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  1. Old Comment
    kittenlyss's Avatar

    Words: Let's Argue Semantics

    @Alexis: Dictionary references! You're awesome.

    And I was aiming for an experience something like the second definition.

    @Tink: I like your definition too.

    @Doom: Don't tell anyone this, but I actually enjoy the bull-headed non-productive arguing too. But I'm perverse. And I'll refrain from indulging in it here.
    Posted 02-04-2015 at 10:25 PM by kittenlyss kittenlyss is offline
  2. Old Comment
    drwarschauu's Avatar

    Words: Grool

    Just to be clear about my comment above, I don't actually think wetness is urine. Of course not! I don't think any man thinks so and girls shouldn't feel ashamed at all about the whole thing!
    Posted 01-22-2015 at 11:43 AM by drwarschauu drwarschauu is offline
  3. Old Comment
    Mr. Devious's Avatar

    Words: Grool

    I personally have never heard of this term... quite a disgusting reference if you ask me! I would much rather just call it.... delicious
    Posted 01-21-2015 at 07:32 PM by Mr. Devious Mr. Devious is offline
  4. Old Comment

    Words: Grool

    Originally Posted by Happy Me View Comment
    I just want to mention about the squirting thing: there are a lot of studies that have said it isn't urine. There is now one that says it is. I am a squirter, and I can tell you without any studies that what I squirt is NOT urine. It has no smell or taste, even when there is so much that I leave a puddle it doesn't stain the sheets or mattress (except a slight white ring around the edge of the puddle if I squirt on dark sheets.) I (and other people) have buried our faces in one of my puddles, and there is seriously no smell.
    Telling women it is pee only makes an embarrassing thing feel shameful, so please be careful about saying that, especially if you don't really know.
    What she said. ^^
    Doesn't smell like pee, taste like pee, or look like pee. Therefore, I claim it isn't pee.
    I also think the study in question.. was performed to make squirting illegal in UK made porn.
    Posted 01-19-2015 at 09:28 AM by eivins eivins is offline
  5. Old Comment
    Happy Me's Avatar

    Words: Grool

    Oh and as far as "grool", ew! I always just say I am leaking.
    There SHOULD be a better word.
    Posted 01-19-2015 at 09:05 AM by Happy Me Happy Me is offline
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    Happy Me's Avatar

    Words: Grool

    I just want to mention about the squirting thing: there are a lot of studies that have said it isn't urine. There is now one that says it is. I am a squirter, and I can tell you without any studies that what I squirt is NOT urine. It has no smell or taste, even when there is so much that I leave a puddle it doesn't stain the sheets or mattress (except a slight white ring around the edge of the puddle if I squirt on dark sheets.) I (and other people) have buried our faces in one of my puddles, and there is seriously no smell.
    Telling women it is pee only makes an embarrassing thing feel shameful, so please be careful about saying that, especially if you don't really know.
    Posted 01-19-2015 at 09:01 AM by Happy Me Happy Me is offline
  7. Old Comment
    Butterfly's Avatar

    Words: Grool

    I think grool just joined the top of my list of words that make me squirm and say ewwww. It can take spot number 1 along with moist.
    Posted 01-18-2015 at 11:33 PM by Butterfly Butterfly is offline
  8. Old Comment
    venusaphrodite's Avatar

    Words: Grool

    http://cdn2.crushable.com/wp-content...irls-grool.gif If you didnt think of this, you're wrong.

    Also, re squirting and urine and stuff - it's do to with the fact that the clitoris (which is more than just the little nubby bit we're all familiar with) connects to urethra so whether stimulated clitorally or vaginally the urethra is stimulated too but this happens less significantly in many women, which is why only around 30% of women squirt regularly. It is urine by chemical composition according to recent studies, but it happens even if you have just peed or whatever. Vaginal lubrication and squirty juice are two different things. *the more you know* *super simplified version*
    Posted 01-18-2015 at 05:24 PM by venusaphrodite venusaphrodite is offline
  9. Old Comment
    drwarschauu's Avatar

    Words: Grool

    I do love portmanteaus! This one... not so much. I see where it comes from. Drool is what your mouth generates when you want food. So grool must be what your pussy generates when you want...

    Now, it did make me think of gruel too! Not only does it make me think of that cereal... goodness? It also makes me think of the Dutch version. Gruwel, similar in prononciation to gruel. In my country, gruwel is synonymous to being disgusted or appalled. Not a fitting description of this womanly wetness!

    It also makes me think of the word grueling. Let's consult the dictionary:
    Physically or mentally demanding to the point of exhaustion
    Well now! That doesn't accurately fit the lovely liquid either, since it makes the whole job go lots smoother! Nope. I don't think it's a logical portmanteau.

    It's hard to come up with an alternative word for... grool... But maybe we can stick with the word combinations! My suggestion would be a combination between slick and liquid. Sliquid! Isn't that catchy?

    On a sidenote, DongMyBest mentioned squirting contains urine in the comment up there. Didn't know that, but I think I get it now! Urine is often used by animals to mark territory. 'This belongs to me now', it means. Now, when a girl cums hard enough and she squirts, it must mean that she's marking her partner too! Making him or her because it's a good partner that made her cum hard! All the other girls that pass by and take a sniff will know that the person in question is marked and belongs to this one girl already.
    Kind of random, but... doesn't that make sense? :P
    Posted 01-18-2015 at 08:19 AM by drwarschauu drwarschauu is offline
  10. Old Comment
    M.G's Avatar

    Words: Grool

    Feminine Juice. Get it at your local supermarket today!
    Posted 01-18-2015 at 02:48 AM by M.G M.G is offline
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    naughtylittlegirl's Avatar

    Words: Let's Argue Semantics

    @Alexis: Thank you! I try to aim for the second one; the first one isn't fun.
    Posted 01-17-2015 at 11:58 PM by naughtylittlegirl naughtylittlegirl is offline
  12. Old Comment
    Alexis Rune's Avatar

    Words: Let's Argue Semantics

    an exchange of diverging or opposite views, typically a heated or angry one.
    "I've had an argument with my father"
    synonyms: quarrel, disagreement, squabble, fight, dispute, wrangle, clash, altercation, feud, contretemps, disputation, falling-out; More
    a reason or set of reasons given with the aim of persuading others that an action or idea is right or wrong.
    "there is a strong argument for submitting a formal appeal"
    synonyms: reasoning, justification, explanation, rationalization; More
    Posted 01-17-2015 at 11:32 PM by Alexis Rune Alexis Rune is offline
  13. Old Comment
    naughtylittlegirl's Avatar

    Words: Let's Argue Semantics

    @DoingMyBest: I disagree. I think that the purpose of argument is to sort things out, to debate, with the ultimate goal of progress, not necessarily victory. If both people aren't listening as well as responding, then it can't be an argument; arguments are interactive, as opposed to "talking to a wall." But of course, our diverging views are probably due to semantics
    Posted 01-17-2015 at 09:52 PM by naughtylittlegirl naughtylittlegirl is offline
  14. Old Comment
    DoingMyBest's Avatar

    Words: Let's Argue Semantics

    I'd rather DISCUSS semantics with you. Arguing is wherein one side isn;t listening. That's why people say you're argung semantics - because they've stopped listening or feel you have or both. (Note: that's not a personal you, rather a generic one. Also, it's almost always that they're not listening AND accusing you of not listening.)
    Posted 01-17-2015 at 09:36 PM by DoingMyBest DoingMyBest is offline
  15. Old Comment
    DoingMyBest's Avatar

    Words: Training

    Training is practice within a skill or ability.

    To use it with regards to personality is ineffective. You can train to surpress a personality trait and train to fake another. You cannot train to learn one and lose another though.

    not really sure what more there is to say. Also, saying you're not bratty when you've identified yourself as that is like someone telling me I'm not an actor because they've seen me do lighting-work. I identify as an actor and am one. Not the best analogy, but it's what came to mind immediately and I went with it

    However, it's worth noting that discussing the issue allows you to clarify your definition of bratty and for him to clarify his. Let's face it, you and I know what the words we use mean, not only to ourselves, but to each other too. Hence why we tell people we love them, without meaning they're our soulmate etc.
    Posted 01-17-2015 at 09:34 PM by DoingMyBest DoingMyBest is offline
  16. Old Comment
    DoingMyBest's Avatar

    Words: Grool

    1) I imagined grool was a combination of great and cool.

    2) You imagined gruel - I know you know this,, but I had to say it anyway.

    3) Wetness and lubricant are both apt as well.

    4) Not exactly realted, but a touch - a recent study found that squirting actually IS urine, due to chemical analysis. The levels within each do differ somewhat though and there are now studies going into finding out if kidneys increase in functionality during arousal/sex and, if so, what the purpose is.

    5) I want to suggesting besoddenment but only because it amuses me and I know people will find it... ickyeukes.
    Posted 01-17-2015 at 09:27 PM by DoingMyBest DoingMyBest is offline
  17. Old Comment

    Words: Grool

    I just prefer the term 'wet'. It works in almost every sense, and is easily understandable.

    Also, cake juice works well.
    Posted 01-17-2015 at 08:53 PM by An_Jon An_Jon is offline
  18. Old Comment

    Words: Let's Argue Semantics

    Oh, I just have it set to email me whenever someone replies to a thread/blog I posted in... I thought everyone had it set up like that o.o

    I mean I read all forums and all threads every day I'm watching everything ok
    Posted 01-17-2015 at 07:08 PM by Leopard Leopard is offline
  19. Old Comment
    SweetTeen's Avatar

    Words: Grool

    Cake juice? That Sounds fine
    Posted 01-17-2015 at 07:03 PM by SweetTeen SweetTeen is offline
  20. Old Comment
    kittenlyss's Avatar

    Words: Let's Argue Semantics

    @Leopard: I suppose you're right. Although it's certainly not my intent to promote myself. I'm afraid I don't check the threads very often. So posting it there wouldn't do much for me. If I log in to gD at all, I'm at least checking the blog section. And my main focus was on putting it somewhere that I would actually pay attention to it on a semi-regular basis.

    And cuddles are the BEST!
    Posted 01-17-2015 at 06:31 PM by kittenlyss kittenlyss is offline
  21. Old Comment
    naughtylittlegirl's Avatar

    Words: Grool

    Yuck. Yet another turn-off word that will completely ruin erotic writings for me.

    I prefer the following words: wetness, arousal, honey, cream, juices, [girl] cum
    Posted 01-17-2015 at 05:47 PM by naughtylittlegirl naughtylittlegirl is offline
  22. Old Comment

    Words: Let's Argue Semantics

    I wonder if having it on your own blog promotes you more than having a thread. A lot of the time when I think of things I want to talk about, I think "maybe I'll make a blog about it" too. Both go onto the front page for a bit, but I would say you could argue that blogs get more short term interest but less long term potential.

    I am seriously cuddleable. Maybe.
    Posted 12-31-2014 at 07:29 AM by Leopard Leopard is offline
  23. Old Comment
    kittenlyss's Avatar

    Words: Let's Argue Semantics

    @Leo: I thought about that actually. I'm afraid my selfishness won out. I was thinking about starting a thread for topic suggestions though. Which would probably end up becoming its own discussion center.

    Also, I seriously want to cuddle your avatar.
    Posted 12-30-2014 at 11:46 PM by kittenlyss kittenlyss is offline
  24. Old Comment
    naughtylittlegirl's Avatar

    Words: Training

    I agree with you definition, Lyss. I used to be at best appehensive about the idea of sub training because of the ridiculously unrealistic and at times abusive nature of training as portrayed in erotica. I have a real problem with training that is used to change who the sub is because the dom/me is so immature that they think their fantasy is what the sub 'ought' to be. But when Wardell began establishing my training he did so not to change who I was but to help me expand my abilities and enjoyment of certain aspects of submission. I love getting to do training for my Dom, because I can genuinely please him not by becoming someone else but by being me and giving him more of myself through training.
    Posted 12-30-2014 at 01:41 PM by naughtylittlegirl naughtylittlegirl is offline
  25. Old Comment
    drwarschauu's Avatar

    Words: Training

    I love personality in my sub! If I want someone to blindly follow orders without humor, teasing, ironic comments, backtalk, objections, suggestions or anything of the like, I would get a robot for that. A machine that does what it's told. Is it fun to deny a machine pleasure or torturing it a bit? Not at all! I want human interactions! I think the word that local dom meant was brainwashing instead of retraining.

    What do you think of when you hear the word training?
    Pretty much what you described. Physical acts, like learning how to take position on command, beg properly, edge longer without cumming. Stuff like that. Mental stuff like hypnosis does indeed also come to mind.
    You want to get someone ready to do specific task? You train them.

    Do you believe in having a training regiment as part of your D/s dynamic?
    Not necessarily. Maybe you're both very happy with doing basic stuff. Maybe the submissive already knows how to do all the things the dominant wants.
    I do believe that pushing limits and boundaries (all consensual, of course) is a lot of fun. Since you can't do that in one go, training is a good way to accomplish that. Gradually making something work until you get it just right gives such a feeling of accomplishment on both sides!
    Posted 12-30-2014 at 12:18 PM by drwarschauu drwarschauu is offline

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