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Old 12-29-2014, 04:46 PM   #74
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Nobody heard what Amber whispered as another voice rang out and drowned her whisper.

"Now I really don't think you are playing fair there Stacey. Stacking the deck against the poor girl and denying her man the chance to have her lips wrapped around him."

Stacey felt a shiver go down her back. She recognised the voice but couldn't believe that she was right. She must be mistaken. There was no way that she was correct. She wanted to be wrong. This was something that she had not planned for. She had planned everything. Everyone knew not to challenge her. They knew that if they didn't then they would get a chance to see some some poor fool humiliated. If they did then it would be them being humiliated.

Stacey fumed but she knew instinctively that she had to seize control and put this rebellion down. She had done it before and she had no doubt that she would do it again. She took a deep breath and slowly exhaled.

Amber was confused. Nothing was happening. Nobody was telling her if she was wrong or right. She hesitated. Should she look and see if she was right or not. Amber decided that this wouldn't be a good idea in case it was a trap laid by Stacey. Instead she decided to demand to know what was going on.

"Excuse me. Can someone please tell me if I'm correct or not?"

As her voice rang out the strangers words finally clicked in her mind and she realised the answer to her own question. She had been duped. Amber suddenly began to understand that Stacey fully intended to humiliate her in public having already humiliated her privately by doing what she had with Scooter.

Amber was about to speak again when she heard Staceys voice:

"Ladies and Gentlemen. We have another challenger."

Everyone looked around trying to locate the voice, trying to see if the person who had spoken out would step up and challenge Stacey or would they try and melt back into the crowd.

The atmosphere crackled with anticipation but no movement. The crowd held there collective breath while Stacey continued to fume. She knew who the voice belonged to and she was determined to silence them forever this time. One way or another they were going to come forward. Stacey looked at Marie and gave her a small nod.

Marie began to walk around the crowd looking, searching, seeking. Marie couldn't decide what she was going to do if she did find her target. If she played this right this could be her moment to take over from Stacey. Was it the moment or not? If it was then was she ready?

Amber was still confused and unsure what was happening and what she should do. She slowly inched her blindfold up and in doing so confirmed what the voice had told her. She had to admit though Stacey had picked some fine examples to dupe her with, but that really wasn't the point. She then looked around for Stacey to give her a piece of her mind.

Amber spotted her and started to walk towards her not quite sure what she would do next. Before she got to close though the voice rang out again.

"Stay where you are this is between me and Stacey."
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