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Old 05-26-2012, 04:10 AM   #24
getDare Sweetheart
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Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 277

Sister's Sleepover - The Trilogy Concludes...

I led my sister out into the mall, and towards a small independent clothing shop. This shop, of course, was very familiar to us both, as it was the store where Rich worked.
Rich had assisted Ed in our recent adventures and that, of course, also made him one of our masters. It was true that Ed had coerced Rich into the role, but he had willingly embraced it.
The clothing store, like the cinema, was fairly quiet – with stock that was aimed mainly at teenage girls, a weekday afternoon was usually slow. Indeed, when we walked into the shop there was only Rich and another female assistant whom we had seen once before in there. Before too long, however, I knew that schools would be finishing and business would pick up.
As we approached the counter area where both Rich and his colleague were standing, chatting idly, Rich looked genuinely surprised to see us.
“Hi Steve, hi Sarah.” He greeted us with a warm genuine smile.
“Hi Rich,” we both replied in unison. “How are you ?” I asked.
“Fine thanks – what are you up to today ?”
“Oh, not much… just been hanging out with Ed and Alice.” I replied, with a smile.
Rich must have meant that we had been doing stuff for them, as indeed we were up until just over an hour ago. Until we got that text that is…
Rich seemed quite oblivious to what that message meant – he didn’t seem concerned that both Sarah and I had popped into his shop, obviously with no intention of buying anything.
“Have you checked your phone recently ?” I enquired.
“Err, no – it’s out back in my bag. Why ?”
“I suggest you go and get it now… don’t read anything until you bring it back out here.” I said, already taking on the master’s role and giving him commands, even though he didn’t know it yet.
Rich looked slightly puzzled, but disappeared through a door that read “STAFF ONLY” to get his phone.
I looked at the female assistant who was left standing behind the counter. She appeared to look a little younger than Rich, but was certainly attractive. She was slim and had well defined breasts that were tucked tightly into a low cut vest, revealing a couple of inches of cleavage. I couldn’t see what she was wearing the bottom half of her body, as the counter was not only waist high, but raised slightly on a platform.
“Hi, I’m Maria. And I’ve gathered that you’re Steve and Sarah.”
“Hi Maria, pleased to meet you.” I replied. My sister smiled at her, but didn’t say anything. I guess that she was waiting to see where this was going.
“Have you known Rich long ?” Maria asked.
“Oh no, in fact we only met recently… but we’ve become very close friends. You ?”
“I’ve worked with him for about six months, but he seems alright.” Maria replied.
“Has Rich mentioned us at all ?” I asked, curious to know if Maria knew anything about what had been going on.
“He has, but not too much – he told he went camping with you, and he really enjoyed that.”
At this point, Rich re-emerged from the “STAFF ONLY” door, carrying his phone. As he got back to the counter, I told him to check his messages.
The first one was from his mum, reminding him about a family function this weekend. He looked puzzled as to why we’d know about that, which we obviously didn’t ! I told him to keep going. He saw a message from a number that his phone didn’t recognise, but as he opened it and saw it was from ‘Carlos’, he smiled – probably assuming that we were standing in front of him awaiting a dare.
As Rich read the message, I watched his smile drop almost as quick as he turned pale. He looked at us, worried.
“What is it ?” Maria asked him. “Are you ok ?”
“Err… yes. I’m, erm, fine. I think.”
“He’s ok Maria,” I replied for him, as it looked as though Rich was having some trouble at both absorbing what he was reading and speaking at the same time. “Rich has just had some important news, haven’t you Rich ?”
“Err… yes,” came the same reply.
“Let me explain,” I said to Maria, as it was clear that I was going to have to bring her into our little game. “To cut a long story short, me, my sister and her friends lost a game of Truth or Dare some time ago, and as such we became slaves to Ed, who is my best friend.”
I could see her taking in the information, and was processing it intently. “We had to do whatever dares Ed told us to, and recently he brought his girlfriend Alice and Rich, here, into the game – also making them our masters.”
Nodding, Maria said, “Ah, I that makes things clearer. Last time you were here I knew something was going on, but couldn’t make out what. I thought that it was strange when your two friends left wearing nothing but those extra large t-shirts.”
“Exactly ! But now things have turned around. Due to unexpected events, we are now in charge of Rich, and he must do exactly what we say – isn’t that right Rich ?” I asked, looking at him now.
Rich nodded, but didn’t say anything.
“Of course, he can always say ‘no’, but that wouldn’t be very sporty, would it Rich ?” my sister added.
This time Rich shook his head.
“So, Rich, are you still happy to play along ?” I asked, seeking clarification that he knew what he was letting himself in for. In truth, I wasn’t sure if he’d agree or not as I hadn’t known him very long. However I was pleased when this time he not only nodded, but meekly replied a single word, “Yes.”
I also wanted to make sure that Maria was going to be ok with what we were doing – I didn’t want her to report Rich to her manager or, even worse, the mall security or the police.
“Is this ok with you Maria ? It would mean that you may see Rich in some pretty embarrassing and compromising situations.”
“Hell yeah, I’m definitely fine with that !” she replied with a huge smile. “When do you start ?”
“Right now.” I replied.
“Rich, I dare you to give me your shoes and socks.” I said. Rich crouched down and removed these items and put them on top of the counter. Sarah took them and put them into the backpack.
“Well done – now the trousers.”
Rich was slightly more hesitant this time, but proceeded to undo his belt and unzipped his flies. He lowered his trousers and stepped out of them, once again putting them onto the counter allowing Sarah to put them into the bag.
Maria was looking down at her colleague’s legs, and the growing bulge in his boxers (I guess – from this side of the counter I still couldn’t see). I noticed this, and decided to let her decide Rich’s fate.
“Maria, what do you reckon ? Do you think that we should go further ?”
“Do it !” was her brisk response.
“In that case, would you mind removing his underwear and passing it to me ?”
“With pleasure !” Maria replied, as she was already moving towards his waistband.
Seconds later Rich’s boxer shorts were on the counter, and Maria’s eyes fixed at his cock. Just as Sarah was putting the boxers into the bag a teenage girl walked into the shop and started browsing. Keeping my voice down now, I told Rich what I wanted him to do.
“Ok, you’re going to stay like this for the rest of the afternoon. You’re to serve everyone who comes in as normal – they won’t know that you’re naked from the waist down.”
“Can I, erm, touch him ?” Maria asked.
“Of course you can… in fact, why don’t you hide below the counter whilst he serves this girl – If you can make him cum before he’s finished serving her I’ll make it worth your whilst !”
A split second after I finished that sentence, Maria had disappeared from sight. I saw a shocked look on Rich’s face as Maria obviously touched him for the first time.
The teenage girl approached the counter, carrying a small skirt.
Sarah and I stood there, watching the events unfold. Rich, now clearly flustered asked the girl how she’d like to pay, and she handed over a card.
Rich swiped the card, keeping eye contact with her and a big smile that was fake as he was trying to keep himself composed.
The card authorisation came through, and Rich put the item into a branded paper bag, along with the girl’s receipt.
He thanked her for her business and she turned and left the shop.
Once she was gone, I said “Maria, all clear !”
Rich had blushed a crimson red colour as Maria popped up from under the counter. As she stood up, I noticed a stream of fresh cum on Maria’s vest.
“Looks like I win !” she said. “I’m enjoying this game already !!”

Check out my stories...

Sister's Sleepover - T or D - COMPLETE

Sister's Sleepover - The Sequel - COMPLETE

Sister's Sleepover - The Sub Plot - COMPLETE

Sister's Sleepover - The Trilogy Concludes - - IN PROGRESS
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