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Old 05-24-2018, 07:18 PM   #1
getDare Succubus
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Default The Dinner Party

OK. Before we start the story:

I considered not sharing this here. Reading it again, parts seem silly, and I only dabble in occasional writing. On a scale of 1-10, I think I rate what I accomplished here as a 6. It isn't my best work.

That said, it took aspects of a fantasy I have, and attempted to put it down in words, in a fictional setting, and in a way that is hopefully more engaging that a standard porn story. Having never shared anything like this here before (and having nothing else I wrote that is, strictly, on topic) I present this with some apprehension, and hope people like it.

Tags: Voyeurism, exhibitionism, masturbation, female sub

The story is about a shy young woman, Amber, embracing an opportunity to be seen sexually, by other people, for the first time.
The story is complete, and I will not add more to it.

The story is strictly sexual, and for 18+ only

(please forgive any typos)

Lastly, the story exceeds the limits for a single post, so posts 2 and 3 in this thread will be the actual story.
I'm back.
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Old 05-24-2018, 07:18 PM   #2
getDare Succubus
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The Dinner Party

"So... that's my offer. What do you think?"

Amber was stunned. John had been a friend for a few years now. Solid, dependable. He'd been her rock more than once. A few years older than her, he took her under his wing when she was still a teen, but she never saw him as more than a protective older brother. That was years ago, though, and now she was 19, in college, and struggling with an introversion that made it hard to open up to new people. When she joined him for dinner, and a few drinks, she hadn't expected the wine to go to her head. Hadn't expected to start talking. But she did, and now he knew her secret.

And what did he do with this information? He took it in stride, of course. As he always did. But then he made her that offer, and that look in his eye, that tone of his voice, made it very clear that he was serious. He wasn't joking, he really would do this. His eyes searched hers, as he patiently waited for an answer.

She looked at her wine glass, and realized she was tipsy, but she wasn't as intoxicated as she thought she was. She understood the risks, and she wasn't feeling nearly as rash as she was a few minutes ago when she told him. Any choice she made, she couldn't blame it on the alcohol, and she knew it. She also knew that if she told him later she changed her mind, he would be OK with that, even if he had already set things up. John was like that, never judging, always accommodating.

She took a sip, and set the crystal down gently, before looking up into his eyes. "When should I be here?"


It was four thirty in the evening when she rang John's doorbell. She was nothing if not punctual. Her heart was in her throat when he let her in with his calming smile. He saw the hint of panic in her eyes and she saw the concern in his. "Are you sure?"

She tittered nervously. "It's a little late to back out, isn't it?"

"No one is here yet. Not for another forty minutes or so at least. I can still cancel."

He might have put a lot of work into this. People were expecting this, and yet she knew he would. In a heartbeat, he could be on his phone, and in that calming, almost monotone delivery of his, he could shut the whole night down. "No. I'm scared. But I told you the truth. I want this."

He smiled again, and it touched his eyes this time, something she rarely saw, and he took her by the arm and led her in.

The living room was warm. All earth-tones in the furniture, with a stunning red carpet with golden trim, and several couches and love seats, all arraigned in a semi-circle, facing the fireplace. John was wealthy, and the room showed it off in a very restrained manner.

"Do you need to take care of anything first?"

"No. I think I'm ready."

He sat down, and she realized he intended to watch her undress. She blushed and covered her chest with her hands, a futile action as she was already clothed. He chuckled. "What is the point of being shy, now?"

"I just...." she lowered her arms to her side. "I didn't expect you'd watch me undress."

He was still smiling... that same warm, comforting smile, but his voice, while kind, took on a certain seriousness. "Amber, you opened up to me. You told me that you wanted to be seen, that every time you thought a stranger on campus was looking at you it made you feel like you never had before. When I joked about putting you on display, your perked right up. You wanted this. Now, whether I leave the room while you strip, and then come in and help you get situated, or you strip for me now, I'm going to see everything, anyways, so I would rather sit here, and watch you."

"Do... do you want me to dance?"

He laughed. That was a sound she didn't hear often; his humor usually contained. "No. I've seen you dance before, silly. We both know you have no rhythm."

Anyone else, and she'd swear she was being picked on, but she knew John. She'd known him for six years. He'd always been honest, but kind. A big brother she'd never had. A mentor, a friend. So she smiled at his joke, but then stopped and realized something. In all those years, she didn't know, didn't think, he'd ever looked at her with desire before. Sure, she was a kid at thirteen when they met, and he a young man at 21, but in the years since, he had always been more a brother than anything else. He said he wanted to watch her. As a friend, a confidant, maybe she could expect him to set this up, but for the first time, it dawned on her that he would really see her too, and that he wanted to. The first hint of fire spread to her groin, and he face started to flush slightly.

She put her purse down, and then slipped out of her shoes. Hesitating for just a moment, she took off the tshirt she was wearing. She watched as his eyes traveled over her navel and bra covered torso. She shimmied out of her knee length skirt, and stood on front of him, in just her plain white bra and panties. Turning to face him completely, her hands went behind her back to undo her bra. She then held it in place, carefully. "No one has seen me naked before. Not since I was a little girl and my baby sitter helped me in the bath."

"I'm going to see you naked now, though. And so will other people, before the night is done. Show me."

His voice had gone just slightly husky, and it sent a thrill through her. She finally dropped her arm, and let the bra fall to the floor, and let an adult man see her breasts for the first time.

"They're very small."

The words weren't cruel. Judging by how he drank in the sight of her, she didn't think he minded at all, but it was true. She had always hoped to be bigger, but at a mere 32A, she felt she still looked like a child. The way he looked at her, though, she really felt like a woman. Her nipples certainly responded to the attention, standing firm.

"You're damp."

In a moment, self consciousness caught up with her. She saw he had looked down, and a quick touch told her that she was wetter than she thought, wet enough that he saw it. Her hands flew up to cover her breasts, and she started to try to cross her legs to obscure his view.

He go up and walked over to her, as she stood there almost in shock. Standing more than a full head taller than her, her small frame, barely over five feet, became more apparent. John was not a tall man, and he dwarfed her. His immediate presence was imposing. She wanted to melt into him, and she wanted to run away. Instead she just stood there, in her wet panties, covering her tiny tits with her hands.

He took a moment to just stand close to her, looking down at her, before he gingerly took her by the hand, and moved her hand down to her side, exposing her chest again. Then he slowly sank to his knees, and she felt his breath down her body, until he was face to face with her crotch. Hooking his fingers into the sides of her panties, he pulled them down. She limply lifted a foot so he could remove them. Hands on her thighs, he encouraged her to spread her legs a little, and he took a long look and her pussy, before teasing her by blowing a stream of air on it. She shivered, though she wasn't at all cold.

He smiled up at her. "You're very pretty down here. I'd almost think you never had any hair."

"I bought a waxing kit. I wanted to look my best," she said, somewhat absently, the blood rush in her head pounding.

He stood up, and put his hands on her shoulders, before kissing her forehead. "It's almost five o'clock. Let's get you ready, hmm?"

She took a brush out of her purse, and gave her shoulder length straight brown hair a once over, before tying it in a simple bun, and then he took the purse, and her clothing, and left the room, only to return a moment later with a small armfull of gear.

"So, you said you would put me on display for some people.... how do you want me presented?"

He pulled out an innocuous looking piece of furniture. It looked like an ottoman, until he removed the top. Amber took in a sharp breath "Simple, I plan for you to ride that."

A sybian. She had seen them in porn before, but never thought she'd have the chance to ride one. Other than a cheap vibrator that it took ages for her to get up the courage to by from that store in the mall, she had never experienced any sex toys! The attachment has all sorts of bumps and ridges, as well as a small insertable nub she judged to be just a bit bigger around and longer than John's thumb. Goin by the videos she had seen, she was sure that'd be enough.

"Do you have any lube?"

He laughed again, his calm, level laugh. "No, we won't need it. You're soaked, and you'll get wetter as time goes on. Go on, take a seat on it. Get comfy."

The whole situation felt surreal as she sat on the leather saddle of the sex toy, in her dear friend's home, holding his hand as she used her other to guide the nub to her entrance, and felt it slide easily into her pussy. She put her hands on the saddle in front of her, and wiggled around, getting herself into the most comfortable position she could. Once in place, John produced some straps, and began clipping them to grommets her had around the base of the sybian, before crossing them over her legs, and securing them to the other side, pulling them tight. "Comfy?"

She nodded.

"Good. With these, you won't be getting up until you're let up. You'll be bound to the vibrations. I hope you're ready for it!" He then went around behind her, and pulled both her arms behind her back. "I'm going to bind your arms like this. They'll stay that way for a while. Are they comfortable?"

She rotated her shoulders, and shifted position slightly, and nodded. He put what felt like a leather or latex sleeve around her arms, and felt him buckle them in place with what she assumed was a belt connector.

"Take a good look," he said, and she did. She was seated in front of the fireplace, a low, pleasant fire occupying it, facing the semi circle. Three couches and two love seats, in an arraignment she had thought was about putting the fireplace front and center, but that she now realized put her center stage.

"I'm going to make this easier for you. All these people coming in, if could make you very self conscious. I know you want to be seen, but to be on display like this could be a bit much, couldn't it?"

All she could do was nod.

"That's why you'll wear these," he indicated down to his hands. She saw a sleeping mask, and ear buds.

"A blindfold, do you can't see them. You'll have no idea who is looking at you." He didn't wait for an answer, and simply slipped the cushioned mask over her eyes.

"And ear plugs. You won't hear a thing said. No sight, no sound, just lose yourself in the feelings of the vibrator. For all you know, I didn't invite anyone over, and I'll just be watching you myself." He slipped them into her ears. All sensory input was gone. She felt nothing but the air on he skin, the mild warmth of the fire behind her. The leather below her. The soft rubber nub of the toy inside her, and his hand on the side of her face, before it fell away. And the motor started.

With the sybian set to it's lowest level, John went to bring the trays out from the kitchen. Guests would be arriving any moment.


John opened the front door and invited in his friends. He never thought that sweet little Amber would ever want to be introduced into the world of kink, and had even done what he could to keep that side of his life away from her, but despite her petite size, she was a grown woman now, and a very pretty one at that. When she told him that she still didn't have a boyfriend because she was too shy, but that she had started to notice people checking her out, and how much she liked it, he couldn't help but joke that he could give her an audience. He hadn't expected her to say yes.

Shaking hands, offering hugs, kisses on the cheek, and a few on the lips, his most trusted friends entered his home. Some where former lovers, and their current lovers or spouses. Some where friends he had made in the community. His room mate from college, and a few others. A dozen of those closest to him, who knew this side of his life, but only knew that he called them over for a casual get together and a dinner. There was something in the air though. They felt it.

"What's your game, Johnny?" His ex-girlfriend asked with a grin, while standing with her girlfriend's arm over her shoulder.

"Game?" In his causal deadpan, John feinted at offence, to laughs and smiles.

"I just wanted some company. A few hours. We sit, we relax, have some snacks, have some drinks, and catch up. We haven't spent any time together in ages." As they spoke, they slowly walked further into the house, and came into the living room as he finished speaking. Even considering their proclivities, there was still an intake of breath, and a few gasps, when they entered the room.

"Of course, entertainment is provided."

Laughter and questions erupted, which he waived down, while gesturing them to the seats. "Please, we have all evening. Get yourself something to drink, get comfortable. We have all evening."

As people sat, and took in the site of the tiny young woman on the machine, John explained the situation, poured wine, and reached down, raising the level on her dial to a two.


Amber's head swam. The sound of her breathing and heartbeat reverberated in her awareness. She felt the air move against her skin, and the nub inside of her buzzing away with greater intensity than the poor excuse for a vibrator she had at home could ever have managed.

What did he plan for her? Who was going to see her? Where people there already? Looking at her? At her naked body? Her tiny, pert breasts, tipped with cherry red nipples, glistening with a hint of sweat from her arousal and the ambient heat of the fire? Were her legs open enough? Could they see her pussy? Were total strangers looking at her most private areas, at this very moment?

She tried to rock her hips slightly, but was too bound to do much. Her body ached from the pleasure it received, but it wasn't enough, not direct enough, to get her off. She felt how cool the air was on her thighs, as her trace wetness was exposed to the air. She felt the heat between her legs, and knew that there was more than a trace of wetness there. A part of her wondered if she would drip all the way down to his crimson rug, and a tiny laugh escaped her lips as she thought of that.

Her mind had nowhere to go. There was nothing to see but blackness. Nothing to hear but her own breath and moans. She tried to think, but the pleasure she was feeling made thought difficult. Then she felt a hand touch her shoulder. She knew that touch. John. John, who had seen her breasts before anyone else had. John, who had uncovered her in her moment of weakness, when she was ready to back out. John, who had pulled down her panties. John, whose lips were so close to her pussy....

She groaned, and John rubbed her shoulder, before the hand disappeared. She was alone again, in an empty world of pleasure. And the pleasure suddenly lurched forward a step. John must have turned the machine up. His guests had arrived, apparently.


Amber may have thought they would do nothing but sit there and look at her, but the company had witnessed sex before. After understanding that this shy girl simply wanted to be seen, and that John had arraigned for her to be a type of living, orgasming art piece to be the backdrop of their get together, the company settled into things. They chatted, and ate, and sipped wine. One girl had looked over to John with an almost accusatory look, and mouthed "Amber?" and he merely nodded and smiled. The girl looked from John, to the sybian, and back, before getting a drink and finding someone to mingle with.

As people walked, they all, at some point, did a circle around the entertainment, and got a good look at the girl. She moaned, a sweet, low sound. She wasn't loud, but certainly felt it. The women in particular seemed enamored with the rise and fall of her small breasts. As time passed, John turned the machine up, again, to a three, and then to a four. Everyone took their seat and waited, as they could see the build up. Nearly a half hour after the first guests arrived, they watched the girl spasm helplessly in her restraints, as the first orgasm of the night took her. John's expert hands at the control, he did everything he could to draw the entire thing out, before turning the speed down for a few minutes, to let her recoup.


The buzzing had intensified. And then again. The pleasure she felt was unreal. She wanted to buck against the machine. Wanted to bounce up and down in the small nub that seemed to fill her. She wanted to feel her hands caress her breasts. She wanted to pinch her nipples and scream.

She couldn't do any of it, except scream. She had no concept of time. Had John started the machine two minutes ago, or two hours ago? The sensory deprivation left her with no context to judge by. All she knew was she finally came.
John was watching her cum.
Other men were sitting around her watching her cum!

Her body convulsed, and the peak of her orgasm pounded it's way through her. She felt the intensity of the buzzing shifting rapidly, and it seemed to, agonizingly, draw out and extend her orgasm. Her thighs were wet again, and it wasn't just some residual dampness. Finally, her body started to come down, and the buzzing reduced with her, but it never left. She was so sensitive it was almost painful to feel the continued vibrations, and she moaned almost in despair that the order wasn't done.

And then her hips tried to start rocking of their own accord. The sensation was addictive. She knew she'd be coming again.


After her first orgasm, and her delightful shriek as she came, the party largely went back to how it was. Over the next hour, she was brought to orgasm several more times, before John set the control to 6, and left her at the whims of the machine, and got up and mingled himself.

"Oh, if any of you want to touch her, you can. Just don't over crowd the poor girl."

The girl who had recognized Amber came forward first, and sat down directly in front of her. Her hand reached out and touched the saddle, and she felt echos of the impressive vibrations through it. Using her index finger, she wiped up a spot of the girl's copious wetness, and touched it to her own lips. Finally, she reached for the girl...


Amber had lost track of how many times she had cum. The machine was more powerful now than it had been before, and only the fact that she was starting to exhaust kept her from orgasming again. How long had she been there? He hadn't touched her in a while, she knew she had cum at least a few time since she last felt his hand. Was she alone? Had he left....

A hand, on her thigh.

She wanted it. Wanted it to touch her, to grab her. To feel it all over her body. His touch felt so wonderful, so soft, so...

It was a girl's hand! The skin was too soft. The way it stroked her skin just seemed.... feminine. The nails being gently dragged down her legs. In her wildest dream, she hadn't imagined he would involve other women! She thought he was going to put her on display for some guys! This was a betrayal!

....The hand moved up and cupped her breast, and a thumb rolled itself lovingly over her nipple, and Amber could do nothing but let out a low groan as the human contact combined with the power of the saddle beneath her, and forced her into her next orgasm.

The hand moved away, but moments later, another touched her. And another. And another. She felt hands stoking her thighs, and hands cupping her breasts, and the hands of another woman tracing meaningless patterns across her back. Someone pulled her bun out, and let it fall down, and pushed their hand through her hair. She came and she came and she came, as hands touched her body, and left her body, and new hands found her. Finally, she nearly blacked out, and the hands faded away, and the sybian was turned down low, to a bare throbbing that she centered her being on.


It was nearly seven o'clock. The girl had been riding the sybian for about two hours, and the party was winding down. Everyone had a chance to touch her, to feel the warmth and arousal of her body first hand. With the machine turned down to it's lowest setting, John asked everyone to sit back down.

"When I set this up, the idea was for her to put her shyness away, and just know she was being seen. The blindfold kept her safe from her anxiety.... but I think she is nearly past that. For the end of the night, would you all like to see her?"

Everyone emphatically said yes, but in truth, John only had eyes on one of them, and he saw the nervousness, and excitement, in her face as she nodded.

"OK. I'm going to need you all to be silent. Not a sound!"

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Old 05-24-2018, 07:19 PM   #3
getDare Succubus
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A pressure was released in her left ear. The sound of her own breathing was the first thing she heard, but it was clearly external. The sensory deprivation was broken.

"How are you doing sweetie?"

Her voice was low, cracked and broken, and she had to swallow a few times before she even found that much, but she answered "I'm OK. Are we done? Are the gone?"

"Almost done. Here we go," he pulled out the second ear plug. "I'm going to take off the blindfold, OK? Everything will be very bright."

She nodded as best she could, and he pulled the blindfold up and off her head. She looked down, instinctively, and slowly opened her eyes to let them adjust. She saw her breasts, covered in a sheen of sweat. She saw her spread legs on the leather saddle, coated in a liquid that she knew was not sweat, even if it was just as much a product of the exertion she went though. And directly in front of her, crouched on the saddle and filling her vision, was John, who smiled at her.

"You did wonderful Amber. I want you to cum one more time for me, OK?"

"Yes John. I think I can cum one more time."

"Good. They're dying to see you cum...."

Blinking as she processed what she heard, Amber barely stammered out the word "they!" before John turned the power back up on the sybian, and got out of the way. Intense sensation once again overwhelmed her, as a dozen people, well dressed, sitting together, staring at her in rapt attention, came into view.

John moved behind her, and his hands worked over her body. He grabbed her thighs and massaged them almost aggressively. A hand slid up her taut belly, as he touched every inch of her skin, moving up to her breasts. He rolled her nipples in his fingers, and kissed the back of her neck. And they all were watching her! Six men and six women, young, beautiful, handsome, just sat there, with content looks on their faces, and watched her. Their eyes roamed over ever bit of her, and she saw pure, naked desire, in all of them. These men wanted her! And, and, and.... these women wanted her too!
Especially that one! That one?

"Olivia?" she croaked.

A petite blonde, who had been fixated on Amber all night, squeezed her way through the others, and came to sit in front of the sybian. She partially obstructed the view, but everyone shifted a bit, and were able to see everything they wanted to see.

Olivia nervously reached out her hand, and despite the look of shock in Amber's eyes, she didn't try to pull away. The blonde ran her hand through the girl's hair, cupped her chin, and came in for a kiss.

And despite everything telling her this was wrong, Amber accepted the kiss, and kissed back, clumsily, as deeply as she could.

Olivia pulled back entirely, running her hand down the girl's body, touching her breast, her thumb expertly caressing her nipple.

"That was you? The first person to touch me.... that was you?"

"Yes. I couldn't help it. You looked to perfect."

"I came. You touched my breasts, and I came."

"I know. Can you do me a favor?"


"Cum for me again. Cum for your sister."

A moan turned into a groan, which turned into a scream, as Olivia dialed the sybian up to 10, bring a devastating orgasm crashing down. John had to support her, holding her up, and the climax did what the last one had not done, and rendered her unconscious.


"I con't believe you did this to my sister, John..."

"I told you, she came to me."

"She's like a sister to you too!"

"She is your sister, you silly nympho slut! That didn't stop you from kissing her!"

Amber lay in a fog as she dimly heard the back and forth. Silly nympho slut? That didn't sound like John... but then again, it didn't sound hurtful. It sounded joking, almost endearing. Amber opened her eyes to see her sister, sitting on John's lap, in a love seat. His arm around her waist, they bickered playfully with each other, and then John brought her in for a kiss.


Olivia jumped. "Oh! You're awake!"

"Wha... what is this?"

John answered. "Your sister and I have been very close for a very long time. I thought, if I was going to introduce you to this world, she should be here. Someone to make sure you were OK. She was a beginner too, once upon a time. I didn't expect her to get so worked up over you, though!"

Olivia had gotten up, and moved to the couch her sister lay on. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to come on so strong. It's just.... you're such a pretty little thing, but you've always been so reserved. Seeing you like you were tonight was... incredible."

"I did good? Everyone.... everyone was happy? They liked what they saw?"

John chuckled. "It was night to remember. I don't think we've done something that erotic, ever."

Amber sat up and smiled. The blanket she was covered with fell, exposing her breast, and by habit, she lifted to fix it, only for her sister to stop her hand.

"You don't have to cover. Not around us. You're beautiful."

"Liv, I'm you're sister."

"I don't care. You're beautiful." Olivia pulled her in for a kiss, before getting up, and offering her hand.

"Come on, the night isn't done yet. Come to bed with us. John has one more thing to show you, tonight, and I am going to be there for it!"

With an almost drunken smile, Amber let her sister pull her up, and leaned on her as they walked towards the bedroom. John followed behind, stripping as he went.
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Old 05-25-2018, 02:58 AM   #4
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That was a really well-written, engaging account of an interesting and erotic scenario. It was beautifully paced and switching between Amber's p.o.v. and that of the watchers made it all-the-more readable.

I noticed your reservations about the story in your introduction, but I think they were unfounded. I assume you thought introducing Amber's sister to the scene was 'silly', but it didn't strike me as being out of keeping with the kink element of the story.

I, for one, am glad you decided to go ahead and share this excellent short story. Thanks!
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Old 05-25-2018, 04:42 AM   #5
getDare Succubus
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It means a lot you enjoyed it so much!
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Old 07-08-2018, 08:36 PM   #6
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Wow! Aside from the typos, this was amazing, and just about the right length. I like that you included story codes, which isn't done much on this site. You should consider posting this at Gagged Utopia's Story Archive.

I wish the 'Thanks' button hadn't disappeared again; apparently you can only use it three times a day, then it vanishes.
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Old 07-08-2018, 09:02 PM   #7
getDare Succubus
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feedback is always wonderful, so thank you.
yeah, i usually proof read my stories once or twice, am happy with it, post 'em.... and suddenly see glaring typos I shouldn't have missed. Oh well.
I'm back.
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Old 07-09-2018, 02:18 AM   #8
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Nice story, well written.

Much better writing than the vast majority of stuff here, and that made it quite readable and enjoyable.

(And yes, there are always things we miss in our own writing, but this is very good.)
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