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Old 05-08-2007, 04:55 PM   #1
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Default The Initiation [FICTION]

This is my first time writing a story like this so please give me suggestions if you see areas that see need for improvement.

It was your first week at college and you were just getting to know the place before the school year started. You met this girl named Sara who was to be your roommate. She had said something to you about signing up for a club and this caught your attention. You had always wanted to join some sort of exclusive group at school and this was your chance. There were only two main clubs to join and they were each other’s rivals, however there were plenty of others on campus as well. You checked out both clubs with Sara and the both of you decided to join the “Dragons” (both of you wanted to join one of the two well know ones). The other club was the “Leopards”. You knew there would be some for of initiation but you paid no attention to this now. You and Sara went out to relax and get to know each other a little better.

A week after school had started you received a call to meet with your club. Sara also received a call as well. You were told to meet in the west wing dormitories in room 121 at 10 o’clock. Both you and Sara started to head down at around 9:45 not wanting to be late. When you got there you saw what seemed like 20 other freshman in the room with (what must have been) 5 leaders of the Dragons. Only 3 people showed up after you, which made a grand total of 25 freshmen. The leaders introduced themselves and told you that only 10 of the 25 people that wanted to join the club would be allowed to join. This caused both you and Sara some distress and you exchanged quick glances before the leaders continued. “We will be having a competition to decide who the 10 will be”. At this the leaders all turned and smiled at each other. You had a bad feeling about this.

The leader that was speaking (she seemed to be the head of the whole club) told the group that it would be a short of race. She asked anyone if they wanted to chicken out then and when no one did she continued explaining what would happen. “We will hide tennis balls around the west wing and each will have a number written on it. Since there are 25 of you, we will have 25 balls. 5 balls will have the number one on it, 5 with the number 2, 5 with the number 5, 5 with the number 10, 4 with the number 15 and one with the number 20 written on it. When we say go everyone will leave the building and try to find as many balls as you can. After 20 minutes we will call for everyone to come and that will be the end of the searching. The higher the combined total of the numbers on the ball or balls that you collect will equal you score. O ya, I almost forgot the best part”. She started to smile even more then before and you knew that there was going to be some sort of catch. “Everyone must pick a piece of paper from this hat before we begin.” She walked around the group letting people pick a piece of paper out of the hat. When it was your turn you got a number one written on your paper. When everyone had gotten their paper the leader walked up to the front one more time. “Now as you can all see you have a number written on your paper. This number equals the amount of clothing you will be wearing. For example if you have a two, you are only allowed to wear two articles of clothing well you are looking for the tennis balls.” Everyone took a sharp breath, and you saw the looks of horror on people’s faces. “You may however select which clothing it is you get to keep, lucky you. You have 5 minutes to remove your clothing and get your named checked of the list. GO!”

You walk over to Sara and find she has a number 3. When she sees that you have a one she gets a look of sympathy on her face, but you tell her that they had better strip and get there names checked of the list. You strip of everything except your panties and wished you had drawn a higher number. Next you gave you piece of paper to one of the leaders and she checked you off the list. You take a look around the room and notice that 5 people were completely naked. You were happy that at least you got to keep one piece.

“We will now begin the search.” You heard the leader say, “You have 20 minutes to find as many balls as you can starting… NOW!” and with that you take off running and head out the building. It was then that the sudden realization of how naked you were hit you. You saw others with all there clothing and wished that you were one of them. Then you realized that you need to start searching and head off for a near by bush. Nothing! You keep looking in the other bushes and find nothing as well. What seemed like a year went by and you had found nothing. “5 minutes left” you heard from the building. You started to panic because you still hadn’t found one. Then you spot it; there is one hidden way up in a tree. You run to the tree and start to climb. It is very hard because you have no shoes to protect your feet against the rough bark. You reach out and grab for it. You have finally gotten a ball and start to celebrate a little. You look down and it has the number 20 written on it. “Yes I found the 20 ball!!” you scream probably a little too loud. Then you proceed to climb down the tree. Right as you reach the bottom the “judges” call out to everyone that time is up.

When everyone returns to the room, the scores are counted. You know that you have made it but wanted to know if Sara had. The leader then stood up and announced the names of who made the top ten. You heard your name up in the top one or two, you weren’t really paying attention. Then you heard Sara’s at number 9! You had both made it! The lead then instructed all of the participants that had not made it should leave right now.

When they had all left the leader takes the floor again, “Congratulations on making the club. We will have our next meeting in a week. See you all later.”

Part two coming soon
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Old 05-08-2007, 05:02 PM   #2
Join Date: Dec 2006
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its good keep on going
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Old 05-08-2007, 07:55 PM   #3
getDare Sweetheart
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wow its really good
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Old 05-09-2007, 08:19 PM   #4
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Default Part two

Both you and Sara had been spending a lot of time together as roommates but also as friends. It seems that fate put the both of you in the same room because she soon became your best friend. It had soon been a week since you make the “cut” and was able to join the Dragons. The time had flown by and you were hoping that you wouldn’t have to do anything so embarrassing this time. However, you were to be sorely disappointed.

Both you and Sara headed back to room 121 in the western wing on Friday night as you had been instructed to do by Jennie. You had found out the name of the leader of the Dragon’s when Jennie had left you a message. It was apparent to you that Sara was stressing more then you. After all she had only to remover her shirt last time.

When you got there again there were a few people there before you guys. Sara started to talk to another girl that was there. Her name was Shelly and she had long brown hair a nice smile. You couldn’t help noticing that she had a nice body as well. (You were not lesbian but were kind of curious and what better time to experiment then college?!) The meeting was calling into session soon after your conversation had gotten started with Shelly but you stopped it when Jennie started talking. “Welcome back everyone, I hope you have had a nice first week of school. But it is now time for business. As you probably know by now the Leopards are out biter rivals. We want have a little task for all of you to complete for us.” The group exchanged looks of exasperation. “Not again” you thought but then returned your attention to Jennie. “We want you to T.P. their wing.” With this statement she moves over to a garbage bag and opens it up to show the group all the toilet paper she had collect. “I went out and spent my money on this so you guys better do this right. I want complete coverage. Then you will fork their lawn. Haha that will teach those stupid Leopards.” She said this last statement more to herself then anyone else.

You had never forked anyone’s lawn before but you expected that it would take some time to complete. You proceeded to turn to Sara and Shelly to ask them if had before but was interrupted by Jennie telling them that they should go soon since they had information telling them the Leopard’s were not in their wing tonight and would not return until midnight. The group starts walking for the door with someone carrying the garbage bag. “Wait, wait wait. What are you guys doing? You can’t go like that I think we should make this a little more interesting.” With that she turns to the other leaders and has a short chat. You hardly expected this but were hopping it wouldn’t come. “We think that all of you should go naked.” With that the group exploded. “No way” you heard someone say and, “are you kidding me?” “Well naturally you will still be wearing your shoes for a faster get away incase you are seen.” Jennie said as thought that changed the matter of still being for all practical reasons, naked. The group started stripping on the spot and you thought it a good idea to remove your clothes as well.

It was ironic not 15 minutes ago the group had been happy and wearing clothes, but now their world had been turned upside down. After everyone had stripped they put their shoes back on and waited for the others to finish “changing.” Looking at Shelly standing there in just her shoes, you couldn’t help but notice how much better her body looks without clothing then it did when she was wearing some. After that moment of slit enjoyment you look at the group as a whole and realize how silly someone looks when they are wearing nothing but shoes, and how naked they looked… You were starting to get that feeling of nakedness again. You didn’t like this feeling and were hoping that this would be one of the last time you feel so, open, for lack of a better word.

Jennie then proceeded to tell the group that they should probably head out and for someone to grab the bag of toilet paper.

Once again when you took the first step out of the building you felt so much more naked then you did when you were inside. You could tell the others had the same feelings as you did, if not even worse. The group started sneaking around the building, constantly jumping into bushes when they heard a noise that might be somewhat close at hand. You couldn’t help but laugh every time someone heard a noise cause they jumped like a foot in the air. But it wasn’t just them, when you were the first to hear something you would immediately run for a bush. Once you heard something and went running into the bushes only to find that it was nothing and being laughed at as you exit your bush.

The group finally got there and we decided that we should probably T.P. the house first and fork the lawn second. Everyone took a roll and started throwing them over the house, then run to the other side and throw it over a different part of the house for maximum coverage. You didn’t want Jennie to think that the job wasn’t sufficiently done. Next Sara suggested that we start forking the lawn and we all agreed cause it was getting late and no one knew how long it would take. Several large boxes of forks were removed from the bag and everyone proceeded to start sticking them into the ground. It was a humiliating job and you wished that it you would run out of forks soon. Every time you bent over to put a fork in the ground you could almost picture yourself. If anyone was standing behind you, they were getting a very good view of you butts and probably your pussy too.

What seemed like a year later all the forks were done. You stand back to admire the job, but want to leave and propose that everyone leaves, which was welcomed with a hearty agreement. And with that you started walking away at a quick pace and were being followed by everyone else.

On the way back you heard a car door shut and turned around to see someone leave their car and start walking in your direction. You freak out and not wanting to be seen you start running. The group was close behind you and you head for the trees that were probably 100 feet away. When you got there you turned around to see that the group are the only ones following you, no one else. It takes everyone a minute or two to cold down after what had just happened. You have never felt so vulnerable in your life and just want to get back to room 121.

There were no more problems on the trip to the room and thanking God that no one else had seen them, or so they thought. Getting back Jennie congradulated them on their first completion of the inisiation required to join the Dragons. She also informed them that this was just the tip of the ice burg and that they should get used to being humiliated. “Okay well everyone can leave and we will meet next Friday as well. See you all later, bye.”
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Old 05-09-2007, 09:32 PM   #5
Join Date: Dec 2006
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its good i liked it
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Old 06-04-2007, 05:08 PM   #6
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Default part three

Sorry for not posting the next part in so long, I just have not had the time.

After the chaos that you and the rest of your fellow freshman had caused to the Leopard’s house, nothing else was really being done for a while. You and Sara continued your life at college, just trying to fit in. From time to time you saw Shelly and always had some fun when the three of you hung out.

It had been two weeks since the memorable forking of the Leopard’s wing and you finally heard word from Jennie. Everyone was to meet in room 121 (as usual) at 5:00 pm (this seemed unusual however). It seemed like Jennie was upset when she delivered the message, yet with a hint of anticipation for something.

You, Sara and Shelly had been planning a big night out on the town that would end it everyone finding someone to come home with them but that had all been spoiled by Jennie’s call. So instead of heading for town that evening you all headed for 121. By the time everyone had arrived Jennie started off with a speech. “Well, since we are all here we should get down to business. Remember the destruction of the Leopard’s wing you were supposed to do last week?” There was a general murmur of “ya” with a hint of dislike. “And remember how I told you not to be seen? Well you were, but the Leopards themselves. I had hopped to anger them with what you were supposed to do, but not to be seen by anyone. They grew pretty angry with us over what you did, and me as well. They said that to get even, they want to challenge us to some sort of game. I am not really sure of what but we are to leave tonight and the ‘game’ will start tomorrow at 9 am. We will be going to the mountains to one of the Leopard’s cabins, so you should all start packing. We will be leaving at 6 so make sure you are not late.

The group of girls were completely shocked by the news of being seen well doing their deeds, but the even greater shock was that they would be gone all weekend. You and Sara started the walk back to your room and began packing immediately. You had a bad feeling about this weekend and were wishing that it were Monday.

Everyone had arrived and had slept as best as they could Friday night. Saturday morning came and everyone was waked up at 8:30. At 9 sharp everyone (including the Leopards and there freshman) were in the main room of the cabin. The leader of the Leopards walked forward and welcomed everyone for coming. “I would like to start of by explaining the rules of this little challenge we are going to have. It will be a competition between my freshman and yours”, looking at Jennie well she said this. “The leader of the loosing team will face a forfeit as well.” Jennie looked a little surprised at this but did not object. “Okay well the rules of the game will be pretty straight forward. We will have ourselves a little game of truth or dare. Now to make it fair, everyone playing, the freshman will make up the dares ahead of time. There will be not truths so I guess a better name will be dare or dare. The dares my team come up will be done by Jennies and vice versa. Your team gets a point everyone time a dare is completed. You will write down the dare you come up with on a piece of paper that I will give you right now.” She paused for a moment to hand out a piece of paper to everyone as well as a pencil. “A little suggestion before you start if I may, MAKE THE DARE AS embarrassing AS POSSIBLE. Since the other team will be doing them, you do not want them to get a point for completing it.” And with that she ended her speech indicating that we each come up with our own dares. You thought and thought about what a good dare would be, and then it came. This is what you wrote on the paper: The person being dared is to strip naked of all their clothes. The opposing group is allowed to retrieve permanents and color anywhere they wish on the person’s body. There is not time limit, and the person may not put on their clothes when the job is done.

You felt that this was really embarrassing to say the least but cannot to get the chance to draw on someone else. You had a feeling that this game was going to be really fun, except when it was your turn to draw a dare.

A few minutes later Ana ( the Leopard’s leader) announced that they should have finished coming up with their dares and to put them in the bowl in the center of their group. Everyone folded the piece of paper they were given and placed it into the bowl. “The game will now begin…”
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Old 06-05-2007, 08:09 AM   #7
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Keep going,good story
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Old 06-06-2007, 07:14 PM   #8
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Default part four, the game begins

You felt nervous but excited and could not wait to embarrass those Leopard scum. “I think it only fair that a Dragon go first, aw how about you.” Ana was looking straight at Sara, and your heart sank. “ You seem to be a little anxious and it might help to get it over with at the beginning”, you could almost catch a hint of smugness in her voice but you were not completely sure. Well as Sara did not seem to have a choice, she walked over to the bowl from which we had to choose, and drew a piece of paper. She opened it up and started to read. An expression of complete disgust came across her face. “Why don’t you read it out loud, Sara is it?”

“Okay well it says: You must strip naked. If you have any pubic hair, it needs to be shaved off at this time. Once you have shaved yourself, or if you are already shaved, you must get on your knees and spread them apart. You now have to masturbate for five minutes or until you have an orgasm. Whichever one is a shorter period of time. You may not put your clothes on after finished.”

She looked horrified and with good reason. She was the first to go and was almost required to complete the dare. “Okay lets just get this over with.” And with that she started to strip off her clothes. All the Leopards started cat calling and whistling at her. She started to turn red and instantly you hoped that you would not have to strip during her dare. She was now down to her bra and what appeared to be a thong. “Come on hottie, what are you waiting for, let us see all of you!” “Ya sugar let me see it” She was really looking embarrassed now. “Okay, okay, okay, just shut up for a minute.” She slowly started to unbutton her bra and started to slide off the straps. She paused and then slides it completely off. Her breasts bounced around for a second and then were still. She tried to cover up but the girls were insisting that the dare did not say she could cover up. She moved her arm from her chest and her breasts again were fully visible. She started reaching for her thong. She pulled this down quickly probably hoping to get it over with faster. This was accompanied by more catcalls by the Leopards. It became apparent to you that Sara was shaved down low. You couldn’t help but continue to look at her body. You had never seen a completely naked girl before. You had seen the occasional naked but or flashed boob, but never the whole thing all at once. “Well since it appears that you are already shaved, I think you should get to the next part of the dare.” “What if I don’t wanna do the dare any more? I think it has gone far enough.” Sara said and with a look at Ana immediately knew there wouldn’t be a chance of that. “Okay just give me a minute.”

Sara got on her knees but had her legs together. She slowly started separating her legs until you could see her pussy lips. As she continued her lips started to spread a little and you could see a little of the inside. “Okay I’ll start the timer… now.” And with that Ana pressed a button on a stop watch that and seemed to appear out of thin air. With that Sara started to rub her pussy. It seemed so weird, you had only meet Sara a month or two ago and now you were watching her masturbate. She continued to rub and started moving her hand faster and harder. She continued to rub and the Leopards started laughing. You could tell it was distracting Sara and wished they would stop, but they didn’t. Sara started rubbing even faster and you could tell she was reaching the best part. All of a sudden she stopped and started moaning. Then she continued even faster, it was amazing how hard and fast she must have been rubbing herself. And then it happened. She stopped for the second time but continued the moaning and then she dropped to the floor and stayed there. It was pretty obvious to everyone there as to what had happened. As a result to what just happened all of the Leopards, including Ana, started laughing even harder then ever.

Sara continued to lie there for a minute until she felt she was able to walk back over to our side of the room. You could see the embarrassment etched in her face but knew what she did. She realized that if she had an orgasm it would be over quicker. That was why she did not stop herself from going all the way. Something you would not have done but that was Sara’s choice not yours.

“Ya, ya, ya, that was good fun and all but I think it’s the Leopards turn to draw a dare.” Jennie was trying to get the Leopards out of their giggling fit and on with the game.

“I can’t wait until one of them is being humiliated like that,” Sara whispered into your ear. “I am going to enjoy it greatly.”
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Old 06-07-2007, 10:33 AM   #9
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Extremely good, i wasn't interested at first but it's brilliant, i hope you get the next bit in soon.
15/m No Painful, Anal, Crossdressing, GAY or messy dares. I Enjoy Sexual + Public Dares, Especially Webcam Dares.
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Old 07-12-2007, 01:36 AM   #10
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where is d continuation.. damn intersting but dead end ???

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