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Old 04-15-2012, 11:32 AM   #161
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Originally Posted by masterwolf View Post
wear a strapless top and a short skirt. on your back where it is exposed write "please spank me". Whenever someone spanks you you must thank them and ask how you can repay them. Every half hour that no one spanks you, you must cut a hole in your skirt.
I did this one around lunchtime on Saturday, I still had the short skirt on from the dare in the morning but I had changed the vest as it was very dirty by now.

I put on a loose off the shoulder top, I walked to a friends house who live abt 10 mins away from me and asked him to write across my bare shoulders "PLEASE SPANK ME", He asked why I wanted this so I told him it was for a dare I had been given and what I was going to do, He said he would write it on me on the condition that he could come along and watch, I agreed.

He wrote across my back in big letter in blk marker pen.

After he had written on me I set off the park, my friend followed a little way behind as I did not want people to think we were together as this may put people off.

I went to the park and sat on a bench and waited for a man on his own to walk by, after abt 3 mins a guy who must have been about 30ish was walking up the path
towards me, I stood and turned around and put my foot on the bench pretending to tie my lace, he walked past but hesitated ad he did so long enough to read what was written. I turned around to face him and he blushed, I said "it is OK you can spank me if you want" I think he got very embarrassed coz he just went very red, turned away and hurried up the road.

The next 4 guys who walked past me I did the same thing, I turned around as that approached so my back was towards them and I pretended to do up my shoe lace, everyone seemed to read what was written on my back but none would spank me.

I was getting a lit pissed off by this stage so I called my friend over who had brought scissors along at my request, I took them and cut a nice big hole in my skirt where my ass cheeks are so they were very visible in my skirt,

I then waited until a guy walked up and did the same routine again, He stopped and read the message and then stared and my butt cheeks, I turned around and smiled at him, he smiled back and said "is this for real?" I said "yes" he looked around and said "you are not a cop or something?" I laughed and said "no it is for real you can spank me" he did not seem to sure but after a little while of chatting he said "lets go into the woods where there is less people" so he and I walked into the woods, he still did not seem to
trust me so I walked up to him and kissed him with tongues, this lasted for abt 2 mins, he was feeling my tits through my top by now, I pulled away and lifted up my skirt so he could see my pussy, i stood there for abt a minuet and then turned around and bent over, I said "go on then spank me as hard as you like" He asked "does it have to be with my hand or can i use a branch? I replied "a branch or hand is fine, it is up to you"

He picked up a branch from the floor and started to whip my ass with it, at first it was only lightly but once he seen I did not mind him doing it he got a lot harder and was whipping my ass very hard.

After a while he stopped, we kissed for another couple of minuets and then he went on his way.

I called my friend over and asked him to cut a big hole in the front of my skirt, big enough to show off my public area and pussy, he did then and I then started to walk home. I got some funny looks as I passed people in the street, they could see my pussy as I walked passed them and my ass cheeks once I had passed.

I still have the writing on my back it will not wash off.

Luv Emma XxX
Limits - well none really I will try anything.
Not looking for a Master, sorry.

I am Sub not Dom so sorry but I am not looking for a Slave.

Read my dares and let me have new dares please.
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