bit. I looked around, and seeing a mostly empty office, opened the email. Jamie and another girl were in a bathroom in bikini bottoms, topless, looking in the mirror with Laura waving a camera. I started to get an erection under the desk - Jamie was a slim fair brunette with nicely proportioned breasts and Laura was - although slightly larger - still slim and with much bigger boobs. The way they seemed so comfortable with each other made me ever harder.

I turned back to the email with some difficulty. "So here's the challenge," it said
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Old 07-11-2012, 11:06 AM   #4
getDare Succubus
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nice continuation.... keep it coming...
[COLOR=Magenta]You could say no but whats the point in being on a dare site if you say no all the time......

If you don't put up a limits list, expect to be pushed on everything.
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Old 07-11-2012, 11:45 AM   #5
getDare Sweetheart
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"Laura and I have no interest in seeing you get your kit off. Well, I do, but to be honest, chatroulette has more than enough penises to amuse me. And the guys there will do anything you ask anyway.

So what we talked about is distance dares. You dare us, we dare you. About once a month to make it less risky. You've always got to get photos of the dare and send it to the other person.

If you do enough dares for us (we have written down a table after a half bottle of tequila last night) I / we will come down to London and 'entertain' you, if you know what I mean. If you take on a dare and fail, or don't send us photos in the alloted timespan, you owe us $cash$. Btw, being caught does not count as failing!

Course, you can decline a dare, but no guts no glory (and no nudie pics of us!)

When we do dares, you send us gifts. Flowers, chocolates, lingerie, that kind of thing. Nice (or naughty) things please! If I/we fail, we also have a 'slavery table' so that the next time we do a dare, we have some kind of handicap - wearing handcuffs, blindfolds, that kind of thing.

Sound fun?"

I dry swallowed. I had two girls offering to send me naked pics, and all I had to do in return was do dares myself and send them flowers? Sounded AMAZING.

Just then, I was interrupted by one of the guys, Gary, saying good night

"Don't stay too long ok mate?" he said. "You're a hard worker; everyone knows that. But take some time for yourself."

I nodded, thanking him, and he left

I turned back to the email

"One last thing - if you or we fail (rather than decline) three challenges (and then six, nine etc) the other person has full permission to a put a nudie photo on the internet. That should give it a bit of danger.

So our challenge. I'm sure you're still in the office. Get naked at your desk, take a photo. Get onto the roof of your building and get a photo. Get back to your desk, still naked, and take a photo. If you accept, reply now saying "ACCEPT". But if you do, and we don't have three photos of you by midnight, you owe us £40. Seems steep? Remember you can set the next dare. If you decline (big wuss) then email back saying 'DECLINE"



I stared at the screen. I wanted to do it. I wanted to do it real bad. But I could lose my job so badly. But what if I declined this one and they stopped the game? I wanted this so much.

I sat back and looked at my other screen, a spreadsheet staring back at me. I didn't want to be boring David from accounts forever.

I knew I'd regret it, but I emailed back with the word "ACCEPT"
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Old 07-11-2012, 11:50 AM   #6
getDare Succubus
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now theres a surprise you accepted... lol... fun ...
[COLOR=Magenta]You could say no but whats the point in being on a dare site if you say no all the time......

If you don't put up a limits list, expect to be pushed on everything.
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Old 07-11-2012, 11:55 AM   #7
getDare Sweetheart
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Thumbs up

wouldn't be much of a story otherwise! Glad u like it though
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Old 07-11-2012, 12:17 PM   #8
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sounds good so far... can't wait to read more.
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Old 07-12-2012, 11:17 AM   #9
getDare Sweetheart
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The first thing that hit me as I leant back was the adrenalin. That 'fight or flight' instinct when you know a challenge is coming. Only, in this case, it was useless. It was barely 5.45 and there were still three other people in my part of the office alone - and who knew how many in the building. I started hyperventilating slightly when I remembered the cleaners. What was I doing?

Calm down. I thought to myself. Get back to work.

It was harder than I thought. Numbers swam in front of me and even doing my weekly timesheet was hard work.

5:55. Two people left in the room.

6:10. Still two people left in the room.

I went to the toilet, locked the door and started thinking hard about my route. The layout of the building took on a whole new significance. I didn't want to walk straight up the main stairs - they were only frosted from waist-height down. Anyone looking at the office would see a half-naked man walking up the stairs. There was a fire escape, but I didn't know if it was alarmed. And I couldn't use the lift - what if there was CCTV in there.

Worse still, I didn't know how to get onto the roof. I'd never been on it. I'd only ever been up to the top floor once or twice to pass on post which had arrived at our office by mistake - what if it was a lawyers or something? Someone who worked really late. I needed to do some scouting.

I didn't know how long I'd been in the toilet, so I flushed, washed my hands and went back to my desk.

At 6.15, my boss's boss, Chris came past with his briefcase

"Are you close to finishing, Daniel?"

He always got my name wrong. Bastard.

"Mmmm, nearly, sir," I said. "I'm just working on the Columbus report - it's got to be finished by tomorrow."

"Ok, well make sure it gets done."

Honestly - he was all smiles and chummy chummy until a customer was involved and then he didn't care if you pulled an all nighter

"Will do sir," I said

"Good on you," he replied, and walked out. The other person left in the office, a senior accountant called Linda looked over at me and raised her eyebrows. She waited until the door had shut and a few seconds had passed

"Can't stand that man,"

"Me neither," I said. "Not a people person. Well, a real people person anyway."

She laughed. "No. I think you're in the wrong job for that."
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Old 07-12-2012, 11:40 AM   #10
getDare Sweetheart
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I kept my head down for a while longer, partially working on my timesheet and partially trying to google a map of our building, what other companies were in it and look at the satellite images to see if there was a way onto the roof.

All I got was that the company on the top floor (which I really hoped was the fifth floor - it's funny how little details go missing when you're really stressed) was an advertising agency. I couldn't find anything else. I had no idea if advertising agencies worked late, but I really hoped I could find a way up which didn't involve going through their offices - which might be locked anyway.

At about 7, Linda got up to go home

"You're really serious about this report," she said with a smile

"Unfortunately yes," I said

"Well, if it can wait until tomorrow morning, we can go for a drink?" she said "You always work so hard - you should relax more."

"How about tomorrow?" I said. I had no idea if this was a 'being nice to the loner' drink or a 'let's go out drink'

"Ok," she said. "I'll hold you to that. Get that report finished!"

She left the office, holding the door open for someone else to come in, who banged around a bit.

The cleaners - I breathed a sign of relief.

I went to make another cup of tea, taking a quick look around the other areas of the office. There was no-one in the HR and payroll team still around. I went to the kitchen and put the kettle on, coming out and wandering around aimlessly as it boiled, saying hello to the cleaners.

There were two guys in IT still there who looked like they were using the office computers to do online gaming, and one girl still working in - well, I'm not sure which team she was in. I made tea and went back to my desk. The cleaners came around and finished up in my area. I looked around and slipped my shoes off at my desk, curling my toes in the carpet. Even that felt somehow naughty and unusual. I'd drunk my tea too quickly and went back to the toilet to pee, shoes off, feeling a bit exposed and hoping no-one would see. It's odd how something so simple - like shoes - could make you feel at risk if you don't wear them. I came back to my chair, undetected, feeling victorious.
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Old 07-12-2012, 11:55 AM   #11
getDare Sweetheart
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7:30: The two guys from IT had gone, talking loudly about their gaming, and I decided to do a tour of the building, taking care to put the alarm code and my keycard in my pocket.

I walked around the building, finding a fire escape. It didn't look alarmed, but I went up the main stairs just to be sure. I thought I could probably hunch over and not be seen from the main street.

Three floors up and I was outside an office on the fifth floor, emblazoned with "P&Q Advertising Solutions". The door was open and there was no-one on reception. But a little way down the hall was another office and a door marked 'maintenance only'.

I pushed at the door marked maintenance, but it was just full of brooms. The next office had a glass door, and peering through, I could see a balcony on the other side of the open-plan room. Looked like I had a route!

I went back to my office and looked around - it seemed like everyone had gone, so, shaking, I took my clothes off at my desk. I peeled my jeans down with my pants in them and sat down quickly. To all intents and purposes, I still looked normal, even though I was just wearing a shirt now. The fabric of my chair rubbed against my bare ass. It felt good, but I felt like I was going to be sick.

Suddenly the front door clanged open and I almost vomited. I saw the hoover on the other side of my room, and one of the cleaners came in, hurrying, waved at me, picked it up and hurried out again.

I breathed a sigh of relief and pulled off my shirt, sitting buck naked in my place of work, feeling extraordinarily exposed and more naked and vulnerable than I'd ever felt before. I was afraid, feeling sick - but exhilarated. This was not something that 'just David from accounts' would do.
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Old 07-12-2012, 01:23 PM   #12
getDare Sweetheart
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hi really great story just found it....and love it please continue!
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Old 07-13-2012, 09:05 PM   #13
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I like the concept and love the writing. You are doing a great job
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Old 07-13-2012, 09:10 PM   #14
getDare Succubus
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it is excellently paced as well, can almost feel like the guy... nice one - though I hopes for linda being involved but that would have ruined the main theme...
[COLOR=Magenta]You could say no but whats the point in being on a dare site if you say no all the time......

If you don't put up a limits list, expect to be pushed on everything.
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Old 07-14-2012, 04:43 PM   #15
getDare Sweetheart
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please write more
  • Everytime I receive a PM saying "PINCH" I will pinch and hold on to both my nipples for 5 mins
  • Everytime I receive a PM saying "RED" I will spank my ass until both cheeks are red
  • Everytime I receive a PM saying "FLICK" I will flick my balls 10 times.
  • Everytime I receive a PM saying "ABOVE" I will post in the first person above dare thread in the person above section.
  • Everytime I receive a PM saying "QUICK STRIP" I have 30 seconds to strip of all my clothes
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