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Old 05-15-2012, 02:34 PM   #4
getDare Sweetheart
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Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 277

Sister's Sleepover - The Trilogy Concludes

This was an extremely interesting twist of fate. In truth, I enjoyed being a slave, and I know that my sister and her friends did too.
Of course, there were occasions when I thought about becoming a master - perhaps seeing Ed's girlfriend naked properly and making her masturbate whilst I watched - but I never considered that this would be a possibilty nor never longed for it.
In addition to this, I was also now in a relationship with Jo, I needed to also account for her feelings. We had discussed the situation and had agreed that anything that happened as 'part of the game' was acceptable, hence the situation I was in now.

As I re-read the message, I could see the others doing the same. My sister and I were currently in a cinema watching a film with Ed and Alice, but Sarah and I were naked from the waist down. Ed had ordered us remove our jeans, socks and underwear and give them to him, and they were now safely stored in a backpack under his chair.

I decided to act fast before Ed had a chance to come up with an excuse not to 'play along'.

"Ok Ed", I whispered to him, but loud enough that Alice could also hear. "You heard the man, and 'a dare is a dare', so I dare you to give me your clothes, and Alice to give hers to Sarah."

Even though the cinema was dark, with just a flickering glow from the screen, I could tell that the colour had drained from both of their faces. Ed hesitated, but decided that there was no getting out of this. He kicked off his trainers, and leant forward to remove his socks.
Alice was even more hesitant, looking at Ed for support - even though it appeared at camp that she was indeed the stronger out of the pair of them.
By now Ed had now given me his socks, and was undoing his belt and jeans. With a slight lift off the chair, he slid his jeans and underwear down and off quickly and quietly.
Fortunately the cinema was quiet - as it normally was at this time of day, and was why Ed brought us here at this time. Although he liked the thought of humiliating us in public places, he didn't want us to get caught.
Ed was now naked from the waist down as I was seconds earlier, but I was now pulling on his jeans and jockeys, covering my own nakedness. I also noticed that Ed was sporting a large erection, so this was my signal that he was game for this game-changer.
Alice was still reluctant to strip, but Ed leaned over and whispered "It's only fair, and it's only for the rest of the month."
A simple phrase like that was enough to persuade Alice to play along... for now at least.
She now kicked off her trainers (she wasn't wearing socks), and passed them up to Sarah.
Alice was wearing a short skirt with a zipper at the side. She unzipped this, and removed the item of clothing, once again passing it to Sarah who quickly put it on.
Alice was now just wearing a thong below the waist which she carefully stood up to remove. This time, rather than pass it to Sarah she chucked it at me, and hit me in the face with it. Although it only touched my face for a split second, it was enough to detect a wet spot and an unmistakenly sexual smell. It appeared that she too was getting turned on by this. I passed the thong to Sarah who slid it on under the skirt.

There was still half the film to go, although I didn't pay much attention to the rest of it - I was too busy looking at my two naked slaves and adding my own wet spot to Ed's jockeys.
As tempted as I was to make them do more, such as touch each other, I resisted. Sure, they deserved more embarrassement after what they put us through, but I didn't want to scare them off by moving too fast, and there was plenty of time for lots of fun. Sarah seemed to silently agree - she was also paying more attention to Ed and Alice than the film.

I waited until the credits began to roll before saying to Ed that they could now put on the clothes that were in the backpack, which were the ones that Sarah and I walked into the cinema wearing. They scrambled to get them on in time, but managed it with seconds to go before the lights began to come up in the auditorium and people started to stand and leave.

This was going to be a lot of fun...
Check out my stories...

Sister's Sleepover - T or D - COMPLETE

Sister's Sleepover - The Sequel - COMPLETE

Sister's Sleepover - The Sub Plot - COMPLETE

Sister's Sleepover - The Trilogy Concludes - - IN PROGRESS
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