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Old 11-21-2011, 01:58 PM   #1
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Star 1 A Different Kind of Summer Camp

A Different Kind of Summer Camp

Prologue: Day Zero

***Chapter One***

“Meghan? I didn’t know you were coming!”

I finished lugging my suitcase up the worn stairs and looked up. Valerie was walking toward me with a big goofy smile on her face.

“Valerie? Wow, I didn’t know you’d be here either. Cool!”

After a quick hug, Valerie said “Isn’t this awesome? Living in dorms like college students, away from our parents for a week! I can’t wait to find out who my roommate is. Have you met yours yet?”

I shook my head and pointed toward my suitcase. “I just got done at the registration table downstairs. I’m in room 313.”

“Hopefully our roommates are cool,” Valerie said. “They used to make you answer all sorts of questions to match you up, but now it’s totally random.”

A tall boy with frizzy hair came in behind us and walked past, stopping in front of one of the dorm doors. He took out a key attached to a shoelace, opened the door, and went in.

“Oh. My. GOD.” Valerie whispered. “That’s my room. My roommate is a boy.”

I gasped, and felt butterflies in my stomach. I’d almost been able to forget that this wasn’t a normal summer camp session at the college. The past few weeks had been a mixture of dread and nervous excitement, wondering exactly what would happen and just how bad it would be. I’d heard rumors and whispers of all sorts of crazy things, but no one seemed to know exactly what was true. The possibility of having a guy roommate in the dorm was just the beginning.

Valerie was just standing there staring. She turned to me with a frightened look on her face. “What am I going to do? I knew it was a possibility, but I didn’t think it would ACTUALLY happen!”

I smiled weakly and shrugged. “I dunno. As excited as I am for classes and band, the other stuff has me scared to death. Especially since no one will actually tell me what exactly it is.”

“I’ve heard all sorts of rumors,” Valerie said quietly. “Having to go around in just your underwear. Sex Ed classes and stuff. But that was before they mixed the boys and girls in the same session, so this year it can’t be that bad. Can it?” She started nervously playing with her hair. “God Meghan, what am I going to do? I was nervous about sharing a dorm room with a stranger, how am I going to get changed in front of a BOY?”

I didn’t think I’d be doing any better if I was in her place, but I patted her arm comfortingly. “It won’t be that bad. You can like, hang a sheet up or something. Or wait until he leaves in the mornings. He’s probably nice, and he’s probably as nervous as you are.” I picked up my suitcase and started down the hall. “Here’s my room. Do you want to come in and hang out here for a while?”

“Yeah,” said Valerie.


The room was small and cramped, with two worn desks, two chairs, a dresser, a wardrobe, and two old metal frame beds bunked one above the other. This was an old dorm that hadn’t been renovated yet, which is why the college was using it for the summer camp session.

The first thing I noticed was that there was a wardrobe instead of a closet. Damn. So much for hiding out while changing. What if my roommate is a boy too?

Valerie sat down on the bottom bed and sighed. I opened my suitcase and started pulling out clothes and tossing them in drawers.

There was a knock at the open door. I looked up to see the frizzy haired boy standing there. He looked as nervous as I felt. Also kind of cute, in a nerdy sort of way.

“Um, hi,” he said. “I’m Daniel. Do you know where we’re supposed to go to get our meal cards?”

I realized I was standing there holding a handful of my underwear, and quickly shoved them into a drawer. “I think we get them tonight when we go to the cafeteria. That’s what they said at the registration desk.”

I looked a little more closely at Daniel. Brown frizzy hair, a shy smile, skinny, and kind of cute. I found myself wondering what it would be like to change clothes at the same time as him, and felt myself start to blush. “Uh, I’m Meghan.”

“Good to meet you Meghan. Hey, are you in band?” he said, pointing to my trumpet case.

“Yeah, and so is Valerie here—we both go to Mitchell, and we march in the band there. Are you?”

“Yeah, I play sax. Cool! So are you two roommates?”

I glanced at Valerie. “No, she’s just hanging out while I unpack.”

Valerie gulped and said quietly “I’m in room 315.”

There was a pause. “Oh,” said Daniel. Then, very quickly, “Um, me too. So I guess we’re roommates then. And we’re both in band, so we have something in common. Well, I’ve gotta go finish unpacking, I’ll see you later.”

After Daniel shut the door I turned to Valerie, who was still pale. “See? He’s just as nervous as you are!”

Valerie shook her head. “That doesn’t make it any less weird. But okay.” She stood up and sighed. “I’m gonna go find my classrooms. I’ll see ya soon.” She took a step, then turned and gave me a sudden, fierce hug. “I’m really glad you’re here. I’m so nervous about this week.”

“Me too,” I said.

But you’re also excited, aren’t you? I thought to myself, though I would never admit it out loud.

Last edited by Markbassplayer; 11-21-2011 at 09:50 PM.
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Old 11-21-2011, 02:00 PM   #2
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I've got quite a few things planned for this story, and I've outlined several of the upcoming chapters....but I'm also eager to get feedback.

What do you think is going to happen?
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Old 11-21-2011, 02:31 PM   #3
Blue Balloon
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i like it a lot. a great setting for sexual adventures! idk whether her roomate should be or will be a boy... i guess it would make it more interesting if it was!
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Old 11-21-2011, 03:44 PM   #4
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Nice to see you writing!
This is a really nice beggining!
FAVORITE!: lesbian stuff (I have lovely female roommate to help)

Likes: pain, friends, public, holding items, long term, ruined orgasms, bondage.

Limits: illegal, some permanent, pics, cam.

PM me anything you want me to write with sharpie on my body.
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Old 11-21-2011, 03:48 PM   #5
daremaster 1
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Nice intro, interested in more!
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Old 11-21-2011, 03:59 PM   #6
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***Chapter Two***

It was not only Meghan’s first year at camp, it was the year of many changes at the long-running program. Sponsored by the college, the camp was several things: A way to keep students learning throughout the summer, a taste of college life experienced through living in the dorms, and a two week break for their parents.

Students picked four classes to enroll in. Some of the classes allowed them to earn extra credit to be applied in their next school year, while others were merely interesting subjects outside the normal high school curriculum. In past years the camp sessions had been segregated by gender, in order to help the students focus on learning and enjoying the experience rather than mooning about and primping. The students also took a mandatory sex ed class, and the general theory was that such things were more comfortable to learn about without the nerves caused by dealing with the opposite gender.

This year was different, though. A series of new studies had shown that students subjected to single-gender activities throughout school had a more difficult time once they got into the real world, while those used to dealing with the opposite sex were less distracted by them, since they had less of a “forbidden, mysterious” quality.


I finished unpacking and sat down on the bed. I figured since I got here before my roommate, I could claim the bottom bunk. I opened my schedule and tried to distract myself from my whirling thoughts.

Each day started with breakfast at 8:00, followed the first of four classes at 9:00. I stared at the name of the first class, then shook my head and kept reading.

For my second class I was taking an acting class. Not my choice. I’ve always been much more introverted, more interested in reading a good book than getting up in front of a crowd and carrying on, but the deal was that I got to pick a class and my mom got to choose one. She picked the acting class in order to give me more self-confidence.

I dunno. I mean, it’s not like I’m ever going to be an actor. I’m pretty average looking. Medium height, average weight, brown eyes. The only thing I’ve got going for me is my red hair. I guess I have a pretty loud voice when I need to yell, so that should help in the acting class. Maybe it would actually help make me more outgoing, and help me get over the stage fright I got from time to time when I had to present in front of the class at school.

After the second class was lunch, and then the third class started at 1:00. This was creative writing, the one I chose. I love to write, and I was looking forward to practicing it and maybe even finishing one of the stories I was always starting but never finishing.

The last class of the day was band, which I always looked forward to. I’m not great at the clarinet or anything, but I love playing music, and Valerie would be in there with me.

I sighed and looked back at the first class on the schedule. “Gender Relationships and Sexual Education.” It was a required course, and everyone at the camp would be in it. That was the one that worried me. My parents had to sign all kinds of wavers when they found out about the experiment the camp was doing this year, but they said it would be good for me (even if they wouldn’t tell me exactly WHAT was going to happen).

I’m pretty shy about that kind of stuff. I blush and get all embarrassed and giggly. I’ve barely done anything with a guy. LAME, I know. And since I get good grades and play in band everyone just assumes that I’m a total good girl and don’t even think about that kind of stuff.

They have no idea how wrong they are. I’m a total perv. I would never admit it to anyone though. So as nervous as I was about everything that would be happening over the next two weeks, the nervousness was mixed with excitement. Yes, that kind of excitement. Dammit.

I looked at my watch. It was 4:00, and there was still no sign of my roommate. I decided to walk around the dorm some more and see if I ran into anyone else I knew from school.
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Old 11-21-2011, 04:01 PM   #7
daremaster 1
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Love it! You are a very talented wrighter!
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Old 11-21-2011, 04:35 PM   #8
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***Chapter Three***

Yes, this was the year of many changes. They didn’t just stop at integrating the camp sessions though. This year was an experiment, to see what result moving in the complete opposite direction would bring about. The parents were notified of the changes, and had the option to pull their children out if they didn’t agree with the rules of the program.

Some parents did. Others sat down and had long talks with their kids about what would happen. Others read the notification, thought carefully, and then sent their kids to camp knowing that they would grow and benefit from the experience….but without telling them what to expect.


The dorms were pretty old-fashioned. Ugly green paint, tile floors, big creaky wooden doors. I thought they were kind of cool, and the fact that I got to spend two weeks away from home living there made them even cooler.

There were three floors. My room was on the second floor, which was pretty much just one long hallway with a bathroom at one end. I’d been dumb enough to drink a huge soda on the car ride up, and I was definitely feeling the pressure on my bladder, so I headed toward a bathroom.

I opened the door marked simply “Bathroom” and looked in. I was surprised—I was expecting another set of doors leading to the boys and girls rooms, but I found myself looking in at an ugly pink tile floor, three stalls without doors, a sink, and two urinals. I quickly shut the door, glad that I hadn’t walked in on a guy.

Then I realized something. These were old dorms, and there was just one bathroom on each floor. If this one was a boys bathroom, then I’d be walking up or down stairs to go pee or take a shower. Annoying.

I went down to the first floor, which had the same layout as the second. As I stepped off the stairs I saw a girl coming out of the bathroom. “Hey, is this one the girls’ bathroom?” I asked.

She turned around, blonde ponytail bobbing. “Yeah. Well, sort of. Didn’t they tell you?”

The blank look on my face must have been answer enough for her.

“It’s part of the whole thing they’re doing at camp this year. Gender mixing. No separate bathrooms. Hope you don’t have a shy bladder!”

“Wait, so you mean we don’t only have to share bathrooms with other girls in the dorm, we have to share them with GUYS too?” I yelped.

“Yup. Don’t look so upset. It’s no big deal. It’s kind of fun to freak the boys out by walking in while they’re peeing at a urinal!”

She winked at me and walked off down the hall.

I stood there for a moment, thinking. This was going to be weird. Poor Valerie was going to freak out about this for sure. And the stalls didn’t even have DOORS on them.

While I was standing there, a guy with dark hair came out of one of the rooms. He walked into the bathroom without even looking at me. Well, that settled it, I couldn’t use this one. I figured the one on the third floor would be the least likely to be occupied, so I turned around and started back up the stairs.

When I got to the third floor no one was around. I opened the bathroom door a crack and peeked in. Empty. By this time I was about to burst. I ducked in, went to a stall, dropped my pants and panties, and said a quiet prayer that no one would walk in on me.

No such luck. Just as I started peeing the door opened, and in walked a boy. But not just a boy. The most gorgeous boy I’ve ever seen. He was tall, built, and his tight tee shirt showed off his amazing arms. I froze, squeezing to stop peeing.

He glanced at me and smiled. “Hey, don’t mind me,” he said, and turned away from me and walked to a urinal. The urinals were directly across from the stalls, and he turned to face one and started doing his business without a care in the world.

I was frozen. I didn’t know what to do. My bladder was bursting, I had my pants and panties around my ankles, and I was hunched over with my legs squeezed together trying to cover up. After a few seconds the boy turned back around, zipping up his pants. He glanced at me and smiled again. “You okay?”

“Uh….I dunno. This is really really weird.”

“You’ll get used to it. And if you think this is weird, wait until you find out the rest. See you around.”

I could feel myself blushing. He washed his hands, then went out the door. Only then could I start peeing again. Thankfully no one else came in until I finished up. I cleaned myself up, washed my hands, and leaned against the wall by the sink. I glanced at the urinals, and felt myself starting to blush again. My heart was racing. With a shock I also realized I was ridiculously turned on.

That was going to be a problem. Like I said, everyone thinks I’m all innocent and don’t think about that kind of stuff. But I do. Waaaaay too much. I’d never admit it to anyone, but I masturbate every single night….sometimes more than once. I can’t help it. I have an active imagination, and I start thinking about stuff, and then I get so worked up I just have to get some relief.
Which was going to be a problem. With a roommate, there’d be no way I could get myself off at night. Especially since we had bunk beds!

When I thought about this problem last week I just figured I could take care of myself in the shower. Now I realized that might not be as easy as I had assumed…

Last edited by Markbassplayer; 11-21-2011 at 11:04 PM.
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Old 11-21-2011, 04:37 PM   #9
daremaster 1
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You wrighting a lot of parts it is hard to keep up!
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Old 11-21-2011, 10:19 PM   #10
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i love this story....more more more more more more please please
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Old 11-21-2011, 11:05 PM   #11
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***Chapter Four***

“You’re kidding,” Valerie said.

“Nope,” I replied. “Go and see for yourself. All the bathrooms are coed. No stall doors. And the showers are even worse.”

“You’re not going to tell me they’re like….group showers?” Valerie shook her head.

I laughed. “No, not that bad. There are three stalls. They’ve got curtains, so you’re not like exposed or anything. But the dividers between the stalls are kinda low. Like low enough that I can see over them without jumping. When you’re showering you’ll be able to see the other people’s faces and stuff.”

Valerie got quiet. I knew exactly what she was thinking. She was tall. For once, I was glad to be shorter than her. At least I’d be less exposed to whoever else was in the other shower stalls.

“So, how’s Daniel?” I asked. We were sitting at a table in the cafeteria, eating dinner.

Valerie thought for a second. “He’s….nice. And I think he’s actually more weirded out by this than me.” She shook her head. “He tried to play it off like it was no big deal, but I can tell he’s freaked out. That makes it a little better. Of course, I’m still totally freaked out too. So your roommate hasn’t shown up yet?”

I shook my head. “Nope. Maybe I’ll luck out and get the room to myself.”

Valerie laughed. “Or maybe your roommate will be some huge smelly jock who leaves his dirty clothes lying everywhere.”

“Shut up!” I punched her in the arm. It felt good to joke around. It was a distraction from the butterflies that seemed to have taken up permanent residence in my stomach.


We got back to the dorm around 6:30. It was more crowded, with lots of people hauling luggage around. Every time we passed someone with a suitcase, I wondered if they were heading for my room, but when we got there my roommate had still not arrived.

Valerie and I compared schedules. We were both in the morning session, but then again everyone was. Then she had other classes for the second and third session, and then we had band together. Once again I realized how lucky I was that she was here—no matter how weird things got, I’d have a friend to hang out with at the end of the day.

There was a knock at the door. A petite, punk-rock looking girl was standing there. She had pink and blue hair and was wearing a ripped Ramones tee shirt.

“Hey you two. I’m Angela. I’m one of the councilors. I just wanted to say welcome to camp, and if you ever need anything I’m downstairs in room 111.”

“Thanks,” Valerie said.

She looked a little more closely at us. “How are you two doing? I know a lot of people are nervous about camp this year.”

“We’re okay,” I said, trying to act like I wasn’t worried.

“All right then. Just remember, come by if you need anything. You got your schedules for tomorrow?”

“Yeah,” I replied. “Hey, my roommate isn’t here yet…”

She glanced down the hall. “Don’t worry about it. I’m sure they’ll get here soon. Hey, I’ve gotta run. Talk to you guys later!”

“Damn,” whispered Valerie. “She could have at least told you whether it was a guy or a girl.”


We walked around the dorm and met some more people. Some of them seemed relaxed, some seemed nervous, but all were kicking back and enjoying the night before classes started. After a while we split up and I went back to my room to read for a while and wait for my roommate.

After a while I looked up and saw that the clock said 9:00. Still no roommate. I closed my book, and took a deep breath. I’d been putting it off, but after a long car ride, hauling my suitcase around, and walking around to find my classes I couldn’t get away with not showering.

I stepped out into the hallway and knocked on Valerie’s door. I figured we could team up or something, not have to brave it alone. But when the door opened Daniel was standing there.

“Hi,” he said.

“Um, hi,” I replied. “Um, is Valerie there?”

“Nope. I don’t know where she is—I just got back and she wasn’t here.”

“Oh, okay. Well, thanks.” I turned to go.

“Hey, can you do me a favor?” he called after me.

I turned back to look at him. “Sure, I guess. What is it?”

He shifted on his feet. “Um, I know she’s your friend. And she talks to you about stuff. I know we just met, but she’s barely said two words to me. Did I do something to make her mad? Or is she just weirded out by us being roommates?”

I smiled. “Don’t worry about it. Everyone’s just weirded out. You’re a nice guy, and you haven’t done anything wrong. Just, uh, don’t spy on her when she’s changing or anything.”

He blushed. “Oh, yeah. Don’t worry about that. Um, okay. See ya.”

I giggled. “See you.” He was even more nervous than she was!

I walked back to my room, and closed the door. It looked like I’d be braving the showers alone. I considered going down there fully dressed and stripping down in the stall, but then I realized I wouldn’t have any place to put my clothes. There were hooks for towels outside the stalls, but I wouldn’t be able to hang everything up there.

I felt a thrill of excitement rush through me as an idea popped into my head. I realized that this was going to be an interesting two weeks….and I might as well start making it interesting now.

I stripped down completely naked, and wrapped a towel around me. I put my dirty clothes in the laundry bag, then grabbed my shower caddy and stood in front of my door. I took a deep breath, then opened it and stepped out into the hall.

Luckily, there weren’t that many people around. I saw two guys going through the door to the stairway, and a tall pale girl walking down the hall toward me. I smiled at her as I passed her, and felt a shiver run up my body. It felt really nerve wracking to be walking down the hall wearing just a towel, but before I knew it I was pushing the bathroom door open.

I couldn’t help it—I glanced at the urinals. No guys. Letting out a relieved sigh, I walked back to the section with the showers. I could hear a shower running, and I saw feet underneath the curtain of the far right stall. I stepped into the far left stall, pulled the curtain closed, then slipped off my towel and leaned out to hang it on the hook.

The hook was too far away to reach. Of course.

I glanced around to ensure no one else was there, then stepped out and hung my towel on the hook, jumping back quickly behind the safety of the curtain. Then I put down my shower caddy and took off my glasses, setting them on the floor near the curtain.

Then I finally glanced to the side at the person in the far stall.

I knew this was originally a guys dorm, and with that in mind the dividers weren’t that bad. But in the current situation they were really a bit revealing. They stopped about even with my mouth, and like I said, I’m a pretty normal sized girl. If I stood right next to the divider I’d almost be able to look over it and see all of the next stall.

Right now there was no one in the next stall. But I could see the head and shoulders of the person in the far stall—and that person was Valerie.

I was about to say something when I noticed something odd. Valerie’s eyes were closed, and she was leaning against the wall by the showerhead…and I could see her shoulder was moving. I gasped when I realized what she was doing. Valerie was masturbating!

Before I could say anything her eyes opened. I glanced down and fumbled with the faucet handles. I didn’t want her to know I’d seen anything.


I looked back up. “Valerie! I didn’t know you were over there!” As I turned on the water I could see her blushing bright red.

“Yeah, I figured I’d duck out and get showered before Daniel gets back.” She turned off the water in her stall, still blushing.

“Um, you may have missed your chance. I just stopped by your room, and he’s there.”

Valerie sighed. “Dammit. I should have known.” She looked at me. “What am I going to do?”

I smiled. “Valerie, he’s a nice guy. Just ask him to turn around or leave the room for a minute. He won’t mind. You’ve got to give him a chance.”

She thought for a minute. “Okay. I will. Thanks Meghan.” She smiled, pulled open the curtain to grab her towel (damn her long arms!), and left.

I shut my eyes and let the water wash over me. Poor shy Valerie. Not that she had anything to be shy about! She was tall, thin, and cute. I glanced down at my body as I shampooed my hair. Average height, slightly chubby, and my boobs were smallish. I sighed, and began soaping myself up.

Then I remembered what Valerie was doing when I first got in the shower. My mind had been a whirl all day thinking about what was going to happen, and I was ridiculously worked up. Now might be my best chance to let off some of the tension.

My fingers slid down between my legs and started rubbing. I didn’t even need to take time and warm myself up, I was already throbbing. I rubbed hard and fast, leaning against the wall, feeling the warm water from the shower combine with my slickness. I felt my heart racing as my fingers moved across, up, down, in…I was getting close, so close…

Suddenly, I heard voices. Male voices. Coming toward the showers. I opened my eyes and stood up just in time to see two guys step into the other two stalls. I could see their faces and their shoulders over the dividers, and I instinctively hunched down a bit as I blushed.

“Hey there,” said the one in the next stall.

“Hey….I was just finishing up,” I stuttered in reply.

“Okay,” he said. “Don’t mind me.” The boy in the other stall didn’t say anything, just looked away and turned on the shower.

I quickly washed the soap off my body without looking over at them. I felt embarrassment and humiliation washing through me. What if they had caught me? But why couldn’t they have come in just a minute later? I was still right on the edge of orgasm, and the throbbing between my legs was only intensifying.

I turned off the shower, then pulled the curtain open a bit. I dashed out and grabbed my towel, then hid back in the shower stall. I dried off, wrapped the towel around me, put on my glasses, and glanced at the guys again. The one in the next stall winked, and the one in the far stall gave a shy smile.

I trotted through the bathroom and into the hall. I quickly ran to my room, pulling the door open and stepping inside. I shut the door, leaned against it, closed my eyes, and let out a big sigh. That was wild. And that was just the first night. I couldn’t believe I’d caught Valerie masturbating . We never talked about that kind of stuff. I didn’t think she did it. And then I’d gotten carried away and actually played with myself too….but I didn’t get to finish. COMPLETELY frustrating. But now I was safely in my room. I could take care of things now, and get to sleep.

“Hello there,” a voice said.

I opened my eyes and stared at the girl in front of me. It was the tall, pale girl I’d passed in the hall on the way to the shower.

“I’m Shirin,” she said. “I assume you’re Meghan? I’m your roommate.”

Last edited by Markbassplayer; 11-21-2011 at 11:25 PM.
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Old 11-22-2011, 12:17 AM   #12
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this is a amazing story i cant wait to read more . keep writting dont stop xox
hiya everyone ....
we are two bestfriends looking for some things to do ..... we are really curious and want to try new things .
We hope you can help us !
likes:truth and dare, being punished, competition, curious to try new things with each other (were 2 chicks)

dislikes: scat, piss, family, friends, extreme public, edge play, blood
more will be added on as we go

send us a message and we will reply as fast as we can
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Old 11-22-2011, 02:01 PM   #13
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That was totally amazing write more write more
I love truth or dare
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Old 11-22-2011, 03:06 PM   #14
getDare Sweetheart
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i like this story keep going if i could get a pm when the next part is up that would be appreciated a lot
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Old 11-22-2011, 03:23 PM   #15
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Very nice story
Possibly one of the best ive read so far
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