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Old 06-21-2012, 11:38 AM   #28
Junior Member
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Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Portugal
Posts: 18
Blog Entries: 10

1. Tell us about yourself. Who are you?
I am Lilith. 21 years old female. I am lazy and I am pretty sure I am a bit psycho

2. What have you used the site for during the time you've been a member?
I used it to look for a slave...but now it's basically to fight boredom. I get bored easily.

3. How have you personally contributed to the website?
I don't think I have actually contributed to the site... but I guess I would start contributing as a mod :P

4. Why should we select you as a moderator on
Because...I like to write and read. And because I have nothing better to do for now.

5. What is something really embarrassing about you that isn't publicly known?
It isn't publicly known for a reason

6. Do you think I'm a dickhead? Honest answers please. This is to test whether you will give in to peer pressure.
<.<=>.> ...Do I know you?

7. Can you put up with Pingu? Think about this one very carefully.
I also don't know him......but I am going to say yes for now
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."
"People cry, not because they're weak. It's because they've been strong for too long."
"Everything happens for a reason and everything works out (not always the way we plan)."

Like: Lots of things
Dislike: Another bunch of things

Many dislike me and judge me, but only the ones that like me and accept me matter. ;D

My current ad:
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