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Old 03-24-2020, 11:04 AM   #1
Whispering Dom
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Default Forced

Advisory - This story contains coerced sex and non-consensual sex.


Part 1

Natalie opens her eyes and a wave of nausea washes over her. She closes them again quickly and breathes deeply. Her heart is pounding.

Slowly, she tries to open them again, succeeding this time, though her vision is blurry. She’s lying down, looking at the ceiling. Slowly and carefully she turns her head, sees the TV on far away across the room, no sound.

She turns her head back again, keeping her eyes open and looking again at the ceiling. Her head is pounding and her mouth is dry. She lays for a long time, breathing slowly.

She’s lying on the sofa. She looks down her body, she’s wearing a simple t shirt, and she’s pretty sure nothing else, her legs and feet are bare. Slowly she swings her legs sideways and very carefully tries to sit up. She closes her eyes as another wave of nausea washes over her and she takes deep breaths.

How the fuck did she get here?

She remembers the bar last night. Yeah, she was drunk, but what’s new. And that shit Tim the bartender had tried to cut her off. She’d been mad, about to make a scene when some guy came over and bought her another drink. She doesn’t remember much about him, except she’d been grateful and she vaguely remembers talking with him for a while. Did she bring him home? Did she fuck him?

She shakes her head and winces. No, she doesn’t remember that, and she’s alone now, on the sofa, not in the bed…

Then she remembers, her landlord had been waiting for her when she got back, already inside the bastard, sitting on her sofa. And just like last month and the months before she’d let him have his way with her. Well, it was either that or she’d be homeless. She shakes her head, how had it come to this?

She’d had a decent job working for an ad agency, a longtime boyfriend, things had been good. They’d had a nice apartment together, a good life. Then she had started drinking. Well, she’d always liked a drink, but it had never been a problem, until it was…

Eventually the boyfriend had enough, not just her drinking, but also the messing around with other guys - which was in any case just the drink. So he’d kicked her out, and she’d had to move into this shitty place. But losing him had made her drink more, and then she couldn’t get to work, so the job went. To be fair, her boss had tried, given her more than a few chances, but in the end he’d called her into his office, told her that it just wasn’t working any more. She’d known that was true, couldn’t really argue it. It was entirely her fault, and her boss even seemed genuinely upset, had told her to get herself sorted out and that if she did he’d do everything he could to get her a job back. Now she tried to make ends meet waiting tables, but it wasn’t working out, and she drank everything she earned.

She hated the landlord, but what could she do? At least he only seemed to use her when the rent was due, but still it was awful. He was a total pervert, wasn’t like he’d just fuck her and be done with it. Seemed to have all sorts of creepy fetishes and enjoyed acting them out on her. She just tried to turn her mind off and endure it, certainly didn’t get any pleasure out of it. The first time he’d had her he had got mad because she couldn’t cum and beaten her, so she quickly learnt to pretend she was enjoying it.

She shudders as recollections of her ‘rent payments’ come back to her. At first she’d been horrified at the thought of sex in lieu of cash. But she really had little choice, she had no money. The first time, after he’d suggested it and she’d acquiesced he’d made her strip, he’d pawed at her, fingering her, touching her everywhere. She’d been as unaroused as she could remember being, that’s when he’d beaten her, then made her blow him.

After that he always made her wear a t shirt. Told her that her tits were an embarrassment, made him feel like he was fucking a boy. But while her tits might have been covered, nothing else was. First time she’d taken it in the ass, she remembers the pain, and then he’d made her suck him, tasting herself on his cock. He’d made her rim him, she gags at the recollection, made her masturbate standing over him, that’s when she learnt to pretend, to fake orgasms.

She can’t remember the last time she’d had a real orgasm. She’d had lots of sex with her boyfriend, and she’d masturbated a lot when her boyfriend had first kicked her out, because she had loved sex but as things got steadily worse with her drinking she’d lost the desire to masturbate. She’d also had plenty of sex with random guys for a while, she had been pretty, got lots of offers. But the random guys dried up too as she had let herself go. It was why she had perhaps hoped that the guy from the bar had come back home with her, and the awful sinking feeling when she realized what the reality was.

She sighs and looks at the wooden coffee table in front of her. An empty bourbon bottle, a packet of cigarettes, an overflowing ashtray and her purse. She picks up the cigarette packet. Just one left, she pulls it out and lights it, inhales deeply. She looks at the warning on the packet that smoking will kill her and shrugs. Not like she has a lot to live for, no friends, no future… She’d cry, but she’s not a cryer. It is what it is, she should just get on with it. And right now that means getting dressed and going out to get some more cigarettes and booze.

She stubs the cigarette out and gets unsteadily to her feet. The t shirt, now she looks at it is stained. Spilled bourbon and the landlords cum. She pulls it off and throws it on the floor, walks naked to the bedroom… Perhaps she should shower, but she can’t be bothered, she’ll just put something on and go to the 24 hour store down the block.

She glances over at her reflection in the mirror. Shit, what a mess, and only 25 years old. Skinny, too skinny really, because she hardly ever eats, pale skin, small breasts and small pink nipples. Shoulder length, straight, mousy blond hair. She’d probably be pretty again if she looked after herself, her ex had always told her she was gorgeous, but that had been then. And obviously the guy from the bar last night hadn’t thought she was pretty enough to want to come home with her, even though she remembers chatting with him, probably drunkenly flirting, for quite a while. And the landlord… Well, he’s probably got no choice, he’s hardly a film star himself.

Well, it is what it is, she’s not going to feel sorry for herself, she doesn’t do that. She gets a pair of panties and a bra, puts them on. Jeans, a sweatshirt socks and trainers. She goes back out to her purse, picks it up and opens it. Fuck!! The fucking landlord took the $20 she had in there. The bastard. But she’s known for a while he’s a thieving, conniving bastard, and now she hides most of what little cash she has. She goes back to her bedroom and fishes out a $20 bill from her dwindling stash, puts it into her purse and heads out the door.

Last edited by Whispering Dom; 03-24-2020 at 11:06 AM.
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Old 03-27-2020, 09:59 AM   #2
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Part 2

It’s still dark outside, she doesn’t have a watch any more and she hadn’t glanced at the clock on the stove. She reckons it’s around 4 am. She walks down the sidewalk, the fresh air helping her hangover. She can see the lights of the 24 hour store a way down the road. Then she notices another person on the sidewalk. He’s walking towards her, not really looking at her. She moves over, giving herself room to pass by him, and as she approaches him he looks up.

She has a moment of recognition, she’s not sure where from, then it comes back to her, he’s the guy from the bar last night. As she reaches him, he smiles in recognition and stops. She stops too and looks at him, feigning a smile. She’d really just like to get some cigarettes and get home and sleep.

“It’s Natalie, isn’t it?” he says and she nods.

“Yeah, you’re the guy from the bar…” She looks at him, she has no idea if he told her his name, but if he did she doesn’t remember it. And he makes no effort to provide it now.

“Surprised to see you up and about” he says. “You were pretty out of it at the bar.”

Well, don’t sugarcoat it she thinks, feeling her face flush with embarrassment. Guess that’s at least one reason why he didn’t want to come home with her.

“Yeah. Sorry if I made a fool of myself…” Feeling her face flush hot, but at least it’s dark and he probably can’t see. “Anyway, thanks for buying me a drink, I appreciate it…” Her voice tails off and she looks down at the pavement.

She hears him laugh quietly. “Hey, don’t worry, I’m sure we’ve all been there before… And you were fine, didn’t make a fool of yourself at all.” She breathes a sigh of relief, but she just wants to get on and buy her cigarettes and go home.

“Well, that’s good, I’m glad. And thanks again for the drink.” She tries to smile at him, ready now to move on. “Maybe see you again some time…”

“That would be nice” he says. “Hey, look, I hope you don’t mind me asking, but could I buy you a coffee or something?” She groans inwardly, all she wants is cigarettes and bed. But she’s going to seem pretty rude, after all he’s been nothing but nice to her.

“I’m sure you have better things to do than drink a coffee with a hungover girl…” she says hopefully. But she can see he’s looking at her smiling.

“No. Honest, I’d like to, and I’m sure you could use a coffee.”

She sighs. “Ok, sure, that would be nice. Thanks.” She follows him as he turns and heads for the all night cafe which is the opposite direction to the store.

He chats lightly with her as they walk the two blocks to the cafe. She’s not really paying attention, her headache has come back with a vengeance, but she makes vague noises of agreement when it seems appropriate. The cafe is deserted and he leads her to a booth. The waitress comes over and he orders two coffees.

Sober, and in the light of the cafe Natalie looks now at him. He’s perhaps in his mid 30’s, short black hair, hazel eyes. He has a nice face and a gentle smile. He’s thin, not gaunt like she is, but in good shape. She feels a stirring that she hasn’t felt in a long time, and she’s surprised to find that she’s glad that she had accepted this invitation. Suddenly she feels very self conscious, she must look dreadful, hungover with her head pounding, she wishes now she’d showered before she came out.

“Do you mind if I go and freshen up?” she asks, feeling not only self conscious, but foolish that he might see anything in her anyway. He’s just being kind because she’s so obviously a total loser.

“Of course not” he says, smiling at her. “Take your time.”

She gets up and heads to the restrooms. Inside, she splashes water on her face, fills her hands and drinks some, rinsing out her mouth. She looks up, sees her face reflected back at her in the mirror. She shakes her head, there’s no chance. If he’d wanted her, surely he’d have taken advantage of her last night at the bar. No, he’s just being a gentleman. She breathes deeply and sighs. Finally a guy she’d like to have sex with, but he’s already seen the real Natalie, the drunk… Fuck it! For the first time in a long time she almost feels sorry for herself.

She dries her face off, pulls her fingers through her hair. It’s been a while since she cared how she looked, and even longer since she’s felt the stirring between her legs that she feels now at the thought, however hopeless that she might have sex because she wants to. And she realizes that she does. She wants to have sex, and enjoy it, and feel pleasure, and cum… Not feel like she’s just enduring something. She shakes her head again with the frustration that this guy is unlikely to be the one. Hell, he’ll probably have taken this opportunity to run now he’s seen her hungover in the light.

She walks back out into the cafe, to the booth. He’s still there, now with a cup of coffee in front of him, and another cup waiting for her.

She sits down, the coffee smells great, and she picks up the cup and drinks. She relishes the warmth of the drink in her mouth and as she swallows it, and it feels perversely good to be drinking something because it tastes good, not because it will send her to oblivion. She looks at him over the cup and smiles.

“Thanks. You’re right, I could really use a coffee. Didn’t realize quite how much!”

He smiles back at her. “You’re welcome.”

“So, I er.. I hope I didn’t do anything embarrassing last night.” She can feel her face flushing warm. “I didn’t say anything inappropriate did I?” Suddenly she feels like a little girl, secretly hoping that he’ll say that she did and he only declined because she was drunk…

He laughs quietly. “No, it was all good. You were mad at the bartender though.” He laughs again. “Didn’t seem to like your landlord much either.” He pauses and looks at her. She shudders, wondering what else she’d told him. Hopefully not too much. “Anyway, it was nice talking with you. You only had the one drink then said you had to go. I was a bit worried you might not get home Ok. I wasn’t sure if I shouldn’t have offered to walk you home.”

“Oh, that’s nice of you, but I don’t think I’d have wanted you to see my apartment, it’s a bit of a mess right now…” Her voice tails off, she blushes at her forwardness, she’s completely forgotten how to flirt, and she’s pretty sure that wasn’t what he was suggesting. She takes another mouthful of coffee.

“Did you get it cleaned up then?” he asks and her heart skips a beat. Is he suggesting that he might have wanted to come back with her? She wishes she had, she’d invite him back in a second, but it’s a dump with a filthy bourbon and cum stained t shirt lying in the middle of the living room, and probably the smell of the landlords sex with her permeating the air. She shakes her head.

“No, I’m afraid not. But I’m going to do it soon…” She blushes and wishes the she were invisible. What a pathetic come on that was.

She sits back and tries to relax. Her heart is beating fast and she feels like a teenager on a date, not sure if the boy she’s with likes her.

“So… Do you live around here?” She really hopes he says yes, maybe she can persuade him to meet up with her in a day or two, after she’s got herself and the apartment cleaned up. “Oh, sorry, I wasn’t trying to invite myself over…” He laughs. She feels her face flush hot and red with embarrassment at how this conversation is going.

“Don’t worry” he laughs. “I know, and I wasn’t suggesting anything either.” He looks at her over his coffee cup. “I mean, we’ve only just met…” He smiles at her and winks.

Again her heart misses a beat. Was that the sound of a door very much not slamming shut in her face. She takes a deep breath, looks at him and feels again that long forgotten feeling of desire. She takes another mouthful of coffee. It really does taste good and she’s feeling warm, surprisingly even a little sleepy. She puts her hand over her mouth and tries to stifle a yawn.

“Oh god… I’m really sorry, I’m not bored honest.” He smiles at her.

“It’s Ok, finish the coffee.”

Her head is swimming lightly. She takes another mouthful of coffee, hoping the caffeine will give her a jolt. She’s looking at him, he seems to be bobbing around until she realizes it’s her eyes.

“I - I… Sorry, I’m feeling a bit odd…” she looks up at him. “I - I think maybe I’d better go…”

She see’s him get up and as if from far away she hears him say “Ok, this time I’m walking you home… No arguments.” She just nods her head as she feels him take her arm and helps her towards the door.
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Old 03-27-2020, 11:54 AM   #3
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You write very well. Looking forward to the next one
M 73 California USA. Likes cbt, spanking, nt, and exhibitionism. Who knows what I might discover next.

Click my album for a picture of most of my toys. Will use them on cam.

Limits are anal, excrement, involving other people, illegal, lasting marks no cross dressing any nudity will use a mask or no face.

Growing old is a good thing we all want to do but I don't have to BE old.

Whereby whereby.com/sexyseniorctzn

Kik: dogjockey

Skype Dogjockey Bearman
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Old 03-31-2020, 10:05 AM   #4
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Part 3

Natalie opens her eyes and a wave of nausea washes over her. She closes them again and groans. Her head is throbbing and her mouth is dry.

She doesn’t even remember drinking… The last thing she remembers is… She racks her brain trying to think. She breaths in and out deeply. She’s sitting up, fuck another night she didn’t make it to bed. But then she realizes she’s not on the sofa, it’s hard where she’s sitting, she must be on the floor. She groans pitifully again, how drunk must she have been if she didn’t even make it to the sofa?

She tries to open her eyes again. Slowly and carefully. Everything’s still blurry, but she squints around. She feels disorientated, it doesn’t look like her apartment at all. She looks down and sees she’s sitting on a hardwood floor. And then she sees her body, bare feet, bare legs, bare tummy… Is she naked? No, she can see her panties and bra. Did she throw up over her clothes? She shakes her head, trying to clear it but it just makes her wince with pain.

She takes more deep breaths. Slowly she remembers the guy, the cafe, the coffee and feeling sleepy. But where is she, he definitely didn’t walk her home. And as well as her head pounding with pain, her arms and shoulders feel sore. Did she have an accident, is she in hospital? No she can’t be, she wouldn’t be sitting half naked on the floor. She can feel panic rising.

She opens her eyes again, tries to look around and then gasps as she realizes why her arms hurt. They are spread out, slightly above her, and they seem to be tied to hooks in the wall. She moans, fear rising up through her. Where the fuck is she? This feels really fucked up…

She swallows, trying to get saliva in her mouth. She tries to call out for help, but it comes out as pathetic squeak. She swallows and tries again. Still not much, but better. She’s about to try again when she hears a door opening… She looks around and sees the guy from last night, he’s carrying a glass of water. Thank god, a friendly face… But then why is she here, not at home? Her brain is swimming as she tries to make sense of things. The guy walks over to her and squats down in front of her.

“Hello Natalie. How are you feeling?” he asks, looking straight into her eyes.

“I- I feel awful… What happened? Where am I?” This feels horrible, now she’s passed out in front of him, worse than just being drunk. So much for the likelihood of getting a date.

He doesn’t answer any of her questions, just holds the glass of water to her lips. She drinks from it gratefully. Her head is still swimming, and suddenly the memory that her hands are tied up comes back to her.

“Why am I tied up like this? Please, tell me what’s going on…”

“Natalie. If you do as you are told, if you behave, then you will be alright. I promise you.” She looks at him blankly. What’s he talking about?

“What do you mean? I don’t understand. Please, will you just undo my hands… I want to go home. I’m sorry if I’ve caused you any problems, but I just want to get home. I really didn’t mean to be any trouble, I don’t even remember drinking…”

“Quiet.” He cuts her off. “You didn’t cause any problems, I brought you here, and like I said, if you do as you are told then everything will be Ok and you’ll be able to go home soon.” She shakes her head, just not understanding any of this. She leans her head back against the wall, closes her eyes. This makes no sense, why is she sitting half naked on the floor, and why the fuck are her hands tied to the wall. She blinks her eyes open. She hadn’t been drinking, she remembers now, she’d been sitting with the guy drinking coffee…

“What happened in the coffee shop? I got so sleepy, I passed out, didn’t I?” She sees him nod. “Was the coffee drugged?” Again he nods.

“Have I been kidnapped?” She looks at him incredulously. He doesn’t react. She laughs at the absurdity of the situation, it must be a mistake. “I mean why? I’ve got no money, nobody’s going to pay a ransom for me… You’ve got the wrong person.” She’s gabbling, not really believing any of it anyway. Or did he kidnap her so he could have sex with her. Shit, he only had to ask, hadn’t she made that painfully obvious?

“Nope. I’ve got exactly the right person. I’ll explain everything to you in due course. For now, I’m going to release your hands, but I must warn you that you’re not to try and leave the room. Do I have your word?” She looks at him and nods, her mind reeling. What the fuck is going on? “I’ll leave the water here, I suggest you drink it.” And with that he stands, she watches as he releases first her left hand then her right, and with a final glance at her, he walks out of the room.

She sits for a while and rubs her wrists, trying to make sense of this. She gets up and drinks the rest of the water, and walks around the room. It’s totally bare and empty, just the door, not even any windows. She wraps her arms around herself, walks to the door. Should she open it? She had promised not to, but… What would she do, where would she go dressed just in panties and a bra. She has no idea where she is.

The only thing that makes sense is that the guy isn’t nice after all and he’s kidnapped her to rape her. She shakes her head with disappointment, just when she thought she might have found someone she wanted to have sex with. Well, if that’s what it takes to be let go… I mean she’s had plenty of practice faking it with her landlord, and at least this guy looks Ok. She sighs, what a loser, she was delusional thinking that something good might happen to her shitty life. She could really do with a drink.

She sits back down on the hardwood floor, leans back against the wall and pulls her knees up to her chin. Despite everything, the thought that she might have liked sex with the guy sends a tingle through her, followed by a wave of disappointment. She closes her eyes.
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Old 04-03-2020, 09:40 AM   #5
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Part 4

She must have fallen asleep. She opens her eyes and is mightily relieved not to feel a wave of nausea. In fact her head doesn’t hurt any more either. Slowly she gets to her feet. She starts to walk slowly around the room. Again she looks at the door. She goes to it and puts her ear to it, can’t hear anything. Should she try to run for it? But she has no idea where she is, and she’s practically naked. Suddenly she sees the door handle turning and she jumps back guiltily.

She’s breathing hard as the guy comes in. He looks at her backing away from the door and raises his eyebrows. She shakes her head and he gives her a piercing look as he closes the door behind him and walks towards her. She backs away and he stops.

“I’m sorry” she blurts out. “I wasn’t trying to get out.” He looks at her for a long moment, and then nods.

“It’s Ok” he says. “Just remember, if you do as you’re told everything will be Ok. If you don’t…” He lets the threat hang in the air.

Her heart beats fast and her face flushes with guilt. The guy is looking at her, his eyes roaming over her body. She feels so vulnerable standing in just her underwear.

“Now, take off your bra…” She tenses. She had guessed he wanted to have her naked, to fuck her, if only he’d read her signals, or didn’t she make it obvious enough? But now the desire is gone, another fantasy, another hope destroyed. But what choice does she have? She can feel herself trembling. Resignedly she puts her hands behind her and undoes the bra, letting it fall forward and drops it on the floor. Instinctively she puts her hands up to cover her breasts.

“Hands down. By your sides.” She pauses, but what can she do? Slowly she drops them, exposing herself. And it could have been totally consensual she thinks sadly.

“Now your panties.” She hesitates just for a moment, then drops them to the floor and steps out of them. She wants to cover herself with her hands, but what’s the point? She knows what he wants, is there any point in fighting it, in making him angry? She keeps her hands at her side letting the guy see her, everything. She stands still as he approaches her, her heart pumping in her chest, and he walks slowly around her. She turns her head to follow him as best she can, seeing him looking her over.

“Pick up your clothes and give them to me” he says quietly. She bends forward, conscious that her butt cheeks spread and feels a flash of embarrassment, picks up her discarded bra and panties and hands them to him. He takes them, and without a word he walks to the door and leaves the room.

She stands alone, naked and confused, she had assumed he was going to take her then. Why had he stripped her only to leave the room? She had been sure that she had been drugged and kidnapped so he could have her, but now there’s doubt. Why has she been brought here then, stripped naked, if not to be used?

When the guy had been in there stripping her she had felt scared, not knowing what was coming, but now standing naked and alone she suddenly feels vulnerable. And, she’s surprised to acknowledge, she feels aroused. God knows why, but perhaps the guy wasn’t so bad, after all he hasn’t done anything to her, not even touched her. She can feel her nipples are hard, and there’s a distinct tingling between her legs. With a shock she realizes she almost has the urge to masturbate, I mean she’s alone, naked… And sober, and in the cafe she had been imagining, hoping even that this might be a guy she would actually want to have sex with.

As she stands there, contemplating pleasuring herself for the first time in what seems an absolute age, suddenly the door opens and the guy walks back in. She flushes red as she imagines if she’d actually decided to masturbate. Then she flushes a deeper red as another man walks into the room. She backs up slightly and instinctively covers herself with her hands.

“Hands by your sides Natalie.” It’s a struggle this time with the second stranger in the room looking at her, but finally she does it and drops her hands. The second man moves towards her. He says nothing, but she can feel his eyes boring into her naked body. He steps up to her and she gasps as he reaches out and pinches her nipple, then he has moved behind her and she feels his fingers on her butt cheeks, spreading them. She whimpers, can feel her body trembling with fear, all thoughts of arousal banished. So, this is why the guy had brought her here, not for himself, but for someone else.

Then the man has moved back around and is standing facing her. He looks familiar, she thinks she’s seen him before, maybe a picture? But she can’t tell where from. He’s older, dressed in a dark suit, has greying hair, but distinguished. He looks at her for what seems a long while, then turns away and beckons for the guy to follow him. They both leave the room.

Natalie collapses to the floor, leaning against the wall. Her heart is racing, she is flushed, embarrassed, humiliated. For the first time in a very long time she wants to cry. When she had imagined it was just the guy who had wanted her, she had allowed herself to accept it, she’d let it happen, just like she did with the landlord, but now she’s scared, she cannot imagine what is in store for her.

She sits like that for she doesn’t know how long. She has curled herself up, trying to retreat into herself, make herself as small and invisible as possible. The desire to masturbate has gone now, the humiliation of the short but clinical inspection of her naked body has killed her arousal, being naked no longer turning her on but making her heart beat faster with fear and humiliation.

The door opens again and the guy walks back in. He stands and looks at her for a moment.

“Get up Natalie and come with me” he says. She looks up at him, wanting to cry, shaking her head. What does he want with her, Or is it the other guy who wants her?

He walks over and holds out his hand. She pulls away, but he stands there waiting, clearly not going anywhere so reluctantly she reaches out and lets him help her to her feet. What can she do, she’s helpless.

“What do you want with me?” she sobs. “Please… please just let me go… I promise I’ll never say a word about this. Please.”

“Come with me” he says and turns and walks to the door. She follows, hesitantly, terrified that now something is going to happen, the reason she’s been brought here will be revealed. She’s going to be raped? Worse? She’s sobbing quietly and her heart is racing.

She follows him out of the room into a hallway. She feels even more vulnerable now, walking around an unknown house, naked. She has put an arm across her chest and another trying to cover between her legs. Nothing she can do to cover her naked bottom. She follows him down the hallway, and he opens another door and gestures for her to enter. She holds back, fearful of what will be in the room. He waits patiently. Thoughts of running away, escaping flash through her head. But she’s naked, has no idea where she is, where would she go? Finally, realizing she has no choice she walks tentatively into the other room.

It’s a bathroom. She looks around, it’s clean, probably one of the nicest bathrooms she’s been in for a very long time. A big walk in shower, marble counters, huge mirrors. She looks around and finally turns to the guy.

“You’re going to clean yourself up, make yourself presentable” he says with a smile. “You should wash yourself thoroughly, everywhere, very thoroughly… Do you understand?” She looks at him, bewildered, but nods. He points to her crotch, her thatch of mousy blond pubic hair. “You will shave that. No hair, do you understand?” Again she nods. She had used to shave, when she was with her ex. Even waxed a few times. There just hasn’t been any point lately, the only person to see her there had been the landlord.

“When you are done, go back to your room. Naked. There’s nobody else in this part of the house. Don’t do anything stupid, there’s nowhere for you to go. If you carry on behaving well you will be fine, like I’ve already told you. Ok?” She swallows and nods her head. He turns from her and walks out of the door, leaving it open.

She walks to the door and closes it. Out of force of habit, she believes him that she is alone, but even in her apartment she always closes the bathroom door. She looks around at all the soaps, shampoos, conditioners. She sees scissors, razors and shaving creme.

She looks at herself in the mirror, pale and gaunt. She sighs, whatever comes after this, at least pampering herself in a luxury bathroom will be nice. With another sigh, she gets to work, trimming her pubic hair…
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Old 04-07-2020, 10:00 AM   #6
Whispering Dom
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Part 5

She wraps herself in the big white towel that was hanging from the towel rail. It feels smooth and soft against her skin as she rubs and pats herself dry. She feels good, she had spent ages in the shower, cleaning, shaving and just plain luxuriating under the stream of hot water. Her skin feels vibrant and alive, and as she looks in the mirror, looks pink from the heat of the water. She doesn’t hurry to get back to the room, she feels safe here in the bathroom, but she knows that eventually she must. She hangs the towel back on the rack and takes a final look at herself in the mirror. She looks as good as she’s looked in a long time, her hair clean and hanging down to her shoulders, her body smooth, hairless and pale, her finger and toenails clean, and yes, she had done as he had told her and her whole body was scrubbed clean. Everywhere.

Slowly she opens the door and peers out. The hallway is deserted, and she quickly makes her way back to the room. Once inside she closes the door and stands for a moment. This place has begun to feel private, and now she feels her arousal rising back up. She had seen her old self in the mirror, the Natalie that her ex had thought was gorgeous, that plenty of guys had admired and enjoyed, not the Natalie that the asshole of a landlord used and humiliated. And as her arousal builds, she thinks once again about masturbating. It’s strange to feel sexually aroused when she is so unsure of her fate, but she’s naked, sober and now clean…

She sits again on the floor, leaning back against the wall. Slowly she spreads her legs. Just the act of doing that feels sexy and she shudders. She lets her hands drift to her breasts. Fuck the landlord, she likes her breasts, small as they are, her nipples are very sensitive, and a few quick strokes from her fingers and they are erect. She sighs and closes her eyes. Slowly she lets her hands drift down her body, across her tummy, down between her legs, her fingers brushing over her now smooth and very sensitive pubic mound. She lets them drift down and brush her lips and she shudders with the pleasure.

She honestly cannot remember the last time she had an orgasm. Months? A year? Whatever, as she continues to gently touch herself she realizes it’s been too long, and now she wants one very badly. She lets her fingers push gently into her wetness and she spasms as she runs them over her clit. She spreads her legs wider, slowly stroking herself. She’s forgotten where she is and her circumstances, she’s giving herself to pleasure…

Suddenly she hears sounds at the door. She pulls her hands away and snaps her legs closed, her face flushing with frustration and embarrassment. She looks up as the guy walks in and she blushes deeply. He stops and looks at her for a moment, a smile playing on his lips. Does he suspect, does he know? She is still breathing heavily, her arousal now pulsing through her.

“Get up Natalie. Let me take a look at you.” Slowly she climbs to her feet and stands, naked in front of him. He walks slowly around her, she can feel his eyes on her. She feels his fingers on her buttocks and then gasps as she feels him push between them and stroke over her asshole. He walks back around in front of her and she feels his fingers stroking over her smooth pubic mound, and she staggers and flushes hot with embarrassment as he slips a finger inside her knowing he must be able to tell she’s wet.

“Good, you’ve cleaned up nicely. Might have a little razor burn though…” She flushes again with embarrassment. “Go and sit back down where you were” he says. “I’ll be right back.”

She goes back and sits back down, her back against the wall, her legs pulled up and clamped tightly closed. He walks back in carrying a small bottle.

“It’s aloe infused oil. We’ll rub some into you to get rid of the burn” he says. She blushes and reaches out to take the bottle, but he just smiles, squats down next to her. “Open your legs Natalie.” She hesitates, is she going to let him touch her, there, expose herself totally to him? But then what’s her choice she realizes miserably. She looks up at him, swallows and slowly parts her legs.

She watches as he pours some of the oil onto his fingers and jumps slightly as he puts his fingers on her skin and starts to massage the oil in. She closes her eyes, feeling so exposed and humiliated, naked, legs spread, her bare pussy on display and his hand so close to it. But at the same time it feels good. It had been her fingers a few minutes ago, and now it’s someone else’s. He gently rubs the oil into her skin. She opens her eyes as she feels his hand leave her skin, she looks at him, sees he is just getting more oil, and then his hand is back, slowly and gently rubbing, now moving down between her legs massaging just outside her exposed lips. She keeps looking at him, her eyes alternating between his hand by her pussy and his face as he touches her.

She is breathing heavily. He must know what he’s doing to her. She wonders whether he’s going to masturbate her, because he can and there’s nothing she can do about it. But he doesn’t, his fingers never quite touch her lips even though she’s spread her legs wider. She is panting quietly, more aroused than she can remember being in a very long time. She can see he’s smiling. He leaves his fingers right by her pussy, hardly moving now, just very gently stroking and he looks at her.

“So Natalie, time you found out why you’re here…” She looks at him, panting, her face flushed from both embarrassment and arousal, but also fear at what he’s going to tell her. “My employer is hosting a party tonight and tomorrow night. You will be at them. You are not a guest in the strictest sense of the word, you are there for the other guests. You may be asked to serve some drinks, but your main purpose is to be available to the other guests at all times for whatever their wishes are. You may not deny them their wishes. do you understand?” She shakes her head, no, not really. He sighs.

“You are going to be a plaything, a sex toy, but a live one. Whatever they want to do with you they may. Whatever they tell you to do you will do.” She gulps.

“B-but why me?” She doesn’t understand, it doesn’t make sense, I mean surely they could have paid someone if that’s what they wanted. She looks at him. “Why didn’t you just hire porn actresses or escorts?” she asks, her voice trembling both from his touch and from what he has just said.

“Because my employer, and his guests, enjoy the reality of the emotions that someone who is forced to be there, who is not there by choice and is not being paid, can bring.” He shrugs. “And that person is you.” His fingers are still gently rubbing just by the side of her pussy lips, and she moans quietly, she’s not sure whether from fear or arousal.

“And what if I refuse whatever it is they ask me to do?” she asks, her voice trembling and quiet, not really wanting to hear the answer.

“I already told you that if you do what is asked and expected of you, you will go home soon, safe and sound. Of course, if you don’t do what you are told, well then…” Again he lets the threat hang in the air.

She whimpers, his touch, the humiliation of her exposure and the implied threat. But she’s a pragmatist, she knows she can do this, she’s let her slob of a landlord have his way with her, this will be just one more rung on the ladder of her descent to hell. Suddenly his hand has left her and he has stood up, and she looks up at him.

“The party starts in a couple of hours. I’ll be up to collect you. Do you have any questions?” She shakes her head, confused, then a thought strikes her.

“What am I supposed to wear to the party?” She asks. He laughs.

“I’ll bring it up when I come to collect you, don’t worry.” And with that he stands up, looking again at her naked exposed body, smiles, and walks out the door.

She closes her eyes. Despite her predicament she still feels incredibly aroused. His touching had been so different from the landlord’s grappling, he had teased her, simply taken advantage of her nakedness and whether he’d known it or not - and she’s pretty sure he did - had left her wanting more, wanting, no she realizes, needing release. She had started it before he had come in, and now she wants to finish it.

She’s breathing hard, hasn’t closed her legs, even though he had gone, her hand wants to go there. She waits just for a moment, she doesn’t want him to come back in, catch her in the act of pleasuring herself. She can’t hear anything, she gets up, tiptoes to the door, puts her ear to it, still she cannot hear anything. She breaths in deeply, she wants it, needs it, needs to cum. She drops to her knees, spreads them wide and lets her hand go there. No foreplay, she’s already far past that, she wants release, and she rubs herself fast and hard. She’s trembling, her whole body ready to explode, straining for her climax. She closes her eyes, lifts her face up, gasping for breath and she cums, her whole body juddering with the release. She keeps rubbing, falls forward, catches herself with her free hand, waves of orgasm flowing through her, her body bucking and heaving.

Slowly she gets her breath back. She’d forgotten just how wonderful it is to orgasm. She crawls on her hands and knees back to the wall, and sits back again, leaning against it, still panting for breath. She closes her eyes and smiles, grateful that despite everything she’s found her sexual desire again, even if only temporarily. She’ll get through the next two nights, and then she’ll turn a new page in her life, turn things around.
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Old 04-10-2020, 11:34 AM   #7
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Part 6

She must have dozed off leaning against the wall, for when she opens her eyes, he’s standing there looking down at her. He looks so different, dressed in black tie looking very elegant.

“Time to go Natalie” he says. “And if I can give you one piece of advice…” She looks at him and shrugs. “Enjoy yourself, go with the flow, it’ll be much easier than fighting it.”

She stands up slowly. He walks to her, again looking her over, inspecting her. “You should put your hair in a ponytail” he says, handing her a small band. She wraps the band around her wrist, gathers her hair up and slips it through the band. He watches, nodding in approval.

She sighs. “Ok, did you bring something for me to wear?” Based upon what he’s wearing she assumes it’ll be some sort of evening dress. He smiles at her…

“Yes, I did” he says, and holds out a mask, a mask that will cover only her eyes. She looks at him, confused.

“That’s it?” He nods. A pause. “I’m going to be naked?” Her voice is quiet and shakes. “Nothing else?” She sobs.

“You look fine Natalie, better than fine. Don’t worry, you are going to be a huge success, I know it.” She sucks in a deep breath, humiliation flowing through her, humiliation verging on panic. But what can she do? None of this is her choice, she either does it and gets through it, or… Or what? She doesn’t know, but in her mind she knows that whatever these people might do to her would be worse, far worse than being kicked out of her shitty apartment. She breathes deeply, trying to calm her racing heart. Finally she looks up at him, and slowly nods her head.

“Ok” she whispers.

“Let’s go” he says and he reaches forward and places the mask on her face, and she watches as he places a full face mask on himself.

She follows him out of the room, down the corridor, the opposite direction from the bathroom. She feels incredibly exposed now, walking naked into the unknown. At the end of a corridor is a door, and he opens it. She hesitates, her heart beating fast and hard. He gestures her through the door, and slowly, with great trepidation she steps through.

She’s in a kitchen, two people inside, a man and a woman. She freezes, but they pay her no attention, it’s almost as if they are used to seeing naked women walking into their domain. The guy gestures her forward, and points at a tray of champagne flutes on a table.

“Pick that up Natalie and follow me.” He says.

With trembling hands, desperately hoping she won’t drop the tray, she picks it up. She’s sobbing quietly. Even when he had told her what would be happening it hadn’t been real, but now it is, she knows that in just a moment, she’s going to be entering a party… Except she’ll be naked, completely exposed and vulnerable, and at the mercy of the other guests.

He comes over to her, leans in close to her face. “You must only speak when you are spoken to. Understand?” She nods, sniffeling, trying to not to break down and cry openly. “If you address a guest you call the men Sir and the women Miss. Understand?” She trembles, but nods. “Remember Natalie, go with the flow. You will be fine. I will never be far away.” She chokes back a sob, but nods helplessly. “Try to smile, it will be better…” She feels a tear drop from her eye and roll down her cheek, chokes back another sob and takes a deep breath, then another, trying to calm herself. She sees the guy reach forward and brush away her tear, and feels absurdly grateful.

He puts his hand on her back and gently pushes her in the direction of another door. She is breathing fast, almost hyperventilating. This is it, she’s going to walk naked into a room full of strangers. She feels him stroke her back. “Go with the flow” she tells herself sucking in deep breaths. He opens the door and gestures for he to walk through…

She feels like she might collapse she’s so scared. She steps hesitantly through the door, sobbing quietly, not a chance she can smile. She keeps sucking in huge breaths of air. She steps through and stops, looks around in fear and panic. She’s in a large room, warmly lit, various items of furniture around, chairs, sofas, all looking very elegant. And people… She counts maybe ten all together, the men all in black tie and with full face masks, just like the guy, the women in elegant dresses of varying lengths and colors and face masks like hers that cover their eyes only. To her immense surprise and relief they appear indifferent to the naked girl who’s just entered the room, some casting a quick glance then going back to the conversations they were having.

She feels the guy just behind her. “These are all very influential men Natalie, and the women with them are typically not their wives…” She looks around at him. “They will be mistresses or girlfriends, possibly even dates for just this evening” he pauses. “But they are all guests, understand?” She nods at him. “Good, now, go and offer them some champagne.”

She trembles… She can feel his hand gently pushing her forward, and reluctantly she starts to take hesitant steps towards the guests. Slowly she approaches a group of two men and a woman, standing and talking. She holds the tray in front of her, so very aware of her nudity, she wants to clamp her eyes closed, and she’s trying desperately not to drop the tray. She stands with the tray proffered, and one of the men turns and takes two glasses, hands them to the other man and the woman, then takes another for himself. He looks at Natalie, and she hears him say “Thank you” and then returns to his conversation.

She breathes out, didn’t even realize she’d been holding her breath. So weird, it was as if it were entirely normal for them to be served a drink by a naked woman. She steps hesitantly over to another group, three men talking, and again, they each take a glass, quietly thanking her and then returning to their conversation. Finally she approaches a group of four women, and again they each take a glass with a smile and a nod of thanks before returning to their conversation, although one of the women actually seems to notice her and look her over, making her face flush hot.

She looks around, unsure what to do next. She hesitates where she is for a moment, then turns and walks back towards the door to the kitchen where the guy is quietly standing.

“Everything Ok Natalie?” he asks. She nods, surprised and relieved. “Good. Go with flow…” and she thinks she sees him wink behind his mask. “Go and get more champagne from the kitchen.”

She pushes through the door to the kitchen and puts the tray back on the table. She’s not sure where she should get more glasses from, but then the man from the kitchen is approaching, carrying a bottle and bringing more glasses which he proceeds to put on the tray. He fills the new glasses from the bottle. Just like the guests he seems indifferent to the naked girl standing in front of him, although when he has finished filling the glasses, he smiles briefly at her before walking away.

She picks up the tray and once again walks out into the room. The guy gestures for her to go back to the guests and she does, walking around and letting them take refreshed glasses and collecting the empties. She’s still acutely aware of her nakedness, but she’s no longer quite so terrified since no-one appears to be taking any notice of it, or really of her. She even finds she is managing to smile at the guests when they take a glass from her tray and thank her and sometimes even quietly venture a “You’re welcome Sir / Miss”.

This continues for some time. She has no watch, so she doesn’t know how long, but the guests seem to be drinking plenty of champagne and the noise level has been rising. She must have gone into the kitchen to refill the tray four or five times, and now she sees she will need to do so again. She pushes through the door and puts the tray down again, waiting for the man to bring more. It feels so strange to be naked in a room of elegantly clothed people, almost like the dreams you sometimes have of being naked in public. Except this isn’t a dream, but nobody has yet even spoken to her other than to say thank you, let alone asked her to do anything. She wouldn’t say she’s relaxed, but her heart is no longer pounding, she’s not shaking like a leaf.
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Old 04-10-2020, 08:19 PM   #8
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I really love this story!!
LOVES: degradation, WEDGIES, humiliation, body writing, CROTCH ROPES, pain, begging, toothpaste dares, bondage, spanking and canings.

Likes: porn, edging, orgasms, mild anal, wax, clit pussy and nipple torture.

Dislikes: boring tasks and writing lines. Doms/ Masters who are not stern enough.

Limits: family/ friends, full public, illegal, poo, pics, gaping, no body/ looks shaming, do not call me worthless or pathetic.

Praise is important to me.
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Old 04-13-2020, 01:20 PM   #9
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Part 7

Suddenly the guy is beside her. “Good girl Natalie, you’re doing great.” She looks up at him and smiles, grateful for the compliment. “Now, come with me.” She looks up at him in surprise.

“Should I bring the champagne?” she asks. He shakes his head.

She follows him as he leads her back into the room, and as he crosses towards another door. She’s looking around anxiously, but follows close on his heels, feeling that when she’s with him she’s safe. She looks at the guests, but they still seem to be drinking and chatting loudly, not seeming to pay her any attention. The guy opens the door and gestures her inside. She walks in, more confident now, but catches her breath when she hears the door close behind her, and she looks and sees the guy is no longer with her.

The room she has entered is dim, the only light from a single table lamp. In the light is a sofa, and sitting on the sofa a lone man in black tie with a full face mask. Suddenly she feels scared again, the only thing stopping her from collapsing in panic is the knowledge that she is standing in the dark.

“Please. Come over here.” The voice is quiet, smooth and commanding. She has started trembling violently now, and she can’t get her feet to move. “Don’t be frightened.” She takes a deep breath. The man hasn’t moved, he is sitting patiently, and his voice has no aggression in it. She takes another deep breath and then takes a hesitant step forward. She falters, but takes another step. More steps and she sees her bare foot entering the circle of dim light, another, then another and she is standing, trembling, in front of the man. She can feel his eyes looking at her, the fact that she is naked now suddenly acutely embarrassing. She has put an arm across her breasts, and her other hand has dropped between her legs trying to cover herself.

“Please, put your hands at your sides.” The voice is still quiet, still calm and smooth, totally without threat. But it is a command, not a request. She whimpers and it takes a huge effort, but she eventually pulls her hands away, letting her naked breasts and her hairless pussy be exposed to the mans sight. “Please, spread your legs.” Despite the word please, again this is definitely a command, and after a few moments hesitation she steps out, spreading her legs. The man continues to look at her for a long while, then finally he taps the sofa next to him. “Please, come and sit down.”

She is shaking violently again now. She wants to run away, but she knows she cannot. Stifling back a sob, she takes small hesitant steps towards the sofa, and then lowers herself onto it, sitting next to the man. He makes no effort to touch her, although he has turned himself towards her and is clearly looking at her naked body. She can feel his eyes looking over her from behind his mask. Although she cannot see his face she gets the feeling that he is the older man who had come and inspected her earlier, and she guesses he is probably the man who employs the guy, presumably the man who owns the house and who is hosting the party.

“You should try to relax. You are in no danger here.” he says quietly. She is breathing fast.

“Yes Sir” she says quietly. And realizing she is probably not doing well she softly adds “I’m sorry Sir. I’ll try.” The man reaches over and gently pats her hand.

“You’re a very pretty girl” he says and she actually finds herself blushing at the compliment.

“Thank you Sir.”

“When was the last time you had an orgasm?” The bluntness of the question, the intrusion into her privacy catches her by surprise and she gasps. She thinks for a moment, somehow unwilling to admit that it was only a few hours ago.

“S-some time ago, S-sir” she stammers in embarrassment and looks down at her feet.

“That seems like a great shame” he says gently. “Pretty girl like you…” He pauses and she squirms in embarrassment. “Perhaps you’d like to have one now.” She looks up at him in shock. She knows also that even though it was phrased as if it were her choice, it’s not. ‘You are there for their entertainment. You must do what they ask.’ The guy’s words replay. She chokes back a sob, but nods.

“Y-yes Sir. If you’d like…” she whimpers.

“Yes, why don’t you” he says, and she sees him turn his body to face her more. Then nothing, he simply sits there and waits. She’s confused until she realizes that he’s expecting her to masturbate. Well, she’s been forced by her slob of a landlord to masturbate standing over him, so she guesses she can manage it here in front of this stranger. And she’ll be able fake the orgasm too…

Slowly she sits back into the sofa, and tentatively spreads her legs. She should at least try to make it look real. She lets her right hand drift down between her legs, and strokes herself slowly. She’s too scared to be turned on, but she knows how to fake it, and she starts to let out little moans. She looks round at the man, who seems to be just watching her. Are all guys perverts, she wonders as she continues to play out her fake masturbation.

She looks down her body again, and then starts as she feels a hand stroke her hair. She looks at the man, but his hands are both settled on his legs. She leans her head back, and sees a woman standing behind and above her, her hands gently stroking her hair. She gasps. She has stopped touching herself, just stares up at the woman, who is looking down at her, smiling.

The woman, like all the women, is elegantly dressed with a mask just like her own, covering just her eyes. She leans forward and brings her face down to Natalie’s. She can feel the woman’s breath on her exposed lower face, and then the woman kisses her gently on the lips.

“Keep touching yourself” the woman whispers, and Natalie does, letting her hand again slowly start to stroke. The woman kisses Natalie again, and she feels her pressing harder with her lips. Then she feels the woman start to probe with her tongue against her own lips, pressed closed. Reluctantly, she lets her lips soften and part, letting the woman’s tongue slip inside. She’s never kissed a woman like this before, she’s always liked guys, but she finds it surprisingly exciting, and she lets the woman enter her.

She is still stroking, and to her surprise she finds she’s getting wet. She returns the woman’s kiss, breathing harder now, arousal growing. Suddenly she feels pressure on her stroking hand, a hand on top of it, guiding her stroking. She doesn’t know if it’s the woman or the man, but whoever it is they are guiding her expertly. She feels also a hand gently stroking her right breast, gently rubbing her nipple. She moans quietly into the woman’s mouth.

She’s amazed to realize that she’s throbbing now. Anonymous hands coupled with her own pleasuring her, the kiss with the woman both sensuous and electrifying. She realizes she won’t be faking her orgasm, she’s going to cum for real. She strokes harder, or is it the hand guiding her that’s going faster? She doesn’t know, but she’s spread her legs wide, and she is now dripping. She moans again into the woman’s mouth as their tongues entwine.

She is going to cum. Her orgasm has been building steadily in this strangely erotic entanglement. Other than her own hand, which she realizes isn’t really in control, it’s being guided by another hand, she has no idea who is touching her where, but it’s all gentle, sensual and erotic. Her body is trembling, no longer with fear, but with her impending climax, and she gives herself over to it, surrenders to the pleasure.

She cums hard, her hips jerking, her body spasming. She cries out into the woman’s mouth, her breath coming in pants. Slowly all the hands but her own retreat. She keeps stroking slowly as the woman’s face lifts up. She sees that the woman is smiling broadly down at her. She cannot help but smile back in her post orgasmic glow.

She sits like that for a while, laid back into the sofa, her head laying back, her legs still spread, her hand no longer stroking, just laying lightly on her skin, her breathing slowing.

“You should go now.” It’s the man, his voice as gentle, but as commanding as before. She looks at him.

“Is there anything I can do for you Sir?” she asks, surprising herself with the question. She sees him shake his head.

“No, you should go back out to the others.”

Slowly she climbs to her feet. She stands and turns to face the man, looking down at him. “Thank you Sir, and Miss…” She looks up but the woman is no longer there, she has retreated back to the shadows from where she came.

She feels light headed after her orgasm, she turns and heads towards the door, lost in the darkness now. As she reaches the door she pauses, turns again to look at the man, and as she does, she sees the woman, her dress pulled up to her waist straddling him. She shakes her head at the strangeness of the situation, it feels like some bizarre erotic dream… Or nightmare… But it’s not a dream, and the post orgasmic contentedness she feels is proof of that.

She opens the door, and steps once again, naked into the party room.
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Old 04-16-2020, 01:17 PM   #10
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Part 8

Natalie blinks as her eyes adjust from the dimness of the previous room. She is breathing normally now, but she can still feel the contented after effect of her orgasm. She looks around the room, sees the guy standing quietly by the door to the kitchen. She sees him look at her and nod his head slightly. The other guests are spread out around the room, some sitting, some standing, seemingly talking, although she notices also that there are hands straying on to others bodies. But in the middle of the room something quite different.

There is a low bench like piece of furniture, and on it she sees naked legs, with black trousers pulled around their ankles. And straddling the person lying down is a woman, naked from the waist down save for a pair of heels. Standing by the side of this couple another woman, still fully clothed. She can’t help keeping her eyes on this group as the straddling woman slowly grinds into the man below her. Is she fucking him?

She’s about to walk over to the guy, to see what she is supposed to do next when she realizes he is already beside her. He takes her arm gently.

“Are you doing Ok, Natalie? Going with the flow?” She blushes as she looks at him, but smiles and nods her head. “Good” he says after a short pause. She cannot see his mouth, cannot tell if he is smiling.

He is still holding her arm, and gently he starts to move her in the direction of the group on the bench. She takes in a startled breath, but lets herself be led over. As she approaches, the clothed woman to the side looks up at her and smiles. She seems to murmur something to the woman straddling the man, and slowly she stands up, looking round.

Natalie has stopped, even though the guy is now pulling gently at her arm, urging her forward. She feels like she’s intruding. Why is she being brought over here to these guests clearly already engaged with each other?

The semi naked woman has stepped off the man on the bench and has turned, along with the clothed woman to look at Natalie. Both have smiles on their faces below their masks. Natalie swallows hard. She looks again at the bench, sees the man, his erection. He’s large, and she wonders for a moment whether these two are also part of the entertainment. The semi naked woman approaches and takes Natalie’s hand, and gently leads her to the bench. The other woman joins them and takes Natalie’s other hand.

As they approach the man laying on the bench, Natalie can see that while he is also naked from the waist down, he still has his mask on. He seems to be lying back as if asleep, although she’s sure he’s not, his head lying back, not trying to look around. The two women slowly turn her round, then guide Natalie backwards towards the bench. She looks around the room, breathes a small sigh of relief, no-one else seems to be paying this group any attention at all.

“Spread your legs open” says the clothed one as they continue to lead her backwards over the man laying on the bench. Natalie spreads her legs and looks down, can see his naked legs come into view, she is guided further back, and she sees his cock and balls pass below her. She is breathing hard again now, unsure what is happening. She feels pressure on her arms, and looking from one woman to the other, she allows herself to be sat on the man’s stomach.

The semi naked woman has reached down and has started to stroke the cock in front her. It was already hard, but she’s stroking it, and lifting it up. Suddenly the world goes black. Natalie lets out a startled gasp, feels her heart speed up, then realizes that she’s had a blindfold placed over her mask. She turns her head helplessly from side to side. She feels the clothed woman lift her arm gently pulling her up from her sitting position, and then push her gently downward, and she gasps as she feels the cock enter her. She’s still wet from her recent climax, and despite its size it slides in easily. She feels it fill her.

Natalie sits for a moment, the cock filling her, then she feels the clothed woman gently take her elbow and starts to pull her back up. She feels her pussy sliding up the shaft inside her, and then the woman is pushing her back down. Again she feels herself being filled. She moans slightly, despite everything it feels good having a cock inside her. She gulps, not sure what she’s supposed to do. Suddenly she starts as she feels hands on her butt, grabbing it, and settling around her waist, starting to push her upwards.

Slowly she starts to move up and down on the cock. It’s unlike any sex she’s had before, it might as well be a sex toy inside her for all the attachment she has with the man attached to the cock. But it feels good. She tries to cast her mind back to the last time she fucked a guy, but her mind draws a blank, other than her fucking landlord that is, but he doesn’t count. No, it’s a long time since she fucked for pleasure, and despite the situation, having this cock inside her, fucking it is pleasuring her. She starts to ride the cock harder, it feels good, and she is panting slightly. She can feel herself blushing, feels relief that nobody else had seemed to be paying her or this group any attention.

She closes her eyes behind the blindfold. Despite her recent orgasm, fucking a cock like this feels very good, she lets out a small sigh of pleasure. She’s not really sure what she’s supposed to do. Make the man cum? She rides him faster, feels her own arousal building. She leans forward for a moment, changing the angle of the cock, then leans back, throwing her head back, eyes still closed behind the blindfold.

She feels her climax building with each thrust down onto the cock. She’s breathing hard now, the hands are still on her hips, occasionally slipping down to play with her spread butt cheeks. She feels fingers probing between them, stroking over her asshole, and she gasps and lets out a moan of pleasure. She wonders whether the two women are still watching her. She feels a slight flutter of embarrassment, but if it’s just them and the guy she’s fucking, well, why not? She hadn’t minded being part of the threesome earlier, and this strange grouping isn’t too bad and the feeling of a cock inside her is definitely turning her on. Again, there’ll be no need to fake an orgasm.

She’s going to cum again, for the second time this evening, in yet another very surreal grouping. She’s panting hard, moaning almost constantly with the pleasure, she can hear a voice quietly mumbling “Oh god, oh yes…” and realizes it’s hers. She thrusts harder, wanting to finish, to cum, she can only imagine what she must look like riding this semi naked guy. Suddenly she feels the blindfold slipping, falling from her eyes. She looks around, on the verge of orgasm. She looks to see whether the two women are still there. They are. And then she gasps…

Yes, the two women are where they were, but while she’s been fucking the cock blindfolded, all the other guests appear to have stopped what they were doing and are now standing in front of the bench watching her. Not only that, but the man and woman from the other room are also there. She feels her face flush. For some reason, this had felt private, like her earlier orgasm, but now it’s very clear that it’s not, she is the center of attention. She stops her thrusting, feeling the cock twitching inside her, she looks around in panic at the masked audience, silently watching her. She’s right on the edge.

“Keep going.” It’s the semi naked woman standing next to her. She looks at her, pleading, but sees the woman’s eyes behind her mask staring right at her. She is breathing fast, fear and arousal, humiliation and embarrassment. The woman slaps her on the butt, hard and repeats herself “Keep going!”

Slowly she starts to ride the cock again. She can feel herself blushing wildly now she knows she’s being watched. Despite all those negative emotions she cannot help but be aroused, she’s already gone too far. She looks pitifully at the clothed woman, then squeezes her eyes shut. She knows she’s going to be forced to cum riding this cock, she just doesn’t want to see that she’s being watched as if she’s some porn actress. She wonders if maybe she can fake it, but she’s already too aroused and perversely now she wants the release.

“Open your eyes.” It’s a sharp command from the clothed woman. Natalie stifles a sob and opens them, looking at the clothed woman for mercy, but receiving none. She looks down at the legs of the man she’s riding, then looks again at the semi naked woman who is standing by her, watching intently. With each thrust, her orgasm, already pulsing inside her is threatening to break out. She looks pitifully around, the naked center of attention, obviously on the verge of orgasm. She lets out a stifled sob…

And she cums. She cries out as her body shudders wildly, she drops her hands onto the legs below her to prevent herself collapsing forward, and then a second wave of orgasm washes over her and she moans loudly. She is panting for breath, her body jolted from little aftershocks, her pussy so sensitive. She’s limp, feels weak from the climax. She feels both sated and humiliated. Humiliated at having been made to cum like that in front of everybody. She looks again at the masked strangers sanding silently, watching her, and lets out a small moan.

She feels hands on her arms, guiding her up and off the cock, and with shaky legs she lifts herself off it. But instead of leading her forward off the man, they guide her back, and she sees the throbbing cock come into view. She lets herself be sat on the man’s stomach again, still panting wildly for breath, and sees the semi naked woman once more take the cock in her hands and start to stroke it. She’s stroking it fast now, and Natalie can’t take her eyes off it. She knows it’s going to be made to cum, just like she was.

She can see precum seeping from it, and then it erupts. A huge ribbon of semen shooting out and up Natalie’s body. She cries out as she feels it hit her neck and breasts, and then a second spurt onto her belly. Again she cries out, unsure whether it’s pleasure or shock. She looks at the semi naked woman, she is smiling, her hands still stroking, then she looks up and sees the audience, still watching and murmuring quietly.

Natalie is trembling with the after effect of her orgasm and from being ejaculated over. She can feel her legs shaking. She feels the strangest sensation of release, countered by acute embarrassment at having the rawness of her climax watched. Then the two women are lifting her arms again and guiding her on unsteady legs off the man, away from the bench. The guy is suddenly there, and takes her arm. She looks round, sees the man still laying on the bench, he hasn’t moved. She looks to where her audience had been, but they have dispersed, are talking together in small groups paying her no attention now. She looks up at the guy.

“Good girl Natalie. You did great, well done.” She looks at him, shakes her head. “You are done now, I’m taking you back to your room.” She lets out a sob of gratitude, and lets him guide her out of the party.
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Old 04-21-2020, 11:04 AM   #11
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Part 9

As Natalie follows the guy back to her room she feels as though there’s a bond between him and herself. He seems to to care for her, is looking out for her in a place where she is otherwise completely at the mercy of others. She is grateful that he is there and it gives her a feeling of security.

He opens the door to her room and gestures her inside. She goes in willingly, it’s her safe space. She notices a small thin mattress has been put into the room, and a single blanket. She presumes the guy has done it, and she almost wants to cry with gratitude.

“You know where the bathroom is Natalie. You can use it whenever you want, you are alone in this part of the house.” He looks at her as she looks up at him, and then he reaches out and removes her mask. He reaches out and gently brushes her cheeks, she can’t tell his expression, his face still covered.

“Thank you” she says quietly. Then a thought strikes her. “Was the man, the one I just…” her voice tails off. “W-was he also part of the entertainment?” she asks. The guy looks at her, but shakes his head.

“No, he is a guest. He expressed an interest in you.” Natalie looks down at the floor, feeling used, and she sighs quietly. She’d hoped that maybe he too had been part of the show, and somehow that thought had made her feel less objectified.

“Get some rest Natalie. Like I said, you did well, I think everybody is very happy with you. Another party tomorrow night” he looks at his watch. “Well, later tonight…”

“Will you be there?” she blurts out anxiously. He nods.

“Yes, and I’ll see you before also, same as today. Get some rest.” And with that he turns and walks out the door, closing it behind him.

She breaths a sigh of relief, she won’t be alone, there’ll be a friendly face. For a moment she wonders if perhaps she’s succumbing to Stockholm Syndrome. She’d read about it somewhere, where a prisoner falls for their captor. She shakes her head. No, he’s just a friendly face, that’s all. She looks down her naked body, the semen from the anonymous man drying on her skin. She wonders if she should shower now, get it cleaned off. But she’s tired, no, more than tired, she’s drained, physically and emotionally, she wants to sleep. She gets down onto the mattress and pulls the blanket over her, for protection more than warmth. She’s asleep before she knows it…

Natalie awakens to the smell of coffee. She gets groggily up onto her elbow, and looks around. There’s a tray on the floor next to the mattress, a big cup of coffee and a plate with some slices of apple and orange on it. Hungrily she eats some of the fruit, she hasn’t eaten in ages. Then she picks up the coffee and takes a gulp. Suddenly she stops… Is it drugged, like the last time? She puts it back down, waits to see if she starts to feel sleepy. She eats some more apple. She feels fine. She really wants to drink the coffee, she eats another piece of orange, still she feels fine… She wants the coffee, she’ll risk it.

Minutes later the coffee and the fruit are gone. And she feels better, much better. She made it through the party last night, yes it was humiliating, but she made it, now she will make it through tonights party and then turn her life around. She has thrown the blanket off and is kneeling naked by the tray. Now she looks again down her body, sees the dried semen from last night. She sighs, gets to her feet and slowly opens the door to her room. She’s alone, so she walks quickly down the hallway to the bathroom, steps in and closes the door.

She looks at herself in the mirror. She’s a mess again after last night. She lets her hair down from the ponytail and steps into the shower. As before, she spends a long time under the water, pampering herself, washing the memory of last night from her skin. She thinks back to her orgasms. The first, in the darkened room with the man and woman had been quite something. She’d even say enjoyable, it had felt intimate, and although she’d planned to fake it, in the end she was glad that she had become aroused, and glad that she’d came.

The second was less of a good memory. She’d been forced, no doubt about it. Being made to fuck the man in front of everybody else had been humiliating, but there had been no way she could contain her arousal riding that cock, and the orgasm had been strong, but at the same time she’d felt as humiliated as she had ever felt in her life. Still, if tonights party is the same, she can manage it. She hadn’t felt threatened really, never felt anybody might hurt her, and if the worst thing that happens is that she has to orgasm in front of some masked strangers, who she’s sure she’ll never see again in her life, well, she reckons she can do it.

She washes her hair, then soaps her body again one final time to make sure there’s no trace of the man’s cum from last night. She wishes she could have sex with someone that she wanted to, maybe even the guy... She’d love to have their cum on her skin, even in her mouth. But recently it’s just been the fucking landlord, and now some stranger who had decided she would be his sex toy. It’s no wonder she had gone off sex…

She turns the water off, steps out of the shower and takes a fluffy white towel from the rack. She dries herself, then wraps the towel round her and makes her way back to her room. As she steps in the door she stops. The guy is standing there. He looks at her, a smile playing on his lips.

“Feeling better?” he asks. She nods. Yes, she is, much better. He walks slowly towards, then around her, finally coming back to stand in front of her.

“Take the towel off Natalie” he says. “Let me look at you.” With a slight blush she undoes the towel and drops it to the floor. She watches as his eyes sweep across her naked body. She wonders if perhaps she might be feeling a twinge of arousal. He’s been so kind to her… She feels her face heating up. Slowly the guy walks again around her, she can feel his eyes taking in her back, her butt, her legs, and then he is again in front of her, and she’s quite sure he’s looking at her pussy, her lips hairless and exposed. She can feel her heart beating fast in her chest.

“Go and sit down on the floor, against the wall. I’m going to rub a bit more of that oil onto you.” Her eyes go wide, but she obeys, sitting with her back against the wall. She watches as he fishes the small bottle from his pocket and then comes to kneel beside her. Unconsciously she spreads her legs and watches as he pours oil onto his fingers. She lets out a small moan as he gently starts to rub it into her pubic mound. He must know what this does to her…
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Old 04-24-2020, 09:26 AM   #12
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Part 10

Again Natalie feels his fingers leave her skin, and she moans quietly in frustration, so sure that this had been a prelude to sex, consensual sex. She looks at him, sees him put more oil onto his fingers, and just like yesterday she feels him rub down between her legs, either side of her spread lips. She closes her eyes and spreads her legs wider. She starts suddenly as she feels his fingers brush her lips and she opens her eyes, staring at the guy. Very deliberately he has started to stroke her spread lips. She lets out a low moan.

“You like that Natalie?” he asks. She swallows hard, feeling her face flush.

“Y-yes” she stammers. She feels his fingers slip between her lips and her body jerks as his fingers run over her clit. She looks up at him, glad that he’s doing this to her. She’d wanted it on that first night she’d seen him. Finally, sex that she wants…

“What’s your name?” she asks between her panting breaths. He says nothing. She looks at him, pleading. “Please… Please, won’t you tell me?” He looks at her and shakes his head. She whimpers. He is rubbing her slowly but deliberately. He knows where to touch her, and already she is dripping. But despite her arousal, now there’s a feeling that once again she’s being used, just an object to be played with because he can. If only he’d tell her his name she’d be able to feel some connection.

“Please… Why won’t you tell me? I’ll never tell anyone, I promise…” She’s gasping now. “I- I just w-want to know.”

“So you can cry it out as I make you cum?” he asks with a laugh. Is he mocking her? She nods frantically. She feels him slide his oily fingers deep into her wetness and her whole body spasms and she moans. She feels him pull his finger slowly back out, covered now also in her arousal and slip down between her spread legs, pushing slowly between her butt cheeks and stroking over her asshole, gently rubbing it, threatening to enter her.

“Y-yes, yes! I want to call out your name” she moans out. “Please.” Her legs are trembling. She’s bucking her hips. She sees him grin, but still he says nothing. She whimpers as his fingers tease her asshole. She had been so close to cumming, now he has delayed it for his pleasure. She is filled with conflicting emotions, on the one hand her need for release, she desperately needs to cum now, and her wish to know his name, to have a connection with the guy who is touching her so intimately.

She gasps as she feels him slide his finger inside her, into her asshole. When the landlord had fucked her ass she had hated it, but now, the guy’s finger feels erotic, and she spreads her legs wider to spread her butt cheeks, to give him access.

“P-please…” she whimpers, looking into his eyes, begging for a connection with this person who is playing with such a private part of her. She can see his eyes laughing. Laughing at her? But he remains silent. She closes her eyes in frustration.

She feels him slip his finger out of her and his hand returns between her legs. She feels him rubbing her clit expertly and fast. She trembles, instantly back on the edge of climax. She opens her eyes, looks at him, pleading. For his name or her release? She’s not sure anymore, she wants them both, desperately. She’s going to cum, she is so close, her whole body is writhing with the pleasure the guy’s fingers are giving her. Then suddenly his hand is gone and she feels her asshole penetrated again. She spasms and cries out in frustration at the fact that he edged her. She sees him grinning.

Her hips are bucking, she’s trying to finish herself, to cum. But she doesn’t, and cruelly the finger in her asshole is keeping her right on the edge. She lets out another low moan.

“Oh… P-please make me cum… Please…” She’s given up on the connection now, she’s been reduced to begging for her orgasm. She wants the release so very badly.

“You want to cum do you Natalie?” the guy says with a grin. She nods her head, a tear rolls down her cheek. She sees him laugh quietly. “Hmm, I suppose I could make you cum, couldn’t I?” Oh fuck, he’s just reinforcing how much she is an object, a toy for him to play with as he wants.

But she feels his finger slip from her asshole, return to her clit and rub it hard and fast. She gasps, so close now. Please, she thinks, please don’t stop, she needs to cum so badly. And then she is there, she cries out as she climaxes, her body heaving and bucking as her orgasm crashes through her.

He stays kneeling beside her as her panting subsides and her breathing slows. She looks up at him, both grateful, yet frustrated that he wouldn’t tell her his name, for making her feel so objectified. She so wants to feel that she’s an equal partner in sex, that it’s because of mutual desire, not just because she’s there, naked and available to be used. She sighs sadly.

He has stood up, and he holds out his hand, and she takes it. He helps her up so she’s on her knees, facing him, then, with slow deliberation his hands go to his trousers and she watches as he undoes them and pulls them down. She can see his erection tenting his boxers, and watches as he pulls them down too, letting his cock spring free. She chokes a sob, she knows what is expected. She looks at him pleadingly, but his eyes are insistent, willing her to do his bidding.

She bends forward, takes his cock in her hands, and guides it into her mouth. She slides her lips slowly down it, choking slightly as it fills her mouth, then slowly bringing her head back up. She pauses, breathing hard around him, then resignedly she pushes down again. She starts to move her lips up and down him faster, she knows it’s expected. She gags slightly, comes off the end for air then takes him again, all the way. She can feel her jaw aching slightly from the pressure of her lips on his cock, she goes faster. She can feel him twitching in her mouth, she can hear him groaning quietly. She feels his hands go onto her head, holding her down, and then she feels him spasm as his semen fills her mouth.

She gags, trying to swallow it down, his hands still pushing her head down. She keeps sucking and swallowing, sobbing quietly at being forced to blow him. Doesn’t he realize she would have done it willingly, all she wanted was to know his name. His hands have gone from her head, and slowly she lifts her mouth off him. She looks at him, flushed and sad, she wipes her mouth with the back of her hand and looks at the floor. She feels his hand on her cheek.

“Don’t be sad Natalie. Do as well as you did last night and in just a few hours you’ll be back home.” She looks at him sadly and sighs. Home. Not much to look forward to there either, just her fucking landlord using her, like the guy just did. She feels another tear roll down her cheek.

She looks sadly up at him, his boxers and trousers now back around his waist. She kneels back on her haunches and looks at him.

“How long until the party?” she asks. He looks at his watch.

“I’ll be up to get you in an hour or so. You should probably shower again…” She nods, yes she thinks wearily, the toy must be presentable for the guests.

“You’ll bring my mask? I suppose I’m to be naked again?” He nods back at her.

“Yes Natalie, I will and you will be.” He looks at her and smiles. “Remember, go with the flow.” And with that he turns and leaves the room.
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Old 04-28-2020, 01:11 PM   #13
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Part 11

She looks up at him as he enters the room, elegant again in black tie. Slowly she gets to her feet. She had showered again, then sat miserably waiting for him. She had really thought that maybe he had cared for her, but no, it seems like he was just like the others, and she was just an object, a toy to be used whenever the urge took them. Does it matter what they do to her tonight? Does she even want to go home? What is there waiting for her? Nothing.

He walks to her, again she feels his eyes on her, but now there’s no arousal, she knows what he thinks of her. He strokes her cheek, and just for a moment the thought that he is looking out for her, cares for her surfaces again, but she pushes it back down. She sighs quietly as he places the mask over her eyes, and then puts his full face mask on. She follows him resignedly out of the room…

In the kitchen she once again picks up a tray of champagne, and takes it into the party room. It looks different tonight, there’s a big table in the middle of the room, presumably they’ll be having dinner later. Once again she offers drinks, and once again the guests take them, seeming not to notice she is naked, just treating her like a servant. She refills the tray and walks slowly through the room offering refills and taking the empties.

She’s almost not paying attention. She has been sullenly saying “You’re welcome Sir / Miss” when someone had thanked her, but otherwise it was just a like a bizarre dream, her naked, everyone else clothed but taking no notice of her nudity. Suddenly she hears a glass shattering just behind her. She stops, looking round. She sees that suddenly everybody is looking at her. Did she drop the glass? She doesn’t think so, but the room has seemed to freeze, masked faces staring at her, everyone’s eyes on the naked girl. Her heart starts to beat faster.

She looks around panicked. Where’s the guy? Even if he doesn’t truly care for her, surely he’ll be there to protect her. Again she looks at the guests, their masks just stare back at her as if she’s made some terrible mistake. She swallows hard.

“I-I’m s-sorry Sirs… And Misses…” She wants to cry. No-one moves, still just staring at her. She moves to pick up the broken glass, but suddenly there is a swirl of activity and the tray is taken from her hands and she feels her wrists grabbed. She struggles, trying to get free, she cries out, looking around desperately for the guy, her security. She cannot see him anywhere.

She feels herself being dragged towards the table, she struggles, then she feels hands grab her ankles and she is hoisted into the air. She screams out, crying now, but she is carried to the table and set down, face down, her wrists and ankles tightly held, spreadeagled out. She is crying out, begging for mercy.

“P-please… It was a m-mistake. I’m so sorry, please…” she sobs. But the hands grip her tight.

“You’re a very careless young girl.” A male voice hisses into her ear. “You will be punished for being so careless.”

“NO!” she cries out. “Please, I’m s-sorry…”

Her plea is cut short as she feels a searing pain across her buttocks, and she screams out. Again the pain, and she realizes she’s being flogged across her naked bottom. Her eyes well up with tears as the flogging continues, her buttocks radiating pain and heat. The lashes stop, and she gasps in lungfuls of air, the only sound in the room her gasping and sobbing. Then suddenly more pain. Not lashes again, a flatter, harder pain, and she realizes she’s being spanked with a paddle. The pain to her already stinging buttocks is excruciating, and again she lets out an agonized wail of terror.

The spanking stops, but the relief is short lived as she feels the whip again. She doesn’t have the energy to scream any more, she just whimpers constantly, tears falling from her eyes. What are they going to do to her. She feels genuine fear, will they stop at a spanking or will her punishment be worse. She shakes her head from side to side. The hands holding her never loosening their grip. Where is the guy? she thinks, why does he not come to rescue her. Surely he wouldn’t want to see her treated like this. But she knows she is alone, at the mercy of the guests, this is what she was brought here for.

Her bottom is hot and painful, she cannot imagine how it must look. She is sobbing quietly, held down fast. The spanking seems to be over, but they are not letting her up. She struggles, trying to break free. What now? Suddenly she feels a sharp, stinging pain to the ball of her foot. She yelps with surprise, and then another sharp stinging pain to the other foot. It takes her a long while to realize that they are using a paddle to spank the soles of her feet. It hurts even more than the whipping and spanking to her bottom and she writhes in pain. She tries desperately to free her feet, but her ankles are held tight.

“P-please stop… I’m so s-sorry…” she wails out. “I’m sorry…” her voice tailing off into sobs.

The paddling stops. There is silence save for her sobs. Still the hands hold her down tightly, spreadeagled on the table.

Suddenly she feels a searing pain in her behind. She’s shocked into silence, her eyes water, and she realizes she’s being fucked in the ass. Her landlord had done that once, but whoever is doing it now is bigger, and it’s in no way erotic as it had been when it was the guy’s finger. She moans pitifully. Her eyes are closed from the pain, and then she feels something by her mouth. She opens her eyes and sees an erect cock. She chokes back a sob, then gags as it is forced into her mouth.

She lies helplessly, held down tight while her ass and her mouth are fucked. She tries to let her mind go blank, to ride it out. There’s no arousal, she just wants the humiliation and the pain to be over. She shudders as she feels the cock pulled from her ass, and then feels the spatter of semen onto her burning bottom. She whimpers quietly around the cock in her mouth, just as she feels it spasm and spurt into her mouth. She gags as it pulls out, choking and letting the semen drip from her mouth onto the floor.

She lays limp on the table, sobbing, heart pounding, trying to imagine herself somewhere else. Still the hands grip her wrists and ankles tightly, tears run down her face under the mask and drip on the floor. She takes deep breaths, hoping against hope that it’s over, that the guy will come and rescue her from this torment. But he doesn’t…

Her breathing finally slows, her sobbing subsiding. She squeezes her eyes closed, hoping that perhaps this is just a bad dream, that she will awaken in her shitty apartment. But she knows it’s not. The pain and heat radiating from her bottom a grim reminder, the stinging on the soles of her bare feet, and the semen still dripping slowly from her mouth.

She feels her legs being pulled wider apart and tenses. Still it makes her cry out when she feels herself suddenly penetrated. She’s not aroused at all, and whatever, whoever is entering her has to use force. She sobs again feeling her pussy filled. And then, to her dismay, another erect cock in her face, pushing between her lips. Again she chokes and gags as she is forced to take it deep into her mouth.

Again she tries to close her mind to what is happening. She tries to imagine better times, thinks of her life before with her boyfriend, of being cared for, cared about. How had it gone from that to this, to being held down, naked and exposed being abused by masked strangers? Her eyes fill with tears, tears of sorrow mixing with the tears of pain and humiliation. She wishes the guy would come and save her, but she knows he will not, knows he cannot. This is why she was brought here, last night was a decoy to lull her into a false sense of security, this is why she was brought here, and she knows the guests are relishing her discomfort, her humiliation and yes her fear. Because it is real, very real.

She feels the cocks in her mouth and her pussy are thrusting faster and harder, ready to finish. She opens her eyes, desperate as she feels the cock leave her pussy, and again feels semen spattering onto her butt, and then the cock is pulled from her mouth, and she watches helplessly as a hand grips it, stroking hard before it shoots it’s load over her face making her whimper.

She lays still and limp again, but she’s given no respite. She feels herself being grabbed on the side and rolled over onto her back. She lets out a cry of pain as her buttocks make contact with the table then groans with the humiliation of being manhandled like this, and then her legs and arms are gripped tightly again, her legs spread wide, her hairless pussy entirely exposed to everyone there.

From behind her mask she looks around, desperate to see the guy, to make eye contact, to tell him this is too much, but she doesn’t see him, just masked men and women standing around her silently looking down at her. Strangely, she’s grateful for having the mask, she may be totally naked and exposed, but just hiding her eyes, the windows to her wretched soul gives her some comfort. She drops her head back, not wanting to see her tormentors.

Again she feels herself being penetrated, and she whimpers. Amazingly, despite the circumstances, the previous fucking has generated some lubrication, making this next violation slightly less agonizing. No, she’s not turned on, not remotely, but she’s got wet. She lifts her head to look at the person taking her. To her dismay, she thinks it’s the man from the dimly lit room last night, but instead of the gentleness and eroticism of last night, he’s fucking her hard, gasping with the exertion. She wants to cry. How could a man who had previously been so gentle, now be using her like a piece of meat?

She shakes her head sadly. Surely this must soon be over, this is the fifth cock, and there are only five men… It gives her just a glimmer of hope that soon she will be released. She looks again at the man between her legs, can see and feel him thrusting hard, and then she sees him pull out and his cum spurts up her body, making her moan.

It must be over now, they’ve had their pleasure with her, an unwilling victim. She turns her head, and finally she sees him, the guy, looking over at her from the side of the room. She sighs and waits for him to take her, to rescue her and lead her ravaged body from the room, waits for her hands and legs to be released, but they are not. Suddenly she hears a voice, quiet, whispering in her ear.

“You’ve been a bad and careless girl, but I think you’ve learnt you lesson, haven’t you.” She nods her head frantically.

“Yes Sir. I have Sir, I’m so sorry Sir, I have learnt my lesson, I promise Sir.”

“Good. Then we shall give you a small reward for enduring your punishment and for learning your lesson.”

She says nothing, confused. Reward? What could they possibly give her that she’d think of as a reward except to let her go, let her go to the arms of the guy.

“Well girl. Do you want your reward, or must we punish you for being ungrateful?”

“NO! No, please Sir, I’ll take the reward, please don’t punish me any more, please Sir.” Her heart is pounding again, dreading the thought of more punishments, and what they might possibly be to follow on from what she’s already had to endure.
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Old 05-01-2020, 09:52 AM   #14
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Part 12

Natalie watches as the man looks up at someone across the room. She turns her head to look, has he summoned the guy? But no, she sees a woman walking slowly towards her. As the woman gets closer, Natalie realizes with a shock that it’s the woman from the dimly lit room last night. She watches as the woman approaches her. The woman bends down, bringing her face close to Natalie’s.

“Go with the flow” she whispers, and smiles. Natalie swallows hard.

She feels her legs pulled wider apart, exposing her totally. She sucks in a breath, lifts her head up to see the woman’s hand slowly snake between her spread legs, and she gasps as she feels fingers gently caressing her. She lets out a low moan. The woman knows how to touch her, her fingers gently caressing her lips, slipping between them and sliding up over her clit. Despite herself, Natalie realizes she’s getting wet.

The woman slips a finger slowly into Natalie’s pussy, covering the finger with the wetness from deep inside, and then slips it out and slowly circles her clit. Natalie is trembling, with humiliation and arousal. She’s being masturbated in front of the room, and unlike the brutal fucking, this slow, gentle stimulation is turning her on. She whimpers, and the woman turns to look at her.

The woman takes her fingers away from between Natalie’s legs, and Natalie gasps with relief. Perhaps she’ll be spared the humiliation of being masturbated to orgasm in front of a room full of strangers. The woman leans her face to Natalie’s.

“Not enjoying this Natalie? Not enjoying your reward?” Natalie whimpers again. “Well? Are you enjoying it or not? Would you prefer a punishment?” Natalie shakes her head.

“No Miss. Please don’t punish me any more. I’m sorry.” The woman looks at Natalie for a moment, studying her face, then nods. She puts her hand gently on Natalie’s cheek, stroking her softly, and Natalie feels a crumb of comfort from the gesture. But then, to Natalie’s horror and dismay she leans up and removes Natalie’s mask. She sobs, her last vestige of cover gone. She actually feels even more naked now, if that is possible.

She looks around the room, sees all the masked guests looking at her, seeing her naked body, her uncovered face. She can feel her face flushing hot with embarrassment.

The woman has reached down her body again, and Natalie feels her fingers returning to her pussy and clit. She moans with embarrassment and pleasure. She knows she’ll not be able to resist the woman’s touch.

The woman is good, very good, knows how to touch her like only another woman can. Natalie is powerless to resist, and she can feel her hips bucking and her legs trembling as the woman slowly pleasures her. She moans with pleasure as the woman probes her wetness then slides out to caress her clit. She cries out quietly as the woman speeds up momentarily. She can see the woman gazing at her face while her hand pleasures her.

She’s going to cum, nothing she can do to prevent it, and despite the humiliation of being masturbated to orgasm in front of the other guests, she wants it now. She closes her eyes, desperate to gain some kind of privacy for this intimate moment that she both wants and yet dreads. Her hips are bucking, her legs spread wide, her toes curling with pleasure and she is moaning constantly.

And she cums. An intense orgasm, sweeping through her, over her, her body spasming and jerking as the woman’s fingers expertly draw out her climax. She opens her eyes again and sees the other guests still watching her, watching her naked body heaving with pleasure and she flushes hot with the shame at having been seen like that, not just naked, but being forced to climax.

She looks up and sees the woman looking down at her smiling. She leans close to Natalie’s face.

“Well Natalie, was that a good reward?” she asks. Natalie moans quietly. Was it good? She’s just been humiliated by being forced to orgasm in front of everybody. Still, she doesn’t want any more punishments. She nods weakly at the woman.

The woman leans forward and strokes her face again. Natalie feels another surge of gratitude for the gesture of intimacy and tenderness. The woman’s hand gently strokes down her face and neck, her eyes never moving from Natalie’s. She feels the hand cup her breast and whimpers as a finger strokes across her nipple, lingers, gently rubbing it. She realizes that the hands holding her wrists and ankles have gone. The woman smiles at her.

“Would you like to go back to your room now Natalie?” she asks. Natalie nods with relief. At last her humiliation will be over.

“Yes please Miss. I really would…” The woman moves her hand from Natalie’s breast and gently clasps her hand, helping her to first sit up, then to step down from the table. She lets out a small cry as her bare feet touch the floor and the pain from the paddling to them is revived, but the woman holds her hand and arm and helps her as she tentatively takes small steps across the floor towards the door. Natalie looks around, sees the other guests, now seemingly just relaxing and talking after their entertainment. None of them seem to so much as look at the naked girl being helped across the room.

As they approach the door to the kitchen, the guy steps forward, offering to take Natalie from the woman, but the woman shakes her head and whispers something to the guy, who nods deferentially and steps back, watching Natalie all the way.
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Old 05-04-2020, 10:40 AM   #15
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Part 13

The woman patiently escorts Natalie back to her room, and helps her inside. Once inside, she closes the door, and Natalie turns to look at her. Slowly, the woman reaches up and takes her own mask off. She’s beautiful and Natalie gasps and swallows hard. The woman is older than Natalie, for sure, perhaps mid thirties has piercing green eyes that compliment her dark wavy hair and a gentle smile as she looks at her.

“Let’s get you cleaned up, shall we Natalie.” she says softly. She is in a daze, but she realizes that yes, she’s covered in semen from her ordeal. “Wait here.” the woman says with a gentle smile, and turns and leaves the room. Moments later she returns with a bowl of water, a facecloth and a towel. Slowly and gently she wipes the semen from Natalie’s face and stomach, then gently pats her dry with the towel. Natalie feels a surge of gratitude for the kindness.

“Now, let’s take a look at your poor bottom shall we?” The woman says with a little smile. She turns Natalie around and she feels the woman’s hands gently caressing her buttocks, still hot and painful from her beatings. Then she feels herself being gently wiped with the damp cloth, all over her butt cheeks, and then between them, the way a mother might wipe her baby, and then patted dry with the towel. Natalie chokes back a sob of pain and embarrassment despite how gentle and tender the woman’s touch seems to be. And then she gasps as she feels the woman gently kissing her butt cheeks. She looks around, but the woman’s face has already pulled away.

“Just red and a bit bruised” the woman says lightly. “You’ll be right as rain in a few days.” She turns Natalie around to face her and smiles. She helps Natalie to the thin mattress, and helps her down to the floor. She kneels down beside her, and again strokes Natalie’s cheek. “Such a pretty girl” she whispers. Natalie blushes at the sudden and unexpected compliment.

The woman looks down at Natalie, but she doesn’t leave. Instead Natalie watches as she slowly crawls round to kneel at her feet. The woman gently strokes Natalies legs, her gaze never leaving Natalie’s face, a gentle smile playing on her lips. Natalie watches mesmerized as the woman picks up her right leg and sees her turn her face and softly kiss the sole of her foot, still tender from the recent paddling, and then repeat with her left foot. Natalie’s brain is swirling, she’s being comforted, the way a lover might have kissed a graze or a bruise in happier times, so different from her recent treatment at the hands of the other guests.

Gently the woman puts her leg back down on the floor and she feels her grasp her ankles and gently push her legs apart. Natalie sucks in a breath as she watches the woman look intently down between her legs. Her eyes open wide as she sees the woman bend forward and she feels first her breath, and then her tongue on her lips. She gasps loudly.

She feels the woman’s tongue slip gently up and down her lips and she lets out a quiet moan. She spasms as she feels the woman planting little kisses up and down them, hears the woman sigh and then sighs herself as she feels the tongue probing between her lips and lapping over her clit. Just as the woman had known exactly where and how to touch her, so she clearly knows how to pleasure her with her mouth and soon Natalie is moaning with pleasure, her hips bumping up into the air. For the first time since she was abducted, she feels this might be sex on an equal footing, it would seem the woman enjoys pleasuring her, and does so exquisitely. Natalie surrenders willingly to the woman, spreading her legs wide, happy to let the pleasure take her.

She is moaning loudly now, so very turned on. She’d happily stay here like this with the woman for ever, and there’s no fear in letting her express her arousal openly and to let her imminent climax take her unreservedly. Her body is trembling and she pushes herself against the woman’s mouth, desperate for her to give her her release. She is sighing and moaning constantly, and then she is over the edge and she cries out with pleasure as she cums against the woman’s mouth.

She’s panting and gasping with the intensity of her final climax. It was incredible, perhaps moreso because she had never had, never expected she would have, sex like this with another woman. She looks down her body at the woman still kneeling between her legs and feels a surge of affection, and also of lust. It’s completely unexpected, but she wants more than anything else to pleasure this woman who has pleasured her, and yes, she wants also consensual sex to help wash away the memory of what she has endured at the hands of the other guests.

The woman smiles at her, as if she’s reading her mind. She reaches behind her and Natalie watches as she unzips her dress, pulls it off her shoulders and lets it fall around her waist. She’s not wearing a bra, and her pert round breasts are revealed, dark pink nipples. She pauses, and Natalie pushes herself up and then crawls forward to face her. She looks into the woman’s eyes and sees permission, leans forward and cups the woman’s breasts in her hands. She’s never done this before, but it comes naturally. What would she like done to her? Then do it. She strokes the woman’s breasts running her fingers over her nipples, feels them stiffening and the knowledge that she’s exciting the woman spurs her on.

She drops her mouth to the woman’s nipples, first kissing then sucking on them. She lifts her face, sees the woman smiling down at her and lifts her lips up to hers. Memories of their embrace the night before flood back, but now it’s different, now it’s mutual, on equal terms and she presses her tongue deep into the woman’s mouth, exploring hungrily. But Natalie wants more and she lets her hands drop to woman’s waist, pushing on the material of her dress, pushing it down off her hips. She pulls away from the kiss, looking down, sees the woman’s naked body no panties, the dress now pooled around her knees.

Trembling, she gently pushes the woman back, praying that she won’t break the spell. The woman consents and lays herself back on the floor. Natalie pulls at her dress, clearing it off her legs and feet, pulling her high heeled shoes off as she does so leaving her naked, just like she is, like she has been for such a long time. Breathing heavily Natalie looks down at the woman’s body. She puts her hands on her stomach, then moves them slowly up to her breasts, then down, dipping between her legs, wanting to touch her everywhere. She’s breathing hard from arousal, wanting to explore this beautiful naked body in front of her.

She slowly runs her hands down the woman’s legs, to her feet, stroking them, then back up. The woman lays there, passive, smiling up at Natalie. As she runs her hands back up her legs between her legs, she pushes them under the woman’s body, grasping her buttocks. Then slowly back up and sliding slowly up her tummy to her breasts.

She bends forward, kissing the woman again on the mouth, pushing her crotch against the woman’s smooth warm skin, then slowly kisses down her body, lingering on her breasts, licking and sucking on her nipples, hearing the woman sighing quietly, then moving back down until she is kissing her pubic mound.

She pauses. She feels drugged, has never done anything like this, never imagined she would, but now she wants to. Wants it more than anything. She dips her head, feels the woman spread her legs, can smell the woman’s arousal and is surprised to find that excites her. Slowly, hesitantly she kisses the woman’s lips, hears the woman gasp and she moans herself with arousal. She kisses faster and harder, the woman has spread her legs wider and her lips have parted, Natalie can taste her, feel her wetness and it drives her onwards.

Driven by her arousal Natalie hungrily explores the woman, alternately lapping at her clit and stiffening her tongue and probing her wetness. That’s what she’d always liked when guys did it to her. She can feel the woman writhing against her mouth and she pushes it against her pussy. She can feel her face wet from the woman’s arousal, it spurs her on. She wants to make her cum. She’s been used, been made to cum herself, been forced to cum, and now she wants to make this woman cum, to feel like an equal in sex.

She’s lapping up and down fast now, circling the woman’s clit, licking and lapping it fast. She feels the woman trembling, hears her moan, then cry out and feels her climax against her mouth. She keeps licking, causing the woman to spasm and jerk, and even though she knows she’s made her cum she doesn’t want to stop. She feels the woman’s hand gently pushing her head, and reluctantly she lets herself be pushed away from her pussy. She’s flushed and breathing hard, not from fear or embarrassment now, but from arousal.

She kneels between the woman’s outspread legs, both of them panting hard. Slowly their breathing calms, and finally the woman raises her head up and looks at Natalie.

“Well, well, you are a good little girl aren’t you?” she says with a little laugh and Natalie blushes. The woman sits up and puts a hand out and strokes Natalies cheek, then leans forward and kisses her softly on the mouth, pushing her tongue gently in. She pulls away and looks at Natalie, smiling. She gets up slowly and picks her dress up and slowly pulls it back on, then picks up her shoes and puts them back on her feet. Suddenly Natalie doesn’t want her to go…

“Please Miss, don’t leave me… Please.” She climbs to her feet. She’s begging, for now this woman has replaced the guy as her security. She’s scared of being left alone again. The woman walks to her, strokes her cheek again.

“I cannot stay Natalie. I’m not free to do that, but don’t worry, you will be alright. I know it, I can promise you that. No-one will hurt you now, you will be returned to your life.”

“But I don’t want that, I don’t want my old life…” Her voice tails off and she sobs. “I want…” She looks pleadingly at the woman. The woman shakes her head.

“It cannot be Natalie.” She pauses. “Take all this as a way to start again. I did. You can. ” Natalie looks at her confused.

“What do you mean? Were you…?” Her voice tails off. The woman nods.

“Yes, I was in your position, brought here like you.” She shrugs. “They were harder on me, believe me.” She frowns, perhaps remembering her own experience.

“Then why would you do this? If you know how it feels?” Natalie asks angrily.

“That’s a fair question Natalie, but aren’t you glad I was here?” The woman looks at her. “Believe me, I protected you.” She pauses and frowns again. “As best I could…” Natalie doesn’t reply. Still, she feels a tenderness from this woman, a caring. She sighs, looks up at her again.

“Well, thank you, I guess.” She says sullenly. The woman shakes her head abruptly.

“No! Don’t thank me Natalie. I don’t deserve that, and none of them deserve thanks either. Remember that, whatever happens.” Her voice sounds harsh and angry. She pauses, looking at Natalie intently. Suddenly her expression softens again and she smiles. “And anyway, I enjoyed every minute I spent with you. You’re pretty and sexy, don’t ever lose sight of that.” Natalie feels herself blush deep red. “And you look so gorgeous when you cum, it’s adorable. I loved it, each and every time…” If it’s possible, Natalie blushes even harder, her face burning hot.

There’s a long pause as the woman looks at Natalie, her eyes roaming over her naked body. She can feel her heart beating faster, is the woman going to make her cum again? She’s not sure she wouldn’t like that, it seems that this woman has helped her to rediscover her sexual desire. The woman walks to her, her eyes staring into Natalie’s. She puts her hand on Natalie’s hip, strokes it tenderly, she feels the woman’s fingers slip between her legs and gasps and moans quietly, then she feels the fingers running softly up her body, over her pubic mound, tickling her tummy before finally flitting across her nipples. Then the fingers are gone as the woman steps away.

“Hmm.. I wish I had time Natalie, but I don’t.” Natalie feels a momentary pang of disappointment and sadness. She sees the woman looking at her, then sees her lean forward, and once more, she feels the woman’s soft lips on her own. “I have to get back to the party, they will be wondering where I am.” She pauses. “Look after yourself Natalie” she says quietly.

The woman smiles again and looks into Natalie’s eyes, then she picks her mask up off the floor and puts it back across her eyes. She steps forward and strokes Natalie’s hair, just as she had the night before, leans forward again and kisses her gently on the lips, then turns towards the door.

“Miss… Please…” Natalie hears her own voice calling out. The woman stops, turns to look at her again, questioning.

“Yes Natalie?”

“Please Miss. Will you tell me… “ She pauses, she realizes she’s scared.

“Yes Natalie? Tell you what?” The woman is looking at her.

“Will you tell me your name Miss. Please…” Her voice is quiet, sounds desperate and pleading, even to her. The woman continues to look at her for a long moment, Natalie can feel her heart thumping in her chest. Finally she sees the woman smile, then slowly she lifts her hands up and removes her mask again. She stands for a moment, looking at Natalie, not from behind a mask but again face to face.

“I’m Tara, Natalie. My name’s Tara.” She says quietly.

“Thank you Miss… I mean thank you Tara.” She pauses, a connection, finally, not just an object. “Will I see you again?” she asks. Tara shakes her head.

“Probably not Natalie. But remember, you don’t need me, you will be fine.” She smiles. “Find a guy, or a girl, or nobody, whatever. Move on with your life, move forward.” She puts her mask back on her face, smiles again. “You can do it if you choose to.” She pauses a moment then turns and walks out the door, closing it quietly behind her.

For a moment Natalie stands there looking forlornly at the closed door, then the emotions swimming through her, the abuse, the fear and finally the release she’s been wanting for so long overcome her and she slumps to the floor, weeping uncontrollably. It’s the first time she’s cried for herself in a very long time, and there are a lot of tears to come out. Eventually though the weeping subsides and she sits, dejected on the floor.

Suddenly the door opens. She looks up, hoping against hope that it’s Tara, returned after all. But it’s not, it’s the guy, standing looking down at her. He walks to her and she sees he’s carrying a mug. He hands it to her, it’s coffee. She’s about to drink, then she stops, remembering the last coffee she drank with the guy. She looks up at him.

“Is this…” she indicates the coffee, looking up at him. He nods. Suddenly she’s scared. Yes, they have all said that she’ll be allowed to go home, but will she really? Perhaps they think she’ll go to the police. She’s looking at him with scared eyes, breathing heavily. “I promise, I’ll never tell anyone about this. Honestly, I promise.” She breaks off with a sob.

“It’s alright Natalie” he says. “Drink it, then I’m going to take you home.” She wants to believe he’s telling the truth, but she’s shaking. Drinking this coffee might be the last thing she ever does. She sobs. But what can she do? If they’re going to harm her, then they’ll do it, drugged or not. She sighs resignedly and puts the cup to her lips…
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